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Primers for 16 microsatellite loci were developed for the trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), a species recovering from a recent population bottleneck. In a screen of 158 individuals, the 16 loci were found to have levels of variability ranging from two to seven alleles. No loci were found to be linked, although two loci repeatedly revealed significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Amplification in the closely related tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus) was successful for all except one locus. These microsatellite loci will be applicable for population genetic analyses and ultimately aid in management efforts.  相似文献   

Eggs collected from captive trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in 1993 (n = 33) and 1994 (n = 42) were artificially incubated with careful monitoring to identify factors contributing to the low hatch success reported by the Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program. Fertility was > 80% in both years, whereas hatch success of fertile eggs was 14.3% (n = 4) of 28 eggs in 1993 and 37.1% (n = 13) of 35 eggs in 1994. Necropsy of non‐viable eggs indicated a high incidence of embryonic mortality during early and late incubation. Early embryonic mortality was associated with egg storage times exceeding 7 days (P < 0.05) and bacterial contamination of eggs (P < 0.01). Late mortality was associated with (P < 0.001) increased weight loss during incubation period and may have resulted from incubator temperature and humidity fluctuations. We established patterns of weight loss for eggs and determined that hatched eggs lost 11–15% of initial mass and that weight loss >15% resulted in embryo mortality. Results from this study indicate that collection and handling of eggs before incubation and precise control of the incubator environment are critical to hatchability of eggs. Zoo Biol 18:403–414, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Decreasing abundance of resident, nonmigratory trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), USA, raised concern that this population, which helped facilitate the restoration of the species across North America, may disappear. We quantified trends in abundance of resident and migratory trumpeter swans in YNP from 1967 to 2007 and investigated the potential mechanisms for declining population trends, including cessation of the supplemental feeding program and relocation programs outside of YNP, density dependence, and annual variations in environmental conditions. Estimated abundance of resident trumpeter swans in YNP ranged from 59 individuals in 1968 to 10 individuals in 2007. Using log-linear modeling, the best approximating model chosen from an a priori set of competing models estimated the annual growth rate (r) of resident swans from 1967 to 2007 was −0.036 (95% CI =−0.042 to −0.030, Akaike wt [wi] = 0.44). A competing model provided evidence that decreases in abundance became more dramatic after supplemental feeding of grain outside of YNP was terminated in winter 1992–1993 (1967–1992 = −0.027, 95% CI = −0.039 to −0.015; 1993–2007 = −0.053, 95% CI = −0.029 to −0.080; wi = 0.42). There was little evidence of density-dependent effects on the resident population growth rates (βYNPpop = 0.006, 95% CI = −0.017 to 0.007), but rates were lower following severe winters, wetter springs, and warmer summers. Our results indicate that the YNP population of trumpeter swans is decreasing and may act as a sink to surrounding populations. Thus, population levels of YNP trumpeter swans may depend on management outside the Park and we recommend the National Park Service collaborate with surrounding agencies in managing trumpeter swans throughout the Tri-state region where more productive habitats may exist.  相似文献   

For management purposes, the range of naturally occurring trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) has been divided into two populations, the Pacific Coast Population (PP) and the Rocky Mountain Population (RMP). Little is known about the distribution of genetic variation across the species’ range despite increasing pressure to make difficult management decisions regarding the two populations and flocks within them. To address this issue, we used rapidly evolving genetic markers (mitochondrial DNA sequence and 17 nuclear microsatellite loci) to elucidate the underlying genetic structure of the species. Data from both markers revealed a significant difference between the PP and RMP with the Yukon Territory as a likely area of overlap. Additionally, we found that the two populations have somewhat similar levels of genetic diversity (PP is slightly higher) suggesting that the PP underwent a population bottleneck similar to a well-documented one in the RMP. Both genetic structure and diversity results reveal that the Tri-State flock, a suspected unique, non-migratory flock, is not genetically different from the Canadian flock of the RMP and need not be treated as a unique population from a genetic standpoint. Finally, trumpeter swans appear to have much lower mitochondrial DNA variability than other waterfowl studied thus far which may suggest a previous, species-wide bottleneck.  相似文献   

