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One way to evaluate sexual arousal is by measuring approach behavior to sexual incentive stimuli. In our case we measure approach behavior to an originally non-preferred compartment which is associated with the physiological state induced by mating. This change of preference indicative of a positive affective (reward) state can be evaluated by conditioned place preference (CPP). We have shown that the CPP induced by paced mating is mediated by opioids. The administration of opioids also induces a reward state. The present study was designed to compare the rewarding properties of paced mating and a morphine injection. One group of females was allowed to pace the sexual interaction before being placed in the non-preferred compartment. In alternate sessions they received a morphine injection before being placed in the preferred compartment. In another group of females, the treatments were reversed. Only the females placed in the originally non-preferred compartment after paced mating changed their original preference, suggesting that paced mating induces a positive affective, reward, state of higher intensity than a morphine injection of 1 mg/kg. In a second experiment we determined if females allowed to pace the sexual interaction for 1 h would still developed CPP. No change in preference was observed in the females that mated for 1 h without pacing the sexual interaction. On the other hand, females that received between 10 and 15 paced intromissions as well as females that paced the sexual interaction for 1 h developed a clear CPP. The second experiment demonstrated that pacing is rewarding even in an extended mating session in which the females received around 25 intromissions and several ejaculations. These results further demonstrate the biological relevance associated with the ability of the female to space coital stimulation received during mating. This positive affective state will contribute to increase sexual arousal the next time a rat finds an appropriate mate.  相似文献   

Paced, but not nonpaced, mating behavior is reported to induce a conditioned place preference (CPP) in female rats. Contrary to these previous findings, Experiment 1 showed that female rats that received 15 intromissions from a single male rat during each of five conditioning sessions exhibited a CPP for the compartment associated with mating when the intromissions were delivered via a paced or nonpaced paradigm. Experiment 2 demonstrated that nonpaced mating induced a CPP when a single male delivered the 15 intromissions but not when the male was replaced following ejaculation and a new male allowed to complete the requisite number of intromissions. These findings invite reevaluation of the reinforcing aspects of mating behavior in female rats.  相似文献   

The ability to control or pace the sexual interaction has important physiological and behavioral consequences for the female rat. Paced mating favors reproduction and induces a positive affective state as revealed by conditioned place preference (CPP). In the present experiment we evaluated: 1) If paced mating induces CPP in naturally cycling females; 2) If females developed a positive affective state if they paced the sexual interaction through a 1- or a 3-hole pacing chamber; 3) If females that mate with the same male without pacing the sexual interaction develop CPP. In the first experiment intact females were divided in 4 different groups; 2 paced the sexual interaction until receiving 1 or 3 ejaculations; the other 2 groups mated, without pacing the sexual interaction, until receiving 1 or 3 ejaculations. Only the group that paced the sexual interaction until receiving 3 ejaculations developed a positive affective state. In experiments 2 and 3 hormonally treated ovariectomized females were used. In experiment 2 females were allowed to pace the sexual interaction through a 1- or a 3-hole pacing chamber: A clear positive affective state was induced in both testing conditions. Finally, in experiment 3 females did not develop CPP for non-paced sex despite the fact that they mated with the same male in the conditioning sessions. These results demonstrate that the pattern of vaginocervical stimulation that the females received by engaging in approach and avoidance behaviors to pace the sexual interaction can induce a positive affective state in naturally cycling females. They also confirm the existence of a threshold of vaginocervical stimulation for paced mating to induce CPP in female rats.  相似文献   

