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The primary nucleotide sequence of Novikoff hepatoma ascites cell 5.8S rRNA (also known as 5.5 or 7S RNA) has been determined to be:
This sequence is 75% homologous with the primary nucleotide sequence of yeast 5.8S rRNA and 100% homologous with oligonucleotide marker fragments from HeLa cell RNA. In constrast, only limited homology is evident with oligonucleotides from 5.8S RNA of several flowering plants and many of the characteristic fragments differ.  相似文献   

Rat liver 5S rRNA and 5.8S rRNA were end-labelled with 32P at 5'-end or 3'-end of the polynucleotide chain and partially digested with single-strand specific S1 nuclease and double-strand specific endonuclease from the cobra Naja naja oxiana venom. The parallel use of these two structure-specific enzymes in combination with rapid sequencing technique allowed the exact localization of single-stranded and double-stranded regions in 5S RNA and 5.8 S RNA. The most accessible regions to S1 nuclease in 5S RNA are regions 33-42, 74-78, 102-103 and in 5.8 S RNA 16-20, 26-29, 34-36, 74-80 and a region around 125-130. The cobra venom endonuclease cleaves the following areas in 5S RNA: 7-8, 17-20, 28-30, 49-51, 56-57, 60-64, 69-70, 81-82, 95-97, 106-112. In 5.8S RNA the venom endonuclease cleavage sites are 4-7, 10-13, 21-22, 33-35, 43-45, 51-55, 72-74, 85-87, 98-99, 105-106, 114-115, 132-135. According to these results the tRNA binding sequences proposed by Nishikawa and Takemura [(1974) FEBS Lett. 40, 106-109], in 5S RNA are located in partly single-stranded region, but in 5.8S RNA in double-stranded region.  相似文献   

5.8 S RNA-protein complexes were prepared using purified yeast 5.8 S RNA and proteins from the large ribosomal subunit of rat liver. Formation of such hybrid complexes, as measured by Millipore filtration, was dependent on protein concentration. Binding of proteins to the RNA could approach saturation. Such complexes were isolated from sucrose density gradient centrifugation and shown to contain proteins L6, L8, L19, L35 and L35a. These proteins were identified by their molecular weights on polyacrylamide gels containing dodecylsulfate and their mobilities on two dimensional polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   

The proteins that bind to rat liver 5.8 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid were identified by affinity chromatography. The nucleic acid was oxidized with periodate and coupled by its 3'-terminus to Sepharose 4B through and adipic acid dihydrazide spacer. The ribosomal proteins that associate with the immobilized 5.8 S rRNA were identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresiss: they were L19, L8, and L6 from the 60 S subunit; and S13 and S9 from the small subparticle. Small amounts of L14, L17', L18, L27/L27', and L35', and of S11, S15, S23/S24, and S26 also were bound to the affinity column, but whether they associate directly and specifically with 5.8 S rRNA is not known. Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins did not bind to the rat liver 5.8 S rRNA affinity column.  相似文献   

R N Nazar  T O Sitz  H Busch 《Biochemistry》1976,15(3):505-508
Oligonucleotide products of complete pancreatic or T1 RNase digestion or partial T1 RNase digestion of HeLa cell (human) and MPC-11 cell (mouse) 5.8S rRNA are identical with those obtained from Novikoff hepatoma (rat) 5.8S rRNA except for minor differences at the termini. pCp is the only major 5' terminus of both human and mouse RNAs; both pGp and pCp 5' termini were found in rat 5.8S RNA. Furthermore, HeLa cells contain C-U-U at the 3' end rather than the C-U terminus of mouse and rat. The results indicate that the nucleotide sequence has been highly conserved during the evolution of mammals and suggest that, as reported for 5S rRNA, this sequence is essentially constant throughout the Mammalia.  相似文献   

A fragment of the 16 S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli that contains the binding sites for proteins S8 and S15 of the 30 S ribosomal subunit has been isolated and characterized. The RNA fragment, which sediments as 5 S, was partially protected from pancreatic RNAase digestion when S15 alone, or S8 and S15 together, were bound to the 16 S RNA. Purified 5 S RNA was shown to reassociate specifically with protein S15 by analysis of binding stoichiometry. Although interaction between the fragment and protein S8 alone could not be detected, the 5 S RNA selectively bound both S8 and S15 when incubated with an unfractionated mixture of 30-S subunit proteins. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that the 5 S RNA arises from the middle of the 16 S RNA molecule and encompasses approximately 150 residues from Sections C, C'1 and C'2. Section C consists of a long hairpin loop with an extensively hydrogen-bonded stem and is contiguous with Section C'1. Sections C'1 and C'2, although not contiguous, are highly complementary and it is likely that together they comprise the base-paired stem of an adjacent loop.  相似文献   

We have generated a computerized fit between the 3-dimensional map of the E.coli 30S ribosomal proteins, as determined by neutron scattering, and the recently published 3-dimensional model for the 16S RNA. To achieve this, the framework of coordinates for RNA-protein cross-link sites on the phosphate backbone in the RNA model was related to the corresponding framework of coordinates for the mass centres of the proteins by a least squares fitting procedure. The resulting structure, displayed on a computer graphics system, gives the first complete picture of the E.coli 30S ribosomal subunit showing both the proteins and the double-helical regions of the RNA. The root mean square distance between cross-link sites and protein centres is 32 A. The position of the mass centre of the combined double-helical regions was calculated from the model and compared with the position of the mass centre of the complete set of proteins. The two centres are displaced relative to one another by 20 A in the model structure, in good agreement with the experimental value of 25 A found by neutron scattering.  相似文献   

