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The complete primary structure has been determined for an inhibitor protein of protein kinase C. The bovine brain-derived inhibitor has a pI of 6 and its N-terminal alanine residue is blocked by acetylation. Fragments obtained by chemical and enzymatic cleavage of the purified inhibitor were analyzed by Edman degradation, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, and tandem mass spectrometry. The results establish that the protein has a calculated average molecular mass of 13,690 daltons and contains 125 amino acid residues with the following sequence: (sequence: see text) The inhibitor does not show significant homology with any other known protein. Circular dichroism of the freshly prepared apoprotein indicated a secondary structural content of 23% alpha-helix, 31% beta-sheet, and 11% beta-turn. Immobilization on nitrocellulose followed by exposure to a 65Zn2(+)-containing overlay solution showed that, like protein kinase C itself, the inhibitor is a zinc-binding protein, although the sequence does not reveal a "zinc finger" structure. Competition with 10-fold molar excess Ca2+ or Mg2+ did not reduce the zinc-binding specificity of this inhibitor.  相似文献   

Chelerythrine is a potent and specific inhibitor of protein kinase C   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
The benzophenanthridine alkaloid chelerythrine is a potent, selective antagonist of the Ca++/phospholopid-dependent protein kinase (Protein kinase C: PKC) from the rat brain. Half-maximal inhibition of the kinase occurs at 0.66 microM. Chelerythrine interacted with the catalytic domain of PKC, was a competitive inhibitor with respect to the phosphate acceptor (histone IIIS) (Ki = 0.7 microM) and a non-competitive inhibitor with respect to ATP. This effect was further evidenced by the fact that chelerythrine inhibited native PKC and its catalytic fragment identically and did not affect [3H]- phorbol 12,13 dibutyrate binding to PKC. Chelerythrine selectively inhibited PKC compared to tyrosine protein kinase, cAMP-dependent protein kinase and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. The potent antitumoral activity of celerythrine measured in vitro might be due at least in part to inhibition of PKC and thus suggests that PKC may be a model for rational design of antitumor drugs.  相似文献   

This study aimedto determine the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in signal transductionmechanisms underlying ventilatory regulation in the nucleus tractussolitarii (NTS). Microinjection of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate intothe commissural NTS of nine chronically instrumented, unrestrained ratselicited significant cardiorespiratory enhancements that lasted for atleast 4 h, whereas administration of vehicle(n = 15) or the inactive phorbol ester 4-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (n = 7)did not elicit minute ventilation (E)changes. Peak hypoxic Eresponses (10% O2-balanceN2) were measured in 19 additional animals after NTS microinjection of bisindolylmaleimide(BIM) I, a selective PKC inhibitor (n = 12), BIM V (inactive analog; n = 7),or vehicle (Con; n = 19). In Con,E increased from 139 ± 9 to 285 ± 26 ml/min in room air and hypoxia, respectively, and similarresponses occurred after BIM V. BIM I did not affect room airE but markedly attenuated hypoxia-induced E increases (128 ± 12 to 167 ± 18 ml/min; P < 0.02 vs. Con and BIM V). When BIM I was microinjected into the cerebellum(n = 4), cortex(n = 4), or spinal cord(n = 4),E responses were similar to Con.Western blots of subcellular fractions of dorsocaudal brain stemlysates revealed translocation of PKC, , , , , and  isoenzymes during acute hypoxia, and enhanced overall PKC activity wasconfirmed in the particulate fraction of dorsocaudal brain stem lysatesharvested after acute hypoxia. These studies suggest that, in the adultrat, PKC activation in the NTS mediates essential components of theacute hypoxic ventilatory response.


The complete primary structure of a bovine-brain-derived inhibitor of protein kinase C has been established. Fragments of the purified protein were obtained by cleavage with cyanogen bromide, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, trypsin and chymotrypsin. Subsequent analysis of the resulting fragments by fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry and Edman degradation revealed a calculated molecular mass of 11,779 Da with the following 107-amino-acid sequence: [sequence: see text] This inhibitor does not share significant primary structural identity with any other known protein.  相似文献   

