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We investigated the functional morphology of lingual prey capture in the blue‐tongued skink, Tiliqua scincoides, a lingual‐feeding lizard nested deep within the family Scincidae, which is presumed to be dominated by jaw‐feeding. We used kinematic analysis of high‐speed video to characterize jaw and tongue movements during prey capture. Phylogenetically informed principal components analysis of tongue morphology showed that, compared to jaw‐feeding scincids and lacertids, T. scincoides and another tongue‐feeding scincid, Corucia zebrata, are distinct in ways suggesting an enhanced ability for hydrostatic shape change. Lingual feeding kinematics show substantial quantitative and qualitative variation among T. scincoides individuals. High‐speed video analysis showed that T. scincoides uses significant hydrostatic elongation and deformation during protrusion, tongue‐prey contact, and retraction. A key feature of lingual prey capture in T. scincoides is extensive hydrostatic deformation to increase the area of tongue‐prey contact, presumably to maximize wet adhesion of the prey item. Adhesion is mechanically reinforced during tongue retraction through formation of a distinctive “saddle” in the foretongue that supports the prey item, reducing the risk of prey loss during retraction.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between the degree of tongue‐coating and oral function. Background: Tongue‐coating is a moss‐like deposit which forms over the tongue surface, and includes micro‐organisms, food residues, and abrasive epithelia. It is considered that motor function of the tongue and lips and saliva secretion decrease in the aged and have some effect on the accumulation of tongue‐coating. Although saliva secretion has been reported as a factor amongst these oral functions in contributing to tongue‐coating, the correlation with the motor function of oral structures is unknown. Subjects and methods: The factors that contribute to the accumulation of tongue‐coating were examined in 48 subjects of advanced age (mean age 80.8 ± 7.8 years) with no severe levels of periodontal disease. Changes in the degree of tongue‐coating were also examined after oral functional training in these subjects. The frequency of oral cleaning, status of oral hygiene, motor function of the tongue, and masticatory performance were examined as potential factors associated with the degree of coating. Results: The results showed that tongue pressure and the frequency of oral diadochokinesis measured by pronouncing the single syllable ‘ka’ as an indicator were statistically significantly correlated with the degree of tongue‐coating. Several factors in oral function improved with training, and also the degree of tongue‐coating decreased in 27 subjects. Conclusion: These results suggest a correlation between the degree of tongue‐coating and a reduction in lingual motor function and, in addition, possible improvement in level of coating by functional training of the tongue.  相似文献   

The kinematics of tongue projection by terrestrial adult California newts, Taricha torosa (Rathke, 1833), are described based upon high-speed cinematography. Tongue projection results from coupled anterior movements of the ceratohyals and branchial arches. Four distinct periods are defined during a projection sequence: preparation, tongue projection, tongue recovery and mouth closing. Key anatomical correlates of projection are described, with special emphasis on the mobility of the hyoid arch. Adult Taricha (Gray, 1850) have lost the mandibulo-hyoid ligament and reduced additional connective tissues present in larvae. These changes decouple the hyoid arch from mouth opening and release the ceratohyals to participate in a tongue projection system distinct from those of ambystomatids and plethodontids. These phylogenetic differences pose questions about the evolution of tongue projection systems in terrestrial urodeles. Currently available data are consistent with the interpretation that terrestrial urodeles have independently evolved specialized tongue projection systems at least twice: the ceratohyal-stable mode of plethodontids and the ceratohyal-mobile system of newts. In all cases, an essential underlying (= plesiomorphic) feature is the presence of the depressor mandibulae muscle. We regard this pathway for mouth opening as a prerequisite which liberated the hyobranchium for alternative function. Comprehensive studies of the mandibulo-hyoid ligament and depressor mandibulae will be vital to modelling the evolution of specialized tongue projection systems of urodeles.  相似文献   

