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Individuals within groups of cooperatively breeding species may partition reproduction, with the dominant pair often taking the largest share. The dominant's ability to reproductively control subordinates may depend on differences in competitive ability, due to, e.g. body size differences, but may also depend on the number of same‐sex competitors inside the group. We tested experimentally whether subordinates reproduce more when these subordinates are large or when a second subordinate of the same sex need to be controlled by the dominants, using the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Dominant pairs were assisted by a large and a small unrelated subordinate; sexes of these fish were varied in a full‐factorial design (giving four treatments). Dominant males lost significantly more parentage to the large subordinate male when a small subordinate male was also present, compared to when a small subordinate female was present. However, subordinate paternity was generally low and did not significantly curb total dominant male reproductive output, which was more affected by the sizes and numbers of reproductive females present inside his group. Dominant female maternity, clutch sizes and total output did not depend on the treatments. Subordinate–subordinate reproduction was virtually absent (one out of 874 offspring). Female subordinates were more likely to provide care for their own broods. In contrast, male subordinates did not adjust their level of care to their parentage. Variability in female subordinate alloparental brood care was particularly high, with females showing more care than males in general. We also detected effects of growth rate and food ration on parentage independent of the treatments, most notably: (i) a trade‐off between dominant male growth rate and paternity; (ii) a decrease in dominant male paternity with increasing food ration; (iii) a positive effect of growth rate on paternity in small males. We conclude that dominant males should be sensitive to the number and sizes of subordinate males present in their group, particularly when these subordinates are not helpful or grow fast, and food is plentiful. Dominant females should be less sensitive, because female subordinates do not appear to impose reproductive costs and can be helpful through alloparental brood care.  相似文献   

This paper presents a test of time-place learning in fish. Convict cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, were offered food several times a day for 10–30 consecutive days. A signal was given 1 min before each food presentation. If the food was always delivered in the same corner of the aquarium, the fish spent 66% of their time in that corner after the signal was given. But if the food was given in different corners throughout the day, each corner being associated with a specific daily time, the fish failed to show preference for the target corner, even after 30 days. Instead they learned which corners yielded food at any time of the day and visited these corners successively after the feeding signal was given. Failure to associate time and place may have been caused by a low cost of travel between corners, a limited number of rewards each day, and / or interference from learning the signal-food association.  相似文献   

Neolamprologus pulcher is a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish,in which helpers stay in their natal territory and help withbrood care, territory defense, and maintenance. In this studywe investigated helper effects by an experimental group sizereduction in the field. After this manipulation, focal helpersin reduced groups tended to feed less, and small helpers visitedthe breeding shelter significantly more often than same-sizedhelpers in control groups. No evidence was found that remaininghelpers compensated for the removed helpers by increasing territorydefense and maintenance behavior. Breeders, however, did showa lower defense rate, possibly caused by an increase in broodcare effort. Survival of fry was significantly lower in removalthan control groups, which provides the first experimental proofin a natural population of fish that brood care helpers do effectivelyhelp. The data suggest that in small, generally younger, helpers,kin selection may be an important evolutionary cause of cooperation.Large helpers, however, who are generally older and less relatedto the breeders than small helpers are suggested to pay to beallowed to stay in the territory by helping. All group membersbenefit from group augmentation.  相似文献   

Personality traits, such as exploration–avoidance, are expected to be adaptive in a given context (e.g. low-risk environment) but to be maladaptive in others (e.g. high-risk environment). Therefore, it is expected that personality traits are flexible and respond to environmental fluctuations, given that consistency across different contexts is maintained, so that the relative individual responses in relation to others remains the same (i.e. although the magnitude of the response varies the differences between high and low responders are kept). Here, we tested the response of male cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) to a novel object (NO) in three different social contexts: (i) social isolation, (ii) in the presence of an unfamiliar conspecific, and (iii) in the presence of a familiar conspecific. Males in the familiar treatment exhibited more exploratory behaviour and less neophobia than males in either the unfamiliar or the social isolation treatments. However, there were no overall correlations in individual behaviour across the three treatments, suggesting a lack of consistency in exploration–avoidance as measured by the NO test in this species. Moreover, there were no differences in cortisol responsiveness to an acute stressor between the three treatments. Together, these results illustrate how behavioural traits usually taken as measures of personality may exhibit significant flexibility and lack the expected consistency across different social contexts.  相似文献   

