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We have shown recently that alteration of the membrane fluidity of either effector or target cells results in significant and selective inhibition of NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NK CMC). However, the localization of the defective stage in the NK lytic pathway is not known. In the present study, we show that rigidification of the NK-sensitive U937 target cell membrane by lipid modulation reduces its sensitivity to lysis by NK cytotoxic factor (NKCF). This resistance was not due to loss of NKCF binding sites on the target cell because target cells with rigid membranes absorbed more NKCF than control cells. The enhanced ability to absorb NKCF by membrane modification was supported by data showing that NK-resistant Raji cells lacking NKCF-binding sites absorb NKCF after lipid modification. Furthermore, consistent with the lipophilic nature of NKCF, synthetic lipid vesicles absorb NKCF. In contrast to membrane rigidification, membrane fluidization of the target cell did not change the target cell properties. Rigidification of the NK effector cell membrane abrogates it ability to secrete active NKCF when stimulated by target cells or by mitogens. Membrane fluidization of the NK effector cells did not inhibit their ability to release NKCF. The results of these studies demonstrate that inhibition of NK CMC by rigidification of the target cell membrane results in cells that are inhibited in processing bound NKCF to lysis. Inhibition of NK CMC by rigidification of the NK effector cell results in defective trigger for activation of the NKCF release mechanism.  相似文献   

This investigation has employed the "innocent bystander" type of experimental design to determine whether soluble cytotoxic factor(s) are released during interactions between human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and NK-sensitive target cells. PBL cocultured with NK-sensitive Molt-4 or K562 target cells in the lower well of a miniaturized Marbrook culture released natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF), which diffused across a 0.2-mu Nucleopore membrane and lysed Molt-4 or K562 target cells cultured in the upper chamber. Coculture of PBL with the NK-resistant Raji or WI-L2 cell lines also induced release of NKCF. These factors were selectively cytotoxic to NK-sensitive targets and lysed Molt-4 and, to a lesser extent, K562 cells. However, Raji, WI-L2, and RPMI 1788 cells were all resistant to lysis. In addition, low density fractions from Percoll density gradients that were enriched for NK effector cells also released increased levels of NKCF during coculture with Molt-4 cells. Lysis of Molt-4 and K562 targets was observed after exposure to NKCF for 48 hr and 60 to 70 hr, respectively. Cellfree supernatants containing NKCF were obtained after a short time of incubation (i.e., within 5 hr of coculture of PBL with NK target cells). The factors were nondialyzable, stable at 56 degrees C for 3 hr, and showed partial loss of activity on storage at 4 degrees C or -20 degrees C for 7 days. These data suggest that NKCF may be involved in the lytic mechanism of human NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Studies have been performed on the in vitro immunologic effects of homogeneous recombinant human leukocyte interferon, IFLrA. Large granular lymphocytes, enriched for natural killer (NK) cell activity, were pretreated wtih IFLrA or natural interferon preparations and then tested for augmentation of NK activity and of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity (ADCC). Monocytes were tested for cytolytic and cytostatic activity in 48–72 hr radioisotopic assays performed in the presence or absence of interferon. Treatment with IFLrA caused significant augmentation of NK, ADCC, and monocyte-mediated cytotoxic activities. Even 10 units of IFLrA induced augmentation of NK activity, and 100 units or more boosted monocyte-mediated activity. The effects in each of these assays were species-specific, with no detectable effects on the activity of mouse effector cells. These results indicate that homogeneous recombinant interferon has potent in vitro immunomodulating effects and thus provide a basis for carefully examining the in vivo effects of this protein on host defenses in forthcoming clinical trials with cancer patients.