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We report on the occurrence, distribution, and anatomy of tower cells in colonies of the marine gymnolaemate bryozoan Membranipora membranacea that occurs epiphytically on the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus in the intertidal at Nahant, Massachusetts. Tower cells are a category of heterozooid that lack a polypide and possess an elongated finger‐shaped extension of the frontal surface. Two stages of tower‐cell development are examined. Developing tower cells possess an endocyst composed of epidermal and mesodermal cells. In fully developed tower cells, the endocyst is incomplete and consists in part of a mass of intermixed epi‐ and mesodermal cells suspended in the coelomic cavity. The coelomic fluid contains two types of coelomocytes: amoebocytes and granulocytes. The position and orientation of 1,592 tower cells are recorded. Fifty‐four percent of these tower cells occur at the contact zone between two different colonies, which suggests that tower cells might be a defense‐related structure preventing overgrowth by neighboring colonies. Additionally, 89% of the tower cells occurring at the lateral margin of the frond are parallel to the surface of the algal frond , which suggests that they may increase the rigidity of the frond‐colony complex, thereby protecting the colonies from abrasion. J. Morphol. 239:121–130, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The lacy crust bryozoan Membranipora membranacea frequently colonizes the late harvested blades of aquacultured Saccharina japonica. From proteomic profiles of S. japonica, 145 and 91 protein spots were detected from colonized and healthy tissues, respectively. Among them, 69 and 32 spots were significantly up- and downregulated, respectively, in expression level upon colonization. In M. membranacea colonized tissue, tripartite motif protein 2-like, microcompartments protein, carboxysome peptide shell peptide, trypsin precursor-like, transmembrane protein, two-component response regulator PilR, spermine/spermidine synthase, vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase, peptide chain release factor 1, interaptin, 50S ribosomal protein L1P, plus agglutinin and leucine-rich repeat protein were upregulated, whereas protoporphyrinogen oxidase, PIH1 domain-containing protein 2, GTPase-activating protein alpha, cytoplasmic threonyl-tRNA synthetase, flavanone 3-hydroxylase, and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 proteins were downregulated. Moreover, DEAD/DEAH box helicase, glutamyl-tRNA reductase, and chaperone DnaJ protein were newly expressed in the colonized tissue. Most of the up- and downregulated proteins are known to be related to stress control, defense mechanisms, signal transduction, photosynthesis, protein metabolism, and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Cyphonautes larvae of a bryozoan, Membranipora membranacea, used several ciliary mechanisms to capture algal cells upstream from the lateral band of cilia that produces a feeding current. (1) Lateral cilia changed beat and a backcurrent occurred at the time and place that particles were retained. (2) Algal cells were sieved and held stationary at the upstream (frontal) side of a row of laterofrontal cilia that were not beating. (3) Localized extension of cilia toward the inhalant chamber, coincident with particle captures, indicated that laterofrontal cilia flick toward the inhalant chamber. These flicks may aid transport of captured particles toward the mouth. Thus my earlier report that larvae only sieve, in contrast to the adults (which have an active ciliary response) was in error. The similar ciliary bands in adult and larval bryozoans and in other lophophorates (brachiopods, and phoronids) suggest that these animals share a core repertoire of ciliary behaviours in the capture and concentration of suspended food particles.  相似文献   

Insight into demographic processes that operate at larger spatial scales can be achieved through studying local populations when a particular species of interest is examined over time, by many investigators, in a variety of locations. On the west coast of North America, Mazzaella splendens (Setchell et Gardner) Fredericq is such a species of interest. A synthesis of local demographic studies of M. splendens from the late 1960s to the present reveals a pattern that is potentially common to the larger natural populations. This is the pattern: population density is high in summer and low in winter for both alternate free‐living life history phases of M. splendens. The magnitude of this seasonal change decreases in increasingly wave‐exposed habitats. In wave‐sheltered habitats there is a seasonal alternation from summer haploid to winter diploid dominance. This alternation gradually changes to constant diploid dominance as wave exposure in the habitat increases. Changes in population density are primarily a function of appearances and disappearances of perennating basal crusts (genets), as modules are produced or lost, rather than differential module production by genets of one phase over those of the other. To test the generality of this pattern, we examined seasonal changes in density, in local populations of M. splendens, in both a wave‐sheltered and a wave‐exposed habitat at Second Beach, Barkley Sound. Greater seasonal fluctuation in population density at wave‐sheltered, compared to wave‐exposed habitats is supported as a pattern potentially common to the natural populations of M. splendens. A change from summer haploid dominance in wave‐sheltered areas to summer diploid dominance in wave‐exposed areas is similarly supported. All changes in population density were the result of appearances and disappearances of genets rather than differential module production by haploid versus diploid basal crusts, also consistent with previous observations. A seasonal alternation in phase dominance, however, was absent from the wave‐sheltered site at Second Beach, Barkley Sound for 3 consecutive years. Seasonal alternation in phase dominance of M. splendens appears dependent on local conditions and is not common to all natural populations.  相似文献   

