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During drought, the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) induces rapid stomatal closure and in turn reduces transpiration. Stomatal closure is accompanied by large ion fluxes across the plasma membrane, carried by K+ and anion channels. We recorded changes in the activity of these channels induced by ABA, for guard cells of intact Vicia faba plants. Guard cells in their natural environment were impaled with double-barrelled electrodes, and ABA was applied via the leaf surface. In 45 out of 85 cells tested, ABA triggered a transient depolarization of the plasma membrane. In these cells, the membrane potential partially recovered in the presence of ABA; however, a full recovery of the membrane potentials was only observed after removal of ABA. Repetitive ABA responses could be evoked in single cells, but the magnitude of the response varied from one hormone application to the other. The transient depolarization correlated with the activation of anion channels, which peaked 5 min after introduction of the stimulus. In guard cells with a moderate increase in plasma membrane conductance (DeltaG < 5 nS), ABA predominantly activated voltage-independent (slow (S)-type) anion channels. During strong responses (DeltaG > 5 nS), however, ABA activated voltage-dependent (rapid (R)-type) in addition to S-type anion channels. We conclude that the combined activation of these two channel types leads to the transient depolarization of guard cells. The nature of this ABA response correlates with the transient extrusion of Cl- from guard cells and a rapid but confined reduction in stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

The inward rectified potassium current of Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts treated with acetylcholine (ACh) or the antagonists of its receptors were recorded by employing the patch clamp technique. The results show that ACh at lower concentrations increases the inward K+ current, in contrast, ACh at higher concentrations inhibits it. Treated with d-Tubocurarine (d-Tub), an antagonist of the nicotine ACh receptor (nAChR) inhibits the inward K+ current by 30%. Treated with atropine (Atr), an antagonist of the muscarine (Mus) ACh receptor (mAChR) also inhibits it by 36%.However,if guard cell protoplasts are treated with d-Tub and Atr together, the inward K+ current is inhibited by 60%-75%. Tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), a strong inhibitor of K+ channels has no effect on the inward K+ current regulated by ACh, suggesting that there are inward K+ channels modulated by AChRs on the membrane of the guard cell protoplasts. These data demonstrate an ACh-regulated mechanism for stomatal movement.  相似文献   

Guard cells in intact leafs display light-induced membrane potential changes, which alter the direction of K+-transport across the plasma membrane (Roelfsema et al., 2001). A beam of blue light, but not red light, directed at the impaled guard cell triggers this response, while both light qualities induce opening of stomata. To gain insight into this apparent contradiction, we explored the possible interaction between red light and CO2. Guard cells in the intact plant were impaled with double-barrelled electrodes and illuminated with red light. Cells that were hyperpolarized in CO2-free air, depolarized after a switch to air with 700 micro l l(-1) CO2, in a reversible manner. As a result, K+-fluxes across the plasma membrane changed direction, to favour K+ extrusion and stomatal closure in the presence of CO2. Concurrent with the depolarization, an inward current across the plasma membrane appeared, most likely due to activation of anion channels. Guard cell responses to CO2 could be recorded in darkness as well as in red light. However, in darkness some cells spontaneously depolarized, these cells hyperpolarized again in red light. Here, red light was projected on a large area of the leaf and decreased the intracellular CO2 concentration by about 250 micro l l(-1), as measured with a miniature CO2 sensor placed in the substomatal cavity. We conclude, that in intact leaves the red light response of guard cells is mediated through a decrease of the intercellular CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The inward rectified potassium current of Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts treated with acetylcholine (ACh) or the antagonists of its receptors were recorded by employing the patch clamp technique. The results show that ACh at lower concentrations increases the inward K current, in contrast, ACh at higher concentrations inhibits it. Treated with d-Tubocurarine (d-Tub), an antagonist of the nicotine ACh receptor (nAChR) inhibits the inward K current by 30%. Treated with atropine (Atr), an antagonist of the muscarine (Mus) ACh receptor (mAChR) also inhibits it by 36%. However, if guard cell protoplasts are treated with d-Tub and Atr together, the inward K current is inhibited by 60%-75%. Tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), a strong inhibitor of K channels has no effect on the inward K current regulated by ACh, suggesting that there are inward K channels modulated by AChRs on the membrane of the guard cell protoplasts. These data demonstrate an ACh-regulated mechanism for stomatal movement.  相似文献   