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the relation between the production of natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF) and the phenomenon of natural killing (NK) activity against target K562 cells. Two different models of defective NK cell activity were employed. In the first instance, cytotoxic activity of mononuclear cells (MN) derived from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma was compared to the ability of these cells to produce NKCF. Although direct cytotoxicity was considerably impaired in these patients, the ability of their MN to produce NKCF when stimulated with K562 cells was found to be normal. In the second model, MN treated with the lysosomotropic drug monensin showed considerably reduced direct cytotoxic activity, although they were capable of producing normal amounts of NKCF when activated by K562 cells. These results therefore indicate that there is no correlation between NK activity and corresponding NKCF release, and suggest that NKCF production and activity is independent of direct NK cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has implicated natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF) as the lytic mediators of NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions. The objective of this study was to examine and compare some of the biochemical and functional characteristics of human, rat, and murine NKCF. Supernatants containing NKCF were generated by stimulating effector cells with Con A or U937 (for human PBL) or YAC-1 (for rodent spleen cells) and tested for cytotoxic activity in a 20-hour (rodent) or 24-hour (human) 51Cr release assay. NKCF activity was inactivated by heating to 63 degrees C, 8 M urea, pH 2, and reduction and alkylation. These factors were highly sensitive to trypsin, moderately sensitive to papain and resistant to neuraminidase. Adsorption of human NKCF to U937 cells is inhibited by mannose-6-phosphate and adsorption of rodent NKCF to YAC-1 cells is inhibited by alpha-methyl-D-mannoside and fructose-6-phosphate. Oxidation of NKCF with sodium periodate abolished lytic activity. Pretreatment of NKCF with Con A but not pretreatment of target cells inhibited lytic activity. NKCF activity eluted in a single broad band of apparent MW of 15,000-40,000 after fractionation by HPLC gel permeating chromatography. Pooled fractions containing NKCF activity were subjected to some of the same tests performed on whole supernatants. Test result with semipurified NKCF confirmed that these factors are inactivated by trypsin or sodium periodate and that mannose-6-phosphate inhibits their binding to target cells. There were no major differences observed in NKCF produced by the three different species whether stimulated by Con A or NK-sensitive tumor cells. The evidence indicates that NKCF are glycoproteins in which disulfide bonding is essential for lytic activity. Furthermore, it appears that carbohydrate residues expressed on NKCF molecules are involved in the binding of these factors to the target cell membrane.  相似文献   

Natural killer cytotoxic factor (NKCF) has been proposed as one of the factors that mediates lysis induced by natural killer (NK) cells. Recently, an excellent source of NKCF has been found to be the rat large granular lymphocyte (LGL) tumor (RNK) cell line. In this study, the kinetics of lysis of the NK-sensitive, tumor target YAC-1 by the RNK-NKCF was analyzed and found to parallel that seen with NK cell-mediated killing. RNK-NKCF was also capable of killing the NK-resistant target cell, MBL-2, over a longer time period. This study utilized monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) prepared against granule protein, previously termed "anti-NKCF mAbs." These mAbs established the nature of RNK-NKCF as compared to other known cytotoxic factors in combination with studies that show that RNK-NKCF causes both 51Cr release and nuclear degradation. Antibody inhibition experiments have verified that RNK-NKCF is unique from tumor necrosis factor (TNF), leukoregulin, or complement. Anti-NKCF mAbs were capable, however, of neutralizing the RNK cell granule activity against YAC-1 tumor target cells. Based on these results, the ability of anti-NKCF mAbs to neutralize the cytolytic function of pore-forming protein (PFP), a component of these granules, was analyzed. In these experiments, the antibodies were found to inhibit the hemolytic activity of granules. Interestingly, the antibodies were effective in inhibiting the activity of unbound granule proteins as well as those bound to sheep red blood cell (SRBC) targets. Further studies to examine the target lysis requirements demonstrated that in contrast to PFP, the RNK-NKCF was able to lyse the tumor target in the absence of calcium. In addition, treatment of targets with RNA and protein synthesis inhibitors indicated that the mechanism of lysis of NKCF is quite unique from other defined cytotoxic moieties.  相似文献   

