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Isolate 18191, obtained from mature strawberry fruit and determined as Paenibacillus polymyxa has shown an antagonistic potential against Botrytis cinerea , the causal agent of grey mould in strawberries. Germ tube growth of conidia of B. cinerea was strongly inhibited by the culture suspension of the antagonist in aqueous strawberry fruit pulp suspension (1%) but germination rate of conidia was not affected. The application of the culture suspension and the washed cells on detached strawberry leaf discs reduced conidiophore density of B. cinerea by 67 and 84%, respectively. The treatment of detached leaf discs with culture suspensions of different cell densities (1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108) showed that the lowest density already reduced incidence of B. cinerea by 68% after 8 days incubation period. Investigating the influence of the temperature on the effectiveness of P. polymyxa it was observed that the antagonist was highly effective already at 10°C and reduced incidence and conidiophore density of B. cinerea by 53 and 58%, respectively. In 3-year field trials the effectiveness of P. polymyxa was in a range of 24–36% as compared to the water control.  相似文献   

During screening of twenty six essential oils against Botrytis cinerea, the essential oils of the ten plants viz. Chenopodium ambrosioides, Eucalyptus citriodora, Eupatorium cannabinum, Lawsonia inermis, Ocimum canum, O. gratissimum, O. sanctum, Prunus persica, Zingiber cassumunar and Z. officinale were found to exhibit absolute fungitoxic activity (100% growth inhibition). The essential oils of O. sanctum, P. persica and Z. officinale were selected for further investigation because these oils showed lower Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) as compared to the other fungitoxic oils. The selected oils were subsequently standardized through physico-chemical and fungitoxic properties. The MIC values of O. sanctum, P. persica and Z. officinale were found to be 200, 100 and 100 ppm (mg/l) respectively. The oils showed fungistatic nature at their respective MIC. The oils were thermostable, and exhibited a wide range of fungitoxicity against 15 other post-harvest fungal pathogens. The oils had the potency to withstand high inoculum density. The antifungal potency of oils was found to be greater in comparison to some prevalent synthetic fungicides. Practical applicability of the essential oils was observed in control of grey mould of grapes caused by B. cinerea during storage. The O. sanctum- and P. persica-oil-treated grapes showed enhancement of storage life up to 5 and 4 days respectively. The storage life of Z. officinale-oil-treated grapes was found to be enhanced up to 6 days. The oils did not exhibit any phytotoxic effect on the fruit peel. Therefore, the oils could be recommended as a potential source of ecofriendly botanical fungicide, after long term and wide ranging trials.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted with Botrytis cinerea on strawberry leaves to investigate where combinations of commercially available biological control agents (BCAs) might control B. cinerea more effectively than individual BCAs. Specifically, we studied the persistence of biocontrol activities, spread of BCAs among leaves, and biocontrol efficacy in relation to application regimes: mixed versus single BCA, pre-versus post-inoculation application, and sequential versus simultaneous application. Three BCA products (Sentinel, Serenade and Trianum) were used for this study. Overall, Serenade did not significantly reduce sporulation of B. cinerea on strawberry leaf discs whereas Sentinel and Trianum gave a similar and significant biocontrol efficacy. Biocontrol efficacy remained almost unchanged 10 days after application at 20/20°C (day/night) or 24/16°C temperature regimes. In contrast, reduced biocontrol efficacy at 26/14°C suggests BCA survival was reduced under these conditions. Incidence of B. cinerea sporulation on leaf discs was ca. 60% higher on leaves that emerged after the BCA application than on leaves directly exposed to BCA, indicating insufficient amount of the BCA had managed to spread to new leaves. Combinations of BCAs, whether applied simultaneously or sequentially (48 h apart), did not improve disease control over the most effective BCA within the combination applied alone. This indicated possible antagonism or interference between the BCAs. Results suggested that there was significant antagonism for most combinations of the three BCAs tested and the degree of antagonism increased as the time from BCA application to pathogen introduction lengthened.  相似文献   

