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The Australian dugong (Dugong dugon) and Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are threatened species of aquatic mammals in the order Sirenia. Sirenian conservation and management actions would benefit from a more complete understanding of genetic diversity and population structure. Generally, species-specific microsatellite markers are employed in conservation genetic studies; however, robust markers can be difficult and costly to isolate. To increase the number of available markers, dugong and manatee microsatellite primers were evaluated for cross-species amplification. Furthermore, one manatee and four dugong novel primers are reported. After polymerase chain reaction optimization, 23 (92%) manatee primers successfully amplified dugong DNA, of which 11 (48%) were polymorphic. Of the 32 dugong primers tested, 27 (84%) yielded product in the manatee, of which 17 (63%) were polymorphic. Dugong and manatee primers were compared and the most informative markers were selected to create robust and informative marker-panels for each species. These cross-species microsatellite marker-panels can be employed to assess other sirenian populations and can provide beneficial information for the protection and management of these unique mammals.  相似文献   

New Caledonia is at the eastern limit of the dugong's range. In June 2003 standardized dugong aerial survey methodology was used to estimate the abundance and distribution of dugongs in the coastal waters of New Caledonia, resulting in a population estimate of 1,814 ± SE 332. This represents the largest concentration of dugongs in Melanesia and one of the largest populations in the world, outside Australia and the Arabian region. Calves comprised 7.2% of the population. The observed density of dugongs was highest in the center and southern part of the west coast of the island but not significantly different from the density on the north west and north east. In the central west region, sightings were associated with a pass in the barrier reef and up to a third of the on‐survey sightings were outside of the barrier reef. The dugong distribution we observed during June 2003 differs from the reported locations of historical hunts in several respects.  相似文献   

<正>儒艮(Dugong dugon)隶属海牛目(Sirenia)儒艮科(Dugongidae)。广泛分布于印度洋、西太平洋热带及亚热带的大陆沿岸水域和岛屿间(周开亚等,2001),我国分布于广西、海南、广东和台湾省南部的沿岸海域,海南记录于东方北黎湾、儋州白马井洋浦港、澄迈东水港等地(王丕烈和孙建运,1986;周开亚等,2003;王丕烈等,2007)。  相似文献   

This study has investigated the taxon‐specific responses of fauna to patch edges, and how these relate to patch attributes (patch size, seagrass biomass and water depth), and hydrodynamics in the seagrass habitat. Faunal abundances were sampled at the edge, 2 m in from the edge, and in the middle of 10 seagrass patches of variable size in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. Five of nine taxa showed edge effects. There were higher abundances at the edge compared with the middle for porcellid harpacticoids, and an increase in abundance from the edge to the middle of the patches for tanaids and isopods. For caprellid and gammarid amphipods, the edge effect varied across patches. Changes in current within the patch and patch size were related to the variability in the edge effect pattern of caprellids. None of the measured environmental variables (seagrass biomass, current and water depth) or patch size had a role in the variable edge effect pattern of gammarid amphipods. At the patch level, the distribution of six of nine taxa in this study, namely isopods, polychaetes, ‘other harpacticoids’, porcellid harpacticoids, cumaceans and gammarid amphipods, was related to differences in average water depth, average seagrass biomass and patch size. Our study indicates that the faunal response to edges cannot be generalized across seagrass habitat, and the implications of habitat area loss will vary depending on the taxon under consideration.  相似文献   

Patterns of resource selection by animals may be influenced by sex, and often change over a 24‐h period. We used a dry sclerophyll landscape managed for commercial timber production to investigate the effects of sex and diel period on habitat selection by the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor). We predicted that selection would be (i) affected by both sex and diel period; and (ii) positively related to lateral cover during the day, but to food resources at night. Non‐metric multidimentional scaling indicated that some of the available habitats differed markedly with respect to visibility (an indicator of lateral cover), fern cover, forb cover, wallaby density and a forage quality index, providing the basis for non‐random habitat selection. At the landscape scale, wallabies showed strong selection for 5‐year‐old regenerating sites, selected against 10‐year‐old regenerating sites and unharvested forest, and avoided recently harvested (3–10 months post‐harvest) sites completely. At the scale of individual home ranges, a pooled male and female sample demonstrated selection for unharvested forest over recently harvested sites during both diurnal and nocturnal periods. A separate analysis showed that both sex and diel period influenced the selection of 5‐ and 10‐year‐old sites and the surrounding unharvested forest. Using a novel approach, we demonstrated that diurnal habitat selection by both sexes was negatively correlated with visibility, representing stronger selection for areas with more lateral cover. Nocturnal selection by females was positively correlated with values of a forage quality index, but this was not the case for males. We hypothesise that the observed patterns of selection were driven by the need to find food and avoid predators, but were also affected by the different reproductive strategies of males and females. Our results demonstrate the importance of incorporating factors such as sex and diel period into analyses of habitat selection.  相似文献   