We have investigated the in vitro effects of the neurohormone beta-endorphin (b-end) on natural killer (NK) activity and interferon (IFN) production mediated by large granular lymphocytes (LGL). LGL-enriched fractions from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal human volunteers were obtained by fractionation over discontinuous Percoll gradients. LGL were preincubated with or without various concentrations of b-end or the closely related peptides alpha-endorphin (a-end), gamma-endorphin (g-end), or D-ALA2-beta-endorphin (D-ALA2-b-end), a synthetic b-end analogue. NK activity was assayed on 51Cr-labeled K562 target cells. Preincubation of LGL effectors (but not K562 targets) for 2 to 18 hr with concentrations of b-end between 10(-7) M and 10(-10) M produced significant augmentation of NK cytolytic activity (mean percentage increase: 63%). The classic opiate antagonist naloxone blocked the enhancing effect when used at a 100-fold molar excess relative to b-end. Neither a-end nor g-end could augment NK activity, whereas D-ALA2-b-end produced an enhancement comparable with that produced by b-end. In addition, incubation of LGL with b-end in the presence of phytohemagglutinin or poly I:C significantly augmented IFN production. These findings demonstrate that b-end enhances NK activity and IFN production of purified LGL, and suggests that b-end might bind to an opioid receptor on LGL that can be blocked by naloxone. These results lend support to the concepts of regulation of the immune response by neurohormones and the functional relationship between the nervous and immune systems.  相似文献   

Human natural killer cytotoxic factor (NKCF): role of IFN-alpha   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between production of NKCF and IFN-alpha by human lymphocytes was studied. NKCF activity was generated in response to K562-inducer cells. The presence of NKCF in supernatants was always accompanied by antiviral activity, but in several experiments IFN was detected without concomitant NKCF. In no instance was NKCF activity detected in the absence of IFN. Cell lines which were good inducers of IFN-alpha were found to be good inducers of NKCF. NKCF activity of supernatants was completely adsorbed after incubation with MOLT-4 cells, whereas there was only minimal depletion of IFN-alpha activity. Most of the antiviral activity and all of the NKCF activity of preformed supernatants was neutralized by anti-IFN-alpha serum, whereas anti-IFN-gamma serum and pH2 inactivation had minimal effect on either activity. Addition of IFN-alpha to neutralized supernatants restored NKCF activity. These experiments support the hypothesis that IFN-alpha is involved in the modulation of NKCF-lytic activity. Both antiviral and NKCF activities were abrogated when anti-IFN-alpha serum was added to cultures of lymphocytes plus inducer cells (induction phase). The addition of purified IFN-alpha to such cultures was effective in allowing resumption of NKCF activity; however, addition of IFN-gamma to these cultures did not overcome this block. The addition of purified IFN-alpha directly to supernatants generated in the presence of anti-IFN-alpha serum could not restore their NKCF activity, thereby suggesting an additional requirement for IFN-alpha in the production of NKCF. The possible role of IFN-alpha in the generation of NKCF and expression of its lytic activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Natural killer cytotoxic factor (NKCF) is produced as a result of the interaction of murine, rat, or human natural killer (NK) cells with NK-susceptible targets. This factor has been linked to the target cell lysis mediated by the NK effector cell. In the present results, culture supernatants from rat large granular lymphocyte (LGL) tumors exhibited NKCF activity which lysed the susceptible targets, MBL-2 and YAC-1. NKCF production from these rat tumor lines was spontaneous and was not significantly increased by co-incubation of the LGL tumors with target cells, target cell membranes, or by preincubation of the LGL tumor cells with interferon or interleukin 2. In addition to NKCF activity, the supernatants lysed L929, indicating the presence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in these preparations. The presence of this latter cytokine was verified using specific antibodies to recombinant murine TNF which neutralized the L929 activity while not affecting the NKCF activity against MBL-2 or YAC-1. Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) A0287, A0462, and A0316) which significantly inhibit the NKCF cytolytic activity of these LGL-derived supernatants were also produced. These antibodies were shown to cross-react with human NKCF in a manner similar to that seen in the rat. Interestingly these same mAb demonstrated no inhibition of L929 cytotoxicity from either LGL-derived supernatants or by recombinant murine or human TNF. To examine further the specificity of these antibodies, they were chemically linked to Sepharose 4B and found to remove a significant proportion of the NKCF cytolytic activity from LGL supernatants, while not affecting the TNF reactivities in these preparations. In addition, these antibodies demonstrated significant inhibition of cell-mediated cytotoxicity by rat LGL against YAC-1 target cells. Biochemical analysis of labeled NKCF-containing supernatants indicated the major protein recognized by these anti-NKCF mAb to be approximately 12,000 m.w. The use of these mAb against NKCF should be very useful in further purification and biochemical characterization of NKCF and in studying its role in a variety of cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory on the natural killer (NK) lytic mechanism demonstrated that following interaction of target cell with effector cell, the effector cell releases NK cytotoxic factors (NKCF) that can then bind to and lyse the target cell. This study investigates the mechanism by which the target cell signals the effector cell to release NKCF. Studies on other cell systems with secretory functions have indicated that receptor-induced transmembrane signaling leads to the metabolism of phosphatidylinositol and activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by increased cytosolic Ca++ and diacylglycerol (DAG). We tested the hypothesis that a similar sequence of activation events occurs in human NK cells by examining the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), and the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin in their ability to induce release of NKCF. The amount of NKCF released was determined in a 20-hr 51Cr release assay against an NK-sensitive target cell. A23187, ionomycin, or TPA alone did not induce release of NKCF. However, ionophores (200 mM) in conjunction with TPA (20 ng/ml) induced release of NKCF. Several properties of the induced NKCF by TPA and ionophores were concordant with those of the NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) reaction. The kinetics of release were faster (less than 1 hr) than when either Con A or target cells were used to stimulate NKCF. Only NK-sensitive target cells were killed by NKCF. Pretreatment of effector cells with interferon enhanced release of NKCF from effector cells. Several lines of evidence suggested that the pathway of activation takes place through phosphatidyl inositol metabolism. Activation of PKC was indicated because TPA and A23187 enhanced protein phosphorylation in the LGL-enriched fraction. Experiments that made use of oleoyl acetyl glycerol, a synthetic DAG, showed release of NKCF in the absence of A23187 but was augmented by the ionophore. The above studies suggest that NKCF is released from NK effector cells within a period of time consistent with NK CMC, and the release of NKCF results either directly or indirectly from protein phosphorylation by PKC.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible contribution of other cytokines to the lytic activity of NKCF-containing supernatants. We compared some of the functional properties of human NKCF and purified recombinant human rLT and rTNF. It was found that the target cell specificity of rLT was quite different from NKCF in that rLT was neither species specific nor NK specific. Furthermore, antibodies against rLT did not affect the lytic activity of NKCF. These results demonstrate that LT does not significantly contribute to the lytic activity mediated by NKCF. The target specificity of rTNF was found to be related to that of NKCF with the exception of one NK-resistant cell line that was lysed by rTNF in a 20-hr 51Cr-release assay. However, rTNF was not toxic to any of the target cells tested as assessed by trypan blue exclusion in a 20-hr assay unless the targets were labeled with 51Cr. In contrast, NKCF did kill target cells as detected by trypan blue exclusion that were not labeled with 51Cr. Further analysis of this mechanistic difference in the lytic activity of rTNF and NKCF revealed that rTNF in combination with either cycloheximide or mitomycin C but not IFN-gamma could lyse unlabeled U937 target cells. In addition, pretreatment of U937 target cells with nonradioactive Na2CrO4 at concentrations equivalent to that used to 51Cr-labeled cells resulted in their susceptibility to lysis by rTNF as assessed by trypan blue exclusion. These findings suggest that lysis of several susceptible target cells in 20 hr by rTNF requires the presence of additional agents that may be sublethally toxic and/or inhibitory to macromolecular synthesis. Antibody inhibition studies revealed that anti-TNF mediated from partial to complete inhibition of lysis of U937 by unfractionated supernatants containing NKCF. However, fractionation of such supernatants on chromatofocusing columns yielded two distinct peaks of activity eluting in the pH range of 5 to 6 and 7 to 8. Anti-TNF could inhibit the acidic form of NKCF but not the neutral form. It is concluded that NKCF activity is mediated in part by TNF or an antigenically related molecule as well as some other distinct factor(s). The lack of consistent inhibition of NK CMC by anti-TNF suggests that TNF alone is not sufficient to mediate NK activity, or else it is inaccessible to the added antibody.  相似文献   