African Great Lake cichlid populations are divided into thousands of genetic subpopulations. The low gene flow between these subpopulations is thought to result from high degrees of natal philopatry, heavy predation pressure, and a patchy distribution of preferred habitats. While predation pressure and habitat distribution are fairly straightforward to assess, data on dispersal distances and rates are scarce. In fishes, direct observations of dispersal events are unlikely, but dispersal can be studied using molecular markers. Using seven microsatellite loci, we examined dispersal in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. As this species is found in well-defined groups clustered into subpopulations, we could assess dispersal on a narrow (within subpopulation) and broad (between subpopulation) scale. While fish were generally more related to others in their own subpopulation than they were to fish from other subpopulations, large males diverged from this pattern. Large males were more related to other large males from different subpopulations than they were to large males from their own subpopulation, suggesting more frequent dispersal by large males. Across subpopulations, relatedness between large males was higher than the relatedness among large females; this pattern was not detected in small males and small females. Within a subpopulation, individuals appeared to be preferentially moving away from relatives, and movement was unrestricted by the physical distance between groups. Our results highlight the importance of examining multiple spatial scales when studying individual dispersal biases.  相似文献   

As a form of adaptive plasticity that allows organisms to shift their phenotype toward the optimum, learning is inherently a source of developmental bias. Learning may be of particular significance to the evolutionary biology community because it allows animals to generate adaptively biased novel behavior tuned to the environment and, through social learning, to propagate behavioral traits to other individuals, also in an adaptively biased manner. We describe several types of developmental bias manifest in learning, including an adaptive bias, historical bias, origination bias, and transmission bias, stressing that these can influence evolutionary dynamics through generating nonrandom phenotypic variation and/or nonrandom environmental states. Theoretical models and empirical data have established that learning can impose direction on adaptive evolution, affect evolutionary rates (both speeding up and slowing down responses to selection under different conditions) and outcomes, influence the probability of populations reaching global optimum, and affect evolvability. Learning is characterized by highly specific, path‐dependent interactions with the (social and physical) environment, often resulting in new phenotypic outcomes. Consequently, learning regularly introduces novelty into phenotype space. These considerations imply that learning may commonly generate plasticity first evolution.  相似文献   

The early social environment can have substantial, lifelong effects on vertebrate social behaviour, which can be mediated by developmental plasticity of brain gene expression. Early‐life effects can influence immediate behavioural responses towards later‐life social challenges and can activate different gene expression responses. However, while genomic responses to social challenges have been reported frequently, how developmental experience influences the shape of these genomic reaction norms remains largely unexplored. We tested how manipulating the early social environment of juvenile cooperatively breeding cichlids, Neolamprologus pulcher, affects their behavioural and brain genomic responses when competing over a resource. Juveniles were reared either with or without a breeder pair and a helper. Fish reared with family members behaved more appropriately in the competition than when reared without. We investigated whether the different social rearing environments also affected the genomic responses to the social challenge. A set of candidate genes, coding for hormones and receptors influencing social behaviour, were measured in the telencephalon and hypothalamus. Social environment and social challenge both influenced gene expression of egr‐1 (early growth response 1) and gr1 (glucocorticoid receptor 1) in the telencephalon and of bdnf (brain‐derived neurotrophic factor) in the hypothalamus. A global analysis of the 11 expression patterns in the two brain areas showed that neurogenomic states diverged more strongly between intruder fish and control fish when they had been reared in a natural social setting. Our results show that same molecular pathways may be used differently in response to a social challenge depending on early‐life experiences.  相似文献   

Cerebral lateralization, an evolutionarily ancient and widespread phenomenon among vertebrates, is thought to bestow cognitive advantages. The advantages of lateralization at the individual-level do not necessarily require that the entire population share the same pattern of lateralization. In fact, directional bias in lateralization may lead to behavioural predictability and enhanced predator success or prey evasion. Recent theory has suggested that population-level lateralization may be favored if individuals are better able to perform coordinated behaviours, providing a distinct advantage in cooperative contexts. Here we test whether the highly social, cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher shows lateralized responses to a social stimulus. We found population-level biases in males; on average male N. pulcher use their right eye/left hemisphere to view their mirror image. Individual females had a preferred hemisphere, but these preferences appeared not to be directionally aligned among females. We discuss these results in the context of coordinated social behaviour and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

Mothers should adjust the size of propagules to the selectiveforces to which these offspring will be exposed. Usually, alarger propagule size is favored when young are exposed to highmortality risk or conspecific competition. Here we test 2 predictionson how egg size should vary with these selective agents. Whenoffspring are cared for by parents and/or alloparents, protectionmay reduce the predation risk to young, which may allow mothersto invest less per single offspring. In the cooperatively breedingcichlid Neolamprologus pulcher, brood care helpers protect groupoffspring and reduce the latters' mortality rate. Therefore,females are expected to reduce their investment per egg whenmore helpers are present. In a first experiment, we tested thisprediction by manipulating the helper number. In N. pulcher,helpers compete for dispersal opportunities with similar-sizedindividuals of neighboring groups. If the expected future competitionpressure on young is high, females should increase their investmentper offspring to give them a head start. In a second experiment,we tested whether females produce larger eggs when perceivedneighbor density is high. Females indeed reduced egg size withincreasing helper number. However, we did not detect an effectof local density on egg size, although females took longer toproduce the next clutch when local density was high. We arguethat females can use the energy saved by adjusting egg sizeto reduced predation risk to enhance future reproductive output.Adaptive adjustment of offspring size to helper number may bean important, as yet unrecognized, strategy of cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

