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目的对构建的H5N1重组禽流感病毒样颗粒(VLPs)进行初步免疫原性探讨,并与H5N1全病毒灭活疫苗(WIV)进行体液免疫和细胞免疫的比较。方法在0周和3周分别以纯化H5N1重组禽流感病毒样颗粒、H5N1全病毒灭活疫苗及pH7.2 PBS腿部肌肉注射BALB/c小鼠,于不同时间收集血清,以血凝抑制试验(HI)和血清IgG抗体酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)评估体液免疫,CD4+、CD8+T细胞亚群及酶联免疫斑点试验(ELISPOT)评估细胞免疫,并以同型毒株滴鼻攻击,观察小鼠存活率。结果病毒样颗粒各组和全病毒灭活疫苗免疫后小鼠血清ELISA IgG效价均有升高;中和抗体效价除病毒样颗粒120 ng/只免疫剂量外其他免疫小鼠HI效价均达1︰40;小鼠脾CD4+T淋巴细胞亚群分类:全病毒灭活疫苗组(600μg/只)为36.56%;病毒样颗粒组(120 ng/只,600 ng/只,2 500 ng/只)分别为26.58%,32.20%,29.25%;PBS组为26.65%;CD8+T淋巴细胞亚群分类:全病毒灭活疫苗组(600 ng/只)为10.78%;病毒样颗粒组(120 ng/只,600 ng/只,2 500 ng/只)分别为1 3.53%,14.24%,1 3.35%;PBS组为10.69%。ELISPOT试验统计学数据显示,病毒样颗粒和全病毒灭活疫苗的小鼠脾单个核细胞分泌IFN-γ细胞与PBS组有显著性差异;小鼠保护性试验结果显示,除病毒样颗粒120 ng/只免疫剂量小鼠的存活率为87.5%外,其他病毒样颗粒实验组小鼠均为100%,PBS对照组为12.5%。结论 H5N1重组禽流感病毒样颗粒能诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫,并能抵御同型病毒株的攻击,可作为H5N1人用禽流感的候选疫苗。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses continue to trigger severe diseases in poultry and humans, prompting efforts to develop an effective vaccine. Toward that goal, we constructed a recombinant adenovirus vector encoding influenza hemagglutin (rAd-HA) and a flagellin-containing virus-like particle (FliC-VLP). Using a murine model, we investigated a heterologous prime-boost vaccination regimen combining these two vectors. Our results indicate that priming with the rAd-HA vector followed by a FliC-VLP booster induced the highest HA-specific total IgG, IgG1and IgG2a. Maximum neutralizing antibody titers against homologous and heterologous clades of H5N1 virus strains and hemagglutination inhibition resulted from the heterologous vaccination strategy. Our results are likely to contribute to the development of more effective H5N1 vaccines.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the emergence of two new influenza A subtypes and they have become a cause of concern for the global community. These are the highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A virus (H5N1) and the Pandemic 2009 influenza H1N1 virus. Since 2003 the H5N1 virus has caused widespread disease and death in poultry, mainly in south East Asia and Africa. In humans the number of cases infected with this virus is few but the mortality has been about 60%. Most patients have presented with severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The second influenza virus, the pandemic H1N1 2009, emerged in Mexico in March this year. This virus acquired the ability for sustained human to human spread and within a few months spread throughout the world and infected over 4 lakh individuals. The symptoms of infection with this virus are similar to seasonal influenza but it currently affecting younger individuals more often. Fortunately the mortality has been low. Both these new influenza viruses are currently circulating and have different clinical and epidemiological characteristics.  相似文献   

引起流感世界性大流行的主要原因与流感病毒表面抗原血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)频发的变异有很大关系,抗原的变异使得流感病毒可以逃逸机体的免疫防御,而且使许多应用中的疫苗失去防御效果。综述2009年世界暴发的H1N1新型流感病毒的结构在进化过程中发生的变异,有助于增加人们对流感病毒的了解,从而有效的治疗和预防流感大流行。  相似文献   

