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Summary In 1986 and 1987 we crossed severalHyla crucifer females to males that obtained mates in nature and to large and small body sized males that did not do so. Offspring resulting from these crosses were raised as pairs of juveniles in 1986, or in isolation in 1987 to assess sire effects on juvenile growth and survival in a competitive and a non-competitive context. When raised as part of a pair of juveniles, individuals sired by natural mates had lower growth rates than their fullsibs raised alone. The reduction in growth was of a similar magnitude whether the cohabiting juvenile was sired by a large or small bachelor. When raised together, individuals sired by natural mates had higher growth rates (indicative of competitive superiority) than their halfsibs sired by large bachelor males, but competed as equals with the progeny of small bachelor males. Progeny of large bachelors competed with progeny of small bachelors as equals. When raised individually in 1987, juveniles sired by natural mates had lower growth rates than their halfsibs sired by bachelor males. Paternal size or mating status had marginally non-significant effects on juvenile survival in 1986 and no effect in 1987. The larger individual in a pair was more likely to survive in 1986. In neither year was juvenile growth rate correlated with prior growth rate as a larva. These experiments suggest that the mating system can affect the distribution of juvenile growth rates (and possible survival rates), and thereby have important fitness consequences long after pair formation. These effects are, however, inconsistent either among sets of individual males or among juvenile environments.  相似文献   

We have yet to understand fully how conditions during different periods of development interact to influence life-history structure. Can the negative effects of poor juvenile nutrition be overcome by a good adult diet, or are life-history strategies set by early experience? Here, we tested the influence and interaction of different nutritional quality during juvenile and sexual development on female resource allocation physiology, life history and courtship behaviour in the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Nymphs were raised on either a good-quality or poor-quality diet. After adult eclosion, females were either switched to the opposite diet or remained on their original diet. We assessed mating behaviour and lifetime reproductive success for half of the females from each treatment. We evaluated reproductive investment, somatic investment and resource reallocation from reproduction to the soma via oocyte apoptosis in the remaining females. We found that poor juvenile conditions resulted in a fat phenotype with slow juvenile growth and short reproductive lifespan that could not be retrieved with a change in diet. Good juvenile conditions resulted in the converse, but again fixed, phenotype in adulthood. Thus, juvenile nutrition sets adult patterns of resource allocation.  相似文献   

In the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus model system, phenotypes are often classified into three morphs according to lateral plate number. Morph identity has been shown to be largely genetically determined, but substantial within‐morph variation in plate number exists. In this study, we test whether plate number has a plastic component in response to salinity in the low‐plated morph using a split‐clutch experiment where families were split in two, one half raised in water at 0 and the other at 30 ppt salt. We find a small salinity‐induced plastic effect on plate number in an unexpected direction, opposite to what we predicted: Fish raised in freshwater on average have slightly more plates than fish raised in saltwater. Our results confirm that heritability of plate number is high. Additionally, we find that variance in plate number at the family level can be predicted from other family level traits, which might indicate that epistatic interactions play a role in creating the observed pattern of lateral plate number variation.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the environment experienced early in life can strongly influence adult life histories. It is largely unknown, however, how past and present conditions influence suites of life-history traits regarding major life-history trade-offs. Especially in animals with indeterminate growth, we may expect that environmental conditions of juveniles and adults independently or interactively influence the life-history trade-off between growth and reproduction after maturation. Juvenile growth conditions may initiate a feedback loop determining adult allocation patterns, triggered by size-dependent mortality risk. I tested this possibility in a long-term growth experiment with mouthbrooding cichlids. Females were raised either on a high-food or low-food diet. After maturation half of them were switched to the opposite treatment, while the other half remained unchanged. Adult growth was determined by current resource availability, but key reproductive traits like reproductive rate and offspring size were only influenced by juvenile growth conditions, irrespective of the ration received as adults. Moreover, the allocation of resources to growth versus reproduction and to offspring number versus size were shaped by juvenile rather than adult ecology. These results indicate that early individual history must be considered when analysing causes of life-history variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Salmonids are characterized by alternative reproductive tactics, which can lead to an asymmetry in relatedness among offspring within nests and consequently the benefit of discriminating among nestmates. In this study, we examined the effect of paternal reproductive tactic on juvenile behaviour and kin discrimination in Chinook salmon. We created maternal half‐sibling families by collecting eggs from mature females and fertilizing one‐half with the milt of a precocious 2‐yr‐old male and the other half with the milt of a non‐precocious 4‐yr‐old male. These families were reared in full‐sibling groups for approximately 9 mo, and social interactions were then observed in groups of six fish of mixed relatedness. We found evidence for kin discrimination, as significantly less aggression was directed towards related fish than unrelated fish, and the same trends were observed regardless of whether social interactions included full‐siblings or half‐siblings. These results show that familiarity is not required to recognize kin and thereby implicate phenotype matching as the mechanism of kin recognition. We also found that the offspring of 2‐yr‐old males were larger and more aggressive than the offspring of 4‐yr‐old males, which is consistent with other studies showing that precocious males are the fastest‐growing members of their cohort. However, kin‐directed behaviours did not differ between the offspring of 2‐ and 4‐yr‐old males.  相似文献   