The fish community in Tjeukemeer was monitored from 1971 to 1988 by trawling, and during the summer of 1988 the distribution of the more abundant species was determined in relation to size and location. Bream, pikeperch and smelt were the most dominant fishes, whereas roach, white bream, perch and ruffe comprised <10% of the total catches. After the termination in 1977 of the intensive gillnet fishery both pikeperch >50 cm and bream >30 cm increased in biomass, but roach >15 cm and perch >15 cm virtually disappeared and pikeperch <50 cm substantially decreased. Only smelt, ruffe, white bream and bream <30 cm hardly changed in biomass. Bream, pikeperch, perch and smelt were restricted to the open water zone, but roach <15 cm and 0 + bream were confined to the littoral zone. White bream and ruffe did not show a distinct habitat preference. Because the recruitment of smelt is largely dependent on immigration from the IJsselmeer, a feed-back between the smelt and pikeperch population is lacking. Because the carrying capacity of the pikeperch population is mainly determined by smelt, the other fish <15 cm are very vulnerable to predation when the smelt population is consumed, before a new year-class of smelt is recruited, or when the smelt fails to recruit. The vulnerability to predation of the different species and their feeding habits are discussed in relation to their distribution.  相似文献   

New records of the Japanese seahorse Hippocampus mohnikei from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, along with recently published studies from India and Singapore, have greatly expanded the known range of H. mohnikei within Southeast Asia. These new records reveal novel habitat preferences and threats to H. mohnikei in the region. Although the global conservation status of H. mohnikei is classified as Data Deficient according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, new sightings indicate that this species is found in similar habitats and faces similar threats as other Hippocampus species that are considered Vulnerable.  相似文献   

In the pure stand of tropical seagrass,Syringodium isoetifolium, in a small oceanic island, Fiji, grazing effects of the seagrass-associated gammarid,Ampithoe sp., on seagrass and epiphytes were assessed in October 1989, November 1991, November 1992. Density of the gammarid was estimated with two methods, mesh bag method and tuft method. During the three years surveyed the density of the gammarid increased remarkably from 1989 to 1991, with heavy epiphytism. Gut contents of the gammarid were examined. Grazing rates on seagrass leaf with and without epiphytic blue-green algae were measured in a bottle experiment. Litter bag experiments were conducted using different mesh sizes each containing seagrass only and seagrass and gammarids. The seagrass leaf biomass in the litter bag reduced abruptly in both bags. After one week, 78–86% of seagrass biomass disappeared from the bags. Enhancement of decomposition of seagrass leaf by the gammarid grazing was observed. Oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates were measured simultaneously in bottle experiments. Carbon budget in the seagrass bed was estimated as follows: 0.9 gC m−2 day−1 in seagrass growth, gammarid grazing was about a half of it and further assimilated a half of it, about 0.1 gC m−2 day−1, and more than half of it become CO2 by respiration. Grazing effects on epiphyte and seagrass growth and production were discussed through the carbon budget and indirect interactions between seagrass, epiphytes and associated gammarids to explain the temporal change of seagrass and epiphyte dynamics.  相似文献   

Roads affect wildlife in many direct and indirect ways. For ungulates, roads may inhibit seasonal migration and may cause an effective loss of habitat due to avoidance. On the other hand, roadsides and associated agricultural lands offer high quality forage that may attract ungulates and increase the frequency of car accidents. Mitigating actions require detailed knowledge on space use in relation to roads. Using data from 67 global positioning system (GPS)-marked red deer in Norway, we quantified 1) scale of avoidance of roads, 2) crossing frequency, and 3) selection of crossing sites. Red deer avoided roads only on a very local scale and only during daytime, with minor influence of variation in road size (traffic burden). Marked red deer crossed roads, on average, 2 times per day. Females crossed more frequently than males and crossings were most frequent during autumn and winter and during night. Deer selected forested crossing sites close to agricultural pastures, reflecting that roads are crossed most often on nightly feeding excursions. Our findings imply that red deer in our study area have adjusted to exploit feeding habitat close to roads at times of low traffic burden. The high frequency of crossings suggests a limited influence on seasonal migration patterns. The frequency at which red deer cross highways suggests that mitigation measures to reduce road mortality may be effective if targeted in the right areas. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Forest structure does not form an even distribution over forested landscapes; rather, it produces a mosaic or patchwork pattern. ‘Habitat complexity scores’ provide a method of describing changes in vegetation biomass and, when assessed at randomly located plots, a frequency distribution of habitat can be developed. The frequency distribution can be used to describe characteristics of the pattern of habitat complexity, such as the mean and heterogeneity of habitat over the whole forest. In the present paper, an historical sequence of habitat complexity scores collected from 99 sites over an 18‐year period was used. The frequency distribution of the habitat complexity scores was fitted using a binomial distribution and the parameters of the binomial distribution were modelled to provide a relationship between the frequency of different habitat environments across the landscape and the time since wildfire. In most cases, the binomial distributions fitted the observed data significantly. The relationship between the binomial parameters and the time since fire was found to be highly significant (P < 0.01). Habitat complexity scores were predicted from the model solely as a function of time since fire, allowing both retrospective and future predictions of the distribution of habitats to be undertaken.  相似文献   

