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The ability to discriminate between related and unrelated individuals has been demonstrated in many species. The mechanisms behind this ability might be manifold and depend on the ecological context in which the species lives. In brood‐caring species, both familiarity and phenotype matching are known to be used in kin recognition. However, results of studies disentangling these two phenomena have proved contradictory. We aimed to broaden our knowledge about the mechanisms of kin recognition using shoaling preferences of three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model behavior. In our first experiment, focal fish had the choice to shoal either with kin or unfamiliar non‐kin. In half of the trials, kin groups were composed of familiar individuals, while they were unfamiliar in the other half. Focal fish significantly preferred kin as shoaling partner, a result which was not reinforced by familiarity. In our second experiment, focal fish were given the choice between a shoal of familiar kin and a shoal of unfamiliar kin. Here, focal fish did not show any significant preference. These results indicate that familiarity does not impact stickleback's ability to recognize kin. Furthermore, they show that familiarity does not overrule recognition based on phenotype matching or innate recognition, underlining the importance of these mechanisms. Finally, our results lead to the assumption that individual recognition might play a minor role also in non‐kin‐based preferences for familiars.  相似文献   

Theory predicts several advantages for animals to recognize kin. These include inbreeding avoidance and an increase in inclusive fitness. In shoaling species, kin recognition may lead to an increased amount of altruism among shoal members. Adult, non‐reproductive three‐spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, prefer to shoal with kin. This preference was shown for familiar as well as for unfamiliar individuals. However, whether it is based on learned cues of familiar individuals or on innate mechanisms like self‐referent phenotype matching or ‘true’ kin recognition through recognition alleles remains unknown. In our experiments, juvenile fish were given the choice between shoals that differed in relatedness and familiarity. The number of testfish who joined each group indicated that sticklebacks prefer to shoal with familiar kin when the alternative shoal was composed of unfamiliar non‐kin. When one shoal consisted of familiar kin while the second consisted of familiar non‐kin testfish did not show any preference. Kin recognition in sticklebacks is thus most likely mediated by social learning.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize kin and thus behaviourally discriminate between conspecifics based on genetic relatedness is of importance both in acquiring inclusive fitness benefits and to enable optimal inbreeding. In primates, mechanisms allowing recognition of paternal relatives are of particular interest, given that in these mating systems patrilineal information is unlikely to be available via social familiarity. Humans use visual phenotype matching based on facial features to identify their own and other''s close relatives, and recent studies suggest similar abilities may be present in other species. However it is unclear to what extent familial resemblances remain detectable against the background levels of relatedness typically found within demes in the wild – a necessary condition if facial cues are to function in kin recognition under natural conditions. Here, we experimentally investigate whether parent-offspring relationships are discernible in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) faces drawn from a large free-ranging population more representative of the latter scenario, and in which genetic relatedness has been well quantified from pedigrees determined via molecular markers. We used the human visual system as a means of integrating multiple types of facial cue simultaneously, and demonstrate that paternal, as well as maternal, resemblance to both sons and daughters can be detected even by human observers. Experts performed better than participants who lacked previous experience working with nonhuman primates. However the finding that even naïve individuals succeeded at the task underlines the strength of the phenotypic cues present in faces.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize close relatives in order to cooperate or to avoid inbreeding is widespread across all taxa. One accepted mechanism for kin recognition in birds is associative learning of visual or acoustic cues. However, how could individuals ever learn to recognize unfamiliar kin? Here, we provide the first evidence for a novel mechanism of kin recognition in birds. Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) fledglings are able to distinguish between kin and non-kin based on olfactory cues alone. Since olfactory cues are likely to be genetically based, this finding establishes a neglected mechanism of kin recognition in birds, particularly in songbirds, with potentially far-reaching consequences for both kin selection and inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Widespread evidence exists that when relatives live together, kinship plays a central role in shaping the evolution of social behaviour. Previous studies showed that female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) recognize familiar maternal kin using vocal cues. Recognizing paternal kin might, however, be more difficult as rhesus females mate promiscuously during the possible conception period, most probably concealing paternity. Behavioural observations indicate that semi free-ranging female rhesus macaques prefer to associate with their paternal half-sisters in comparison to unrelated females within the same group, particularly when born within the same age cohort. However, the cues and mechanism/s used in paternal kin discrimination remain under debate. Here, we investigated whether female rhesus macaques use the acoustic modality to discriminate between paternal half-sisters and non-kin, and tested familiarity and phenotype matching as the underlying mechanisms. We found that test females responded more often to calls of paternal half-sisters compared with calls of unrelated females, and that this discrimination ability was independent of the level of familiarity between callers and test females, which provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence for acoustic phenotype matching. Our study strengthens the evidence that female rhesus macaques can recognize their paternal kin, and that vocalizations are used as a cue.  相似文献   

