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樊路  韩敬花 《遗传学报》1996,23(5):382-386
第一次在一个Ae.cylindrica系统中发现了Ph1-like基因,但它的作用略小于Ph1,同时证明了Ae.cylindrica在控制染色体配对基因方面存在多态现象,Ph1b基因可以诱导普通小麦与Ae.cylindrica间的部分同源染色体配对,同时用普通小麦对(中国春ph1b突变体XAe.cylindrica)F1回交获得了成功,表明利用Ph1b基因通过诱导部分同源染色体配对可以把Ae.cy  相似文献   

在普通小麦地方品种自然群体中天然存在促进小麦-外源杂种部分同源染色体配对的基因phKL。本研究比较了phKL基因与人工Ph基因突变系诱导小麦-Aegilops variabilis及小麦-黑麦杂种部分同源染色体配对的作用大小。研究结果表明,诱导小麦- Ae. variabilis(或黑麦)部分同源染色体配对作用的顺序是ph1b > phKL > ph2b > ph2a,即phKL基因的作用介于Ph1与Ph2突变体之间。  相似文献   

通过对(中国春ph1b突变体×Ae. crassa)F_1、(中国春×Ae.crassa)F_1;(中国春ph1b突变体×Ae.crassassp)F_1、(中国春×Ae.crassassp)F_4花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对的研究。第一次证明了中国春ph1b突变体在诱导Ae.crassa、Ae.crassassp与普通小麦部分同源染色体配对方面有显著作用。可以利用ph1b基因通过诱导部分同源染色体配对交换的方法以染色体易位的方式把Ae.crassa和Ae.crassassp的有益基因导入普通小麦中。Ae.crassa和Ae.crassassp中不含有拟ph1基因。Ae.crassa和Ae.crassassp的D染色体组与普通小麦的D染色体组有明显区别。  相似文献   

当柱穗山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica Host.)2C染色体单体添加到普通小麦品种中国春和以中国春为背景的派生系时,减数分裂时,不含2C染色体的配子会发生染色体结构变异。为了制备一套黑麦1R染色体缺失系以用于定位黑麦1R染色体上的控制重要农艺性状的基因,把一条2C染色体导人到小黑麦1R二体附加系(21″ 1R″)中,然后让这些个体(21″ 1R″ 2C′,2n=45)自交,以便产生1R染色体结构变异体。实验共检测了345粒F,种子,83粒种子带有结构变异的黑麦1R染色体(24.1%)。通过C分带和原位杂交检测,对来自于23株F2的46个F3植株所带有的异常1R染色体进行了归类:其中1RL端体为39.1%,1RL等臂染色体为2.2%,1RL易位系为32.6%。1RS端体为4.3%,1RS等臂染色体为4.3%,切点在长臂上的缺失体为2.2%。在6.5%的植株中同时含有2种类型的1R染色体结构变异。其余8.7%带有异常1R染色体的个体因为没有原位杂交结果而无法判断是属于哪种类型。已获得的1R结构变异株将有可能进一步发展成为一套可用于定位黑麦1R染色体上重要功能基因的遗传材料。另外,还探讨了综合应用细胞学和分子标记方法鉴定易位染色体中小麦染色体片段的尝试,并对所获结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文用非放射性DIG标记组织凝集素基因探针研究其在人染色体上的基因定 位,首先对基因原位杂交条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明采用染色体温和变性、基因 片段探针等为较好的基因原位杂交条件,通过135个细胞中期相的分析结果显示, 杂交阳 性率为20%,本底为2.81,杂交点分布峰位于3q12-13。 Abstract:The localization of sarcolectin gene on human chromosome is studied.A modified system of in situ hybridization was developed.A specific signal was generated by employing a nonradioactive DIG-labelled gene fragment as a probe in combination with the hybridization buffer containing no dextran sulphate and softly denatured chromosomes.Using this system,unique sequence for sarcolectin as small as 0.65kb was detectable and observed at 3q12-13.Of 135 metaphases examined,27(20%) had at least one grain deposited on 3q12-13,and the backgrand was 2.81.  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)双端体3DL为细胞学标记,用具有phKL基因的小麦地方品种"开县罗汉麦"为受体连续回交,将促进小麦外源部分同源染色体配对的phKL基因和Ph2基因缺失重组在一起获得了重组体phKL+Ph2.这种重组体有正常的育性.与只有phKL基因的小麦材料相比,重组体与外源物种AegilopsvariabilisEig.或黑麦(Secale cereale L.)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著增加,表明Ph2基因的缺失体与phKL基因可能存在加性效应.部分同源染色体配对水平的增加表现在棒状二价体、环状二价体和三价体的数量变多而单价体数量减少.单价体的减少主要是由于棒状二价体的增加所造成的.在小麦外源遗传转移中,运用重组体pHKL +Ph2可能比单纯应用Ph2缺失或phKL基因材料更理想.当与具有ph1b基因的材料比较时发现,重组体phKL+Ph2与 Ae.variabilis(或黑麦)杂种的部分同源染色体配对水平显著降低,这主要是由环状二价体和多价体的减少造成的,但是棒状二价体数量表现增加(与Ae.variabilis杂种)或达到类似水平(与黑麦杂种),这一有趣的发现从表现型上证明了Ph1基因与Ph2或phKL基因在诱导部分同源染色体配对时的遗传作用机制存在差异.  相似文献   

