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We studied home range and habitat selection of radio-marked adult California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) randomly selected from among the breeding population of owls in the central Sierra Nevada, California from June to October 2006. The most parsimonious home-range estimate for our data was 555 ha (SE = 100 ha). Home-range size was positively correlated with the number of vegetation patches in the home range (habitat heterogeneity). We used resource selection ratios to examine selection of vegetation types by owls within our study area. Owl home ranges contained a high proportion of mature conifer forest, relative to its availability, although the confidence interval for this estimate overlapped one. We also used resource selection functions (RSF) to examine owl foraging habitat selection. Relative probability of selection of foraging habitat was correlated with vegetation classes, patch size, and their interaction. Owls showed highest selection rates for large patches (>10 ha) of pole-sized coniferous forest. Our results suggested that spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada used habitat that contained a high proportion of mature conifer forest at the home-range scale, but at a finer scale (foraging site selection) owls used other vegetation classes interspersed among mature forest patches, consistent with our hypothesis that spotted owls may use other forest types besides old growth and mature forests when foraging. Our study provides an unbiased estimate of habitat use by spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada. Our results suggest that forest managers continue to protect remaining mature and old-growth forests in the central Sierra Nevada because owl home ranges contain high proportions of these habitats. However, our results also showed that owls used younger stands as foraging habitat so that landscape heterogeneity, with respect to cover types, may be an important consideration for management but we did not attempt to relate our findings to fitness of owls. Thus management for some level of landscape heterogeneity for the benefit of owls should proceed with caution or under an adaptive management framework. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Forest fire is often considered a primary threat to California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) because fire has the potential to rapidly alter owl habitat. We examined effects of fire on 7 radiomarked California spotted owls from 4 territories by quantifying use of habitat for nesting, roosting, and foraging according to severity of burn in and near a 610-km2fire in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA, 4 years after fire. Three nests were located in mixed-conifer forests, 2 in areas of moderate-severity burn, and one in an area of low-severity burn, and one nest was located in an unburned area of mixed-conifer-hardwood forest. For roosting during the breeding season, spotted owls selected low-severity burned forest and avoided moderate- and high-severity burned areas; unburned forest was used in proportion with availability. Within 1 km of the center of their foraging areas, spotted owls selected all severities of burned forest and avoided unburned forest. Beyond 1.5 km, there were no discernable differences in use patterns among burn severities. Most owls foraged in high-severity burned forest more than in all other burn categories; high-severity burned forests had greater basal area of snags and higher shrub and herbaceous cover, parameters thought to be associated with increased abundance or accessibility of prey. We recommend that burned forests within 1.5 km of nests or roosts of California spotted owls not be salvage-logged until long-term effects of fire on spotted owls and their prey are understood more fully.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the continued decline of threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, but basic information on habitat selection and space use patterns of barred owls is lacking for much of the region. We investigated space use and habitat selection by tracking radiotagged barred owls in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2006. We surveyed for barred owls across the 309-km2 study area and confirmed presence of barred owl pairs at 21 sites. We collected movement data on 14 barred owls from 12 sites. Mean annual 95% fixed-kernel home-range size was 194 ha for females (n = 4, SD = 70) and 288 ha for males (n = 5, SD = 114). Home ranges were located more frequently than expected in areas with low topographic position, gentle slopes, large overstory tree-crown diameter, high normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), overstory tree canopy closure >72%, and a moderate amount of solar insolation. Within home ranges, areas that had large tree-crown diameters, low topographic positions, and gentle slopes were used more frequently than expected. The resource selection function we developed for barred owls in our study area indicated that barred owls used areas with the combination of low values for topographic position and slope and higher values for NDVI, solar insolation, and an interaction term for canopy closure and tree-crown diameter. In comparison to published information on northern spotted owls, barred owls used areas with similar canopy closure and tree size classes, but barred owl home ranges were much smaller and more concentrated on gentler slopes in valley bottoms. This information may contribute to the development of management practices that maintain forest characteristics appropriate for spotted owl habitat and prey in areas where spotted owls are least likely to be excluded by territorial barred owls in the Eastern Cascades of Washington.  相似文献   

The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is one of the most controversial threatened subspecies ever listed under the US Endangered Species Act. Despite protection of its remaining forest habitat, recent field studies show continued declines of northern spotted owls. One potential threat to northern spotted owls which has not yet been shown is loss of genetic variation from population bottlenecks. Bottlenecks can increase the probability of mating among related individuals, potentially causing inbreeding depression, and can decrease adaptive potential. Here we report evidence for recent bottlenecks in northern spotted owls using a large genetic dataset (352 individuals and 10 microsatellite loci). The signature of bottlenecks was strongest in the Washington Cascade Mountains, in agreement with field data. Our results provide independent evidence that northern spotted owls have recently declined, and suggest that loss of genetic variation is an emerging threat to the subspecies’ persistence. Reduced effective population size (N e) shown here in addition to field evidence for demographic decline highlights the increasing vulnerability of this bird to extinction.  相似文献   

