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Abstract: Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) and sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) are sympatric in mainland Southeast Asia and face similar threats of habitat loss and commercial poaching. They are rarely seen but leave distinct signs, especially claw marks on climbed trees. These markings, which are potentially valuable indicators of presence, population status, and behavior of black bears and sun bears, have limited usefulness if the 2 species cannot be differentiated. We measured 121 claw mark imprints on climbed trees from 43 known (mainly captive) individual black bears and sun bears of both sexes in Thailand and Cambodia. The span across the markings made by 3, 4, or 5 claws from the hind foot was significantly greater for black bears than sun bears. We developed discriminant function models with these variables and arranged them in a 3-step process that distinguished claw marks as either sun bear, black bear, or indeterminate. This procedure correctly classified 95% of claw marks from the experimental animals. Tested on wild bears (at sites where only one species occurred), the procedure correctly classified 91% of claw marks of black bears in China (n = 94) and 100% of claw marks of sun bears in Indonesia (n = 32). The main limitation of the method was in distinguishing young, small black bears (cubs and yearlings) from sun bears. Nevertheless, application of these findings will be valuable in bear research and monitoring programs throughout Southeast Asia, where sign surveys have, until now, been hampered by the inability to differentiate these 2 ecologically and behaviorally similar species. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):814–821; 2008)  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the fruit phenology of Prunus jamasakura and the fruit-feeding period of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). The purposes of this study were to determine (1) when bears feed on the fruit of P. jamasakura in relation to phenology; (2) whether ingestion damages seeds; and (3) how ingestion influences seed germination. We assessed the relationship between the phenology of fruit maturation (size, sugar concentration, color, persistence, and germination percentage) and the feeding period of bears in the field, as judged from bear shelves and claw marks. We also compared the germination percentage of seeds ingested by captive bears with that of uningested. Bears fed on the fruit from days 50 to 66 after flowering, when most of the fruits were on the tree and became large, the germination percentage of seeds increased, and the sugar concentration became high. Bears fed only on mature fruits and so obtained high-quality nutrients. Germination tests showed that ingestion of fruits by the bears caused no physical damage to the seeds. Ingested seeds did not show a significant difference in germination percentage from seeds, whose pulp was artificially removed. These results indicate that bears are potentially effective dispersers from a qualitative perspective and, to some extent, from a quantitative perspective.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The distribution of grizzly (Ursus arctos) and American black bears (U. americanus) overlaps in western North America. Few studies have detailed activity patterns where the species are sympatric and no studies contrasted patterns where populations are both sympatric and allopatric. We contrasted activity patterns for sympatric black and grizzly bears and for black bears allopatric to grizzly bears, how human influences altered patterns, and rates of grizzly-black bear predation. Activity patterns differed between black bear populations, with those sympatric to grizzly bears more day-active. Activity patterns of black bears allopatric with grizzly bears were similar to those of female grizzly bears; both were crepuscular and day-active. Male grizzly bears were crepuscular and night-active. Both species were more night-active and less day-active when ≤1 km from roads or developments. In our sympatric study area, 2 of 4 black bear mortalities were due to grizzly bear predation. Our results suggested patterns of activity that allowed for intra- and inter-species avoidance. National park management often results in convergence of locally high human densities in quality bear habitat. Our data provide additional understanding into how bears alter their activity patterns in response to other bears and humans and should help park managers minimize undesirable bear-human encounters when considering needs for temporal and spatial management of humans and human developments in bear habitats.  相似文献   



Ecologically similar species often coexist by partitioning use of habitats or resources. Such partitioning can occur through divergent or shared niches. We investigated overlap in habitat use and spatial co-occurrence by sympatric Asiatic black bears and sun bears in three habitats in Thailand, and thereby assessed which niche model best accounts for their coexistence.

Methods/Principal Findings

We used density of species-specific signs to assess habitat use. Signs of both bear species occurred in all three habitats, and on >60% of sampling transects. Both species fed mostly on fruit; insect feeding signs were uncommon, and were mostly from sun bears. Significant differences in habitat use occurred only in montane forest, the habitat in which fruit was most abundant; incidence of black bear sign there was six times higher than that of sun bears. Habitat use was similar between the two species in the other habitats, which comprised 85% of the area. Of 10 habitat attributes examined, fruiting tree density was the best predictor of occurrence for both species. Models that included interspecific competition (fresh foraging activity of the other species) were less supported than the top models without competition.


