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Stomach contents of 63 Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) were collected between 1984 and 2006 from throughout New Zealand to provide the first quantitative assessment of prey composition. Twenty‐nine taxa were identified. Those most commonly consumed were red cod (Pseudophycis bachus), ahuru (Auchenoceros punctatus), arrow squid (Nototodarus sp.), sprat (Sprattus sp.), sole (Peltorhamphus sp.), and stargazer (Crapatalus sp.). By mass, these six species contributed 77% of total diet. Red cod contributed the most in terms of mass (37%), while ahuru and Hector's lanternfish (Lampanyctodes hectoris) were consumed in large numbers. Prey ranged from <1 cm to >60 cm in total length, but the majority of prey items were <10 cm long, indicating that for some species, juveniles were targeted. Diets of dolphins from South Island east and west coasts were significantly different, due largely to javelinfish (Lepidorhynchus denticulatus) being of greater importance in west coast stomachs, and a greater consumption of demersal prey species in the east. The feeding ecology of Hector's dolphin is broadly similar to that of other Cephalorhynchus species. Hector's dolphin is shown to feed on species from throughout the water column, and differences in diet between populations are thought to reflect prey availability.  相似文献   

For endangered populations with low genetic diversity, low levels of immigration could lead to genetic rescue, reducing the risk of inbreeding depression and enhancing chances of long‐term species survival. Our genetic monitoring of Maui's dolphins revealed the first contemporary dispersal of their sister subspecies, Hector's dolphin, from New Zealand's South Island into the Maui's dolphin distribution along ~300 km of the North Island's northwest coast. From 2010 to 2012, 44 individuals were sampled within the Maui's dolphin distribution, four of which were genetically identified as Hector's dolphins (two living females, one dead female, one dead male). We also report two Hector's dolphins (one dead female neonate, one living male) sampled along the North Island's southwest coast, outside the presumed range of either subspecies. Together, these records demonstrate long‐distance dispersal by Hector's dolphins (≥400 km) and the possibility of an unsampled Hector's dolphin population along the southwest coast of the North Island. Although two living Hector's dolphins were found in association with Maui's dolphins, there is currently no evidence of interbreeding between the subspecies. These results highlight the value of genetic monitoring for subspecies lacking distinctive physical appearances as such discoveries are not detected by other means, but have important conservation implications.  相似文献   

A Quantitative Analysis of the Sounds of Hector's Dolphin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We developed an automatic, computer-based system in which digital signal processing techniques were used to measure 31 variables from digitized Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) sounds. Principal component analyses of these data were used to investigate the relationships between sounds. Hector's dolphins make only a very few types of pulsed “clicks”, most of which are centred around 125 kHz. None of these had an average frequency of less than 82 kHz, and the only audible sounds were made up of high-frequency clicks repeated at such high rates that the repetition rate was audible to us as a tonal “cry” or “squeal”. In comparison to signal levels recorded from other cetaceans, all the Hector's dolphin signals were low-level; the maximum received sound pressure level was 163 dB (re 1μPa).  相似文献   

The potential use of pectoral fin spines for ageing purposes was examined in Aristotle’s catfish (Silurus aristotelis) and validated for growth proportionality and growth mark periodicity. Monthly samples (n = 436, total length range: 11.10–36.70 cm) were collected in Lake Pamvotis, Greece from November 2002 to December 2003. Marginal increment analysis showed that the spine width (SW) radius grew proportionally to total body length (TL) (TL = 9.581 + 6.83SW, r2 = 0.66, n = 431, P < 0.01), and was at a minimum in January and February, indicating a single growth mark formation per year (i.e. annulus). Further analyses showed that the morphometric characteristics of the spines did not differ significantly (r2 > 0.80 in all cases) when removed from one side of the fish or the other. The procedure was based on individuals no older than 5 years of age; extrapolation to higher age classes may be critical.  相似文献   

Knowledge of a dolphin's body mass is central to establishing body condition, comparing across individuals, and designing successful management programs. In the present study, sex‐specific prediction equations for estimating body mass were generated from morphometrics (i.e., length and girth) and ages of bottlenose dolphins residing under professionally managed care. Measurements of wild dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida, were used to generate sex‐specific body mass reference ranges. Gompertz growth models were fitted to length measurements and age to compare growth across populations. From the regression analyses, the body mass of managed females (R2 = 0.937), managed males (R2 = 0.953), wild females (R2 = 0.979), and wild males (R2 = 0.972) were predicted with high levels of accuracy. Managed adults had similar or longer asymptotic lengths compared to their wild conspecifics. To apply this information, ZooMorphTrak, a mobile software application, was developed to provide a new resource for management. The “Approximate” feature was designed to approximate body mass based on user inputs of individual morphometrics. The “Management” feature compared a managed dolphin's known body mass with respect to body mass reference ranges generated from wild dolphins. ZooMorphTrak, developed by the Chicago Zoological Society, is available for download at http://itunes.apple.com .  相似文献   

Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) have a simple vocal repertoire, consisting almost entirely of ultrasonic clicks. They produce no whistles, and very few audible sounds. To examine acoustic communication in this species I analysed the relationship between click types and behaviour. The proportion of complex click types was greater in large groups, suggesting that these sounds have social significance. Clicks having 2 peaks in their time envelope and two frequency peaks were strongly associated with behaviours indicative of feeding. High pulse rate sounds, in which the repetition rate of ultrasonic clicks was audible as a “cry”, were most strongly associated with aerial behaviours. These data suggest that echo-location is not the sole function of Hector's dolphin clicks, and that echo-location and communication are likely to be closely linked. I hypothesize that dolphins may have the ability to gather information from the echoes of each other's sonar pulses. This may reduce the need for a large number of vocal signals, and may explain the apparent simplicity of the acoustic repertoires of some odontocetes.  相似文献   

To support decision making on placement of protected areas for Hector's dolphin on New Zealand's South Island west coast, we conducted three aerial surveys documenting the species’ distribution in this area. The first survey was designed to quantify alongshore distribution and abundance, and revealed a patchy distribution with a central zone of high density. Two further surveys, in summer and winter, focused on this central zone to quantify offshore distribution in detail. Dolphin density decreased with increasing distance offshore, with no dolphins sighted more than 6 nmi from the coast or in water deeper than 60 m. There was no significant difference in offshore distribution between summer and winter surveys conducted in 2003 (G= 2.15, df = 5, P= 0.83). Partial Mantel tests showed that dolphin distribution was best explained by distance from the coast, in both summer (rM= 0.088, P= 0.0001) and winter (rM= 0.054, P= 0.0004). Spatial contouring techniques showed that small (ca. 5 km) and medium scale (ca. 50 km) patterns of density in the central zone were remarkably consistent, suggesting year‐round residency. Based on these data, the current restrictions on commercial gillnetting protect 60% or less of the dolphin population for 3 mo of the year.  相似文献   

Marine mammal populations often have “hotspots” of distribution. Understanding what drives these is important for understanding relationships with habitat and evaluating exposure to threats. Few studies investigate the stability of hotspots, yet this information is vital in assessing their importance. In this study, over 9,000 sightings made during systematic surveys over 29 yr are used to establish the existence, locations, and temporal dynamics of hotspots for Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Sightings were divided into four seasons and three time periods to assess temporal trends in habitat use. Kernel density analysis was performed on sightings, weighted by survey effort. Density values at hotspots and reference areas were modeled according to season and time period using linear mixed models. Fifty percent of weighted sightings (n = 4,513) occurred within 21% of the study area. Hotspots had significantly higher densities during summer and these high‐density areas have remained consistent over time. Such consistency implies importance of these areas to the dolphins' ecology. This information adds to our knowledge of how this endangered species uses its habitat, suggests candidate areas for protection from threats, and provides a baseline for assessing habitat related impacts on Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula.© 2018 Society for Marine Mammalogy  相似文献   

The life history of Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) remains poorly known and data from strandings can help provide important information. Data from 126 Risso's dolphins stranded or bycaught along the southeastern coastline of South Africa between 1958 and 2017 were analyzed in relation to their sex, age structure, and diet. Mean estimated length at birth was 146.9 cm, while maximum length was 325 cm for males and 313 cm for females; small sample sizes precluded detailed examination of sexual dimorphism. Age estimates for 33 individuals (14 males, 17 females, 2 unknown sex) indicated a maximum age of 13 years (males) and 17 years (females), respectively; the oldest animal was 19 years (unknown sex). Mean length and age at attainment of sexual maturity were estimated at 280 cm and 7.1 years in males and at 282 cm and 7.7 years in females. Stomach contents from 27 individuals showed that diets of immature and mature males and females overlapped and consisted predominantly of cephalopods. Reported strandings decreased between 2000 and 2017, possibly due to a lack of reporting associated with a ban on driving on beaches or related to the collapse of the local “chokka” squid (Loligo reynaudii) fishery in 2014–2015.  相似文献   

