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Biodiversity in tropical rainforests is heavily influenced by land use/cover change (LUCC), but so far there have been few LUCC studies conducted in Africa. We present several methods that make use of remotely sensed data and landscape metrics and allow for assessment of the development of land cover and thus forest fragmentation and disturbance over a substantial period of time. The study covers Kakamega Forest and its associated forest areas in western Kenya, over the last 30 years. The accuracy of a supervised multispectral classification of Landsat time series data encompassing seven time steps between 1972 and 2001 is numerically assessed using ground truth reference data considering the 2001 time step. Here, buffering the forest areas by 1 km, highest user's accuracies for the forest classes ‘near natural + old secondary forest’ (87.50%), ‘secondary forest’ (80.00%) and ‘bushland/shrubs’ (81.08%) are revealed. Images of a spatially distributed fragmentation index derived from the land cover time series by applying a three by 3 pixel‐sized moving window to determine forest pixels’ adjacency, highlight trends in forest fragmentation, e.g. the splitting into two separate forests along the Yala/Ikuywa corridor. Calculations of mean fragmentation indices for the Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Eastern Africa (BIOTA‐East Africa) focus research areas are used to evaluate the fragmentation index and to demonstrate its potential to extrapolate (e.g. biological) field findings in space and time. Here we argue for a correlation of the fragmentation indices results not only with forest management regimes, but with population distribution and accessibility (e.g. by roads). A cluster analysis applying the isodata‐algorithm on the classification results of all seven times steps allows for a rapid visual assessment of the distinct pattern of typical land cover development trends since 1972. This reveals that parts of Kakamega Forest have experienced severe forest loss while others, especially in the north‐east, show signs of succession.  相似文献   

Distributional shifts in species ranges provide critical evidence of ecological responses to climate change. Assessments of climate-driven changes typically focus on broad-scale range shifts (e.g. poleward or upward), with ecological consequences at regional and local scales commonly overlooked. While these changes are informative for species presenting continuous geographic ranges, many species have discontinuous distributions—both natural (e.g. mountain or coastal species) or human-induced (e.g. species inhabiting fragmented landscapes)—where within-range changes can be significant. Here, we use an ecosystem engineer species (Sabellaria alveolata) with a naturally fragmented distribution as a case study to assess climate-driven changes in within-range occupancy across its entire global distribution. To this end, we applied landscape ecology metrics to outputs from species distribution modelling (SDM) in a novel unified framework. SDM predicted a 27.5% overall increase in the area of potentially suitable habitat under RCP 4.5 by 2050, which taken in isolation would have led to the classification of the species as a climate change winner. SDM further revealed that the latitudinal range is predicted to shrink because of decreased habitat suitability in the equatorward part of the range, not compensated by a poleward expansion. The use of landscape ecology metrics provided additional insights by identifying regions that are predicted to become increasingly fragmented in the future, potentially increasing extirpation risk by jeopardising metapopulation dynamics. This increased range fragmentation could have dramatic consequences for ecosystem structure and functioning. Importantly, the proposed framework—which brings together SDM and landscape metrics—can be widely used to study currently overlooked climate-driven changes in species internal range structure, without requiring detailed empirical knowledge of the modelled species. This approach represents an important advancement beyond predictive envelope approaches and could reveal itself as paramount for managers whose spatial scale of action usually ranges from local to regional.  相似文献   

祖悦晴  魏妍儿  张曦文  于德永 《生态学报》2022,42(17):6937-6947
快速的城市化过程带来的生境斑块破碎化及损失会影响物种迁移、捕食等生态活动,对生物多样性构成威胁。然而,现有生态保护区可能无法覆盖其内生物的必要活动范围。生态保护区外的生境斑块对于维持生态过程也具有重要作用,因此识别生态保护区外的关键斑块并加以保护非常重要。以北京市延庆区为研究区,划分两种生境斑块,即核心生境斑块和潜在生境斑块,并基于图论构建生境网络。考虑地表覆盖类型、坡度、人类活动等因素构建生境阻力面。结合未来土地利用类型变化的模拟,研究城市化过程对区域生境网络和景观连接度的影响,选用CLUE-S模型模拟土地利用类型变化的格局。结合生境斑块特征和未来城市土地利用变化情况设计了3种未来生境变化情景。利用连接概率指数(PC)和网络连接度变化率(dI)评价不同生境变化情景下生态保护区外潜在生境斑块的景观连接度重要性,判断保护优先顺序,并分析景观格局变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响。结果表明:生态保护区外的全部潜在生境斑块对维持生境整体景观连接度有最大2.15%的影响,单个潜在生境斑块对维持景观连接度有最大0.28%的影响。此外,景观格局及其变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响差异显著,因此需针对保护物种和城市生境特征设计保护方案,研究区需要优先保护大中型斑块和位于关键位置的小型斑块。为了满足对生物多样性保护的需求,建议在区分生境斑块保护优先顺序时考虑生境斑块对景观连接度的贡献和城市化扩展过程的压力。研究为城市生物多样性保护和生境管理提供了方法参考。  相似文献   

Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes can be increased with conversion of some production lands into 'more-natural'- unmanaged or extensively managed - lands. However, it remains unknown to what extent biodiversity can be enhanced by altering landscape pattern without reducing agricultural production. We propose a framework for this problem, considering separately compositional heterogeneity (the number and proportions of different cover types) and configurational heterogeneity (the spatial arrangement of cover types). Cover type classification and mapping is based on species requirements, such as feeding and nesting, resulting in measures of 'functional landscape heterogeneity'. We then identify three important questions: does biodiversity increase with (1) increasing heterogeneity of the more-natural areas, (2) increasing compositional heterogeneity of production cover types and (3) increasing configurational heterogeneity of production cover types? We discuss approaches for addressing these questions. Such studies should have high priority because biodiversity protection globally depends increasingly on maintaining biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Summary I argue here that, from the perspective of any individual, most landscapes are composed of only three basic types of habitats. These are: (1) source habitat in which reproduction exceeds mortality and the expected per capita growth rate is greater than one; (2) sink habitat, in which limited, reproduction is possible but will not on average, compensate for mortality and the per capita rate of growth is between zero and one; and (3) unusable habitat, which comprises the matrix of all habitats that are never exploited by the species in question, and in which patches of source and sink habitats are embedded. Unlike earlier source-sink models, this model explicitly considers the effects that substituting one type of habitat for another has on the equilibrium size of a population and the interactions between species which can use both source and sink habitats. The model demonstrates that the equilibrium size of a species' population can sometimes be increased by substituting unusable habitat for sink habitat. Thus, even though the average patch quality in the landscape may be decreased, the overall quality of the landscape can increase. For two species with distinct habitat preferences, interactions between species can vary qualitatively as well as quantitatively as a function of the relative abundances of each of the habitat types. The model also shows that the interactions between species are particularly sensitive to the relative costs of moving between patches and sampling patches to determine their quality. Recent fragmentation of natural landscapes may increase the cost of searching for usable (source or sink) patches. Under some conditions, the interspecific interactions may be substantially more negative (competitive) than the interactions that evolved in the original natural landscape, further reducing population sizes and increasing the likelihood of competitive exclusion in fragmented modern landscapes.  相似文献   

宏生态尺度上景观破碎化对物种丰富度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的地理格局及其形成机制是宏生态学与生物地理学的研究热点。大量研究表明,景观尺度上的生境破碎化对物种多样性的分布格局具有重要作用,但目前尚不清楚这种作用是否足以在宏生态尺度上对生物多样性地理格局产生显著影响。利用中国大陆鸟类和哺乳动物的物种分布数据,在100 km×100 km网格的基础上生成了这两个类群生物的物种丰富度地理格局,进一步利用普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型研究了物种丰富度与气候、生境异质性、景观破碎化的相关关系。结果表明,景观破碎化因子与鸟类和哺乳动物的物种丰富度都具有显著的关联关系,其方差贡献率可达约30%—50%(非空间模型)和60%—80%(空间模型),略低于或接近于气候和生境异质性因子。方差分解结果显示,景观破碎化因子与气候和生境异质性因子的方差贡献率的重叠部分达20%—40%。相对鸟类而言,景观破碎化对哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局具有更高的解释率。  相似文献   

景观格局-土壤侵蚀研究中景观指数的意义解释及局限性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刘宇  吕一河  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2011,31(1):267-275
景观格局分析是景观生态学研究的重要组成部分。景观指数是景观格局分析的有力工具。近年来,景观格局与土壤侵蚀关系的相关研究增多,常规景观格局指数得到应用。但针对土壤侵蚀过程的景观指数意义解释不足,景观指数在刻画景观格局-土壤侵蚀过程关系存在局限。选择了连接性、多样性、边界/斑块密度、形状4个方面的12个常用景观指数,对这些指数在景观格局-土壤侵蚀过程关系研究中的意义进行阐述,对指数应用的局限性及其原因进行了分析。景观数据属性、景观指数本身性质和土壤侵蚀过程的复杂性使得常规景观格局指数在景观格局-土壤侵蚀关系研究中存在不足。这3方面的影响使得常规景观格局指数与土壤侵蚀表征变量之间不存在确定的关系,从而难以通过景观指数来表征景观土壤侵蚀特征。缺乏土壤侵蚀过程基础是常规景观指数在土壤侵蚀研究应用中存在局限的主要原因。因此,构建基于土壤侵蚀过程的景观指数是景观格局-土壤侵蚀关系研究的需要和新的发展方向。  相似文献   

