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本试验结合曲利苯兰和荧光素钠两种染色方法的优点,从显微角度研究了尖角突脐孢菌(Exserohilum monoceras)两个菌株X-27和HN-14在稗草和水稻上萌发和侵染行为的差异。结果表明,在寄主稗草上,接种4h后尖角突脐孢菌孢子开始从一端或两端萌发形成初生芽管;10h后芽管顶端膨大形成附着胞,附着在寄主表面,两端萌发的孢子约90%一端败育,仅一端形成成熟附着胞;在接种后24h内成熟附着胞形成率与接种时间成正相关,24h后趋于稳定;16h后在成熟附着胞下方受侵染的细胞内指状吸器开始形成,随后发育为掌状吸器;接种36h后菌丝在组织表面扩展形成网状,同时稗草叶片上显现叶斑病症状,部分菌丝能在细胞间蔓延扩展。在非寄主植物水稻上,同样观察到孢子萌发产生芽管,但是萌发起始时间滞后大约4h,初生菌丝分枝明显减少,且未能观察到附着胞和吸器的产生。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈菌侵染过程的显微和超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用光学显微技术和电子显微技术对小麦叶锈菌的侵染过程进行了研究。发现叶锈菌从气孔侵入后在气孔腔内形成气孔下泡囊,然后分化出圆形的膨大体,由膨大体产生1—2初生菌丝,初生菌丝在寄主细胞间隙延伸扩展,与叶肉细胞壁接触后分化形成吸器母细胞,吸器母细胞进入寄主细胞后形成吸器。初生菌丝在吸器母细胞处产生分枝,形成次生菌丝在叶肉细胞间蔓延。在病原菌侵染早期(接种后8—24h),寄主细胞的超微结构变化并不明显。侵染中、后期(接种48—72h),被侵染叶肉细胞发生严重质壁分离,叶绿体膨胀变形,基粒片层排列疏松。线粒体嵴突退化。  相似文献   

稗草叶枯病病原尖角突脐孢菌的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用形态学及分子生物学的方法对采集自湖南和北京的3株尖角突脐孢菌分离物进行了鉴定。结果表明,3株分离物(KF-1、HN-14和K-12)和保存于中国农业大学已定名的尖角突脐孢菌菌株G-9和X-27之间在菌落形态、产孢量及孢子大小和分隔方面存在较大差异。其中,K-12在PDA培养基上生长缓慢、产孢量小;菌株G-9、KF-1、X-27和HN-14生长迅速,产孢丰富。对菌株进行分子鉴定结果表明,菌株间ITS区序列相似度达98%以上,聚类分析也表明,种内各菌株之间的遗传距离明显小于种间的遗传距离;基于ITS1及ITS2序列,能将尖角突脐孢菌和突脐蠕孢属中其它种分开。由此可确定分离自湖南水稻田及中国农业大学科学园温室中自然发病的稗草病样上的3株病原真菌均为尖角突脐孢菌。  相似文献   

采用微分干涉相差显微镜、扫描和透射电镜技术系统研究了苜蓿假盘菌Pseudopeziza medicaginis在苜蓿叶片的侵染过程及超微结构特征。结果表明,接种4h后,子囊孢子萌发产生芽管:12h后,芽管以直接侵入的方式进入表皮细胞形成侵染菌丝:24h后,表皮细胞中侵染菌丝向相邻表皮细胞扩展,同时侵入到叶肉细胞以胞内生长方式扩展:接种72h后,侵染菌丝在表皮细胞下的叶肉组织中形成初始菌落;第5d后,菌丝扩展至整个叶片组织,大量菌丝聚集形成子座组织,并进一步形成子囊盘与子囊。病菌菌丝在侵入寄主细胞初期,并不穿透寄主质膜与原生质,而是被其所包围。但随着菌丝进一步扩展,叶片组织发生了一系列的病理变化,其中包括叶肉细胞肿胀、细胞质消解、叶绿体等细胞器解体以及寄主细胞坏死塌陷,并最终在叶表面产生典型的褐斑病症状。  相似文献   

