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The role of the bound peptide in alloreactive T-cell recognition is controversial, ranging from peptide-independent to peptide-specific recognition of alloreactive T-cells. The aim of this study is to find the evidence that there exist peptide/MHC complex (pMHC)-specific CTLs among alloreactive T cells generated with long-term mixed lymphocytes culture (LTMLC). A single pMHC was manipulated by loading the TAP-defective, HLA-A2 expressing T2 cells with a viral peptide (LMP2A426-434) or a self-peptide (Tyr369-377). The PBLs samples from 4 HLA-A2 positive (HLA-A2+ve) and 4 HLA-A2 negative (HLA-A2-ve) donors were included in this study. The HLA-A2+ve PBL co-cultured with the LMP2A426-434pulsed T2 (T2/LMP) stands for the nominal T-cell response to a viral antigen, and the HLA-A2-ve PBLs co-cultured with the Tyr369-377 pulsed T2 (T2/Tyr) for alloreactive T-cell response to an allogeneic antigen.The specificity of the expanded CTLs after the LTMLC was detected by their specific cytotoxicity and binding ability to specific pMHC-tetramer. An HLA-A2 restricted, HIV peptide (Gag77-85) was included for control. The cultural bulk of HLA-A2+ve PBLs with the T2/LMP showed an elevated specific cytotoxicity against the T2/LMP compared to that against the T2/HIV (26.52%±3.72% vs 7.01%±0.87%, P<0.001), and an increased frequency of binding to LMP-tetramer compared to that binding to HIV-tetramer (0.98%±0.33% vs 0.05%±0.01%, P=0.0014). The cultural bulk of HLA-A2-ve PBLs with the T2/Tyr showed a more active cytotoxicity against the T2/Tyr than that against T2/HIV (28.07%±2.58% vs 6.87%±1.01%,P<0.001), and a higher frequency of binding to the Tyr-tetramer than that binding to the HIV-tetramer (0.88%±0.3% vs 0.06%±0.03%, P=0.0018). Our results indicate that the LTMLC is able to expand the viral antigen-specific CTLs as well as allogeneic antigen-specific CTLs. A relatively large proportion of alloreactive CTLs should be pMHC-specific, i.e., the specificity of the alloreactive lines depends on both the bound peptide and the allotype of MHC. Our observations support the hypothesis that the cumularive effect of T cells specific to each peptide epitope could account for the strength and diversity of the alloresponse. The method using manipulated pMHC and the LTMLC to generate pMHC-specific, alloreactive CTLs is of potential importance for adoptive T-cell immunotherapy.  相似文献   

目的检测牙龈卟啉单胞菌对人外周血中T淋巴细胞活化及凋亡的作用,并检测Fas/FasL在牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Porphyrom onas gingivalis,Pg)诱导的T淋巴细胞凋亡中的表达。方法选取10例全身及牙周组织健康受试者,分离外周血中T淋巴细胞,在有/无Pg情况下培养0~96 h,用荧光探针(Annexin V-FITC、PI、CD69)及特殊的单克隆抗体(Fas、FasL)进行标记,并进行流式细胞仪检测。结果 CD69+淋巴细胞+Pg组Annexin V+/PI-细胞百分数在各个时间点上都明显高于T淋巴细胞+Pg组(P0.01)。Fas和FasL的表达量明显上调。用抗Fas单克隆抗体阻滞Fas-FasL相互作用导致T细胞凋亡的明显减少,百分比为(20.56±2.43)%,未加抗体的为(50.41±2.68)%。但残余的细胞凋亡活动与阴性对照相比仍高。结论 Pg能够诱导人外周血中T淋巴细胞活化,并且能够通过活化促进其凋亡,Pg诱导T淋巴细胞凋亡主要通过Fas-FasL途径,并具有时间依赖性。  相似文献   