“Survival of the fittest” is an old axiom laid down by the great evolutionist Charles Darwin and microorganisms seem to have exploited this statement to a great extent. The ability of viruses to adapt themselves to the changing environment has made it possible to inhabit itself in this vast world for the past millions of years. Experts are well versed with the fact that influenza viruses have the capability to trade genetic components from one to the other within animal and human population. In mid April 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization had recognized a dramatic increase in number of influenza cases. These current 2009 infections were found to be caused by a new strain of influenza type A H1N1 virus which is a re-assortment of several strains of influenza viruses commonly infecting human, avian, and swine population. This evolution is quite dependent on swine population which acts as a main reservoir for the reassortment event in virus. With the current rate of progress and the efforts of heath authorities worldwide, we have still not lost the race against fighting this virus. This article gives an insight to the probable source of origin and the evolutionary progress it has gone through that makes it a potential threat in the future, the current scenario and the possible measures that may be explored to further strengthen the war against pandemic.  相似文献   

We prepared mAb specific to the H1N1 2009 virus (H1N1 2009) to facilitate development of an RDT with enhanced sensitivity and specificity. Among these antibodies, we identified two clones--hybridomas 1H7E1 and 3A3H7-that specifically bound to H1N1 2009 (non-seasonal) and were very suitable for application to a diagnostic kit. The affinity constants (K(a)) of 1H7E1 and 3A3H7 were 1.10 × 10(10) and 2.35 × 10(10), respectively. To identify the antibodies, we performed ELISA and immunoblot analyses and found that 1H7E1 recognized a conformational epitope of HA while 3A3H7 recognized a linear epitope. In clinical evaluations using specimens from 215 patients, a lateral flow rapid testing kit comprising these mAb showed a sensitivity of 81.5% (75/92) and a specificity of 96.7% (119/123). Results using the RDT kit were well correlated with conventional RT-PCR methods as commonly and commercially used. Based on our findings, we believe that use of these mAb with a rapid evaluation kit could serve as a good diagnostic tool for H1N1 2009.  相似文献   

More than 15 years after the first human cases of influenza A/H5N1 in Hong Kong, the world remains at risk for an H5N1 pandemic. Preparedness activities have focused on antiviral stockpiling and distribution, development of a human H5N1 vaccine, operationalizing screening and social distancing policies, and other non-pharmaceutical interventions. The planning of these interventions has been done in an attempt to lessen the cumulative mortality resulting from a hypothetical H5N1 pandemic. In this theoretical study, we consider the natural limitations on an H5N1 pandemic''s mortality imposed by the virus'' epidemiological–evolutionary constraints. Evolutionary theory dictates that pathogens should evolve to be relatively benign, depending on the magnitude of the correlation between a pathogen''s virulence and its transmissibility. Because the case fatality of H5N1 infections in humans is currently 60 per cent, it is doubtful that the current viruses are close to their evolutionary optimum for transmission among humans. To describe the dynamics of virulence evolution during an H5N1 pandemic, we build a mathematical model based on the patterns of clinical progression in past H5N1 cases. Using both a deterministic model and a stochastic individual-based simulation, we describe (i) the drivers of evolutionary dynamics during an H5N1 pandemic, (ii) the range of case fatalities for which H5N1 viruses can successfully cause outbreaks in humans, and (iii) the effects of different kinds of social distancing on virulence evolution. We discuss two main epidemiological–evolutionary features of this system (i) the delaying or slowing of an epidemic which results in a majority of hosts experiencing an attenuated virulence phenotype and (ii) the strong evolutionary pressure for lower virulence experienced by the virus during a period of intense social distancing.  相似文献   

新世纪流感大流行的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年从墨西哥开始暴发了一场席卷全世界的流感疫情.此次大流行的毒株,甲型H1N1病毒,包含了猪源、禽源和人源流感病毒的基因片段.研究该毒株的基因重配、进化历程及其生物学特性,将对防控此次流行具有重要意义.目前,该毒株的遗传进化关系已明确,通过遗传性状分析可获知该毒株可能的生物学性状,但流感大流行动向、毒株遗传变化、毒力及致病性变化仍在密切监控中.流感病毒生态系统具有复杂性,其基因组易突变、易重配、易在自然宿主保存,使得流感大流行存在一定的必然性.正视流感大流行的威胁,积极提高流感病毒在生态系统中的监控,加强流行病学调查,发展疫苗与药物,建立有效公共卫生保障体系,才能降低流感大流行的破坏性.  相似文献   