后河自然保护区周边地区细痣疣螈资源及夏季生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年7-8月在后河国家级自然保护区及周边地区,运用样方法对细痣疣螈(Tylototriton asperrimus)的种群数量、分布及栖息生境进行了调查,并利用生境喜好系数和主成分分析法对细痣疣螈的夏季生境选择进行了分析.结果发现:细痣疣螈主要分布于与后河自然保护区毗邻的长乐坪镇及其附近区域,栖息地海拔450 ~ 1400 m,分布面积约550km2;在调查的103个样方中,有18个样方共发现细痣疣螈68条,种群数量较少;通过生境偏好系数分析发现,细痣疣螈偏好选择的微生境为:距小型静水塘(水体面积≤20 m2)51~100 m、距居民点101 ~500 m、距农田≤50 m、距道路≤100 m、草本盖度61% ~80%、草本高度21 ~40 cm、地表湿度61% ~80%、地表温度24℃~27℃的枯枝腐叶和草地生境;主成分分析表明,温度、植被、水体类型、人为干扰和食物是影响细痣疣螈夏季生境选择的主要因子.  相似文献   

Worldwide there is a rush toward wind power development and its associated infrastructure. In Fennoscandia, large‐scale wind farms comprising several hundred windmills are currently built in important grazing ranges used for Sámi reindeer husbandry. In this study, reindeer habitat use was assessed using reindeer fecal pellet group counts in relation to two relatively small wind farms, with 8 and 10 turbines, respectively. In 2009, 1,315 15‐m2 plots were established and pellet groups were counted and cleaned from the plots. This was repeated once a year in May, during preconstruction, construction, and operation of the wind farms, covering 6 years (2009–2014) of reindeer habitat use in the area. We modeled the presence/absence of any pellets in a plot at both the local (wind farm site) and regional (reindeer calving to autumn range) scale with a hierarchical logistic regression, where spatial correlation was accounted for via random effects, using vegetation type, and the interaction between distance to wind turbine and time period as predictor variables. Our results revealed an absolute reduction in pellet groups by 66% and 86% around each wind farm, respectively, at local scale and by 61% at regional scale during the operation phase compared to the preconstruction phase. At the regional, scale habitat use declined close to the turbines in the same comparison. However, at the local scale, we observed increased habitat use close to the wind turbines at one of the wind farms during the operation phase. This may be explained by continued use of an important migration route close to the wind farm. The reduced use at the regional scale nevertheless suggests that there may be an overall avoidance of both wind farms during operation, but further studies of reindeer movement and behavior are needed to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms behind this suggested avoidance.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in relation to flower use in bumblebees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand resource partitioning in a bumblebee community, we analyzed various morphological characters. A total of 1269 individuals of six bumblebee species, Bombus ardens, B. hypocrita, B. diversus, B. ignitus, B. honshuensis and B. beaticola, were examined and principal component analysis showed that the bumblebee species were clearly differentiated. Glossa, prementa and head lengths were positively correlated with the second component, and a longer proboscis was associated with a narrower body, which may help bees to intrude into and access deep‐lying nectar sources. Bombus diversus, with a long proboscis and narrow body, preferred flowers with a long corolla tube, whereas B. hypocrita and B. ignitus, which have short proboscises and wide bodies, visited flowers with short corollas or dish‐shaped flowers. Two pairs of consubgeneric species that have similar morphological characteristics, B. ardens and B. beaticola, and B. hypocrita and B. ignitus, divided flower resources by habitat selection and seasonal partitioning. For resource partitioning among bumblebee species, not only morphology but also other factors, such as habitat and seasonal preference, flower use, foraging behavior, and interspecific interactions, are responsible.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine which rodent species serve as primary reservoirs for the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi in commonly occurring woodland types in inland areas of northwestern California, and to examine whether chaparral or grassland serve as source habitats for dispersal of B. burgdorferi‐ or B. bissettii‐infected rodents into adjacent woodlands. The western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus) was commonly infected with B. burgdorferi in oak woodlands, whereas examination of 30 dusky‐footed woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes) and 280 Peromyscus spp. mice from 13 widely‐spaced Mendocino County woodlands during 2002 and 2003 yielded only one infected woodrat and one infected deer mouse (P. maniculatus). These data suggest that western gray squirrels account for the majority of production by rodents of fed Ixodes pacificus larvae infected with B. burgdorferi in the woodlands sampled. Infections with B. burgdorferi also were rare in woodrats (0/47, 0/3) and mice (3/66, 1/6) captured in chaparral and grassland, respectively, and therefore these habitats are unlikely sources for dispersal of this spirochete into adjacent woodlands. On the other hand, B. bissettii was commonly detected in both woodrats (22/47) and mice (15/66) in chaparral. We conclude that the data from this and previous studies in northwestern California are suggestive of a pattern where inland oak‐woodland habitats harbor a B. burgdorferi transmission cycle driven primarily by I. pacificus and western gray squirrels, whereas chaparral habitats contain a B. bissettii transmission cycle perpetuated largely by I. spinipalpis, woodrats, and Peromyscus mice. The dominant role of western gray squirrels as reservoirs of B. burgdorferi in certain woodlands offers intriguing opportunities for preventing Lyme disease by targeting these animals by means of either host‐targeted acaricides or oral vaccination against B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