Small structural changes in peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules often result in large changes in immunogenicity, supporting the notion that T cell receptors are exquisitely sensitive to antigen structure. Yet there are striking examples of TCR recognition of structurally dissimilar ligands. The resulting unpredictability of how T cells will respond to different or modified antigens impacts both our understanding of the physical bases for TCR specificity as well as efforts to engineer peptides for immunomodulation. In cancer immunotherapy, epitopes and variants derived from the MART-1/Melan-A protein are widely used as clinical vaccines. Two overlapping epitopes spanning amino acid residues 26 through 35 are of particular interest: numerous clinical studies have been performed using variants of the MART-1 26-35 decamer, although only the 27-35 nonamer has been found on the surface of targeted melanoma cells. Here, we show that the 26-35 and 27-35 peptides adopt strikingly different conformations when bound to HLA-A2. Nevertheless, clonally distinct MART-1(26/27-35)-reactive T cells show broad cross-reactivity towards these ligands. Simultaneously, however, many of the cross-reactive T cells remain unable to recognize anchor-modified variants with very subtle structural differences. These dichotomous observations challenge our thinking about how structural information on unligated peptide/MHC complexes should be best used when addressing questions of TCR specificity. Our findings also indicate that caution is warranted in the design of immunotherapeutics based on the MART-1 26/27-35 epitopes, as neither cross-reactivity nor selectivity is predictable based on the analysis of the structures alone.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were evaluated for their ability to activate allogeneic T cells in cell mixing experiments. Phenotypic characterization of MSCs by flow cytometry showed expression of MHC Class I alloantigens, but minimal expression of Class II alloantigens and costimulatory molecules, including CD80 (B7-1), CD86 (B7-2), and CD40. T cells purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) did not proliferate to allogeneic MSCs. Lack of response was not due to a deficiency of costimulation, since retroviral transduction of MSCs with either B7-1 or B7-2 costimulatory molecules did not result in lymphoproliferation. Although these results suggested that MSCs were immunologically inert or potentially tolerogenic, T cells cultured with MSCs produced IFN- and displayed secondary kinetics to restimulation with PBMCs, indicating alloantigen priming rather than tolerance induction by the MSCs. To determine whether MSCs suppressed alloreactive T cells, MSCs were added to primary mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) cultures. MSCs suppressed cell proliferation when added at the initiation of culture or when added to an ongoing MLR culture. Suppression was dose-dependent, genetically unrestricted, and occurred whether or not MSCs were pretreated with IFN-. MSCs in transwell chambers suppressed primary MLR cultures, indicating that suppression was mediated by soluble molecules. Analysis of cytokines in suppressed MLR cultures demonstrated up-regulation of IFN- and IL-10, and down-regulation of TNF- production relative to control cultures. We conclude that MSCs can initiate activation of alloreactive T cells, but do not elicit T cell proliferative responses due to active suppressive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured for 5 days with allogeneic tumor cells (allogeneic mixed lymphocyte/tumor cell culture), and subsequently cultured with recombinant interleukin-2 for 12 days. These cultured cells were found to be cytotoxic to autologous tumor cells. Results of two-color analysis using monoclonal antibodies to cell markers showed that more than 80% of their cultured cells were CD3+ cells, and CD4+ cells showed a higher distribution than CD8+ cells. However, CD8+ cells had a much higher killing activity with autologous tumor than did CD4+ cells, when estimated by an elimination study using monoclonal antibodies to T cell phenotypes and complement. The cold-target inhibition test showed that the cytotoxicity of these cells for autologous tumor cells was inhibited by unlabeled autologous tumor cells but not by unlabeled stimulator cells. Furthermore, about 40% of the cytotoxicity was suppressed by blocking of HLA class I antigen with a monoclonal antibody on autologous tumor cells. Thus, cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes to autologous tumor restricted by target cell HLA class I antigen is possibly induced by allogeneic tumor-stimulation.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-strand RNA virus. Approximately 170 million people around the world are persistently infected and are at risk of liver cirrhosis or cancer. There is an urgent need to develop both therapeutic and diagnostic modalities of HCV. One approach to achieve these goals would be to determine highly immunodominant HCV peptides which are recognized by both cellular and humoral immunities. This study reports one such peptide, HCV-core protein at positions 35-44, having HLA-A2 binding motifs. IgG specific to this CTL-epitope peptide is consistently detectable in a majority of the patients with HCV infection regardless of the different HLA types, different disease conditions, and different HCV-genotypes tested. The sequence LPRR at positions 37-40 is considered to be the fine epitope recognized by the IgG. These results may provide new insights for the development of both therapeutic and diagnostic modalities of HCV at lower costs.  相似文献   