Helping behaviour in cooperative breeding systems has been attributed to kin selection, but the relative roles of direct and indirect fitness benefits in the evolution of such systems remain a matter of debate. In theory, helpers could maximize the indirect fitness benefits of cooperation by investing more in broods with whom they are more closely related, but there is little evidence for such fine-scale adjustment in helper effort among cooperative vertebrates. In this study, we used the unusual cooperative breeding system of the long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus to test the hypothesis that the provisioning effort of helpers was positively correlated with their kinship to broods. We first use pedigrees and microsatellite genotypes to characterize the relatedness between helpers and breeders from a 14 year field study. We used both pedigree and genetic approaches because long-tailed tits have access to pedigree information acquired through social relationships, but any fitness consequences will be determined by genetic relatedness. We then show using both pedigrees and genetic relatedness estimates that alloparental investment by helpers increases as their relatedness to the recipients of their care increases. We conclude that kin selection has played a critical role in moulding the investment decisions of helpers in this cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Conspicuous displays are thought to have evolved as signals of individual “quality”, though precisely what they encode remains a focus of debate. While high quality signals may be produced by high quality individuals due to “good genes” or favourable early‐life conditions, whether current immune state also impacts signalling performance remains poorly understood, particularly in social species. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that male song performance is impaired by immune system activation in the cooperatively breeding white‐browed sparrow weaver (Plocepasser mahali). We experimentally activated the immune system of free‐living dominant males via subcutaneous injection of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and contrasted its effects with those of a control (phosphate buffered saline) injection. PHA‐challenged males showed significant reductions in both the duration and the rate of their song performance, relative to controls, and this could not be readily attributed to effects of the challenge on body mass, as no such effects were detected. Furthermore, male song performance prior to immune‐challenge predicted the scale of the inflammatory response to the challenge. Our findings suggest that song performance characteristics are impacted by current immune state. This link between current state and signal performance might therefore contribute to enforcing the honesty of signal performance characteristics. Impacts of current state on signaling may be of particular importance in social species, where subordinates may benefit from an ability to identify and subsequently challenge same‐sex dominants in a weakened state.  相似文献   

Females of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Lamprologus callipterusexclusively breed in empty snail shells that males collect intheir territories. Male–male competition for shells issevere, leading to frequent shell stealing and territory takeover.As a consequence, males have breeding females in their shellsthat spawned with competitors. In this field study, we investigatedboth naturally occurring and experimentally induced encountersof territorial males with females that had spawned with othermales. We found that the breeding success of females that weretaken over by a different male was significantly reduced. Behavioralobservations after experimental shell relocation further showedthat males recognized females that they had not spawned with:males directed more exploration and manipulation behavior towardsuch shells compared with controls. Reoccupation rate of emptiedexperimental shells was significantly higher than that of unmanipulatedempty shells. This indicates that shell stealing and nest takeover,followed by female expulsion, contribute to the reproductivesuccess of L. callipterus males. We also found that female matechoice reduces expulsion risk: females preferred to mate withlarge males, and male size correlated with dominance. We concludethat the limited availability of breeding substrate is a keydeterminant of both intrasexual competition and intersexualconflict in this species.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pigmentation patterns are highly diverse, yet we have a limited understanding of how evolutionary changes to genetic, cellular, and developmental mechanisms generate variation. To address this, we examine the formation of a sexually-selected male ornament exhibiting inter- and intraspecific variation, the egg-spot pattern, consisting of circular yellow-orange markings on the male anal fins of haplochromine cichlid fishes. We focus on Astatotilapia calliptera, the ancestor-type species of the Malawi cichlid adaptive radiation of over 850 species. We identify a key role for iridophores in initializing egg-spot aggregations composed of iridophore-xanthophore associations. Despite adult sexual dimorphism, aggregations initially form in both males and females, with development only diverging between the sexes at later stages. Unexpectedly, we found that the timing of egg-spot initialization is plastic. The earlier individuals are socially isolated, the earlier the aggregations form, with iridophores being the cell type that responds to changes to the social environment. Furthermore, we observe apparent competitive interactions between adjacent egg-spot aggregations, which strongly suggests that egg-spot patterning results mostly from cell-autonomous cellular interactions. Together, these results demonstrate that A. calliptera egg-spot development is an exciting model for investigating pigment pattern formation at the cellular level in a system with developmental plasticity, sexual dimorphism, and intraspecific variation. As A. calliptera represents the ancestral bauplan for egg-spots, these findings provide a baseline for informed comparisons across the incredibly diverse Malawi cichlid radiation.  相似文献   

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