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The aerosphere is utilized by billions of birds, moving for different reasons and from short to great distances spanning tens of thousands of kilometres. The aerosphere, however, is also utilized by aviation which leads to increasing conflicts in and around airfields as well as en‐route. Collisions between birds and aircraft cost billions of euros annually and, in some cases, result in the loss of human lives. Simultaneously, aviation has diverse negative impacts on wildlife. During avian migration, due to the sheer numbers of birds in the air, the risk of bird strikes becomes particularly acute for low‐flying aircraft, especially during military training flights. Over the last few decades, air forces across Europe and the Middle East have been developing solutions that integrate ecological research and aviation policy to reduce mutual negative interactions between birds and aircraft. In this paper we 1) provide a brief overview of the systems currently used in military aviation to monitor bird migration movements in the aerosphere, 2) provide a brief overview of the impact of bird strikes on military low‐level operations, and 3) estimate the effectiveness of migration monitoring systems in bird strike avoidance. We compare systems from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland and Israel, which are all areas that Palearctic migrants cross twice a year in huge numbers. We show that the en‐route bird strikes have decreased considerably in countries where avoidance systems have been implemented, and that consequently bird strikes are on average 45% less frequent in countries with implemented avoidance systems in place. We conclude by showing the roles of operational weather radar networks, forecast models and international and interdisciplinary collaboration to create safer skies for aviation and birds.  相似文献   

Males of most anuran species (frogs and toads) vocalize to attractmates. However, individuals of many vocal species may also adoptalternative noncalling "satellite" tactics. Satellite malescharacteristically remain in close proximity to calling conspecificsand attempt to intercept incoming females attracted to advertisingmales. Emerson proposed that alternation between calling andnoncalling behavior in anurans is mediated by a reciprocal interactionbetween circulating levels of corticosterone and androgens thatis driven by depletion of energy reserves during vocalization.We tested this hypothesis by examining steroid hormone profilesand the relative body condition of calling and satellite Woodhouse'stoads (Bufo woodhousii) and Great Plains toads (B. cognatus).Consistent with Emerson's hypothesis, callers had significantlyhigher circulating corticosterone levels and were in bettercondition than satellites. However, levels of testosterone anddihydrotestosterone did not differ significantly between satellitesand callers, and we found no evidence that high levels of corticosteronehad an inhibitory effect on androgen production in either species.These data thus support a relationship between corticosteronelevels and depletion of energy reserves during bouts of vocalizationbut suggest that alternation between calling and satellite behaviormay be associated with direct effects of corticosterone on brainvocal control centers. We propose a model that incorporatesrelationships among energy reserves, androgens, corticosterone,and arginine vasotocin-producing neurons in the telencephalonto explain transitions between calling and satellite tacticsin toads.  相似文献   

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