Although play–fighting is widespread among juvenile mammals, its adaptive significance remains unclear. It has been proposed that play is beneficial for developing skills to improve success in adult contests (motor‐training hypothesis), but the links between juvenile play–fighting and adult aggression are complex and not well understood. In this theoretical study, we investigate the coevolution between juvenile play–fighting and adult aggression using evolutionary computer simulations. We consider a simple life history with two sequential stages: a juvenile phase in which individuals play–fight with other juveniles to develop their fighting skills; and an adult phase in which individuals engage in potentially aggressive contests over access to resources and ultimately mating opportunities, leading to reproductive success. The simulations track genetic evolution in key traits affecting adult contests, such as the level of aggression, as well as juvenile investment in play–fighting, capturing the coevolutionary feedbacks between juvenile and adult decisions. We find that coevolution leads to one of two outcomes: a high‐play, high‐aggression situation with highly aggressive adult contests preceded by a prolonged period of juvenile play–fighting to improve fighting ability, or a low‐play, low‐aggression situation in which adult contests are resolved without fighting and there is minimal investment in play–fighting before individuals mature. Which of these outcomes is favoured depends on the mortality costs and on the type of societal structure: societies with strong reproductive skew, favouring monopolization of resources, show high levels of adult aggression and high investment in juvenile play–fighting, whereas societies with low reproductive skew have both low adult aggression and low levels of play–fighting. A review of empirical evidence, particularly in the primate genus Macaca, highlights some limitations of our model and suggests that other, complementary functional explanations are needed to account for the full range of competitive and cooperative forms of play–fighting. Our study illustrates the power of evolutionary simulations to shed light on the long‐standing puzzle of animal play.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybridization in plants is context dependent and can be influenced by the local mating environment. We used progeny arrays and admixture and pollen dispersal analyses to assess the relative importance of pre‐mating reproductive barriers and the local demographic environment as explanations of variation in hybrid frequency in three mapped hybrid zones of Eucalyptus aggregata and E. rubida. A total of 731 open‐pollinated progeny from 36 E. aggregata maternal parents were genotyped using six microsatellite markers. Admixture analysis identified substantial variation in hybrid frequency among progeny arrays (0–76.9%). In one hybrid zone, hybrid frequency was related to pre‐mating barriers (degree of flowering synchrony) and demographic components of the local mating environment (decreasing population size, closer proximity to E. rubida and hybrid trees). At this site, average pollen dispersal distance was less and almost half (46%) of the hybrid progeny were sired by local E. rubida and hybrid trees. In contrast, at the other two sites, pre‐mating and demographic factors were not related to hybrid frequency. Compared to the first hybrid zone where most of the E. rubida (76%) and all hybrids flowered, in the remaining sites fewer E. rubida (22–41%) and hybrid trees (0–50%) flowered and their reproductive success was lower (sired 0–23% of hybrids). As a result, most hybrids were sired by external E. rubida/hybrids located at least 2–3 km away. These results indicate that although pre‐mating barriers and local demography can influence patterns of hybridization, their importance can depend upon the scale of pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

