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An alarm pheromone released from stressed conspecifics evokes behavioral and autonomic responses in rats. We have previously reported that male Wistar rats show behavioral changes including increased sniffing, walking and rearing, and decreased resting as well as exaggerated response of body temperature to a novel environment [known as stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH)] when they are exposed to an alarm pheromone released from other male rats receiving foot shocks. The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of testosterone in the production and release of the alarm pheromone using these behavioral and autonomic responses in recipient rats. Three groups of alarm pheromone donors were presented, namely, intact males, castrated males, and testosterone-implanted castrated males. The effects of the alarm pheromone on the autonomic responses did not differ among the three groups, regardless of the donor's steroidal milieu, whereas behavioral responses were altered by castrating the donor males and the effects were restored by testosterone implantation. These results suggest that the alarm pheromone released from stressed male rats can be classified into at least two categories according to the androgen dependency of their production and/or release.  相似文献   

In addition to its intracellular roles, the nucleoside guanosine (GUO) also has extracellular effects that identify it as a putative neuromodulator signaling molecule in the central nervous system. Indeed, GUO can modulate glutamatergic neurotransmission, and it can promote neuroprotective effects in animal models involving glutamate neurotoxicity, which is the case in brain ischemia. In the present study, we aimed to investigate a new in vivo GUO administration route (intranasal, IN) to determine putative improvement of GUO neuroprotective effects against an experimental model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Initially, we demonstrated that IN [3H] GUO administration reached the brain in a dose-dependent and saturable pattern in as few as 5 min, presenting a higher cerebrospinal GUO level compared with systemic administration. IN GUO treatment started immediately or even 3 h after ischemia onset prevented behavior impairment. The behavior recovery was not correlated to decreased brain infarct volume, but it was correlated to reduced mitochondrial dysfunction in the penumbra area. Therefore, we showed that the IN route is an efficient way to promptly deliver GUO to the CNS and that IN GUO treatment prevented behavioral and brain impairment caused by ischemia in a therapeutically wide time window.  相似文献   

Social isolation of rodents during development is thought to be a relevant model of early-life chronic stress. We investigated the effects of early-life social isolation on later adult fear and anxiety behavior, and on corticosterone stress responses, in male rats. On postnatal day 21, male rats were either housed in isolation or in groups of 3 for a 3 week period, after which, all rats were group-reared for an additional 2 weeks. After the 5-week treatment, adult rats were examined for conditioned fear, open field anxiety-like behavior, social interaction behavior and corticosterone responses to restraint stress. Isolates exhibited increased anxiety-like behaviors in a brightly-lit open field during the first 10 min of the test period compared to group-reared rats. Isolation-reared rats also showed increased fear behavior and reduced social contact in a social interaction test, and a transient increase in fear behavior to a conditioned stimulus that predicted foot-shock. Isolation-reared rats showed similar restraint-induced increases in plasma corticosterone as group-reared controls, but plasma corticosterone levels 2 h after restraint were significantly lower than pre-stress levels in isolates. Overall, this study shows that isolation restricted to an early part of development increases anxiety-like and fear behaviors in adulthood, and also results in depressed levels of plasma corticosterone following restraint stress.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to stressors increases HPA axis activity and concomitantly reduces HPG axis activity. This antagonistic relationship between both these axes has been proposed to underlie the inhibition of reproductive function due to stress. Sexual behavior in males may be the most vulnerable aspect of male reproduction to acute and chronic stress and it has been suggested that alterations in sexual behavior during stress are due to the antagonistic relationship between testosterone and corticosteroids. However, only in a few studies has a correlation between the levels of testosterone and corticosterone, and sexual behavior been made. In this study, we evaluated the effects of different stressors, applied both acute and chronically, on masculine sexual behavior and whether or not these effects on sexual behavior are accompanied by changes in plasma levels of corticosterone and testosterone. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of testosterone treatment on the effects of stress on sexual behavior. Sexually experienced male rats were exposed to one of the following stressors: immobilization (IMB), electric foot shocks (EFS) or immersion in cold water (ICW). Sexual behavior and plasma levels of testosterone and corticosterone were assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 of stress. In a second experiment, males were castrated, treated with 3 different doses of testosterone propionate (TP) and exposed to ICW for 20 consecutive days. Sexual behavior was assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 and steroids were evaluated on day 20. Parameters of masculine sexual behavior were modified depending on the characteristics of each stressor. Mount, intromission and ejaculation latencies increased significantly, the number of mounts increased, and ejaculations decreased significantly in males exposed to EFS and to ICW but not in males exposed to IMB. Associated with these effects, testosterone decreased in the EFS and ICW groups on days 1, 15, and 20. However, corticosterone increased only in males exposed to ICW. In castrated males, TP treatment failed to block the effects of stress by ICW on sexual behavior and corticosterone. These results indicate that the effects of stress on sexual behavior depend on the characteristics of each stressor, and these effects, as well as the decrease in testosterone are not necessarily associated with the increase in corticosterone. The fact that testosterone treatment did not prevent the effects of stress on sexual behavior suggests that other mediators could be involved in the alterations of sexual behavior caused by stress.  相似文献   