The Mute swan ( Cygnus olor Gmelin (Anatidae)) is a common water bird of lowland freshwaters and coastal shallows. Its typical breeding system involves lifelong monogamous pairs which vigorously defend large breeding territories, sometimes killing intruding swans that are unable to escape. However, in some unusual circumstances (superabundant food coupled with limited nesting sites) Mute swans may nest colonially. At the only two colonies in southern England a rare allele for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was found to be unusually common and colony swans carrying this allele were shown to breed more successfully. This isolated finding could, however, have originated either from a chance 'founder' effect or from human management of the main colony. We now show that this allele is also significantly commoner at two recently formed colonies in Denmark, implying that the association between the allele and colonial breeding may be widespread and longstanding.  相似文献   


Identifying objectively measurable seasonal changes in 24-h activity patterns (rest-activity rhythms or RARs) that occur in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) could help guide research and practice towards new monitoring tools or prevention targets. We quantified RARs from actigraphy data using non-parametric and extended cosine based approaches, then compared RARs between people with SAD and healthy controls in the summer (n = 70) and winter seasons (n = 84). We also characterized the within-person seasonal RAR changes that occurred in the SAD (n = 19) and control (n = 26) participants who contributed repeated measures. Only controls had significant winter increases in RAR fragmentation (intra-daily variability; in controls mean winter-summer changes (log scale) = 0.05, 0.21 standard deviation, p = 0.03). In SAD participants only, estimated evening settling times (down-mesor) were an average of 30 min earlier in the winter compared with the summer (1-h standard deviation, p = 0.045). These RAR characteristics correlated with greater fatigue (Spearman r = 0.36) but not depression symptom severity. Additional research is needed to ascertain why healthy controls, but not people with SAD, appear to have increased RAR fragmentation in the winter. People with SAD lacked this increase in RAR fragmentation, and instead had earlier evening setting in the winter. Prospective and intervention studies with greater temporal resolution are warranted to ascertain how these seasonal behavioral differences relate to fatigue pathophysiology in SAD. Future research is needed to determine whether extending the winter active period, even in relatively fragmented bouts, could help reduce the fatigue symptoms common in SAD.  相似文献   

Long‐lived animals with a low annual reproductive output need a long time to recover from population crashes and are, thus, likely to face high extinction risk, if the current global environmental change will increase mortality rates. To aid conservation of those species, knowledge on the variability of mortality rates is essential. Unfortunately, however, individual‐based multiyear data sets that are required for that have only rarely been collected for free‐ranging long‐lived mammals. Here, we used a five‐year data set comprising activity data of 1,445 RFID‐tagged individuals of two long‐lived temperate zone bat species, Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) and Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii), at their joint hibernaculum. Both species are listed as being of high conservation interest by the European Habitats Directive. Applying mixed‐effects logistic regression, we explored seasonal survival differences in these two species which differ in foraging strategy and phenology. In both species, survival over the first winter of an individual's life was much lower than survival over subsequent winters. Focussing on adults only, seasonal survival patterns were largely consistent with higher winter and lower summer survival but varied in its level across years in both species. Our analyses, furthermore, highlight the importance of species‐specific time periods for survival. Daubenton's bats showed a much stronger difference in survival between the two seasons than Natterer's bats. In one exceptional winter, the population of Natterer's bats crashed, while the survival of Daubenton's bats declined only moderately. While our results confirm the general seasonal survival pattern typical for hibernating mammals with higher winter than summer survival, they also show that this pattern can be reversed under particular conditions. Overall, our study points toward a high importance of specific time periods for population dynamics and suggests species‐, population‐, and age class‐specific responses to global climate change.  相似文献   