A memory response is established following primary antigen exposure that stays more or less constant. It appears to adopt a set-point in magnitude but upon re-exposure the response is quicker and better and there is an upward shift in memory frequency that varies with individuals based on the exposure pattern to other microbes or its components. Our investigations were designed to test such differences of non-specific stimulation by PAMPs in lowering the threshold of activation. Neonatal mice were pre-exposed to TLR-ligands intermittently and later analyzed for its resilience to challenge with virus during adult-life. Secondly, adult mice with pre-existing memory to virus were exposed to various TLR-ligands and analyzed for their quality of memory response. The TLR-ligands exposed animals were better responders to a new agent exposure compared to the animals kept in sterile surroundings. Moreover, immune memory recall and the viral specific CD8+ T cells response with TLR-ligands were comparable to the recall response with the cognate antigen. The results provide insights into the role of hyper-sanitized environment versus PAMPs mediated signaling in adaptive immunity and long-term immune memory.  相似文献   

 The antigenic peptides encoded by tumor-rejection antigen genes, MAGE-1 and -3, have been identified, and various methods have been utilized for the in vitro induction of MAGE-specific, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using synthetic peptides. However, all of these methods are technically demanding and thus have a relatively limited usefulness. We herein report a simple and efficient method for the in vitro induction of specific CTL by using the HLA-A2-restricted MAGE-3 peptide from the PBMC of a healthy donor. CTL responses could thus be efficiently induced from unseparated PBMC by stimulation with freshly isolated, peptide-pulsed PBMC as antigen-presenting cells and by using interleukin-7 and keyhole limpet hemocyanin for the primary culture. The induced CTL could thus recognize and lyse not only HLA-A2 target cells pulsed with the peptide but also HLA-A2 tumor cells expressing MAGE-3, in an HLA-class-I-restricted manner. This simple method may, therefore, become a useful tool for investigating the potential peptides for tumor antigens as well as for developing various immunotherapeutic approaches for human malignant tumors. Received: 15 October 1996 / Accepted: 6 December 1996  相似文献   

Human neutrophil defensin alpha (HNP) is a group of cationic peptides of diverse physiological roles. Recent studies revealed the nature of HNPs as the dominant HLA-DR binding peptides on malignant cancer cells, which may block the major histocompatibility complex for antigen presentation. Here we show that HNPs may inhibit T cells by downregulating CD4 expression, a molecule of critical importance for T cell's interaction with the target cell. HNPs also inhibited tumor-cell-lysis activities of NK cells by downregulating CD16-CD56 expression. More importantly, HNPs were markedly elevated in 14 cancer tissues out of 15 self-paired human colorectal cancers and their adjacent noncancerous tissues. The subset compositions of HNPs extracted from cancer tissues and neutrophils were identical. Immunohistochemical studies indicated that HNPs mainly distributed in the infiltrated neutrophils in the interstitium. The elevated HNPs in cancer tissues may create a microenvironment unfavorable for adaptive immune reaction, implicating the cancer evasion.  相似文献   

A murine embryonic mesenchymal cell line C3H/10T1/2 possesses the potential to differentiate into multiple cell phenotypes and has been recognized as multipotent mesenchymal stem cells, but no in vitro model of its endothelial differentiation has been established and the effect of angiogenic factors on the differentiation is unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of angiogenic factors in inducing endothelial differentiation of C3H/10T1/2 cells in vitro. C3H/10T1/2 cells were treated with angiogenic factors, VEGF (10 ng/mL) and bFGF (5 ng/mL). At specified time points, cells were subjected to morphological study, immunofluorescence staining, RT-PCR, LDL-uptake tests and 3-D culture for the examination of the structural and functional characteristics of endothelial cells. Classic cobblestone-like growth pattern appeared at 6 day of the induced differentiation. Immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR analyses revealed that the induced cells exhibited endothelial cell-specific markers such as CD31, von Willebrand factor, Flk1, Flt1, VE-cadherin, Tie2, EphrinB2 and Vezf1 at 9 day. The induced C3H/10T1/2 cells exhibited functional characteristics of the mature endothelial phenotype, such as uptake of acetylated low-density lipoproteins (Ac-LDL) and formation of capillary-like structures in three-dimensional culture. At 9 day, Weibel–Palade bodies were observed under a transmission electron microscope. This study demonstrates, for the first time, endothelial differentiation of C3H/10T1/2 cells induced by angiogenic factors, VEGF and bFGF, and confirms the multipotential differentiation ability. This in vitro model is useful for investigating the molecular events in endothelial differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