When female rats pace their coital interaction, a reward state evaluated by conditioned place preference is induced. Progesterone (P) is essential for the expression of proceptive behavior and for the induction of CPP. However, the functional significance of ring A reduction of P for the induction of this state during estrous is unsettled. In the present study, we evaluated whether ring A-reduced metabolites of P are involved in the reward state induced when the females are allowed to pace their sexual contacts. Ovariectomized (ovx) female rats treated with estradiol benzoate (EB, 5 microg) and P (13 microg), Megestrol acetate (MA; 13 microg ), 5 alpha-pregnan-20 dione (5 alphaDHP; 3 microg), or 5 beta-pregnan-3 alpha-ol-20-one (5 beta,3 alpha-Pgl; 3 microg) were used. Progestins were dissolved in propylene glycol and intravenously (iv) injected through an indwelling jugular catheter before females were tested for pacing behavior. After 15 intromissions or one ejaculation, females were gently placed in the nonpreferred compartment of a CPP box. Paced mating in all groups treated with progestins induced a clear change of preference. The administration of progestins alone did not induce CPP. These results suggest that P and ring A-reduced metabolites facilitate the reward state following pacing.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic neuropeptide orexin (hypocretin) mediates reward related to drugs of abuse and food intake. However, a role for orexin in sexual reward has yet to be investigated. Orexin neurons are activated by sexual behavior, but endogenous orexin does not appear to be essential for sexual performance and motivation in male rats. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that orexin is critically involved in processing of sexual reward in male rats. First, it was demonstrated following exposure to conditioned contextual cues associated with sexual behavior in a conditioned place preference paradigm that cFos expression is induced in orexin neurons, indicating activation of orexin neurons by cues predicting sexual reward. Next, orexin-cell specific lesions were utilized to determine the functional role of orexin in sexual reward processing. Hypothalami of adult male rats were infused with orexin-B-conjugated saporin, resulting in greater than 80% loss of orexin neurons in the perifornical-dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamus. Orexin lesions did not affect expression of sexual behavior, but prevented formation of conditioned place preference for a sexual behavior paired chamber. In contrast, intact sham-treated males or males with partial lesions developed a conditioned place preference for mating. Orexin lesioned males maintained the ability to form a conditioned place aversion to lithium chloride-induced visceral illness, indicating that orexin lesions did not disrupt associative contextual memory. Overall, these findings suggest that orexin is not essential for sexual performance or motivation, but is critical for reward processing and conditioned cue-induced seeking of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior is a natural reward for many rodent species, and it often includes chemosensory-directed components. Chemosensory stimuli themselves may also be rewarding. Conditioned place preference (CPP) is one paradigm frequently used to test the rewarding properties of a range of stimuli. Males and females of several rodent species show a CPP for sexual behavior; however, it is currently unknown whether sexual behavior can induce a CPP in male Syrian hamsters. As male Syrian hamsters are an animal model commonly used for investigation of the neurobiology of sexual behavior, understanding the rewarding components of sexual stimuli will better direct future research on brain regions and neurotransmitters involved in these behaviors. Experiment 1 tested the prediction that male hamsters show a CPP for sexual behavior. Female chemosensory stimuli are essential for the display of sexual behavior in male hamsters; however, the rewarding properties of female chemosensory stimuli contained in vaginal secretions (VS) are uncertain. Therefore, experiment 2 tested the prediction that male hamsters show a CPP for VS. This study is the first demonstration that both sexual behavior and VS induce a CPP in male hamsters. Thus, female chemosensory stimuli are a natural reward in a species that is dependent on these stimuli for reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Stress-like levels of cortisol inhibit sexual receptivity in ewes but the mechanism of this action is not understood. One possibility is that cortisol interferes with the actions of oestradiol to induce sexual receptivity. We tested this hypothesis in 2 experiments with ovariectomised ewes that were artificially induced into oestrus by 12 days of i.m. injections of progesterone followed by an i.m. injection of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) 48 h later. In Experiment 1, ewes were randomly allocated to the following groups: saline infusion + 25 μg ODB, saline infusion + 50 μg ODB, cortisol infusion + 25 μg ODB or cortisol infusion + 50 μg ODB (n = 5 per group). Saline or cortisol was infused i.v. for 40 h beginning at the ODB injection. In Experiment 2, ewes were infused with saline or cortisol (n = 5 per group) for 5 h beginning 1 h before ODB injection. In both experiments, ewe sexual behaviour (attractivity, proceptivity and receptivity) was quantified every 6 h. Blood samples were also collected. The cortisol infusion yielded plasma concentrations of cortisol similar to those seen during psychosocial stress. In both experiments, cortisol suppressed receptivity index (number of immobilisations by ewe/courtship displays by ram) and the number of times ewes were mounted but had no effect on attractivity or proceptivity, irrespective of the dose of ODB (Experiment 1). Cortisol also suppressed LH pulse amplitude. These results suggest that both an acute (5 h) and chronic (40 h) infusion of cortisol inhibit oestradiol-induced sexual receptivity in ewes and that increasing the dose of ODB does not overcome the inhibitory effects of cortisol.  相似文献   

Female rats express a conditioned place preference (CPP) for a context paired with mating. During a mating encounter, the female rat is exposed to several different types of stimuli, including, but not limited to, vaginocervical stimulation and social contact. The present experiment tested the hypothesis that two components of the mating interaction, vaginocervical stimulation or social contact, each induce a CPP in female rats. During conditioning rats received nonpaced mating, artificial vaginocervical stimulation, social interaction or a control treatment. Rats expressed a CPP for the context paired with nonpaced mating or artificial vaginocervical stimulation whereas social interaction and the control treatment did not induce a CPP. The present findings highlight the important role that vaginocervical stimulation plays in the reinforcing effects of mating in female rats.  相似文献   

