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Our research takes advantage of a historical trend in natural reforestation of abandoned tropical pastures to examine changes in soil carbon (C) during 80 years of secondary forest regrowth. We combined a chronosequence approach with differences in the natural abundance of 13C between C3 (forest) and C4 (pasture) plants to estimate turnover times of C in the bulk soil and in density fractions. Overall, gains in secondary forest C were compensated for by the loss of residual pasture-derived soil C, resulting in no net change in bulk soil C stocks down to 1 m depth over the chronosequence. The free light fraction (LF), representing physically unprotected particulate organic matter, was most sensitive to land-use change. Reforestation replenished C in the free LF that had been depleted during conversion to pastures. Turnover times varied with model choice, but in general, soil C cycling rates were rapid for the 0–10 cm depth, with even the heavy fraction (HF) containing C cycling in decadal time scales. Turnover times of C in the free LF from the 0–10 cm depth were shorter than for the occluded and HFs, highlighting the importance of physical location in the soil matrix for residence time in the soil. The majority of the soil C pool (82±21%) was recovered in the mineral-associated density fraction. Carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and differences in natural abundance 15N of soil organic matter (SOM) showed an increasing degree of decomposition across density fractions with increasing mineral association. Our data show that the physical distribution of C in the soil has a large impact on soil C turnover and the ability of soils to maintain SOM stocks during land-use and land-cover change.  相似文献   

A high frequency of dieback and mortality was found in Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) in coastal mangrove forests of southwest Puerto Rico. Eight plots were established in a variety of mangrove environments to assess the extent and severity of the dieback and mortality. The imperfect fungus Cytospora rhizopborae was isolated consistently from stem dieback and associated canker tissues. No other pathogenic microorganisms were isolated. Pathogenicity was demonstrated in greenhouse and field inoculation experiments with C. rhizophorae using young R. mangle seedlings. In field studies of seedlings inoculated, mortality was 33 percent, and greenhouse mortality was as high as 50 percent. Cytospora rhizophorae was isolated consistently from diseased mangrove tissue; the fungus was grown in pure culture and then inoculated into healthy red mangroves, causing cankers. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by infecting R. mangle with C. rhizophorae, producing disease symptoms, and successfully re‐isolating C. rhizophorae from the diseased tissue. This is the first documentation of the pathogenicity of C. rhizophorae associated with mortality in red mangrove. In the coastal mangrove forests of southwest Puerto Rico, C. rhizophorae may play an important role in the frequency of dieback and mortality in R. mangle, producing slow stem diameter growth and causing frequent stem and root wounds.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are hotspots for ecological restoration globally because of the disproportionately high value and diversity of the ecological functions and services which they support and their high level of vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures, including climate change. Degraded riparian ecosystems are associated with many serious anthropogenic problems including increased river bank erosion, water quality decline, increased flood risk and biodiversity loss. Conventional approaches to riparian restoration, however, are frequently too narrow in focus – spatially, temporally, ecologically and socially – to adequately or equitably address the goals to which they aspire. Climate change, along with the intensification of other human pressures, means that static, historically oriented restoration objectives focused solely on prior ecological composition and structure are unlikely to be defensible, achievable or appropriate in the Anthropocene. Conversely, open‐ended restoration strategies lacking clear objectives and targets entail substantial risks such as significant biodiversity losses, especially of native species. A functional approach to planning and prioritising riparian restoration interventions offers an intermediate alternative that is still framed by measurable targets but allows for greater consideration of broader temporal, spatial and cultural influences. Here, we provide an overview of major riparian functions across multiple scales and identify key drivers of, and threats to, these. We also discuss practical approaches to restoring and promoting riparian functions and highlight some key concerns for the development of policy and management of robust riparian restoration in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

A large incomplete rodent femur from a Quaternary cave deposit near Barahona, Puerto Rico, is established as the holotype of Tainotherium valei , a new extinct genus and species. Although biogeographic and body size similarities suggest that it may be related to the Puerto Rican giant hutia Elasmodontomys , the Antillean large-bodied rodent family Heptaxodontidae is now interpreted as invalid, and it is impossible to assign Tainotherium to a particular caviomorph family in the absence of associated craniodental material. Tainotherium differs from other West Indian species in possessing a large femoral head, a proximally angled femoral neck, a short greater trochanter and a medially positioned lesser trochanter unconnected by an intertrochanteric crest, and a transversely flattened, anteroposteriorly bowed shaft lacking well-defined ridges. These characters are all associated with arboreal life habits in other mammal groups. The Puerto Rican land mammal fauna was dominated by a rodent radiation occupying a wide variety of niches before human arrival in the West Indies, but although arboreality is correlated with increased likelihood of survival in Quaternary mammalian extinction events, all of this fauna is now extinct. It is unlikely that decreasing aridity and the reduction of Puerto Rican savanna-type environments at the end of the Pleistocene contributed to the extinction of the arboreal Tainotherium , and habitat destruction by pre-Columbian Amerindians may instead have been responsible.  相似文献   