We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system.  相似文献   

The morphology of in vitro excysted metacercariae of Himasthia rhigedana was studied by light microscopy, enzyme histochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The body surface is covered with longitudinal rows of pointed spines which extend from the anterior end to just below the acetabulum. Histochemical methods for acid and alkaline phosphatases, β-glucoronidasc, leucine aminopeplidase, nonspecific esterase, acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholincsterase, chymotrypsin-like protease, α-galactosidase and β-galactosidase were applied to the excysted metacercariae. Certain systems of the metacercaria containing these enzymes showed positive reactions to the appropriate methods and were selectively visualized. Reactions for alkaline phosphatase occur throughout most of the excretory system while acid phosphatase occurs in the gut, oral, and ventral suckers. Reactions for nonspecific esterases and cholinesterascs are found throughout the nervous system, in the gut, and in the oral and ventral suckers. The results of including specific inhibitors or activators in the incubation medium after preineubation m 10?5m diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate (E-600) suggested that A-and C-typc esterases are present in the gut. Inclusion of 10?4m eserine in the incubation medium abolished cholinesterase activity in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Although interspecific differences in the relative development of molar occlusal features have been documented for most primate species, wear-related changes in these features are only beginning to be understood. In the present study, the notch between the metaconid and entoconid of M2 was examined in a skeletal sample of Macaca fascicularis, Presbytis cristatus, and Presbytis rubicunda from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Photogrammetric analyses yielded X, Y, and Z coordinates that were used to compute three angular measurements and two length measurements at the lingual notch. Statistical analyses of measurements from unworn dentitions indicated that the mesial slope of the entoconid is steeper than the distal slope of the metaconid in all three species. In addition, interspecific comparisons demonstrated that P. cristatus has the steepest lingual notch bordered by the largest molar shearing crests, while P. rubicunda and M. fascicularis have molar shearing crests of similar size, with P. rubicunda merely having higher cusps that are closer together than those of M. fascicularis. Fanally, P. cristatus shows a smaller decrease in lingual cusp relief with wear than M. fascicularis, while P. cristatus and P. rubicunda probably show similar decreases in lingual cusp relief with wear. The differences in wear-related changes in lingual cusp relief between M. fascicularis and P. cristatus may well be related to the frugivorous/folivorous dietary differences between these species.  相似文献   

The major salivary glands of birds develop by branching or elongation of the epithelial cords. The development of the minor salivary glands in form of the lingual glands has never been described. Among birds, only Anatidae have three types of the lingual glands: rostral, caudo‐lateral, and caudo‐medial lingual glands. The study aims to characterize the manner and rate of the lingual glands development in the domestic duck and their topographical arrangement relative to the hyoid apparatus. The study reveals that all three types of the lingual glands develop by branching. We describe five stages of the lingual glands development in the domestic ducks: prebud, initial bud, pseudoglandular, canalicular, and terminal bud stage. The pattern of the lingual glands development in birds is similar to that described for mammals, with the exception, that the terminal buds are formed at the same time as the lumen of the glands. Generally, the rostral lingual gland starts to branch earlier than the caudal lingual glands. The 3D‐reconstruction shows the location and direction of lingual gland development relative to the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy allow to characterize the histogenesis of the embryonic epithelium into glandular epithelium. At a time of hatching only secretory units of caudal lingual glands resemble the secretory units of the adult domestic duck. The rostral and caudo‐lateral lingual glands are arranged on the sides of the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone and caudo‐madial lingual glands are located over the basibranchial bone. We suggest that such an arrangement of the lingual glands in the domestic duck is important during food intake and responsible for reduction of friction and formation of food bites.  相似文献   