Sex biases in adult aggression have been well studied and commonly arise when resources which affect survival or lifetime reproductive success are less abundant or more valuable for individuals of one sex. Despite the prevalence of sex biases in adult aggression, evidence for sex biases in juvenile aggression is scant. Here, we present evidence for female‐biased juvenile aggression in cooperatively breeding pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor). Unlike most cases of non‐lethal sibling aggression, juvenile aggression in pied babblers does not seem to be determined by food availability. Instead, we found that juvenile aggression was related to adult dispersal patterns. This study shows that females that were more aggressive as juveniles attempted dispersal earlier than less aggressive females. Potential explanations for the association between juvenile aggression and adult dispersal patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Food availability can vary widely for animals in nature and can have large effects on growth, reproduction and survival. While the consequences of food limitation for animals have been extensively studied, significant questions still remain including how ontogenetic variation in food availability contributes to lifetime reproductive success. We tested the effects of juvenile and adult food limitation on the lifetime reproductive success and lifespan of bridge spiders, Larinioides sclopetarius. Food availability was manipulated (low or high) over the entire juvenile and adult stage in a full‐factorial design and reproductive output and lifespan were measured. Juvenile and adult food limitation both reduced lifetime egg and hatchling production with effect sizes that were not significantly different from each other. Unlike some other arthropods, where juvenile food limitation reduces fecundity by reducing adult body size, body size was not affected by juvenile diet in bridge spiders. Clutch size was also significantly reduced by both juvenile and adult food limitation. The effect of adult diet on clutch size was stronger than that of juvenile diet. Juvenile and adult food limitation both extended total lifespan, and adult food limitation extended adult longevity (i.e. time from maturation to death). However, juvenile food limitation decreased adult longevity, in contrast to what would be predicted by dietary or caloric restriction. Compensatory feeding and growth are widely recognized mechanisms through which animals can ameliorate some of the negative effects of periods of food limitation. Yet our results combined with studies of a range of other species suggest that there may be lasting consequences of juvenile food limitation on lifetime reproductive success that cannot be compensated for by adult feeding in some species.  相似文献   

The theory of resource allocation assumes that a resource not allocated to one function may be reallocated to another. Thus, in hermaphroditic species, an individual that suppresses the use of one sex function may free resources for the other sex function. We determined the relative importance of male copulatory organs in terms of their fraction of the total dry body weight and tested whether in the pulmonate land slug Deroceras laeve (Müller), individuals that lack the male copulatory organs (aphallics) reallocate this resource towards the female structures and/or towards life-history traits. To this end, we raised 13 families under uniparental reproduction and compared growth, length of the juvenile period, number of eggs produced, percentage of hatched eggs and hatching time among a- and euphallics. We also measured the reproductive and sex allocation of all individuals. Six out of 13 families contained no euphallic individuals. In the other seven families, the proportion of euphallic individuals ranged from 0.13 to 0.43. There was an enormous variation in life-history traits and reproductive and sex allocation among individuals, even among individuals of the same family. Allocation to the male function was very low in euphallic slugs (i.e. 1.35% of the total body dry mass and 12.33% of the total reproductive dry mass). Our results did not reveal a reallocation from the lost male function towards the female function, nor towards one of the life-history traits. Finally, we propose a scenario that could explain the maintenance of phally polymorphism in D. laeve.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is a critical fitness attribute that is directly influenced by resource availability. Here, we investigate the effects of diet‐based resource availability on three interrelated aspects of reproductive success: a change in mating system based on mate availability, consequent inbreeding depression, and the deterioration of reproductive efficiency with age (senescence). We employed a factorial experimental design using 22 full‐sib families of the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Physa acuta to explore these interactions. Individual snails were reared in one of two mate‐availability treatments (isolated [selfing] or occasionally paired [outcrossing]) and one of two diet treatments (boiled lettuce or Spirulina, an algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals). Spirulina‐fed snails initiated reproduction at a 13% earlier age and 7% larger size than lettuce‐fed snails. Spirulina also resulted in a 30% reduction in the time delay before selfing. Compared to lettuce, a diet of Spirulina increased inbreeding depression by 52% for egg hatching rate and 64% for posthatching juvenile survival. Furthermore, Spirulina led to a 15‐fold increase in the rate of reproductive senescence compared with a diet of lettuce. These transgenerational, interactive effects of diet on inbreeding depression and reproductive senescence are discussed in the context of diet‐induced phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the number of daily feeding sessions that results in maximum growth of juvenile cobia under laboratory conditions. Groups of eight fish (110 g) were randomly distributed in twenty 500‐L tanks and hand‐fed a commercial diet for 60 days. The same amount of feed was offered daily, divided in 1, 2, 3, four or six meals. None of the parameters associated with growth performance (survival, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed intake, condition factor or size variation) showed any significant differences among treatments. Although under the present conditions feeding frequency had no effect on the growth performance of cobia larger than 110 g, in commercial farming operations where large numbers of fish are kept within a single rearing structure, fish may have aggressive interactions during feeding. Under these conditions, it is difficult to ensure that all cobia are fed to satiation and thus it is usual to provide two or more meals per day. The present results indicate that for an individual cobia the provision of more than one daily meal has no significant effect on growth performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of elevated dietary levels of vitamin E (α‐tocopherol) on growth performance, proximate composition and fatty acid profiles of juvenile silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus. Three semi‐purified experimental diets were formulated to contain 49% protein and 16% lipid. High docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) tuna oil was added to the diets to supplement DHA. A graded level of vitamin E (0‐, 50‐, and 100 mg kg?1) was added to experimental diets 1 to 3, respectively. Analyzed vit. E levels were 155.2, 195.3 and 236.4 mg kg?1 in diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The experiment was conducted for 12 weeks with juvenile silver pomfret (29.6 ± 7.6 g) using a flow‐through system consisting of nine 1‐m3 tanks. Each treatment had three replicates and fish were stocked at the rate of 20 m?3. Growth performance and feed utilization parameters of fish fed diets 2 and 3 were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in fish fed diet 1, but the parameters in diets 2 and 3 did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). Although whole body protein levels were not influenced by the dietary vit. E levels, whole body lipid in fish fed diet 2 was significantly higher than in fish fed the other diets. The whole body vit. E levels in fish fed diet 2 (22.6 mg kg?1) and diet 3 (24.1 mg kg?1) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in those fed diet 1 (18.2 mg kg?1). Whole body total saturated fatty acids were significantly lower, and DHA levels higher in fish fed diets 2 and 3 than those fed diet 1. The results of the present study suggest that increasing dietary supplementation of vit. E in high lipid diets enhances the growth performance of fish and that a dietary level of 196 mg kg?1 vit. E is suitable for the growth of silver pomfret.  相似文献   