For the first time, the development of a cyclostome bryozoan has been studied with immunochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy, with emphasis on nerves and muscles. The larva is covered by multiciliated cells, which are latitudinally strongly elongated and show phalloidin-stained cell junctions. We hypothesize that these cells contract at metamorphosis and squeeze the apical invagination and the adhesive sac out. Ectodermal, longitudinal muscle cells extend from the cells of the inner, conical cuticularized part of the apical invagination to the lower part of the corona, around the adhesive sac pore. These muscles are retained in the ancestrula. Scattered monociliated nerve cells are interspersed between the coronal ciliary cells. An equatorial nerve in the larva disappears at metamorphosis. The central, conical part of the cuticle becomes the terminal membrane of the ancestrula, and the underlying ectodermal and mesodermal cell layers differentiate into the polypide bud, forming a deep narrow invagination, differentiating into vestibule–atrium, mouth ring and pharynx–stomach–rectum. Tentacles develop from the ring of cells around the mouth, and a small ganglion with four nerves innervating each of the tentacles develops at the anal side of the mouth. These new findings yield further support for previous homology statements of bryozoan larvae and development.  相似文献   

Larval attachment and metamorphosis, commonly referred to as larval settlement, of marine sessile invertebrates can be triggered or blocked by chemical cues and affected by changes in overall protein expression pattern and phosphorylation dynamics. This study focuses on the effects of butenolide, an effective larval settlement inhibitor, on larval settlement at the proteome level in the bryozoan Bugula neritina. Liquid‐phase IEF sample prefractionation combined with 2‐DE and MALDI‐TOF MS was used to identify the differentially expressed proteins. Substantial changes occurred both in protein abundance and in phosphorylation status during larval settlement and when settling larvae were challenged with butenolide. The proteins that responded to treatment were identified as structural proteins, molecular chaperones, mitochondrial peptidases and calcium‐binding proteins. Compared with our earlier results, both genistein and butenolide inhibited larval settlement of B. neritina primarily by changes in protein abundance and the phosphorylation status of proteins but have different protein targets in the same species. Clearly, to design potent antifouling compounds and to understand the mode of action of compounds, more studies on the effects of different compounds on proteome and phosphoproteome of different larval species are required.  相似文献   

Multi-coloured homologues of the green fluorescent protein generate some of the most striking visual phenomena in the ocean. Despite their natural prominence in reef-building corals and widespread use in biotechnology, their biological role remains obscure. Here, we experimented with larvae of Acropora millepora to determine what can be learned about a coral larva or recruit from its fluorescent colour. We performed 12 crosses between seven A. millepora colonies representing differing fluorescence phenotypes, the larvae of which were exposed to a natural settlement cue (crustose coralline algae) and heat-light stress. Parental effects explained 18 per cent of variation in colour and 47 per cent of variation in settlement. The colour of the larval family emerged as a predictor of the settlement success: redder families were significantly less responsive to the provided settlement cue (p = 0.006). This relationship was owing to a correlation between parental effects on settlement and colour (r(2) = 0.587, p = 0.045). We also observed pronounced (16%) decline in settlement rate, as well as subtle (2%), but a statistically significant decrease in red fluorescence, as a consequence of heat-light stress exposure. Variation in settlement propensity in A. millepora is largely owing to additive genetic effects, and is thought to reflect variation in dispersal potential. Our results suggest an optical signature to discriminate between long- and short-range dispersing genotypes, as well as to evaluate stress. Further research in this direction may lead to the development of field applications to trace changes in coral life history and physiology caused by global warming.  相似文献   