Long-stalked glandular hairs of outer and inner involucral bracts of Sigesbeckia jorullensis, which are important for epizoic fruit propagation, were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The essential oil secreted by the hairs was analysed by chromatographic methods including gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and with a laser microprobe mass analyser. The glandular hairs consisted of a large multicellular stalk and a multicellular secreting head. The apical layer of glandular head cells was characterized by leucoplasts and calcium oxalate crystals. Below the apical cells there were up to six layers of cells containing many chloroplasts around the nucleus and surrounded by vacuoles filled with flavonoids and tannins. The essential oil originating in the head cells was secreted into the subcuticular space and may be liberated by rupture of the cuticle. It was mainly composed of sesqui- and diterpenes, with the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon germacrene-D as the main component. Monoterpenes, n-alkanes and their derivatives as well as flavonoid aglycones were also detected. The stickiness of the essential oil is probably associated with the high content of oxygenated sesqui- and diterpenes. In addition to long-stalked trichomes, small biseriate trichomes occurred, secreting small quantities of essential oil into a subcuticular space.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112087
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The basic structure and the physiological function of human sweat glands were reviewed. Histochemical and cytochemical techniques greatly contributed the elucidation of the ionic mechanism of sweat secretion. X-ray microanalysis using freeze-dried cryosections clarified the level of Na, K, and Cl in each secretory cell of the human sweat gland. Enzyme cytochemistry, immunohistochemistry and autoradiography elucidated the localization of Na,K-ATPase. These data supported the idea that human eccrine sweat is produced by the model of N-K-2Cl cotransport. Cationic colloidal gold localizes anionic sites on histological sections. Human eccrine and apocrine sweat glands showed completely different localization and enzyme sensitivity of anionic sites studied with cationic gold. Human sweat glands have many immunohistochemical markers. Some of them are specific to apocrine sweat glands, although many of them stain both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Histochemical techniques, especially immunohistochemistry using a confocal laser scanning microscope and in situ hybridization, will further clarify the relationship of the structure and function in human sweat glands.  相似文献   

All amphibians are thought to possess two distinct types of dermal gland: mucous and granular. Mucous glands typically produce an acidic, flocculent and carbohydrate positive secretion that keeps skin moist and helps maintain homeostasis. In this study, we use a battery of histochemical tests to identify these traditional mucous glands in the dermis of the plethodontid salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii . The periodic acid-Schiff, alcian blue, toluidine blue and carmine reactions reveal the absence of both acidic glycosaminoglycans and traditional mucous glands. Instead, E. eschscholtzii produces neutral mucus in specialized granular glands, which we name mucus-producing granular glands (MPGGs). The loss of traditional mucous glands is a derived trait for Ensatina .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 469–477.  相似文献   

Summary Postnatal changes in wing morphology, flight ability, muscle morphology, and histochemistry were investigated in the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus. The pectoralis major, acromiodeltoideus, and quadriceps femoris muscles were examined using stains for myofibrillar ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and mitochondrial -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (-GPDH) enzyme reactions. Bats first exhibited spontaneous, drop-evoked flapping behavior at 10 days, short horizontal flight at 17 days, and sustained flight at 24 days of age. Wing loading decreased and aspect ratio increased during postnatal development, each reaching adult range before the onset of sustained flight. Histochemically, fibers from the three muscles were undifferentiated at birth and had lower oxidative and glycolytic capacities compared to other age groups. Cross-sectional areas of fibers from the pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus muscles increased significantly at an age when dropevoked flapping behavior was first observed, suggesting that the neuromuscular mechanism controlling flapping did not develop until this time. Throughout the postnatal growth period, pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus muscle mass and fiber cross-sectional area increased significantly. By day 17 the pectoralis muscle had become differentiated in glycolytic capacity, as indicated by the mosaic staining pattern for -GPDH. By contrast, the quadriceps fibers were relatively large at birth and slowly increased in size during the postnatal period. Fiber differentiation was evident at the time young bats began to fly, as indicated by a mosaic pattern of staining for myosin ATPase. These results indicate that flight muscles (pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus) are less well developed at birth and undergo rapid development just before the onset of flight. By contrast the quadriceps femoris muscle, which is required for postural control, is more developed at birth than the flight muscles and grows more slowly during subsequent development.  相似文献   