Hierarchical genetic structure was examined in the three geographically-defined subspecies of spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) to define relationships among subspecies and quantify variation within and among regional and local populations. Sequences (522 bp) from domains I and II of the mitochondrial control region were analyzed for 213 individuals from 30 local breeding areas. Results confirmed significant differences between northern spotted owls and the other traditional geographically defined subspecies but did not provide support for subspecific level differences between California and Mexican spotted owls. Divergence times among subspecies estimated with a 936 bp portion of the cytochrome b gene dated Northern and California/Mexican spotted owl divergence time to 115,000–125,000 years ago, whereas California/Mexican spotted owl divergence was estimated at 15,000 years ago. Nested clade analyses indicated an association between California spotted owl and Mexican spotted owl haplotypes, implying historical contact between the two groups. Results also identified a number of individuals geographically classified as northern spotted owls (S. o. caurina) that contained haplotypes identified as California spotted owls (S. o. caurina). Among all northern spotted owls sampled (n=131), 12.9% contained California spotted owl haplotypes. In the Klamath region, which is the contact zone between the two subspecies, 20.3% (n=59) of owls were classified as California spotted owls. The Klamath region is a zone of hybridization and speciation for many other taxa as well. Analyses of population structure indicated gene flow among regions within geographically defined subspecies although there was significant differentiation among northern and southern regions of Mexican spotted owls. Among all areas examined, genetic diversity was not significantly reduced except in California spotted owls where the southern region consists of one haplotype. Our results indicate a stable contact zone between northern and California spotted owls, maintaining distinct subspecific haplotypes within their traditional ranges. This supports recovery efforts based on the traditional subspecies designation for the northern spotted owl. Further, although little variation was found between California and Mexican spotted owls, we suggest they should be managed separately because of current isolation between groups.  相似文献   

Stefan Ås 《Ecography》1993,16(3):219-228
Modern forestry has changed the fire dynamics in the boreal forest and as a result the size and number of deciduous forest patches have been reduced as well as the number of deciduous trees within the coniferous forest This has exaggerated the insularity of deciduous forest patches within the boreal coniferous forest zone In this paper I examine whether the diversity of beetles living in dead stems of deciduous trees follows the relationship with patch area to be predicted from island biogeographic theory, and to what extent the species assemblages differ between large and small patches and single deciduous trees within managed coniferous forests Three larger patches of deciduous forest (>120 ha) arisen as successions after forest fires in the late 1880's are compared with 6 small (<20 ha) patches of similar origin No difference in diversity could be detected between large and small patches A statistically significant difference between assembly composition was detected using matrix regression between a matrix of observed assembly similarities and a hypothetical similarity matrix based on the type of area in which the plot was situated (large- small or matrix) Finally I examined the distribution of the 56 most common beetle species over the habitat types investigated Thirty four species did not show any Significant habitat preference, 12 were found more often in clear-cut areas than expected 5 were over-represented in small patches, and 4 in large areas My explanation to this apparent lack of insularity effects is the relative recent commencement of intensive forestry in these areas and the fact that the matrix is of rather high quality that is inhabitable for numerous beetle species Thus the patches may be viewed as incipient islands still exchanging biota with their surroundings  相似文献   

State and federal actions to conserve northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat are largely initiated by establishing habitat occupancy. Northern spotted owl occupancy is typically assessed by eliciting their response to simulated conspecific vocalizations. However, proximity of barred owls (Strix varia)-a significant threat to northern spotted owls-can suppress northern spotted owl responsiveness to vocalization surveys and hence their probability of detection. We developed a survey method to simultaneously detect both species that does not require vocalization. Detection dogs (Canis familiaris) located owl pellets accumulated under roost sites, within search areas selected using habitat association maps. We compared success of detection dog surveys to vocalization surveys slightly modified from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Draft 2010 Survey Protocol. Seventeen 2 km ×2 km polygons were each surveyed multiple times in an area where northern spotted owls were known to nest prior to 1997 and barred owl density was thought to be low. Mitochondrial DNA was used to confirm species from pellets detected by dogs. Spotted owl and barred owl detection probabilities were significantly higher for dog than vocalization surveys. For spotted owls, this difference increased with number of site visits. Cumulative detection probabilities of northern spotted owls were 29% after session 1, 62% after session 2, and 87% after session 3 for dog surveys, compared to 25% after session 1, increasing to 59% by session 6 for vocalization surveys. Mean detection probability for barred owls was 20.1% for dog surveys and 7.3% for vocal surveys. Results suggest that detection dog surveys can complement vocalization surveys by providing a reliable method for establishing occupancy of both northern spotted and barred owl without requiring owl vocalization. This helps meet objectives of Recovery Actions 24 and 25 of the Revised Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl.  相似文献   