The Caribbean blepharicerid fauna comprises three described species: Paltostoma palominoi Hogue and Garces, 1990, found in eastern Cuba; P. agyrocincta Curran, 1927, widespread in Puerto Rico; and P. schineri Williston, 1896, which occupies most major islands of the Lesser Antilles. In this paper, we describe P. portoricensis Hogue and Courtney, sp. n., a second species from Puerto Rico. We also provide keys to adults, pupae, and larvae of known Caribbean species, re-describe P. argyrocincta and P. schineri, and present a brief discussion of the bionomics and phylogenetic affinities of the net-winged midge fauna.  相似文献   

Soil protozoa, and ciliates in particular, represent a microbial group abundant in the rhizosphere with an influential role on nutrient cycling. Under laboratory conditions, ciliates regulate the size and the composition of bacterial communities, and appear to stimulate ammonification and nitrification. In spite of their important ecological role, our understanding about the factors that control their diversity and abundance in natural forest ecosystems is still rudimentary. Plant species-specific interactions have been demonstrated between plants and soil bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, due in part to the release of phytohormones and C- and N-rich exudates. We tested the hypothesis that the rhizosphere environments of different plant species also influence the species richness and abundance of soil ciliates. Plant effect, soil pH, moisture content, microbial biomass C, and inorganic nitrogen were measured among five plant species to determine the best predictor variables for soil ciliate species richness and total abundance in a subtropical moist forest in Puerto Rico. Based on an analysis of variance, we rejected the hypothesis that there was a plant species-specific effect on soil ciliates, unlike other microbial groups mentioned above. Using multiple regression analysis, we demonstrated that the flush of total inorganic nitrogen was the best predictor variable for both species richness and abundance of ciliates.  相似文献   

Abstract In studies of biodiversity, considerations of scale—the spatial or temporal domain to which data provide inference—are important because of the non-arithmetic manner in which species richness increases with area (and total abundance) and because fine-scale mechanisms (for example, recruitment, growth, and mortality of species) can interact with broad scale patterns (for example, habitat patch configuration) to influence dynamics in space and time. The key to understanding these dynamics is to consider patterns of environmental heterogeneity, including patterns produced by natural and anthropogenic disturbance. We studied how spatial variation in three aspects of biodiversity of terrestrial gastropods (species richness, species diversity, and nestedness) on the 16-ha Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot (LFDP) in a tropical forest of Puerto Rico was affected by disturbance caused by Hurricanes Hugo and Georges, as well as by patterns of historic land use. Hurricane-induced changes in spatial organization of species richness differed from those for species diversity. The gamma components of species richness changed after the hurricanes and were significantly different between Hurricanes Hugo and Georges. Alpha and two beta components of species richness, one related to turnover among sites within areas of similar land use and one related to variation among areas of different land use, varied randomly over time after both hurricanes. In contrast, gamma components of species diversity decreased in indistinguishable manners after both hurricanes, whereas the rates of change in the alpha component of species diversity differed between hurricanes. Beta components of diversity related to turnover among sites declined after both hurricanes in a consistent fashion. Those related to turnover among areas with different historic land uses varied stochastically. The immediate effect of hurricanes was to reduce nestedness of gastropod assemblages. Thereafter, nestedness increased during post-hurricane secondary succession, and did so in the same way, regardless of patterns of historic land use. The rates of change in degree of nestedness during secondary succession were different after each hurricane as a result of differences in the severity and extent of the hurricane-induced damage. Our analyses quantified temporal changes in the spatial organization of biodiversity of gastropod assemblages during forest recovery from hurricane-induced damage in areas that had experienced different patterns of historic human land use, and documented the dependence of biodiversity on spatial scale. We hypothesize that cross-scale interactions, likely those between the local demographics of species at the fine scale and the landscape configuration of patches at the broad scale, play a dominant role in affecting critical transfer processes, such as dispersal, and its interrelationship with aspects of biodiversity. Cross-scale interactions have significant implications for the conservation of biodiversity, as the greatest threats to biodiversity arise from habitat modification and fragmentation associated with disturbance arising from human activities.  相似文献   