苜蓿假盘菌侵染苜蓿叶片的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微分干涉相差显微镜、扫描和透射电镜技术系统研究了苜蓿假盘菌Pseudopeziza medicaginis在苜蓿叶片的侵染过程及超微结构特征。结果表明,接种4h后,子囊孢子萌发产生芽管;12h后,芽管以直接侵入的方式进入表皮细胞形成侵染菌丝;24h后,表皮细胞中侵染菌丝向相邻表皮细胞扩展,同时侵入到叶肉细胞以胞内生长方式扩展;接种72h后,侵染菌丝在表皮细胞下的叶肉组织中形成初始菌落;第5d后,菌丝扩展至整个叶片组织,大量菌丝聚集形成子座组织,并进一步形成子囊盘与子囊。病菌菌丝在侵入寄主细胞初期,并不穿透寄主质膜与原生质,而是被其所包围。但随着菌丝进一步扩展,叶片组织发生了一系列的病理变化,其中包括叶肉细胞肿胀、细胞质消解、叶绿体等细胞器解体以及寄主细胞坏死塌陷,并最终在叶表面产生典型的褐斑病症状。  相似文献   

利用透射电镜观察了玫烟色棒束孢Isaria fumosorosea(=Paecilomyces fumosoroseus)对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)的侵染过程及菌体在虫体内的增殖方式。以浓度为1×107孢子/mL的孢子悬浮液接种小菜蛾4龄幼虫,在透射电镜下对虫体各部位的观察结果表明:接种后1h玫烟色棒束孢菌株EBCL03011的分生孢子开始萌芽,至4h可观察到附着孢的形成和穿透,接种后24h已普遍侵入体腔。玫烟色棒束孢在寄主表皮和体腔内,以菌丝段出芽生殖、菌丝分隔及菌丝段分隔3种方式大量增殖,主要以颗粒状的菌丝段在寄主体腔内扩散,菌丝段在穿透表皮和体腔内增殖过程中伴随着机械压力和酶的活动。  相似文献   

苜蓿假盘菌侵染苜蓿叶片的细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微分干涉相差显微镜、扫描和透射电镜技术系统研究了苜蓿假盘菌Pseudopeziza medicaginis在苜蓿叶片的侵染过程及超微结构特征。结果表明,接种4h后,子囊孢子萌发产生芽管;12h后,芽管以直接侵入的方式进入表皮细胞形成侵染菌丝;24h后,表皮细胞中侵染菌丝向相邻表皮细胞扩展,同时侵入到叶肉细胞以胞内生长方式扩展;接种72h后,侵染菌丝在表皮细胞下的叶肉组织中形成初始菌落;第5d后,菌丝扩展至整个叶片组织,大量菌丝聚集形成子座组织,并进一步形成子囊盘与子囊。病菌菌丝在侵入寄主细胞初期,并不  相似文献   

稗草致病菌——尖角突脐孢菌菌株RAPD指纹图谱的分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
陈勇  倪汉文 《微生物学报》2003,43(4):409-416
以我国主要稻区的稗草植株上分离的17株尖角突脐孢菌菌株为试验材料,采用改良的SDS法提取其基因组DNA,并运用优化的RAPD分析体系对其进行了分子标记遗传差异研究。从25个随机引物中筛选出20个扩增效果好的引物,对全部试验材料进行了RAPD扩增,共得到239条有效带,其中多态性带229条(占95.8%)。依据扩增结果建立了17株尖角突脐孢菌基因型的DNA指纹图谱并对其进行了有效区分。根据RAPD分析结果计算了菌株间的遗传距离,分析了它们的遗传差异并进行了聚类分析,结果表明,RAPD分子标记技术是能够用于杂草致病菌资源的鉴定的,并可以进一步应用于特定性状的基因标记研究。  相似文献   