目的探讨人、禽流感病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性,为下一步研究H6亚型禽流感病毒重配和致病性变异的分子机制奠定基础。方法野鸭源A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒A/Mallard/SanJiang/275/2007以101EID50~106EID50的攻毒剂量经鼻内途径感染小鼠,通过临床症状观察、病毒滴定和病理切片观察进行病毒学和组织学两方面检测对小鼠的致病性;同时,将此病毒与2009年A/H1N1流感病毒A/Changchun/01/2009(H1N1)混合感染豚鼠,分析两株病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性。每天采集豚鼠鼻洗液并用噬斑纯化技术获得重配病毒,对获得的重配病毒进行全基因组序列的测定。结果 H6N1亚型禽流感病毒能直接感染小鼠,但对小鼠不致死。106EID50的攻毒剂量可有效感染小鼠,攻毒后第5天,小鼠表现出被毛较粗乱、活动减少、体重下降、呼吸急促的临床症状,但至攻毒后第10天开始康复,而对照组(MOCK)小鼠在14 d的观察期内无明显临床症状。病毒滴定结果表明,该病毒主要在小鼠肺脏和鼻甲骨中复制,病毒滴度可达104.5EID50/mL。病理学观察发现感染小鼠肺泡壁增厚,有大量炎性细胞浸润,纤维蛋白渗出并伴有轻微出血;在A/H6N1和A/H1N1混合感染豚鼠的重配实验中,经过三轮噬斑纯化从豚鼠鼻洗液中分离到6株重配病毒,说明A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒与A/H1N1亚型流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,能在豚鼠体内能发生重配。结论野鸭源A/H6N1亚型流感病毒无需适应就能够感染哺乳动物;该病毒与A/H1N1流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,在哺乳动物体内能够发生基因重配,产生新的重配病毒,其公共卫生意义应引起高度关注。  相似文献   

A phase III observational study evaluating a single-dose of an inactivated, split-virus, unadjuvanted AH1pdm vaccine in HCW was conducted. A safe and effective vaccine was needed after the emergence of AH1pdm in April 2009. We analyzed the immunogenicity and safety of the vaccine. A total of 409 subjects were enrolled and given 15 μg hemagglutinin antigen by s.c. injection. Antibody titers were measured using hemagglutination-inhibition antibody assays before vaccination and 28 days after. The co-primary immunogenicity end-points were the proportion of subjects with antibody titers of 1:40 or more, the proportion of subjects with either seroconversion or a significant increase in antibody titer, and the factor increase in geometric mean titer. We collected 389 pair samples. Antibody titers of 1:40 or more were observed in 148 of 389 subjects (38.0%, 95% CI: 33.2-42.9). The immunogenicity was also confirmed in other end-points, but was not sufficient and was lower than in previous reports. A total of 96 of adverse events was reported: 51 local events and 57 systemic events. There were 12 subjects with both local and systemic events. Nearly all events were mild to moderate except in four subjects. A single 15-μg dose of AH1pdm vaccine did not induce sufficient immunogenicity in HCW, with mild-to-moderate vaccine-associated adverse events. We need to consider further improvement of the AH1pdm vaccine program in HCW for the prevention of nosocomial infection, as well as for the benefit of HCW.  相似文献   

Vaccination with the non-adjuvanted split-virion A/California/7/2009 influenza vaccine (pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine) began in October 2009 in Japan. The present study was designed to assess the effect of prior vaccination with a seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine on the antibody response to the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine in healthy adult volunteers. One hundred and seventeen participants aged 22 to 62 were randomly assigned to two study groups. In Group 1 (the priming group), participants were first vaccinated with the seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine followed by two separate one-dose vaccinations of the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine, whereas in Group 2 (the non-priming group), the participants were first vaccinated with one dose of the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine, followed by simultaneous vaccination of the seasonal trivalent vaccine and the second dose of the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine. The participants in Group 2 had a seroprotection rate (SPR) of 79.7% and a seroconversion rate (SCR) of 79.7% in the hemagglutination-inhibition test after the first dose of the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine, indicating that the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine is sufficiently immunogenic. On the other hand, the participants of Group 1 had a significantly weaker antibody response, with a SPR of 60.8% and a SCR of 58.5%. These results indicate that prior vaccination with the seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine inhibits the antibody response to the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine. Therefore, the pandemic H1N1 2009 vaccine should be administered prior to vaccination with the seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