We studied the ecological characteristics of 45–50‐yr‐old subtropical dry forest stands in Puerto Rico that were growing on sites that had been deforested and used intensively for up to 128 yr. The study took place in the Guánica Commonwealth Forest. Our objective was to assess the long‐term effects of previous land use on this forest—i.e., its species composition, structure, and functioning. Previous land‐use types included houses, farmlands, and charcoal pits. Stands with these land uses were compared with a nearby mature forest stand. The speed and path of forest recovery after deforestation and land‐use abandonment depended on the conditions of the land. Study areas where land uses had removed the forest canopy and altered soil conditions (houses and farmlands) required a longer time to recover and had a different species composition than study areas where land uses retained a forest canopy (charcoal pits). Different forest attributes recovered at different rates. Crown area index, stem density, and litterfall rate recovered faster than stemwood and root, biomass, tree height, and basal area. Where previous land uses removed the canopy, Leucaena leucocephala, a naturalized alien pioneer species, dominated the regrowth. Native species dominated abandoned charcoal pits and mature forest. The change in species composition, including the invasion of alien species, appears to be the most significant long‐term effect of human use and modification of the landscape.  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosomes of 10 West Indian flea beetles with restricted distribution, including eight Puerto Rican endemics, were studied. Two species of the cosmopolitan Longitarsus resemble Old World congenerics in having meioformulae 13 + Xy and 14 + Xy, both with one pair of enlarged autosomes. One unidentified species of Aphthona seems to have achiasmatic meiosis. Among the Puerto Rican endemics, repeated fusions have produced low-numbered karyotypes in Homoschema latitarsum (2 + neoXY, now the lowest meioformula known for the Chrysomelidae) and Heikertingerella krugi (4 + neoXY). Three species of Aedmon have 18 + Xyp as a result of a series of centric fissions from the Polyphagan ancestral condition of nine pairs. Phyllotrupes sp. (a new genus record for Puerto Rico, near P. acutangula ) and Pseudodisonycha portoricensis have 17 + Xy and 16 + Xy, respectively, plus a swarm of supernumerary chromosomes.  相似文献   

A new genus (Borinken) and five new species (Borinken elyunque, Distigmoptera chamorrae, Kiskeya elyunque, Ulrica eltoro, and Ulrica iviei) from Puerto Rico are described and illustrated. A keyto all West Indian Monoplatini genera is provided, as are keys to all speciesof Kiskeya and to the speciesof Ulrica from Puerto Rico. A list of the flea beetle genera, along with the number of species and some of the faunal features is presented and discussed for the West Indies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the introduced, free-ranging patas monkey population of Southwestern Puerto Rico (SWPR). It describes information on the population size, social group composition, diet, daily ranging patterns, and patas home range during a 3 year period. The patas monkey population in the study area consisted of approximately 120 individuals in four heterosexual groups and several all-male bands. Within their home ranges (26.8 km2), the population density was 4.47 individuals/km2. Home range size among the population's four heterosexual groups varied from 3.72 km2 to 15.39 km2, and minimum daily distance traveled ranged from 0.8–2.0 km. In general, the social structure and mating system of this population parallels what has been described for African populations. However, habitat use, ranging behavior, and the quality of intergroup interactions suggests that patas of this population exhibit territorial behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 45:351–365, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in light or water availability can result in synchronous leaf production, concentrating food availability for herbivores of young leaves to only a few months. To determine the importance of food availability on herbivory, leaf phenology and leaf damage were studied in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) of Puerto Rico. We studied 20 individuals of eight species for two years. Every month, new leaves were marked; the following month, leaf area and area of damage were measured. Over two years, comparison of leaf production and percent herbivory were performed for each species, and for all species taken together. More than 30 percent of the annual leaf production occurred in May and June. Leaf production was associated with an increase in PFD (photon flux density) and was not related to the patterns of rainfall. Although leaf production was synchronous, there were no differences in herbivory between the peak and non‐peak periods of leaf production. Possible explanations for the constant levels of herbivory throughout the year are the presence of a generalist herbivore community, the ability of herbivores to track changes in food availability, or high densities of herbivore predators that control herbivore populations.  相似文献   

