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The biosynthetic genes of the nisin-producing strain Lactococcus lactis 6F3 are organized in an operon-like structure starting with the structural gene nisA followed by the genes nisB, nisT, and nisC, which are probably involved in chemical modification and secretion of the prepeptide (G. Engelke, Z. Gutowski-Eckel, M. Hammelmann, and K.-D. Entian, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:3730-3743, 1992). Subcloning of an adjacent 5-kb downstream region revealed additional genes involved in nisin biosynthesis. The gene nisI, which encodes a lipoprotein, causes increased immunity after its transformation into nisin-sensitive L. lactis MG1614. It is followed by the gene nisP, coding for a subtilisin-like serine protease possibly involved in processing of the secreted leader peptide. Adjacent to the 3' end of nisP the genes nisR and nisK were identified, coding for a regulatory protein and a histidine kinase, showing marked similarities to members of the OmpR/EnvZ-like subgroup of two-component regulatory systems. The deduced amino acid sequences of nisR and nisK exhibit marked similarities to SpaR and SpaK, which were recently identified as the response regulator and the corresponding histidine kinase of subtilin biosynthesis. By using antibodies directed against the nisin prepeptide and the NisB protein, respectively, we could show that nisin biosynthesis is regulated by the expression of its structural and biosynthetic genes. Prenisin expression starts in the exponential growth phase and precedes that of the NisB protein by approximately 30 min. Both proteins are expressed to a maximum in the stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

Abstract The biosynthesis, immunity and regulation of nisin, a lanthionine-containing antimicrobial peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis , is encoded by two gene clusters, nisAIZBTCIPRK and nisFEG . The mutant strain LAC46 with a deletion in the translocator gene nisT could not secrete nisin but nisin activity was detected from cell lysates. The nisT mutation was complemented by a NisT-expression plasmid resulting in restored capacity to secrete nisin. These results demonstrate that NisT is the transport protein dedicated to translocate nisin and that dehydration and lanthionine formation in nisin maturation can occur independently of transport.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis 61-14 isolated from river water produced a bacteriocin active against a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria. N-terminal amino acid sequencing, mass spectral analysis of the purified bacteriocin, and genetic analysis using nisin-specific primers showed that the bacteriocin was a new natural nisin variant, termed nisin Q. Nisin Q and nisin A differ in four amino acids in the mature peptide and two in the leader sequence.  相似文献   

The effect on nisin production of increasing nisin immunity/resistance genes in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MG1363 was investigated. The 60-kb nisin immunity/resistance plasmid pND300, which was isolated from a non-nisin-producing strain, encodes five genes involved in nisin immunity/resistance, which are very similar to those of the immunity/resistance system encoded by the nisin-production transposon. The introduction of pND300 into MG1363(TnNip) resulted in the construct being able to produce significantly more nisin than the parent MG1363(TnNip). The introduction of pND314, which contains the nisin immunity/resistance genes subcloned into pSA3, into MG1363(TnNip) allowed the strain to grow more rapidly than the parent MG1363(TnNip) with a concomitant increase in the rate of nisin production. This work illustrates that introduction of pND300 and a derivative containing the nisin immunity/resistance system of pND300 into MG1363 (TnNip) can result in significant alterations to the kinetics of nisin production. These observations indicate approaches that may be used successfully to improve the economics of nisin production. Received: 11 February 1998 / Received revision: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 June 1998  相似文献   

The lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis IFPL105 secretes a broad spectrum bacteriocin produced from the 46 kb plasmid pBAC105. The bacteriocin was purified to homogeneity by ionic and hydrophobic exchange and reverse-phase chromatography. Bacteriocin activity required the complementary action of two distinct peptides (alpha and beta) with average molecular masses of 3322 and 2848 Da, respectively. The genes encoding the two peptides were cloned and sequenced and were found to be identical to the ltnAB genes from plasmid pMRC01 of L. lactis DPC3147. LtnA and LtnB contain putative leader peptide sequences similar to the known 'double glycine' type. The predicted amino acid sequence of mature LtnA and LtnB differed from the amino acid content determined for the purified alpha and beta peptides in the residues serine, threonine, cysteine and alanine. Post-translational modification, and the formation of lanthionine or methyllanthionine rings, could partly explain the difference. Hybridization experiments showed that the organization of the gene cluster in pBAC105 responsible for the production of the bacteriocin is similar to that in pMRC01, which involves genes encoding modifying enzymes for lantibiotic biosynthesis and dual-function transporters. In both cases, the gene clusters are flanked by IS946 elements, suggesting an en bloc transposition. The findings from the isolation and molecular characterization of the bacteriocin provide evidence for the lantibiotic nature of the two peptides.  相似文献   

While the potential emergence of food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria with resistance to lantibiotics is a concern, the creation of derivatives of starter cultures and adjuncts that can grow in the presence of these antimicrobials may have applications in food fermentations. Here a bank of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 mutants was created and screened, and a number of novel genetic loci involved in lantibiotic resistance were identified.  相似文献   

