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Opportunistic sightings and strandings of Caperea marginata (n=196) from the vicinity of Australia and New Zealand (1884 to early 2007) were used to relate geographic and temporal patterns to oceanographic and broad-scale climatic variability. Records were not uniformly distributed along the coast and more (69%) were from Australia than New Zealand. Seven coastal whale ‘hotspots’ were identified which accounted for 61% of records with locality data. Half of the hotspot records were from southeast (37) and northwest (20) Tasmania—others each had 9–15 events. Upwelling and/or high zooplankton abundance has been documented near all whale hotspots. Records of C. marginata occurred in all months, with 75% in spring and summer. Inter-annual variability showed broad agreement between increased whale records (usually in spring/summer) and strongly positive ‘Niño 3.4’ during 1980–1995 but not thereafter. Coastal upwelling and productivity increase during climatic phenomena such as El Niño and are likely to be quickly beneficial to plankton-feeding whales such as C. marginata.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests short-duration climate events may drive community structure and composition more directly than long-term climate means, particularly at ecotones where taxa are close to their physiological limits. Here we use an empirical habitat model to evaluate the role of microclimate during a strong El Niño in structuring a tropical montane cloud forest’s upper limit and composition in Hawai‘i. We interpolate climate surfaces, derived from a high-density network of climate stations, to permanent vegetation plots. Climatic predictor variables include (1) total rainfall, (2) mean relative humidity, and (3) mean temperature representing non-El Niño periods and a strong El Niño drought. Habitat models explained species composition within the cloud forest with non-El Niño rainfall; however, the ecotone at the cloud forest’s upper limit was modeled with relative humidity during a strong El Niño drought and secondarily with non-El Niño rainfall. This forest ecotone may be particularly responsive to strong, short-duration climate variability because taxa here, particularly the isohydric dominant Metrosideros polymorpha, are near their physiological limits. Overall, this study demonstrates moisture’s overarching influence on a tropical montane ecosystem, and suggests that short-term climate events affecting moisture status are particularly relevant at tropical ecotones. This study further suggests that predicting the consequences of climate change here, and perhaps in other tropical montane settings, will rely on the skill and certainty around future climate models of regional rainfall, relative humidity, and El Niño.  相似文献   

A plastochron is defined as the time interval between two successive recurring events during the growth of plant shoots, such as leaf initiation. The plastochron index (PI) formulated by Erickson and Michelini (1957, American Journal of Botany 44: 297–305) provides a method for determining 1) morphological equivalence in a developmentally variable sample of shoots and 2) rates of development in microscopic tissues and organs, by expressing shoot age as a function of plastochron number. The PI assumes that homologous organs at successive nodes grow exponentially, at equal rates, and the plastochron remains constant. These three conditions are not met in many shoots that exhibit heteroblasty in their plastochron and the growth rate of organs at successive nodes. An alternative computational method for the PI is presented that uses two measurements taken at different times from the same organ during its exponential growth phase. The method does not assume that the PI is a linear function of time. Results of an analysis of cyme internode growth in two races of Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae) demonstrate that the method proposed is in good agreement with Erickson and Michelini's (1957) method when shoot growth is not markedly heteroblastic. The current method is also used to determine the nonlinear relation between PI and time in a race of A. uniflora that has heteroblastic cyme growth. The results generalize the PI for use in studies of heteroblasty, and for shoots where the relative plastochron rate cannot be directly determined.  相似文献   

