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Book Reviews*     
Book reviewed in this article: Sociology and Psychology: Essays by Marcel Mauss. Translated by Ben Brewster Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo: A Study in Social Morphology. Marcel Mauss, in Collaboration with Henri Beauchat. Translated, with a Foreword by James J. Fox Role Theory. Bruce J. Biddle Social Anthropology and Law. Edited by Ian Hammett ASA Monograph 14 Order and Dispute. An Introduction to Legal Anthropology. Simon Roberts Islam and Politics in a Malay State. Kelantan. 1838–1969. Clive S. Kessler Himalayan Anthropology. The Indo-Tibetan Interface. Edited by James F. Fisher Applied Anthropology In America. Edited by Elizabeth M. Eddy and William L. Partridge Growing Up in Polynesia. By Jane and James Ritchie Human Adaptation. A Functional Interpretation. A. Roberto Frisancho The Anthropology of Health. Eleanor Bauwens Perspectives on Ethnicity. Edited by R. E. Holloman and S. A. Arutiunov Europe as a Cultural Area. Edited by Jean Cuisenier Modern Greek Humour: A Collection of Jokes and Ribald Tales. Ethelyn G. Orso Portraits of ‘The Whiteman’: Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols Mission to the Islands. The Missionary Voyages in in Bass Strait of Canon Marcus Brownrigg, 1872–1885. Edited, with an introduction by Stephen Murray-Smith Among Cannibals: Account of Four Years Travels in Australia, and of Camp Life with the Aborigines of Queensland. Carl Lumholtz. John Murray, London, 1889. Reprinted by Caliban Books But Now We Want the Land Back. A History of the Australian Aboriginal People Hannah Middleton A Matter of Justice. C. D. Rowley A Black Reality, Aboriginal Camps and Housing in Remote Australia. Edited by Australian Aboriginal Art: The Art of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory. Robert Edwards The Rainbow Serpent. A Chromatic Piece. Edited by Ira R. Buchler and Kenneth Maddock A Grammar of Yidin. R. M. W. Dixon Discourse and Inference in Cognitive Anthropology. An Approach to Psychic Unity and Enculturation. Edited by Marvin D. Loflin and James Silverberg Explorations in Language and Meaning: Towards a Semantic Anthropology. Malcolm Crick Approaches to Language. Anthropological Issues. Edited by William C. McCormack and Stephen A. Wurm Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory. Volume 1. Edited by Michael B. Schiffer Spatial Analysis in Archaeology. Ian Hodder and Clive Orton Stone Axe Studies. Archaeological, Petrological, Experimental, and Ethnographic. Edited by T. H. McK. Clough and W. A. Cummins. C.B.A. Megaliths, myths and men. An Introduction to Astro-Archaeology. Peter Lancaster Brown The Prehistory of Polynesia. Edited by Jesse D. Jennings New Zealand Journal of Archaeology , Volume 1. The New Zealand Archaeological Association Archaeological Research in the Cook Islands. Peter S. Bellwood Man's Conquest of the Pacific. The Prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania  相似文献   