The decline of the immune system with age known as immune senescence contributes to inefficient pathogen clearance and is a key risk factor for many aged‐related diseases. However, reversing or halting immune aging requires more knowledge about the cell biology of senescence in immune cells. Telomere shortening, low autophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction have been shown to underpin cell senescence. While autophagy has been found to control mitochondrial damage, no link has been made to telomere attrition. In contrast, mitochondrial stress can contribute to telomere attrition and vice versa. Whereas this link has been investigated in fibroblasts or cell lines, it is unclear whether this link exists in primary cells such as human lymphocytes and whether autophagy contributes to it. As traditional methods for measuring telomere length are low throughput or unsuitable for the analysis of cell subtypes within a mixed population of primary cells, we have developed a novel sensitive flow‐FISH assay using the imaging flow cytometer. Using this assay, we show a correlation between age and increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in CD8+ T‐cell subsets, but not with autophagy. Telomere shortening within the CD8+ subset could be prevented in vitro by treatment with a ROS scavenger. Our novel assay is a sensitive assay to measure relative telomere length in primary cells and has revealed ROS as a contributing factor to the decline in telomere length.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) kill target cells by the granule-exocytosis pathway and by the engagement of molecules belonging to the tumor necrosis factor family. The involvement of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) in the cytotoxic process has been proposed in NK cells. However, its molecular identity and intracellular localization remain unknown, and its mechanism of action is poorly understood. Here, we have readdressed this issue by studying the cytotoxic activity of whole cell extracts of a CTL line. We observed that inactivation of the perforin-granzyme pathway at 37°C in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+ enhanced the ability of CTL extracts to induce apoptosis. This potentiation of cell death was Ca2+-dependent, thermo-resistant, and inhibited by 4-bromophenacyl bromide and scalaradial (two inhibitors of sPLA2). The involvement of an sPLA2 was confirmed by blocking the pro-apoptotic activity of the Ca2+-treated cell extract with an anti-sPLA2 polyclonal antibody. By cell fractionation assays, we showed that the pro-apoptotic sPLA2 was localized in the cytoplasmic fraction but not in perforin-rich granules or plasma membrane fractions. Western blotting analysis revealed the presence of four distinct bands of 56, 29.5, 21, and 15 kDa. The highest molecular weight band was consistent with the expression of a group III sPLA2. Taken together, these data indicate that an apoptosis-inducing sPLA2 is expressed in the cytosol of a CTL cell line and suggest that it plays an effector role in CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. This work was supported by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), and Programa de Núcleos de Excelência (PRONEX–CNPq).  相似文献   

HXB2 is primarily used as a template strain in developing HIV vaccines in Europe and the US. However,it is not yet known whether the strain can induce strong HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses in Chinese HIV/AIDS patients. In the present study,two groups of subjects were investigated:9 AIDS patients and 7 long-term nonprogressors (LTNPs). HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses were examined in all patients through the ELISPOT assay. CD4+ T cell counts,CD8+ T cell counts,viral load and HIV subtype of each patien...  相似文献   

1. 1. Human T cell proliferation is suppressed at 27°C, and is both diminished and delayed at 32°C.
2. 2. Temperature shift-up and viability assays indicated that concanavalin A stimulation at 27°C induced cell death in contrast to a transient unresponsiveness (anergy) induced by monoclonal anti-CD3 antibody (CD3) and the superantigen, staphylococcal exterotoxin B.
3. 3. Phytohemagglutinin also induced cell death at 27°C; however, some cells remained viable and proliferation occurred when such cultures were subsequently moved to 37°C.
4. 4. Low temperature suppression of T cell activation was not overcome by a mixture of phorbol ester and calcium ionophore indicating a probable block post-protein kinase C activation. This was confirmed in temperature shift-down assays where incubation for 18–24 h at 37°C was required to bypass the block at 27°C.
5. 5. With the exception of CD3, stimulation at 27°C with the mitogens resulted in interleukin-2 secretion, indicating that the low temperature block(s) is a relatively late event in cell activation.