Bear species co-occurrence at both coarse and fine spatial scales and use of the same resources (fruit trees) indicated common niche preferences. However, their habitat use differed in ways expected from their physical differences: larger black bears dominated in the most fruit-rich habitat, and smaller sun bears used less-preferred insects. These results indicate broadly overlapping fundamental niches combined with asymmetric competition—features consistent with the concept of shared preference niches. This model of the niche has received little attention in ecology, but appears to be relatively common in nature.  相似文献   

亚洲黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 与人类之间的冲突普遍存在。在高黎贡山国家级自然保护区周边社区,人熊冲突严重威胁了当地居民的生产生活和生命安全。因此研究人熊冲突现状是了解其发生机制并提出缓解冲突措施的基础。我们于2019年通过半结构式访谈法对高黎贡山保护区保山片区周边社区的79位居民进行了人熊冲突相关的调查。结果表明亚洲黑熊在高黎贡山保护区周边社区的肇事类型按发生频率由高到低依次为破坏农作物 (119起)、捕食家畜 (43起)、损害蜂箱 (40起) 和伤人 (5起)。亚洲黑熊造成受访者经济损失最多的肇事类型是捕食家畜 (799 200元),之后依次为损害蜂箱 (309 300元) 和破坏农作物 (298 790元)。在高黎贡山保护区周边社区亚洲黑熊肇事的高峰期是每年的7—9月。在高黎贡山东西两侧亚洲黑熊肇事特征明显不同:东坡以破坏农作物为主,而损害蜂箱在西坡最常见。居住在高黎贡山西坡的村民比在东坡的村民对亚洲黑熊持有更为消极的态度,但消极的态度没有导致他们对黑熊进行报复性捕杀。此外,在高黎贡山周边社区72.0%的受访者表示没听说过当地有偷猎黑熊的事件,98.6%的受访者表示没听说过熊产品交易事件,大部分受访者表示在未来也没有使用熊产品的意愿。本文分析了高黎贡山保护区保山片区周边社区人熊冲突的现状,探讨了人熊冲突的空间和时间格局,为在高黎贡山开展缓解人熊冲突措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Although the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, there have been no attempts to estimate range-wide abundance. This subspecies was thought to occupy a near contiguous range across southern Mississippi, Louisiana and east Texas but is now restricted to three isolated areas in Louisiana. In 1964, Louisiana initiated a restocking program in which black bears from Minnesota were introduced into two of these areas. It is not clear how the additions affected population structure or if substantial breeding occurred between native and introduced bears. Using baited sites to snare hair samples, and microsatellite DNA analysis to distinguish individuals, we estimated abundance of two geographically isolated bear populations in south central Louisiana: Inland and Coastal. Additionally, we examined genetic variation both within and between the two populations. Mark recapture analysis of the distribution of individual captures during two primary sampling periods resulted in population estimates of 77 ± 9 for Coastal and 41 ± 6 for Inland. Genetic analysis revealed significant population differentiation (F ST = 0.206) between the two populations. The apparently smaller Inland population exhibited more diversity than the Coastal, which suggests that the genetic structure of the Inland population has been influenced by the reintroduction. Both of these populations are isolated and face considerable demographic and genetic threats, thus conservation measures to protect both are warranted. However, the Coastal population is more representative of Louisiana black bears prior to reintroduction and special consideration should be given to insure its integrity.  相似文献   

Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and American black bears (U. americanus) are sympatric in much of Yellowstone National Park. Three primary bear foods, cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki), whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) nuts, and elk (Cervus elaphus), have declined in recent years. Because park managers and the public are concerned about the impact created by reductions in these foods, we quantified bear diets to determine how bears living near Yellowstone Lake are adjusting. We estimated diets using: 1) stable isotope and mercury analyses of hair samples collected from captured bears and from hair collection sites established along cutthroat trout spawning streams and 2) visits to recent locations occupied by bears wearing Global Positioning System collars to identify signs of feeding behavior and to collect scats for macroscopic identification of residues. Approximately 45 ± 22% ( ± SD) of the assimilated nitrogen consumed by male grizzly bears, 38 ± 20% by female grizzly bears, and 23 ± 7% by male and female black bears came from animal matter. These assimilated dietary proportions for female grizzly bears were the same as 10 years earlier in the Lake area and 30 years earlier in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. However, the proportion of meat in the assimilated diet of male grizzly bears decreased over both time frames. The estimated biomass of cutthroat trout consumed by grizzly bears and black bears declined 70% and 95%, respectively, in the decade between 1997–2000 and 2007–2009. Grizzly bears killed an elk calf every 4.3 ± 2.7 days and black bears every 8.0 ± 4.0 days during June. Elk accounted for 84% of all ungulates consumed by both bear species. Whitebark pine nuts continue to be a primary food source for both grizzly bears and black bears when abundant, but are replaced by false-truffles (Rhizopogon spp.) in the diets of female grizzly bears and black bears when nut crops are minimal. Thus, both grizzly bears and black bears continue to adjust to changing resources, with larger grizzly bears continuing to occupy a more carnivorous niche than the smaller, more herbivorous black bear. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The Asiatic black bear is one of the most endangered mammals in South Korea owing to population declines resulting from human exploitation and habitat fragmentation. To restore the black bear population in South Korea, 27 bear cubs from North Korea and Russian Far East (Primorsky Krai) were imported and released into Jirisan National Park, a reservoir of the largest wild population in South Korea, in 2004. To monitor the success of this reintroduction, the genetic diversity and population structure of the reintroduced black bears were measured using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Mitochondrial D-loop region DNA sequences (615 bp) of 43 Japanese black bears from previous study and 14 Southeast Asian black bears in this study were employed to obtain phylogenetic inference of the reintroduced black bears. The mitochondrial phylogeny indicated Asiatic black bear populations from Russian Far East and North Korea form a single evolutionary unit distinct from populations from Japan and Southeast Asia. Mean expected heterozygosity (H(E)) across 16 microsatellite loci was 0.648 for Russian and 0.676 for North Korean populations. There was a moderate but significant level of microsatellite differentiation (F(ST) = 0.063) between black bears from the 2 source areas. In addition, genetic evidences revealed that 2 populations are represented as diverging groups, with lingering genetic admixture among individuals of 2 source populations. Relatedness analysis based on genetic markers indicated several discrepancies with the pedigree records. Implication of the phylogenetic and genetic evidences on long-term management of Asiatic black bears in South Korea is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim To create a fine‐scale map of the distribution of Asiatic black bears, identify landscape variables affecting the spatial range of this species and assess population trends using presence–absence data and opinions of local villagers. Location Sichuan Province, south‐western China. Methods We divided the province into 15 × 15 km cells, stratified them by forest cover, elevation and road density and randomly selected 494 cells (21% of province) for surveys. In each cell, we interviewed villagers and ground‐verified their reports of bear presence. We ground‐truthed reports of bear absence by conducting transects for bear sign in the best available habitat. We used logistic regression to identify key variables affecting presence of bears and predict their occurrence in unsampled cells. Results We detected bears in 360 cells (73%). Models correctly predicted bear occurrence in 90.3% of cells where we detected bears and 84.5% of sampled cells where bears were absent. Models predicted 42.7% of Sichuan to be occupied by bears. Bear occurrence was strongly related to forest cover throughout the province. Roads had a negative effect in western region of province. Agricultural lands had a negative effect only when they were distant from forests. Villagers were accurate in their knowledge of bear presence or absence. Interviewed villagers (n = 1816) thought that bears were increasing in 32%, stable in 10%, and decreasing in 58% of cells with bears. Where bear populations were perceived to be declining, villagers identified poaching as the most common cause. Main conclusions Our fine‐scale distribution map can be used for future monitoring and the key landscape factors related to occupancy by bears can be used in management plans for this species. Interviewing local villagers is an efficient and reliable means of assessing distribution, and changes therein, for animals such as bears that often interact with people and leave obvious signs.  相似文献   