Summary In the northern Gulf of California the adult distribution of the intertidal barnacle species, Chthamalus anisopoma, on exposed shores is approximately between 0.0 and 2.0 m above mean low water (MLW). The species is typically absent in protected (from wave splash) areas. In this study, I examined a series of alternative hypotheses relating to the factors that could be responsible for limiting the distribution. Post-settlement factors appear to be unimportant because settlement was largely restricted to areas within the adult distribution. Two processes could account for the high correlation between settlement and adult distributions. First, hydrodynamic factors could restrict deposition of larvae to sites that coincidently were in areas in which individuals could survive to maturity. Second, larvae may choose to settle only on sites where they can survive to maturity. Of the two, the later was supported as settlement could be induced on surfaces outside the adult distribution using transplanted adult conspecifics as cues. Thus, competent larvae were present outside the adult distribution of Chthamalus zone but did not settle under normal conditions. Also, there was no evidence that pre-emption of space by other sessile species, by itself, restricted the distribution of Chthamalus. Settlement within the existing adult distribution may be an evolutionary response to increased mortality for individuals settling outside the adult distribution compared to those settling within it.  相似文献   

Five diatom species were isolated from settlementplates at Southern Ocean Mariculture, Victoria,Australia (Navicula sp., Naviculajeffreyi, Cylindrotheca closterium, Cocconeis sp., Amphora sp.) and tested insettlement experiments with Haliotis rubralarvae. Settlement was very low on single speciesdiatom films and varied between 1%–6%. Depending onthe species combination larvae preferred to settle onfilms with mixed diatom species than single speciesfilms. The highest settlement was achieved with amixed film of Navicula sp. and Amphora sp.Five and ten-day-old germlings of Sporolithondurum induced settlement of the abalone Haliotisrubra. However, the settlement rate was significantlylower on germlings than on the whole thallus of thealga. Germlings inoculated with the diatom Navicula sp. induced higher settlement than films ofthe diatom species alone. High settlement of up to52% was also achieved with germlings of the greenalga Ulvella lens. Settlement was reduced onU. lens squares inoculated with the diatom Navicula sp. but higher than on films of the diatomalone. The settlement rate was higher if plates withU. lens were previously grazed by juvenileabalone.Post-larval growth rates were higher on monospecificdiatom films than on U. lens or on S.durum. The best growth rate was obtained with Navicula sp. U. lens and S. durum areboth good settlement inducers, but are notsufficient to support rapid growth of young H.rubra post-larvae. Survival was low on U. lensand on the diatom C. closterium. We suggest thatcommercial nursery plates seeded with U. lenswill result in high and consistent settlement, whilean inoculum with Navicula sp. will ensuresufficient food for rapid growth of the post-larvae.  相似文献   


At metamorphosis the attachment of the Plumatella larva to the substrate is effected by secretions from glandular cells in the apical plate, the leading pole during swimming. The larval mantle folds back and slides down towards the substrate. By ciliary activity an adhesive secretion is spread over the metamorphosing larva and the attachment area. Two polypides appear through the larval terminal opening. The mantle fold, together with gland cells, nerve cells, sensory cells, and muscle cells from the larva form a nutritive cell mass. Reduction of this nutritive cell mass is accomplished by autolysis and phagocytosis. An invaginated area of the nutritive cell mass is provided with a dense layer of microvilli, which seem to have an absorbtive function. The nutritive cell mass consisting of transitory larval tissues provides a significant source of nutrient for the developing polypide buds.  相似文献   

Inouye BD 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):188-196
Species that live in patchy and ephemeral habitats can compete strongly for resources within patches at a small scale. The ramifications of these interactions for population dynamics and coexistence at regional scales will depend on the intraspecific and interspecific distributions of individuals among patches. Spatial heterogeneity due to independent aggregation of competitors among patchy habitats is an important mechanism maintaining species diversity. I describe regional patterns of aggregation for four species of insect larvae in the fruits of Apeiba membranacea, a Neotropical rainforest tree. This aggregation results from variation in densities at a small scale (among the fruits under a single tree), compounded by significant variation among trees in both mean densities and degrees of aggregation. Both the degrees of aggregation and mean densities are statistically independent within and across species at both spatial scales. I evaluate the regional consequences of these spatial patterns by using maximum likelihood methods to parameterize a model that includes both explicit measures of the strength of competition and spatial variation at both within- and among-tree spatial scales. Despite strong competitive interactions among these species, during 2 years the observed spatial variation at both scales combined was sufficient to explain the coexistence of these species, although other coexistence mechanisms may also operate simultaneously. The observed spatial variation at small spatial scales may not be sufficient for coexistence, indicating the importance of considering multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity when scaling up from experiments that investigate local interactions to regional patterns of coexistence.  相似文献   