Individual animal fitness can be strongly influenced by the ability to recognize habitat features which may be beneficial. Many studies focus on the effects of habitat on annual reproductive rate, even though adult survival is typically a greater influence on fitness and population growth in vertebrate species with intermediate to long lifespans. Understanding the effects of preferred habitat on individuals over the annual cycle is therefore necessary to predict its influences on individual fitness. This is particularly true in species that are resident and territorial year‐round in the temperate zone, which may face potential trade‐offs between habitat that maximizes reproduction and that which maximizes non‐breeding season (‘over‐winter’) survival. We used a 37‐year study of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia residing territorially year‐round on a small island to examine what habitat features influenced adult over‐winter survival, how site‐specific variation in adult survival vs. annual reproductive rate influenced long‐term habitat preference, and if preferred sites on average conferred higher individual fitness. Habitat features such as area of shrub cover and exposure to intertidal coastline predicted adult over‐winter survival independent of individual age or sex, population size, or winter weather. Long‐term habitat preference (measured as occupation rate) was better predicted by site‐specific annual reproductive rate than by expected over‐winter survival, but preferred sites maximized fitness on average over the entire annual cycle,. Although adult over‐winter survival had a greater influence on population growth (λ) than did reproductive rate, the influence of reproductive rate on λ increased in preferred sites because site‐specific variation in reproductive rate was higher than variation in expected over‐winter survival. Because preferred habitats tended to have higher mean site‐specific reproductive and adult survival rates, territorial birds in this population do not appear to experience seasonal trade‐offs in preferred habitat but are predicted to incur substantial fitness costs of settling in less‐preferred sites.  相似文献   

Quantifying survival and understanding underlying sources of variation are important for developing population models and informing management decisions. We estimated apparent survival (i.e., true survival less permanent emigration) for adult female white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) and lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) breeding at a northern boreal forest site in western Canada, 2002–2008. We also evaluated variation in survival relative to indices of breeding status, individual quality, spring weather conditions, local small-mammal abundance, and overwinter climate. Breeding female scoters had higher apparent survival than did nonbreeding females, suggesting that breeders had higher survival or fidelity to the study area, or that more nonbreeders were transient birds that may have bred elsewhere in subsequent years. Apparent survival rate for breeding female scoters was unrelated to other individual and environmental covariates. Nest-trapped female scaup had higher apparent survival rates than did prenesting females captured in decoy traps, implying that more pre-nesters dispersed permanently or died after marking. Nesting female scaup with higher body condition or those in years when small mammals were more abundant had higher apparent survival; associations between survival and other environmental covariates were less certain. Overall, apparent survival rate of breeding adult female scoters was lower than reported for scoters from other North American locations or for other sea duck species, whereas estimates for nesting female scaup were comparable with those from other boreal and prairie-parkland locations. Our results indicate that for scaup in this region, factors influencing female body condition, such as maintaining high-quality habitat, areas with abundant food or low disturbance, could improve annual survival. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

Seasonal migration in birds is known to be highly labile and subject to rapid change in response to selection, such that researchers have hypothesized that phylogenetic relationships should neither predict nor constrain the migratory behaviour of a species. Many theories on the evolution of bird migration assume a framework that extant migratory species have evolved repeatedly and relatively recently from sedentary tropical or subtropical ancestors. We performed ancestral state reconstructions of migratory behaviour using a comprehensive, well-supported phylogeny of the Parulidae (the 'wood-warblers'), a large family of Neotropical and Nearctic migratory and sedentary songbirds, and examined the rates of gain and loss of migration throughout the Parulidae. Counter to traditional hypotheses, our results suggest that the ancestral wood-warbler was migratory and that losses of migration have been at least as prevalent as gains throughout the history of Parulidae. Therefore, extant sedentary tropical radiations in the Parulidae represent losses of latitudinal migration and colonization of the tropics from temperate regions. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in migratory behaviour, and our results indicate that although migratory behaviour is variable within some wood-warbler species and clades, phylogeny significantly predicts the migratory distance of species in the Parulidae.  相似文献   