Binding of glutamate or its ionotropic receptor agonists in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) of female rats inhibits both appetitive and consummatory aspects of sexual behavior. Because vaginocervical stimulation activates glutamate neurons in the VMH, and administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) delays this effect, the present study examined the effects of hormonal priming on glutamate release within the VMH of female rats paired with sexually vigorous males. Ovariectomized, sexually experienced rats were implanted with guide cannula aimed at the ventrolateral VMH, through which microdialysis probes were inserted prior to testing. Females were assigned randomly to one of three hormone treatment conditions: EB + P, EB alone, or the oil vehicle. Testing was conducted over 5 h, including a 120-min period of habituation to the testing chamber, a 60-min period of baseline sample collection, and a 120-min period during which a sexually vigorous male was introduced into the testing chamber. Dialysates were collected every 20 min during the test and were analyzed for glutamate using HPLC. Females primed with oil had large and significant increases in glutamate release from baseline once the male was introduced to the chamber. Treatment with EB alone decreased glutamate release in response to male cues. Although treatment with EB + P did not differ significantly from EB alone, the degree of reduced glutamate release was less than with EB alone. These results indicate that priming with EB reduces glutamate transmission in the VMH in response to male cues. Taken together with our previous findings, estradiol blunts the activation of glutamate neurons in the VMH thus allowing female rats to copulate.  相似文献   

Various behavioral models and studies have provided evidence suggesting that male rat sexual behavior has rewarding and reinforcing properties. However, there is little information regarding the rewarding values of the different components of sexual behavior. Therefore, this study used a conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm to address whether ejaculation and intromissions differ in their rewarding incentive values. We also addressed whether the differential rewarding values were dependent on prior sexual experience. Sexually naïve and experienced males received one pairing of either intromissions or ejaculation with one of the chambers in the CPP box. The amount of time spent in each chamber of the CPP apparatus after conditioning was then measured. Both sexually naïve and sexually experienced males formed a CPP for ejaculation, while only sexually naïve, and not sexually experienced, males formed a CPP for intromissions. Moreover, in sexually naïve males, multiple pairings of ejaculation with the designated chamber resulted in a CPP relative to the control chamber paired with display of intromissions. These data support the hypothesis that there is a hierarchy of rewarding sexual behavior, with ejaculation being the most rewarding component, and that the rewarding incentive value of other components of sexual behavior is dependent upon prior sexual experience.  相似文献   

The present experiments were conducted to explore the nature of conditioned sexual proceptivity in female quail. Females exposed to males subsequently approached the area where the males were previously housed (Experiment 1). This increased preference for the male's area reflected an increase in female sexual proceptivity and not an increase in non-directed locomotor activity (Experiment 2). These findings provide the first evidence that female quail show conditioned responses that may be considered to be proceptive responses toward male conspecifics. The proceptive responses are expressed as tonic changes in preference for areas where males have been observed in the past rather than as specific phasic conditioned responses.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is largely responsible for the initiation of sexual behaviors; one form of GnRH activates a physiological cascade causing gonadal growth and gonadal steroid feedback to the brain, and another form is thought to act as a neurotransmitter to enhance sexual receptivity. In contrast to GnRH, gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) inhibits gonadotropin release. The distribution of GnIH in the avian brain suggests that it has not only hypophysiotropic actions but also unknown behavioral actions. GnIH fibers are present in the median eminence (ME) and are in apparent contact with chicken GnRH (cGnRH)-I and -II neurons and fibers. In birds, cGnRH-I regulates pituitary gonadotropin release, whereas cGnRH-II enhances copulation solicitation in estradiol-primed females exposed to male song. In the present study, we determined the effects of GnIH administered centrally to female white-crowned sparrows. A physiological dose of GnIH reduced circulating LH and inhibited copulation solicitation, without affecting locomotor activity. Using rhodaminated GnIH, putative GnIH binding sites were seen in the ME close to GnRH-I fiber terminals and in the midbrain on or close to GnRH-II neurons. These data demonstrate direct effects of GnIH upon reproductive physiology and behavior, possibly via separate actions on two forms of GnRH.  相似文献   