Sponges play important roles in marine ecosystems by contributing to habitat complexity and benthopelagic coupling of nutrients. Yet, the reproduction and settlement behaviors of diverse sponge species are not well understood. Here, we examined the brooding demosponge Haliclona amboinensis, which is common on shallow reefs in Bolinao, northwestern Philippines. Gravid sponges were found between the months of May and August, coinciding with warmer sea surface temperature. Sponges released parenchymella larvae from brood chambers in the mid‐morning, suggesting that light and temperature may serve as cues to initiate hatching. Larvae immediately swam toward the surface upon emergence and migrated to the bottom of the tanks 1–2 hr after release. The presence of light and crustose coralline algae induced high larval settlement. Metamorphosis proceeded rapidly in vitro, with larval cells spreading laterally on the substrate. The osculum was first visible at 3 days after settlement. The short pelagic duration of larvae in H. amboinensis promotes local recruitment and may be important for the maintenance of sponge populations in the face of disturbances.  相似文献   

Settlement behavior of molluscan veliger larvae prior to metamorphosis requires cessation of swimming, accomplished by arrest of prototrochal cilia on the margin of the velum (the larval swimming organ). Ciliary arrest in larvae of gastropods is mediated by an action potential that occurs synchronously across the velum as a consequence of electrical coupling between the prototrochal ciliated cells. We developed a preparation for extracellular recording of such ciliary arrest spikes from intact swimming and crawling veliger larvae of the caenogastropod Crepidula fornicata, using a fine wire electrode. Ciliary arrest spike rates during bouts of substrate crawling were significantly higher than those recorded during preceding swimming periods in larvae that were competent for metamorphosis, but not in precompetent larvae. Spike rates were similar on clean polystyrene substrates, and on substrates that had been coated with a natural cue for metamorphosis (mucus from conspecific adults). We used immunohistochemical methods to localize neuromodulators that might regulate the function of velar cilia. Labeled terminals for serotonin, FMRFamide, and tyrosine hydroxylase (an enzyme for catecholamine synthesis) were located in positions consistent with modulatory effects on the prototrochal ciliated cells. Prototrochal ciliary arrest spike rates and beat frequencies were measured in isolated velar lobes from competent larvae, which were exposed to serotonin, FMRFamide, and dopamine (10?5 mol L?1). Serotonin abolished arrest spiking and increased beat frequency; dopamine also increased beat frequency, and FMRFamide depressed it. Competent larvae tested in a small static water column swam to the top of the column when exposed to serotonin, but occupied lower positions than controls when in the presence of dopamine and FMRFamide. The larval nervous system appears to regulate velar functions that are critical for settlement behavior, and is likely to do so by integrating different sensory modalities in an age‐dependent manner.  相似文献   