In tetrapods, the ability to ingest food on land is based on certain morphological features of the oropharynx in general and the feeding apparatus in particular. Recent paleoecological studies imply that terrestrial feeding has evolved secondarily in turtles, so they had to meet the morphological oropharyngeal requirements independently to other amniotes. This study is designed to improve our limited knowledge about the oropharyngeal morphology of tortoises by analyzing in detail the oropharynx in Manouria emys emys. Special emphasis is placed on the form and function of the tongue. Even if Manouria is considered a basal member of the only terrestrial turtle clade and was hypothesized to have retained some features reflecting an aquatic ancestry, Manouria shows oropharyngeal characteristics found in more derived testudinids. Accordingly, the oropharyngeal cavity in Manouria is richly structured and the glands are large and complexly organized. The tongue is large and fleshy and bears numerous slender papillae lacking lingual muscles. The hyolingual skeleton is mainly cartilaginous, and the enlarged anterior elements support the tongue and provide insertion sides for the well‐developed lingual muscles, which show striking differences to other reptiles. We conclude that the oropharyngeal design in Manouria differs clearly from semiaquatic and aquatic turtles, as well as from other reptilian sauropsids. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The pituitary system of the hagfish remains an enigma. The present study has aimed to detect possible adenohypophysial hormones in the pituitary gland of the brown hagfish, Paramyxine atami, by means of immunohistochemistry in combination with lectin histochemistry. Rabbit antisera raised against ovine luteinizing hormone (LH)β, proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-related peptides, and the growth hormone/prolactin family of tetrapod and fish species were used, and 25 kinds of lectins were tested. Three different types of adenohypophysial cells were revealed in the pituitary of brown hagfish. The first was stained with both anti-ovine LHβ and several D-mannose-binding lectins, such as Lens culinaris agglutinin and Pisum sativum agglutinin. This cell type predominated in the adenohypophysis in adults with developing gonads and thus appeared to be involved in the regulation of gonadal functions. The second was negative for anti-ovine LHβ but was stained with several N-acetylglucosamine-binding lectins, such as wheat germ agglutinin and Lycopersicon esculentum lectin. This cell type exhibited a weak positive reaction with anti-lamprey adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and thus appeared to be related to POMC-like cells. The second cell type was found in the adenohypophysis regardless of the developmental state of the gonads. The third cell type was negative for both antisera and lectins. Since this cell type was numerous in juveniles and adults without developing gonads, most cells of this type were probably undifferentiated. These findings suggest that GTH and ACTH are major adenohypophysial hormones in the hagfish. This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (to M.N.).  相似文献   

To compare rectal gland morphology of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas , animals captured in the freshwater reaches of the Brisbane River, Australia, were acclimated to sea water over 17 days with 1 week in the final salinity. A control group was left in fresh water for 17 days. Animals in fresh water and sea water were strongly hyper- and hypo-ionic with respect to plasma Na+ and Cl, respectively. This difference necessitates NaCl secretion by the rectal gland in sea water and conservation of NaCl in fresh water. Structural differences in the rectal gland of freshwater and seawater acclimated bull sharks were limited. There was no difference in rectal gland cross-sectional area, lumen area, rectal gland vein area, number of secretory tubules or secretory cells per secretory tubule in freshwater and seawater acclimated animals. At a cellular level, there was no difference between the degree of basolateral and lateral folding, number of mitochondria or number of desmosomes per tight junction. Tight junction width was significantly greater in seawater acclimated animals. The number of red blood cells in the interstitial tissue was also significantly higher in seawater acclimated animals, possibly as a result of increased blood perfusion of the secretory epithelia. The lack of major structural changes in the rectal glands of bull sharks acclimated to fresh water and sea water most likely represents the salinity gradient in the Brisbane River where animals are found throughout the river and can experience large fluctuations in salinity over short distances. Differences in rectal gland morphology of bull sharks in fresh water and sea water are discussed in terms of their relevance to osmoregulation in elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

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