Recent findings have indicated an imbalance of immune responsiveness in primary IgA nephropathy (IgAN). Thus natural killer (NK) cell frequency and NK cytotoxicity were evaluated in fifteen IgAN patients. CD8+, CD11+, CD56+ and CD57+ lymphocyte percentages in IgAN individuals fell within normal values, while a significant decrease of CD16+ cells was observed in the same group of patients. In contrast, NK activity overlapped that seen in controls as assessed by an agarose-single cell cytotoxic assay. To further investigate the discrepancy between CD16+ cell level and NK cytotoxic activity in IgAN, the proportion of CD11+ CD57+, CD56+ CD16+ and CD57+ CD16+ lymphocytes was determined. In spite of the unaffected CD56+ CD16+ cell frequency, IgAN subjects exhibited a significant decrease of CD11+ CD57+ and CD57+ CD16+ lymphocyte percentages in comparison to controls. It is suggested that a redistribution of NK lymphocyte subsets occurs in IgAN. This may have an important role in the impairment of the immunoregulatory network.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to clarify the number and nomenclature of murine natural killer (NK) cell specific alloantigens by defining the genetic relationships between them, that is, are they coded by loci which are independent, allelic, or linked. Strain typing and F2 analyses using five alloantisera (C3H X BALB/c)F1 anti-CE, CE anti-CBA, NZB anti-BALB/c, C3H anti-ST, and BALB/c anti-DBA/2 revealed that (a) the alloantigens NK-1.1 and NK-3.1 are determined by distinct loci which are linked on the same chromosomes, (b) the alloantigen NK-2.1 is determined by an independently segregating locus to those coding for NK-1.1 and NK-3.1, (c) the alloantisera, CE anti-CBA and NZB anti-BALB/c, which have been designated anti-NK-2.1 alloantisera recognize different alloantigens coded by independent genetic loci. Thus, these five alloantisera detect four NK cell specific alloantigens which, based on the chronology of their discovery, have been designated NK-1.1-(C3H X BALB/c)F1 anti-CE, NK-2.1-CE anti-CBA, NK-3.1-C3H anti-ST, and BALB/c anti-DBA/2 and NK-4.1-NZB anti-BALB/c.  相似文献   

NK1.1+ T (NKT) cells are efficient regulators of early host responses which have been shown to play a role in tumor surveillance. The relevance of NKT cells in immune surveillance of viral infections, however, is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional relevance of NKT cells in controlling herpesvirus infections by using challenge with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) as the study model. This model has proven to be one of the best systems for evaluating the role of NK cells during virus infection. Using gene-targeted mice and alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) as an exogenous stimulator of NKT cells, we have analyzed the role of these cells in the immune surveillance of MCMV infection. Our studies in NKT-cell-deficient, T-cell receptor Jalpha281 gene-targeted mice have established that classical NKT cells do not play a critical role in the early clearance of MCMV infection. Importantly, however, activation of NKT cells by alpha-GalCer resulted in reduced viral replication in visceral organs. Depletion studies, coupled with analysis of gene-targeted mice lacking perforin and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), have revealed that the antiviral effects of alpha-GalCer involve NK cells and have clearly demonstrated that the antiviral activity of alpha-GalCer, unlike the antitumor one, is critically dependent on both perforin and IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Splenocytes obtained from normal mice (BALB/c nude, BALB/c, C3H, C57Bl/6) and from mice bearing lung or pulmonary carcinomas were propagated for 1–12 months in the presence of crude or mitogen-depleted T-cell growth factor (TCGF). Clones from several TCGF-propagated lymphoid cell lines were established by limiting dilution or the soft agar techniques. All the cultured lines and the majority of the clonal populations derived from them exhibited strong cytotoxic activity in vitro (51Cr release assay) toward a variety of syngeneic and allogeneic tumor target cells, both freshly obtained and passaged in culture, and both lymphoid and solid in origin, and including targets usually resistant to fresh NK cells. Considerable cytotoxic activity was also observed with several rat and human cultured tumor lines. Only low cytotoxic activity was detected against normal lymphoid mouse cells. Cloned populations generally exhibited more restricted target cytotoxicity than the parental cultured lines, and the pattern of