柿树炭疽菌侵染寄主的细胞学研究*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
超微结构研究表明,柿树炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)侵染后在寄主细胞中形成初生菌丝和次生菌丝,寄主细胞膜外沉积了一层厚的电子不透明物质,初生菌丝与具有沉积物的寄主原生质膜之间有一层界面基质(interfacial matrix)。当初生菌丝扩张并侵染相邻细胞时, 围绕着初生菌丝层的界面基质消失,具有沉积物的原生质膜被逐步降解。初生菌丝在穿透寄主细胞壁过程中形成一个漏斗状的菌丝锥,然后穿透寄主细胞壁并迅速膨大, 然后形成厚壁的初生菌丝。初生菌丝在寄主细胞壁中收缩狭窄处产生一个隔膜,隔膜两边菌丝中细胞质的电子密度明显不同,菌丝锥中有浓密的电子密度。死体营养的次生菌丝在死的细胞中繁殖和扩展,并产生分枝。次生菌丝可直接穿透较薄的寄主细胞壁,无缢缩或任何变形现象,菌丝顶端部分未见隔膜产生;在穿透较厚的细胞壁时,靠近顶端处产生隔膜,顶端细胞膨大,使寄主细胞壁撕裂。接种90h后分生孢子盘在枝条表面形成。柿树炭疽菌其侵染过程有两个阶段,即初生菌丝的活体营养阶段和次生菌丝的死体营养阶段。  相似文献   

柿树炭疽菌侵染寄主的细胞学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
超微结构研究表明,柿树炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)侵染后在寄主细胞中形成初生菌丝和次生菌丝,寄主细胞膜外沉积了一层厚的电子不透明物质,初生菌丝与具有沉积物的寄主原生质膜之间有一层界面基质(interfacial matrix)。当初生菌丝扩张并侵染相邻细胞时,围绕着初生菌丝层的界面基质消失,具有沉积物的原生质膜被逐步降解。初生菌丝在穿透寄主细胞壁过程中形成一个漏斗状的菌丝锥,然后穿透寄主细胞壁并迅速膨大,然后形成厚壁的初生菌丝。初生菌丝在寄主细胞壁中收缩狭窄处产生一个隔膜,隔膜两边菌丝中细胞质的电子密度明显不同,菌丝锥中有浓密的电子密度。死体营养的次生菌丝在死的细胞中繁殖和扩展,并产生分枝。次生菌丝可直接穿透较薄的寄主细胞壁,无缢缩或任何变形现象,菌丝顶端部分未见隔膜产生;在穿透较厚的细胞壁时,靠近顶端处产生隔膜,顶端细胞膨大,使寄主细胞壁撕裂。接种90h后分生孢子盘在枝条表面形成。柿树炭疽菌其侵染过程有两个阶段,即初生菌丝的活体营养阶段和次生菌丝的死体营养阶段。  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of Sindbis virus in cultured Aedes albopictus cells.   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Cultured mosquito cells were found to produce Sindbis virus nearly as efficiently as BHK-21 cells at 28 C. In virtually all of the cells observed in the electron microscope, virus morphogenesis was found to occur within complex vesicular structures which developed after viral infection. Viral nucleocapsids were first seen in these vesicles and appeared to be enveloped within these structures. The process of envelopment within these inclusions differed in some respects from the process previously described for the envelopment of nucleocapsids at the plasma membrane of vertebrae cells. Free nucleocapsids were only rarely seen in the cytoplasm of infected mosquito cells, and budding of virus from the cell surface was detected so infrequently that this process of virus production could not account for the amount of virus produced by the infected cells. The vast majority of extracellular virus was produced by the fusion of the virus-containing vesicles with the plasma membrane releasing mature virions and membrane nucleocapsid complexes in various stages of development.  相似文献   