The lantibiotic nisin is a ribosomally synthesised and post-translationally modified antimicrobial peptide produced by strains of Lactococcus lactis, and used as safe and natural preservative in food industry. The nisA structural gene encodes ribosomally synthesised and biologically inactive a 57 amino acid precursor peptide (NisA) which undergoes several post-translational modifications. In this study, we report the expression of precursor nisin as a His6-tagged peptide in Escherichia coli and its purification using a nickel affinity column. The technique of spliced-overlap extension PCR was used to amplify the nisA gene and the T7 promoter region of pET-15b vector. This approach was used to introduce six histidine residues at the C-terminus of prenisin. The identity of the expressed peptide was confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. The expressed His-tagged prenisin was purified under denaturing conditions, and named as prenisin-His6. The purified prenisin-His6 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and mass spectroscopy. These results showed that the nisin precursor peptide can be successfully produced using an E. coli expression system.  相似文献   

Subtilin is a ribosomally synthesized peptide antibiotic produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Recently, we reported regarding genes spaB, spaT, and spaC (C. Klein, C. Kaletta, N. Schnell, and K.-D. Entian, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:132-142, 1992) which are involved in the biosynthesis of subtilin, and genes spaR and spaK (C. Klein, C. Kaletta, and K.-D. Entian, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:296-303, 1993), which regulate subtilin biosynthesis via a histidine kinase/response regulator system. Further sequence analysis revealed the presence of three additional open reading frames, spaI, spaF, and spaG, downstream of the structural gene spaS. The spaI gene encodes a hydrophilic 19.3-kDa lipoprotein containing a consensus signal sequence, indicating that this protein might be membrane anchored. A similar gene, nisI, has been identified in the nisin producer. SpaF shows strong homology to members of the family of ABC transporters. spaG encodes a hydrophobic protein which might form the active transporter together with SpaF. Gene disruption mutants in all three genes were still able to produce subtilin; however, these mutants were more sensitive to subtilin than the wild-type strain. These results show that these genes are involved in the immunity mechanism of the producer strain. A similar involvement of an ABC transporter in the self-protection mechanism has been described for the McbE and McbF transporter, which confers immunity against microcin B17 in Escherichia coli. Mutants containing mutations in the genes spaR and spaK, which are responsible for regulation of subtilin biosynthesis, also became more sensitive to subtilin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kinetics of nisin production have been investigated in terms of endogenous features of the producer organism, Lactococcus lactis. Nisin-producing transposons (Tn Nip) were transferred to different hosts by conjugation. Constructs were cultivated in batch cultures and nisin produced was measured. The proteinase function of C2Prt (Tn Nip)-1 was eliminated by plasmid curing, resulting in the construct C2Prt - (Tn Nip)-1. C2Prt - (Tn Nip)-1 produced nisin to a higher concentration compared to C2Prt (Tn Nip)-1 and was able to maintain the maximum concentration till the end of cultivation. The final concentration of nisin produced was host-specific, because when different constructs carrying the same Tn Nip were cultivated they produced nisin to different concentrations. However, when the same host carried Tn Nip transposons derived from different donors the concentration of nisin produced was similar, suggesting that the two Tn Nip transposons may be similar.  相似文献   

Nisin is a small gene-encoded antimicrobial protein produced by Lactococcus lactis that contains unusual dehydroalanine and dehydrobutyrine residues. The reactivity of these residues toward nucleophiles was explored by reacting nisin with a variety of mercaptans. The kinetics of reaction with 2-mercaptoethane-sulfonate and thioglycolate indicated that the reaction pathway includes a binding step. Reaction of nisin at high pH resulted in the formation of multimeric products, apparently as a result of intramolecular and intermolecular reactions between nucleophilic groups and the dehydro residues. One of the nucleophiles had a pKa of about 9.8. The unique vinyl protons of the dehydro residues that give readily identifiable proton nuclear magnetic resonances were used to observe the addition of nucleophiles to the dehydro moiety. After reaction with nucleophiles, nisin lost its antibiotic activity and no longer showed the dehydro resonances, indicating that the dehydro groups had been modified. The effect of pH on the solubility of nisin was determined; the solubility was quite high at low pH (57 mg/ml at pH 2) and was much lower at high pH (0.25 mg/ml at pH 8 to 12), as measured before significant pH-induced chemical modification had occurred. High-performance liquid chromatography on a C18 column was an effective technique for separating unmodified nisin from its reaction products. The cyanogen bromide cleavage products of nisin were about 90% less active toward inhibition of bacterial spore outgrowth than was native nisin. These results are consistent with earlier observations, which suggested that the dehydro residues of nisin have a role in the mechanism of antibiotic action, in which they act as electrophilic Michael acceptors toward nucleophiles in the cellular target.  相似文献   

The bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis UL 719 was purified and characterized. Two peaks exhibiting antimicrobial activity were obtained after purification. Primary structure of the peptide of major peak 2 was identical to that of nisin Z when determined by Edman degradation and confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. The molecular mass as determined by mass spectrometry was 3346·39 ± 0·40 Da for peak 1 and 3330·39 ± 0·27 Da for peak 2, which suggests that peak 1 may correspond to an oxidized form of nisin Z. The two purified peaks exhibiting xrantimicrobial activity appear to correspond with the oxidized and native forms of nisin Z.  相似文献   

