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Birds during migration must satisfy the high energy and nutrient demands associated with repeated, intensive flight while often experiencing unpredictable variation in food supply and food quality. Solutions to such different challenges may often be physiologically incompatible. For example, increased food intake and gut size are primarily responsible for satisfying the high energy and nutrient demands associated with migration in birds. However, short-term fasting or food restriction during flight may cause partial atrophy of the gut that may limit utilization of ingested food energy and nutrients. We review the evidence available on the effects of long- and short-term changes in food quality and quantity on digestive performance in migratory birds, and the importance of digestive constraints in limiting the tempo of migration in birds. Another important physiological consequence of feeding in birds is the effect of diet on body composition dynamics during migration. Recent evidence suggests that birds utilize and replenish both protein and fat reserves during migration, and diet quality influences the rate of replenishment of both these reserves. We conclude that diet and phenotypic flexibility in both body composition and the digestive system of migratory birds are important in allowing birds to successfully overcome the often-conflicting physiological challenges of migration.  相似文献   

We investigated the flexibility of body composition in relation to seasonally variable demands for endurance flight capacity and hyperphagia in a migratory shorebird. Migrating western sandpipers were sampled in spring and fall while refueling at a north temperate stopover and were compared with nonmigrating birds captured at a tropical wintering area in Panama. Sandpipers weighed 25% more at stopover, and nearly 40% of migratory mass increase consisted of lean body components. Most organs and flight muscles were 10%-100% larger during migration, and the greatest relative size increases occurred in the digestive system (including liver). Birds preparing to initiate spring migration from Panama deposited only fat, suggesting that changes in lean body components take place after migration has begun, possibly through training effects. Sex did not influence body composition. Juveniles making their first southward migration were similar to adults in structural size and body mass but had substantially enlarged alimentary tracts. Sandpipers appeared to deposit lean mass during stopover in fall but not in spring. The dramatic enlargement of the digestive system in this small species that makes short flights and fuels frequently contrasts with the reduction of digestive components in larger species that fuel only once or twice by making one or two very long flights to their destination.  相似文献   

During migration, birds undergo alternating periods of fasting and re-feeding that are associated with dynamic changes in body mass (m(b)) and in organ size, including that of the digestive tract. After arrival at a migratory stopover site, following a long flight, a bird must restore the tissues of its digestive tract before it can refuel. In the present study we examined how the availability of dietary protein influences refueling of migrating blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) during a migratory stopover. We tested the following predictions in blackcaps deprived of food and water for 1-2 days to induce stopover behavior: (1) birds provided with a low-protein diet will gain m(b), lean mass and fat mass, and increase in pectoral muscle size slower than do birds fed a high-protein diet; (2) since stopover time is shorter in spring, birds will gain m(b) and build up fat tissue and lean tissue faster than in autumn; and (3) if low dietary protein limits a bird's ability to gain m(b) and fat reserves, then birds that do not obtain enough protein will initiate migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) earlier than will birds with adequate dietary protein. These predictions were tested by providing captured migrating blackcaps with semisynthetic isocaloric diets differing only in their protein content. Each day, we measured m(b), and food intake; also lean mass and fat mass were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. In addition, we monitored nocturnal activity with a video recording system. In both spring and autumn, birds fed diets containing either 3 or 20% protein increased in m(b), lean mass and fat mass at similar rates during the experiment. However, the group receiving 3% protein ate more than did the group receiving 20% protein. In support of our predictions, m(b), lean mass, fat mass, and intake of food all were higher in spring than in autumn. We also found that in spring all birds had higher levels of migratory restlessness, but birds fed 3% protein were less active at night than were birds fed 20% protein, possibly an adaptation conserving energy and protein. We conclude that protein requirements of migrating blackcaps during stopover are lower than expected, and that birds can compensate for low dietary protein by behavioral responses, i.e. hyperphagia and decreased migratory restlessness, that ensure rapid refueling.  相似文献   