Tree-ring research in the highland tropics and subtropics represents a major frontier for understanding climate-growth relationships. Nonetheless, there are many lowland regions – including the South American Pampa biome – with scarce tree ring data. We present the first two tree-ring chronologies for Scutia buxifolia in subtropical Southeastern South America (SESA), using 54 series from 29 trees in two sites in northern and southern Uruguay. We cross-dated annual rings and compared tree growth from 1950 to 2012 with regional climate variability, including rainfall, temperature and the Palmer Drought Severity Index – PDSI, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Overall, ring width variability was highly responsive to climate signals linked to water availability. For example, tree growth was positively correlated with accumulated rainfall in the summer-fall prior to ring formation for both chronologies. Summer climate conditions were key for tree growth, as shown by a negative effect of hot summer temperatures and a positive correlation with PDSI in late austral summer. The El Niño phase in late spring/early summer favored an increase in rainfall and annual tree growth, while the La Niña phase was associated with less rainfall and reduced tree growth. Extratropical climate factors such as SAM had an equally relevant effect on tree growth, whereby the positive phase of SAM had a negative effect over radial growth. These findings demonstrate the potential for dendroclimatic research and climate reconstruction in a region with scarce tree-ring data. They also improve the understanding of how climate variability may affect woody growth in native forests – an extremely limited ecosystem in the Pampa biome.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests play an important role in the storage and cycling of global terrestrial carbon. In the carbon cycle, net primary productivity of forests is linked to soil respiration through the production and decomposition of forest litter. Climate seasonality appears to influence the production of litter although there is considerable variability within and across forests that makes accurate estimates challenging. We explored the effects of climate seasonality on litterfall dynamics in a lowland humid rainforest over a 7‐year period from 2007 to 2013, including an El Niño/La Niña cycle in 2010/2011. Litterfall was sampled fortnightly in 24 traps of 0.50 m diameter within a 1‐ha forest plot. Total mean litterfall was 10.48 ± 1.32 (±SD, dry weight) Mg ha?1 year?1 and seasonal in distribution. The different components of litterfall were divided into LLeaf (63.5%), LWood (27.7%) and LFF[flowers & fruit] (8.8%), which all demonstrated seasonal dynamics. Peak falls in LLeaf and LWood were highly predictable, coinciding with maximum daily temperatures and 1 and 2 months prior to maximum monthly rainfall. The El Niño/La Niña cycle coincided with elevated local winter temperatures and peak falls of LLeaf and LWood. Importantly, we establish how sampling length and generalized additive models eliminate the requirement for extensive within‐site sampling when the intention is to describe dynamics in litterfall patterns. Further, a greater understanding of seasonal cycles in litterfall allows us to distinguish between endogenous controls and environmental factors, such as El Niño events, which may have significant impacts on biochemical cycles.  相似文献   

Given the threatened status of many primate species, the impacts of global warming on primate reproduction and, consequently, population growth should be of concern. We examined relations between climatic variability and birth seasonality, offspring production, and infant sex ratios in two ateline primates, northern muriquis, and woolly monkeys. In both species, the annual birth season was delayed by dry conditions and El Niño years, and delayed birth seasons were linked to lower birth rates. Additionally, increased mean annual temperatures were associated with lower birth rates for northern muriquis. Offspring sex ratios varied with climatic conditions in both species, but in different ways: directly in woolly monkeys and indirectly in northern muriquis. Woolly monkeys displayed an increase in the proportion of males among offspring in association with El Niño events, whereas in northern muriquis, increases in the proportion of males among offspring were associated with delayed onset of the birth season, which itself was related, although weakly, to warm, dry conditions. These results illustrate that global warming, increased drought frequency, and changes in the frequency of El Niño events could limit primate reproductive output, threatening the persistence and recovery of ateline primate populations.  相似文献   

Understanding how natural communities confront different types of natural and anthropogenic stressors has gained much more attention as global climate change imposes nearly unpredictable ecosystem states or regimes. In the Humboldt Current ecosystem this seems to be a priority task due to the complex dynamics caused by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Herein a 17‐year (1991–2007) time‐series data‐set of macrobenthic community structure and environmental parameters from seasonal sampling from four fixed stations off Punta Coloso (23°45’S, 70°28’W northern of Chile) is analyzed. The aim of this study was to assess benthic responses to ENSO‐associated anomalies. nMDS analysis revealed changes in community structure associated to El Niño (1997–1998) and La Niña (1999–2000). From 1991, communities gradually increased in dissimilarity up to 1998 but after 2000 dissimilarity decreased, thus approaching the early community structure in a counterclockwise like direction. This suggested a cyclical pattern throughout time, which was tested with a cyclicity analysis. The test showed a significant correlation between the dissimilarity biotic matrix and a perfect cyclicity model matrix. The finding of a 17‐year cycle in the variation of community structure adds new insights and contrast to previous observations of increments in diversity and alternation of dominant taxa associated to environmental forcing. It needs to be revealed if this cycle forms part of a major decadal oscillation in the benthic subsystem. Nevertheless, this result is in line with the decadal pattern of variability observed for pelagic communities associated to warm and cold phases of ENSO.  相似文献   