E D Fraser  M P Walsh 《FEBS letters》1991,294(3):285-289
A crude cytosolic fraction prepared from bovine brain contained protein kinase C, as shown by immunoblotting, but its activity was undetectable, suggesting the presence of interfering factors. Phosphatase, ATPase and protease activities did not account for the absence of detectable protein kinase C activity. The major contributing factor was found to be a heat-labile protein which was separated from the kinase by ion-exchange chromatography. The contribution to the total inhibitory activity of heat-stable proteins was relatively minor, suggesting that they may not function physiologically as protein kinase C inhibitors.  相似文献   

A heat-stable protein was extracted from brown adipose tissue of infant rats that inhibited both purified bovine heart protein kinase and a crude preparation of protein kinase from brown fat. It did not act as an adenosine triphosphatase nor did it exert its effect by proteolytic action. Inhibition of protein kinase was affected in both the presence and the absence of cyclic AMP. Most of the inhibitory activity was present in the 100000g supernatant fraction of tissue homogenates. Inhibitory activity was highest perinatally and it declined 10 days after birth. It is suggested that the protein kinase inhibitor may play a role in regulating cyclic AMP actions.  相似文献   

As the key mediators of eukaryotic signal transduction, the protein kinases often cause disease, and in particular cancer, when disregulated. Appropriately selective protein kinase inhibitors are sought after as research tools and as therapeutic drugs; several have already proven valuable in clinical use. The AGC subfamily protein kinase C (PKC) was identified early as a cause of cancer, leading to the discovery of a variety of PKC inhibitors. Despite its importance and early discovery, no crystal structure for PKC has yet been reported. Therefore, we have co-crystallized PKC inhibitor bisindolyl maleimide 2 (BIM2) with PKA variants to study its binding interactions. BIM2 co-crystallized as an asymmetric pair of kinase-inhibitor complexes. In this asymmetric unit, the two kinase domains have different lobe configurations, and two different inhibitor conformers bind in different orientations. One kinase molecule (A) is partially open with respect to the catalytic conformation, the other (B) represents the most open conformation of PKA reported so far. In monomer A, the BIM2 inhibitor binds tightly via an induced fit in the ATP pocket. The indole moieties are rotated out of the plane with respect to the chemically related but planar inhibitor staurosporine. In molecule B a different conformer of BIM2 binds in a reversed orientation relative to the equivalent maleimide atoms in molecule A. Also, a critical active site salt bridge is disrupted, usually indicating the induction of an inactive conformation. Molecular modeling of the clinical phase III PKC inhibitor LY333531 into the electron density of BIM2 reveals the probable binding mechanism and explains selectivity properties of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that gravity changes may influence mammalian cell growth and differentiation. To obtain insight in the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects, we have studied immediate early gene expression in response to activation of cytoplasmic signal transduction under microgravity conditions. In this paper we show that epidermal growth factor (EGF)- and 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced expression of the c-fos and c-jun protooncogenes is decreased in microgravity, while no effect of gravity changes was observed on A23187- and forskolin-induced expression of these genes. These decrease in c-fos expression was not due to delayed kinetics under microgravity. These results demonstrate that gravity differentially modulates distinctive signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The effect of the protein kinase C enzyme inhibitor H-7 on the noncardiogenic lung edema induced by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in mice was examined. Lung edema was assessed by measurement of 125I-labeled albumin leak into the lung. The results showed that pretreatment of mice with H-7 nearly prevents the albumin leak induced by PMA, whereas post-PMA treatment with H-7 had less of an effect on the albumin leak, although it was still significant.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C functions prominently in cell regulation via its pleiotropic role in signal transduction processes. Certain oncogene products resemble elements involved in transmembrane signaling, elevate cellular sn-1,2-diacylglycerol second messenger levels, and activate protein kinase C. Sangivamycin was unique among the nucleoside compounds tested in its ability to potently inhibit protein kinase C activity. Inhibition was competitive with respect to ATP for both protein kinase C and the catalytic fragment of protein kinase C prepared by trypsin digestion. Sangivamycin was a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to histone and lipid cofactors (phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol). Sangivamycin inhibited native protein kinase C and the catalytic fragment identically, with apparent Ki values of 11 and 15 microM, respectively. Sangivamycin was an effective an inhibitor of protein kinase C as H-7, an isoquinolinsulfonamide. Sangivamycin did not inhibit [3H]phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate binding to protein kinase C. Sangivamycin did not exert its action through the lipid binding/regulatory domain; inhibition was not affected by the presence of lipid or detergent. Unlike H-7, sangivamycin selectively inhibited protein kinase C compared to cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The discovery that protein kinase C is inhibited by sangivamycin and other antitumor agents suggests that protein kinase C may be a target for rational design of antitumor compounds.  相似文献   

