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本实验对黑腹果蝇种组(melanogaster species group)中8个种亚组33个样品两个线粒体基因ND4和ND4L进行了测序,并分析了ND4基因的序列差异和碱基替换特点,发现近缘物种中存在很明显的转换倾向,而在远缘物种中由于重复替换导致转换数处于饱和状态,我们的实验数据证实了线粒体基因较核基因有较快的进化速度.最后根据D.melanogaster与D.yakuba的遗传距离推算了8个种亚组的分化时间,ananassae种亚组最先分化,然后依次是montium,melanogaster,ficsphia,eugracilis,elegans,suzukii和takahashii最后分化.  相似文献   

以ND4L和ND4基因为标记探讨黑腹果蝇种组的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年来的形态学、染色体组学以及DNA序列几个方面的研究均没有很好地阐明黑腹果蝇种组内的系统发育关系。本实验测定了33个样品的ND4和31个样品的ND4L基因序列,以D.obscuroides为外群,用最大简约法和Bayesian法分别构建进化树。结果表明两种方法构建的拓扑结构一致,而且大部分支系的支持率较高。整个黑腹果蝇种组分成三大谱系:1)montium种亚组;2)ananssae种亚组;3)Oriental种亚组(melanogaster、ficsphila、eugracilis、elegans、suzukii、takahashii)。montium是最早分化的种亚组。在第三谱系中,melanogaster分化得最早;然后依次是ficsphila,eugracilis,elegans;suzukii与takahashii为姐妹种亚组,最后分化。  相似文献   

观察了国内黑腹果蝇种组34种果蝇的有丝分裂中期核型,其中首次描述了一些新核型。系统地分析了黑腹果蝇种组8个种亚组之间的核型进化关系及种间亲缘关系。结果是:elegans种亚组的核型为A型;eugracilis、melanogaster和ficusphila种亚组的核型为C型;takahashii和suzukii种亚组的核型为C型和D型;montium种亚组的核型为B、C、C’、D、D’、和E型;ananassae种亚组的核型为F、G和H型。从核型分化的角度可以将黑腹果蝇种组分为5个谱系:elegans,eugracilis-melanogaster-ficusphila,takkahashii-suzukii,montium,ananassae。这与2004年Yang等的观点基本一致,正好从核型进化的角度验证了Yang通过DNA序列分析所得到的结果。差别只在于elegans种亚组,作者把它单独列为一支,认为是祖先种亚组。通过选取同一种果蝇的几个不同地域单雌系的核型分析,结果表明:同一种果蝇的核型存在地域差异。这种差异可能是由于不同生境造成,也可能是本身进化程度的差异,或是两种因素相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

中国黑腹果蝇种组40种果蝇的核型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过传统的敲片、Giemsa染色的方法制片对中国黑腹果蝇种组(Drosophilamelanogasterspeciesgroup)8个种亚组40种果蝇的染色体进行了分析,共发现18种核型,即A、A′′、C、C′、C′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′、F、F′、G、H和I,其中A、A′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D′′和F′为新发现的核型。8个种亚组的基本核型分别是:嗜凤梨果蝇种亚组(D.ananassaesubgroup)的核型为F、F′、G和H型;牵牛花果蝇种亚组(D.eleganssubgroup)的核型为A和A′′型;细针果蝇种亚组(D.eugracilissubgroup)的核型为C型;嗜榕果蝇种亚组(D.ficusphilasubgroup)的核型为C′型;黑腹果蝇种亚组(D.melanogastersubgroup)的核型为C和C′型;山果蝇种亚组(D.montiumsubgroup)的核型为C、C′、C′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′和I型;铃木氏果蝇种亚组(D.suzukiisubgroup)的核型为C′′′和C′′′′型;高桥氏果蝇种亚组(D.takahashiisubgroup)的核型为C、C′′′和C′′′′型。透明翅果蝇(D.lucipennis)雌性核型2n=8,雄性核型2n=7,雄性Ⅳ号染色体为染色体单体。此外还发现,吉川氏果蝇(D.kikkawai)、林氏果蝇(D.lini)、奥尼氏果蝇(D.ogumai)、拟嗜凤梨果蝇(D.pseudoananassae)和叔白颜果蝇(D.triauraria)5种果蝇有B染色体。本文确定了D.sp.likeelegans、D.sp.likenyinyii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons1、D.sp.liketakahashii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons2和D.sp.likeauraria等6个未描述种的核型和1个新记录种吉里果蝇(D.giriensis)的核型。本研究证明了在黑腹果蝇种组内、亚组内、种内和单雌系内的核型多样性,为果蝇遗传和进化提供了进一步的细胞学证据。  相似文献   