The effect of isolation on exploratory behavior has been shown to differ depending on the developmental stages of male rats. However, there has been little systematic comparison of the frequencies and the patterns of exploratory behavior across the developmental stages. The present study assessed the frequencies of exploration using the emergence test and exploratory patterns in the open-field test in three developmental stages of male rats: juvenile, post-puberty, and adult. A lower propensity for exploration was observed in rats isolated during the juvenile stage, as assessed by increased latency and decreased duration of exploratory behaviors compared to pair-reared rats, and this tendency was maintained in adulthood. Altered patterns of exploratory behavior were demonstrated both in rats isolated in adulthood, who showed an increased active pattern, and those pair-reared following puberty, who shifted to a more passive pattern. However, rats isolated during the juvenile stage did not change their exploratory patterns following puberty. These results suggest that the changes in the exploratory pattern, which can be observed in adulthood, are associated with the emergence of adult-like dominance relationships. Juvenile-isolated rats did not show these changes following puberty, suggesting the importance of social interaction as juveniles for the ontogenetic emergence of behavioral flexibility implicated in the regulation of exploratory patterns.  相似文献   

A male advantage over females for spatial tasks has been well documented in both humans and rodents, but it remains unclear how the activational effects of testosterone influence spatial ability in males. In a series of experiments, we tested how injections of testosterone influenced the spatial working and reference memory of castrated male rats. In the eight-arm radial maze, testosterone injections (0.500 mg/rat) reduced the number of working memory errors during the early blocks of testing but had no effect on the number of reference memory errors relative to the castrated control group. In a reference memory version of the Morris water maze, injections of a wide range of testosterone doses (0.0625-1.000 mg/rat) reduced path lengths to the hidden platform, indicative of improved spatial learning. This improved learning was independent of testosterone dose, with all treatment groups showing better performance than the castrated control males. Furthermore, this effect was only observed when rats were given testosterone injections starting 7 days prior to water maze testing and not when injections were given only on the testing days. We also observed that certain doses of testosterone (0.250 and 1.000 mg/rat) increased perseverative behavior in a reversal-learning task. Finally, testosterone did not have a clear effect on spatial working memory in the Morris water maze, although intermediate doses seemed to optimize performance. Overall, the results indicate that testosterone can have positive activational effects on spatial learning and memory, but the duration of testosterone replacement and the nature of the spatial task modify these effects.  相似文献   

