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Summary The anterior end of the zoospore ofUlothrix belkae has been examined in detail and is compared toStigeoclonium and other filamentous green algae. The nature of the symmetry of green algal motile cells is discussed and the term, 180° rotational symmetry, is proposed to describe the type of arrangement of anterior end components seen inU. belkae, including the four basal bodies, rootlets and striated fibers. The four microtubular rootlets are cruciately arranged. A striated microtubule-associated component (SMAC) has a periodicity of 6.4 nm and extends with each 2-membered rootlet posteriorly into the cell. One 5-membered rootlet passes very near the eyespot. Phylogeny in green algal motile cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of the marine quadriflagellate green algaTetraselmis subcordiformis is described in detail. Special consideration is given to the functional significance of the contractile rhizoplast and also to a complex structure which anchors the flagellar apparatus to the cell membrane and theca. The flagellar apparatus lies at the base of a deep apical depression. Four basal bodies lie in a zigzag row with their long axes nearly parallel. Outer adjacent pairs of basal bodies are structurally linked by a Z-shaped, ribbon-like structure. A striated fiber (transfiber) connects each outer basal body with the inner basal body of the opposite, mirror image pair. A complex system of four laminated oval discs (rhizanchora), microtubule rootlets and fibrous material anchor the flagellar apparatus and rhizoplasts to the plasma membrane and theca. A 4-2-4-2 arrangement of microtubule rootlets is present. Rhizoplasts, which are contractile organelles, branch into five distinct arms and associate with the near outer basal body and each of the four rhizanchora. Rhizoplast contraction is thought to be linked to flagellar activity and may act to alter the direction of motion of the cell.  相似文献   

Mesostigma viride Lauterborn (Prasinophyceae) is the first green flagellate found to have multilayered structures (MLS) in its flagellar apparatus. MLS's were previously known from green algae only in charophycean swarmers, linking theCharophyceae to the origin of land plants, whose male gametes (when flagellated) also possess an MLS.M. viride is, therefore, probably more closely related to the origin of theCharophyceae than any other green flagellate that has been thoroughly studied so far. The occurrence of MLS's in green flagellates and apparently in other algae and protozoans suggests that an MLS occurred in an ancient group of flagellates and has survived in various protistan lines, including the line of green algae related to land plants. The occurrence of a synistosome inM. viride and other of its characteristics suggest that it is more closely related toPyramimonas than to other genera of scaly green flagellates.This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB-78-03554.  相似文献   

Summary The absolute configuration of the flagellar apparatus inPyramimonas gelidicola McFadden et al. has been determined and shows identity withP. obovata, indicating that they are closely related. Comparison with the flagellar apparatus of quadriflagellate zoospores from the more advancedChlorophyceae suggest thatPyramimonas may be a primitive ancestral form. The microtubular cytoskeleton has been examined in detail and is shown to be unusual in that it does not attach to the flagellar apparatus. Cytoskeletal microtubules are nucleated individually, and this is interpreted as an adaptation to the methods of mitosis and scale deployment. In view of the primitive nature of these processes, it is proposed that this type of cytoskeletal organization may represent a less advanced condition than that of the flagellar root MTOCs (microtubule organizing centers) observed in theChlorophyceae.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the zoospores produced by the unilocular sporangia ofLaminaria digitata (L.) Lamour. andNereocystis luetkeana Post. & Rupr. by serial sectioning to determine the absolute configuration of their flagellar apparatuses. The basal bodies, which are interconnected by three striated bands, lie parallel to the ventral face of the zoospore, and the posterior basal body always is found to the right of the anterior basal body when the cell is viewed from the ventral face, anterior end up. The four rootlets associated with the basal bodies include a major anterior rootlet of about seven microtubules extending from the anterior basal body along the ventral face towards the apex, a five-membered bypassing rootlet that passes ventral to the basal bodies and is connected to the posterior basal body by a posterior fibrous band, and two short rootlets having a single member each, the minor anterior and posterior rootlets. We consider the configuration observed here to be typical of most phaeophycean motile cells. The flagellar apparatus features suggest a considerable phylogenetic difference between thePhaeophyceae and other classes of chlorophyll c-containing organisms.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of the small prymnesiophytePrymnesium patellifera has been analysed and a reconstruction is presented. Externally, the cell carries two sub-equal flagella and a short non-coiling haptonema. Within the cell, there are four microtubular roots and a number of fibrous bands, the latter interconnecting the two basal bodies and the haptonema base. One of the roots (r1) consists of a sheet of up to 25 microtubules originating close to the proximal extremity of the haptonema base, but the other three roots are composed of between 1 and 4 microtubules only. Distally, a large striated fibrous auxiliary connecting root extends across the anterior part of the cell linking root r1 and a mitochondrial profile on the opposite side of the cell. The arrangement of the components of the flagellar apparatus ofP. patellifera is commensurate with the general pattern found in many prymnesiophytes other than members of the Pavlovales, but there are a number of differences in detail from the other species described hitherto.  相似文献   