Barred owls (Strix varia) are forest-dwelling owls, native to eastern North America, with populations that expanded westward into the range of the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis). Barred owls exert an overwhelmingly negative influence on spotted owls, thereby threatening spotted owl population viability where the species co-occur. In this review, we provide an overview of the barred owl's range expansion and detail and synthesize previously published literature on spotted and barred owls within the range of the spotted owl as related to potential future outcomes for the northern spotted owl (S. o. caurina). We include research on diet, habitat use and selection, effects of barred owls on spotted owl demography and behavior, hybridization with spotted owls, parasites, contemporary management, and future research needs for spotted owl populations given continued barred owl expansion throughout western North America. Our literature review and synthesis should provide managers with the information necessary to develop strategies that mitigate deleterious effects of barred owls at local and landscape scales. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We examined how the structure of a boreal forest landscape is related to the occurrence of the Siberian flying squirrel Pteromys volans in northern Finland. The flying squirrel inhabits mature spruce-dominated ( Picea abies ) mixed forests and is categorised as vulnerable species due to habitat loss and change. We classified a landscape of 374.5 km2 into potential habitat patches, potential dispersal areas, and areas incapable of being inhabited using national forest inventory data, and surveyed all 136 potential habitat patches for the presence of the species. Different landscape variables were defined, and also connections by the shortest distances to neighbouring habitat patches along both straight lines and least-cost distances based on specific movement costs were measured. Occupied patches were larger in size, contained more deciduous trees for food and nesting cavities, and were in closer proximity to the nearest occupied patches. Occupied patches were mainly located below 300 m a.s.l. The occurrence of flying squirrels was correctly predicted for 88% of the habitat patches using landscape variables. This modelling result proved to be rather general. In addition, the configuration of occupied patches was mainly clustered across the landscape, and distant occupied patches seemed to be linked to other patches via forested connections. We suggest that maintaining a clustered arrangement of good quality habitat patches and regenerating new potential habitat as well as dispersal areas between the habitat patches seem to be appropriate goals for long-term forest management planning to sustain populations of the flying squirrel in the landscape.  相似文献   

Large isolated trees are keystone structures that can help maintain biodiversity in fragmented landscapes, with evidence that open areas with isolated trees may support similar levels of taxonomic diversity to nearby patches of habitat. However, it is not clear if isolated trees can support the same diversity of ecological functions as trees in habitat patches. We compared species richness, community composition, and functional diversity of birds in trees at forest edges and isolated trees. Twenty isolated trees and ten edge trees of American muskwood (Guarea guidonia) were selected, and sampled on 11 occasions, each of 20 min, over four months. All individual birds that landed at trees were recorded using a standardized protocol. Species richness was, on average, almost twice as high at edge trees than at isolated trees. Taxonomic composition differed between edge and isolated trees, with many forest‐dependent birds restricted to edge trees, and some open‐area birds restricted to isolated trees. Overall functional diversity was similar at edge and isolated trees, but some ecological functions (e.g., frugivory) were less frequent, while others (e.g., granivory) were more frequent at isolated compared with edge trees. Isolated trees are important for supporting many ecological functions in modified areas. However, the maintenance of forest patches is essential to complement the provision of such functions in modified landscapes. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) is a threatened species in many areas of its western North American range. Concomitant with its decline has been a rapid invasion of its range and habitat by barred owls (Strix varia), a native species that was restricted, until relatively recently, to eastern North America. We assess the theoretical potential for negative interactions between these two owls by examining size dimorphism and ecological relationships within various owl assemblages throughout the world. We then review the anecdotal, natural history, modeling, and experimental evidence that suggest barred owls may negatively affect spotted owls with at least a potential for the competitive exclusion of spotted owls by barred owls throughout all or part of the former’2019;s range. While it is widely accepted that barred owls are either causing or exacerbating declines of spotted owl populations, there are confounding factors, such as habitat loss and bad weather that also may contribute to declines of spotted owls. Both theory and empirical information suggest that barred owls are likely to have negative effects on spotted owl range and density, but the degree of the impact is not predictable. There is a conservation conundrum here, in that the barred owl is a native species that has expanded its range westwards, either naturally or with a degree of human facilitation, and now constitutes a major threat to the viability of another native species, the threatened spotted owl. We propose that only through carefully designed experiments involving removal of barred owls will we be able to determine if recent declines in spotted owl populations are caused by barred owls or by other factors. It is rare in conservation science that replicate study areas exist for which we also have long-standing demographic information, as is the case with the spotted owl. Removal experiments would take advantage of the wealth of data on spotted owls, and allow ecologists to assess formally the impacts of an invasive species on a threatened species, as well as to suggest mitigation measures.  相似文献   