Natural selection is an important driver of microevolution. Yet, despite significant theoretical debate, we still have a poor understanding of how selection operates on interacting traits (i.e., morphology, performance, habitat use). Locomotor performance is often assumed to impact survival because of its key role in foraging, predator escape, and social interactions, and shows strong links with morphology and habitat use within and among species. In particular, decades of study suggest, but have not yet demonstrated, that natural selection on locomotor performance has shaped the diversification of Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles. Here, we estimate natural selection on sprinting speed and endurance in small replicate island populations of Anolis sagrei. Consistent with past correlational studies, long-limbed lizards ran faster on broad surfaces but also had increased sprint sensitivity on narrow surfaces. Moreover, performance differences were adaptive in the wild. Selection favored long-limbed lizards that were fast on broad surfaces, and preferred broad substrates in nature, and also short-limbed lizards that were less sprint sensitive on narrow surfaces, and preferred narrow perches in nature. This finding is unique in showing that selection does not act on performance alone, but rather on unique combinations of performance, morphology, and habitat use. Our results support the long-standing hypothesis that correlated selection on locomotor performance, morphology, and habitat use drives the evolution of ecomorphological correlations within Caribbean Anolis lizards, potentially providing a microevolutionary mechanism for their remarkable adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere sediments of seagrasses are generally a site of intense nitrogen fixation activity and this can provide a significant source of "new" nitrogen for the growth of the plants. In this paper, I review the data concerning nitrogen fixation in seagrass ecosystems, the transfer of the fixed nitrogen from the bacteria to the plants and its contribution to the overall productivity of seagrasses in different climatic zones.
The relationship between the plants and diazotrophic heterotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere is discussed, particularly focusing on the potentially important role of nitrogen-fixing, sulphate-reducing bacteria. The regulation of nitrogen fixation rates in the rhizosphere by photosynthetically driven oxygen and fixed carbon release by the plant roots and rhizomes, and the availability of ammonium in the porewater, is assessed. Finally, the hypothesis that a mutualistic or symbiotic association exists between the seagrasses and heterotrophic nitrogen fixers in the rhizosphere, based on the mutual exchange of fixed carbon and nitrogen, is discussed.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):176-182
Rapid changes in agricultural landscape structure and composition affect many different farmland biotas, including carnivores, which are a key element of ecosystem stability, yet little is known about their distribution and habitat use. In this study, we evaluated how habitat characteristics on two different spatial scales (local and landscape scale) affected the forest-edge utilization by small and medium-sized carnivores in fragmented central European farmland. Based on an indirect method for detecting carnivores (scent stations), we sampled 212 forest fragments of different sizes (1–7864 ha) during April to May from 2006 to 2009. Our results indicate that carnivore utilization of forest-edge habitats was driven by landscape rather than local characteristics even though the overall extent of explained variation was small. The most important factors that determined response of the carnivore community were the area of farmland and that of urban land on a landscape scale. The corridor connectivity between small forest fragments and other spatial elements played a crucial role in the occurrence of red fox. Our results suggest that comprehensive studies on multi-species carnivore assemblage using scent station might be useful in evaluating species-specific response to habitat characteristics, especially if large numbers of stations visited by carnivores are available.  相似文献   

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