Behavioral effects of somatostatin-14, and some of its fragments [somatostatin(3–8), somatostatin(9–14), somatostatin(7–10)] after intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration have been investigated in male rats. In a passive avoidance learning test, somatostatin-14 (0.6 nM) given immediately after the learning session increased the avoidance latency at 24 hr after the injection, when compared to a somatostatin(3–8) (0.6 nM)-treated group. However, compared to a saline-treated group, the peptides did not significantly influence the avoidance latency. Somatostatin-14 administered in higher dose (6.0 nM) decreased the avoidance latency compared to the saline-treated group, while its fragments did not influence it. In an open field behavioral test, immediately after the 24-hr passive avoidance test, 6 nM of somatostatin-14 decreased the rearing activity, while the fragments did not influence this behavior. Somatostatin-14 produced barrel rotation in a dose-related manner, but after the injection of a high dose of the peptide (12 nM) all of the animals died in cardiorespiratory failure (apnea, pulmonary oedema). The fragments did not produce barrel rotation.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) and its 5alpha-reduced metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can decrease anxiety-like behavior; however, the mechanisms underlying these effects have not been established. First, we hypothesized that if T reduces anxiety-like behavior through actions of its 5alpha-reduced metabolite, DHT, then gonadectomy (GDX) would increase anxiety-like behavior, an effect which would be reversed by systemic administration of DHT. Second, we hypothesized that if T and DHT reduce anxiety-like behavior in part through actions at intracellular androgen receptors in the hippocampus, then administration of an androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide, directly to the hippocampus should increase anxiety-like behavior of intact and DHT-replaced, but not GDX, male rats. Inserts that were empty or contained flutamide were applied directly to the dorsal hippocampus of intact, GDX, or GDX and DHT-replaced rats 2 h prior to testing in the open field, elevated plus maze, or defensive freezing tasks. GDX rats exhibited significantly more anxiety-like behaviors than intact or DHT-replaced rats. Intact and DHT-replaced rats administered flutamide to the hippocampus showed significantly more anxiety-like behavior than did intact and DHT-replaced controls. However, flutamide alone did not increase anxiety-like behavior of GDX rats. Together, these findings suggest that androgens can decrease anxiety-like behavior of male rats in part through DHT's actions at androgen receptors in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Exposure of a male mouse to a female mouse separated from it by a holed partition induced specific behavior and an increase in blood testosterone in the male. The male made more approaches to the partition and spent more time at it. The time spent by the male mouse over the first 10 min at the partition, behind which an estrus female was placed, was increased sixfold compared to the time spent by a male mouse exposed to the vacant neighboring compartment; and 1.5-fold compared to that spent by a male mouse exposed to a nonreceptive female or a male. Increased blood testosterone level was detected at 20 min of exposure to a receptive female in winter and at 40 min in summer. No variation in blood testosterone levels in the male mouse exposed to a nonreceptive female or a male was observed. Similar response to a receptive female placed in the neighboring compartment was shown in a male rat. The time spent by the male rat at the partition was 12 times higher when there was an estrus female behind it than in control. Blood testosterone in the male rat increased in response to a female rat and did not change in response to a male rat indicating female-induced motivation. It was concluded that the partition time might serve as a quantitative measure of sexual motivation in the males and that the model of female-induced sexual arousal used was suitable for studying both motivational and hormonal components of sexual arousal in male mice and rats.  相似文献   

