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Bacterial spores are renowned for their longevity, ubiquity, and resistance to environmental insults, but virtually nothing is known regarding whether these metabolically dormant structures impact their surrounding chemical environments. In the present study, a number of spore-forming bacteria that produce dormant spores which enzymatically oxidize soluble Mn(II) to insoluble Mn(IV) oxides were isolated from coastal marine sediments. The highly charged and reactive surfaces of biogenic metal oxides dramatically influence the oxidation and sorption of both trace metals and organics in the environment. Prior to this study, the only known Mn(II)-oxidizing sporeformer was the marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1, an extensively studied bacterium in which Mn(II) oxidation is believed to be catalyzed by a multicopper oxidase, MnxG. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA and mnxG sequences obtained from 15 different Mn(II)-oxidizing sporeformers (including SG-1) revealed extensive diversity within the genus Bacillus, with organisms falling into several distinct clusters and lineages. In addition, active Mn(II)-oxidizing proteins of various sizes, as observed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels, were recovered from the outer layers of purified dormant spores of the isolates. These are the first active Mn(II)-oxidizing enzymes identified in spores or gram-positive bacteria. Although extremely resistant to denaturation, the activities of these enzymes were inhibited by azide and o-phenanthroline, consistent with the involvement of multicopper oxidases. Overall, these studies suggest that the commonly held view that bacterial spores are merely inactive structures in the environment should be revised.  相似文献   

A great number of important chemical reactions that occur in the environment are microbially mediated. In order to understand the kinetics of these reactions it is necessary to develop methods to directly measure in situ reaction rates and to develop models to help elucidate the mechanisms of microbial catalysis. The oxidation of Mn(II) in a zone above the O2/H2S interface in Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada is one such reaction. We present here a method by which in situ rates of microbial Mn(II) oxidation are measured and a model based on our experimental results to describe the general mechanism of Mn(H) oxidation. We propose a two step process in which Mn(II) is first bound by a site on the bacterial surface and then oxidized. The model is analogous to the Langmuir isotherm model for surface catalyzed gas reactions or the Michaelis-Menten model for enzyme kinetics. In situ Mn(II) oxidation rates were measured during five cruises to Saanich Inlet during the summers of 1983 and 1984. We use the model to calculate the apparent equilibrium binding constant (Ks 0.18 M), the apparent half saturation constant for biological Mn(H) oxidation (Km = 0.22 to 0.89 M), the maximum rate of Mn(II) oxidation (Vmax = 3.5 to 12.1 nM·h-1) and the total microbial surface binding site concentration ( E 51 nM). Vmax for Mn(II) oxidation agrees with the rates calculated from the value of the flux of Mn(II) to the oxidizing zone using the Mn(II) gradient and estimates of the eddy diffusion coefficient. This consistancy verifies our methodology and indicates that the rate of Mn(II) oxidation is nearly equal to the (Vmax for the reaction. We conclude that in this environment the Mn(II) oxidation rate is more a function of the total number of surface binding sites than the Mn(H) concentration.Contribution #1601 from the School of Oceanography, Univ. of Washingtoncorresponding author  相似文献   

Geomicrobiology of manganese(II) oxidation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mn(II)-oxidizing microbes have an integral role in the biogeochemical cycling of manganese, iron, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and several nutrients and trace metals. There is great interest in mechanistically understanding these cycles and defining the importance of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria in modern and ancient geochemical environments. Linking Mn(II) oxidation to cellular function, although still enigmatic, continues to drive efforts to characterize manganese biomineralization. Recently, complexed-Mn(III) has been shown to be a transient intermediate in Mn(II) oxidation to Mn(IV), suggesting that the reaction might involve a unique multicopper oxidase system capable of a two-electron oxidation of the substrate. In biogenic and abiotic synthesis experiments, the application of synchrotron-based X-ray scattering and spectroscopic techniques has significantly increased our understanding of the oxidation state and relatively amorphous structure (i.e. delta-MnO(2)-like) of biogenic oxides, providing a new blueprint for the structural signature of biogenic Mn oxides.  相似文献   