Do the highly diverse fish faunas that associate with coral reefs have distinguishing taxonomic and ecological characteristics, as proposed by Choat and Bellwood (1991) and Bellwood (1996)? Does a 50?my old (Eocene) fossil fish fauna from Italy represent a coral-reef fish assemblage that provides unique information about the evolution of such assemblages, as claimed by Bellwood (1996)? I compared the structure of the reef fish faunas of adjacent tropical regions rich and poor in coral reefs, in both America and Polynesia, and found that they exhibit no substantive differences in relative species richness among families of typical “coral-reef” fishes. While coral-rich regions have larger reef fish faunas, a variety of factors probably contribute to such differences. Thus coral-reef fish faunas may lack a distinctive taxonomic structure. A similar comparative approach would be useful for assessing whether assemblages of fishes on coral reefs have distinctive ecological characteristics. Based on patterns of habitat use by modern tropical shorefishes, the Italian Eocene fauna includes few definite reef fishes, and may well consist primarily of non-reef fishes preserved in a non-reef habitat. Until we know more about the environment in which those fossils were preserved, that fauna can contribute little to understanding how coral reef fish assemblages have evolved.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Man the Hunter. Edited by Richard B. Lee and Irven DeVore Primates: Studies in Adaptation and Variability. Edited by Phyllis C. Jay The Unlucky Australians. By Frank Hardy. Nelson Megalithic Sites in Britain. By Alexander Thom The Development of Omaha Kinship Terminologies in Three Australian Aboriginal Tribes of the Kimberley Division, Western Australia. By Peter Lucich Kimberley Region: an annotated bibliography. Compiled by Beryl F. Craig San Bernadino Contla. By Hugo G. Nutini The Old Stone Age. By François Bordes. Translated by J. E. Anderson The Origins and Growth of Archaeology. By Glyn Daniel Conceptions of Kentucky Prehistory. By Douglas W. Schwartz The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. By Max Gluckman The Life History in Anthropological Science. By L. L. Langness. Holt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: New Guinea art In the collection of the Museum of Primitive Art. By Douglas Newton Wow-Ipits: Eight Asmat Woodcarvers of New Guinea. By Adrian A. Gerbrands Ethnomuslcology of the Flathead Indians. By Alan P. Merriam Beyond History: The Methods of Prehistory. By Bruce G. Trigger A Study of Archaeology. By Walter W. Taylor Atlas of African Prehistory. Compiled by J. Desmond Clark Aboriginal Technology — Some evidence from Kurnell Peninsula, Botany Bay. By F. P. Dickson Results of an Archaeological Survey of the Southern Region of Moreton Bay and of Moreton Island (1963–1964). By V. V. Ponosov Winbaraku and the Myth of Jarapiri. By C. P. Mountford Aboriginal Place Names of South-east Australia and their meanings. By Aldo Massola The Fatal Impact: an account of the invasion of the South Pacific 1767–1840. By Alan Moorehead Bedouin of the Negev. By Emanuel Marx The Gypsies. By Jean-Paul Clébert The Hutterites in North America. By John A. Exchange and Power in Social Life. By Peter M. Blau. John Wiley & Sons Social Stratification. By Melvin M. Tumin The Stages of Human Evolution-Human and Cultural Origins. By C. Loring Brace. Oceanic Mythology: The Myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia. By Roslyn Poignant. Paul Hamlyn Aboriginal Relationships Between Culture and Plant Life in The Upper Great Lakes Region. By Richard Asa Yarnell Wildpflanzen in der Ernahrung der Grundbevolkerung Melanesiens. By Barbara Treide. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig Heft 16. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin Southern Exposure. By Donald Home and David Beal Prehistoric Men. By Robert J. Braidwood Man-Apes or Ape-Men? By Sir Wilfred E. Le Gros Clark  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: People Without Government. An Anthropology of Anarchism. By Harold Barclay The Anarchists of Casas Viejas. By Jerome R. Mintz Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation. By Paul Ricoeur. Edited, translated and introduced by John B. Thompson The Anthropological Circle. Symbol, Function, History. By Marc Auge Sciences and Cultures. Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences. Edited by Everett Mendelsohn and Yehuda Elkana Australian Sociologies. By Diane J. Austin. George Allen & Unwin Social Inequality in Australian Society. By John S. Western Which Way Is Up? Essays on Class, Sex and Culture. By R. W. Connell. George Allen and Unwin The Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, Volume 1, January 1983. Edited by Graham E. Connah Pacific Cultural Material in New Zealand Museums. By Roger Neich A Prehistory of Australia, New Guinea and Sahul. By Peter White with James F. Connell The Alligator Rivers: Prehistory and Ecology in Western Arnhem Land. By Carmel Schrire Reward and Punishment in Arnhemland 1962–1963. By Edgar Wells Daughters of the Dreaming. By Diane Bell We Are Bosses Ourselves. The Status and Role of Aboriginal Women Today. Edited by Fay Gale Sorcerers and Healing Spirits. Continuity and Change in an Aboriginal Medical System. By Janice Reid Languages of Kinship in Aboriginal Australia. Edited by Jeffrey Heath, Francesca Merlan and Alan Rumsey Searching for Aboriginal Languages: Memoirs of a Field Worker. By Bob Dixon Vanuatu: Politics, Economics and Ritual in Island Melanesia. Edited by Michael Allen Gifts and Commodities. By C. A. Gregory The Political Economy of the South Pacific. By Michael C. Howard To Find the Baruya Story. A film by Allison and Marek Jablonko and Stephen Olsson. Her Name Came on Arrows. A film by Allison and Marek Jablonko and Stephen Olsson.  相似文献   

Pan African Asociation of Prehistory and Related Studies 10th Congress September 1995 1st announcement  相似文献   

Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory. Steven Mithen. ed. New York: Routledge, 1998. 300 pp.  相似文献   