Mechanism-based design of a protein kinase inhibitor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protein kinase inhibitors have applications as anticancer therapeutic agents and biological tools in cell signaling. Based on a phosphoryl transfer mechanism involving a dissociative transition state, a potent and selective bisubstrate inhibitor for the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase was synthesized by linking ATPgammaS to a peptide substrate analog via a two-carbon spacer. The compound was a high affinity competitive inhibitor against both nucleotide and peptide substrates and showed a slow off-rate. A crystal structure of this inhibitor bound to the tyrosine kinase domain of the insulin receptor confirmed the key design features inspired by a dissociative transition state, and revealed that the linker takes part in the octahedral coordination of an active site Mg2+. These studies suggest a general strategy for the development of selective protein kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Melanophore pigment dispersion is a sensitive bioassay for activation of the adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C second-messenger pathways. The necessity of protein kinase activation in causing pigment dispersion was confirmed for eight agonists of endogenous melanophore receptors and for two transfected receptors. All agonists and receptors previously shown to elevate intracellular cAMP in melanophores—melanocyte stimulating hormone, light, (−) norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytrptamine, and the β2-adrenergic receptor—were able to stimulate pigment dispersion in the presence of Ro31-8220, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C, but were blocked in the presence of H89, an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The bombesin receptor, which elevates intracellular IP3 in melanophores, was unable to stimulate pigment dispersion in the presence of Ro31-8220 or H89. Agonists whose mechanism of activation of pigment dispersion are unknown were also tested. Endothelin 3 responses were blocked by both H89 and Ro31-8220, predicting coupling to phospholipase C. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, oxytocin, and calcitonin gene-related peptide β responses were blocked only by H89, predicting coupling to adenylyl cyclase. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that antecedent short-term administration of estradiol or progesterone into the central nervous system (CNS) reduces levels of neuroendocrine counterregulatory hormones during subsequent hypoglycemia. Conscious unrestrained male Sprague-Dawley rats were studied during randomized 2-day experiments. Day 1 consisted of an 8-h lateral ventricle infusion of estradiol (1 mug/mul; n = 9), progesterone (1 mug/mul; n = 9), or saline (0.2 mul/min; n = 10). On day 2, a 2-h hyperinsulinemic (30 pmol.kg(-1).min(-1)) hypoglycemic (2.9 +/- 0.2 mM) clamp was performed on all rats. Central administration of estradiol on day 1 resulted in significantly lower plasma epinephrine levels during hypoglycemia compared with saline, whereas central administration of progesterone resulted in increased levels of plasma norepinephrine and decreased levels of corticosterone both at baseline and during hypoglycemia. Glucagon responses during hypoglycemia were unaffected by prior administration of estradiol or progesterone. Endogenous glucose production following day 1 estradiol was significantly lower during day 2 hypoglycemia, and consequently, the glucose infusion rate to maintain the glycemia was significantly greater after estradiol administration compared with saline. These data suggest that 1) CNS administration of both female reproductive hormones can have rapid effects in modulating levels of counterregulatory hormones during subsequent hypoglycemia in conscious male rats, 2) forebrain administration of reproductive hormones can significantly reduce pituitary adrenal and sympathetic nervous system drive during hypoglycemia, 3) reproductive steroid hormones produce differential effects on sympathetic nervous system activity during hypoglycemia, and 4) reduction of epinephrine resulted in significantly blunted metabolic counterregulatory responses during hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Isolated protein kinase C (PKC) was irreversibly inactivated by a brief (min) incubation with calphostin C in the presence of light. This inactivation required Ca2+ either in a millimolar range in the absence of lipid activators or in a submicromolar range in the presence of lipid activators. In addition, an oxygen atmosphere was required suggesting the involvement of oxidation(s) in this inactivation process. Furthermore, PKC inactivation might involve a site-specific oxidative modification of the enzyme at the Ca(2+)-induced hydrophobic region. Physical quenchers of singlet oxygen such as lycopene, beta-carotene, and alpha-tocopherol all reduced the calphostin C-induced inactivation of PKC. In intact cells treated with calphostin C, the inactivation of PKC was rapid in the membrane fraction compared to cytosol. This intracellular PKC inactivation was also found to be irreversible. Therefore, calphostin C can bring prolonged effects for several hours in cells treated for a short time. Taken together these results suggest that the calphostin C-mediated inactivation of PKC involves a site-specific and a 'cage' type oxidative modification of PKC.  相似文献   