The principal possibility of enzymatic oxidation of manganese ions by fungal Trametes hirsuta laccase in the presence of oxalate and tartrate ions, whereas not for plant Rhus vernicifera laccase, was demonstrated. Detailed kinetic studies of the oxidation of different enzyme substrates along with oxygen reduction by the enzymes show that in air-saturated solutions the rate of oxygen reduction by the T2/T3 cluster of laccases is fast enough not to be a readily noticeable contribution to the overall turnover rate. Indeed, the limiting step of the oxidation of high-redox potential compounds, such as chelated manganese ions, is the electron transfer from the electron donor to the T1 site of the fungal laccase.  相似文献   

In a seawater medium containing 0.005% yeast extract and 0.005% peptone, a marine bacillus, SG-1, sporulated only when associated with solid surfaces. The spores (rather than the vegetative cells) were responsible for the oxidation of manganese, and the degree of sporulation was determined by the surface area available rather than by the chemical nature of the clay or silica surface used.  相似文献   

Enzymatic consumption of carbonyl sulfide (COS) by marine algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We show that the marine algae Mantoniella squamata, Prymnesium parvum, and Amphidinium klebsii take up carbonyl sulfide (COS) from their surrounding medium. Inhibitor studies confirm that this COS uptake is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which was not detectable with conventional methods. As shown for M. squamata, the COS uptake can be dependent on the growth conditions. Furthermore, COS uptake shows a clear positive correlation with the COS concentration in the growth medium. The value of K1/2 for the COS uptake was estimated to be around 222 mol/m3. The COS consumption by the marine algae species investigated was estimated to be negligible compared to the photoproduction and hydrolysis of COS in seawater.  相似文献   

Soluble manganese in the intermediate +III oxidation state (Mn3+) is a newly identified oxidant in anoxic environments, whereas acetate is a naturally abundant substrate that fuels microbial activity. Microbial populations coupling anaerobic acetate oxidation to Mn3+ reduction, however, have yet to be identified. We isolated a Shewanella strain capable of oxidizing acetate anaerobically with Mn3+ as the electron acceptor, and confirmed this phenotype in other strains. This metabolic connection between acetate and soluble Mn3+ represents a new biogeochemical link between carbon and manganese cycles. Genomic analyses uncovered four distinct genes that allow for pathway variations in the complete dehydrogenase‐driven TCA cycle that could support anaerobic acetate oxidation coupled to metal reduction in Shewanella and other Gammaproteobacteria. An oxygen‐tolerant TCA cycle supporting anaerobic manganese reduction is thus a new connection in the manganese‐driven carbon cycle, and a new variable for models that use manganese as a proxy to infer oxygenation events on early Earth.  相似文献   

A species of Dechlorospirillum was isolated from an Fe(II)-oxidizing, opposing-gradient-culture enrichment using an inoculum from a circumneutral, freshwater creek that showed copious amounts of Fe(III) (hydr)oxide precipitation. In gradient cultures amended with a redox indicator to visualize the depth of oxygen penetration, Dechlorospirillum sp. strain M1 showed Fe(II)-dependent growth at the oxic-anoxic interface and was unable to utilize sulfide as an alternate electron donor. The bacterium also grew with acetate as an electron donor under both microaerophilic and nitrate-reducing conditions, but was incapable of organotrophic Fe(III) reduction or nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation. Although members of the genus Dechlorospirillum are primarily known as perchlorate and nitrate reducers, our results suggest that some species are members of the microbial communities involved in iron redox cycling at the oxic-anoxic transition zones in freshwater sediments.  相似文献   

Iodide oxidation by a marine bacterium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