Studies of kin recognition in birds have largely focused on parent-offspring recognition using auditory or visual discrimination. Recent studies indicate that birds use odors during social and familial interactions and possibly for mate choice, suggesting olfactory cues may mediate kin recognition as well. Here, we show that Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), a natally philopatric species with lifetime monogamy, discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar non-kin odors (using prior association) and between unfamiliar kin and non-kin odors (using phenotype matching). Penguins preferred familiar non-kin odors, which may be associated with the recognition of nest mates and colony mates and with locating burrows at night after foraging. In tests of kin recognition, penguins preferred unfamiliar non-kin odors. Penguins may have perceived non-kin odors as novel because they did not match the birds' recognition templates. Phenotype matching is likely the primary mechanism for kin recognition within the colony to avoid inbreeding. To our knowledge this is the first study to provide evidence of odor-based kin discrimination in a bird.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by the wood frog Rana sylvatica in blind laboratory experiments using spatial proximity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles were tested for the ability to discriminate between: 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 3) familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Tadpoles discriminated full- and paternal half-sibs from unrelated conspecifics, but did not discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Froglets from the same laboratory population were tested for the ability to discriminate between 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin. Froglets preferentially associated with full- and half-sibs over unrelated conspecifics. Our results show that familiarity, i.e., prior association, is not necessary for kin recognition in tadpoles and froglets. The ability of tadpoles and froglets to recognize unfamiliar paternal half-sibs demonstrates that a common maternal factor is not necessary for kin recognition, and indicates that the recognition cue has a genetic component. Our results add to the increasing evidence that a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals have the ability to recognize unfamiliar kin by using genetically specified recognition cues.  相似文献   

In social species, individuals who grew up together are usually relatives. Therefore, direct familiarity is normally a reliable kin recognition mechanism that is used in many species to discriminate kin from non‐kin. It has been shown in animals and in humans that familiar individuals are rejected as mating partners in order to circumvent potential costs of inbreeding. Here, we tested whether direct familiarity also leads to inbreeding avoidance behaviour in male Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a small socially monogamous cichlid with biparental brood care. In mate choice experiments, reproductively active males were given the choice between familiar sisters and unfamiliar, unrelated females. In a previous study, both sexes of P. taeniatus had preferred unfamiliar full‐sibs over unfamiliar unrelated individuals as mating partners. Here, we show that direct familiarity does not alter the male preference for closely related females. This result is in accordance with theoretical predictions, that inbreeding can be advantageous under certain conditions, and confirms previous findings, that active inbreeding is an adaptive strategy in P. taeniatus.  相似文献   

Kin recognition in Bufo scaber tadpoles: ontogenetic changes and mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ontogenetic changes in kin-recognition behavior, effect of social environment on kin-recognition ability, and use of visual and chemical cues in kin recognition have been studied in tadpoles of Bufo scaber after rearing them with kin, in mixed groups, or in isolation from Gosner stage 12 (gastrula). By use of a rectangular choice tank the tadpoles were tested for their ability to choose between (a) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (b) unfamiliar siblings and familiar non-siblings, and (c) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. When tested without any stimulus groups in the end compartments of the tank, random distribution was observed for the tadpoles and no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin and non-kin in the end compartments, significantly more tadpoles spent most of their time near kin (familiar or unfamiliar) rather than near non-kin during early larval stages, up to stage 37. After stage 37 (characterized by the differentiation of toes), test tadpoles showed no preference to associate with kin, suggesting an ontogenetic shift in the kin-recognition ability in B. scaber. In experiments involving selective blockade of visual or chemical cues the test tadpoles preferentially associated near their kin on the basis of chemical rather than visual cues. These findings suggest that familiarity with siblings is not necessary for kin recognition and that kin-recognition ability is not modified after exposure to non-kin by mixed rearing. The findings for B. scaber indicate a self referent phenotype matching mechanism of kin recognition which is predominantly aided by chemical rather than visual cues.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in blind laboratory experiments using spatial affinity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles reared with full-sibs displayed a significant preference for familiar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin, but failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs and unfamiliar paternal half-sibs. Tadpoles reared in social isolation (with or without maternal egg jelly) from the two-celled embryonic stage displayed a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin. Tadpoles reared on a meat diet with their full-sibs: 1) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat over unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 2) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce and unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 3) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar non-kin fed meat over unfamiliar non-lin fed lettuce, 4) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat and unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce, and 5) displayed a significant spatial preference for odors associated with meat (a familiar food) over odors associated with lettuce (an unfamiliar food). Our results, together with those of Cornell et al. (1989), indicate that the recognition cue of larval R. sylvatica has both genetic and environmental (dietary) components. Our findings establish that previous exposure to maternal egg jelly, kin, or conspecifics is not necessary for the development of kin recognition ability in larval R. sylvatica. Our results are more consistent with the self-learning of recognition cues (a form of phenotype matching) than with a recognition mechanism that involves a genetically fixed recognition template. Finally, our results indicate that increasing similarity between the recognition template and perceived cue does not necessarily result in increasing spatial affinity for kin.  相似文献   