迁徙鸟类中途停歇期的生理生态学研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
马志军  王勇  陈家宽 《生态学报》2005,25(11):3067-6075
大多数候鸟的迁徙活动由迁徙飞行和中途停歇两个部分组成。在迁徙过程中,鸟类要多次交替经历消耗能量的飞行阶段和积累能量的中途停歇阶段。从鸟类在中途停歇时期的能量积累速度、体重变化模式以及迁徙飞行中的禁食或食物限制、食物种类的改变、中途停歇的能量快速积累过程对消化器官的影响等方面,对目前迁徙鸟类的生理生态学研究成果进行回顾,并提出有待解决的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Fat reserves influence the orientation of migrating songbirds at ecological barriers, such as expansive water crossings. Upon encountering a body of water, fat migrants usually cross the barrier exhibiting 'forward' migration in a seasonally appropriate direction. In contrast, lean birds often exhibit temporary 'reverse' orientation away from the water, possibly to lead them to suitable habitats for refueling. Most examples of reverse orientation are restricted to autumn migration and, in North America, are largely limited to transcontinental migrants prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Little is known about the orientation of lean birds after crossing an ecological barrier or on the way to their breeding grounds. We examined the effect of fat stores on migratory orientation of both long- and short-distance migrants before and after a water crossing near their breeding grounds; Catharus thrushes (Swainson's and gray-cheeked thrushes, C. ustulatus and C. minimus ) and white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis were tested for orientation at the south shore of Lake Ontario during spring and autumn. During both spring and autumn, fat birds oriented in a seasonally appropriate, forward direction. Lean thrushes showed a tendency for reverse orientation upon encountering water in the spring and axial, shoreline orientation after crossing water in the autumn. Lean sparrows were not consistently oriented in any direction during either season. The responses of lean birds may be attributable to their stopover ecology and seasonally-dependent habitat quality.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition can influence refuelling at migration stopover sites. White‐throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis have genetically‐determined plumage morphs that differ in dominance behaviour and competitive abilities. This study examines the effects of plumage morph, sex and age, three likely indicators of competitive ability, on fall migration timing, body composition, and refuelling rates during stopover at Long Point, Ontario. We used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis and plasma metabolite profiling to determine body composition and refuelling rates, respectively. We determined sex and plumage morph genetically. Competitive ability did not influence migration timing. Controlling for structural size, males had larger lean mass than females, but we found no differences in body fat or lean mass between plumage morphs. Plasma metabolite concentrations indicated that the aggressive white‐stripe morph refuelled faster than the less aggressive tan‐stripe morph, though there were no differences among sex and age groups. We suggest that increased refuelling rates did not result in increased fat or lean mass because 1) individuals categorised as less competitive had longer stopover durations to compensate for slower refuelling rates; or 2) costs of behaving more competitively offset gains from faster refuelling rates.  相似文献   