Guard cells respond to light through two independent signalling pathways. The first pathway is initiated by photosynthetically active radiation and has been associated with changes in the intercellular CO(2) concentration, leading to inhibition of plasma membrane anion channels. The second response is blue-light-specific and so far has been restricted to the activation of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases. In a search for interactions of both signalling pathways, guard cells of Vicia faba and Arabidopsis thaliana were studied in intact plants. Vicia faba guard cells recorded in CO(2)-free air responded to blue light with a transient outward plasma membrane current that had an average peak value of 17 pA. In line with previous reports, changes in the current-voltage relation of the plasma membrane indicate that this outward current is based on the activation of H(+)-ATPases. However, when V. faba guard cells were blue-light-stimulated in air with 700 microl l(-1) CO(2), the outward current increased to 56 pA. The increase in current was linked to inhibition of S-type anion channels. Blue light also inhibited plasma membrane anion channels in A. thaliana guard cells, but not in the phot1 phot2 double mutant. These results show that blue light inhibits plasma membrane anion channels through a pathway involving phototropins, in addition to the stimulation of guard cell plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases.  相似文献   

Stomata open in response to red and blue light. Red light-induced stomatal movement is mediated by guard cell chloroplasts and related to K+-uptake into these motor cells. We have combined a new type of microchlorophyll fluorometer with the patch-clamp technique for parallel studies of the photosynthetic electron transport and activity of plasma membrane K+ channels in single guard cell protoplast. In the whole-cell configuration and presence of ATP in the patch-pipette, the activity of the K+-uptake channels remained constant throughout the course of an experiment (up to 30 min) while photosynthetic activity declined to about 50%. In the absence of ATP inward K+ currents declined in a time-dependent manner. Under these ATP-free conditions, photosynthetic electron transport was completely blocked within 8 min. ADP together with orthophosphate was able to prevent inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport and run-down of K+-channel activity. The results demonstrate that the combination of these two techniques is suited to directly study cytosolic factors as common regulators of photosynthesis and plasma membrane transport within a single-cell.  相似文献   

Toward understanding vesicle traffic and the guard cell model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Rapid stomatal closure is driven by the activation of S‐type anion channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells. This response has been linked to Ca2+ signalling, but the impact of transient Ca2+ signals on S‐type anion channel activity remains unknown. In this study, transient elevation of the cytosolic Ca2+ level was provoked by voltage steps in guard cells of intact Nicotiana tabacum plants. Changes in the activity of S‐type anion channels were monitored using intracellular triple‐barrelled micro‐electrodes. In cells kept at a holding potential of ?100 mV, voltage steps to ?180 mV triggered elevation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration. The increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ level was accompanied by activation of S‐type anion channels. Guard cell anion channels were activated by Ca2+ with a half maximum concentration of 515 nm (SE = 235) and a mean saturation value of ?349 pA (SE = 107) at ?100 mV. Ca2+ signals could also be evoked by prolonged (100 sec) depolarization of the plasma membrane to 0 mV. Upon returning to ?100 mV, a transient increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ level was observed, activating S‐type channels without measurable delay. These data show that cytosolic Ca2+ elevation can activate S‐type anion channels in intact guard cells through a fast signalling pathway. Furthermore, prolonged depolarization to 0 mV alters the activity of Ca2+ transport proteins, resulting in an overshoot of the cytosolic Ca2+ level after returning the membrane potential to ?100 mV.  相似文献   