Distinguishing kin from non-kin profoundly impacts the evolution of social behaviour. Individuals able to assess the genetic relatedness of conspecifics can preferentially allocate resources towards related individuals and avoid inbreeding. We have addressed the question of how animals acquire the ability to recognize kin by studying the development of olfactory kin preference in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Previously, we showed that zebrafish use an olfactory template to recognize even unfamiliar kin through phenotype matching. Here, we show for the first time that this phenotype matching is based on a learned olfactory imprinting process in which exposure to kin individuals on day 6 post fertilization (pf) is necessary and sufficient for imprinting. Larvae that were exposed to kin before or after but not on day 6 pf did not recognize kin. Larvae isolated from all contact with conspecifics did not imprint on their own chemical cues; therefore, we see no evidence for kin recognition through self-matching in this species. Surprisingly, exposure to non-kin odour during the sensitive phase of development did not result in imprinting on the odour cues of unrelated individuals, suggesting a genetic predisposition to kin odour. Urine-born peptides expressed by genes of the immune system (MHC) are important messengers carrying information about 'self' and 'other'. We suggest that phenotype matching is acquired through a time-sensitive learning process that, in zebrafish, includes a genetic predisposition potentially involving MHC genes expressed in the olfactory receptor neurons.  相似文献   

Kin recognition is a critical element to kin cooperation, and in vertebrates, it is primarily based on associative learning. Recognition of socially unfamiliar kin occurs rarely, and it is reported only in vertebrate species where promiscuity prevents recognition of first‐order relatives. However, it is unknown whether the recognition of socially unfamiliar kin can evolve in monogamous species. Here, we investigate whether genetic relatedness modulates aggression among group members in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). This bird species is genetically and socially monogamous and lives in groups that are formed through the retention of offspring beyond independence, and the immigration of socially unfamiliar nonbreeders. Observations on feeders showed that genetic relatedness modulated aggression of breeders towards immigrants in a graded manner, in that they chased most intensely the immigrant group members that were genetically the least related. However, cross‐fostering experiments showed that breeders were equally tolerant towards their own and cross‐fostered young swapped as nestlings. Thus, breeders seem to use different mechanisms to recognize socially unfamiliar individuals and own offspring. As Siberian jays show a high degree of nepotism during foraging and predator encounters, inclusive fitness benefits may play a role for the evolution of fine‐scale kin recognition. More generally, our results suggest that fine‐graded kin recognition can evolve independently of social familiarity, highlighting the evolutionary importance of kin recognition for social species.  相似文献   