M. Melkonian 《Protoplasma》1982,111(3):221-233
Summary The structure and topography of flagellar scales (underlayer scales, rodshaped scales, hair-scales) in the green flagellateTetraselmis cordiformis has been studied in detail and the effect of divalent cations and fixation conditions on scale structure and topography was followed quantitatively. Hair-scales occur in two rows on opposite sides of a flagellum and are linked to the flagellar membrane and to two axonemal doublets by B-tubule-flagellar membrane connectives. Underlayer scales form about 24 longitudinal rows along the flagellum and occur in two distinctive shapes (pentagonal and square). The square shaped underlayer scales are related in position to the attachment sites of the hair-scales. Rod-shaped scales occur in about 20 longitudinal rows along the flagellum and are characteristically positioned as double scales. Calcium in the culture medium is necessary to retain rod-shaped scales on the flagellum, absence of calcium or chelation with EGTA or pyrophosphate leads to disappearance of rod-shaped scales from the flagellum. Other divalent cations can only partially substitute for calcium. It is suggested that calcium provides the linkage between underlayer scales and rod-shaped scales inTetraselmis. Flagellar scales inTetraselmis apparently fall into two categories: a) hair-scales (not affected by fixation or absence of divalent cations, firmly bound to axonemal microtubules via the flagellar membrane), b) underlayer scales and rod-shaped scales (affected by fixation and absence of divalent cations, kept on the flagellum mainly by electrostatic forces). The function of flagellar scales inTetraselmis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of aPleurochrysis, a coccolithophorid was studied in detail. Three major fibrous connecting bands and several accessory fibrous bands link the basal bodies, haptonema and microtubular flagellar roots. The asymmetrical flagellar root system is composed of three different microtubular roots (referred to here as roots 1,2, and 3) and a fibrous root. Root 1, associated with one of the basal bodies, is of the compound type, constructed of two sets of microtubules,viz. a broad sheet consisting of up to twenty closely aligned microtubules, and a secondary bundle made up of 100–200 microtubules which arises at right angles to the former. A thin electron-dense plate occurs on the surface of the microtubular sheet opposite the secondary bundle. The fibrous root arises from the same basal body and passes along the plasmalemma together with the microtubular sheet of root 1. Root 2 is also of the compound type and arises from one of the major connecting bands (called a distal band) as a four-stranded microtubular root and extends in the opposite direction to the haptonema. From this stranded root a secondary bundle of microtubules arises at approximately right angle. Root 3 is a more simple type, composed of at least six microtubules which are associated with the basal body. The flagellar transition region was found to be unusual for the classPrymnesiophyceae. The phylogenetic significance of the flagellar apparatus in thePrymnesiophyceae is discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial configuration of the flagellar apparatus of the biflagellate zoospores of the green algal genusMicrospora is reconstructed by serial sectioning analysis using transmission electron microscopy. Along with the unequal length of the flagella, the most remarkable characteristics of the flagellar apparatus are: (1) the subapical emergence of the flagella (especially apparent with scanning electron microscopy); (2) the parallel orientation of the two basal bodies which are interconnected by a prominent one-piece distal connecting fiber; (3) the unique ultrastructure of the distal connecting fiber composed of a central tubular region which is bordered on both sides by a striated zone; (4) the different origin of the d-rootlets from their relative basal bodies; (5) the asymmetry of the papillar region which together with the subapical position of the basal bodies apparently cause the different paths of corresponding rootlets in the zoospore anterior; (6) the presence of single-membered d-rootlets and multi-membered s-rootlets resulting in a 7-1-7-1 cruciate microtubular root system which, through the different rootlet origin, does not exhibit a strict 180° rotational symmetry. It is speculated that the different basal body origin of the d-rootlets is correlated with the subapical implant of flagella. It is further hypothesized that in the course of evolution the ancestors ofMicrospora had a flagellar papilla that has migrated from a strictly apical position towards a subapical position. Simultaneously, ancestral shift of flagella along the apical cell body periphery has taken place as can be concluded from the presence of an upper flagellum overlying a lower flagellum in the flagellar apparatus ofMicrospora. The basic features of the flagellar apparatus of theMicrospora zoospore resemble those of the coccoid green algal generaDictyochloris andBracteacoccus and also those of the flagellate green algal genusHeterochlamydomonas. This strengthens the general supposition thatMicrospora is evolutionarily closely related to taxa which were formerly classified in the traditionalChlorococcales.  相似文献   