The physical habitat of cetaceans found along the continental slope in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico was characterized from shipboard sighting data, simultaneous hydrographic measurements, and satellite remote sensing. The study area was encompassed by the longitude of the Florida-Alabama border (87.5°W), the southernmost latitude of the Texas-Mexico border (26.0°N), and the 100-m and 2,000-m isobaths. Shipboard surveys were conducted seasonally for two years from April 1992 to May 1994. A total of 21,350 km of transect was visually sampled in an area of 154,621 km2. Sighting localities of species in the study area were differentiated most clearly with bottom depth. Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were consistently found in the shallowest water on the continental shelf and along the shelf break. In addition, the bottom depth gradient (sea floor slope) was less for Atlantic spotted dolphins than for any other species. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were found most commonly along the upper slope in water significantly deeper than that for Atlantic spotted dolphins. All the other species and species categories were found over deeper bottom depths; these were Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), short-finned pilot whales (Glob-icephala macrorhynchus), pygmy/dwarf sperm whales (Kogia spp.), roughtoothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Clymene dolphins (Stenella clymene) and unidentified beaked whales (Ziphiidae). Risso's dolphins and short-finned pilot whales occurred along the upper slope and, as a subgroup, were significantly different from striped dolphins, Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins, Clymene dolphins, and unidentified beaked whales, which occurred in the deepest water. Pygmy/dwarf sperm whales, rough-toothed dolphins, spinner dolphins, and sperm whales occurred at intermediate depths between these two subgroups and overlapped them.  相似文献   

One reason for the paucity of knowledge of dolphin social structure is the difficulty of measuring individual dolphins. In Hector’s dolphins, Cephalorhynchus hectori, total body length is a function of age, and sex can be determined by individual colouration pattern. We developed a novel system combining stereo-photogrammetry and underwater-video to record dolphin group composition. The system consists of two downward-looking single-lens-reflex (SLR) cameras and a Hi8 video camera in an underwater housing mounted on a small boat. Bow-riding Hector’s dolphins were photographed and video-taped at close range in coastal waters around the South Island of New Zealand. Three-dimensional, stereoscopic measurements of the distance between the blowhole and the anterior margin of the dorsal fin (BH-DF) were calibrated by a suspended frame with reference points. Growth functions derived from measurements of 53 dead Hector’s dolphins (29 female : 24 male) provided the necessary reference data. For the analysis, the measurements were synchronised with corresponding underwater-video of the genital area. A total of 27 successful measurements (8 with corresponding sex) were obtained, showing how this new system promises to be potentially useful for cetacean studies. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 29 June 1999  相似文献   

The δ13C and δ15N compositions of teeth used in combination with existing data provide dietary information for different populations of western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). The dental isotopic signatures of bottlenose dolphins collected during the 1980s significantly differ for coastal and offshore ecotypes and are consistent with reports that coastal forms feed primarily on fish whereas offshore individuals consume more squid. In a second study, the isotopic compositions of teeth from bottlenose dolphins that span a 100-yr period and data from published stomach content analyses as well as field observations made during the past 100 yr provide evidence that coastal bottlenose dolphins from the 1880s, 1920s, and 1980s had similar diets.  相似文献   

This study examined the population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousa chinensis, inhabiting the waters off the east coast of Zhanjiang, China. A total of 116 dolphins were identified during 147 boat-based surveys, completed between June 2005 and June 2007. Abundance estimates indicated that a small population of 268 dolphins (95% CI = 189–413) inhabited this coastal area. The sighting frequencies of identified dolphins varied between one and five when the 2006 and 2007 data were organized into six occasions. Twenty-three percent (27 individuals) of the cataloged dolphins were identified in more than one calendar year. The two animals (ZJ001, ZJ011) with the highest degree of site fidelity were present in the study area for a period of 23 months. The most frequently (15 times) sighted dolphin (ZJ046) was recorded in nine (56%) of the 16 months surveyed. This evidence indicates the interannual site fidelity of S. chinensis to the area off the eastern coast of Zhanjiang City. Range sizes of eight identified individuals calculated by the minimum convex polygon varied from 2.07 to 331.20 km2. Associations between 34 individuals sighted at least three times and more than three times were measured by the half-weight index and SOCPROG program. The majority of these dolphins (80.57%) were not seen together during surveys and the mean association rate between dyads was low at 0.05. Temporal analyses for all the individuals were conducted using a lagged association rate. The results indicated a non-random social structure made by constant companions.  相似文献   

Whistle characteristics were quantitatively compared between both geographically separated and neighboring populations of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) in U.S. waters to evaluate if intraspecific acoustic differences exist between groups. We compared nine whistle characteristics between continental shelf and offshore Atlantic spotted dolphins in the western North Atlantic and between northern Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales using discriminant analysis. Offshore Atlantic spotted dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P= 0.0003) from continental shelf whistles in high frequency, bandwidth, duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. Atlantic bottlenose dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P < 0.0001) from those in the Gulf of Mexico in duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. There was no significant difference between pilot whale whistles in the two basins. The whistle differences indicate acoustic divergence between groups in different areas that may arise from geographic isolation or habitat separation between neighboring but genetically distinct populations of dolphins. This study supports the premise that acoustic differences can be a tool to evaluate the ecological separation between marine mammal groups in field studies.  相似文献   

Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) are widely distributed throughout temperate to tropical pelagic waters of the world and are one of the most frequently encountered cetaceans in eastern Taiwanese coastal waters. Because their life history is poorly known, the goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between age, body length, and sexual maturity of Risso's dolphins in Taiwanese waters. Ninety‐two carcasses of dead‐stranded or fisheries bycaught dolphins (1994–2008) were measured and dissected (total body length, TBL 125–290 cm); sexual maturity was assessed in 33 dolphins; and age was estimated by counting dentinal growth layer groups in routine histologically prepared tooth sections of 28 dolphins. Sexual dimorphism in TBL was not detected. The onset of sexual maturity occurred at 240–255 cm in females and 253–265 cm in males, which was at about 10 yr of age for both sexes. Our stranding, bycatch, and previous boat survey records suggest that Risso's dolphins occur year‐round and likely have a summer‐fall calving season in Taiwanese waters. The similar life history parameters and calving season in dolphins from Taiwanese and Japanese waters suggest a common population in the northwest Pacific, which has a noticeably shorter body length than in other regions.  相似文献   

Capture‐recapture methods relying on dorsal fin natural markings have never been applied successfully to striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, and were rarely used to assess abundance of short‐beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis. We used digital photo‐identification to obtain abundance estimates of striped and common dolphins living in mixed groups in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The proportion of either species was calculated based on the relative number of photographs of adult animals showing relevant portions of their body during conspicuous surfacings. Striped dolphins and common dolphins averaged 95.0% and 3.2% of all individuals, respectively. Animals showing intermediate pigmentation accounted for another 1.8%. Striped dolphin numbers were relatively high, with a point estimate of 835 animals (95% CI = 631–1,106). Common dolphins numbers were low (point estimate 28 animals; 95% CI = 11–73) and individuals were scattered within striped dolphin groups, indicating that this common dolphin population may be nonviable. Within a semiclosed Gulf exposed to considerable anthropogenic impact, the future of both dolphin species is of concern due to their suspected geographic isolation and restricted extent of occurrence. Information provided here can be used to inform timely conservation efforts.  相似文献   

We analyzed patterns of aggregation and spatial distribution of the epizoic barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis on the flukes of Mediterranean striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, assessing its potential use as an indicator of the host's hydrodynamics based on data from 55 dolphins. Barnacles occurred along the trailing edge with the cirri oriented towards the oncoming flow. Nearest neighbor analyses suggested that new recruits actively seek placement next to already settled barnacles, forming aggregations possibly to facilitate copulation. The probability of spanwise settlement strongly increased with fluke width (presumably enabling prolonged leading-edge vorticity), and with chordwise length where pressure is predicted to be positive. Consequently, clustering tended to increase nonlinearly towards the fluke notch. Furthermore, it was three times more likely for barnacles to occur on the dorsal vs. ventral side of flukes, at an average abundance ca. 12 times higher. This difference could result from a host's asymmetric oscillation of the tail, which would alter leading-edge vorticity, and/or an interaction between the wake produced by the dorsal fin and the flow associated with flukes. Both processes could primarily enhance cyprid contact and/or attachment on the dorsal side. This study offers a starting point for future comparison with other cetaceans.  相似文献   

The coastal distribution of Hector's dolphins and their attraction to vessels make them easily accessible to commercial tour operations. For over 25 yr, tour operators have been undertaking view and swim‐with‐dolphin trips in Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand. Since 2003, auditory stimulants, in particular stones, have been provided during such swim encounters. The potential effects associated with such stimulants have not, until now, been examined. Here, we investigate the effects of stones and other human‐induced noise on Hector's dolphin behavior. The use of stones significantly affected how dolphins interacted with swimmers. Specifically, swimmers who used stones had a greater probability of close approaches by dolphins than those who sang or simply floated on the surface of the water. The number of close and sustained approaches was also significantly higher for swimmers using stones. Dolphins were more interactive with active swimmers, approaching closer and engaging for longer than with nonactive swimmers. Dolphins socializing had a tendency to be engaged longer with swimmers. The use of stones as an auditory stimulant to sustain or enhance interactions with dolphins by artificial means may not be in the best interest of an endangered species, which already faces a range of challenges due to human activity.  相似文献   

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