reactivity varied among the clones. Of the clones tested for surface markers, all were positive for Thy 1.2, T200, and asialo GM1 and had strong binding to peanut agglutinin (PNA), all had undetectable receptors for IgG or IgM, and some were positive for Lyt 2. The cytotoxic activity was augmented by pretreatment of the effector cells with interferon and inhibited by the presence of mannose or galactose during the assay. Several clones were capable of mediating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and lectin-induced cellular cytotoxicity (LICC), and produced relatively large quantities of interferon and lymphotoxinlike material. The findings indicated continuous culturing in TCGF of previously antigen-nonstimulated mouse lymphocytes selects for the growth of at least two distinct populations with activated NK activity, one reacting preferentially with lymphoid tumor target cells (designated CNK-L), and the second reacting effectively with both lymphoid and solid tumor targets (designated CNK-SL). Both populations have several features of both T lymphocytes and NK cells.  相似文献   

The in vitro influence of thymus cells on natural killer cell activity of spleen cells against prelabeled target cells (YAC-I and RL♂I) has been studied in syngeneic as well as in allogeneic murine models. In mixing experiments to demonstrate suppression, total thymocytes have been found to have no effect on NK activity of syngeneic or allogeneic spleen cells. Among several thymocyte fractions separated by velocity sedimentation, a relatively faster sedimenting fraction showed remarkable suppression of NK activity by spleen cells against two target cells. The suppressive effect of this particular fraction on NK activity was demonstrated to be proportional to the cell dose. The suppressive function was resistant to irradiation at 1000 or 2000 rad administered in vitro and was not restricted by the major histocompatibility complex. Moreover, the thymocyte fraction which induced suppression was not sensitive to NK-mediated cytolysi? by syngeneic spleen cells. The suppression of NK cytolysis in vitro by certain subpopulations of thymocytes as observed in the present studies may be consistent with a role for the thymus in regulating NK activity in vivo.  相似文献   

We have proposed that lysis of target cells by NK cells is mediated by NK cytotoxic factors (NKCF). According to our model, for a target cell to be NK-sensitive, it must be recognized by the NK cell, it must stimulate the release of NKCF, and it must be sensitive to lysis by these factors. This report examines whether the ability to stimulate release of NKCF is a characteristic restricted to NK-sensitive tumor cells or whether it is also a property of NK-resistant target cells. Many different types of cell lines were tested for their ability to stimulate release of NKCF in the human, rat, and murine systems. It was found that mycoplasma-free NK-sensitive cell lines, resistant cell lines, and Con A could stimulate the release of NKCF. Many different types of cell lines grown in suspension or in monolayers were found to be effective stimulators, including T or B lymphoid, myeloid, and those of histiocytic origin. Cells cultured in the absence of serum stimulated NKCF release, thus ruling out the possible involvement of serum components in stimulation. NKCF was also produced by xenogeneic combinations of effector and stimulator cells, demonstrating lack of species specificity in NKCF production. Factors stimulated by NK-resistant cell lines or by Con A exhibited the same NK target specificity as supernatants stimulated by NK-sensitive tumor cells. The finding that many different NK-resistant cell lines can stimulate the release of NKCF indicates that there is no apparent NK specificity at the level of induction of NKCF release from human, rat, or murine effector cells. Therefore, the NK specificity of a target cell is determined ultimately by its sensitivity to lysis by NKCF.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic test in vitro with the use of xenogeneic target cells of human myeloma, strain K-562, labeled with 51Cr has demonstrated natural cytotoxicity of lymphoid cells from noninbred Syrian hamsters. This cytotoxicity occurs at the cost of non-adherent splenocytes. NK may be isolated over the gradient density of ficoll (1.078), selective for large granular lymphocytes. To detect the maximal lytic activity of NK from Syrian hamsters in the cytotoxic test in vitro, they should be brought into 10-12 hour contact with sensitive target cells K-562. In Syrian hamsters, the highest natural cytotoxicity is shown by the cells of the blood and spleen. In the bone marrow and thymus, it is little pronounced and is virtually absent from the peripheral lymph nodes.  相似文献   

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