The aquaculture industry is increasingly replacing fishmeal in feeds for carnivorous fish with soybean meal (SBM). This diet change presents a potential for genotype-environment (G × E) interactions. We tested whether current salmonid breeding programmes that evaluate and select within fishmeal diets also improve growth and efficiency on potential future SBM diets. A total of 1680 European whitefish from 70 families were reared with either fishmeal- or SBM-based diets in a split-family design. Individual daily gain (DG), daily feed intake (DFI) and feed efficiency (FE) were recorded. Traits displayed only weak G × E interactions as variances and heritabilities did not differ substantially between the diets, and cross-diet genetic correlations were near unity. In both diets, DFI exhibited moderate heritability and had very high genetic correlation with DG whereas FE had low heritability. Predicted genetic responses demonstrated that selection to increase DG and FE on the fishmeal diet lead to favourable responses on the SBM diet. Selection for FE based on an index including DG and DFI achieved at least double FE gain versus selection on DG alone. Therefore, current breeding programmes are improving the biological ability of salmonids to use novel plant-based diets, and aiding the aquaculture industry to reduce fishmeal use.  相似文献   

Male body size influences mate choice and sexual selection in many animal species. Here we investigate the role of male body size in the reproductive success of the field cricket Gryllus firmus. This species hybridizes with a close smaller relative, G. pennsylvanicus, and it is thought that this size difference may affect reproductive isolation between these species. We paired large and small G. firmus males with a single G. firmus female and genotyped the resulting offspring. Overall, larger males sired a greater proportion of offspring and in a majority of the crosses the larger male sired all of the offspring. For crosses in which both males sired offspring, there was no difference in the proportion of offspring sired by small and large males. Intrasexual competition, female choice, and differences in ejaculates between males could all influence the patterns we observe. We discuss the implications of our findings within the context of reproductive isolation between G. firmus and G. pennsylvanicus.  相似文献   

Dominance rank, morphological characteristics and reproductive success of adult males were measured in a multi‐male multi‐female group of urban feral cats (Felis catus L.). Paternity of nine litters (34 kittens) of the domestic cat from six females was determined through microsatellites analyses at nine loci. The percentage of multiple paternities in this social group was as high as 78%. A positive correlation was found between male size/body weight and dominance. The males who sired the highest number of kittens were the dominant ones. Additionally, dominant males were more likely to be infected by the feline immunodeficiency virus, a virus transmitted by bites through aggressive interactions. Thus this study demonstrates that rank and body weight were both important in predicting the annual reproductive success. However, it shows that the reproductive benefit associated to rank may be balanced by cost due to at‐risk aggressive behaviour of dominant males.  相似文献   