Stone Tools: Theoretical Insights into Human Prehistory. George H. Odell. ed. New York: Plenum Press, 1996.401 pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Many Faces of Primitive Art: A Critical Anthology. By Douglas Fraser The Administration of the White Australia Policy. By A. C. Palfreeman The Territorial Imperative. By Robert Ardrey Collection of Specimens for Radiocarbon Dating and Interpretation of Results. By H. A. Landform Studies From Australia and New Guinea. Edited by J. N. Jennings and J. A. Mabbutt New Roads To Yesterday. Edited by Joseph R. Caldwell An Introduction to Human Geography. By J. H. G. Lebon Archaeology: An Illustrated Introduction. By Liam de Paor The Discovery of Egypt. By Leslie Greener. Cassell Masada. By Yigael Yadin. Weidenfeld and Nicolson Industrial Archaeology: An Introduction. By Kenneth Hudson Classical Greece. By C. M. Bowra. Time Inc. Archaeology of the Point St George Site, and Tolowa Prehistory. By Richard A The Prehistoric Animal Ecology and Ethno-zoology of the Upper Great Lakes Region. By Charles Edward Cleland Southern Africa. By Brian Fagan. Thames and Hudson Late Woodland Cultures of Southeastern Michigan. By James E. Fitting Australian Aboriginal Stone Implements. By F. D. McCarthy Ethnographic Atlas. By George Peter Murdock Glossa. A Journal of Linguistics Mathinna's People. By Nan Chauncey  相似文献   

The Land of Prehistory:. Critical History of American Archaeology. Alice Beck Kehoe. New York: Routledge, 1998. 288 pp.  相似文献   

The Settlement of the Americas:. New Prehistory. Tom D. Dillehay. New York: Basic Books, 2000. 371 pp.  相似文献   

How Chiefs Come to Power: The Political Economy in Prehistory. Timothy Earle. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.250 pp.  相似文献   

The Prehistory of Missouri. Michael J. O'Brien and W. Raymond Wood. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1998. 418 pp.  相似文献   

The Prehistory of Food: Appetites for Change. Chris Gosden and Jon Hather. eds. New York: Routledge, 1999. 523 pp.  相似文献   

Women in Prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica. Cheryl Claassen and Rosemary A. Joyce. eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. 300 pp.  相似文献   

Traces behind the Esmeraldas Shore: Prehistory of the Santiago-Cayapas Region, Ecuador. Warren R. DeBoer. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1996. 234 pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Australian Dreaming. 40.000 years of Aboriginal History . Edited by Jennifer Isaacs Radio Power. A History of 3ZZ Access Radio . By Joan Dugdale Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia Introduction to Australian Society: A Sociological Perspective . By Donald Edgar The New South Wales Wheat Frontier. 1851 to 1911 . By M. E. Robinson Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney. Heroin in Australia . By David Hirst Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland. The Quest for Gaia. A Book of Changes . By Kit Pedler Drinking Careers. Occupations, Drinking Habits, and Drinking Problems . By Martin A. Plant Northern Territory Department of Health, Darwin. Families in Former Times: Kinship, Household and Sexuality . By Jean-Louis Flandrin. Translated by Richard Southern Changing Images of the Family . Edited by Virginia Tufte and Barbara Myerhoff Department of Anthropology, Western Australian Museum. Give and Take. Exchange in Wola Society . By Paul Sillitoe Department of Prehistory and Anthropoloy, S.G.S. Caste: The Emergence of the South Asian Social System . By Morton Klass David Mearns Department of Anthropology, University of Adelaide. Anthropological Structures of Madness in Black Africa . By I. Sow. Translated by Joyce Diamenti Basic Problems of Ethnopsychiatry . By George Devereux Department of Anthropology, University of Otago. Who Should Know What? Social Science, Privacy and Ethics . By J. A. Barnes Department of Sociology, University of N.S.W. Arnold Van Gennep. The Creator of French Ethnography . By Nicole Belmont Department of Prehistory anrf Anthropology, Australian National University. Man, Mind, and Science. A History of Anthropology . By Murray J. Leaf Department of Sociology, University of N.S.W. The Conceptualisation and Explanation of Processes of Social Change . Edited by David Riches School of Behavioural Sciences, Macquarie University. Day of Shining Red. An Essay on Understanding Ritual . By Gilbert Lewis Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, Australian National University. Living Archaeology . By R. A. Gould. New Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of New England Experimental Determinatiou of Stone Tool Uses: A Microwear Analysis . By Lawrence H. Keeley Division of Prehistory, La Trobe University. Archaeological Constructs. An Aspect of Theoretical Archaeology . By Jean-Claude Gardin Division of Prehistory, La Trobe University. The Performing Arts. Music and Dance . Edited by John Blacking and Joann W. Kealiinohomoku Department of Sociology, University of New England.  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America: Contributions to Archaeological Method and Theory. Lawrence A. Kuznar. ed. Ann Arbor, MI: International Monographs in Prehistory, 2001. 309 pp.  相似文献   

Mummies and Mortuary Monuments:. Postprocessual Prehistory of Central Andean Social Organization. William H. Isbell. University of Texas Press, 1997. 372 pp.  相似文献   

North American Indian Jewelry and Adornment: From Prehistory to the Present. Lois Sherr Dubin. New York: Harry N. Abrams. 1999 608 pp.  相似文献   

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