The putative role of the endocannabinoid system and the effects of cannabis use in male and female sexual functioning are summarized. The influence of cannabis intake on sexual behavior and arousability appear to be dose-dependent in both men and women, although women are far more consistent in reporting facilitatory effects. Furthermore, evidence from nonhuman species indicate somewhat more beneficial than debilitating effects of cannabinoids on female sexual proceptivity and receptivity while suggesting predominantly detrimental effects on male sexual motivation and erectile functioning. Data from human and nonhuman species converge on the ephemeral nature of THC-induced testosterone decline. However, it is clear that cannabinoid-induced inhibition of male sexual behavior is independent of concurrent declines in testosterone levels. Investigations also reveal a suppression of gonadotropin release by cannabinoids across various species. Historical milestones and promising future directions in the area of cannabinoid and sexuality research are also outlined in this review.  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the effects of neonatal testosterone treatment on paced mating behavior and conditioned place preference in female rats. In both experiments, females received s.c. injections of 5.0 microg testosterone propionate or oil vehicle at three days postpartum. As adults, females were ovariectomized and given s.c. injections of 10 microg estradiol benzoate and 500 microg progesterone, 48 and 4 h before mating, respectively. In Experiment 1, TP- and Oil-treated females exhibited similar high levels of lordosis responsiveness, but TP-treated females showed increased intervals between mounts and between intromissions in paced and non-paced mating conditions compared to control females. The effect was particularly pronounced during paced mating, when contact return latencies were increased approximately 2-fold by TP treatment. TP-treated females showed exaggerated pacing behavior, showing significantly greater return latencies after intromissions than Oil-treated females. In Experiment 2, TP- and Oil-treated groups were tested in a conditioned place preference paradigm to determine if the behavioral changes observed in Experiment 1 were in part a result of changes in the perceived reward produced by paced mating. TP treated and control females developed equivalent preferences for places associated with paced but not non-paced mating, indicating that neonatal TP treatment at this dosage does not disrupt or enhance the conditioned place preference induced by paced mating. The results of the two experiments demonstrate that neonatal TP treatment alters the display of pacing behavior but not the reward state induced by paced mating, and suggest that TP affects neural substrates involved in performance of paced mating without effects on those controlling lordosis or place preference conditioning.  相似文献   

The present study tested whether the display of paced mating behavior in female rats over four weekly tests is affected by sexual experience and whether test parameters, i.e., ending the test based on time or number of stimulations received, influence behavioral changes. In Experiment 1A rats with nonpaced sexual experience returned to the male more quickly overall compared to sexually naïve rats in a 30-min test of paced mating behavior. In Experiment 1B, rats received four weekly 30-min tests with one, different, male rat partner each week. Over the four tests, rats returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Experiment 2A tested whether sexual experience would influence paced mating behavior in tests with a 15-intromission end criterion and the male replaced after ejaculation. Rats tested weekly under 15-intromission test conditions returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but no behavioral change was observed after ejaculations. When those same rats were given a 30-min test of paced mating behavior (Experiment 2B), they returned to the male significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Collectively, these data show that sexual experience influences the display of paced mating behavior in female rats and that the test parameters interact with sexual experience to influence the nature of the changes. Sexual experience may facilitate behaviors that promote reproductive success in female rats.  相似文献   

The ovariectomized (OVX) rat treated with estradiol benzoate (EB) is used to elucidate neuroendocrine mechanisms of sexual behavior. Chronic behavioral and pharmacological manipulations can be confounded by rising baselines, since females are behaviorally more sensitive to repeated EB injections. The literature lacks a systematic examination of chronic effects of EB administered alone to the sexually experienced OVX rat. Long–Evans rats were repeatedly treated (8 tests) with s.c. injections of 2, 5, or 10 μg EB at different time intervals (4 or 8 days). Female sexual behaviors as well as receipt of mounts, intromissions and ejaculations from the male were observed in the unilevel 4-hole pacing chamber. The effects of adrenalectomy (ADX) and strain (Long–Evans vs. Wistar) were also assessed. Long–Evans OVX rats treated with 5 μg EB every 8 days showed persistently low levels of sexual behavior. Sensitization was most robust following 10 μg EB at 4-day intervals. Very few sexual behaviors were ever induced by 2 μg EB. ADX did not affect the development of behavioral sensitization by 10 μg EB. Therefore, to achieve a low steady state of sexual behaviors in sexually experienced Long-Evans OVX rats 5 μg of EB administered every 8 days is optimal, whereas a persistently high level of sexual behaviors is induced with 10 μg EB administered every 4 days. OVX Wistar rats are behaviorally more sensitive to EB. Behavioral sensitization to EB may serve as a mechanism to optimize reproductive success.  相似文献   

