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The low-activity, phosphorylated form of nitrate reductase (NR) became activated during purification from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves harvested in the dark. This activation resulted from its separation from an approximately 110-kd nitrate reductase inhibitor protein (NIP). Readdition of NIP inactivated the purified phosphorylated NR, but not the active dephosphorylated form of NR, indicating that the inactivation of NR requires its interaction with NIP as well as phosphorylation. Consistent with this hypothesis, NR that had been inactivated in vitro in the presence of NR kinase, ATP-Mg, and NIP could be reactivated either by dephosphorylation with protein phosphatase 2A or by dissociation of NIP from NR.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognised virus isolated from Hydrangea macrophylla with chlorotic mosaic leaf symptoms in West Sussex was named hydrangea mosaic virus (HydMV). HydMV was mechanically transmitted without difficulty to four of 16 species from three of five families, and was seed transmitted in Chenopodium quinoa, but was not aphid transmitted. Although relatively unstable in vitro, HydMV was purified by clarifying leaf extracts by emulsification with chloroform and acidification with citric acid, followed by differential centrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Purified virus incompletely separated on sucrose density gradients into three components (T. M and B) with sedimentation coefficients (so20w) of 86, 97, and 105 S respectively, but all particles had buoyant densities in caesium chloride of 1.37 g/cm3. Virus contained a single polypeptide species (mol. wt 26.4 times 103), appeared quasiisometric to ovoid or elliptical, and measured c. 28 times 30 (T), 30 times 30 (M) or 30 times 32–38 nm (B). Single-stranded RNA species or mol. wt 1–25, 1–08, 0–83, 0–36 and 0–27 (RNA-1 to 5 respectively) were obtained from virus preparations but mixtures containing RNA-1 to 3 plus either RNA-4 + 5 or the coat protein, were infective. These properties suggest that HydMV has affinities with ilarviruses, but it showed no serological relationship to any of six ilarviruses or 42 other viruses.  相似文献   

马桑绣球(绣球科)的花器官发生和发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在扫描电镜下观察了马桑绣球Hydrangea aspera孕性花的发生及发育过程。马桑绣球的花器官向心轮状发生:花萼原基以2/5螺旋式相继发生,花瓣原基几乎同步发生。花瓣开始发育时,与花萼相对的雄蕊发生。与花瓣相对的雄蕊原基与心皮原基几乎同时出现。初始心皮向上扩展,分化出花柱和柱头,向下延伸,嵌入花托,发育为下位子房。花发育成熟时,隔膜于子房的下部连续,而中部和上部不连续,即子房为不完全2室。经过与绣球属已观察过的另外5种1亚种花器官发生和发育比较,发现马桑绣球与藤绣球H. ano mala subs  相似文献   

Form of Al changes with Al concentration in leaves of buckwheat   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv. Jianxi) is known as an Al-accumulating plant. The process leading to the accumulation of Al in the leaves was investigated, focusing on the chemical form of Al using 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance. Leaves with different Al concentrations were prepared by growing buckwheat on a very acidic soil (Andosol) amended with or without CaCO3 (1 or 3 g x kg-1 soil). When the Al concentration of the leaves was lower, only one major signal was observed at a chemical shift of 16.1 ppm, which was assigned to an Al-oxalate complex at a 1:3 ratio. However, when the Al concentration of the leaves increased to a high level (e.g. 12 g Al kg-1), an additional signal at a chemical shift of 11.2 ppm was observed. This signal was assigned to an Al-citrate complex at a 1:1 ratio. In the leaf with a high Al concentration, both Al-oxalate (1:3) and Al-citrate (1:1) were detected in marginal and middle parts, while only Al-oxalate was detected in the basal part. The oxalate concentration did not differ very much between leaves with low and high Al concentrations at the same position, while citrate concentration significantly increased with increasing Al concentration when the oxalate/Al ratio became lower than 3.0. As the Al-citrate complex has been demonstrated to be the form of transport in the xylem, the results suggest that when internal oxalate is enough to form a complex with Al at a 3:1 ratio in the leaves with a low Al concentration, Al-citrate converts to Al-oxalate. However, this conversion does not occur in the leaves with a very high Al concentration, resulting in the coexistence of both Al-oxalate and Al-citrate complexes.  相似文献   