All kinases require an essential divalent metal for their activity. In this study, we investigated the metal dependence of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4). With Mg(2+) as the essential metal and MgATP being the variable substrate, the maximum velocity, V, was not affected by changes in metal concentration, whereas V/K was perturbed, indicating that the metal effects were mainly derived from a change in the K(m) for MgATP. Analysis of the metal dependence of initial rates according to a simple metal binding model indicated the presence on enzyme of one activating metal-binding site with a dissociation constant, K(d(a)), of 5 +/-1 mM, and three inhibitory metal-binding sites with an averaged dissociation constant, K(d(i)), of 12+/-1 mM and that the binding of metal to the activating and inhibitory sites appeared to be ordered with binding of metal to the activating site first. Substitution of Mn(2+) for Mg(2+) yielded similar metal dependence kinetics with a value of 1.0+/-0.1 and 4.7+/-0.1 for K(d(a)) and K(d(i)), respectively. The inhibition constants for the inhibition of CDK4 by MgADP and a small molecule inhibitor were also perturbed by Mg(2+). K(d(a)) values estimated from the metal variation of the inhibition of CDK4 by MgADP (6+/-3 mM) and a small molecule inhibitor (3+/-1 mM), were in good agreement with the K(d(a)) value (5+/-1 mM) obtained from the metal variation of the initial rate of CDK4. By using the van't Hoff plot, the temperature dependence of K(d(a)) and K(d(i)) yielded an enthalpy of -6.0 +/- 1.1 kcal/mol for binding of Mg(2+) to the activating site and -3.2 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol for Mg(2+) binding to the inhibitory sites. The values of associated entropy were also negative, indicating that these metal binding reactions were entirely enthalpy-driven. These data were consistent with metal binding to multiple sites on CDK4 that perturbs the enzyme structure, modulates the enzyme activity, and alters the affinities of inhibitor for the metal-bound enzyme species. However, the affinities of small molecule inhibitors for CDK4 were not affected by the change of metal from Mg(2+) to Mn(2+), suggesting that the structures of enzyme-Mg(2+) and enzyme-Mn(2+) were similar.  相似文献   

A species of Dechloromonas, strain UWNR4, was isolated from a nitrate-reducing, enrichment culture obtained from Wisconsin River (USA) sediments. This strain was characterized for anaerobic oxidation of both aqueous and chelated Fe(II) coupled to nitrate reduction at circumneutral pH. Dechloromonas sp. UWNR4 was incubated in anoxic batch reactors in a defined medium containing 4.5–5 mM NO3 ?, 6 mM Fe2+ and 1–1.8 mM acetate. Strain UWNR4 efficiently oxidized Fe2+ with 90 % oxidation of Fe2+ after 3 days of incubation. However, oxidation of Fe2+ resulted in Fe(III)-hydroxide-encrusted cells and loss of metabolic activity, suggested by inability of the cells to utilize further additions of acetate. In similar experiments with chelated iron (Fe(II)-EDTA), encrusted cells were not produced and further additions of acetate and Fe(II)-EDTA could be oxidized. Although members of the genus Dechloromonas are primarily known as perchlorate and nitrate reducers, our findings suggest that some species could be members of microbial communities influencing iron redox cycling in anoxic, freshwater sediments. Our work using Fe(II)-EDTA also demonstrates that Fe(II) oxidation was microbially catalyzed rather than a result of abiotic oxidation by biogenic NO2 ?.  相似文献   

A yellow-pigmented marine bacterium, designated strain SD-21, was isolated from surface sediments of San Diego Bay, San Diego, Calif., based on its ability to oxidize soluble Mn(II) to insoluble Mn(III, IV) oxides. 16S rRNA analysis revealed that this organism was most closely related to members of the genus Erythrobacter, aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria within the α-4 subgroup of the Proteobacteria (α-4 Proteobacteria). SD-21, however, has a number of distinguishing phenotypic features relative to Erythrobacter species, including the ability to oxidize Mn(II). During the logarithmic phase of growth, this organism produces Mn(II)-oxidizing factors of ≈250 and 150 kDa that are heat labile and inhibited by both azide and o-phenanthroline, suggesting the involvement of a metalloenzyme. Although the expression of the Mn(II) oxidase was not dependent on the presence of Mn(II), higher overall growth yields were reached in cultures incubated with Mn(II) in the culture medium. In addition, the rate of Mn(II) oxidation appeared to be slower in cultures grown in the light. This is the first report of Mn(II) oxidation within the α-4 Proteobacteria as well as the first Mn(II)-oxidizing proteins identified in a marine gram-negative bacterium.  相似文献   