Paternal kin discrimination: the evidence and likely mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the most important assumptions of kin selection theory is that individuals behave differently towards kin than non-kin. In mammals, there is strong evidence that maternal kin are distinguished from non-kin via familiarity. However, little is known about whether or not mammals can also recognize paternal kin as many female mammals, including primates, mate with multiple males near the time of conception, potentially concealing paternal kinship. Genetic data in several mammalian species with a promiscuous mating system and male-biased dispersal reveal a high skew in male reproduction which leads to co-residing paternal half-siblings. In most primates, individuals also form stable bisexual groups creating opportunities for males to interact with their offspring. Here I consider close paternal kin co-resident in the same social group, such as father-offspring and paternal half-siblings (i.e. animals sharing the same father but who were born to different mothers) and review mammalian studies of paternal kin discrimination. Furthermore, I summarize the most likely mechanisms of paternal kin discrimination (familiarity and phenotype matching). When familiarity is the underlying mechanism, mothers and/or the sire could mediate familiarity among paternal half-siblings as well as between fathers and offspring assuming mothers and/or fathers can assess paternity. When animals use phenotype matching, they might use their fathers' template (when the father is present) or self (when the father is absent) to assess paternal kinship in others. Available evidence suggests that familiarity and phenotype matching might be used for paternal kin discrimination and that both mechanisms might apply to a wide range of social mammals characterized by a high skew in male reproduction and co-residence of paternal kin. Among primates, suggested evidence for phenotype matching can often have an alternative explanation, which emphasizes the crucial importance of controlling for familiarity as a potential confounding variable. However, the mechanism/s used to identify paternal kin might differ within a species (as a function of each individual's specific circumstances) as well as among species (depending upon the key sensory modalities of the species considered). Finally, I discuss the possible cues used in paternal kin discrimination and offer suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

In experiments with specially designed choice tanks, tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus spend significantly greater amounts of time near kin than near non-kin. However, in the absence of kin members, they prefer to spend more time near non-kin rather than stay away in isolation in the opposite blank zone with no company. This implies that association of toad tadpoles with their kin is due to attraction rather than repulsion from non-kin. Experiments designed to elucidate the sensory basis of kin recognition showed that toad tadpoles recognize their kin based on chemical cues rather than visual cues. They can also discriminate between homospecific non-kin and heterospecific (Sphaerotheca breviceps) tadpoles since the tadpoles spent significantly greater amounts of time near the former than near the latter. These findings suggest that where kin members are unavailable, selection may have favoured living with non-kin so as to derive benefits from group living and that a phenotype-matching mechanism may operate for both kin and species discrimination in B. melanostictus.  相似文献   

The roles of kinship in agonistic behavior and mate choice were evaluated in Brandt's voles (Microtus brandti). In chambers bedded with familiar or unfamiliar substrates, the aggressive behavior and social investigation towards adult unfamiliar same-sex siblings and non-siblings were examined, and no significant kin bias was found. Males sniffed and followed unfamiliar unrelated females significantly more than unfamiliar sibling sisters, but males did not show significant preferences in copulatory behavior and agonistic behavior. Females spent significantly more time copulating with unfamiliar unrelated males than with their unfamiliar sibling brothers, while they did not show a significant preference in social investigation between them. Our study shows that kinship might play a role in the inbreeding avoidance based on preweaning familiarity or/and phenotype matching, but the role of kinship in agonistic behavior remains unclear.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this paper has been to review the theory behind kin recognition to examine the benefits individuals obtain by recognizing their kin and to review the mechanisms used by individuals in their recognition of kin. 2. The ability to discriminate between kin and non-kin, and between different classes of kin gives individuals advantages in fitness greater than individuals unable to recognize their kin. Four specific areas of benefit were considered: altruistic behaviour, co-operative behaviour, parental care and mate choice. Finally the possibility that kin recognition has arisen as a byproduct from some other ability was discussed. 3. Mechanisms of kin recognition were considered with respect to three essential components of kin recognition. The cue used to discriminate kin, how individuals classify conspecifics as kin, etc. and how the ability to recognize kin develops. 4. Individuals can use a number of cues to discriminate kin from non-kin. These were divided into cues presented by conspecifics (conspecific cues), of which three types were considered: individual, genetic and group/colony cues, and non-conspecific cues, environmental, state and no cues. Kin recognition could be achieved by use of all these cues. 5. How individuals classify their conspecifics as kin, etc. can be achieved in a number of ways; dishabituation or self-matching, which require no learning of kinship cues, or by phenotype matching or familiarity, both of which require the learning of kinship information. 6. It may be necessary for individuals to acquire information concerning kinship. This may be learned, and can be achieved in a number of ways; physiological imprinting, exposure learning or associative learning. Acquisition by these means is non-selective, in that the cues which are most salient in the individual's environment will be learned. Selectivity can be introduced into this process to increase the probability of acquiring kinship information by a number of means; learning from parents, sensitive periods for learning and prenatal learning. Finally, kinship information could be supplied by recognition genes. 7. A distinction is drawn between cues which are used by an individual in the discrimination of kin, discriminators, and cues which are used by individuals in the acquisition of information about kinship, acquisitors. 8. Experiments used to support previous categories of mechanisms of kin recognition were examined in the light of this discussion and it was found that the results were open to a number of different interpretations and yielded little specific information about the mechanisms of kin recognition. 9. It was concluded that there was much evidence, both theoretical and experimental to support the proposed benefits individuals gain from recognizing kin, but much more research is required before the mechanisms of kin recognition are fully understood.  相似文献   