张文燕  张菁  钱远槐  曾庆韬 《遗传》2006,28(5):545-550
通过传统的敲片、Giemsa染色的方法, 本文首次对果蝇属黑腹果蝇种组的5种果蝇 (D. constricta、D. ohnishii、D. ogumai、D. pseudobaimaii、D. tani)染色体的数目和形态进行了分析报道。分析发现:这5个种具有相同的染色体数目(2n=8)和不同的形态。D. pseudobaimaii和D. tani 为2V,1R,1D型;D. constricta染色为2V,1R,1D型且其点状染色体难以辨认;D. ohnishii和D. ogumai 具有相同形态为2V,2R。另外,还发现核型与亲缘关系之间有一定的对应性。  相似文献   

长蠹科几种检疫性害虫的ND4基因序列及系统进化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
长蠹科昆虫严重危害林木和仓贮物品。应用非损伤性DNA测序技术测定了来自不同国家的长蠹科害虫的线粒体DNA ND4 基因的部分序列。在获得的204 bp的序列中,5种昆虫的序列变异丰富,多数变异发生在密码子的第3位点上。用PAUP3.1.1数据分析软件构建了5个种的合意简约树。并将实验结果与形态学特征比较分析,探讨5个种及所在属的系统进化。结果表明:双钩异翅长蠹所在的异翅长蠹属分化最早,其次是竹大长蠹所在的大长蠹属、双棘长蠹和黑双棘长蠹所在的双棘长蠹属及红艳长蠹所在的钻木长蠹属。双棘长蠹和黑双棘长蠹隶属同一个属,遗传关系最近,分化最晚,与形态学研究结果相吻合。  相似文献   

黄菊  郝莉  刘愫  李林  张文霞  戴灼华 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):417-423
果蝇immigrans种组中的curviceps种亚组是1992年新建立的中国特有果蝇类群。该种亚组中的物种主要分布在中国大陆和台湾。目前除了形态学水平的研究外,还没有其他证据支持建立该种亚组的合理性及其起源和种系发生地位。为了在DNA分子水平上探讨果蝇curviceps种亚组在果蝇immigrans种组中的种系发生地位,从而为今后更深入地研究中国特有果蝇,甚至为果蝇亚属的进化遗传学提供理论依据,测定了immigrans种组5个种亚组(nasuta、immigrans、hypocausta、quadrilineata、curviceps)中12个代表物种的rDNA的ITS1和部分Adh基因的序列。其中ITS1序列的长度为513-587bp,共有191个信息位点;Adh基因片段的长度在714-747bp之间,共99个信息位点。考虑到单个分子提供的信息较少,将两个分子的序列综合起来,组成一个较长的复合序列。分别根据ITS1,Adh和两个分子的复合序列排比(Alignment)结果,和最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树,其中根据复合序列构建的系统树与形态学研究结果最为一致。分子树显示curviceps种亚组的特种确定单独形成一个分枝,为种亚组级的分类阶元,支持了形态学将其建立为一个新种亚组。根据Kimura距离,估算了复合分子的替换速率约为每百万年1.48%,进而计算出5个种亚组的分 歧年代。结合各物种的地理分布,推测了immigrans种组的进化历史:curviceps种亚组与quadrilineata种亚组的亲缘关系最近,主要分布在中国南部的温带地区。它们之间的分歧时间大约为3.4百万年,是最年轻的两个种亚组。主要分布在苏门答腊及附近的热带地区的hypocausta种亚组的物种是最早分化出来的,与其他种亚组的分歧时间约为9.2百万年。该结果与形态学和生物地理学研究相吻合。值得一提是的,目前归属仍存在争议的物种D.neohypocausta,在分子系统树中与hypocausta种亚组的物种相距较远,而与immiagrasn种亚组的关系较近,但分枝置信度较低(<50%)。由于还缺乏其他方面的证据,因此D.neohypocausta的归属有待今后的研究来作定论。  相似文献   