At least 63 people were killed in 59 incidents by non-captive black bear (Ursus americanus) during 1900–2009. Fatal black bear attacks occurred in Canada and Alaska (n = 49) and in the lower 48 states (n = 14). There were 3.5 times as many fatal attacks in Canada and Alaska but only 1.75 times as many black bears, and much less human contact for black bears in Canada and Alaska. There was a weak positive correlation (rs = 0.56, P ≤ 0.000) between the estimated size of a bear population within a given jurisdiction and the number of fatal black bear attacks. Some jurisdictions had no fatal black bear attacks but had large estimated black bear populations. Of fatal attacks, 86% (54 of 63, 1.08/yr) occurred between 1960 and 2009. There was positive linear relationship between the number of fatal black bear attacks per decade and human population size in the United States and Canada per decade (r2 = 0.92, β = 0.000, P ≤ 0.001). Of fatal attacks, 91% (49 of 54) occurred on parties of 1 or 2 persons. In 38% (15 of 40) of incidents, peoples' food or garbage probably influenced the bear being in the attack location. We judged that the bear involved acted as a predator in 88% (49 of 56) of fatal incidents. Adult (n = 23) or subadult (n = 10) male bears were involved in 92% (33 of 36) of fatal predatory incidents, reflecting biological and behavioral differences between male and female bears. That most fatal black bear attacks were predatory and were carried out by 1 bear shows that females with young are not the most dangerous black bears. As a result of our research agencies managing black bear can more accurately understand the risk of being killed by a black bear, and can communicate this to the public. With training, people can learn to recognize the behaviors of a bear considering them as prey and can act to deter predation. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

