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American woodcock (Scolopax minor; woodcock) migratory connectivity (i.e., association between breeding and wintering areas) is largely unknown, even though current woodcock management is predicated on such associations. Woodcock are currently managed in the Eastern and Central management regions in the United States with the boundary between management regions analogous to the boundary between the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways, based largely on analysis of band returns from hunters. Factors during migration influence survival and fitness, and existing data derived from banding and very high frequency telemetry provide only coarse-scale information to assess factors influencing woodcock migratory movement patterns and behavior. To assess whether current management-region boundaries correspond with woodcock migratory connectivity in the Central Management Region and to describe migration patterns with higher resolution than has been previously possible, we deployed satellite transmitters on 73 woodcock (25 adult and 28 juvenile females, and 8 adult and 12 juvenile males) and recorded 87 autumn or spring migration paths from 2014 to 2016. Marked woodcock used 2 primary migrations routes: a Western Route and a Central Route. The Western Route ran north-south, connecting the breeding and wintering grounds within the Central Management Region. The hourglass-shaped Central Route connected an area on the wintering grounds reaching from Texas to Florida, to sites throughout northeastern North America in both the Eastern Management Region and Central Management Region and woodcock following this route migrated through the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi Alluvial Valley in western Tennessee during autumn and spring. Two of 17 woodcock captured associated with breeding areas in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota migrated to wintering sites in the Eastern Management Region and 12 marked woodcock captured on wintering areas in Texas and Louisiana migrated to breeding sites in the Eastern Management Region. Woodcock that used the Western Route exhibited high concentrations of stopovers during spring in the Arkansas Ozark Mountains and northern Missouri, and along the Mississippi River on the border between Wisconsin and Minnesota, and autumn concentrations of stopovers in southwestern Iowa, central Missouri, the Arkansas portion of the Ozark Mountains, and around the junction of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Woodcock that used the Central Route exhibited high concentrations of stopovers during spring in northern Mississippi through western Tennessee, western Kentucky, and the Missouri Bootheel, and autumn concentrations of stopovers in northern Illinois, southwestern Ohio, and the portions of Kentucky and Tennessee west of the Appalachian Mountains. We suggest that current management of woodcock based on 2 management regions may not be consistent with the apparent lack of strong migratory connectivity we observed. Our results also suggest where management of migration habitat might be most beneficial to woodcock. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Little is known about the migration ecology of the American woodcock (Scolopax minor). From 2001 to 2003, we began a 3-year study to document woodcock fall migration routes, rates, and habitat use from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, USA. Some 586 radiomarked woodcock initiated migration. During 224 hours of aerial telemetry, we located 42 radiomarked woodcock in 6 states. Using locations of radiomarked birds, we speculated woodcock migration routes in the central United States. Stopover duration often exceeded 4 days, with some birds stopping longer than a week. Radiomarked birds were located in upland habitats more frequently than bottomland habitats, and used a higher proportion of mature forest than expected. A Geographic Information System was used to map potential woodcock habitat in the Central Region. Based on our results, we identified possible fall migration routes and priority areas for woodcock management in the Central Region. Our results should be used by land managers to prioritize future land acquisition and management of woodcock habitat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Band-recovery and wing-collection survey data have the potential to provide information on American woodcock (Scolopax minor) fall migration ecology in the Central Region of the United States, yet researchers have not recently analyzed these extensive data sets. We analyzed all direct recoveries of woodcock banded in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, USA, as well as wing-collection survey data, to determine the progression of fall migration, the migration direction, and the final destination of woodcock migrating from these states. We did not observe migration initiation based on band recoveries until late October and early November, with most migration occurring during November. Wing-receipt data showed a similar trend, with most change in mean receipt latitude occurring from 1 November to 5 December. During November, wing receipts were spread through the entire Central Region. By 15–31 December, 92% (n = 26) of band recoveries were on the wintering grounds (south of latitude 33°N). Most banded woodcock from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin wintered in Louisiana, USA. Woodcock banded in these states will be exposed to harvest for most of the hunting season because they remain in these states through November. If the population status of local birds is a concern, managers should consider this migration pattern when setting season dates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Investigation of bird migration has often highlighted the importance of external factors in determining timing of migration. However, little distinction has been made between short- and long-distance migrants and between local and flight birds (passage migrants) in describing migration chronology. In addition, measures of food abundance as a proximate factor influencing timing of migration are lacking in studies of migration chronology. To address the relationship between environmental variables and timing of migration, we quantified the relative importance of proximate external factors on migration chronology of local American woodcock (Scolopax minor), a short distance migrant, using event-time analysis methods (survival analysis). We captured 1,094 woodcock local to our study sites in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (USA) during autumn 2002–2004 and documented 786 departure dates for these birds. Photoperiod appeared to provide an initial proximate cue for timing of departure. Moon phase was important in modifying timing of departure, which may serve as a navigational aid in piloting and possibly orientation. Local synoptic weather variables also contributed to timing of departure by changing the rate of departure from our study sites. We found no evidence that food availability influenced timing of woodcock departure. Our results suggest that woodcock use a conservative photoperiod-controlled strategy with proximate modifiers for timing of migration rather than relying on abundance of their primary food, earthworms. Managing harvest pressure on local birds by adjusting season lengths may be an effective management tool with consistent migration patterns from year to year based on photoperiod.  相似文献   