Nisin production in batch culture and fed-batch cultures (sucrose feeding rates were 6, 7, 8, and 10 g l–1 h–1, respectively) by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454 was investigated. Nisin production showed primary metabolite kinetics, and could be improved apparently by altering the feeding strategy. The nisin titer reached its maximum, 4,185 IU ml–1, by constant addition of sucrose at a feeding rate of 7 g l–1 h–1; an increase in 58% over that of the batch culture (2,658 IU ml–1). Nisin biosynthesis was affected strongly by the residual sucrose concentration during the feeding. Finally, a mathematical model was developed to simulate the cell growth, sucrose consumption, lactic acid production and nisin production. The model was able to describe the fermentation process in all cases.  相似文献   

Nisin is a small gene-encoded antimicrobial protein produced by Lactococcus lactis that contains unusual dehydroalanine and dehydrobutyrine residues. The reactivity of these residues toward nucleophiles was explored by reacting nisin with a variety of mercaptans. The kinetics of reaction with 2-mercaptoethane-sulfonate and thioglycolate indicated that the reaction pathway includes a binding step. Reaction of nisin at high pH resulted in the formation of multimeric products, apparently as a result of intramolecular and intermolecular reactions between nucleophilic groups and the dehydro residues. One of the nucleophiles had a pKa of about 9.8. The unique vinyl protons of the dehydro residues that give readily identifiable proton nuclear magnetic resonances were used to observe the addition of nucleophiles to the dehydro moiety. After reaction with nucleophiles, nisin lost its antibiotic activity and no longer showed the dehydro resonances, indicating that the dehydro groups had been modified. The effect of pH on the solubility of nisin was determined; the solubility was quite high at low pH (57 mg/ml at pH 2) and was much lower at high pH (0.25 mg/ml at pH 8 to 12), as measured before significant pH-induced chemical modification had occurred. High-performance liquid chromatography on a C18 column was an effective technique for separating unmodified nisin from its reaction products. The cyanogen bromide cleavage products of nisin were about 90% less active toward inhibition of bacterial spore outgrowth than was native nisin. These results are consistent with earlier observations, which suggested that the dehydro residues of nisin have a role in the mechanism of antibiotic action, in which they act as electrophilic Michael acceptors toward nucleophiles in the cellular target.  相似文献   

The ability and frequency at which target organisms can develop resistance to bacteriocins is a crucial consideration in designing and implementing bacteriocin-based biocontrol strategies. Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis IL1403 was used as a target strain in an attempt to determine the frequency at which spontaneously resistant mutants are likely to emerge to the lantibiotic lacticin 3147. Following a single exposure to lacticin 3147, resistant mutants only emerged at a low frequency (10(-8)-10(-9)) and were only able to withstand low levels of the bacteriocin (100 AU mL(-1)). However, exposure to increasing concentrations, in a stepwise manner, resulted in the isolation of eight mutants that were resistant to moderately higher levels of lacticin 3147 (up to 600 AU mL(-1)). Interestingly, in a number of cases cross-resistance to other lantibiotics such as nisin and lacticin 481 was observed, as was cross-resistance to environmental stresses such as salt. Finally, reduced adsorption of the bacteriocin in to the cell was documented for all resistant mutants.  相似文献   

 The influence of several parameters on the fermentative production of nisin Z by Lactococcus lactis IO-1 was studied. Considerable attention has been focused on the relationship between the primary metabolite production of bacteriocin and lactate and cell growth, which has so far not been clarified in detail. Production of nisin Z was optimal at 30°C and in the pH range 5.0–5.5. The addition of Ca2+ to the medium showed a stimulating effect on the production of nisin Z. A maximum activity of 3150 IU/ml was obtained during pH-controlled batch fermentation in the medium supplemented with 0.1 M CaCl2. It was about three times higher than that obtained under the optimal conditions for cell growth and lactic acid production. Received: 12 July 1995/Received revision: 11 September 1995/Accepted: 4 October 1995  相似文献   

When lactate was removed from sucrose fermentation in situ, using the anionic-exchange resin Amberlite IRA-67, by Lactococcus lactis growing in batch culture, nisin production increased by two-fold when compared to the alkali pH-controlled fermentation. In comparison to sucrose, lactate removal increased nisin production 1.5-fold and 0.3-fold when galactose and glucose were used as carbon sources respectively.  相似文献   

Nisin production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NIZO 22186 was studied in batch fermentation using a complex medium. Nisin production showed primary metabolite kinetics: nisin biosynthesis took place during the active growth phase and completely stopped when cells entered the stationary phase. A stringent correlation could be observed between the expression of the prenisin gene (nisA) and the synthesis of the post-translationally enzymically modified and processed mature nisin peptide. Moreover, it seemed likely that nisin had a growth control function. A physiological link is proposed between sucrose fermentation capacity and nisin production ability. Carbon source regulation appears to be a major control mechanism for nisin production.  相似文献   

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