Daily global observations from the Advanced Very High‐Resolution Radiometers on the series of meteorological satellites operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration between 1982 and 1999 were used to generate a new weekly global burnt surface product at a resolution of 8 km. Comparison with independently available information on fire locations and timing suggest that while the time‐series cannot yet be used to make accurate and quantitative estimates of global burnt area it does provide a reliable estimate of changes in location and season of burning on the global scale. This time‐series was used to characterize fire activity in both northern and southern hemispheres on the basis of average seasonal cycle and interannual variability. Fire seasonality and fire distribution data sets have been combined to provide gridded maps at 0.5° resolution documenting the probability of fire occurring in any given season for any location. A multiannual variogram constructed from 17 years of observations shows good agreement between the spatial–temporal behavior in fire activity and the ‘El Niño’ Southern Oscillation events, showing highly likely connections between both phenomena.  相似文献   

Influence of precipitation seasonality on piñon pine cellulose δD values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of seasonal to interannual climate variations on cellulose hydrogen isotopic composition (δD) was assessed by analysing tree rings and needles of piñon pine (Pinus edulis and P. monophylla). Sites spanned a gradient of decreasing summer precipitation, from New Mexico to Arizona to Nevada. Tree rings were divided into earlywood, latewood and whole‐year increments, and annual cohorts of needles were collected. The study period (1989–96) included two La Niña events (1989, 1996) and a prolonged El Niño event (1991–95). Winter and spring moisture conditions were strongly related to October–March Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) in New Mexico and Arizona, with above‐average precipitation occurring in El Niño years. Wood δD values at these sites were correlated with winter and spring moisture conditions. Needle δD values were correlated with summer moisture conditions in New Mexico and with winter moisture and SOI in Arizona. Low cellulose δD values observed from 1991 to 1993 in both wood and needles occurred during wet El Niño years, whereas high δD values in needles were present during the dry, La Niña years of 1989 and 1996. North‐eastern Nevada does not receive precipitation anomalies related to ENSO, and thus cellulose δD values did not reflect the ENSO pattern observed at the other sites. Cellulose δD values were strongly, inversely correlated with relative humidity variations at all sites, as predicted by a mechanistic model. Contrary to predictions from the same model and observations from more mesic areas, time series of cellulose δD values were not directly correlated with interannual or seasonal variations in precipitation δD values or temperature at any of the sites. On a regional basis, however, mean δD values in needles and wood were correlated with mean annual temperature and δD values of precipitation. This suggests that temporal averaging may bias relationships between biological systems and climate.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of the northern California Current are typically characterized by an abundance of lipid‐rich copepods that support rapid growth and survival of ecologically, commercially, and recreationally valued fish, birds, and mammals. Disruption of this food chain and reduced ecosystem productivity are often associated with climatic variability such as El Niño events. We examined the variability in timing, magnitude, and duration of positive temperature anomalies and changes in copepod species composition in the northern California Current in relation to 10 tropical El Niño events. Measurable impacts on mesozooplankton of the northern California Current were observed during seven of 10 of these events. The occurrence of anomalously warm water and the response of the copepod community was rapid (lag of zero to 2 months) following the initiation of canonical Eastern Pacific (EP) events, but delayed (lag of 2–8 months) following ‘Modoki’ Central Pacific (CP) events. The variable lags in the timing of a physical and biological response led to impacts in the northern California Current peaking in winter during EP events and in the spring during CP events. The magnitude and duration of the temperature and copepod anomalies were strongly and positively related to the magnitude and duration of El Niño events, but were also sensitive to the phase of the lower frequency Pacific Decadal Oscillation. When fisheries managers and biological oceanographers are faced with the prospect of a future El Niño event, prudent management and observation will require consideration of the background oceanographic conditions, the type of event, and both the magnitude and duration of the event when assessing the potential physical and biological impacts on the northern California Current.  相似文献   