Abstract The Singing-Ground Survey (SGS) is a primary source of information on population change for American woodcock (Scolopax minor). We analyzed the SGS using a hierarchical log-linear model and compared the estimates of change and annual indices of abundance to a route regression analysis of SGS data. We also grouped SGS routes into Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) and estimated population change and annual indices using BCRs within states and provinces as strata. Based on the hierarchical model–based estimates, we concluded that woodcock populations were declining in North America between 1968 and 2006 (trend = −0.9%/yr, 95% credible interval: −1.2, −0.5). Singing-Ground Survey results are generally similar between analytical approaches, but the hierarchical model has several important advantages over the route regression. Hierarchical models better accommodate changes in survey efficiency over time and space by treating strata, years, and observers as random effects in the context of a log-linear model, providing trend estimates that are derived directly from the annual indices. We also conducted a hierarchical model analysis of woodcock data from the Christmas Bird Count and the North American Breeding Bird Survey. All surveys showed general consistency in patterns of population change, but the SGS had the shortest credible intervals. We suggest that population management and conservation planning for woodcock involving interpretation of the SGS use estimates provided by the hierarchical model.  相似文献   

2006年12月~2007年2月,采用秩变换分析法对北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区越冬灰鹤群的觅食栖息地选择规律进行了研究.在保护区18种土地利用类型中,灰鹤的觅食柄息地主要为玉米地、沼泽草甸、水库冰面和草场等4种.越冬灰鹤对玉米地的选择性最高,草场的选择性最低,说明北京地区越冬灰鹤对人类活动的依赖性很大.同时发现,烧荒、翻地等耕作方式会大大降低食物的可获得性,影响灰鹤的觅食效率.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding landscape structure and the role of habitat linkages is important to managing wildlife populations in fragmented landscapes. We present a data-based method for identifying local- and regional-scale habitat linkages for American black bears (Ursus americanus) on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula of North Carolina, USA. We used weights-of-evidence, a discrete multivariate technique for combining spatial data, to make predictions about bear habitat use from 1,771 telemetry locations on 2 study areas (n = 35 bears). The model included 3 variables measured at a 0.2-km2 scale: forest cohesion, forest diversity, and forest-agriculture edge density, adequately describing important habitat characteristics for bears on our study area. We used 2 categories of unique habitat conditions to delineate favorable bear habitat, which correctly classified 79.5% of the bear locations in a 10-fold model validation. Forest cohesion and forest-agriculture edge density were the most powerful predictors of black bear habitat use. We used predicted probabilities of bear occurrence from the model to delineate habitat linkages among local and regional areas where bear densities were relatively high. Our models clearly identified 2 of the 3 sites previously recommended for wildlife underpasses on a new, 4-lane highway in the study area. Our approach yielded insights into how landscape metrics can be integrated to identify linkages suitable as habitat and dispersal routes.  相似文献   

李凌晨  周立志  程磊  姚简  宋昀微 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7731-7745
水鸟是湿地生境质量的重要指示性动物类群,可敏感地反映湿地环境变化。浅水通江湖泊消落带具有复杂多样的生境和丰富的食物资源,是水鸟特别是越冬水鸟的重要聚集区,其食物资源的丰富度和可获得性受水文节律影响。在极端洪水作用下,消落带生境变化对越冬水鸟群落结构及其多样性的影响是一个值得关注的水鸟及湿地生态学问题。选择了具有典型消落带生境的升金湖作为研究区域,对2019年(正常水位)和2020年(异常水位)两个越冬季水鸟的数量、种类进行调查统计,分析了消落带的生境变化情况对越冬水鸟群落结构的影响。2019年越冬期,记录到水鸟(50984.20±9595.71)只(n=5),隶属7目13科51种;2020年越冬期,记录到水鸟(27923.00±13808.47)只(n=5),隶属7目12科53种。整个越冬季消落带的水鸟种类略增但数量减少,2019年游禽中的优势种为豆雁,2020年游禽中的优势种增加为豆雁和斑嘴鸭,但涉禽中的优势种由白琵鹭、反嘴鹬、凤头麦鸡转变为苍鹭、大白鹭和反嘴鹬。洪水导致的草滩-水域混合区生境面积减小使湿生植物退化,可能是导致以豆雁为主的食苔草水鸟数量大幅度减少的重要原因;因湖水延迟...  相似文献   

