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测定了光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsch.)在柳树皮上产卵刻槽、模拟刻槽及健康树皮的含水量和pH值。结果表明:柳树在不同受伤条件下的含水量及pH值都有所不同,其中含水量的顺序为产卵刻槽>健康树皮>模拟刻槽;pH值的顺序为产卵刻槽>模拟刻槽>健康树皮。这些结果为进一步研究刻槽内微生物的种类和丰度及树木在不同受伤条件下的生理反应提供依据。  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether conidia from non-woven fiber bands impregnated with Metarhizium anisopliae F 52 could be spread to other parts of the environment, and whether Anoplophora glabripennis could become infected with conidia dispersed from fungal bands. In the field, bands containing M. anisopliae were hung at 3 m height on 15 trees. Bark samples were taken 10, 20, and 30 cm above the bands and 10, 30, and 60 cm below the bands 2, 5, and 9 days after band placement to quantify conidial densities. There were more conidia in samples taken below bands compared with samples taken above bands. A significant positive correlation was found between rainfall and the occurrence of conidia on any of the bark samples. A laboratory study was conducted to determine whether conidia from M. anisopliae fungal bands could be spread to other parts of the environment by A. glabripennis adults and whether A. glabripennis could become infected by conidia dispersed from fungal bands. One or five adult A. glabripennis were used to contaminate artificial environments with conidia. All adults subsequently exposed to contaminated environments were killed by fungal infection. Beetles exposed to environments that had been contaminated by five beetles died in fewer days compared with environments contaminated by one beetle. Beetles in both density treatments died in fewer days than beetles exposed to environments without M. anisopliae conidia. Our results indicate that environmental contamination with conidia from fungal bands can occur, and that adult A. glabripennis can acquire infection from a contaminated environment.  相似文献   

为了揭示光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky纤维素酶与寄主选择的关系, 以4种不同寄主树种(新疆杨Populus alba var. pyramidalis Bunge、箭杆杨Populus nigra var. thevestina (Dode) Bean、合作杨Populus simonii × Populus pyramidalis cv. opera Hsu和漳河柳Salix matsudana f. lobato-glandulosa Faug et Liu来源的光肩星天牛幼虫, 和以取食5种不同树种(臭椿Ailanthus altissima、毛白杨Populus tomentosa、合作杨、旱柳Salix matsudana Koidz.和复叶槭Acer negundo Linn.)的光肩星天牛成虫为实验对象, 测定其纤维素酶活性。结果表明: 不同寄主来源的光肩星天牛幼虫内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶活性在1.36~2.71 μmol葡萄糖/ (g FW·h)之间, β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在2.57~4.86 μmol葡萄糖/(g FW·h)之间;取食不同树种的光肩星天牛成虫内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶活性在4.08~9.27 μmol葡萄糖/(g FW·h)之间, β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在2.87~6.08 μmol葡萄糖/ (g FW·h)之间。不同寄主树种来源的光肩星天牛幼虫体内纤维素酶活性无显著性差异, 取食与否以及取食树种的不同对光肩星天牛成虫纤维素酶活有较大影响。  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects an estimated 20% of adults worldwide and has been associated with electrical and structural abnormalities of the atria, although the molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we used two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D PAGE) coupled with nanoliquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC‐MS/MS) to investigate the proteins that are dysregulated in the atria from severe and moderate apnea when compared to control. We found enzymes involved in the glycolysis, beta‐oxidation, electron transport chain and Krebs cycle to be down‐regulated. The data suggested that the dysregulated proteins may play a role in atrial pathology developing via chronic obstructive apnea and hypoxia. Our results are consistent with our previous 1D‐PAGE and nanoLC‐MS/MS study (Channaveerappa et al, J Cell Mol Med. 2017), where we found that some aerobic and anaerobic glycolytic and Krebs cycle enzymes were down‐regulated, suggesting that apnea may be a result of paucity of oxygen and production of ATP and reducing equivalents (NADH). The 2D‐PAGE study not only complements our current study, but also advances our understanding of the OSA. The complete mass spectrometry data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD011181.  相似文献   

Xenobiotic carboxylic acids, that via their metabolites covalently modify proteins, have been associated with serious side effects in man. Such reactive metabolites may be acyl glucuronides or alternatively, the corresponding acyl-CoA thioesters. In this study, the reaction of a model xenobiotic acyl-CoA, the naproxen-CoA, with human serum albumin (HSA), was characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography employing fluorescence and mass spectrometric detection. One mM naproxen-CoA was incubated for 6h with HSA (0.45 mM) at 37 degrees C in a 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The tryptic digest of the reduced and alkylated protein was analyzed in order to identify the amino acids in the sequence that were covalently modified with naproxen. Fluorescent peptides, that represented naproxen-modified peptides, were characterized using HPLC-MS-MS and HPLC-MS in zoom scan mode, which provided information on the structure and the charge of the modified peptides. The naproxen-CoA reacted predominantly with lysine 199, lysine 541, and lysine 351, which was in agreement with the binding pattern that has previously been reported for the reactive acyl glucuronides and their reaction with HSA.  相似文献   

Simultaneous sequencing, using a combination of mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, of three approximately 15-kDa variants of a cuticular protein extracted from the meal beetle Tenebrio molitor larva is demonstrated. The information obtained by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) time-course monitoring of enzymatic digests was found essential to identify the differences among the three variants and for alignment of the peptides in the sequence. To determine whether each individual insect larva contains all three protein variants, proteins extracted from single animals were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, electroeluted from the gel spots, and analyzed by MALDI MS. Molecular weights of the proteins present in each sample could be obtained, and mass spectrometric mapping of the peptides after digestion with trypsin gave additional information. The protein isoforms were found to be allelic variants.  相似文献   

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