The range expansion by barred owls (Strix varia) into western North America has raised considerable concern regarding their potential effects on declining northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations, yet most information on the occurrence of barred owls in the region is limited to incidental detections during surveys for spotted owls. To address this shortcoming we investigated response behavior, detection probabilities, and landscape occupancy patterns of barred owls in western Oregon, USA, during conspecific versus spotted owl call-broadcast surveys. Subtle differences in barred owl response behavior to conspecific versus spotted owl vocalizations combined with minor procedural differences between species-specific survey protocols led to a sizeable difference in estimated detection probabilities during conspecific (0.66, 95% CI = 0.61–0.71) versus spotted owl (0.48, 95% CI = 0.39–0.56) surveys. We identified 61 territorial pairs of barred owls during repeated surveys of a multi-ownership study area with the probability of occupancy being highest in the structurally diverse mixture of mature and old forests that occurred almost entirely on public lands. Our findings suggest that research and management strategies to address potential competitive interactions between spotted owls and barred owls will require carefully designed, species-specific survey methods that account for erratic response behaviors and imperfect detection of both species. Our sampling methods can be used by forest managers to determine the occurrence and distribution of barred owls with high confidence. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Fragmentation represents a serious threat to biodiversity worldwide, however its effects on epiphytic organisms is still poorly understood. We study the effect of habitat fragmentation on the genetic population structure and diversity of the red-listed epiphytic lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, in a Mediterranean forest landscape. We tested the relative importance of forest patch quality, matrix surrounding fragments and connectivity on the genetic variation within populations and the differentiation among them. A total of 855 thalli were sampled in 44 plots (400 m2) of 31 suitable forest fragments (beeches and oaks), in the Sierra de Ayllón in central Spain. Variables related to landscape attributes of the remnant forest patches such as size and connectivity and also the nature of the matrix or tree species had no significant effects on the genetic diversity of L. pulmonaria. Values of genetic diversity (Nei’s) were only affected by habitat quality estimated as the age patches. Most of the variation (76%) in all populations was observed at the smallest sampled unit (plots). Using multiple regression analysis, we found that habitat quality is more important in explaining the genetic structure of the L. pulmonaria populations than spatial distance. The relatively high level of genetic diversity of the species in old forest patches regardless of patch size indicates that habitat quality in a highly structured forest stand determines the population size and distribution pattern of this species and its associated lichen community. Thus, conservation programmes of Mediterranean mountain forests have to prioritize area and habitat quality of old forest patches.  相似文献   

Hematozoa from the spotted owl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One hundred five spotted owls (Strix occidentalis) from seven populations and three subspecies were examined for hematozoa. Haemoproteus noctuae, H. syrnii, Leucocytozoon ziemanni, Trypanosoma avium, Atoxoplasma sp. and unidentified microfilariae were recorded. All northern (S. occidentalis caurina), California (S. occidentalis occidentalis) and Mexican (S. occidentalis lucida) spotted owls were infected with at least one hematozoan; 79% had multiple infections. Twenty-two percent of the owls were infected with as many as four species of parasites. There were significant differences in the prevalence of these species of parasites occurring among the five populations of northern and California spotted owls sampled in California. Haemoproteus noctuae, H. syrnii and Atoxoplasma sp. represented new host records for this host species.  相似文献   

