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Drosophila montana females have been found to prefer overwintered males with short and dense (high-frequency) sound pulses in the wild. In the present study males producing high-frequency song succeeded in their courtship more often than males producing low-frequency song in mate-choice experiments. Male mating success correlated with the carrier frequency of the male song recorded after, but not before, an artificial winter (flies kept 6 months at 4°C). The finding that female preference is based on a male song trait changing considerably during overwintering suggests that this trait may reflect the viability and condition of the males during the mating season of the flies in spring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Contact chemoreception is important in female recognition by Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou) males. Antennal contact of female conspecifics, body regions, detached antennae and conditioned substrate elicited mostly courtship responses including courtship songs. Aggressive acts were produced only in response to male conspecifics. Male body regions, detached antennae and conditioned substrate elicited very few courtship or aggressive acts and no songs. This suggests that one or several communication modes, in addition to chemical communication, are necessary to elicit aggressive responses. Acheta domesticus (L.) males cannot rely upon chemical cues for recognition of either sex. Responses to conspecifics suggest that A. domesticus males produce aggressive acts immediately after antennal contact with either sex. Aggressive response to males usually persists, but response to females often switches to courtship. Responses to body regions, detached antennae, and conditioned substrate were few, with courtship and aggressive responses elicited by both male- and female-generated stimuli. The importance of contact chemoreception in cricket communication is suggested by (1) failure of hexane-washed antennae to elicit aggressive or courtship acts, and (2) males spending more time in contact with body regions and conditioned substrates than with corresponding controls. Lack of response to male or female odour-laden air suggests that chemical signals are used by males only if directly contacted. Chemical and other signals supplement the obvious use of acoustic signals for intra- and intersexual communication in these crickets. The importance of multimodal communication in sex recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) produce a complex call consisting of two elements, the long chirp (three to eight sound pulses) followed by a series of short chirps (each with two sound pulses). There is significant geographic variation in the temporal structure of calls, and the long chirp is selected against by acoustically orienting parasitoids in some populations. Here we examine geographic variation in female preference functions for the amount of long chirp. In general, females prefer calls with greater proportions of long chirp, although the strength and nature of selection varied across populations. Variation in preference functions did not match variation in call structure. There was a mismatch between the proportion of long chirp produced by males in a population and the proportion of long chirp preferred by females. The convergent preferences of predators and females are likely to maintain genetic variation in song traits in parasitized populations. The apparent mismatch between preference and trait is discussed in relation to theoretical models of preference evolution.  相似文献   

In animals with internal fertilization, sperm competition among males can favor the evolution of male ejaculate traits that are detrimental to females. Female mating preferences, in contrast, often favor traits in males that are beneficial to females, yet little is known about the effect of these preferences on the evolution of male ejaculates. A necessary condition for female preferences to affect the evolution of male ejaculate characteristics is that females select mates based on a trait correlated with ejaculate quality. Previous work has shown that females of the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps, prefer males that produce calling songs containing faster and longer chirps. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that females receive more beneficial ejaculates from preferred males. Females were placed on either a high- or a reduced-nutrition diet then mated twice to a male of known song phenotype. Females received only sperm and seminal fluid from males during these matings. There was no effect of male song phenotype on any fitness component for females on the high-nutrition diet. Reduced-nutrition females mated to males that produced preferred song types, however, lived longer, produced more eggs, produced more fertile eggs, and had a higher proportion of their eggs fertilized than those mated to other males. The life-span benefit was positively associated with male chirp duration, and the reproductive benefits were positively associated with male chirp rate. We explored two possible mechanisms for the life span and reproductive benefits. First, a path analysis suggested that part of the effect of male chirp duration on female life span may have been indirect; females mated to males that produced longer chirps showed delayed oviposition, and females that delayed oviposition lived longer. Males that produce longer chirps may thus transfer fewer or less potent oviposition stimulants to females in their seminal fluid. Second, there was a positive correlation between male chirp rate and the number of sperm transferred to females. The fertility benefit may thus have resulted from females receiving more sperm from males that produce faster chirps. Finally, there was a negative phenotypic correlation between male chirp rate and chirp duration, suggesting that females may have to trade off the life span and reproduction benefits when selecting a mate.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of Cephalonomia tarsalis, a solitary semiectoparasitoid of Oryzaephilus surinamensis, was investigated in the laboratory. Courtship behavior includes a series of stereotypic movements. Males play the most active role, executing the majority of courtship action, and females respond with relatively limited observable behaviors. Males typically keep antennae still during encounters with females prior to mounting, which may be correlated with recognition of the female's sexual status. After mounting, males display a series of movements on females, such as antennae touching female's antennae, antennae or mouth touching female's head or thorax, and walking around on female, which may serve to stimulate females towards increased receptivity. Females signal receptivity by assuming a stereotypical posture of remaining stationary, with head down, and antennae still in front of the body. The male then inserts his aedeagus and the pair copulates. After an average of 40.4 s of copulation, females signal the end of copulation by waving the antennae and moving away from the copulation site. Males continue copulating for a short time after females start moving but dismount soon thereafter. After dismounting, the two wasps move away from each other immediately, and they typically begin grooming. Neither males nor females exhibit mating preference based on mate's mating status in both choice and no-choice tests. The male is polygynous and the mated female can mate multiple times within the first 3 days after starting oviposition. However, female mating frequency does not affect the production of female progeny.  相似文献   

Female songbirds are thought to make mate choices based on aspects of male song quality. Male canaries (Serinus canaria) produce songs with “special” syllables that have been shown to be highly salient to female listeners – eliciting high rates of sexual displays and enhanced immediate early gene (IEG) expression. Immunohistochemistry for the IEG ZENK was used to examine the effects of experience with these syllables on activity in the caudal mesopallium (CMM) and nidocaudal mesopallium (NCM), two auditory areas important in processing conspecific song. Photostimulated female canaries were housed in sound attenuated chambers and played pseudosongs containing either three special syllables or three non‐special syllables, an intro, and an outro sequence. Females that heard special syllable pseudosongs exhibited higher ZENK expression in CMM. To assess the effects of experience, photostimulated females were pair housed and exposed to playback of song with or without special syllables for 14 days. After transfer to individual housing, birds were played one of the aforementioned stimuli or silence. ZENK expression in CMM and NCM was equivalent for song with and without special syllables, but significantly lower for silence. Females who experienced song with special syllables had lower plasma estradiol concentrations after final song playback. This study indicates that CMM exhibits an IEG response bias to special syllables in limited acoustic contexts, but not in full song, which may contain additional biologically relevant information. Furthermore, estradiol concentrations may mediate changes in song responses, serving as a mechanism for modulating mate choice in differing song environments.  相似文献   

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