BackgroundTestosterone deficiency in elderly men increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In bilateral orchiectomized (ORX) animals, impaired cardiac Ca2+ regulation was observed, and this impairment could be improved by testosterone replacement, indicating the important role of testosterone in cardiac Ca2+ regulation. However, the temporal changes of Ca2+ dyshomeostasis in testosterone-deprived conditions are unclear. Moreover, the effects of early vs. late testosterone replacement are unknown. We hypothesized that the longer the deprivation of testosterone, the greater the impairment of cardiac Ca2+ homeostasis, and that early testosterone replacement can effectively reduce this adverse effect.MethodsMale Wistar rats were randomly divided into twelve groups, four sets of three. The first set were ORX for 2, 4 and 8 weeks, the second set were sham-operated groups of the same periods, the third set were ORX for 8 weeks coupled with a subcutaneous injection of vehicle (control), testosterone during weeks 1–8 (early replacement) or testosterone during weeks 5–8 (late replacement), and finally the 12-week sham-operated, ORX and ORX treated with testosterone groups. Cardiac Ca2+ transients (n = 4-5/group), L-type calcium current (ICa-L) (n = 4/group), Ca2+ regulatory proteins (n = 6/group) and cardiac function (n = 5/group) were determined.ResultsIn the ORX rats, impaired cardiac Ca2+ transients and reduced ICa-L were observed initially 4 weeks after ORX as shown by decreased Ca2+ transient amplitude, rising rate and maximum and average decay rates. No alteration of Ca2+ regulatory proteins such as the L-type Ca2+ channels, ryanodine receptor type 2, Na+-Ca2+ exchangers and SERCA2a were observed. Early testosterone replacement markedly improved cardiac Ca2+ transients, whereas late testosterone replacement did not. The cardiac contractility was also improved after early testosterone replacement.ConclusionsImpaired cardiac Ca2+ homeostasis is time-dependent after testosterone deprivation. Early testosterone replacement improves cardiac Ca2+ transient regulation and contractility, suggesting the necessity of early intervention in conditions of testosterone-deprivation.  相似文献   

Previous dose range-finding studies with nonylphenol (NP) administered to rats in a soy- and alfalfa-free diet showed apparent feminization of several endpoints in male rats at doses of 25 ppm and above. One possible mechanism contributing to these effects is a reduction of testosterone at critical developmental periods. The present study was conducted as an adjunct to a multigeneration study and was designed to examine the effect of NP on testosterone production. Male rats in the F1 and F2 generations were exposed through their dams or directly to various dietary doses of NP (0, 25, 200 and 750 ppm) throughout gestation and until sacrifice at either postnatal day 2 (PND2), PND50, or PND140. Male pups in the F3 generation were examined only on PND2. At PND2, serum testosterone levels were significantly decreased in all groups exposed to NP in the F1 generation, but not in the F2 or F3 generations. The activity of 17alpha-hydroxylase/C17, 20 lyase (P450c17) in PND2 testicular homogenates was not affected by NP treatment. In F1 and F2 PND50 and PND140 rats, NP treatment did not affect serum testosterone levels. The absolute dorsolateral prostate weight was increased in the 200 and 750 ppm dose groups only in the F1 PND50 rats, however, no significant effects were observed in other male reproductive organs. NP treatment did not affect P450c17 activity in microsomes prepared from testes of F1 PND50 or PND140 rats. However, P450c17 activity was significantly decreased in testicular microsomes of F(2) PND50 (200 and 750 ppm dose groups) and PND140 (25, 200, and 750 ppm dose groups) rats. A decrease in testicular beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) P450 reductase was also observed in all PND50 and PND140 NP-exposed rats of the F1 and F2 generations. The ability of NP to directly inhibit P450c17 activity in vitro at concentrations of 1-100 microM was also demonstrated. These results indicate that NP can inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in testosterone synthesis, but suggest minimal effects on testosterone or testosterone-dependent endpoints via this mechanism.  相似文献   

Changes in the behavior of Morimus funereus individuals were investigated as early manifestations of the contact of a living system with a changed environment primarily established via the nervous system. These experiments were aimed at revealing possible behavioral differences of a laboratory population of cerambycid beetle M. funereus in an “open field” before and after exposure to an extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF‐MF, 50 Hz, 2 mT). The experimental groups were divided into several activity categories and exposed to ELF‐MF. The results showed that the activity increased in the groups with medium and low motor activity, but decreased in highly active individuals. High individual variability was found in the experimental groups, as well as differences in motor activities between the sexes, both before and after exposure to ELF‐MF. According to preliminary results, we assume the changes of activity in both sexes after exposure to ELF‐MF. The results showed a tendency toward locomotor activity decrease, the affect being more pronounced in females. As opposed to this type of activity, stereotypic activity of males was increased after the exposure, whereas females maintained the expected tendency of decrease. However, we did not obtain statistically significant differences because of a high individual variability and a low total number of individuals in the experiment (N = 28). Only a detailed analysis of the locomotor activity at 1‐min intervals showed some statistically significant differences in behavior between the sexes.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to investigate intranasal dihydroartemisinin (DHA) delivery as a non-invasive method for treatment of malaria. ICR female mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA, a model for severe malaria with similarities to the human disease. DHA, at a dose of 2 × 5 mg/kg/day, was administered to mice either intranasally or i.p. Two dosage regimens were tested: prophylaxis and treatment. Parasitemia was monitored every other day, from the time of infection, by thin smears prepared from tail blood. The survival rates in prophylaxis and treatment regimens were 93% and 75%, respectively, for intranasal DHA and this route was at least as effective as the i.p. route used for comparison. All mice in the untreated control and placebo groups succumbed due to the parasitemia. The results show that DHA nasal administration to mice was highly efficient in the treatment of Plasmodium infection in infected rodents. This novel mode of drug administration may be considered as an alternative to conventional treatment.  相似文献   