Fusion of vesicular membranes with the plasma membrane during pressure-driven swelling of guard cell protoplasts was studied using patch clamp capacitance measurements. Hydrostatic pressure pulses were applied via the patch pipette and resulted in an immediate and linear increase in membrane capacitance, a parameter proportional to the surface area. In any given protoplast, pressure-stimulated increases in membrane capacitance could be provoked repetitively. However, the rate of rise in capacitance upon the same strength of stimulation decreased exponentially with time (tau = 4 min) for subsequent pressure stimuli. This process was the result of a desensitisation of the plasma membrane to mechanical forces. Incubation of guard cell protoplasts in cytochalasin D, which depolymerises actin filaments, nearly abolished this desensitisation process. These results suggest that membrane stretch initiates a reactive process that may fortify or stabilise the plasma membrane of guard cell protoplasts.  相似文献   

AtKAT1 plays roles as a major channel to uptake K+ in guard cell when stomata open in dicot model plant Arabidopsis. In a recent publication, we isolated 3 KAT-like potassium channels in rice. We expressed them in CHO cell to identify electrophysiological characteristics of the channels. OsKAT2 showed much bigger inwardly rectifying potassium channel activities among them. The histochemical X-glu staining of transgenic rice leaf blades expressing β-glucuronidase fused with OsKAT2 promoter showed that the OsKAT2 is dominantly expressed in rice guard cell. These findings indicate that OsKAT2 may be a functional ortholog of AtKAT1 in rice. Thus this gene will be the prime target for engineering the guard cell movement to improve drought tolerance in monocot plants, including most major crops.  相似文献   

Göran Key  Elmar W. Weiler 《Planta》1988,176(4):472-481
Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the plasma membrane of Vicia faba L. guard cells by immunizing either with total membranes from purified guard-cell protoplasts or with sealed, predominantly right-side-out plasma-membrane vesicles prepared from abaxial epidermes of V. faba by aqueous two-phase partitioning. Hybridoma screening was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using polystyrene-adsorbed plasma-membrane vesicles as solid phase and by indirect immunofluorescence analysis using unfixed, immobilized protoplasts in a microvolume Terasaki assay. A range of monoclonal antibodies was characterized and is reported here. One monoclonal antibody, G26-6-B2, is guard-cell-specific and does not react with mesophyll-cell protoplasts of the same species. It binds to a periodate-resistant but trypsin-labile epitope, probably a differentiation-specific plasma-membrane protein.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GCP guard cell protoplast(s) - Ig immunoglobulin - MAB monoclonal antibody - MCP mesophyll-cell protoplast(s) - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Michael R. Blatt 《Planta》1990,180(3):445-455
Evidence of a role for abscisic acid (ABA) in signalling conditions of water stress and promoting stomatal closure is convincing, but past studies have left few clues as to its molecular mechanism(s) of action; arguments centred on changes in H+-pump activity and membrane potential, especially, remain ambiguous without the fundamental support of a rigorous electrophysiological analysis. The present study explores the response to ABA of K+ channels at the membrane of intact guard cells ofVicia faba L. Membrane potentials were recorded before and during exposures to ABA, and whole-cell currents were measured at intervals throughout to quantitate the steady-state and time-dependent characteristics of the K+ channels. On adding 10 M ABA in the presence of 0.1, 3 or 10 mM extracellular K+, the free-running membrane potential (V m) shifted negative-going (–)4–7 mV in the first 5 min of exposure, with no consistent effect thereafter. Voltage-clamp measurements, however, revealed that the K+-channel current rose to between 1.84- and 3.41-fold of the controls in the steady-state with a mean halftime of 1.1 ± 0.1 min. Comparable changes in current return via the leak were also evident and accounted for the minimal response inV m. Calculated atV m, the K+ currents translated to an average 2.65-fold rise in K+ efflux with ABA. Abscisic acid was not observed to alter either K+-current activation or deactivation.These results are consistent with an ABA-evoked mobilization of K+ channels or channel conductance, rather than a direct effect of the phytohormone on K+-channel gating. The data discount notions that large swings in membrane voltage are a prerequisite to controlling guard-cell K+ flux. Instead, thev highlight a rise in membranecapacity for K+ flux, dependent on concerted modulations of K+-channel and leak currents, and sufficiently rapid to account generally for the onset of K+ loss from guard cells and stomatal closure in ABA.  相似文献   