Songbirds meet the extreme metabolic demands of migration by burning both stored fat and protein. However, catabolizing these endogenous tissues for energy leads to organ atrophy, and reductions in gastrointestinal tissue can be as great as 50% of the pre-flight mass. Remarkably, during stopover refuelling birds quickly regain digestive mass and performance. Aminopeptidase-N (APN) is a brush-border enzyme responsible for late-stage protein digestion and may critically assist tissue reconstruction during the stopover, thus compensating for reduced gut size. We hypothesized that birds recovering from a fast would differentially upregulate APN activity relative to disaccharidases to rapidly process and assimilate dietary protein into lean mass. We fasted 23 wild-caught migratory white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) for 48 h to mimic mass reductions experienced during migratory flight and measured intestinal APN activity before the fast, immediately after the fast, and during recovery at 24 h and 48 h post-fast. Total fat mass, lean mass and basal metabolic rate were measured daily. We show that fasted birds maintain APN activity through the fast, despite a 30% reduction in intestine mass, but during refuelling, APN activity increases nearly twofold over pre-fasted individuals. This suggests that dynamically regulating APN may be necessary for rapid protein reconstruction during the stopover.  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory songbirds in China faces challenges similar to those in other parts of the world such as Europe and North America. Migratory songbirds have a complex life history and are associated with large spatial scale. Events that occur during migration play a vital role in determining population status. Little is known about the stopover behavior of migratory songbirds in China during their passage, including stopover duration, energetic condition (e.g., the amount of fat stores), and the habitat of these birds. We investigated migration timing, stopover duration, change of energetic condition and sex-related variations among Red-flanked Bush Robins (Tarsiger cyanurus) at a stopover site in Northeast China. A total of 1 751 Red-flanked Bush Robins were captured in the fall of 2002, with further 684 captured in the spring of 2003. The body mass of the fall birds was higher than that of the spring ones. The condition index (i.e., body mass adjusted for body size) was lowest among spring females. Birds were more likely to stay longer in fall than in spring. We detected a positive relationship between the time of initial capture and condition index regardless of season or sex, suggesting that the birds were able to replenish energy stores. The net daily mass gain was the highest among males in the fall (3% of body mass). The net daily mass gain would sustain a flight of 0.6 hours for females and 3.1 hours for males in the fall. The stopover biology of Red-flanked Bush Robins is similar to that of some migratory songbirds in Europe and North America. For example, the spring passage time and fat store variation between the sexes concurs with the hypothesis that males are selected to arrive at their breeding grounds as early as food resources or climatic conditions are adequate in the spring. Further research on stopover ecology is urgently required in China to achieve a better understanding of migratory behavior and ensure the conservation of these migratory songbirds.  相似文献   

树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在季节驯化中表型的可塑性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳劲松  李铭 《动物学报》2006,52(3):469-477
动物能量代谢的生理生态特征与物种的分布和丰富度密切相关,基础代谢率(BMR)是内温动物能量预算的重要组成部分。北温带的小型鸟类,通过增加产热来适应低温环境。增加BMR的基础之一是中心器官(代谢机器)发生明显的变化。本研究中我们测定了树麻雀(Passermontanus)的BMR、体重和各器官的重量,分析了麻雀各器官的季节性变化及与BMR的关系。方差分析表明:麻雀的BMR存在明显的季节性变化,在冬季和秋季较高。麻雀内部器官的变化同样有明显的季节性,冬季和秋季麻雀的肝脏、心脏、肌胃、小肠、直肠和整体消化道的重量,都有明显的增加。相关分析表明:麻雀的BMR与肝脏、心脏和消化道等内部器官存在明显的相关性。我们的结果验证了“中心限制假说”,即麻雀体内存在着与BMR相关的“代谢机器”,中心器官是提高麻雀BMR的基础之一。  相似文献   

Most studies of lean mass dynamics in free-living passerine birds have focused on Old World species at geographical barriers where they are challenged to make the longest non-stop flight of their migration. We examined lean mass variation in New World passerines in an area where the distribution of stopover habitat does not require flights to exceed more than a few hours and most migrants stop flying well before fat stores near exhaustion. We used either quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR) analysis or a morphometric model to measure or estimate, respectively, the fat and lean body mass of migrants during stopovers in New York, USA. With these data, we examined (1) variance in total body mass explained by lean body mass, (2) hourly rates of fat and lean body mass change in single-capture birds, and (3) net changes in fat and lean mass in recaptured birds. Lean mass contributed to 50% of the variation in total body mass among white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis and hermit thrushes Catharus guttatus. Lean mass of refueling gray catbirds Dumetella carolinensis and white-throated sparrows, respectively, increased 1.123 and 0.320 g h−1. Lean mass of ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapillus accounted for an estimated 33–40% of hourly gains in total body mass. On average 35% of the total mass gained among recaptured birds was lean mass. Substantial changes in passerine lean mass are not limited to times when birds are forced to make long, non-stop flights across barriers. Protein usage during migration is common across broad taxonomic groups, migration systems, and migration strategies.  相似文献   