Where animals avoid inbreeding, different mechanisms of kin discrimination can leave different 'signatures' in the patterns of observed mate relationship. For example, consider a species with no paternal care. If a female avoids mating with familiar individuals, one would expect a deficit of offspring whose parents are maternal half-siblings, but paternal half-siblings would be unfamiliar with each other and thus have offspring at the frequency expected by chance. If spatial cues are used to avoid inbreeding, a female would be expected to produce few offspring with males (even unrelated males) living near her birth site. We searched for these and other signatures with data from a long-term study of banner-tailed kangaroo rats, Dipodomys spectabilis, in Arizona, USA, using a combination of intensive censusing, mapping of available dens, microsatellite-based parentage determination, and a randomization routine that determines the numbers of offspring expected if females in the population mate indiscriminately among the males available to them. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that kangaroo rats discriminate kin by familiarity developed via association early in life, rather than by using spatial cues or self-referential phenotype matching. Our approach should be widely applicable as a means of assessing the degree to which kin discrimination exists (in contexts like nepotism as well as inbreeding avoidance) and in inferring what cues animals use to assess categories of relationship.  相似文献   

The assessment of relatedness is a key determinant in the evolution of social behavior in primates. Humans are able to detect kin visually in their own species using facial phenotypes, and facial resemblance in turn influences both prosocial behaviors and mating decisions. This suggests that cognitive abilities that allow facial kin detection in conspecifics have been favored in the species by kin selection. We investigated the extent to which humans are able to recognize kin visually by asking human judges to assess facial resemblance in 4 other primate species (common chimpanzees, western lowland gorillas, mandrills, and chacma baboons) on the basis of pictures of faces. Humans achieved facial interspecific kin recognition in all species except baboons. Facial resemblance is a reliable indicator of relatedness in at least chimpanzees, gorillas, and mandrills, and future work should explore if the primates themselves also share the ability to detect kin facially.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity and kin recognition mechanisms in a guppy population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hain TJ  Neff BD 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(18):3938-3946
Help directed toward kin (nepotism) is an important example of social behaviour. Such helping behaviour requires a mechanism to distinguish kin from nonkin. The prevailing kin recognition hypothesis is that when familiarity is a reliable cue of relatedness, other mechanisms of recognition will not evolve. However, when familiarity is an unreliable cue of relatedness, kin recognition by phenotype matching is instead predicted to evolve. Here we use genetic markers to show that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a population in a tributary of the Paria River in Trinidad are characterized by a high degree of multiple mating with 95% of broods having more than one sire and some dams having offspring sired by six males. These levels of multiple mating are the highest reported among live-bearing fishes. The mean relatedness of brood-mates was 0.36 (as compared to 0.5 for full-siblings). Therefore, familiarity does not seem to be a reliable mechanism to assess full-sibling relatedness. Using two-choice behavioural trials, we found that juveniles from this population use both phenotype matching and familiarity to distinguish kin from nonkin. However, we did not find strong evidence that the guppies use these mechanisms to form shoals of related individuals as adults, which is similar to results from other guppy populations in Trinidad. The use of both familiarity and phenotype matching is discussed in the context of the Paria River guppy population's mating system and ecology. Overall, these data provide support for the kin recognition hypothesis and increase our understanding of the evolution of kin recognition systems.  相似文献   

Most theories of kin selection assume that animals are able to distinguish relatives from non-relatives. This is especially difficult in situations where mixed parentage precludes that relatedness is recognised by familiarity. Recent work shows that, within the same brood, young bluegill sunfish that are fathered by cuckolders--but not those sired by parental males--pick out their relatives using self-referent phenotype matching and not familiarity.  相似文献   

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