Populations of many Afro-Palearctic birds have declined, with those wintering in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, particularly affected. In this study we investigated the relationship between habitat characteristics and Wood Warbler presence/absence in the Centre Region of Cameroon. A total of six transects were established in three habitat types (forest, forest–savanna transitional zone and savanna). Call playback surveys were conducted monthly from November 2015 to April 2016 to determine Wood Warbler presence/absence. Detailed habitat measurements were also recorded in each transect. A total of 86 responses were recorded: 33 (mean 6.6 ± 2.3) in forest habitat, 47 (mean 9.4 ± 3.36) in the forest–savanna transitional zone, and 6 (mean 2 ± 1.1) in savanna habitat. Wood Warbler presence increased significantly with the number of trees between 3 and 7 m in height, and decreased significantly with the number of shrubs between 0.5 and 3 m in height. Anthropogenic disturbance such as the agricultural cycle and burning were not found to have an effect on Wood Warblers presence/absence. We conclude that Wood Warblers overwinter in all three habitat types with probability of detection greatest in the forest–savanna transitional habitat with a relatively low canopy and an open understorey. Forest clearance in sub-Saharan Africa potentially threatens wintering habitat for Wood Warblers.  相似文献   

A fragmentary skull of a small passerine from the mid-Holocene organic-rich deposits at Florisbad, South Africa, shows a pattern of distinctive characters that allows its identification as a Cercomela chat. It resembles most closely the Familiar Chat C. familiaris and Karoo Chat C. schlegelii, which are still part of the avifauna in this part of South Africa. Furthermore, the significance of several characters of the skull for hypotheses on the phylogeny of Muscicapoidea in general, and Saxicolinae in particular, is discussed.  相似文献   

American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor) are a high priority species of conservation need across most of their breeding range due to long‐term population declines. Survival of juveniles may be key to understanding these population declines, but there have been few direct estimates of juvenile woodcock survival rates, and no recent assessment of the possible effect of radio‐tagging on juvenile survival. In 2011 and 2012, we radio‐tagged 73 juvenile American Woodcocks in west‐central Minnesota and compared survival rates of radio‐tagged (N = 58) and non‐radio‐tagged (N = 82) juveniles during the period from hatching to fledging. We compared survival rates of juveniles with known fates and used logistic‐exposure models to assess the potential impact of radio‐transmitters on survival. We evaluated variables related to juvenile survival including age, hatch date, maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, and year to assess the possible effects of radio‐transmitters. The best‐supported model of survival rate of juvenile American Woodcocks included the interaction of age and year and a negative effect of precipitation (β = ?0.76, 85% CI: ?1.08 to ?0.43), but did not include a negative effect of transmitters. Our results suggest that radio‐transmitters did not impact survival of juvenile American Woodcocks and that transmitters are a reliable tool for studying survival of juvenile American Woodcocks, and perhaps other precocial shorebirds.  相似文献   

Migratory birds can spend 8 months of the year on their wintering grounds and the conversion of natural habitats to agriculture in Latin America has been implicated in population declines of several Neotropical migrants. Despite this, few studies have directly assessed the value of agricultural habitat for wintering migrants. We compared the condition and survival of Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) occupying natural (riparian forest, scrub-mangrove) and agricultural habitat (annually cropped sorghum, corn, and chili-peppers separated by hedgerow) in western Mexico. We assessed condition with five metrics (daily and seasonal changes in size-adjusted body mass, leukocyte profiles, rectrix regrowth rate, rectrix quality, and dates of departure on spring migration). We used Cormack–Jolly–Seber models fitted to mark-resighting data collected over 4 years (2012–2015) to estimate January–May monthly survival rates. We found that birds occupying agricultural habitat and riparian forest had higher monthly apparent survival between January and May than birds in scrub-mangrove. Birds in agricultural habitat also grew higher quality feathers (i.e., rectrices with a higher barbule density) than those in natural habitat. In contrast, birds in agricultural habitat were lighter than those in riparian habitat. We found no detectable effect of winter habitat use on daily or season changes in size-adjusted mass and H/L ratios, although the effect of winter habitat use on departure rates differed for males and females. Our results demonstrate that agricultural habitat may provide suitable winter habitat for a long-distance migrant and suggest that feather quality can be an indicator of winter habitat quality.  相似文献   

The coverage probabilities of several confidence limit estimators of genetic parameters, obtained from North Carolina I designs, were assessed by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The reliability of the estimators was compared under three different parental sample sizes. The coverage of confidence intervals set on the Normal distribution, and using standard errors either computed by the “delta” method or derived using an approximation for the variance of a variance component estimated by means of a linear combination of mean squares, was affected by the number of males and females included in the experiment. The “delta” method was found to provide reliable standard errors of the genetic parameters only when at least 48 males were each mated to six different females randomly selected from the reference population. Formulae are provided for obtaining “delta” method standard errors, and appropriate statistical software procedures are discussed. The error rates of confidence limits based on the Normal distribution and using standard errors obtained by an approximation for the variance of a variance component varied widely. The coverage of F-distribution confidence intervals for heritability estimates was not significantly affected by parental sample size and consistently provided a mean coverage near the stated coverage. For small parental sample sizes, confidence intervals for heritability estimates should be based on the F-distribution.  相似文献   

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