南京市区景观破碎化过程中的斑块规模结构动态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张明娟  刘茂松  徐驰  王磊 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1358-1363
基于南京市1988、1998和2003年3期TM影像,将农田、林地、居民聚居地及在建用地按斑块面积分为16个级别,研究了景观破碎化过程中,不同级别斑块数量的变化情况。结果表明,农田面积持续萎缩,破碎度上升,中小型斑块数量以较稳定速度增长;林地总面积略有波动,大中型斑块数量较为稳定,而中小型斑块受城市化进程影响,数量高度不稳定;居民聚集地在1988~1998年以在原有基础上扩张为主,在1998~2003年出现了大量新斑块,且两个时段的各级别斑块数量增长率呈极显著负相关;在建用地数量迅速增长,土地利用更加规模化。以上表明,斑块类型和大小对斑块的稳定性及变化趋势均有影响。  相似文献   

景观格局指数间相关关系对植被覆盖度等级分类数的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚建周  夏北成 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4075-4085
运用景观指数进行景观格局分析已成为景观生态学的主要研究方法。但是,由于景观本身的复杂性以及景观格局指数之间的相关性,其应用与发展受到制约。选用面积/周长/密度、形状和蔓延度等3类共28个指数,以广州市中心城区为研究区域,以TM遥感影像为数据源形成植被覆盖度等级图,在景观类型水平上探讨各类型内指数之间的相关性及其对景观分类数的敏感程度。相关性分析表明:景观格局指数间都存在一定的相关性,但是相关程度差异较大,其中面积/周长/密度类指数间的相关性最强,蔓延度类指数其次,形状类指数间独立性相对较强。敏感性分析结果显示:117个指数对的相关关系都随景观分类数发生变化,根据其变化类型和程度,可以分为简单型、分段型、复杂型等3种指数关系响应的类型,分别包括12、31和74对指数;敏感曲线还表明4或5是指数对之间相关关系最敏感的分类数;不仅如此,分类数对景观格局指数之间相关关系的影响程度因景观格局指数所属的类别而异,面积/周长/密度类型指数不敏感,其次是蔓延度类指数,最敏感的是形状类指数;最后,研究结果表明景观格局指数间的相关性对分类数的敏感性存在较大的空间变异。  相似文献   

Land‐use change modifies the spatial structure of terrestrial landscapes, potentially shaping the distribution, abundance and diversity of remaining species assemblages. Non‐human primates can be particularly vulnerable to landscape disturbances, but our understanding of this topic is far from complete. Here we reviewed all available studies on primates' responses to landscape structure. We found 34 studies of 71 primate species (24 genera and 10 families) that used a landscape approach. Most studies (82%) were from Neotropical forests, with howler monkeys being the most frequently studied taxon (56% of studies). All studies but one used a site‐landscape or a patch‐landscape study design, and frequently (34% of studies) measured landscape variables within a given radius from the edge of focal patches. Altogether, the 34 studies reported 188 responses to 17 landscape‐scale metrics. However, the majority of the studies (62%) quantified landscape predictors within a single spatial scale, potentially missing significant primate–landscape responses. To assess such responses accurately, landscape metrics need to be measured at the optimal scale, i.e. the spatial extent at which the primate–landscape relationship is strongest (so‐called ‘scale of effect’). Only 21% of studies calculated the scale of effect through multiscale approaches. Interestingly, the vast majority of studies that do not assess the scale of effect mainly reported null effects of landscape structure on primates, while most of the studies based on optimal scales found significant responses. These significant responses were primarily to landscape composition variables rather than landscape configuration variables. In particular, primates generally show positive responses to increasing forest cover, landscape quality indices and matrix permeability. By contrast, primates show weak responses to landscape configuration. In addition, half of the studies showing significant responses to landscape configuration metrics did not control for the effect of forest cover. As configuration metrics are often correlated with forest cover, this means that documented configuration effects may simply be driven by landscape‐scale forest loss. Our findings suggest that forest loss (not fragmentation) is a major threat to primates, and thus, preventing deforestation (e.g. through creation of reserves) and increasing forest cover through restoration is critically needed to mitigate the impact of land‐use change on our closest relatives. Increasing matrix functionality can also be critical, for instance by promoting anthropogenic land covers that are similar to primates' habitat.  相似文献   