Summary Cells ofScherffelia dubia regenerate flagella with a complete scale covering after experimental flagellar amputation. Flagellar regeneration was used to study Golgi apparatus (GA) activity during flagellar scale production. By comparing the number of scales present on mature flagella with the flagellar regeneration kinetics, it is calculated that each cell produces ca. 260 scales per minute during flagellar regeneration. Flagellar scales are assembled exclusively in the GA and abstricted from the rims of thetrans-most GA cisternae into vesicles. Exocytosis of scales occurs at the base of the anterior flagellar groove. The central portion of thetrans-most cisterna, containing no scales, detaches from the stack of cisternae and develops a coat to become a coated polygonal vesicle. Scale biogenesis involves continuous turnover of GA cisternae, and scale production rates indicate maturation of four cisternae per minute from each of the cells two dictyosomes. A possible model of membrane flow routes during flagellar regeneration, which involves a membrane recycling loop via the coated polygonal vesicles, is presented.  相似文献   

Summary InCryptomonas ovata, long, dorsal flagella are produced which transform during the following cell division into short, ventral flagella. At division there is a reorientation in cell polarity, and the parental basal apparatus, which comprises the basal bodies and associated roots, is distributed to the daughter cells via a complex sequence of events. Flagellar apparatus development includes the transformation of a four-stranded microtubular root into a mature root of different structure and function. Each newly formed basal body nucleates new microtubular roots, but receives a striated fibrous root from a parental basal body. The striated roots are originally produced on the transforming basal body and are transferred to the new basal bodies at each successive division. The development of the asymmetric flagellar apparatus throughout the cell cycle is described.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of the naked, biflagellate green algaSpermatozopsis similis Preisig & Melkonian has been studied in detail using an absolute configuration analysis. The two basal bodies are displaced by 350 nm in the 1/7 o'clock direction and do not overlap proximally. They are interconnected by a principal distal connecting fibre consisting of a bundle of 5–8 nm filaments and possibly two proximal striated connecting fibres. The flagellar root system is cruciate (5-2-5-2 or 4-2-4-2 system) and contains a prominent continuous system I fibre overlying the two opposite two-stranded roots. A system II fibre is absent. Pronounced structural differences have been observed in the flagellar apparatus ultrastructure at two types of flagella orientation: During backward swimming basal bodies are parallel, the distal connecting fibre is extremely contracted; during forward swimming basal bodies assume various angles (from 20° to 180°) and the connecting fibre is about five times longer compared to the contracted state. The function of the connecting fibre as a contractile organelle and the mechanism of its contraction are discussed. On the basis of the flagellar apparatus ultrastructure,Spermatozopsis similis is related toChlamydomonas-type green algae.  相似文献   

T. Hori  Ø. Moestrup 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):137-148
Summary While green algae usually lack one of the outer dynein arms in the axoneme, flagella of the octoflagellated prasinophytePyramimonas octopus possess dynein arms on all peripheral doublets. The outer dynein arm on doublet no. 1 is modified, and additional structures are associated with doublets no. 2 and 6. The flagellar scales are asymmetrically arranged. Thus the two rows of thick flagellar hairscales are displaced towards doublet no. 6,i.e., in the direction of the effective stroke of each flagellum. The underlayer of small scales includes two nearly opposite double rows scales, arranged in the longitudinal direction of the flagellum. The hairscales emerge from these rows. The double rows are separated on one side by 9, on the other by 11 rows of helically arranged scales. The central pair of microtubules twists, but the axoneme itself (represented by the 9 peripheral doublets), does not seem to rotate. The flagella are arranged in two groups, showing modified 180° rotational symmetry. The effective strokes of the two central flagella are exactly opposite, while the other flagella beat in six intermediate directions.  相似文献   