2-[1-(1-Alkylamino)alkylidene]- 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds were synthesized as photosynthetic electron transport (PET) inhibitors because of their structural resemblance to the potent new PET inhibitors “cyanoacrylates”. Their functionalities were different from those of other classic photosystem II (PS II) inhibitors, and these compounds inhibited PET at the reducing side of PS II. In this paper, the synthetic approaches to these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Diverse bacteria are known to oxidize millimolar concentrations of ferrous iron [Fe(II)] under anaerobic conditions, both phototrophically and chemotrophically. Yet whether they can do this under conditions that are relevant to natural systems is understood less well. In this study, we tested how light, Fe(II) speciation, pH, and salinity affected the rate of Fe(II) oxidation by Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003. Although R. capsulatus cannot grow photoautotrophically on Fe(II), it oxidizes Fe(II) at rates comparable to those of bacteria that do grow photoautotrophically on Fe(II) as soon as it is exposed to light, provided it has a functional photosystem. Chelation of Fe(II) by diverse organic ligands promotes Fe(II) oxidation, and as the pH increases, so does the oxidation rate, except in the presence of nitrilotriacetate; nonchelated forms of Fe(II) are also more rapidly oxidized at higher pH. Salt concentrations typical of marine environments inhibit Fe(II) oxidation. When growing photoheterotrophically on humic substances, R. capsulatus is highly sensitive to low concentrations of Fe(II); it is inhibited in the presence of concentrations as low as 5 μM. The product of Fe(II) oxidation, ferric iron, does not hamper growth under these conditions. When other parameters, such as pH or the presence of chelators, are adjusted to promote Fe(II) oxidation, the growth inhibition effect of Fe(II) is alleviated. Together, these results suggest that Fe(II) is toxic to R. capsulatus growing under strictly anaerobic conditions and that Fe(II) oxidation alleviates this toxicity.Iron is one of the most (photo)redox-active metals involved in biochemical functions, and it can affect the cycling of many other key elements (e.g., C, S, N, and P), trace metals (33), metalloids, and organic compounds (6). It is well appreciated that microorganisms contribute greatly to iron cycling in nature through a diversity of processes, including both oxidation and reduction reactions (16). In the past decade, much attention has been paid to how such reactions can be used to support cellular growth (1, 7, 15, 17, 19, 37, 44-46) and/or iron acquisition (2, 42) under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and for some organisms, these processes are understood at the molecular level (10).Our lab has been particularly interested in one branch of the microbial Fe cycle: phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation under anaerobic conditions (9, 11, 12, 23-25). While most of the organisms we and others have studied can grow by coupling Fe(II) oxidation to CO2 fixation (15, 23, 46), not all strains that oxidize Fe(II) can use it as an electron donor to support growth. An example of this is Rhodobacter capsulatus, which can benefit from Fe(II) oxidation only via an indirect pathway: it grows photoheterotrophically on low-molecular-weight organic compounds that form due to a photochemical reaction between biogenic Fe(III) and organic compounds that it cannot otherwise use (citrate and nitrilotriacetate [NTA]) (4). This observation led us to hypothesize that microbial Fe(II) oxidation might be more broadly useful to microorganisms by making refractory organic compounds, such as humic substances, more bioavailable through photochemical degradation (4).In this work, we set out to test this hypothesis using R. capsulatus. In addition, we sought to increase our understanding of Fe(II) oxidation by this organism by studying the effect of Fe(II) speciation and important environmental variables (e.g., light, pH, and [Cl]) on the rate of Fe(II) oxidation. Along the way, we serendipitously discovered that low levels of Fe(II) are toxic to R. capsulatus when it is growing on humic substances under anaerobic conditions and that Fe(II) oxidation appears to alleviate this toxicity.  相似文献   