Although deforestation continues to be a major threat to tropical biodiversity, abandonment of agricultural land in Puerto Rico provides an opportunity to study long-term patterns of secondary forest regeneration. Using aerial photographs from 1937, 1967, and 1995, we determined land-use history for 2443 ha in the Cayey Mountains. Pastures were the dominant land cover in 1937 and <20% of the area was classified as forest. Between 1937 and 1995, forest cover increased to 62% due to widespread abandonment of agriculture. To examine the effect of historic land use on current forest structure and species composition, we sampled secondary forests in 24 abandoned pastures, 9 abandoned coffee plantations and 4 old-growth forest sites. Sites were located on two soil types along an elevational gradient (125–710 m) and included a chronosequence from 4 to over 80 years old. After 25–30 years, basal area and species richness in secondary forest sites derived from abandoned pastures and coffee plantations were similar to old-growth forest sites. The species composition of secondary forests derived from abandoned pastures and coffee plantations remained distinct from old-growth forest. In addition to historic land use, age and elevation were important environmental variables explaining variation in secondary forest species composition. Non-indigenous species were common in recently abandoned pastures and coffee plantations, but their importance declined in the older sites. This study demonstrates that secondary forests on private land can be an important component of the conservation of tropical tree biodiversity. Received 16 June 1999; Accepted 8 October 1999.  相似文献   

Thirteen microsatellite loci were isolated from the coqui frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui) and optimized for future research. The loci were screened across 37 individuals from two Puerto Rican populations. Loci were variable with the number of alleles per locus ranging from three to 38. Polymorphic information content ranged from 0.453 to 0.963 and observed heterozygosity for each population ranged from 0.320 to 0.920.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Because the winter season is potentially limiting for migratory birds, understanding their nonbreeding distributional patterns is essential. At a given site, patterns of species occurrence and abundance may vary over time and, within a species, wintering strategies may vary with regard to the degree that individuals are site-faithful both within and between winters. We examined long-term patterns in the composition of a winter resident bird community to determine how long a site must be studied to understand the wintering community. Over a 34-yr period of constant-effort mist netting at a site in Guánica, Puerto Rico, we captured 21 species of winter resident birds, with mean total captures varying from 8.3 to 18.9 individuals per net line and 6–14 species captured per year. Species richness capture/recapture models generated numbers similar to actual capture rates. Capture and recapture data allowed us to categorize winter residents into three groups: sporadic winter residents (14 species), regular winter residents (four species captured nearly every year), and dominant winter residents (three species captured each year with high rates of recapture). Our results suggest that sampling for at least three consecutive winters is needed to accurately characterize the bird community at a site. However, sampling for 5 yr is better, and 10-yr samples generate patterns similar to those based on our entire 34-yr sample. A 1-yr sample provides minimal information about the composition and characteristics of a winter resident bird community.  相似文献   

The increasing human impact on the earth's biosphere is inflicting changes at all spatial scales. As well as deterioration and fragmentation of natural biological systems, these changes also led to other, unprecedented effects and emergence of novel habitats. In boreal zone, intensive forest management has negatively impacted a multitude of deadwood‐associated species. This is especially alarming given the important role wood‐inhabiting fungi have in the natural decay processes. In the boreal zone, natural broad‐leaved‐dominated, herb‐rich forests are threatened habitats which have high wood‐inhabiting fungal species richness. Fungal diversity in other broadleaved forest habitat types is poorly known. Traditional wood pastures and man‐made afforested fields are novel habitats that could potentially be important for wood‐inhabiting fungi. This study compares species richness and fungal community composition across the aforementioned habitat types, based on data collected for wood‐inhabiting fungi occupying all deadwood diameter fractions. Corticioid and polyporoid fungi were surveyed from 67 130 deadwood particles in four natural herb‐rich forests, four birch‐dominated wood pastures, and four birch‐dominated afforested field sites in central Finland. As predicted, natural herb‐rich forests were the most species‐rich habitat. However, afforested fields also had considerably higher overall species richness than wood pastures. Many rare or rarely collected species were detected in each forest type. Finally, fungal community composition showed some divergence not only among the different habitat types, but also among deadwood diameter fractions. Synthesis and applications: In order to maintain biodiversity at both local and regional scales, conserving threatened natural habitat types and managing traditional landscapes is essential. Man‐made secondary woody habitats could provide the necessary resources and serve as surrogate habitats for many broadleaved deadwood‐associated species, and thus complement the existing conservation network of natural forests.  相似文献   

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