The flagella of the green alga Scherffelia dubia are covered by scales which consist of acidic polysaccharides and glycoproteins. Experimental deflagellation results in the regeneration of flagella complete with scales. During flagellar regeneration, scales are newly synthesized in the Golgi apparatus, exocytosed and deposited on the growing flagella. Flagellar regeneration is dependent upon protein synthesis and N-glycosylation, as it is blocked by cycloheximide and partially inhibited by tunicamycin. Metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine/cysteine demonstrated that scale-associated proteins were not newly synthesized during flagellar regeneration, suggesting that the proteins deposited on regenerating flagella were drawn from a pool. Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy using a monospecific antibody directed against a scale-associated protein of 126 kDa (SAP126) revealed that the pool of SAP126 was primarily located at the plasma membrane, with minor labeling of the scale reticulum and trans-Golgi cisternae, both before deflagellation and during flagellar regeneration. Since SAP126 was sequestered during flagellar regeneration into secretory vesicles together with newly synthesized scales, it is concluded that the persistent presence of SAP126 in the trans-Golgi cisternae during scale biogenesis requires retrograde transport of the protein from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus. Received: 3 July 1999 / Accepted: 21 August 1999  相似文献   

R. A. Andersen 《Protoplasma》1985,128(2-3):94-106
Summary Flagellated vegetative cells of the colonial golden algaSynura uvella Ehr, were examined using serial sections. The two flagella are nearly parallel as they emerge from a flagellar pit near the apex of the cell. The photoreceptor is restricted to swellings on the flagella in the region where they pass through the apical pore in the scale case and the swellings are not associated with the cell membrane or an eyespot. A unique ring-like structure surrounds the axonemes of both flagella at a level just above the transitional helix. The basal bodies are interconnected by three striated, fibrous bands. Four short (<100 nm) microtubules lie between the basal bodies at their proximal ends. Two rhizoplasts extend down from the basal bodies and separate into numerous fine striated bands which lie over the nucleus. Three- and four-membered microtubular roots arise from the rhizoplasts and extend apically together. As the roots reach the cell anterior, the three-membered root bends and curves clockwise to form a large loop around the flagella; the four-membered root bends anticlockwise and terminates under the distal end of the three-membered root as it completes the loop. There are four absolute orientations, termed Types 1–4, in which the flagellar apparatus can occur. With each orientation type the positions of the Golgi body, nucleus, rhizoplasts, chloroplasts and microtubular roots change with respect to the flagella, basal bodies and photoreceptor. Two new basal bodies appear in pre-division cells, and three short microtubules appear in a dense substance adjacent to each new basal body. Based upon the positions of new pre-division basal bodies, a hypothesis is proposed to explain why there are four orientations and how they are maintained through successive cell divisions.  相似文献   

Summary The euglenoids and kinetoplastids form a diverse assemblage of organisms which show no obvious phylogenetic relationship with other flagellates. An ultrastructural examination and comparison of the flagellar apparatus, the feeding apparatus, and mitotic nucleus indicate a number of shared morphological features which support a common ancestry for the two groups. Of particular interest is the euglenoid,Petalomonas cantuscygni, which shares many of the ultrastructural features common to both groups. Based on the data presented, we hypothesize that a euglenoid with features similar to those now present inP. cantuscygni was ancestral to both the euglenoid and kinetoplastid lines.Abbrevation MTR complex of reinforcing microtubules  相似文献   