American black bears (Ursus americanus) are an iconic wildlife species in the southern Appalachian highlands of the eastern United States and have increased in number and range since the early 1980s. Given an increasing number of human-bear conflicts in the region, many management agencies have liberalized harvest regulations to reduce bear populations to socially acceptable levels. Wildlife managers need reliable population data for assessing the effects of management actions for this high-profile species. Our goal was to use DNA extracted from hair collected at barbed-wire enclosures (i.e., hair traps) to identify individual bears and then use spatially explicit capture-recapture methods to estimate female black bear density, abundance, and harvest rate. We established 888 hair traps across 66,678 km2 of the southern Appalachian highlands in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, USA, in 2017 and 2018, arranged in 174 clusters of 2–9 traps/cluster. We collected 9,113 hair samples from those sites over 6 weeks of sampling, of which 1,954 were successfully genotyped to 462 individual female bears. Our spatially explicit estimator included a percent forest covariate to explain inhomogeneous bear density across the region. Densities ranged up to 0.410 female bears/km2 and regional abundance was 5,950 (95% CI = 4,988–7,098) female bears. Based on hunter kill data from 2016 to 2018, mean annual harvest rates for females were 12.7% in Georgia, 17.6% in North Carolina, 17.6% in South Carolina, and 22.8% in Tennessee. Our estimated harvest rates for most states approached or exceeded theoretical maximum sustainable levels, and population trend data (i.e., bait-station indices) indicated decreasing growth rates since about 2009. These data suggest that the increased harvest goals and poor hard mast production over a series of prior years reduced bear population abundance in many states. We were able to obtain reasonable population abundance and density estimates because of spatially explicit capture-recapture methods, cluster sampling, and a large spatial extent. Continued monitoring of bear populations (e.g., annual bait-station surveys and periodic population estimation using spatially explicit methods) by state jurisdictions would help to ensure that population trajectories are consistent with management goals. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Glacier bears are a rare grey color morph of American black bear (Ursus americanus) found only in northern Southeast Alaska and a small portion of western Canada. We examine contemporary genetic population structure of black bears within the geographic extent of glacier bears and explore how this structure relates to pelage color and landscape features of a recently glaciated and highly fragmented landscape. We used existing radiocollar data to quantify black bear home‐range size within the geographic range of glacier bears. The mean home‐range size of female black bears in the study area was 13 km2 (n = 11), whereas the home range of a single male was 86.9 km2. We genotyped 284 bears using 21 microsatellites extracted from noninvasively collected hair as well as tissue samples from harvested bears. We found ten populations of black bears in the study area, including several new populations not previously identified, divided largely by geographic features such as glaciers and marine fjords. Glacier bears were assigned to four populations found on the north and east side of Lynn Canal and the north and west side of Glacier Bay with a curious absence in the nonglaciated peninsula between. Lack of genetic relatedness and geographic continuity between black bear populations containing glacier bears suggest a possible unsampled population or an association with ice fields. Further investigation is needed to determine the genetic basis and the adaptive and evolutionary significance of the glacier bear color morph to help focus black bear conservation management to maximize and preserve genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Management of captive populations relies on a complex synthesis of genetic and demographic analyses to guide populations toward sustainability. Demographic analyses of captive populations currently utilize age‐based matrix projections to predict a population's trajectory. An alternate approach is to use a stage‐based, system dynamics model for captive systems. Such models can more easily incorporate complex captive systems in which population dynamics are dependent on a combination of management and a species' biology. By linking these two areas, population managers can gain a more accurate understanding of how management decisions impact captive populations and which aspects of a species' demography should be of special concern in the future. We present a general stage‐based system dynamics model that has been developed for use with captive populations. The utility of the model is then illustrated by applying it to three captive bear populations: spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus), sloth bears (Melursus ursinus), and sun bears (Helarctos malayanus). Zoo Biol 22:45–64, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding den selection for the federally threatened Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) will assist managers in effectively managing bear populations and the landscapes they inhabit. We assessed den selection of 72 female Louisiana black bears at multiple spatial scales in northern and central Louisiana, USA. We used 230 den-years to examine den type preference, microhabitat characteristics of dens, and effects of landscape characteristics on den selection. We also evaluated reuse of tree dens and their availability across several study areas. Bears selected tree dens more frequently (65%) than ground dens. Most (55%) ground dens were associated with standing or downed trees, and most tree dens were in baldcypress (Taxodium distichum; 86%) or surrounded by water (80%). Selection of ground dens was positively associated with landscape metrics related to presence of water, whereas selection of tree dens was positively associated with proximity to edge and greater proportions of swamp and areas containing water. Reuse of tree dens averaged 15% (range = 0–20%) across study areas and our estimates of tree-den availability indicated that tree dens were not a limiting resource for Louisiana black bears in the northern or central portions of Louisiana. Although Louisiana black bears demonstrated plasticity in den selection, we recommend managers use forest management practices that conserve appropriate tree dens and create ground-denning opportunities, because both would promote the recovery of Louisiana black bear populations.  相似文献   

Omnivores are generally opportunistic foragers and have a flexible dietary response to resource abundance and availability. Their populations may consist of individuals that differ from each other in terms of their trophic positions, which implies that the dietary response to resource fluctuations differs within a population. We investigated how changes in the abundance of sika deer (Cervus nippon) affected dietary variation and body condition in the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus). We used fecal analysis, nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N), and body measurements to determine whether the variation in dietary meat content of Asian black bears is positively related to variations in the density of the sika deer population, whether male bears have a higher trophic position compared to females, and whether dietary meat content is positively related with body mass or body condition of bears. We found a positive correlation between the occurrence of deer remains in bear feces and deer density, suggesting that bears change their diet in response to temporal changes in deer density. Male bears had higher δ15N values than females, and neither values varied when deer density decreased. Males selectively consumed deer after a reduction in deer density, whereas females consistently consumed more plant-based diet. The δ15N values were positively related with body mass of adult (>4 yr) bears but had no relationship with body condition of bears of either sex or any age class. Deer seem to be an important food source for large adult males, which have an advantage in mating. Thus, increasing herbivore abundance and availability altered the foraging strategy of Asian black bears, but the importance of herbivore on bear diet differs within a population.  相似文献   

<正>在开展全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查——喜马拉雅南翼沟谷地理单元(No.176)调查期间,我们于2013年08月31日09:00,在西藏自治区吉隆县吉隆镇热索村(北纬28°16'59.8″,东经85°21'31.1″,海拔1 884 m)用佳能单反相机(Canon EOS 600D,EF 400 mm f/5.6 L USM)拍摄到单只熊科动物(图1),经过现场特征辨别,并与专家讨论,确认该个体为马来熊(Helarctos malayanus)。我们发现的马来熊个体,胸前斑块呈黄白  相似文献   