Influence of testosterone on autotomy in castrated male rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lin SM  Tsao CM  Tsai SK  Mok MS 《Life sciences》2002,70(20):2335-2340
Sex-related differences exist in nociception and gonadal steroids influence the analgesic response in animals and humans. As we have shown previously, estrogen could modify autotomy in female rats using the sciatic nerve transection model. To further characterize the relationship between gonadal steroid and nociception, the role of testosterone on autotomy in sciatic nerve sectioned rats was investigated. Twenty male rats were subjected to orchiectomy (ORX). Then ten rats received subcutaneous sesame oil and the other ten were treated with testosterone propionate in sesame oil (TP; 500 microg/day/rat). All the rats underwent sciatic nerve resection in left hind limb. Degree of self-mutilation was measured daily for 8 weeks. TP reinstatement resulted in significantly lower autotomy scores in orchiectomized rats. The results demonstrated that testosterone could modify the autotomy behavior, an indicator of neuropathic pain, in rats after nerve injury.  相似文献   

Male smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) provide sole parental care including frequent aggressive actions towards conspecifics and potential brood predators. Failure to defend the brood through continual vigilance results in predation reducing the number of offspring and promoting abandonment by the nesting male. However, little is known about how biochemical and endocrine factors and brood size collectively influence paternal aggression. Behavioral assays were conducted during the egg stage of offspring development by placing a brood predator in a jar on the nest to quantify aggression (number of attacks on the potential brood predator in a minute). To determine the correlates of parental aggression, we temporarily removed fish from their nests and measured circulating levels of testosterone and indicators of the primary (plasma cortisol) and secondary stress response (plasma glucose, Cl, Na+, K+) from non-lethal blood samples. While the male was removed from the nest, a snorkeler quantified the size of the brood. Brood size was positively correlated with male aggression. The only biochemical correlate of parental aggression was plasma glucose, which also had a positive relationship with brood size. When the effect of brood size was removed, no biochemical or endocrine factors were predictive of male aggression. Hence, brood value appeared to influence parental aggression independent of biochemical or endocrine status. While several-fold individual differences in aggression towards brood predators were noted, the role of androgens and glucocorticoids in mediating these behaviors is currently not well understood.  相似文献   

Drosophila groom away debris and pathogens from the body using their legs in a stereotyped sequence of innate motor behaviors. Here, we investigated one aspect of the grooming repertoire by characterizing the D1 family dopamine receptor, DopR. Removal of DopR results in decreased hind leg grooming, as substantiated by quantitation of dye remaining on mutant and RNAi animals vs. controls and direct scoring of behavioral events. These data are also supported by pharmacological results that D1 receptor agonists fail to potentiate grooming behaviors in headless DopR flies. DopR protein is broadly expressed in the neuropil of the thoracic ganglion and overlaps with TH‐positive dopaminergic neurons. Broad neuronal expression of dopamine receptor in mutant animals restored normal grooming behaviors. These data provide evidence for the role of DopR in potentiating hind leg grooming behaviors in the thoracic ganglion of adult Drosophila. This is a remarkable juxtaposition to the considerable role of D1 family dopamine receptors in rodent grooming, and future investigations of evolutionary relationships of circuitry may be warranted.  相似文献   