Migrating blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) were used to test the predictions that (1) the rebuilding of the digestive tract, as reflected by mass-specific consumption of food on the first 2-3 days of a stopover, is faster in birds with access to drinking water than in birds without, and (2) that adipose tissue and pectoral muscles grow faster and to a greater extent in birds with unlimited access to water. We simulated migratory stopover in two experiments. In Experiment I, each of 31 birds was randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups for 6 days. Along with mealworms (~64% water) ad libitum, Group 1 received drinking water ad libitum; Group 2 had 0.5 h/day access to water; and Group 3 had no access to water. In Experiment II, 30 birds were offered a mixed diet for insectivorous birds (~33% water) ad libitum for 6 days, while randomly assigned to two groups: (1) Water ad libitum-control; and (2) 30 min access to water twice a day. We measured lean mass and fat mass using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, as well as body mass (m(b)), pectoral muscle index (PMI), and daily intake of food and water. Mean daily water intake was significantly different among the groups in both experiments. However, the availability of drinking water positively affected the rates of gain of lean and fat mass only in birds fed with the mixed, relatively dry diet. Furthermore, mass-specific daily food intake was affected by the availability of drinking water only in the mixed diet experiment, in which birds with unlimited access to drinking water reached an asymptote, 1 day earlier than birds in the water-restricted group. We suggest that in birds consuming diets with low water content, the lack of sufficient drinking water may result in slower rebuilding of the digestive tract, or may influence biochemical processes in the gut that result in slower growth of tissue. Although blackcaps obtained sufficient water from preformed and metabolic water to renew lost tissues when eating mealworms, given access to water, the birds drank prodigiously. Our results also suggest that if drinking water is unavailable to migrating blackcaps, their choices are restricted to water-rich foods, which may constrain their rate of feeding and thus the rate at which they deposit fat. Consequently, drinking water may have an important influence on birds' migratory strategies with respect to habitat selection, use of energy, and the saving of time.  相似文献   

Pre-flight fuelling rates in free-living red knots Calidris canutus, a specialized long-distance migrating shorebird species, are positively correlated with latitude and negatively with temperature. The single published hypothesis to explain these relationships is the heat load hypothesis that states that in warm climates red knots may overheat during fuelling. To limit endogenous heat production (measurable as basal metabolic rate BMR), birds would minimize the growth of digestive organs at a time they need. This hypothesis makes the implicit assumption that BMR is mainly driven by digestive organ size variation during pre-flight fuelling. To test the validity of this assumption, we fed captive knots with trout pellet food, a diet previously shown to quickly lead to atrophied digestive organs, during a fuelling episode. Birds were exposed to two thermal treatments (6 and 24°C) previously shown to generate different fuelling rates in knots. We made two predictions. First, easily digested trout pellet food rather than hard-shelled prey removes the heat contribution of the gut and would therefore eliminate an ambient temperature effect on fuelling rate. Second, if digestive organs were the main contributors to variations in BMR but did not change in size during fuelling, we would expect no or little change in BMR in birds fed ad libitum with trout pellets. We show that cold-acclimated birds maintained higher body mass and food intake (8 and 51%) than warm-acclimated birds. Air temperature had no effect on fuelling rate, timing of fuelling, timing of peak body mass or BMR. During fuelling, average body mass increased by 32% while average BMR increased by 15% at peak of mass and 26% by the end of the experiment. Our results show that the small digestive organs characteristic of a trout pellet diet did not prevent BMR from increasing during premigratory fuelling. Our results are not consistent with the heat load hypothesis as currently formulated.  相似文献   

Asaf Maitav  Ido Izhaki 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):160-166
Maitav, A. & Izhaki, I. 1994. Stopover and fat deposition by Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla following spring migration over the Sahara. Ostrich 65:160-166.