Isolated intact eyespot apparatuses, the photoreceptive organelles involved in blue-light-mediated photoresponses of flagellate green algae, were analyzed regarding their carotenoid composition. Carotenoids from the eyespot apparatuses of Spermatozopsis similis were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography, visible-light absorption spectra, mass spectroscopy and by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (carotenes), and compared with those of whole-cell extracts. Both extracts contained ,-carotene, ,-carotene (formerly -carotene), lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin and all-E-and 9-Z-neoxanthin. The relative carotenoid compositions, however, differed significantly. A twofold relative increase in the total carotene level was evident in the fraction enriched in eyespot apparatuses. This was mainly due to an increase in the monocyclic ,-carotene and the aliphatic lycopene, whereas the relative content of ,-carotene remained unchanged. On the other hand a relative decrease in the total xanthophyll content, especially of lutein and the epoxidic carotenoid neoxanthin, was observed in the eyespot apparatuses compared with the whole-cell extracts. The decrease of the latter resulted almost solely from a reduction of the 9-Z-rather than the all-E-isomer. The bulk of the carotenes is thought to be localized in the highly organized eyespot lipid globules, which act as a combined quarter-wave interference reflector and absorption screen for the photoreceptor in green algae. The enrichment of ,-carotene and lycopene in the eyespot apparatuses, extending the range of visible light absorption to longer wavelengths, represents an adaptation of the screen to the retinal-based photoreceptor of flagellate green algae and is one of the prerequisites for maximal directional sensitivity of the eyespot apparatus.Abbreviations 1H-NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry - VIS visible absorption spectra This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (G.K. and M.M.). M.G. was supported by a fellowship from the Norwegian Research Council of Science and Humanities.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus ofCruciplacolithus neohelis (McIntyre and Bé) Reinhardt including its transition region is described. The transition region contains a hat-shaped structure, which is suggested to be one of the common features of the Prymnesiophyceae. Its flagellar root system resembles that of most coccolithophorids examined so far, except that only one vestigial crystalline root is present associated with root 1. Two well-developed crystalline roots associated with roots 1 and 2, respectively, appear in the preprophase of nuclear division, suggesting conversion to a mitotic spindle. The taxonomic and evolutionary significance of the flagellar apparatus is discussed.  相似文献   

A. R. Hardham 《Protoplasma》1987,137(2-3):109-124
Summary A correlated immunofluorescence and ultrastructural study of the microtubular cytoskeleton has been made in zoospores and young cysts ofPhytophthora cinnamomi. Labelling of microtubules using antibodies directed towards tubulin has revealed new details of the arrangement of the flagellar rootlets in these cells, and of the variability that occurs from cell to cell. Most of the variation exists at the distal ends of the rootlets, and may be correlated with differences in cell shape in these regions. The rootlets have the same right and left configuration in all zoospores. The arrangement of the rootlet microtubules at the anterior end of the zoospores raises the possibility that the microtubules on the left hand side of the groove may not comprise an independent rootlet which arises at the basal bodies.The absolute configuration of the flagellar apparatus has been determined from ultrastructural observations of serial sections. In the vicinity of the basal bodies, there is little, if any, variation between individuals, and the structure of the flagellar apparatus is similar to that described for related species of fungi. Two ribbon-like coils surround the central pair of microtubules at the distal tip of the whiplash flagellum, and clusters of intramembranous particles, similar to ciliary plaques, have been found at the bases of both flagella. There are two arrays of microtubules associated with the nucleus in the zoospores. One array lies next to the outer surface of the nuclear envelope, and probably functions in the shaping and positioning of the apex of the nucleus. The nuclear pores in this region are aligned in rows alongside these microtubules. The second array is formed by kinetochore microtubules which extend into a collar-like arrangement of chromatin material around the narrow end of the (interphase) nucleus. During encystment, all flagellar rootlets are internalized when the flagella are detached at the terminal plate. The rootlets arrays are no longer recognizable 5–10 minutes after the commencement of encystment.  相似文献   

Summary The two main types of fibrous flagellar roots present in the flagellar apparatus of green algae (system I and system II fibers) are immunologically distinct as indicated by the localization of a Ca2+-modulated contractile protein (centrin) exclusively in one type (system II fibers) but not in the other type (system I fibers). A polyclonal antibody generated against the major protein of the striated flagellar roots (system II fibers) of the quadriflagellate green algaTetraselmis striata was used to localize centrin by immunofluorescence and pre- and postembedding immunogold electron microscopy in the flagellar apparatus ofSpermatozopsis similis, S. exsultans, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Dunaliella bioculata, Polytomella parva and gametes ofMonostroma grevillei andEnteromorpha sp. Whereas the antibody recognizes centrin in connecting fibers and system II fibers, no labeling occurs in system I fibers in all taxa investigated. This study presents the first evidence that system I fibers lack centrin and indicates that the two main types of fibrous flagellar roots in green algae are biochemically distinct.  相似文献   

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