K Hashimoto  K Suzuki    B Simizu 《Journal of virology》1975,15(6):1454-1466
Morphological and physical properties of a multiploid-forming mutant of Western equine encephalitis virus were studied. Electron micrographs of the infected cells showed that most of mutant virions bud from the plasma or vacuolar membrane as a multiploid particle containing a various number of nucleocapsids enclosed with a defined common envelope. The mutant virions contained three polypeptides which migrated to the position identical with those of wild type on discontinuous acrylamide gels. Cells infected with the mutant virus synthesized the same intracellular viral RNA species as was made after infection of wild type. Cytoplasmic nucleocapsids of the mutant sedimented at 140S and contained 42S virion RNA as those of wild type; they were indistinguishable from those of wild type in an electron microscope examination. On the other hand, mutant nucleocapsids isolated from extracellular virions sedimented as heterogeneous particles larger thant 140S and were shown to be pleomorphic and aggregate in electron micrographs. The budding process of this mutant seemed to be modified, so that it might form the multiploid with the alteration of its nucleocapsids.  相似文献   

登革病毒对人树突状细胞感染性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨登革病毒对人树突状细胞(DC)的感染性。人外周新鲜血常规分离单核细胞,经细胞因子GMCSF、IL4诱导培养成DC,通过形态学特征、细胞表型和淋巴细胞刺激能力鉴定。用登革病毒2型(DV2)感染DC,于作用后6h、24h、48h、72h、96h分别收集上清液和细胞,甲基纤维素微量空斑试验测定病毒滴度,间接免疫荧光法检测细胞上病毒抗原表达,透射电镜观察病毒在细胞内的定位。病毒感染后6h即可在培养上清中测出病毒,病毒滴度在48h达到高峰,以后逐渐下降。间接免疫荧光法证明感染的DC胞浆及胞膜上携带病毒抗原。透射电镜下在病毒感染48h后DC胞浆内可见大量病毒颗粒。树突状细胞是登革病毒感染的靶细胞,病毒可感染DC并产生大量病毒颗粒,可能在其发病机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

We have constructed a modified Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) to express the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the polyhedrin promoter and used it to study the infection process of AcMNPV in Trichoplusia ni larvae. T. ni larvae that ingested the virus showed localized expression of GFP in the midgut epithelial cells and the hemocytes at 12 h post infection (hpi). The presence of GFP-related fluorescence in the midgut columnar cells indicated that the virus was not only replicating, but also synthesizing the late viral proteins. Studies using the transmission electron microscope showed that the virus infected the midgut columnar cells. At the same time a proportion of the parental virus travelled through the midgut epithelial layer, possibly utilizing the plasma membrane reticular system, entered the hemocoel and infected the hemocytes. This resulted in the simultaneous infection of the midgut epithelial cells and the hemocytes. Subsequently, the budded virus (BV) released from the infected hemocytes into the hemolymph caused secondary infection within the tracheal epithelial cells. The virus then rapidly spread through the tracheal system allowing the infection of a variety of other tissues such as the epidermis and the fat body.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the effects of powdery mildew disease [caused by Podosphaera fusca (syn. Sphaerotheca fuliginea)] on specific activities of several defense-related enzymes and phenolic content were studied in cucumber leaves. Spore suspension of the fungus was sprayed on cucumber (cv. Super Dominus) plants in greenhouse and leaves from both inoculated and non-inoculated control plants were sampled at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 144 hours after inoculation (HAI). Spore germination and tissue colonization of P. fusca were microscopically studied on the inoculated surface of leaf samples. Further, Phenolic content (PHE) and specific activities of peroxidase (POX), chitinase (CHI) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) were spectrophotometrically measured in leaf extracts. Time-course of disease progress on the leaf surface showed that maximum spore germination occurred within 24 HAI and host penetration and disease development process began during 24-48 HAI. Evaluation of enzyme activities showed that POX specific activity in inoculated plants significantly increased at 72 HAI onwards and reached 2.5 times of that of control at 144 HAI. CHI specific activity showed a transient reduction in inoculated plants between 48-72 HAI and thereafter increased significantly in relation to control. PAL specific activity in inoculated plants was not significantly different from that of control. PHE in inoculated plants showed a significant increase compared to control at 48 HAI and thereafter. Comparison of time-course of disease progress with changes in enzyme activities indicated that POX activity had an increasing trend during disease progress whereas CHI activity showed a transient decrease at the early stages and then increased during the later stages of infection: PAL activity did not show any changes during the infection and PHE increased at the early stages of infection process and remained constant at rest of the time.  相似文献   