Nicotine has been shown to increase responding maintained by turning off a houselight. To examine whether this effect extends to other primary reinforcing visual stimuli, the present study assessed whether nicotine would increase responding maintained by the illumination, and not just the darkening, of a visual stimulus. One group of rats (n = 4) was initially trained to press two levers, using food as a consequence, while a separate group of rats (n = 4) was initially trained to press one lever. After training, all rats pressed an active lever to turn on or turn off a houselight for 10 s, while presses on an inactive lever had no programmed consequences. A third group of rats (n = 4) were never trained to press either of the two levers and did not experience any programmed consequences for pressing. Although nicotine slightly increased lever pressing on both levers in the third group, nicotine resulted in much greater increases in responding maintained by the visual stimuli in the first two groups. Nicotine selectively increased responding maintained by visual stimuli, regardless of which levers were originally trained and regardless of whether those stimuli consisted of turning on or turning off a houselight, suggesting that nicotine enhances the value of primary reinforcing visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Four rats responded under a choice reaction-time procedure. At the beginning of each trial, the rats were required to hold down a center lever for a variable duration, release it following a high- or low-pitched tone, and press either a left or right lever, conditionally on the tone. Correct choices were reinforced with a probability of .95 or .05 under blinking or static houselights, respectively. After performance stabilized, disruptive effects of free access to food pellets prior to sessions (prefeeding) and intraperitoneal injection of haloperidol were examined on multiple behavioral measures (i.e., the number of trials completed, percent of correct responses, and reaction time). Resistance to prefeeding depended on the probability of food delivery for the number of trials completed and reaction time. Resistance to haloperidol, on the other hand, was not systematically affected by the probability of food delivery for all dependent measures.  相似文献   

The liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods were developed and validated for the determination of testosterone (T) in the brain and serum of rats and of 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol (ADIOL), a metabolite of T, in the brain of rats. After derivatization of T with 2-hydrazino-1-methylpyridine and of ADIOL with p-nitrobenzoyl chloride, the detection sensitivities of T and ADIOL using LC-MS were increased 70- and 400-times superior to those of intact T and intact ADIOL, respectively. Those LC-MS methods are specific and reliable for the analysis of trace amounts of T and ADIOL in small amounts of samples. The animal studies using the developed methods showed that the brain and serum levels of T and the brain levels of ADIOL were not changed by stress or ethanol administration but the concentration ratio of the brain T to serum T in the stressed rats was higher than that in untreated rats. The low levels of endogenous AIDOL in brain of stressed and unrestrained rats found in this study demonstrated that the contribution to anesthetic and anxiolytic effects of ADIOL via gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors may be negligible.  相似文献   

The nose provides an effective way for delivering neuropeptides to the central nervous system, bypassing the blood-brain barrier and avoiding systemic side effects. Thereby intranasal neuropeptide administration enables the modulation of central nervous signaling pathways of body weight regulation and cognitive functions. Central nervous control of energy homeostasis is assumed to rely on hypothalamic neuropeptidergic pathways that are triggered by the peripheral adiposity signals insulin and leptin conveying the amount of body fat to the brain. Melanocortins, including alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), are essential for inducing anorexigenic/catabolic effects, i.e. for inhibiting caloric intake and increasing energy expenditure. Insulin, in addition to its function as an adiposity signal, also influences memory formation. Here we present a series of studies on the intranasal administration of MSH/ACTH(4-10), a melanocortin receptor agonist, and of insulin. Prolonged administration of MSH/ACTH(4-10) induced weight loss in normal-weight, but not in overweight humans. Intranasal insulin reduced body fat and improved memory functions in the absence of adverse peripheral side effects. Our results may contribute to the future development of therapeutic strategies in disorders like obesity and cognitive impairments that derive from dysfunctions of central nervous neuropeptidergic pathways.  相似文献   

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