Copper (II) and manganese (II) effects on ribonuclease A activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T D Alger 《Biochemistry》1970,9(16):3248-3255

Leptothrix cholodnii is a Mn(II)-oxidizing and sheath-forming member of the class β-Proteobacteria. Its sheath is a microtube-like filament that contains a chain of cells. From a chemical perspective, the sheath can be described as a supermolecule composed of a cysteine-rich polymeric glycoconjugate, called thiopeptidoglycan. However, the mechanism that controls the increase in sheath length is unknown. In this study, we attempted to detect sheath elongation through microscopic examination by using conventional reagents. Selective fluorescent labeling of preexisting or newly formed regions of the sheath was accomplished using combinations of biotin-conjugated maleimide, propionate-conjugated maleimide, and a fluorescent antibiotin antibody. Epifluorescence microscopy indicated that the sheath elongates at the terminal regions. On the bases of this observation, we assumed that the newly secreted thiopeptidoglycan molecules are integrated into the preexisting sheath at its terminal ends. Successive phase-contrast microscopy revealed that all cells proliferate at nearly the same rate regardless of their positions within the sheath. Mn(II) oxidation in microcultures was also examined with respect to cultivation time. Results suggested that the deposition of Mn oxides is notable in the aged regions. The combined data reveal the spatiotemporal relationships among sheath elongation, cell proliferation, and Mn oxide deposition in L. cholodnii.  相似文献   

Manganese oxidation by manganese peroxidase (MnP) was investigated. Stoichiometric, kinetic, and MnII binding studies demonstrated that MnP has a single manganese binding site near the heme, and two MnIII equivalents are formed at the expense of one H2O2 equivalent. Since each catalytic cycle step is irreversible, the data fit a peroxidase ping-pong mechanism rather than an ordered bi-bi ping-pong mechanism. MnIII-organic acid complexes oxidize terminal phenolic substrates in a second-order reaction. MnIII-lactate and -tartrate also react slowly with H2O2, with third-order kinetics. The latter slow reaction does not interfere with the rapid MnP oxidation of phenols. Oxalate and malonate are the only organic acid chelators secreted by the fungus in significant amounts. No relationship between stimulation of enzyme activity and chelator size was found, suggesting that the substrate is free MnII rather than a MnII-chelator complex. The enzyme competes with chelators for free MnII. Optimal chelators, such as malonate, facilitate MnIII dissociation from the enzyme, stabilize MnIII in aqueous solution, and have a relatively low MnII binding constant.  相似文献   

The alkylating properties of two artemisinin derivatives bearing a trifluoromethyl substituent at C10 were evaluated toward manganese(II) tetraphenylporphyrin, considered as a heme model. Chlorin-type covalent adducts were obtained by alkylation of the porphyrin ring by C-centered radicals derived from reductive activation of the peroxide function of the drugs.  相似文献   

The ligand Hpyramol (Hpyramol=4-methyl-2-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)aminophenol) is found to undergo an oxidative dehydrogenation of its amine function to an imine group upon coordination with iron(II) chloride and manganese(II) perchlorate. X-ray diffraction analyses for both complexes shows differences in the coordination geometry of the complexes most likely because of the two different counter-ions namely the strong coordinating chloride anions and the weak coordinating perchlorate anions. The coordination sphere of the iron(III) complex in [FeCl2(pyrimol)(MeOH)](MeOH) is best described as a distorted octahedral FeN2O2Cl2 chromophore, while the manganese(II) ions in [Mn(ClO4)(pyrimol)(Hpyrimol)]2 are in a distorted octahedral MnN4O2 environment with a 2:1 ligand to metal ratio instead of 1:1.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic formation constants for the magnesium (II)-ATP and manganese (II)-ATP species have been evaluated by direct potentiometry with ion-selective liquid membrane electrodes responsive to Mg2+ and Mn2+, respectively. The existence of the second complex Mg2ATP has also been demonstrated; an evaluation of its formation constant is provided. It is shown that the ion electrode method offers advantages over earlier methods because it permits direct measurement of ion activities and, further, enables the ion of interest to be measured selectively in the presence of other ions needed to control pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   

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