Identifying habitat or nesting microhabitat variables associated with high levels of nest success is important to understand nest site preferences and bird–habitat relationships. Little is known about cavity availability and nest site requirements of cavity nesters in southern hemisphere temperate forests, although nest site limitation is suggested. Here we ask which characteristics are selected by the Austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) for nesting in Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio forest in Argentine Patagonia. We compared nest plot and tree characteristics with unused plots and trees among areas of different A. araucana–N. pumilio density. We also examine whether nest plot and tree use and selection, and the associated consequences for fitness of Austral parakeets are spatially related to forest composition. Austral parakeets showed selectivity for nests at different spatial scales, consistently choosing isolated live and large trees with particular nest features in a non‐random way from available cavities. Mixed A. araucana–N. pumilio forests are ideal habitat for the Austral parakeets of northern Patagonia, offering numerous potential cavities, mainly in N. pumilio. We argue that Austral parakeet reproduction and fitness is currently very unlikely to be limited by cavity availability, although this situation may be rapidly changing. Natural and human disturbances are modifying south temperate forests with even‐aged mid‐successional stands replacing old growth forests. Cavity nesting species use and need old growth forests, due to the abundance of cavities in large trees and the abundance of larvae in old wood. Neither of the latter resources is sufficiently abundant in mid‐successional forests, increasing the vulnerability and threatening the survival of the Austral.  相似文献   

Fragmentation reduces habitat area, increases the number of habitat patches, decreases their size, and increases patch isolation. For arboreal mammals such as howlers (Alouatta palliata), canopy modifications from fragmentation processes could also negatively affect habitat quality. We analyzed changes in the composition and plant structure of 15 fragments (1–76 ha) and compared them with vegetation from a continuous tropical rain forest reserve (700 ha) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. At each site, we sampled 1000 m2 of all trees, shrubs, and lianas with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥10 cm. We obtained estimates of species richness, density, and basal area for different ecological groups, DBH ranges, and top food resources for howlers. We used a stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine relationships between fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation) and plant variables. Compared to continuous forest, fragments have altered composition and plant structure, with large trees absent from the canopy. The basal area of top food resources is higher in continuous forest. Fragment size is the best explanation for the differences in composition and plant structure. The largest fragments had greater basal area of top food resources and more large primary trees in the canopy. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation altered the habitat quality for howlers.  相似文献   

Evaluating habitat suitability is often complex, as habitat effects may be scale‐dependent, critical resources may be spatially segregated, and resource availability may also depend on intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions. Using analyses that spanned multiple years and spatial scales, we investigated habitat requirements of a territorial generalist, the common raven Corvus corax, in a relatively pristine woodland, Bia?owie?a Forest (E Poland). We compiled data from multiple raven surveys conducted between 1985 and 2001. Ravens were regularly distributed over the entire study area but declined in density over 50% within the 16 yr interval. In the same period game and forest management significantly reduced ungulate densities and likely diminished the habitat quality with regard to food supply, especially carrion. To better understand habitat requirements of ravens we studied breeding performance in relation to three different habitat types across multiple scales: open areas, coniferous‐dominated forest, and deciduous‐dominated forest. We found a prominent dissimilarity between raven nesting and foraging habitats highlighting the importance of resource complementation for ravens. On a fine scale, large old pines were exclusively selected as nesting trees and nesting areas were generally coniferous‐dominated. However, at increasingly broader scales, coniferous habitats were negatively associated with raven reproductive success as those habitats likely provide a lower food supply. Only where the coniferous nesting areas at smaller scales were complemented with high percentages of deciduous forests and open areas at broader scales did the breeding performance increase. In addition to habitat composition, intra‐specific interactions were important determinants of reproductive performance and very successful neighbors decreased reproductive performance of a focal pair. Most of previous studies have investigated resource complementation in terms of habitat edges or proximity of complementing resource patches. Our study demonstrates that the concept of landscape complementation also applies to gradients in landscape composition and emphasizes the importance of scales and intraspecific interactions in habitat analyses.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of migratory warblers (genus: Sylvia) in poor and high quality habitat patches at a stopover site in the northern Negev, Israel. The purpose of our study was to test predictions based on the ideal free distribution (IFD) model by using a natural ecosystem which has a high turnover of individuals moving between unfamiliar foraging patches. We trapped birds in two groves of Pistacia atlantica embedded within a coniferous forest. The fruit-density ratio between these groves was 45:1. We compared bird density, body condition and habitat matching (the ratio between bird density and resource density) at the two sites. To analyse the data we integrated two approaches to density-dependent habitat selection: the isodar method and the habitat matching rule. As predicted by the IFD model, we found that habitat suitability decreased with bird density with a high correlation between warbler densities in the two habitat patches. Contrary to IFD predictions, warbler density in the poor patch was higher than expected by the habitat-matching rule. This habitat under-matching, had a cost: in the rich habitat the average energy gain per individual bird was higher than in the poor habitat. Further analysis suggests that the apparent habitat under-matching is not due to interference or differences in warbler competitive abilities. Therefore, we suggest that this migratory bird community is not at equilibrium because the birds possess imperfect knowledge of resource distribution. We propose that this lack of knowledge leads to free, but not ideal distributions of migrant birds in unfamiliar stop over sites.  相似文献   

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