目的:观察冠状动脉微动脉细胞静息膜电位(RP)的分布特性及形成机制.方法:离体豚鼠冠状动脉微动脉(直径小于100 μm)上,应用细胞内微电极技术记录细胞RP.结果:①成功记录到112个细胞,细胞平均RP为(-65±4.2)mV,应用高斯函数拟合后细胞RP呈双峰状分布,两个峰值分别为-43和-74 mV,分别称为高和低R...  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone that plays a key role as a stress signal, regulating water relations during drought conditions, by inducing stomatal closure. However, to date, no putative ABA receptor(s) has been reported at the protein sequence, gene family, or cellular localization levels. We used biotinylated ABA (bioABA) to characterize the ABA-perception sites in the stomatal guard cells of Vicia faba. Treatment with bioABA induced stomatal closure and shrinkage of guard cell protoplasts (GCPs). The ABA-perception sites were visualized by fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), using bioABA and fluorescence-labeled avidin. Fluorescent particles were observed in patches on the surface of the GCPs. Fluorescence intensity was quantified by flow cytometry (FCM) as well as by CLSM. Binding of bioABA was inhibited by ABA in a dose-dependent manner. Pre-treatment of GCPs with proteinase K also blocked the binding of bioABA. Binding of bioABA was inhibited by RCA-7a, an ABA analog that induces stomatal closure, but not by RCA-16, which has no effect on stomatal aperture. Another ABA analog, PBI-51, inhibited ABA-induced stomatal closure. This ABA antagonist also inhibited binding of bioABA to the GCPs. These results suggest that ABA is perceived on the plasma membrane of stomatal guard cells, and that the present experimental methods constitute valuable tools for characterizing the nature of the ABA receptor(s) that perceives physiological ABA signals. These imaging studies allow us to demonstrate the spatial distribution of the ABA-perception sites. Visualization of the ABA-perception sites provides new insights into the nature of membrane-associated ABA receptor(s).  相似文献   

The cell wall provides external support of the plant cells, while the cytoskeletons including the microtubules and the actin filaments constitute an internal framework. The cytoskeletons contribute to the cell wall biosynthesis by spatially and temporarily regulating the transportation and deposition of cell wall components. This tight control is achieved by the dynamic behavior of the cytoskeletons, but also through the tethering of these structures to the plasma membrane. This tethering may also extend beyond the plasma membrane and impact on the cell wall, possibly in the form of a feedback loop. In this review, we discuss the linking components between the cytoskeletons and the plasma membrane, and/or the cell wall. We also discuss the prospective roles of these components in cell wall biosynthesis and modifications, and aim to provide a platform for further studies in this field.  相似文献   

The plant membrane potential reports on the activity of electrogenic plasma membrane transport processes. The membrane potential is widely used to report for early events associated with changes in light regime, hormone action or pathogen attacks. The membrane potentials of guard cells can be precisely measured with microelectrodes, but this technique is not well suited for rapid screens with large sample numbers. To provide the basis for large-scale membrane potential recordings, we took advantage of voltage-sensitive dyes. Using the fluorescent dyes bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)-trimethine oxonol (DiBAC(4)(3)) and the FLIPR Membrane Potential Assay Kit (FMP) dye we followed changes in the membrane potential in guard cells and vacuoles. Based on the fluorescence of DiBAC(4)(3) a method was established for quantification of the membrane potential in guard cell protoplasts which should be considered as an excellent system for high-throughput screening of plant cells. In the absence of abscisic acid (ABA), one-third of the guard cell protoplast population spontaneously oscillated for periods of 5-6 min. Upon application of ABA the hyperpolarized fraction ( approximately 50%) of the guard cell protoplast population depolarized within a few minutes. Membrane potential oscillations were terminated by ABA. Oscillations and ABA responses were found in cell populations with active anion channels. Thus time- and voltage-dependent anion channels likely represent the ABA-sensitive conductance and part of the membrane potential oscillator. The suitability of membrane potential dyes was tested on vacuoles, too. Dye-based vacuolar membrane polarization was monitored upon ATP exposure. We conclude that voltage-sensitive dyes provide an excellent tool for the study of changes in the membrane potential in vacuole as well as guard cell populations.  相似文献   