Length of stopover and rate of weight change were studied in Blackcaps that stopover in Eilat (southern Israel) in spring after a trans-Saharan flight. The birds studied had already completed 2000 km of desert crossing and faced just 200 km more. The potential predicted flight range for these transients suggests that the fat depleted Blackcaps (fat class=0) could not reach the east Mediterranean scrublands, which offer more extensive foraging opportunities than the desert area around Eilat, without refueling. However, 46% of the Blackcaps had sufficient fat (fat class > 0) to reach central or northern Israel in a single flight in still air. Recaptured birds stayed in Eilat for 2,4±1,9 days. Although the body mass of an average recaptured bird increased by 0,27±1,44 g/day, which was an increase of 0,8%±7,0% of its body mass per day during stopover, these results were not significantly different from zero. Stopover length, mass change during stopover, and the rate of change in mass did not differ between males and females and between those who stopped over for only one day to those which stayed > 1 day. However, there was a tendency of these lean birds to stay for a shorter period in Eilat than relatively fat birds. There was also some tendency for lean birds to gain more mass during their stopover than fat birds. It seems that in spring, when less time is allotted for the whole migration program, the migrants resume their journey before fat reserves have been replenished.  相似文献   

During migration, a number of bird species rely on stopover sites for resting and feeding before and after crossing ecological barriers such as deserts or seas. The duration of a stopover depends on the combined effects of environmental factors, endogenous programmes and physiological conditions. Previous studies indicated that lean birds prolong their refuelling stopover compared with fat birds; however, the quantitative relationship between physiological conditions and stopover behaviour has not been studied yet. Here, we tested in a large sample of free-living birds of three European passerines (whinchats, Saxicola rubetra, garden warblers, Sylvia borin and whitethroats, Sylvia communis) whether the amount of migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) shown at a stopover site depends on physiological conditions. An integrated measure of condition based on body mass, amount of subcutaneous fat and thickness of pectoral muscles strongly predicted the intensity of Zugunruhe shown in recording cages in the night following capture. These results provide novel and robust quantitative evidence in support of the hypothesis that the amount of energy reserves plays a major role in determining the stopover duration in migratory birds.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of body mass and fat reserves on the choice of the stopover place and on the stopover period was investigated in 3 species of passerine birds migrating through the Sahara in Egypt. Birds grounded in an oasis with food and water were more than 10% lighter than those from a desert stopover place which offered shade only. Stopover period was in general one day except for the light portion of oasis birds which stopped for up to three weeks during which they regained fat. A calculation of the maximum range which can be covered with the available fat depots revealed that nearly all birds from the desert stopover place should be able to cross the desert whereas about 60% of the oasis birds should not. An intermittant migratory strategy for the desert crossing is proposed with flight during the night and stopover during the day, even without drinking and feeding.  相似文献   

A 4-week feeding trial on 22 grey partridges Perdix perdix was conducted in this study. Seven birds were fed commercial poultry food, seven natural food and eight commercial poultry food containing 6% of quebracho-tannin. Our results suggest that 6% dietary tannin, when added to a commercial food with high protein content, effects the grey partridge only slightly. No difference was seen in food consumption and body mass remained stable. However, birds fed tannin had longer small intestines, which most probably indicate gastrointestinal detoxication. They also excreted a high amount of tannin in their faeces. In addition, no between-group variation was seen in cytochrome P450 enzymes. Birds fed natural food had high concentration of nitrogen in intestinal excreta and high plasma alanine concentrations. They also suffered a rapid decrease in body mass after the change in diet and their body mass remained low. This may indicate increased protein excretion and/or catabolism of endogenous nutrient reserves. Potential short-term effects of the change in diet were seen in plasma. These findings coincide with the high mortality period of birds released into the wild.  相似文献   

We manipulated the quantity of food provided to hand-reared song sparrows Melospiza melodia from 3 to 18 days post-hatching, a period when young birds in the wild are especially likely to experience nutritional stress. A control group was given unlimited food, while an experimental group was limited to 60% of the intake of the controls. Both groups showed excellent survival. The controls had significantly higher growth rates than the experimentals and fledged significantly earlier. At the end of treatment, controls were significantly larger than experimentals in body mass, tarsus length, and length of the third primary. After treatment ended, when all birds were receiving the same diet, both groups showed a recession in body mass, but the amount of mass lost was significantly greater in the controls. Consequently the difference in body mass between the treatment groups was much reduced after the period of weight recession. As adults, the controls were significantly larger than experimentals in a principal component measure of size that combined six post-mortem bone measurements. Controls and experimentals did not differ in the number of fault bars in tail feathers grown in part during the period of nutritional manipulation, nor did they differ in the degree of asymmetry in bone measurements. We conclude that early nutrition affects growth rates in young song sparrows, with effects on skeletal size that carry over into adulthood. These results are consistent with the nutritional stress hypothesis, which posits that early nutrition affects adult phenotypic quality as well as display attributes.  相似文献   

