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We constructed the complexes between HEWL and (GlcNAc)6 oligomer in order to investigate the amino acid residues related to substrate binding in the productive and nonproductive complexes, and the relationship between the distortion of the GlcNAc residue D and the formation of the productive complexes. We obtained 49 HEWL-(GlcNAc)6 complexes by a systematic conformational search and classified the each one to the three binding modes; left side, center, or right side. Furthermore we performed the molecular dynamics simulation against 20 HEWL-(GlcNAc)6 complexes (8: chair model, 12 : half-chair model) selected from the 49 complexes to investigate the interaction between HEWL and (GlcNAc)6. As results, we confirmed that it is necessary for GlcNAc residue D to be half-chaired form to bind toward the right side to form productive complexes. We found newly that eight amino acid residues interact with the (GlcNAc)6 oligomer, as follows, Arg73, Gly102, Asn103 for GlcNAc residue A; Asn103 for GlcNAc residues B and C; Leu56, Ala107, Val109 for GlcNAc residue D; Ala110 for GlcNAc residue E; and Lys33 for GlcNAc residue F. We also indicated that GlcNAc residue F does not interact with Thr47 and rarely interacts with Phe34 and Asn37.  相似文献   

We report the preparation, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic study of the Fab fragment from a heteroclitic murine (BALB/c) monoclonal anti-hen egg-white lysozyme antibody complexed with a heterologous antigen, pheasant lysozyme. The complex between the heterologous antigen and the antibody has been crystallized from polyethylene glycol 8000 solutions in a form suitable for X-ray crystallographic studies. The crystals are monoclinic, space group C2 with a = 158.2 A, b = 49.1 A, c = 177.6 A, beta = 92.0 degrees (1 A = 0.1 nm).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of turkey egg-white lysozyme, determined by the molecular replacement method at 5 Å resolution (Bott & Sarma, 1976) has now been refined to 2.8 Å resolution and a model has been built to fit the electron density. A comparison of the co-ordinates with those of hen lysozyme indicate a rootmean-square deviation of 1.6 Å for all the main-chain and side-chain atoms. A significant difference is observed in the region of residues 98 to 115 of the structure. The molecules are packed in this crystal form with the entire length of the active cleft positioned in the vicinity of the crystallographic 6-fold axis and is not blocked by neighboring molecules. A difference electron density map calculated between crystals of turkey lysozyme soaked in a disaccharide of N-acetyl glucosamine—N-acetyl muramic acid and the native crystals showed a strong positive peak at subsite C, a weak positive peak at subsite D and two strong peaks that correspond to the subsite E and a new subsite F′. This new site F′ is different from the subsite F predicted for the sixth saccharide from model building in hen lysozyme. The interactions between the saccharides bound at subsites E and F′ and the enzyme molecules are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of egg-white lysozyme was measured in the presence of carbohydrate additives in the reaction medium. These additives show a significant affinity for water. They depress water activity and increase the viscosity of the medium. Solute-solvent interactions in aqueous solutions of the additives are characterized by properties such as the intrinsic viscosity, Huggins constant apparent molar volume and hydration number. It was found that, despite the lowering of enzyme activity when the concentration of additive is increased, the behavior remains Michaelian and neither modification of Km nor inhibition by excess substrate is observed. On the other hand, the effect of the viscosity of the medium on enzyme activity was determined. This effect is independent of the nature of the additive at high viscosities (greater than 4 mPa s-1) for which enzyme activity is very low and appears to vary according to the kind of additive in dilute solution at low viscosities (less than 2 mPa s-1).  相似文献   

淀粉样纤维与老年性痴呆症、帕金森病和非神经性组织淀粉样变性病等人类疾病相关。运用ThT荧光、刚果红结合、远紫外圆二色、透射电镜的方法研究了不同条件下卵清溶菌酶(HEWL)淀粉样纤维的形成。实验结果表明pH值2.0是HEWL淀粉样纤维形成的必要条件,HEWL淀粉样纤维的形成是一个典型的浓度依赖型过程。三氟乙醇(TFE)对HEWL淀粉样纤维形成影响结果表明中低浓度(低于40%)的TFE加速了溶菌酶淀粉样纤维的形成,其中5%~15%(v/v)的TFE促进效果最为显著,大大缩短了淀粉样纤维的成核期;而高浓度的TFE(50%)则完全抑制了溶菌酶淀粉样纤维的形成。透射电镜直接观察了溶菌酶淀粉样纤维的形态,不加TFE时溶菌酶淀粉样纤维聚集成簇,形成相互缠绕的成熟纤维,而10%的TFE存在时,观察到的形态则主要是短的原纤维,且没有发生纤维的相互交联实验。结果表明溶菌酶形成相互缠绕的成熟纤维主要由弱的疏水相互作用来驱动。  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of Egyptian goose lysozyme (EGL) from egg-white and its enzymatic properties were analyzed. The established sequence had the highest similarity to wood duck lysozyme (WDL) with five amino acid substitutions, and had eighteen substitutions difference from hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL). Tyr34 and Gly37 were found at subsites E and F of the active site when compared with HEL. The experimental time-course characteristics of EGL against the N-acetylglucosamine pentamer substrate, (GlcNAc)(5), revealed higher production of (GlcNAc)(4) and lower production of (GlcNAc)(2) when compared with HEL. The saccharide-binding ability of subsites A-C in EGL was also found to be weaker than in HEL. An analysis of the enzymatic reactions of five mutants in respect of positions 34, 37 and 71 in HEL indicated the time-course characteristics of EGL to be caused by the combination of three substitutions (F34Y, N37G and G71R) between HEL and EGL. A computer simulation of the EGL-catalyzed reaction suggested that the time-course characteristics of EGL resulted from the difference in the binding free energy for subsites A, B, E and F and the rate constant of transglycosylation between EGL and HEL.  相似文献   

This work examines the inhibitory effect of TCEP on the in vitro fibrillation of hen lysozyme at pH 2. We demonstrate that the inhibition of hen lysozyme fibrillation by TCEP follows a dose-dependent manner. Our data show that the addition of TCEP prevents α-to-β transition and promoted unfolding of lysozyme. Moreover, our findings suggested that the TCEP-induced attenuated fibrillation is associated with disulfide disruption and structural unfolding of HEWL.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of pigeon egg-white lysozyme has been determined. The protein molecule contains a single polypeptide chain of 127 amino acid residues and exhibits only about 60% homology when compared to hen egg-white lysozyme.  相似文献   

The disulfide bridges of hen's egg-white lysozyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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