The highly conserved effect of dietary protein restriction on lifespan and ageing is observed in both sexes and across a vast range of taxa. This extension of lifespan is frequently accompanied by a reduction in female fecundity, and it has been hypothesized that individuals may reallocate resources away from reproduction and into somatic maintenance. However, effects of dietary protein restriction on male reproduction are less consistent, suggesting that these effects may depend on other environmental parameters. Using the neriid fly, Telostylinus angusticollis, we examined age‐specific effects of adult dietary protein restriction on male post‐copulatory reproductive performance (fecundity and offspring viability). To explore the context dependence of these effects, we simultaneously manipulated male larval diet and adult mating history. We found that protein‐restricted males sired less viable offspring at young ages, but offspring viability increased with paternal age and eventually exceeded that of fully fed males. The number of eggs laid by females was not affected by male dietary protein, whereas egg hatching success was subject to a complex interaction of male adult diet, age, larval diet and mating history. These findings suggest that effects of protein restriction on male reproduction are highly context dependent and cannot be explained by a simple reallocation of resources from reproduction to somatic maintenance. Rather, these effects appear to involve changes in the scheduling of male reproductive investment with age.  相似文献   

Insects with complex life-cycles should optimize age and size at maturity during larval development. When inhabiting seasonal environments, organisms have limited reproductive periods and face fundamental decisions: individuals that reach maturity late in season have to either reproduce at a small size or increase their growth rates. Increasing growth rates is costly in insects because of higher juvenile mortality, decreased adult survival or increased susceptibility to parasitism by bacteria and viruses via compromised immune function. Environmental changes such as seasonality can also alter the quantitative genetic architecture. Here, we explore the quantitative genetics of life history and immunity traits under two experimentally induced seasonal environments in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Seasonality affected the life history but not the immune phenotypes. Individuals under decreasing day length developed slower and grew to a bigger size. We found ample additive genetic variance and heritability for components of immunity (haemocyte densities, proPhenoloxidase activity, resistance against Serratia marcescens), and for the life history traits, age and size at maturity. Despite genetic covariance among traits, the structure of G was inconsistent with genetically based trade-off between life history and immune traits (for example, a strong positive genetic correlation between growth rate and haemocyte density was estimated). However, conditional evolvabilities support the idea that genetic covariance structure limits the capacity of individual traits to evolve independently. We found no evidence for G × E interactions arising from the experimentally induced seasonality.  相似文献   

Although the current obesity epidemic is of environmental origin, there is substantial genetic variation in individual response to an obesogenic environment. In this study, we perform a genome‐wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting obesity per se, or an obese response to a high‐fat diet in mice from the LG/J by SM/J Advanced Intercross (AI) Line (Wustl:LG, SM‐G16). A total of 1,002 animals from 78 F16 full sibships were weaned at 3 weeks of age and half of each litter placed on high‐ and low‐fat diets. Animals remained on the diet until 20 weeks of age when they were necropsied and the weights of the reproductive, kidney, mesenteric, and inguinal fat depots were recorded. Effects on these phenotypes, along with total fat depot weight and carcass weight at necropsy, were mapped across the genome using 1,402 autosomal single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Haplotypes were reconstructed and additive, dominance, and imprinting genotype scores were derived every 1 cM along the F16 map. Analysis was performed using a mixed model with additive, dominance, and imprinting genotype scores, their interactions with sex, diet, and with sex‐by‐diet as fixed effects and with family and its interaction with sex, diet, and sex‐by‐diet as random effects. We discovered 95 trait‐specific QTLs mapping to 40 locations. Most QTLs had additive effects with dominance and imprinting effects occurring at two‐thirds of the loci. Nearly every locus interacted with sex and/or diet in important ways demonstrating that gene effects are primarily context dependent, changing depending on sex and/or diet.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence variation in life histories by affecting growth, development, and reproduction. We conducted an experiment in outdoor mesocosms to examine how diet and a time constraint on juvenile development (pond‐drying) influence life‐history trade‐offs (growth, development, adult body mass) in the caddis fly Limnephilus externus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). We predicted that: (1) diet supplementation would accelerate larval growth and development, and enhance survival to adulthood; (2) pond‐drying would accelerate development and increase larval mortality; and (3) the relationship between adult mass and age at maturity would be negative. Diet supplementation did lead to larger adult mass under nondrying conditions, but did not significantly alter growth or development rates. Contrary to predictions, pond‐drying reduced growth rates and delayed development. The slope (positive or negative) of the female mass–age at maturity relationship depended on interactions with diet or pond‐drying, but the male mass–age relationship was negative and independent of treatment. Our results suggest that pond‐drying can have negative effects on the future fitness of individuals by increasing the risk of desiccation‐induced, pre‐reproductive mortality and decreasing adult body size at maturity. These negative effects on life history cannot be overcome with additional nutritional resources in this species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 495–504.  相似文献   

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