候鸟春季迁徙时间与其能否顺利完成迁徙过程,以及对繁殖地的成功选择和繁殖成效密切相关,通过对大天鹅越冬地和停歇地的春季迁徙时间选择原因及其影响因素进行分析,有助于深入理解候鸟春季迁徙时间策略和栖息地保护状况。2015年2月和12月,在河南三门峡湿地捕捉了60只越冬大天鹅并佩戴卫星跟踪器,获取了详细的大天鹅在越冬地和停歇地的春季迁徙时间等信息,并进一步分析了春季迁徙时间与气候因子的相关性。结果表明,大天鹅主要在夜间22:00-0:00和0:00-1:59迁离越冬地。大天鹅迁离越冬地的日期与温度呈显著性正相关,迁离时多选择顺风且风速较小的天气。大天鹅迁离越冬地后主要是在夜间飞行,而迁离停歇地后主要是在日间飞行。越冬地的温度越高,越有利于植物的生长,大天鹅可以快速地积累能量,提前开始春季迁徙。野外调查表明,内蒙古黄河中上游作为迁徙的重要停歇地,春季两岸捕鱼、农耕和放牧等为活动较多,因此大天鹅多选择在夜间觅食补充能量,在日间迁离。最后,针对黄河流域大天鹅栖息地的保护现状,提出了禁止经济开发项目、建立保护区和开展宣传教育等保护建议。  相似文献   

Male excess mortality is widespread among mammals and frequently interpreted as a cost of sexually selected traits that enhance male reproductive success. Sex differences in the propensity to engage in risky behaviours are often invoked to explain the sex gap in survival. Here, we aim to isolate and quantify the survival consequences of two potentially risky male behavioural strategies in a small sexually monomorphic primate, the grey mouse lemur Microcebus murinus: (i) most females hibernate during a large part of the austral winter, whereas most males remain active and (ii) during the brief annual mating season males roam widely in search of receptive females. Using a 10-year capture-mark-recapture dataset from a population of M. murinus in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar, we statistically modelled sex-specific seasonal survival probabilities. Surprisingly, we did not find any evidence for direct survival benefits of hibernation-winter survival did not differ between males and females. By contrast, during the breeding season males survived less well than females (sex gap: 16%). Consistent with the 'risky male behaviour' hypothesis, the period for lowered male survival was restricted to the short mating season. Thus, sex differences in survival in a promiscuous mammal can be substantial even in the absence of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. In central Japan, Drosophila curviceps Okada and Kurokawa was collected in spring and autumn but not in summer at lowlands (alt. 500–1200 m), while it was collected only in summer at highlands (1500–2000 m). Experiments on its thermal tolerance suggested that summer heat at the lowlands and winter low temperatures at the highlands were adverse to this species. It is considered that this species escapes from these extreme temperatures by undergoing seasonal migration between the lowlands and the highlands. This species had no photo-periodic diapause and bred at both lowlands and highlands.
2. D.immigrans Sturtevant was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than D.curviceps. It is considered that this species is unable to overwinter outdoors at least in the study areas (i.e. alt. 500m or higher in central Japan) and its populations in these areas originate with migrants from warmer areas.
3. D.albomicans Duda, a subtropical species, was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than the above two species.
4. Climatic adaptations and distributions of these species are discussed with reference to their thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