Estrogen (E2) has activational effects on sexual motivation and mitigating effects on anxiety-like behaviors that can be attenuated with chronic exposure to psychosocial stress. Some studies suggest that this attenuation can be overcome by higher doses of E2, while others show that chronic psychosocial stress may alter the mechanisms of E2 function, thus reducing any positive benefit from higher doses of E2. To determine the interaction between psychosocial stress and E2 dose on behavior, we examined the scope of attenuation across a suite of socioemotional behaviors, including reproduction, affiliation, aggression, submission, and anxiety-like behaviors on 36 ovariectomized female rhesus monkeys. Females were exposed to graded psychosocial stress, established by an intrinsic female dominance hierarchy, where subordinate animals receive high amounts of harassment. Our data show that E2 dose-dependently increased sexual motivation and male-affiliation in dominant (e.g. low-stress) females, while subordinate females showed no positive effects of E2, even at higher doses. In addition, contact aggression was attenuated in dominant females, while non-contact aggression was attenuated in both dominant and middle-ranking females. These results suggest that the stress-induced attenuation of E2's activational effects on sexual behavior and affiliation with males may not be overcome with higher doses of E2. Furthermore, the observed behavioral consequences of psychosocial stress and E2 dose may be dependent on the behaviors of all the females in the social-group, and better resolution on these effects depends on isolating treatment to individuals within the group to minimize alterations in social-group interactions.  相似文献   

Paced mating induces positive affect as revealed by conditioned place preference (CPP) in female rats. It has been suggested that endogenous opioids are involved in the generation of this positive affect since systemic administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone blocks mating-induced CPP. Several brain structures, including the medial preoptic area (mPOA), the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH), the amygdala (Me), and the nucleus accumbens (Acb) have been implicated in the control of female sexual behavior. However, it is not known if these structures also participate in the positive affect produced by paced mating. To this end we determined the effects of intracranial administration of naloxone methiodide into the mPOA, VMH, Me and Acb on conditioned place preference induced by paced mating in female rats. Regardless of the site of infusion 5 μg of naloxone did not affect any of the sexual behavior parameters measured during copulation. When CPP was evaluated, the groups infused with naloxone into the mPOA, the VMH, and the Me before each conditioning session did not develop place preference. Only the group infused with naloxone in the Acb and the control groups did so. These results demonstrate that opioid receptors within the mPOA, VMH and Me are necessary for the rewarding aspects of paced mating. We suggest that the Me and VMH are important for the transmission of sensory information produced by copulation while the mPOA is the site where the positive affect is originated.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2009,55(5):709-716
Paced mating induces positive affect as revealed by conditioned place preference (CPP) in female rats. It has been suggested that endogenous opioids are involved in the generation of this positive affect since systemic administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone blocks mating-induced CPP. Several brain structures, including the medial preoptic area (mPOA), the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH), the amygdala (Me), and the nucleus accumbens (Acb) have been implicated in the control of female sexual behavior. However, it is not known if these structures also participate in the positive affect produced by paced mating. To this end we determined the effects of intracranial administration of naloxone methiodide into the mPOA, VMH, Me and Acb on conditioned place preference induced by paced mating in female rats. Regardless of the site of infusion 5 μg of naloxone did not affect any of the sexual behavior parameters measured during copulation. When CPP was evaluated, the groups infused with naloxone into the mPOA, the VMH, and the Me before each conditioning session did not develop place preference. Only the group infused with naloxone in the Acb and the control groups did so. These results demonstrate that opioid receptors within the mPOA, VMH and Me are necessary for the rewarding aspects of paced mating. We suggest that the Me and VMH are important for the transmission of sensory information produced by copulation while the mPOA is the site where the positive affect is originated.  相似文献   

Gao C  Che LW  Chen J  Xu XJ  Chi ZQ 《Cell research》2003,13(1):29-34
The present study was designed to determine the changes of phosphorylation of cAMP-response element binding protein(CREB)in hippocampus induced by ohmefentanyl stereoisomers(F9202 and F9204) in conditioned place preference(CPP)paradigm.The results showed that mice receiving F9202 and F9204 displayed obvious CPP.They could all significantly stimulate CREB phosphorylation and maintained for a long time without affecting total CREB protein levels.The effect of F9204 was similar to morphine which effect was more potent and longer than F9202.We also examined the effects of ketamine,a noncompetitive N-mthyl-D-asartate receptor(NR)antagonist,on morphine-,F9202-and F9204-induced CPP and phosphorylation of CREB in hippocampus.Ketamine could suppress not only the place preference but also the phosphorylation of CREB produced by morphine,F9202 and F9204.These findings suggest that alterations in the phosphorylation of CREB be relevant to opiates signaling and the development of opiates dependence.NR antagonists may interfere with opiates dependence and may have potential therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

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