Interannual environmental variability in Peru is dominated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most dramatic changes are associated with the warm El Niño (EN) phase (opposite the cold La Niña phase), which disrupts the normal coastal upwelling and affects the dynamics of many coastal marine and terrestrial resources. This study presents a trophic model for Sechura Bay, located at the northern extension of the Peruvian upwelling system, where ENSO-induced environmental variability is most extreme. Using an initial steady-state model for the year 1996, we explore the dynamics of the ecosystem through the year 2003 (including the strong EN of 1997/98 and the weaker EN of 2002/03). Based on support from literature, we force biomass of several non-trophically-mediated ‘drivers’ (e.g. Scallops, Benthic detritivores, Octopus, and Littoral fish) to observe whether the fit between historical and simulated changes (by the trophic model) is improved. The results indicate that the Sechura Bay Ecosystem is a relatively inefficient system from a community energetics point of view, likely due to the periodic perturbations of ENSO. A combination of high system productivity and low trophic level target species of invertebrates (i.e. scallops) and fish (i.e. anchoveta) results in high catches and an efficient fishery. The importance of environmental drivers is suggested, given the relatively small improvements in the fit of the simulation with the addition of trophic drivers on remaining functional groups’ dynamics. An additional multivariate regression model is presented for the scallop Argopecten purpuratus, which demonstrates a significant correlation between both spawning stock size and riverine discharge-mediated mortality on catch levels. These results are discussed in the context of the appropriateness of trophodynamic modeling in relatively open systems, and how management strategies may be focused given the highly environmentally influenced marine resources of the region.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests (hereafter TDFs) have been extensively logged and converted into croplands or grasslands worldwide. Tumbesian forests in southwest Ecuador are among the most diverse and endangered TDFs. They face seasonal droughts of varied severity and are also subjected to episodic very wet and cloudy conditions during El Niño events. However, we lack a local quantification of their responses to regional climate (temperature, precipitation, cloud cover) and El Niño which could change across sites. Here we use dendrochronology to quantify the radial-growth rates and the responses to climate (mean temperatures, precipitation amount, cloud cover and drought severity) of two major tree species forming annual rings (Geoffroea spinosa, Handroanthus chrysanthus) in three TDFs with different local climate conditions. The lowest (1.0 mm yr−1) and the highest (2.1 mm yr−1) radial-growth rates of both tree species were found in the hottest-driest and moderately hot sites, respectively. G. spinosa growth responded positively to wet, cool and cloudy conditions in the hottest-driest and moderately hot sites, but the most intense response to drought was observed in the driest site at 1–5 months long scales. H. chrysanthus growth reacted positively to high growing-season precipitation in all sites, particularly in the driest site, and to cloudy conditions in moderately hot sites. The growth of H. chrysanthus was negatively associated to the Southern Oscillation Index in the dry-hot and in the moderately hot sites. Tree species coexisting in TDFs show varied growth responses to regional weather variability, drought severity and El Niño events across sites with different local climate conditions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes 9 years of eddy‐covariance (EC) data carried out in a Pacific Northwest Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menzesii) forest (58‐year old in 2007) on the east coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, and characterizes the seasonal and interannual variability in net ecosystem productivity (NEP), gross primary productivity (GPP), and ecosystem respiration (Re) and primary climatic controls on these fluxes. The annual values (± SD) of NEP, GPP and Re were 357 ± 51, 2124 ± 125, and 1767 ± 146 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively, with ranges of 267–410, 1592–2338, and 1642–2071 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively. Spring to early summer (March–June) accounted for more than 80% of annual NEP while late spring to early autumn (May–August) was mainly responsible for its interannual variability (~80%). The major drivers of interannual variability in annual carbon (C) fluxes were annual and spring mean air temperatures (Ta) and water deficiency during late summer and autumn (July–October) when this Douglas‐fir forest growth was often water‐limited. Photosynthetically active radiation (Q), and the combination of Q and soil water content (θ) explained 85% and 91% of the variance of monthly GPP, respectively; and 91% and 96% of the variance of monthly Re was explained by Ta and the combination of Ta and θ, respectively. Annual net C sequestration was high during optimally warm and normal precipitation years, but low in unusually warm or severely dry years. Excluding 1998 and 1999, the 2 years strongly affected by an El Niño/La Niña cycle, annual NEP significantly decreased with increasing annual mean Ta. Annual NEP will likely decrease whereas both annual GPP and Re will likely increase if the future climate at the site follows a trend similar to that of the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Life-history traits of migratory seabirds are influenced by changing conditions at breeding and wintering grounds. Climatic conditions and predation are known to impact populations’ survival rates, but few studies examine their effect simultaneously. We used multievent capture–recapture models to assess mortality due to environmental conditions and predation in breeding European storm petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) in two allopatric colonies (Mediterranean and Atlantic). Predatory mortality at the colonies showed annual variation, being around 0.05 in certain years. Mortality at sea differed between the two oceanic basins, and was lower in the Mediterranean colony [0.11, 95% CI (0.09, 0.14)] when compared to the Atlantic colony [0.18, 95% CI (0.15, 0.22)]. The Western Mediterranean Oscillation index (WeMOi) explained 57% of the temporal variability in mortality of Mediterranean breeders. In comparison, 43% of the temporal variability in mortality of Atlantic breeders was explained by the winter St Helena index (wHIX) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation index (wENSO). Our results suggest that Mediterranean breeders remain in this basin for wintering where they may face lower migratory costs and more favourable environmental conditions. In contrast, Atlantic breeders’ mortality may be due to higher cost of migration, changing upwelling conditions in the Benguela current and heavy storms over their migratory route during La Niña events. This study underlines the importance of modelling separately different causes of mortality when testing the effects of climatic covariates.  相似文献   