6-Keto-PGE1 is a potent direct dilator of the pulmonary and systemic circulations of the newborn lamb under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Its threshold dose is similar to that of PGI2 and PGE1. Under hypoxia, 6-keto-PGE1 appears equally effective on the pulmonary and systemic circulations, while under normoxia it predominantly affects the systemic circulation.  相似文献   

The light-activated protein kinase C inhibitor, calphostin C, is shown to inhibit the ability of IL-3-dependent 32D cells to reduce the tetrazolium salt, MTT. To determine whether this inhibition was mediated through mitochondria which have been implicated in MTT reduction, isolated mitochondria were treated with calphostin C in the presence of various substrates for mitochondrial electron transport and EDTA (to exclude PKC involvement). Calphostin C extensively inhibited succinate-dependent MTT reduction (IC50 = 110nM) but had little effect on either NADH- or NADPH-dependent MTT reduction. An alternative protein kinase C inhibitor, H7, did not affect succinate-dependent mitochondrial MTT reduction, and the protein kinase A inhibitor, KT5720, had little effect on either cellular or mitochondrial MTT reduction. These results show that in addition to its role as a PKC inhibitor, calphostin C is also a potent inhibitor of succinate-dependent mitochondrial electron transport.  相似文献   

Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, also inhibits phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, the enzyme that converts phosphatidic acid into diacylglycerol. This latter effect has prompted recent use of propranolol in studies examining the importance of diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid in cellular signalling events. Here, we show that propranolol is also an inhibitor of protein kinase C. At concentrations greater than or equal to 20 microM, propranolol reduced [3H]phorbol dibutyrate binding (IC50 = 200 microM) and phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated superoxide anion release (IC50 = 130 microM) in human neutrophils. Scatchard analysis showed that propranolol lowers the number of phorbol diester binding sites without significantly affecting their affinity. In vitro kinetic analysis, performed in a mixed micellar assay with protein kinase C purified from human neutrophils, suggested a competitive inhibition of propranolol with the cofactor phosphatidylserine. Complex kinetic patterns were observed with respect to diacylglycerol and ATP, approximating competitive and noncompetitive inhibition, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that the drug interacts at the level of the regulatory domain of the enzyme. Fifty % inhibition occurred at approximately 150 microM propranolol. Similar levels of inhibition were obtained using exogenous (histone) and endogenous (p47-phox, a NADPH oxidase component) substrates. Protein kinase C-alpha and protein kinase C-beta, two protein kinase C isozymes present in human neutrophils, were inhibited by propranolol in a comparable manner. In the range of concentrations tested (30-1000 microM), neither cAMP-dependent protein kinase nor neutrophil protein tyrosine kinases were affected. The racemic form of propranolol and the (+) and the (-) stereoisomers were equally active, and other beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists (pindolol) and agonists (isoproterenol) were inactive. This suggests that the inhibitory action of propranolol on protein kinase C is related to the amphipathic nature of the drug rather than to its beta-adrenergic receptor blocking ability. Analogs of propranolol were synthesized and found to be more potent protein kinase C inhibitors, with IC50 values in the 10-20 microM range. We conclude that the ability of propranolol to inhibit both protein kinase C and PA phosphohydrolase complicates interpretation of results when this drug is used in signal transduction studies. In addition, propranolol may be a useful prototype for the synthesis of new protein kinase C inhibitors.  相似文献   

Removal of contaminating proteins from rat ovarian cytosol by DEAE chromatography results in a 358% recovery of protein kinase C activity. The data suggest that rat ovaries contain an endogenous inhibitor of protein kinase C whose activity dominates that of protein kinase C in the cytosol. The inhibitor is specific for protein kinase C and does not activate the enzyme through proteolysis. This endogenous inhibitor may be important in the hormonal control of protein kinase C in the rat ovary, and may become an important tool in the study of the role of protein kinase C in other cell functions.  相似文献   

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