This study looks at immunoincompetent CD4(+) T cells in adult peripheral blood (APB) using cytokine production in response to a superantigen as a measure of function. We compared the function of APB CD38(+)CD4(+) and CD38(-/low)CD4(+) T cells to that of cord blood (CB) CD4(+) T cells. APB CD4(+) T cell blasts produce substantial amounts of IL-2 in response to TSST-1 restimulation, while CB CD4(+) T cell blasts produce less. APB CD38(+)CD4(+) T cells produce low levels of IL-4 and IFN-gamma in response to TSST-1, even after activation, while APB CD38(-/low)CD4(+) T cells retain their ability to produce high levels of these cytokines despite high CD38 expression. These results suggest that the developmental stage of APB CD38(+)CD4(+) T cells lies between that of CB CD4(+) T cells and APB CD38(-/low)CD4(+) T cells and that APB CD38(+)CD45RO(-)CD4(+) T cells gradually cease to express CD38 as they acquire full function. We reconsider CD4(+) cell maturation and response to TSST-1 and discuss the implications of T cell maturity on infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death‐1 (PD‐1) is a newly characterized negative regulator of immune responses. The interaction of PD‐1 with its ligands (PD‐L1 and PD‐L2) inhibits T‐cell proliferation and cytokine production in young mice. Increased PD‐1 expression has been described during chronic infections, inducing chronic activation of the immune system to control it. As aging is associated with chronic immune activation, PD‐1 may contribute to age‐associated T‐cell dysfunction. Our data showed the following results in aged mice: (i) the number of PD‐1‐expressing T cells and the level of expression of PD‐Ls was increased on dendritic cell subsets and T cells; (ii) PD‐1+ T cells were exhausted effector memory T cells, as shown by their lower level of CD127, CD25 and CD28, as well as their limited proliferative and cytokine‐producing capacity; (iii) the expression of PD‐1 was up‐regulated after T‐cell receptor‐mediated activation of CD8+ T cells, but not of CD4+ T cells; (iv) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway moderately improved the cytokine production of T cells from old mice but did not restore their proliferation; and (v) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway did not restore function of PD‐1+ T cells; its effect appeared to be exclusively mediated by increased functionality of the PD‐1? T cells. Our data thus suggest that blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 is not likely to be efficient at restoring exhausted T‐cell responses in aged hosts, although improving the responses of PD‐1? T cells may prove to be a helpful strategy in enhancing primary responses.  相似文献   

γδ T cells are a conserved population of lymphocytes that contributes to anti‐tumor responses through its overt type 1 inflammatory and cytotoxic properties. We have previously shown that human γδ T cells acquire this profile upon stimulation with IL‐2 or IL‐15, in a differentiation process dependent on MAPK/ERK signaling. Here, we identify microRNA‐181a as a key modulator of human γδ T cell differentiation. We observe that miR‐181a is highly expressed in patients with prostate cancer and that this pattern associates with lower expression of NKG2D, a critical mediator of cancer surveillance. Interestingly, miR‐181a expression negatively correlates with an activated type 1 effector profile obtained from in vitro differentiated γδ T cells and miR‐181a overexpression restricts their levels of NKG2D and TNF‐α. Upon in silico analysis, we identify two miR‐181a candidate targets, Map3k2 and Notch2, which we validate via overexpression coupled with luciferase assays. These results reveal a novel role for miR‐181a as critical regulator of human γδ T cell differentiation and highlight its potential for manipulation of γδ T cells in next‐generation immunotherapies.  相似文献   

A new epidemic, NTED, has recently occurred in Japan. The cause of NTED is a bacterial superantigen, TSST-1. The aim of the present study was to analyze the change in Vβ2+ T cells reactive to TSST-1 in NTED in order to establish T-cell-targeted diagnostic criteria for NTED. Blood samples from 75 patients with clinically diagnosed NTED were collected from 13 neonatal intensive care units throughout Japan. We investigated the percentages of Vβ2+, Vβ3+ and Vβ12+ T cells and their CD45RO expressions in the samples using flow cytometry. In 18 of the 75 patients, we conducted multiple examinations of the T cells and monitored serial changes. The Vβ2+ T-cell population rapidly changed over three phases of the disease. Whereas the percentage of Vβ2+ T cells was widely distributed over the entire control range, CD45RO expression on Vβ2+ T cells in CD4+ in all 75 patients was consistently higher than the control range. Patients cannot necessarily be diagnosed as having NTED based on expansion of Vβ2+ T cells alone in the early acute phase. Instead, CD45RO expression on specific Vβ2+ cells is a potential diagnostic marker for a rapid diagnosis of NTED. We present three diagnostic categories of NTED. Fifty patients (66.7%) were included in the category 'definitive NTED'. It is important to demonstrate an increase of Vβ2+ T cells in the following phase in cases of 'probable NTED' or 'possible NTED'.  相似文献   

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