Analysis of monthly coastal upwelling intensities revealed two seasonal and biologically relevant upwelling ‘modes’ in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE). The first mode reflected upwelling during the summer months and was characterized by low‐frequency (multidecadal) processes, including significant (P<0.01) linear trends at some latitudes. In contrast, the second mode reflected wintertime upwelling and was defined by higher‐frequency variability associated with the North Pacific High and El Niño Southern Oscillation events. These modes were compared with multidecadal time series of splitnose rockfish (Sebastes diploproa) otolith growth, yelloweye rockfish (S. ruberrimus) otolith growth, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) scale growth, and indices of Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) and common murre (Uria aalge) reproduction in the central‐northern CCE. In redundancy and correlation analyses, salmon growth and Cassin's auklet fledgling success associated with the summer upwelling mode while all other time series associated with the winter upwelling mode, indicating that CCE biology was differentially sensitive to these seasonal upwelling patterns. Thus, upwelling occurred in unrelated seasonal modes with contrasting trends, atmospheric forcing mechanisms, and impacts on the biology of the CCE, underscoring the importance of seasonality when evaluating ecosystem response to climate variability and change.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the impacts of El Niño–La Niña events on the pup weaning mass and diet of female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) feeding in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica, and to understand the ecological processes that drive these impacts. Location Atlantic southern elephant seal weaning mass and diet were measured at King George Island (62º14′ S, 58º30′ W). Feeding areas for pregnant female seals from King George Island are located west of Alexander Island in the Bellingshausen Sea. Methods Data on weaning mass were collected between 1985 and 1994 during the breeding season (September–November). Moulting females were anaesthetized and cephalopod beaks were isolated and identified from stomach contents obtained from stomach lavages. Sea‐surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) data for the ‘El Niño 3.4’ geographical region (5º N–5º S, 120º W–170º W) were used to define El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event years (grouped as El Niño, La Niña and Neutral) as well as the strength of each ENSO event year. Using data from the US National Center for Environmental Prediction, temperature, sea ice concentration and atmospheric pressure anomalies in the Bellingshausen Sea were calculated from March to August, corresponding to the feeding period of pregnant female seals. Results Positive temperature anomalies and negative pressure anomalies in the Bellingshausen Sea were observed during La Niña years and negative temperature anomalies and positive pressure anomalies during El Niño years. These data correlate with sea ice concentration anomalies, which are highly negative during La Niña years and highly positive during El Niño years. Warm temperature conditions in the Bellingshausen Sea during La Niña years are strongly related to both higher weaning mass in elephant seals and to an increase in squid beaks in the stomach contents of females. Main conclusions It is possible that higher elephant seal weaning masses in La Niña years correlate with warmer waters in the Bellingshausen Sea leading to the rapid growth of squid and their more frequent descents to depths frequented by elephant seals. This results in increased predation by pregnant females, leading to a greater mass among weaned pups. This hypothesis may guide future research about interactions between climate and the marine biosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract Predators are thought to play a key role in controlling herbivory, thus having positive indirect effects on plants. However, evidence for terrestrial trophic cascades is still fragmentary, perhaps due to variation in top‐down forces created by environmental heterogeneity. We examined the magnitude of predation effects on foliar damage by chewing insects and mean leaf size, by excluding birds from saplings in ‘dry’ and ‘wet’Nothofagus pumilio forests in the northern Patagonian Andes, Argentina. The experiment lasted 2 years encompassing a severe drought during the La Niña phase of a strong El Niño/Southern Oscillation event, which was followed by unusually high background folivory levels. Insect damage was consistently higher in wet than in dry forest saplings. In the drought year (1999), bird exclusion increased folivory rates in both forests but did not affect tree leaf size. In the ensuing season (2000), leaf damage was generally twice as high as in the drought year. As a result, bird exclusion not only increased the extent of folivory but also significantly decreased sapling leaf size. The latter effect was stronger in the wet forest, suggesting compensation of leaf area loss by dry forest saplings. Overall, the magnitude of predator indirect effects depended on the response variable measured. Insectivorous birds were more effective at reducing folivory than at facilitating leaf area growth. Our results indicate that bird‐initiated trophic cascades protect N. pumilio saplings from insect damage even during years with above‐normal herbivory, and also support the view that large‐scale climatic events influence the strength of trophic cascades.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen regulates microbial distribution and nitrogen cycling and, therefore, ocean productivity and Earth's climate. To date, the assembly of microbial communities in relation to oceanographic changes due to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) remains poorly understood in oxygen minimum zones (OMZ). The Mexican Pacific upwelling system supports high productivity and a permanent OMZ. Here, the spatiotemporal distribution of the prokaryotic community and nitrogen-cycling genes was investigated along a repeated transect subjected to varying oceanographic conditions associated with La Niña in 2018 and El Niño in 2019. The community was more diverse during La Niña and in the aphotic OMZ, dominated by the Subtropical Subsurface water mass, where the highest abundances of nitrogen-cycling genes were found. The largest proportion of the Gulf of California water mass during El Niño provided warmer, more oxygenated, and nutrient-poor waters towards the coast, leading to a significant increase of Synechococcus in the euphotic layer compared with the opposite conditions during La Niña. These findings suggest that prokaryotic assemblages and nitrogen genes are linked to local physicochemical conditions (e.g. light, oxygen, nutrients), but also to oceanographic fluctuations associated with ENSO phases, indicating the crucial role of climate variability in microbial community dynamics in this OMZ.  相似文献   