为了探讨甲型H1N1流感病毒氢氧化铝佐剂疫苗对小鼠的免疫作用及对小鼠繁殖性能的影响,以不同剂量、不同免疫程序免疫小鼠后定期采血;用血凝抑制(HI)方法检测血清H1N1流感病毒HI抗体滴度,观察H1N1流感病毒佐剂疫苗对小鼠受孕、产仔、哺乳的影响;比较孕鼠及非孕鼠的抗体滴度,免疫后孕鼠所产仔鼠的体重及H1N1胎传抗体水平。结果显示,以0.5μg组开始的不同剂量、不同免疫程序均可使小鼠产生90倍以上水平的H1N1流感病毒抗体;免疫后的小鼠不影响受孕、产仔及哺乳;仔鼠保护性抗体可持续1个月以上。H1N1流感病毒佐剂疫苗是一种高免疫原性的制剂,用低剂量免疫,即可产生90倍以上持续时间较长的保护性抗体。这种佐剂疫苗对小鼠的繁殖性能无明显影响,免疫产生的抗体经胎盘可垂直传递给仔鼠。  相似文献   

It is not well-known whether apoptosis signaling affects influenza virus infection and reproduction in human lung epithelial cells. Using A549 cell line, we studied the relationship of some apoptosis-associated molecules with novel pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus, A/California/04/2009. Infected cells displayed upregulated Fas ligand, activated FADD and caspase-8, and downregulated FLIP in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. p53 expression increased and Bcl-XL expression decreased in the intrinsic pathway. Expression of pre-apoptotic molecules (FasL, FADD, and p53) increased virus replication, while inhibition of activity of FADD, caspase-8 and caspase-3, and expression of anti-apoptotic proteins (FLIP and Bcl-XL) decreased virus replication. p38, ERK and JNK from MAPK pathways were activated in infected cells, and inhibition with their inhibitors diminished virus replication. In the p38 superfamily, p38α expression increased viral RNA production, while expression of p38β and p38γ decreased. These data indicated that influenza virus induces apoptotic signaling pathways, which benefit virus replication.  相似文献   



Influenza virus has antigen drift and antigen shift effect, vaccination with some influenza vaccine might not induce sufficient immunity for host to the threat of other influenza virus strains. S-OIV H1N1 and H5N1 influenza vaccines in single-dose immunization were evaluated in mice for cross protection to the challenge of A/California/7/2009 H1N1 or NIBRG-14 H5N1 virus.


Both H1N1 and H5N1 induced significant homologous IgG, HAI, and microneutralization antibody responses in the mice, while only vaccines plus adjuvant produced significant heterogeneous IgG and HAI antibody responses. Both alum and MPLA adjuvants significantly reduced the S-OIV H1N1 vaccine dose required to elicit protective HAI antibody titers from 0.05 μg to 0.001 μg. Vaccines alone did not protect mice from challenge with heterogeneous influenza virus, while H5N1 vaccine plus alum and MPLA adjuvants did. Mouse body weight loss was also less significant in the presence of adjuvant than in the vaccine without adjuvant. Furthermore, both H1N1 and H5N1 lung viral titers of immunized mice were significantly reduced post challenge with homologous viruses.


Only in the presence of MPLA adjuvant could the H5N1 vaccine significantly reduce mouse lung viral titers post H1N1 virus challenge, and not vice versa. MPLA adjuvant induced cross protection with a single dose vaccination to the challenge of heterogeneous influenza virus in mice. Lung viral titer seemed to be a better indicator compared to IgG, neutralization antibody, and HAI titer to predict survival of mice infected with influenza virus.  相似文献   

On 15 April and 17 April 2009, novel swineorigin influenza A (H1N1) virus was identifi ed in specimens obtained from two epidemiologically unlinked patients in the United States. The ongoing outbreak of novel H1N1 2009 influenza (swine influenza) has caused more than 3,99,232 laboratory confi rmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 and over 4735 deaths globally. This novel 2009 influenza virus designated as H1N1 A/swine/California/04/2009 virus is not zoonotic swine flu and is transmitted from person to person and has higher transmissibility then that of seasonal influenza viruses. In India the novel H1N1 virus infection has been reported from all over the country. A total of 68,919 samples from clinically suspected persons have been tested for influenza A H1N1 across the country and 13,330 (18.9%) of them have been found positive with 427 deaths. At the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi India, we tested 1096 clinical samples for the presence of novel H1N1 influenza virus and seasonal influenza viruses. Of these 1096 samples, 194 samples (17.7%) were positive for novel H1N1 influenza virus and 197 samples (18%) were positive for seasonal influenza viruses. During outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases accurate and rapid diagnosis is critical for minimizing further spread through timely implementation of appropriate vaccines and antiviral treatment. Since the symptoms of novel H1N1 influenza infection are not specifi c, laboratory confi rmation of suspected cases is of prime importance.  相似文献   