Hanski's critique of the habitat amount hypothesis (Hanski, 2015, Journal of Biogeography, 42 , 989–993) does not actually constitute a test of the hypothesis, but rather a series of arguments for why he suspects that it is not correct. But the habitat amount hypothesis is exactly that – a hypothesis. It will remain ‘just’ a hypothesis until it has been rigorously tested against empirical data. To facilitate such testing, in Fahrig (2013, Journal of Biogeography, 40 , 1649–1663) I presented specific, testable predictions of the hypothesis. Here, I reiterate the main tests needed, in the hope that some readers will be encouraged to carry them out. I appreciate this opportunity to emphasize that the habitat amount hypothesis needs to be tested against empirical data, and I look forward to seeing the results of such tests.  相似文献   

Landscape dynamics are common phenomenon in the human‐dominated environments whereby it can be observed that the composition and configuration between landscape elements change over time. This dynamism brings about habitat loss and fragmentation that can greatly alter ecosystem services at patch, class, and landscape levels. We conducted a study to examine composition and configuration of forested landscape in the central highlands of Ethiopia using satellite images of over a period of four decades, and FRAGSTAT raster dataset was used to analyze fragmentation. Our result showed five land use/land cover (LULC) types in the study area. Cultivated land and settlement land increased at the expense of forestland, shrubland, and grassland. Fragmentation analysis showed the number of patches increased for all LULC types, indicating the level of fragmentation and interspersion. Juxtaposition increased for shrubland, grassland, and cultivated lands and decreased for settlement and forestland resulting in the fragmentation and isolation of patches. The study of LULC along with fragmentation at the landscape level can help improve our understanding of the pace at which conversion of landscape elements is happening and the impacts on ecosystem services as studies of LULC are courser in nature and would not show how each land use is reducing in size, proximity and shape among other things that determine ecosystem services. Such type of studies in rural landscapes are very vital to consider appropriate land management policies for the landscape level by taking into account the interaction between each element for sustainable development. We recommend land managers, conservationists, and land owners for observing the roles of each patch in the matrix to maximize the benefits than focusing on a single element.  相似文献   

刘焱序  彭建  王仰麟 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7769-7780
景观格局的改变被视为城市热岛形成的直接原因,但景观格局指标与热岛效应的关联机理仍未厘清。城市规模、景观组分、空间构型作为景观格局的重要表征指标,对热岛效应的影响体现了从整体到局部、从数量到空间的递进关系。其中,城市规模与热岛效应的关联存在地带性规律;景观组分与热岛效应的相关性受昼夜、季节控制;显著驱动热岛效应的关键空间构型指标仍有待遴选。景观格局与热岛效应的非线性关联可能存在拐点,拐点前后对应不一致的因子驱动强度。科学界定城市规模、景观组分、空间构型等景观格局要素显著影响热岛效应的阈值区间,有助于明晰缓解城市热岛效应的关键景观生态途径。  相似文献   

Abstract Species need to disperse at a broad range of spatial scales, the recognition of which has spawned programmes such as Wildlands and WildCountry that aim to restore large‐scale connectivity. To achieve connectivity, a first step is to understand how wildlife uses existing remnants. In this study we examine the effect of remnant isolation and condition on the reptile fauna of fragmented mallee habitats in southern Australia. In three replicate landscapes we use pitfall traps to survey reptiles in five landscape elements: Conservation Park, connected, disconnected and isolated fragments, and the agricultural matrix. Reptile species richness, abundance, abundance of snakes, skinks and the 10 most common species had no significant association with landscape elements, excluding the matrix. This was despite a substantial reduction in plant species richness in the fragments, particularly of shrubs. Only seven individual reptiles were captured in the matrix, most on one site with deep sandy soils. The farmland on clay soils appeared to be relatively impermeable for reptiles, although four species could traverse 100 m of cleared sand‐dune. The lack of an isolation effect suggests that populations in remnants are persistent, or that occasional dispersal by common reptiles maintains populations. In contrast with common species, fewer rare species were captured in remnants compared with the Conservation Park, implying that some species may be entirely excluded from the remnants. Our study suggests that the spatial configuration and condition of the fragments sustain populations of many common reptile species. Remnants will therefore be invaluable as attempts are made to restore landscape‐scale permeability. However, additional conservation effort should be made to restore plant species that have been lost from the agricultural landscape. Future research should aim to better define the suite of reptile species that may not be able to use the remnants at all.  相似文献   

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