卷翅是果蝇遗传学上最常用的标记之一,但卷翅形成的具体机制还不清楚.过去的研究发现,理化刺激影响果蝇卷翅的形成.我们最近研究发现,H_2O_2处理不仅会影响果蝇的羽化率,还会使其出现卷翅现象.本研究通过改变H_2O_2浓度、果蝇培养温度和H_2O_2处理时间,探讨影响黑腹果蝇卷翅形成的具体因素,并对其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活力进行检测,探讨H_2O_2对果蝇抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明:果蝇的羽化率与H_2O_2浓度成反比.温度、H_2O_2浓度和H_2O_2处理时间的改变均会影响果蝇翅的卷曲程度和卷翅果蝇所占的比例.其中white基因突变果蝇对这3种条件反应最明显,mini-white(white基因回复突变)果蝇却可以拯救该表型,它的反应与野生型OR相似.H_2O_2对含Cy基因的果蝇卷翅的形成也有一定的影响,可以加大果蝇翅的卷曲程度.对SOD、CAT和GSH-PX活力检测发现,H_2O_2处理会使果蝇的抗氧化能力降低.实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,H_2O_2处理会导致果蝇基因表达量发生改变.黑腹果蝇卷翅形成是一个十分复杂的过程,H_2O_2可能作为某种信号分子或是间接影响某种因子参与黑腹果蝇的卷翅形成过程.该卷翅形成过程可能与Cy基因导致的果蝇卷翅过程是同一个信号途径,两者也可能是通过不同的模式进行调控的.  相似文献   

卷翅是果蝇遗传学上最常用的标记之一,但卷翅形成的具体机制还不清楚.过去的研究发现,理化刺激影响果蝇卷翅的形成.我们最近研究发现,H2O2处理不仅会影响果蝇的羽化率,还会使其出现卷翅现象.本研究通过改变H2O2浓度、果蝇培养温度和H2O2处理时间,探讨影响黑腹果蝇卷翅形成的具体因素,并对其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活力进行检测,探讨H2O2对果蝇抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明: 果蝇的羽化率与H2O2浓度成反比.温度、H2O2浓度和H2O2处理时间的改变均会影响果蝇翅的卷曲程度和卷翅果蝇所占的比例.其中white基因突变果蝇对这3种条件反应最明显,mini-white(white基因回复突变)果蝇却可以拯救该表型,它的反应与野生型OR相似.H2O2对含Cy基因的果蝇卷翅的形成也有一定的影响,可以加大果蝇翅的卷曲程度.对SOD、CAT和GSH-PX活力检测发现,H2O2处理会使果蝇的抗氧化能力降低.实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,H2O2处理会导致果蝇基因表达量发生改变.黑腹果蝇卷翅形成是一个十分复杂的过程,H2O2可能作为某种信号分子或是间接影响某种因子参与黑腹果蝇的卷翅形成过程.该卷翅形成过程可能与Cy基因导致的果蝇卷翅过程是同一个信号途径,两者也可能是通过不同的模式进行调控的.  相似文献   

以亲缘关系极近的近缘种类群、中等距离的远缘种类群为对象,分析生物钟基因period的Thr-Gly区段的分子进化特征,发现Thr-Gly区段在果蝇和部分双翅目昆虫中未曾经历性选择和其他定向的正选择。Thr-Gly区段在果蝇nasuta亚群中的分子进化速率为10.4×10  相似文献   

Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.  相似文献   

Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DMA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial A7D4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster and its close relatives are used extensively in comparative biology. Despite the importance of phylogenetic information for such studies, relationships between some melanogaster species group members are unclear due to conflicting phylogenetic signals at different loci. In this study, we use twelve nuclear loci (eleven coding and one non-coding) to assess the degree of phylogenetic incongruence in this model system. We focus on two nodes: (1) the node joining the Drosophila erecta-Drosophila orena, Drosophila melanogaster-Drosophila simulans, and Drosophila yakuba-Drosophila teissieri lineages, and (2) the node joining the lineages leading to the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups. We find limited evidence for incongruence at the first node; our data, as well as those of several previous studies, strongly support monophyly of a clade consisting of D. erecta-D. orena and D. yakuba-D. teissieri. By contrast, using likelihood based tests of congruence, we find robust evidence for topological incongruence at the second node. Different loci support different relationships among the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups, and the observed incongruence is not easily attributable to homoplasy, non-equilibrium base composition, or positive selection on a subset of loci. We argue that lineage sorting in the common ancestor of these three subgroups is the most plausible explanation for our observations. Such lineage sorting may lead to biased estimation of tree topology and evolutionary rates, and may confound inferences of positive selection.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster species group is a popular model for evolutionary studies due to its morphological and ecological diversity and its inclusion of the model species D. melanogaster. However, phylogenetic relationships among major lineages within this species group remain controversial. In this report, the phylogeny of 10 species representing each of the well-supported monophyletic clades in the melanogaster group was studied using the sequences of 14 loci that together comprise 9493 nucleotide positions. Combined Bayesian analysis using gene-specific substitution models produced a 100% credible set of two trees. In the strict consensus of these trees, the ananassae subgroup branches first in the melanogaster species group, followed by the montium subgroup. The remaining lineages form a monophyletic clade in which D. ficusphila and D. elegans branch first, followed by D. biarmipes, D. eugracilis, and the melanogaster subgroup. This strongly supported phylogeny resolves most basal relationships in the melanogaster species group, and provides a framework that can be extended in the future to encompass more species.  相似文献   

That closely related species often differ by chromosomal inversions was discovered by Sturtevant and Plunkett in 1926. Our knowledge of how these inversions originate is still very limited, although a prevailing view is that they are facilitated by ectopic recombination events between inverted repetitive sequences. The availability of genome sequences of related species now allows us to study in detail the mechanisms that generate interspecific inversions. We have analyzed the breakpoint regions of the 29 inversions that differentiate the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and two closely related species, D. simulans and D. yakuba, and reconstructed the molecular events that underlie their origin. Experimental and computational analysis revealed that the breakpoint regions of 59% of the inversions (17/29) are associated with inverted duplications of genes or other nonrepetitive sequences. In only two cases do we find evidence for inverted repetitive sequences in inversion breakpoints. We propose that the presence of inverted duplications associated with inversion breakpoint regions is the result of staggered breaks, either isochromatid or chromatid, and that this, rather than ectopic exchange between inverted repetitive sequences, is the prevalent mechanism for the generation of inversions in the melanogaster species group. Outgroup analysis also revealed evidence for widespread breakpoint recycling. Lastly, we have found that expression domains in D. melanogaster may be disrupted in D. yakuba, bringing into question their potential adaptive significance.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, chromosomal polymorphism due to paracentric inversions is very common and constitutes an adaptive character. The degree of chromosomal variability varies in different species and also in different populations of the same species. Chromosomal polymorphism in Indian natural populations of three species, D. melaonogaster, D. ananassae and D. bipectinata which belong to the melanogaster species group has been studied and the quantitative data on frequency of inversions have been reported. Behaviour of chromosome inversions has also been studied in laboratory conditions. The present review summarises the work done on inversion polymorphism in Indian populations of three species which clearly demonstrates that these three species vary in their patterns of inversion polymorphism and have evolved different mechanisms for adjustment to their environments although they belong to the same species group.  相似文献   

Summary Temperate species of the Drosophila melanogaster group enter reproductive diapause for overwintering in response to short daylength. During the prediapause period they accumulate triacylglycerols, but not glycogen, as energy resources. The capacity for storing triacylglycerols differs between species, and appears to be closely correlated with diapause and cold-hardiness; cool-temperate species, such as those of the auraria species complex, which enter a deep diapause and are highly cold-hardy, accumulate larger quantities of triacylglycerols than warm-temperate species, such as D. rufa and D. lutescens, which enter a weak diapause and are less cold-hardy. Among the cool-temperate spcies, D. subauraria occurs at a higher latitude and has the greatest capacity for accumulating triacylglycerols. A subtropical species, D. takahashii, which has no diapause in nature and is not cold-hardy, is unable to store the same quantities of triacylglycerols as temperate species.  相似文献   

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