谭波  吴庆贵  吴福忠  杨万勤 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5175-5182
为深入了解川西亚高山-高山森林冬季生态学过程,于2008年11月—2009年10月,在土壤冻结初期、冻结期和融化期及植被生长季节,研究了不同海拔(3582 m、3298 m和3023 m)岷江冷杉林土壤养分动态及其对季节性冻融的响应。3个海拔森林土壤冬季具有较高养分含量,且随土壤冻融过程不断变化。土壤有机层可溶性碳和氮、铵态氮、硝态氮含量在冻结初期显著增加后快速降低,并随融化过程迅速增加后再次降低,而土壤可溶性碳和氮、硝态氮含量在冻结期变化不明显,铵态氮显著增加。矿质土壤层可溶性碳和氮、铵态氮含量也在冻结初期显著增加后降低,而土壤可溶性氮、铵态氮和硝态氮在冻结期显著增加,并在融化期经历一个明显的含量高峰。海拔和土层的交互作用显著影响土壤可溶性碳和硝态氮含量,土壤养分含量与土壤温度的相关性随海拔差异而不同。这表明季节性冻融期是土壤生态过程的重要时期,土壤冻融格局显著影响川西亚高山-高山森林土壤养分动态。  相似文献   

Wrasse used as cleaner fish with farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar can be subjected to large and rapid temperature and salinity fluctuations in late autumn and early winter, when summer-warmed surface water is affected by early snowmelt episodes. Because of their containment in sea cages, wrasse which are essentially acclimated to summer temperatures may be rapidly exposed to winter conditions. Short-term tolerance of low temperature and low salinity by three species of wrasse, goldsinny Ctenolabrus rupestris rock cook Centrolabrus exoletus corkwing Crenilabrus melops caught during the summer, and winter-caught corkwing, was investigated. A 3–day period at 30 or 32‰ salinity and temperature 8, 6 or 4° C (for summer-caught fish; 4° C only for winter-caught) was followed by a decline in salinity to 24, 16 or 8‰ over c. 36 h, followed by a further 24 h at these salinities held constant, at each of the three temperatures. Controls in 30 or 32‰ were maintained at 8, 6 or 4° C. Mortality of summer-caught corkwing and rock cook was high at 4° C, whereas the influence of salinity on mortality was small. Mortality of goldsinny was low or zero in all treatments. Surviving corkwing and rock cook after 3 days at 4° C and 32‰ salinity had elevated plasma osmolality: in summer-caught corkwing, plasma [Cl°] and [Na+] were high, whereas in rock cook only [Na+] was high. Haematocrit was low in summer-caught corkwing, high in rock cook. In survivors of all three species at the end of the experiment, values of all these parameters were comparable with those of fish at the beginning of the experiment, except that survivors at low salinity (8, 16‰) had low plasma osmolality, at all temperatures, and in surviving rock cook in these treatments haematocrit was high and plasma [Cl?] was low. Winter-caught corkwing had higher osmolality, [Na+] and [Cl?] than summer-caught corkwing; there was no difference in haematocrit. Survival of wintercaught corkwing exposed to four salinities at 4° C was much higher than that of summercaught corkwing under the same conditions. Little change in blood physiology was recorded for winter-caught corkwing, with only fish subjected to 8‰ and 4° C showing signs of osmoregulatory stress. The interspecific and seasonal differences in survival and blood physiology at low temperature and low salinity are discussed in relation to wrasse survival over winter, both in the field and in salmon farms.  相似文献   

熊河水库浮游植物群落结构的周年变化   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
张婷  李林  宋立荣 《生态学报》2009,29(6):2971-2979
自2007年5月至2008年4月对湖北省枣阳市熊河水库的浮游植物群落进行调查和分析.调查共发现浮游植物49属74种,绿藻在种类组成上占绝对优势,共40种,其次为蓝藻,有15种,硅藻11种,甲藻3种,金藻和裸藻各2种,隐藻仅1种.蓝藻存在夏季(7月)高峰,优势种为卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena circinalis);硅藻、隐藻和甲藻均存在一个春季(3或4月)高峰,优势种分别为双头针杆藻(Synedra amphicephala)、羽纹脆杆藻(Fragilaria pinnata)、卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata)和二角多甲藻(Peridinium bipes).Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数的年平均值分别是0.60、2.20、0.76和1.15.多样性指数和均匀度指数具有明显的季节变化规律,但无明显的空间分布规律.  相似文献   

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