Tomato gray mold (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) is a common disease worldwide, and often causes serious production loss by infecting leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. Presently, no resistant cultivars are available. To find new breeding materials for gray mold resistance, assessment for resistance of the leaflet and stem in six tomato cultivars, 44 wild tomato accessions and a Solanum lycopersicoides accession was performed. Although no correlation was observed (r=−0.127ns) between resistance of the leaflet and the stem, L. peruvianum LA2745, L. hirsutum LA2314 and L. pimpinellifolium LA1246 showed high resistance both in the leaflet and in the stem. Particularly, in the leaves of LA2745, no lesions were observed even more than two weeks after the inoculation with conidia, and F1s between a cultivated tomato and LA2745 also showed high resistance as observed in LA2745. From these results, LA2745 is thought to be a promising material for breeding gray-mold resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Mixtures of yeasts were tested for theirability to control Penicillium expansum andBotrytis cinerea on Red Delicious apple fruits. The occurrence of synergistic or antagonisticinteractions between yeast strains in differentmixtures was also evaluated. Two strains ofRhodotorula (R. glutinis SL 1 and R. glutinisSL 30) and two strains of Cryptococcus (C. albidus SL 43 and C. laurentii SL 62) were selected fordeveloping yeasts mixtures.The R. glutinis SL 1–R. glutinis SL 30 mixtureexhibited a lower effectiveness than eachstrain alone, against both moulds. Othermixtures (R. glutinis SL 1–C. albidus SL 43 and R. glutinis SL 30–C. albidus SL 43) showedsynergism against P. expansum but not against B. cinerea. The R. glutinis SL 1–C. laurentii SL62 mixture was the only mixture which showedsynergism against gray mould. There was not anymixture, which showed high effectivenessagainst both moulds at the same time. Differentresults could be explained by the dynamics ofthe population of the yeasts.By using yeast mixtures, it was possible toimprove biocontrol without increasing theamount of antagonists applied. The synergismobserved could be useful in enhancingbiological control.  相似文献   

Manure-straw mixtures were composted and water extracts, made by incubating compost in water for 3 to 18 days, were assessed for antagonistic activity against Botrytis cinerea, using a range of tests. Extracts of all ages inhibited conidial germination on glass slides and reduced mycelial growth on agar. Mixing extracts of all ages with droplets of suspensions of B. cinerea conidia on detached Phaseolus bean leaves suppressed lesion development, but only 3- to 8-day-old extracts had an effect when sprayed onto leaves 2 days before inoculation. Extracts contained a large and varied microbial population of actinomycetes (0.3 to 2.4×105 c.f.u.ml–1), bacteria (1.5 to 5.6×1010 c.f.u.ml–1), filamentous fungi (25.0 to 45.5 c.f.u. ml–1) and yeasts (26.1 to 62.6 c.f.u.ml–1). Eight- and 18-day-old extracts lost activity completely on filter sterilization or autoclaving. Weekly sprays of 8-day-old extracts onto lettuce in the glasshouse had no effect on the incidence of grey mould, but significantly reduced its severity and increased marketable yield. The use of compost extracts in biocontrol of plant diseases and their possible mode of action is discussed.M.P. McQuilken and J.M. Whipps are and J.M. Lynch was with the Microbiology and Crop Protection Department, Horticulture Research International, Littlehampton BN17 6LP, UK; J.M. Lynch is now with the School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, UK.  相似文献   

The in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of adipic acid monoethyl ester (AAME) on the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea has been studied. This chemical effectively controlled this important phytopathogen, inhibited spore germination and mycelium development at non-phytotoxic concentrations. The effectiveness of AAME treatment is concentration-dependent and influenced by pH. Spore germination in the presence of AAME is stopped at a very early stage, preventing germ tube development. In addition, cytological changes such as retraction of the conidial cytoplasm in the fungus are observed. AAME was also found to act on membrane integrity, affecting permeability without exhibiting lytic activity, as described previously for other antifungal compounds. Polyamine content in the mycelium of B. cinerea was also affected in response to AAME treatment, resulting in putrescine reduction and spermine accumulation similar to a number of antifungal agents. Microscopic observation of treated conidia after inoculation on tomato leaves suggested that inhibited spores are not able to attach to and penetrate the leaf. Finally, AAME completely suppressed the grey mould disease of tomato fruits under controlled inoculation conditions, providing evidence for its efficacy in a biological context and for the potential use of this chemical as an alternative fungicide treatment.  相似文献   


