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基于长白山次生针阔混交林样地, 以520个1 m × 1 m幼苗样方中胸径小于1 cm的乔木幼苗为研究对象, 选取2013年和2014年的幼苗调查数据, 运用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)分析了生物邻体和生境异质性对幼苗存活的影响, 探讨了次生针阔混交林幼苗存活影响因素及物种共存机制。结果表明: (1)适宜大树生长的局域生境同样也适宜幼苗的存活, 幼苗存活率与土壤含水量和有效氮等土壤养分显著正相关。(2)幼苗个体之间存在明显的竞争, 较多的幼苗邻体显著降低幼苗的存活率。同种大树邻体和同种幼苗邻体与幼苗存活显著负相关, 表明存在负密度制约效应。(3)随着幼苗年龄的增加, 生境异质性对幼苗存活的影响逐渐增大。该研究证实了密度制约效应和生境异质性对幼苗存活有着重要影响, 其相对重要性随着幼苗年龄级、功能群以及物种种类而变化。  相似文献   

Seedlings are vulnerable to many biotic and abiotic agents, and studying seedling dynamics helps understand mechanisms of species coexistence. In this study, the relative importance of biotic neighbors and habitat heterogeneity to seedling survival was examined by generalized linear mixed models for 33 species in a spruce‐fir valley forest in northeastern China. The results showed that the relative importance of these factors varied with species and functional groups. Conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) was important to the survival of Abies nephrolepis and Picea koraiensis seedling, whereas phylogenetic negative density dependence (PNDD) was critical to Pinus koraiensis and Betula platyphylla, as well as functional groups of tree, deciduous, and shade‐intolerant seedlings. For shrubs and Acer ukurunduense, habitat heterogeneity was significant. Despite of the significance of CNDD, PNDD, and habitat heterogeneity on seedling survival, large proportions of the total variance were not accounted for by the studied variables, suggesting the needs to examine the influences of other factors such as pests, diseases, herbivores, forest structure, species functional traits, and microclimatic conditions on seedling survival in the future.  相似文献   

以吉林蛟河次生针阔混交林42 hm 2固定监测样地中209个幼苗监测站内的乔木幼苗为研究对象, 基于2016和2017年幼苗调查数据, 探究幼苗物种组成、数量动态等特征, 并运用广义线性混合效应模型分析了幼苗密度与生物邻体及其生境因素的相关性。结果表明: (1)该样地内所有幼苗监测站共调查到幼苗4 245株, 分属10科12属18种, 新生幼苗的数量在物种和调查年份间均有明显差异, 其中水曲柳(Fraxinus mandschurica)和紫椴(Tilia amurensis)幼苗表现出大量出生和死亡的动态特征。(2)群落水平上, 幼苗密度与局域同种成体胸高断面积之和、土壤全磷和有效钾等养分含量显著正相关, 适宜大树生长的生境同样适宜幼苗的生长。(3)水曲柳幼苗密度的影响因素与群落水平一致, 红松(Pinus koraiensis)存在明显的生境偏好, 在湿度较小、土壤全磷、有效氮和有效磷含量较低的生境中密度更高。相对于多年生幼苗, 同种成年邻体对当年生幼苗密度影响更加显著。该研究证实了扩散限制和生境过滤共同影响幼苗密度格局, 生物邻体和生境异质性的相对重要性随幼苗物种种类和年龄级变化。  相似文献   

刘艳华  牛莹莹  周绍春  张子栋  梁卓  杨娇  鞠丹 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6913-6923
在动物生境研究中,移动生境和卧息生境是生境研究的焦点。开展移动生境和卧息生境选择,并在此基础上进行生境评价,有利于深入了解动物对移动和卧息生境条件的需求,制定科学合理的栖息地保护计划。以东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)的主要猎物物种之一-狍(Capreolus pygargus)为研究对象,于2017-2019年冬季积雪覆盖期在老爷岭南部通过随机布设28个大样方和84条用于足迹链跟踪的样线收集狍的移动点和卧息点信息,再结合近年来收集的东北虎出现点,利用广义可加模型(GAM)和最大熵模型(MaxEnt)进行狍移动、卧息生境选择及评价研究。移动生境选择研究表明,狍在移动的过程中偏好选择坡度小、距农田距离>500 m、远离道路、居民点和低海拔或较高海拔的区域;移动生境评价分析表明,移动适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为1318.16 km2,占研究区域面积的51.28%,当加入虎活动点影响因子后,狍移动适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为901.52 km2,适宜和次适宜生境面积之和减少了31.61%。狍卧息生境选择研究表明,水源、农田、道路和雪深是影响狍卧息的关键因素,其中雪深对狍卧息生境选择的贡献率达到70.13%;卧息生境评价表明,卧息适宜和次适宜生境面积之和为1243.77 km2,占研究区域面积的48.39%,当加入虎出现点因子后,适宜生境和次适宜生境面积之和减少了61.00%,仅为485.02 km2。研究认为,虎的出现对狍移动和卧息生境选择均产生影响,虎的活动及捕食行为可能会减少狍的活动范围和频次,狍远离虎活动区域卧息休息,压缩了狍适宜卧息的空间。  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing throughout the world. Changed fire patterns across northern Australian savannas have been proposed as a factor contributing to recent declines of small‐ and medium‐sized mammals. Despite this, few studies have examined the mechanisms that underpin how species use habitat in fire‐affected landscapes. We determined the habitats and resources important to the declining golden‐backed tree‐rat (Mesembriomys macrurus) in landscapes partially burnt by recent intense fire. We aimed to (i) compare the relative use of rainforest and savanna habitats; (ii) examine the effect of fire history on use of savanna habitats; and (iii) identify key foraging and denning resources. Habitat selection was examined by comparing the availability of eight habitat types around real (used) and generated (available) location points. Individuals used a range of habitats, but consistently selected long unburnt rainforest in preference to recently burnt savanna (1–12 months post‐fire); however, recently burnt savanna was used in preference to long unburnt savanna. Tree‐rats foraged in Terminalia hadleyana, Planchonia rupestris, Celtis philippensis and Owenia vernicosa, tree species that are found in a variety of habitat types. Individuals used a range of den sites, including cliffs, trees, logs, scree and stags found throughout the study area. Although multiple factors may have led to the decline of Mes. macrurus across its range, these results are consistent with the idea that changes in the savanna structure as a consequence of contemporary fire patterns could also have a role. The continued persistence of Mes. macrurus in the northwest Kimberley may be supported by land management strategies that conserve fruiting and hollow‐bearing trees, and maintain the availability of fire‐sensitive vegetation types.  相似文献   

以长白山原始阔叶红松林样地为平台,以样方中胸径小于1 cm的乔木幼苗为研究对象,基于2018年两次的幼苗调查数据,利用广义线性混合模型分析影响群落乔木幼苗多度的生物邻体和生境因素。结果表明:该样地所有幼苗样方共调查到10064株乔木幼苗,累计17个物种,分属9科9属,水曲柳幼苗多度极高,在乔木树种幼苗中占优势地位;在群落水平,幼苗多度与异种大树效应、草本密度和林冠开阔度呈显著正相关,与草本盖度和土壤含水量呈显著负相关;在物种水平,水曲柳和紫椴幼苗多度的影响因素与群落水平筛选后的结果一致,红松幼苗多度与异种大树效应呈正相关,与同种大树效应及林冠开阔度呈负相关。该研究证实了生物邻体和生境因素共同影响幼苗多度格局,并且生物邻体和生境因素的相对重要性随幼苗物种种类不同而变化。  相似文献   

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