Blood samples from a splenectomized bovine, experimentally inoculated with blood from a field cow living in southwestern Venezuela, were processed for transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The blood sample showed multiple infection with hemoparasites of the genera Anaplasma marginale, Eperythrozoon wenyonii and Trypanosoma vivax. Scanning electron microscope showed that the blood from bovines with multiple infection had profound deformation in knob-like protruding structures with reduced cellular volume similar to echinocyte red blood cells. E. wenyonii parasites appear associated with the membrane, grouped in shallow to severe invaginations at the surface of the erythrocytes. The morphology of the parasites is predominantly rod-like; they also appear as coccoid-shaped and bifurcate or triskelion-shaped organisms. The organisms are present in pairs or clusters. T. vivax appeared with double flagella, which indicates active cellular division and infection processes. Transmission electron microscope study showed erythrocytes infected with intracytoplasmic bodies of A. marginale and with E. wenyonii embedded in the external membrane cell, with mature, juvenile and dividing forms present.  相似文献   

A serum hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) titer of 40 or greater is thought to be associated with reduced influenza virus pathogenesis in humans and is often used as a correlate of protection in influenza vaccine studies. We have previously demonstrated that intramuscular vaccination of guinea pigs with inactivated influenza virus generates HAI titers greater than 300 but does not protect vaccinated animals from becoming infected with influenza virus by transmission from an infected cage mate. Only guinea pigs intranasally inoculated with a live influenza virus or a live attenuated virus vaccine, prior to challenge, were protected from transmission (A. C. Lowen et al., J. Virol. 83:2803–2818, 2009.). Because the serum HAI titer is mostly determined by IgG content, these results led us to speculate that prevention of viral transmission may require IgA antibodies or cellular immune responses. To evaluate this hypothesis, guinea pigs and ferrets were administered a potent, neutralizing mouse IgG monoclonal antibody, 30D1 (Ms 30D1 IgG), against the A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) virus hemagglutinin and exposed to respiratory droplets from animals infected with this virus. Even though HAI titers were greater than 160 1 day postadministration, Ms 30D1 IgG did not prevent airborne transmission to passively immunized recipient animals. In contrast, intramuscular administration of recombinant 30D1 IgA (Ms 30D1 IgA) prevented transmission to 88% of recipient guinea pigs, and Ms 30D1 IgA was detected in animal nasal washes. Ms 30D1 IgG administered intranasally also prevented transmission, suggesting the importance of mucosal immunity in preventing influenza virus transmission. Collectively, our data indicate that IgG antibodies may prevent pathogenesis associated with influenza virus infection but do not protect from virus infection by airborne transmission, while IgA antibodies are more important for preventing transmission of influenza viruses.  相似文献   

李茂业  林华峰  金立  张松影 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1412-1416
本实验利用扫描电镜观察了黄绿绿僵菌Metarhizium flavoviride菌株分生孢子对褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St(a)l)的侵染过程.结果表明:分生孢子多分布在褐飞虱节间膜、体表的褶皱凹陷等部位,主要以芽管或产生附着胞入侵,然后在体表长出菌丝和产孢.菌体进入寄主血腔后,利用体腔内营养大量增...  相似文献   

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