In order to evaluate the potential of naturally occurring filamentous fungi having potential as biocontrol agents effective against grey mould and post-harvest fruit rot caused by Botrytis cinerea on tomato, fungal saprophytes were isolated. They were obtained from leaves, fruits and flowers belonging to different species of cultivated and spontaneous Solanaceous plants collected at the horticultural area of La Plata, Argentina. Of 300 isolates screened for inhibition of B. cinerea using the dual culture technique on agar plate, 12 strains inhibited strongly mycelial growth of the pathogen. Among the antagonists one isolate of Epicoccun nigrum (126), four of Trichoderma harzianum (110, 118, 248 and 252) and four isolates of Fusarium spp. decreased the spore germination of B. cinerea between 30 and 70%. These isolates were probed on tomato fruits to evaluate their biocontrol activity against post-harvest grey mould. In growth chamber tests, E. nigrum (27), F. equiseti (22, 105) and T. harzianum (118, 252) reduced the diameter of fruit lesions by 50 – 90% and were selected for further biocontrol assays of tomato plants in the greenhouse. Although there were not significant differences between the treatments and the control, F. equiseti (105), E. nigrum (27) and T. harzianum (118) reduced by 20, 22 and 22 respectively the disease on whole plants. The targeted application of isolates of E. nigrum, T. harzianum and F. equiseti provides a promising alternative to the use of fungicide spray to control B. cinerea on tomatoes.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a necrotrophic fungal pathogen causing disease in many plant species, leading to economically important crop losses. So far, fungicides have been widely used to control this pathogen. However, in addition to their detrimental effects on the environment and potential risks for human health, increasing fungicide resistance has been observed in the B. cinerea population. Biological control, that is the application of microbial organisms to reduce disease, has gained importance as an alternative or complementary approach to fungicides. In this respect, the genus Trichoderma constitutes a promising pool of organisms with potential for B. cinerea control. In the first part of this article, we review the specific mechanisms involved in the direct interaction between the two fungi, including mycoparasitism, the production of antimicrobial compounds and enzymes (collectively called antagonism), and competition for nutrients and space. In addition, biocontrol has also been observed when Trichoderma is physically separated from the pathogen, thus implying an indirect systemic plant defence response. Therefore, in the second part, we describe the consecutive steps leading to induced systemic resistance (ISR), starting with the initial Trichoderma–plant interaction and followed by the activation of downstream signal transduction pathways and, ultimately, the defence response resulting in ISR (ISR‐prime phase). Finally, we discuss the ISR‐boost phase, representing the effect of ISR priming by Trichoderma spp. on plant responses after additional challenge with B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea (strain AM235) was used to investigate the transformations of testosterone and related steroids. It was found that the position and stereochemistry of the introduced hydroxyl group, as well as the yield of products, depended on the structure of the substrate. Botrytis cinerea converts the examined substrates mainly to 7 alpha-hydroxy derivatives. 1-Dehydrotestosterone was also significantly hydroxylated at a 14 alpha-position.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic pathway to abscisic acid (ABA) from isopentenyl diphosphate in the fungus, Botrytis cinerea, was investigated. Labeling experiments with (18)O2 and H2(18)O indicated that all oxygen atoms at C-1, -1, -1' and -4' of ABA were derived from molecular oxygen, and not from water. This finding was inconsistent not only with the known carotenoid pathway via oxidative cleavage of carotenoids, but also with the classical direct pathway via cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate. The fungus produced new C15-compounds, 2E,4E-alpha-ionylideneethane and 2Z,4E-alpha-ionylideneethane, along with 2E,4E,6E-allofarnesene and 2Z,4E,6E-allofarnesene, but did not apparently produce carotenoids except for a trace of phytoene. The C15-compounds labeled with 13C were converted to ABA by the fungus, and the incorporation ratio of 2Z,4E-alpha-ionylideneethane was higher than that of 2E,4E-alpha-ionylideneethane. From these results, it was concluded that farnesyl diphosphate was reduced at C-1, desaturated at C-4, and isomerized at C-2 to form 2Z,4E,6E-allofarnesene before being cyclized to 2Z,4E-alpha-ionylideneethane; the ionylideneethane was then oxidized to ABA with molecular oxygen. This direct pathway via ionylideneethane means that the biosynthetic pathway to fungal ABA, not only before but also after isopentenyl diphosphate, differs from that to ABA in plants, since plant ABA is biosynthesized using the non-mevalonate and carotenoid pathways.  相似文献   

Fruit grey mould, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, is known to be a harmful disease of strawberry at postharvest stage. However, effects of an application of biological control agents (BCAs) on strawberry fruit in terms of shift in the microbial community are still unknown. The present research aimed to investigate the effects of an application of BCAs on postharvest microbial populations present on strawberry fruits. Strawberry plants were sprayed with three kinds of BCA, RhizoVital 42 fl. (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42), Trianum‐P (Trichoderma harzianum T22) and Naturalis (Beauveria bassiana ATCC 74040), targeting Botrytis cinerea fungus. Control plots were composed of water and fungicide treatments. Microbial communities (bacteria and fungi) were analysed via next‐generation sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq. Analysis of 16S RNA and ITS rRNA sequences indicated that the BCAs application modified both bacterial and fungal community compositions and diversity. An application of two BCAs together had more effects on microbial community composition than a single application. These results suggest that BCAs can modify bacterial and fungal community composition and diversity on strawberry fruits, which may consequently improve the efficiency and establishment of these products on control of postharvest diseases of fruits, such as grey mould.  相似文献   