Abstract Patch‐burning is frequently advocated as a management tool to enhance the biodiversity and pasture values of spinifex (Triodia) grasslands. In this study we compare the capture rates of small mammals in habitats regenerating shortly after fire (aged 1–5 years) and in long‐unburnt habitats (aged >25 years). To unravel the effects of temporally and spatially variable rainfall on capture rates, the study was replicated at three locations spaced over 50 km apart that experience different rainfall regimes. Ten species of small mammals were captured over the course of the study, between October 1999 and June 2001. Pseudomys desertor showed a strong preference for long‐unburnt habitats. Notomys alexis, Sminthopsis youngsoni and Sminthopsis hirtipes showed some preferences for regenerating habitats, but these were not consistent throughout the study. Factors indicative of temporal and spatial variation in rainfall, time and site had important effects on capture rates. High rainfalls associated with the La Niña phase of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation in 2000 increased seed production and prompted eruptions of rodent species and the carnivorous Dasycercus cristicauda. The greatest numbers of captures were made at the sites that received the highest rainfalls. We conclude that patch‐burning regimes do not benefit small mammals directly, but are likely to increase the resilience of ‘fire‐sensitive’ species that are dependent on dense spinifex by reducing the extent of wildfires.  相似文献   

While climatic extremes are predicted to increase with global warming, we know little about the effect of climatic variability on biome distribution. Here, we show that rainy El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events can enhance tree recruitment in the arid and semiarid ecosystems of north‐central Chile and northwest Peru. Tree‐ring studies in natural populations revealed that rainy El Niño episodes have triggered forest regeneration in Peru. Field experiments indicate that tree seedling recruitment in Chile is much less successful than in Peru due mostly to larger mortality caused by herbivores. The dramatic impact of herbivores in Chile was derived from the combined result of slower plant growth and the presence of exotic herbivores (European rabbits and hares). The interplay of herbivory and climatic effects we demonstrated implies that rainy ENSO events may represent ‘windows of opportunity’ for forest recovery if herbivore pressure is minimized at the right moment.  相似文献   

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