Structural study of ribosomal 23 S RNA from Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Nucleotide sequence study of mouse 5.8S ribosomal RNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Hampe  M E Eladari  F Galibert 《Biochimie》1976,58(8):943-951
The primary structure of 5.8S mouse ribosomal RNA has been studied and compared to the structures previously established for other animal species. The results obtained show that mouse 5.8S ribosomal RNA yields pancreatic oligonucleotides with the same nucleotide sequence as the homologous oligonucleotides from rat cells. Furthermore T1 oligonucleotides of 5.8S ribosomal RNA from rat, mouse and human cells behave identically on fingerprinting fractionation and have the same composition as judged by pancreatic digestion. These results strongly suggest that the primary structures of 5.8S ribosomal RNA from rat, mouse and human cells are identical. This identity of structure is also found when the presence of several modified bases (psi and methylated bases) is considered. The findings emphasize the remarkable evolutionary stability of ribosomal gene structure. Comparison of the terminal regional of 5.8S RNA with those of 18S RNA reveals differences which imply a more complex mechanism underlying the maturation of 45S precursor RNA than the finding of identical structure would have suggested.  相似文献   

Each of the 50 S ribosomal subunit proteins of Escherichia coli was tested independently in two laboratories for its ability to bind specifically to 23 S RNA. Four new RNA-binding proteins, L1, L3, L4 and L13 were identified in this way. Consistent with earlier work, proteins L2, L6, L16, L20, L23 and L24 were found to interact directly and independently with 23 S RNA as well. No binding of L17 was detected, however, contrary to previous reports, and the results for L19 were variable. The molar ratio of protein and RNA in each complex was measured at saturation. Significant differences in binding stoichiometry were noted among the various proteins. In addition, saturation levels were found to be influenced by the state of both the RNA and the proteins.  相似文献   

The RNA binding capacity of 50S proteins from E. coli ribosomes has been tested under improved conditions; purified proteins active in reconstitution assays were used, and the binding was studied under the conditions of the total reconstitution procedure for the 50S subunit. The results are: 1) Interaction of 23S RNA was found with 17 proteins, namely L1, L2, L3, L4, L7/L12, L9, L10, L11, L15, L16, L17, L18, L20, L22, L23, L24 and L29. 2) The proteins L1, L2, L3, L4, L9, L23 and L24 bound to 23S RNA at a level of about one copy per RNA molecule, whereas L20 could bind more than one copy (no saturation was observed at 1.8 copies per 23S RNA), and the other proteins bound 0.2--0.6 copies per RNA. 3) L1, L3, L7/L12 showed a slight binding to 16S RNA, L26 (identical with S20) strong binding to 16S RNA. 4) The binding of L2, L7/L12, L10, L11, L15, L16 and L18 was preparation sensitive, i.e. the binding ability changed notably from preparation to preparation. 5) All proteins bound equally well to 23S RNA in presence of 4 and 20 mM Mg2+, respectively, except L2, L3, L4, L7/L12, L9, L10, L15, L16 and L18, which bound less strongly at 20 mM than at 4 mM Mg2+.  相似文献   

Structure of the ribosome-associated 5.8 S ribosomal RNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The structure of the 5.8 S ribosomal RNA in rat liver ribosomes was probed by comparing dimethyl sulfate-reactive sites in whole ribosomes, 60 S subunits, the 5.8 S-28 S rRNA complex and the free 5.8 S rRNA under conditions of salt and temperature that permit protein synthesis in vitro. Differences in reactive sites between the free and both the 28 S rRNA and 60 S subunit-associated 5.8 S rRNA show that significant conformational changes occur when the molecule interacts with its cognate 28 S rRNA and as the complex is further integrated into the ribosomal structure. These results indicate that, as previously suggested by phylogenetic comparisons of the secondary structure, only the "G + C-rich" stem may remain unaltered and a universal structure is probably present only in the whole ribosome or 60 S subunit. Further comparisons with the ribosome-associated molecule indicate that while the 5.8 S rRNA may be partly localized in the ribosomal interface, four cytidylic acid residues, C56, C100, C127 and C128, remain reactive even in whole ribosomes. In contrast, the cytidylic acid residues in the 5 S rRNA are not accessible in either the 60 S subunit or the intact ribosome. The nature of the structural rearrangements and potential sites of interaction with the 28 S rRNA and ribosomal proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Levels of 2-O-methylation were determined in ribosomal 5·8 S RNAs from whole cells and both the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of rat liver, rat kidney cells in culture (NRK) and HeLa cells. All 5·8 S RNA molecules contained the alkali stable Gm-Cp dinucleotide at position 77 but only whole cell rat liver RNA contained large amounts (0·7 mol) of Um at position 14. All nuclear 5·8 S RNA fractions were largely undermethylated at this site. In contrast, cytoplasmic 5.8 S RNA from rat liver and, to a lesser degree, NRK cells contained significantly more Um; up to 80% of the molecules from rat liver contained the methylated residue. These results indicate that mature 5·8 S RNA can be methylated in the cytoplasm. When labeling kinetics were examined in NRK cells, the methylation at residue 14 was found to increase as a function of the time spent in the cytoplasm, confirming that this modification is, unlike other ribosomal RNA methylations, in part or largely cytoplasmic.  相似文献   

Primary sequence of the 16S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli.   总被引:29,自引:18,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Recent progress in the nucleotide sequence analysis of the 16S ribosomal RNA from E. coli is described. The sequence which has been partially or completely determined so far encompasses 1520 nucleotides, i.e. about 95% of the molecule. Possible features of the secondary structure are suggested on the basis of the nucleotide sequence and data on sequence heterogeneities, repetitions and the location of modified nucleotides are presented. In the accompanying paper, the use of the nucleotide sequence data in studies of the ribosomal protein binding sites is described.  相似文献   

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