中国西南山地是亚洲黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的重要分布地,但是对该物种的活动模式研究很少.2017年7月-2019年8月,本研究以云南兰坪云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山区域亚洲黑熊为研究对象,按照250 m×250 m网格布设218台红外相机,累计有效拍摄日为36 175 d,共获得亚洲黑熊的独立照片(Inde...  相似文献   

Complete sequences of DNA are described for the cytochrome b, tRNAThrand tRNAProgenes of mitochondria of four extant species of ursids and compared to sequences of four other species of ursids previously studied by us. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the giant panda and the spectacled bear are the basal taxa of the ursid radiation. The ursines, a group which includes the sun bear, sloth bear, American black bear, Asiatic black bear, brown bear, and polar bear, experienced a rapid radiation during the mid Pliocene to early Pleistocene. The Asiatic black bear and American black bear are sister taxa. The brown bear and polar bear are the most recently derived of the ursines, with the polar bear originating from within a clade of brown bears during the Pleistocene. This paraphyletic association suggests that the rate of morphological evolution may be accelerated relative to that of molecular evolution when a new ecological niche is occupied. Calibration of the corrected average number of nucleotide differences per site with the fossil record indicates that transitions at third positions of codons in the ursid cytochrome b gene occur at a rate of approximately 6% per million years, which is considerably slower than comparable values reported for other species of mammal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Estimating black bear (Ursus americanus) population size is a difficult but important requirement when justifying harvest quotas and managing populations. Advancements in genetic techniques provide a means to identify individual bears using DNA contained in tissue and hair samples, thereby permitting estimates of population abundance based on established mark-capture-recapture methodology. We expand on previous noninvasive population-estimation work by geographically extending sampling areas (36,848 km2) to include the entire Northern Lower Peninsula (NLP) of Michigan, USA. We selected sampling locations randomly within biologically relevant bear habitat and used barbed wire hair snares to collect hair samples. Unlike previous noninvasive studies, we used tissue samples from harvested bears as an additional sampling occasion to increase recapture probabilities. We developed subsampling protocols to account for both spatial and temporal variance in sample distribution and variation in sample quality using recently published quality control protocols using 5 microsatellite loci. We quantified genotyping errors using samples from harvested bears and estimated abundance using statistical models that accounted for genotyping error. We estimated the population of yearling and adult black bears in the NLP to be 1,882 bears (95% CI = 1,389-2,551 bears). The derived population estimate with a 15% coefficient of variation was used by wildlife managers to examine the sustainability of harvest over a large geographic area.  相似文献   

Variation in life history and demography across a species' range informs researchers about regional adaptations and affects whether managers can borrow information from other populations in decision-making. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a long-lived game species whose continued persistence depends on management of harvest and removal of habituated bears that come into conflict with humans. Understanding the demography of black bears guides efforts at management and conservation, yet detailed knowledge of many populations is typically lacking. I performed a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of black bear demographic studies across the geographic range of the species to explore how vital rates vary across the range, what information they give us about population growth, and whether managers can justify borrowing information from other studies to inform management decisions. Cub, yearling, and adult survival and fecundity varied between eastern and western North America, whereas subadult survival did not show geographic structuring. Adult survival and fecundity appeared to trade off, with higher survival in the western portions of bears' range and higher fecundity in the east. Although adult survival had the highest elasticity, differences in reproduction drove differences in population growth rate. Mean population growth rate was higher in the east (0.99; 95% credible interval [CrI]: 0.96, 1.03) than the west (0.97; 95%CrI: 0.93, 1.01). Despite declining trends in the west, 34% of the distribution of population growth rate was >1, compared to 55% in the east. Further work needs to be done to address the cause of the apparent trade-off between adult survival and fecundity and explore how the estimated growth rates are likely to affect population status of black bears. Because population growth rates are close to 1 and small deviations could impact whether a population is considered increasing or decreasing, managers need to employ caution in borrowing vital rates from other populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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