The apoplastic pH of guard cells probably acidifies in response to light, since light induces proton extrusion by both guard cells and epidermal leaf cells. From the data presented here, it is concluded that these apoplastic pH changes will affect K+ fluxes in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Guard cells of this species were impaled with double-barrelled microelectrodes, to measure the membrane potential (Em) and the plasma-membrane conductance. Guard cells were found to exhibit two states with respect to their Em, a depolarized and a hyperpolarized state. Apoplastic acidification depolarized Em in both states, though the origin of the depolarization differed for each state. In the depolarized state, the change in Em was the result of a combined pH effect on instantaneously activating conductances and on the slow outward rectifying K+ channel (s-ORC). At a more acidic apoplastic pH, the current through instantaneously activated conductances became more inwardly directed, while the maximum conductance of s-ORC decreased. The effect on s-ORC was accompanied by an acceleration of activation and deactivation of the channel. Experiments with acid loading of guard cells indicated that the effect on s-ORC was due to a lowered intracellular pH, caused by apoplastic acidification. In the hyperpolarized state, the pH-induced depolarization was due to a direct effect of the apoplastic pH on the inward rectifying K+ channel. Acidification shifted the threshold potential of the channel to more positive values. This effect was accompanied by a decrease in activation times and an increase of deactivation times, of the channel. From the changes in Em and membrane conductance, the expected effect of acidification on K+ fluxes was calculated. It was concluded that apoplastic acidification will increase the K+-efflux in the depolarized state and reduce the K+-influx in the hyperpolarized state. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 November 1997  相似文献   

Stomata in the epidermis of terrestrial plants are important for CO2 absorption and transpirational water loss, and are also potential points of entry for pathogens. Stomatal opening and closure are controlled by distinct mechanisms. Arabidopsis stomata have been shown to close in response to bacteria and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) as part of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). Here we show that flg22, a PAMP derived from bacterial flagellin, also inhibits light-induced stomatal opening. Consistent with our observations on stomatal opening, flg22 inhibits the inward K+ channels (K+ (in) currents) of guard cells that mediate K+ uptake during stomatal opening. Similar to previously documented K+ current changes triggered by exogenous elevation of H(2)O(2) and nitric oxide (NO), with prolonged duration of flg22 exposure the outward K+ channels (K+ (out) currents) of guard cells are also inhibited. In null mutants of the flg22 receptor, FLS2, flg22 regulation of stomatal opening, K+ (in) currents, and K+ (out) currents is eliminated. flg22 also fails to elicit these responses in null mutants of the sole canonical G-protein alpha subunit, GPA1. The bacterial toxin, coronatine, produced by several pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae, reverses the inhibitory effects of flg22 on both K+ (in) currents and stomatal opening, indicating interplay between plant and pathogen in the regulation of plant ion channels. Thus, the PAMP-triggered stomatal response involves K+ channel regulation, and this regulation is dependent on signaling via cognate PAMP receptors and a heterotrimeric G-protein. These new findings provide insights into the largely elusive signaling process underlying PTI-associated guard cell responses.  相似文献   

The inward rectified potassium current ofVicia faba guard cell protoplasts treated with acetylcholine (ACh) or the antagonists of its receptors were recorded by employing the patch clamp technique. The results show that ACh at lower concentrations increases the inward K+ current, in contrast, ACh at higher concentrations inhibits it. Treated with d-Tubocurarine (d-Tub), an antagonist of the nicotine ACh receptor (nAChR) inhibits the inward K+ current by 30%. Treated with atropine (Atr), an antagonist of the muscarine (Mus) ACh receptor (mAChR) also inhibits it by 36%. However, if guard cell protoplasts are treated with d-Tub and Atr together, the inward K+ current is inhibited by 60% –75%. Tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), a strong inhibitor of K+ channels has no effect on the inward K+ current regulated by ACh, suggesting that there are inward K+ channels modulated by AChRs on the membrane of the guard cell protoplasts. These data demonstrate an ACh-regulated mechanism for stomatal movement.  相似文献   

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