The seasonal occurrence of Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida populations on hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) was studied at two different localities in Ibaraki, Japan, during a three-year period. There were two types of seasonal population trends: one with a population peak from May to June, and the other with the spring peak in June and the autumn peak in September–October. Each year the populations on hydrangea plants abruptly declined just after the spring peak. Predators showed a delayed density-dependent numerical response. The population crashed even in the absence of predators, suggesting that the predators had nothing to do with the June decline. Furthermore, the rate of development from larva to adult and the fecundity in adult females on detached hydrangea leaves decreased markedly just prior to the abrupt decline in density in June. Consequently, seasonal changes in plant quality (perhaps influenced by secondary compounds) seem to contribute to the drastic decline of T. kanzawai density on hydrangea in June.  相似文献   

The detoxification systems of mammalian herbivores are thought to have evolved in response to the ingestion of plant secondary compounds. Specialist herbivores consume high quantities of secondary compounds and are predicted to have faster rates of Phase 1 detoxification compared to generalist herbivores. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the performances of a specialist (Neotoma fuscipes) and generalist (Neotoma lepida) herbivore using hypnotic state assays. Herbivores foraging in nature were live trapped and injected with hexobarbital (100 mg/kg). We measured the length of time in the hypnotic state as the time in which the animal was unable to right itself twice in 30 s. The specialist metabolized hexobarbital 1.7 times faster than the generalist (F(1, 19) = 9.31, P = 0.007) as revealed by its significantly shorter time spent in the hypnotic state (56+/-9 min vs. 87+/-8 min, respectively). The results are consistent with the hypothesis that specialists have faster rates of Phase 1 detoxification. This is the first evaluation of the detoxification capability of mammalian herbivores foraging under natural conditions. Hypnotic state assays have broad potential applications to the study of vertebrate-plant interactions.  相似文献   

As competition from lianas reduces fitness of host trees, lianas could influence community composition and structure if potential host species differ in susceptibility to infestation. We quantified infestation frequencies of Chilean temperate rainforest tree species by the massive liana Hydrangea serratifolia (H. et A.) F. Phil (Hydrangeaceae), which climbs using adhesive adventitious roots, and examined relationships with host light requirements and stem diameter. We recorded presence or absence of H. serratifolia in a random sample of 515 trees ≥10 cm diameter. Fifty‐four per cent of trees were infested by at least one individual of H. serratifolia. Although there was significant interspecific variation in infestation frequency, this variation was not systematically related to light requirements of host tree species. Probability of infestation increased with diameter for most host tree species, and old trees were found to be infested by a wide range of liana size classes, including some stems <2 cm diameter. This evidence supports the proposal that lianas which attach by adhesive roots can colonize host stems of any size.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent studies carried out by our group suggest that lysozyme binds to bacterial lipopolysaccharide with a high affinity to produce a complex, and inhibits various biological activities of lipopolysaccharide. Although the basic structure of lipopolysaccharide is independent of the species and strains of Gram-negative bacteria, many structural factors such as O-antigenic polysaccharide, lipid A, substituted groups, and associated molecules, affect the biological activities of lipopolysaccharide. In this study, we prepared lysozyme/lipopolysaccharide complexes using various structures of lipopolysaccharide and compared the activity and physiochemical properties. Native and dansylated lysozyme were found to bind to all tested lipopolysaccharides. The mitogenic activity and TNF production by all tested lipopolysaccharides were significantly reduced by complex formation in vitro. Administration of the complex prepared by various lipopolysaccharides produced significantly less quantities of TNF in the septic shock model. These results suggested that binding of lysozyme to lipopolysaccharide is important for the host both in pathophysiological responses to lipopolysaccharides and in the modification of lipopolysaccharide biological activity.  相似文献   

Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) have attracted increasing concerns because of their widespread use and toxic potential. In this study, Zn accumulations in different tissues (gills, liver, muscle, and gut) of goldfish (Carassius auratus) after exposure to ZnO NPs were studied in comparison with bulk ZnO and Zn2+. And the technique of subcellular partitioning was firstly used on the liver of goldfish to study the hepatic accumulation of ZnO NPs. The results showed that at sublethal Zn concentration (2 mg/L), bioaccumulation in goldfish was tissue-specific and dependent on the exposure materials. Compared with Zn2+, the particles of bulk ZnO and the ZnO NPs appeared to aggregate in the environmentally contacted tissues (gills and gut), rather than transport to the internal tissues (liver and muscle). The subcellular distributions of liver differed for the three exposure treatments. After ZnO NPs exposure, Zn percentage in metal-rich granule (MRG) increased significantly, and after Zn2+ exposure, it increased significantly in the organelles. Metallothionein-like proteins (MTLP) were the main target for Zn2+, while MRG played dominant role for ZnO NPs. The different results of subcellular distributions revealed that metal detoxification mechanisms of liver for ZnO NPs, bulk ZnO, and Zn2+ were different. Overall, subcellular partitioning provided an interesting start to better understanding of the toxicity of nano- and conventional materials.  相似文献   

Physical Aspects of the Internal Water Relations of Plant Leaves   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  

Methacryloxylethyl cetyl ammonium chloride (DMAE-CB) is a polymerizable antibacterial monomer and has been proved as an effective strategy to achieve bioactive bonding with reliable bacterial inhibitory effects. However, the toxicity of DMAE-CB may hamper its wide application in clinical situations. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the toxicity of DMAE-CB and explore the possible protective effects of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis showed that chemical binding of NAC and DMAE-CB occurred in a time dependent manner. Pre-incubation of fourty-eight hours is required for adequate reaction between DMAE-CB and NAC. DMAE-CB reduced human dental pulp cells (hDPCs) viability in a dose-dependent manner. The toxic effects of DMAE-CB were accompanied by increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) level and reduced glutathione (GSH) content. NAC alleviated DMAE-CB-induced oxidative stress. Annexin V/ Propidium Iodide (PI) staining and Hoechst 33342 staining indicated that DMAE-CB induced apoptosis. Collapsed mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and activation of caspase-3 were also observed after DMAE-CB treatment. NAC rescued hDPCs from DMAE-CB-induced apoptosis, accompanied by lower level of MMP loss and caspase-3 activity. This study assists to elucidate the mechanism underlying the cytotoxic effects of DMAE-CB and provides theoretical supports for the searching of effective strategies to reduce toxicity of quaternary ammonium dental monomers.  相似文献   

Red seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii, holds great promise for use in biofuel production due to its high carbohydrate content. In this study, we investigated the effect of fermentation inhibitors to the K. alvarezii hydrolysate on cell growth and ethanol fermentation. In addition, detoxification of fermentation inhibitors was performed to decrease the fermentation inhibitory effect. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and levulinic acid, which are liberated from acidic hydrolysis, was also observed in the hydrolysate of K. alvarezii. These compounds inhibited ethanol fermentation. In order to remove these inhibitors, activated charcoal and calcium hydroxide were introduced. The efficiency of activated charcoals was examined and over-liming was used to remove the inhibitors. Activated charcoal was found to be more effective than calcium hydroxide to remove the inhibitors. Detoxification by activated charcoal strongly improved the fermentability of dilute acid hydrolysate in the production of bioethanol from K. alvarezii with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The optimal detoxifying conditions were found to be below an activated charcoal concentration of 5%.  相似文献   

Threonine dehydratase (TD; EC. is a key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of isoleucine. Inhibition of TD by isoleucine regulates the flow of carbon to isoleucine. We have identified two different forms of TD in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves. One form, present predominantly in younger leaves, is inhibited by isoleucine. The other form of TD, present primarily in older leaves, is insensitive to inhibition by isoleucine. Expression of the latter enzyme increases as the leaf ages and the highest enzyme activity is present in the old, chlorotic leaves. The specific activity of the enzyme present in older leaves is much higher than the one present in younger leaves. Both forms can use threonine and serine as substrates. Whereas TD from the older leaves had the same Km (0.25 mM) for both substrates, the enzyme from the young leaves preferred threonine (Km = 0.25 mM) over serine (Km = 1.7 mM). The molecular masses of TD from the young and the old leaves were 370,000 and 200,000 D, respectively. High levels of the isoleucine-insensitive form of threonine dehydratase in the older leaves suggests an important role of threonine dehydratase in nitrogen remobilization in senescing leaves.  相似文献   

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