为了解湖南省保护地草莓灰霉病的发生与防治情况,2013年2~4月对位于湖南省湘南的郴州、衡阳,湘东的长沙、株洲、湘潭,湘中的邵阳,湘北的岳阳、湘西的怀化等地区的保护地灰霉病的发生和防治情况进行了调查。结果表明:1各调查地区草莓灰霉病普遍发生,但发生严重程度存在差别,其中湘中邵阳市大兴村的病果率和病情指数最高达到46.67%和6.34,湘南衡阳师古村病果率次之,但并不严重,其他地区病果率和病情指数均呈正相关;2连作棚年限越长,病害发生越严重;轮作棚草莓灰霉病的发生相对较轻,病果率介于9%~14%之间,而且病害发生也不严重;3不同草莓品种抗病能力不同,中章姬品种的草莓病果率和病情指数较低,其次为法兰地、红颜品种的草莓和丰香品种的草莓病果率和病情指数相当,甜查理的病果率和病情指数最高,发病最严重;4定植时期早晚对草莓灰霉病的发生有影响,其中9月上中旬定植草莓灰霉病病果率和病情指数均较高;9月下旬至10月上旬定植病害的发生相对较轻;10月中旬及其以后定植不仅抗寒效果差,而且产果慢,经济效益差;5不同大棚类型也影响草莓灰霉病发生的轻重,其中全封闭立柱拱棚的病果率和病情指数最高为38%和5.87,简易连栋拱棚次之,拱形单栋式拱棚和无立柱半封闭拱棚相当,日光智能温室大棚发生最轻;6当前,湖南省防治草莓灰霉病使用最多的药剂是腐霉利,多菌灵次之,其他农药依据所占调查比例的高低依次为甲基托布津、嘧菌环胺、咯菌腈、异菌脲、多抗霉素、甲基嘧菌。首次对湖南省保护地草莓灰霉病发生情况的调查,其结果将为进一步开展湖南省保护地草莓灰霉病的系统研究和防控奠定基础。  相似文献   

Previous work on the composition of the extracellular matrix of germlings of the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea demonstrated the presence of carbohydrate, protein, and simple lipids; which, together, comprised 50-60% of the dry weight. Here we show that most of the remaining mass of the extracellular matrix consists of a chemically inert dark pigment with the electron paramagnetic resonance characteristics of a melanin. Scanning electron micrographs of the purified pigment, and transmission electron micrographs of thin sections made using the pigment indicate that it has a filamentous structure. We conclude that melanin is an important component of the extracellular matrix of germlings of B. cinerea. This is the first report of a melanin present in the extracellular matrix of a plant pathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA of the OgPAE1 gene encoding the alpha5 subunit of the 20S proteasome was isolated from wild rice (Oryza grandiglumis) treated by wounding or with a fungal elicitor. The deduced amino acid sequence of OgPAE1 comprises 237 amino acids (25.99 kDa), and shows 94.5% homology with Arabidopsis thaliana AtPAE1. Expression of OgPAE1 is regulated by defense-related signaling chemicals such as cantharidin, endothall and jasmonic acid. Overexpression of OgPAE1 in A. thaliana leads to resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea by lowering disease rate and size of necrotic lesions, and by less penetration and colonization of fungal hyphae. The results indicate that the 20S proteasome from wild rice is involved in the B. cinerea defense pathway via an as yet undetermined mechanism.  相似文献   