The annual migration of small birds depends on the optimal management of time and energy. Since refueling at stopovers between flights consumes most of the birds’ time and energy, selection of food‐rich sites, and timely departure therefrom are likely crucial to success. We examined this concept quantifying body composition of 200 migrating blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla, in Eilat, Israel, using dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry and generated a model to predict body composition as it changes with body mass (mb). We then back‐calculated body composition of > 20 000 blackcaps ringed between 1984 and 2005, and tested the hypothesis that the amount of fuel that a bird stores determines the length of its stopover. We predicted that 1) if time‐constrained in spring, birds at the stopover site carry less than a maximum fuel load, but 2) if not time‐constrained, as in autumn, their fuel load is much higher than in spring. We found the change in body composition of blackcaps to be biphasic and correlated with increasing mb. At mb < ? 17.8 g, increasing mb is due to increasing lean mass (ml), while at mb > ? 17.8 g increasing mb results from increasing fat mass (mf), which is accompanied by decreasing ml. Body composition of blackcaps at a spring stopover site indicates that blackcaps leave stopovers as soon as they regain functionality of their digestive systems, but before laying down much mf. In autumn blackcaps arrive with fuel stores much larger than in spring. For these birds, the Eilat stopover apparently serves to complete fat accumulation before crossing the deserts ahead. We conclude that in spring, the decision to depart is not determined by the bird's fuel stores, especially when early arrival at the breeding site, and therefore time, is of the essence. In autumn, accumulating enough fuel to ensure successful crossing of the deserts ahead probably dictates stopover time.  相似文献   

Ecology of spring-migrating Anatidae: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spring migration is generally considered as a crucial period of the year for many birds, not the least due to its supposed importance for subsequent breeding success. By reviewing the existing literature for Anatidae (ducks, geese, and swans), we show that little is known about their ecology in spring, although some goose species are exceptions. Another general pattern is that the ecology of Anatidae at staging sites is particularly neglected. Existing studies tend to focus on questions dealing with acquisition of nutrient reserves, whereas almost nothing has been published about stopover habitats, time use, microhabitat use, foraging behaviour, food availability, food limitation, diet selection, and interspecific relationships. Besides summarising present knowledge, we identify taxonomic groups and topics for which gaps of knowledge appear the most evident, thereby also highlighting research needs for the future.  相似文献   

Migratory birds use stopovers to replenish their fuel reserves and they generally spend more time at stopover sites than they do in actual flight. When arriving at a new stopover site birds may need to search extensively to find a suitable feeding area and this search and settling period may affect the duration of stopover. Stopover behaviour can thus have profound effects on the migratory programme and studies on stopover behaviour are important to understand migratory strategies. We followed 51 first‐year garden warblers Sylvia borin with radio‐transmitters at an autumn stopover site on the island of Gotland in southern Sweden. Our aim was to determine the distance birds relocated from the coastal capture site when searching for an area to settle in, and also to establish the duration of stopover and put it in relation to refuelling rate by recapturing a subset of the radio‐tracked individuals. Sixteen birds made an extended stopover (> 2 d), relocated inland from the capture site and settled on average 5.6 km from the capture site, with the longest recorded relocation being fourteen kilometres. Birds that relocated nocturnally settled in areas further away than birds that relocated diurnally. Thirteen birds that continued migration after a short stop carried larger fuel stores than birds that stopped over longer and they remained close to the capture site until departure. Three birds were re‐trapped and showed high fuelling rates, between 0.3 and 1.1 g d–1. They left the stopover site with fuel loads between 40–56 percent of lean body mass, which possibly would have allowed them to reach the Mediterranean area without additional refuelling stops.  相似文献   

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