目的比较分析H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒感染小鼠病理学损伤特点,初步探讨两种病毒感染致小鼠急性肺损伤的致病机制。方法 H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒分别感染小鼠,观察不同病毒感染后小鼠生存率,并于不同时间点取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、肠等组织,伊红-苏木素染色并进行组织病理学分析,免疫组化检测病毒抗原分布及中性粒细胞浸润。综合分析肺组织病理损伤与病毒复制、宿主免疫反应之间的关系。结果 H7N9病毒感染小鼠肺及脾脏损伤较轻,存活率较高。H1N1病毒感染的小鼠肺及脾脏损伤较重,感染后9 d全部死亡;两种病毒抗原主要分布于支气管上皮细胞、少量间质细胞和肺泡上皮细胞,病毒复制水平无明显差异。但H1N1病毒感染后肺及脾脏中均有大量中性粒细胞浸润,小鼠机体炎症反应明显强于H7N9病毒感染后小鼠炎症反应。结论 H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒感染后小鼠病理学损伤特点及程度均不同,病毒复制是小鼠肺损伤的诱发因素但并非决定因素,宿主针对病毒感染产生的免疫反应程度与急性肺损伤密切相关。  相似文献   

53例重症甲型H1N1流感临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解重症甲型H1N1流感的临床特点,探索其治疗方法。方法回顾性分析53例重症甲型H1N1流感患者的临床资料,总结其临床规律及特点。结果重症甲型H1N1流感好发于20~40岁,20例(37.74%)伴有各种基础疾病。51例(96.23%)有发热,且48例(90.57%)为首发症状,多伴随有畏寒、咳嗽、咳痰、乏力、胸闷和气急等症状。发病早期血常规检查白细胞及中性粒细胞多正常或下降;胸部影像学检查提示33例(62.26%)患者继发不同程度的支气管炎或肺炎。患者经奥司他韦或帕拉米韦抗病毒治疗及相应的抗感染、针对基础疾病治疗等,除2例患者自动出院外,余均痊愈出院。结论重症甲型H1N1流感起病急,早诊断、早期积极合理治疗,能改善预后。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a pre-clinical study of the immunogenicity and efficacy of an egg-derived, inactivated, whole-virion adjuvanted vaccine (Refluvac®) on ferret models. For this purpose, groups of eight ferrets (6 to 7 months old) were injected with 0.5 mL of vaccine specimens containing 3.75, 7.5 or 15.0 μg of virus hemagglutinin. Administration was intramuscular and given either as a single dose or as two doses 14 days apart. All vaccine specimens manifested immunogenicity in ferrets for single (HI titer, from 51 ± 7 to 160 ± 23) and double (HI titer, from 697 ± 120 to 829 ± 117) administrations. To assess the protective effects of the vaccine, ferrets from the vaccinated and control groups were infected intranasally with pandemic virus A/California/7/09 (H1N1) pdm09 at a dose of 106 EID50/0.5 mL. Fourteen days post-infection, the ferrets inoculated with single or double vaccines containing 3.75, 7.5 or 15.0 μg of hemagglutinin per dose showed no signs of influenza infection, weight loss, or body temperature rise, and no premature deaths occurred. The number of vaccinated ferrets shedding the virus via the upper airway, as well as the amount of virus shed after infection, was significantly reduced in comparison with animals from the control group. Based on our results, we suggest that a single vaccination at a dose of 3.75 or 7.5 μg hemagglutinin be used for Phase I clinical trials.  相似文献   

Using plasmid-based reverse genetics, we generated a molecularly altered virus, H5N1/PR8-5B19, containing modified HA and NA genes from A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (GS/GD/1/96). In the H5N1/PR8-5B19 virus, the HA cleavage site was modified to resemble that of low-pathogenic avian strains and a portion of the NA stalk region was replaced by the immunodominant 5B19 epitope of the S2 glycoprotein of murine hepatitis virus (MHV). H5N1/PR8-5B19 is not lethal to embryonated eggs or chickens. Chickens immunized with the H5N1/PR8-5B19 inactivated vaccine produced high levels of HI antibody and a measurable antibody response against the MHV 5B19 epitope, and were fully protected against subsequent challenge with different highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses. H5N1/PR8-5B19 is therefore an attractive marker vaccine candidate, eliciting a strong, protective antibody response and enabling serological discrimination between vaccinated and wild-type virus-infected chickens.  相似文献   

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