Infection of tomato stem wounds by Botrytis cinerea is an important problem which can cause severe economic losses in greenhouse tomato crops. Three moderately halophilic bacteria were tested for their ability to protect pruning wounds from attacks by B. cinerea under growth chamber conditions. The severity of the disease estimated by the length of the rotted stem was used to calculate the area under the disease progress curves (AUDPC). Bacterial antagonists (B1, B2 and B3) were very effective in controlling Botrytis-infection on the tomato stems during the first 6 days and later by the end of the experiment. Plants treated with Bacillus subtilis (B1) had the lowest AUDPC (0). It was followed by B. subtilis (B3) and Halomonas sp. (B2) with AUDPC of 9.8 and 17.02, respectively. While the B1 strain best inhibited grey mold development when applied as young culture (24 h), the B3 strain performed better as an older culture (48 h). In contrast to the results obtained with Bacillus species, the efficacy of the bacterial treatment B2 seems to be independent of the growth phase. The co-cultures with fungal spores and either B. subtilis (B1) or Halomonas sp. (B2) applied as a 24 h bacterial culture completely inhibited the germination of B. cinerea after 24 h at 21°C.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae chitinase, encoded by the CTS1-2 gene has recently been confirmed by in vitro tests to possess antifungal abilities. In this study, the CTS1-2 gene has been evaluated for its in planta antifungal activity by constitutive overexpression in tobacco plants to assess its potential to increase the plant's defence against fungal pathogens. Transgenic tobacco plants, generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, showed stable integration and inheritance of the transgene. Northern blot analyses conducted on the transgenic tobacco plants confirmed transgene expression. Leaf extracts from the transgenic lines inhibited Botrytis cinerea spore germination and hyphal growth by up to 70% in a quantitative in vitro assay, leading to severe physical damage on the hyphae. Several of the F1 progeny lines were challenged with the fungal pathogen, B. cinerea, in a detached leaf infection assay, showing a decrease in susceptibility ranging from 50 to 70%. The plant lines that showed increased disease tolerance were also shown to have higher chitinase activities.  相似文献   

Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is an important strawberry disease. As gray mold control is difficult, there is a need to evaluate integrated methods to successfully manage the disease. The efficiency of integrating Clonostachys rosea sprays, fungicide sprays, and crop debris removal to manage gray mold was evaluated in field experiments conducted in 2006 and 2007. Leaf colonization by C. rosea (LAC), average number of B. cinerea conidiophores (ANC), gray mold incidence in both flowers (Iflower) and fruits (Ifruit), and yield were evaluated weekly. In both years, LAC was higher in the treatments with no fungicide. When compared to the check, ANC, Iflower and Ifruit were most reduced in treatments that included C. rosea sprays. Maximal reductions were achieved with the combination of C. rosea sprays, fungicide sprays and debris removal (96.62%, 86.54% and 65.33% reductions of ANC, Iflower and Ifruit, respectively). Otherwise, maximal yield (103.14% increase as compared to the check) was achieved with the combination of the three treatments. With just C. rosea sprays, ANC, Iflower and Ifruit were reduced by 92.01%, 68.48% and 65.33%, respectively, whereas yield was increased by 75.15%. Considering the individual effects, application of C. rosea was the most efficient treatment. Chemical control was effective only in plots without debris removal. Elimination of crop debris was the least effective method in reducing gray mold incidence in both flowers and fruits. The integrated control approach enhanced the efficacy of the individual methods of gray mold control and provided high strawberry yield. An important component of this integrated approach it the biological control with C. rosea.  相似文献   

Benzothiadiazole (BTH) was found to be highly effective in increasing resistance of two poinsettia cultivars — ‘Coco White’ and ‘Malibu Red’, moderately susceptible to the fungus Botrytis cinerea. BTH applied at a concentration of 0.3 mM on the discs cut out from the leaves of these poinsettia cultivars reduced disease symptoms by more than 60 % in comparison to the control discs treated with water and exposed to infection. It was also observed that the applied inducer at a concentration of 0.03 and 0.3 mM had a favourable influence on the increase of poinsettia systemic resistance of SAR type (systemic acquired resistance). The effectiveness of BTH was much less when disease development was examined on detached leaves (a 20 % reduction of lesion area) in comparison with a pronounced inhibition of grey mould development on intact leaves of previously induced plants (a 80 % protection of intact plants). Benzothiadiazole in the concentration range from 0.03 to 1.4 mM added to in vitro agar medium was not found to have an inhibitory influence on Botrytis cinerea mycelium growth and sporulation.  相似文献   

Summary Free radical adducts of the spin trap -(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone have been observed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in detached fruits ofCapsicum annuum investigated 5 days after infection withBotrytis cinerea.The spectra of these adducts were at a maximum within the soft rot lesion, but they could also be detected at distances up to 50 mm from the edge of the lesion in samples following main vascular bundles. At distances greater than 40 mm, the spectrum of the ascorbate radical was also seen, and at greater distances from the lesion it was the only radical detected. With samples taken from parenchyma tissue adjacent to the vascular bundles there was little adduct formation and the ascorbate radical could be detected, albeit with reduced intensity compared to healthy tissue, at distances as small as 10 mm from the edge of the lesion. This observation of chemical changes at considerable distances from the infected tissue is in contrast to previous observations on the behaviour of other markers of oxidative stress (e.g., 4-hydroxynonenal, malondialdehyde, single-peak free radical, and Fe(III) (g = 4.27) electron paramagnetic resonance signals), where their levels decreased rapidly outside of the soft rot.  相似文献   

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