The lifespan of herbivorous Rana pipiens larvae is ~3 months, while that of carnivorous Ceratophrys ornata larvae is only about 2 weeks. During metamorphic climax, the larval gut shortens dramatically, especially in R. pipiens, and its luminal epithelium is replaced by adult‐type epithelium. To determine when programmed cell death occurs during the metamorphic restructuring of the gut, we prepared cross‐sections of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine from representative larval stages and from juvenile frogs of both species. The sections were incubated with monoclonal antibody against active caspase‐3, one of the key enzymes in the apoptotic cascade. We observed apoptosis in some luminal epithelial cells in each of the three regions of the larval gastrointestinal tract of both species. However, apoptotic cells appeared earlier in larval stages of R. pipiens than C. ornata and few were seen in juvenile frogs of either species. The results demonstrate the occurrence of apoptosis in the metamorphic remodeling of the gut of both R. pipiens larvae and C. ornata larvae. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Larvae of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, contain two morphologically distinct fat bodies. Tan-colored, highly tracheated fat body located posteriorly in the abdomen was the predominant fat body tissue during the early larval instars. White, sheet fat body located more anteriorly became the predominant type during the fifth (last) larval instar and eventually occupied most of the space of the hemocoel. Ultrastructural morphology of tan fat body showed the tissue to be composed of cells containing numerous, large, spherical mitochondria, with only few lipid, glycogen, or protein storage structures. In contrast, white fat body was composed of cells that in later larval stages had organelles typical of storage functions. Both fat bodies produced storage proteins during the late fifth instar, whereas only white fat body accumulated the storage proteins. Tan fat body dispersed and apparently autolyzed in pharate pupae, whereas the white fat body metamorphosed and persisted into the adult stage. These observations indicate that fat body of the Indianmeal moth is functionally and morphologically differentiated along the anterior-posterior axis into two regional subgroups of cells.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized by Barker that starfish brachiolaria larvae initiate metamorphosis by sensing of metamorphic inducing factor(s) with neural cells within the adhesive papillae on their brachiolar arms. We present evidence supporting Barker's hypothesis using brachiolaria larvae of the two species, Asterina pectinifera and Asterias amurensis. Brachiolaria larvae of these two species underwent metamorphosis in response to pebbles from aquaria in which adults were kept. Time-lapse analysis of A. pectinifera indicated that the pebbles were explored with adhesive papillae prior to establishment of a stable attachment for metamorphosis. Microsurgical dissections, which removed adhesive papillae, resulted in failure of the brachiolaria larvae to respond to the pebbles, but other organs such as the lateral ganglia, the oral ganglion, the adhesive disk or the adult rudiment were not required. Immunohistochemical analysis with a neuron-specific monoclonal antibody and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the adhesive papillae contained neural cells that project their processes towards the external surface of the adhesive papillae and they therefore qualify as sensory neural cells.  相似文献   

Settlement and metamorphosis of pediveliger larvae of Mytilus coruscus in response to natural biofilms was investigated in the laboratory. Pediveliger larvae settled and metamorphosed in response to biofilms and post-larval settlement and metamorphosis increased with biofilm age. The activity of the biofilm was positively correlated with biofilm age, dry weight, bacterial density and diatom density, but had no apparent relationship with chlorophyll a concentration. The change in bacterial community composition corresponding to biofilm age may explain differences in the age-dependent inducing activities of biofilms, which in turn may play an important role in larval settlement in this species.  相似文献   

Criteria are established for defining the presence of protegula formed on embryonic or larval mantle in representative genera of Lower Palaeozoic Obolellata, Strophomenata and Rhynchonellata. Width was used to define protegular type. Taxa with only an embryonic protegulum are inferred to have had lecithotrophic larvae while taxa with a larval protegulum or an embryonic protegulum surrounded by a larval protegulum are inferred to have had planktotrophic larvae. All or most of the taxa examined in the Obolellata, the Strophomenata and the orders Protorothida and Orthida in the Rhynchonellata had planktotrophic larvae. In the Pentamerida a minority of genera had only a larval, or an embryonic and a larval protegulum while a majority had protegular widths indicating lecithotrophy. In the orders Rhynchonellida, Atrypida, Athyrida and Spiriferida derived from the Pentamerida (with the exception of one species in the Atrypida) a number of the genera had protegular widths indicating lecithotrophy. It is suggested that the onset of lecithotrophy in the Pentamerida was associated with a developmental innovation in which the mantle lobe of the larva was reflected over the apical lobe during the process of metamorphosis. This evolutionary innovation probably occurred during the late Cambrian or early Ordovician and was subsequently inherited during the process of cladogenesis.  相似文献   

Developmental programmes for many marine invertebrates include the assembly of muscular systems appropriate to the functions of swimming and feeding in pelagic larvae. Upon metamorphosis, that musculature is often radically re-organized to meet very different demands of post-larval life. To investigate the development and fate of musculature in the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, embryos, larvae and metamorphosing stages were fixed, labelled with phalloidin and examined with confocal microscopy. The resultant images revealed the sequential development of both large retractor muscles and numerous finer muscles that allow the larva to manipulate the velum, foot and operculum. Observations of living specimens at the same stages as those fixed for microscopy revealed the actions of the muscles as they developed. During metamorphosis, muscles with shell attachments disintegrate as the larva transforms into a shell-less juvenile. Notably, the massive velar, pedal and opercular retractor muscles disappear during metamorphosis in a sequence that corresponds to their loss of function. Other muscles, however, that appear to be important to the embryo and free-swimming larva persist into juvenile life. The comprehensive and detailed observations of the musculature presented here provide a solid foundation for comparisons with other species with different phylogenies and life histories.  相似文献   

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