中国春phlb突变体与5个多倍体Aegilops的杂种F1用普通小麦进行回交,并对回交一代(BC1F1)的细胞学进行了研究。结果表明,BC1F1植株花粉母细胞最高染色体数56条,最低35条,一般情况下phlb基因可以增加BC1F1植株的染色体数(不是所有组合),但不能增加染色体配对水平。杂种F1回交时有效雌配子最高染色体数在含有phlb基因组合中高于不含phlb基因的组合,但最低不杂色体数目相等,且含有21条染色体雌配子最具有竞争力,同时也证明,回交的成功并不取决于杂种F1通过重建分裂(restitution division)形成的未减数雌配子。  相似文献   

HIV-1外膜(env)基因在重组痘苗病毒中的高效表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用重组痘苗病毒作载体,在ATI、P7.5突变型早期启动子控制下,高效表达了(经定点突变去除一处早期终止信号的)HIV-1env基因。经Westernblot证明,晚期启动子活性强的pSFJ2-38能更高效地表达env基因。经Lentil-Lectin提取以及SDS-PAGE后的激光扫描测定结果,在107个感染细胞中可产生50-70μg的Env蛋白。  相似文献   

直接杂交与幼胚培养方法结合获得了小麦与东方山羊草、尾状山羊草属间杂种。F1杂种细胞遗传学研究发现,东方山羊草的染色体组显著促进部分同源染色体配对,完全掩盖了小麦ph1b基因的作用,尾状山羊草的染色体组一定程度抑制部分同源染色体配对,尤其强烈抑制小麦ph1b基因的作用。表明东方山羊草的S染色体组上存在类似于小麦的ph1b基因,尾状山羊草的C染色体组上存在类似于小麦的Ph1基因  相似文献   

利用大麦 (HordeumvulgareL .)第 5染色体上RFLP探针衍生的 19个序列标志位点PCR(STS_PCR)引物对“中国春”小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .) (CS)及其ph1b突变体基因组总DNA进行PCR扩增 ,筛选出Ph1基因的一个连锁标记 ,再用“中国春”第 5部分同源群缺体_四体系和CS×ph1b突变体F2 群体证明并定位于离Ph1基因近着丝点端 5 .7cM (centiMorgan)处。然后将该标记转换成特异的序列特征扩增区 (SCAR)标记。以“阿勃”5B缺体为桥梁亲本 ,冬小麦“京 411”为受体亲本 ,“中国春”ph1b突变体为供体亲本 ,进行三轮杂交和一轮自交 ,每一轮经减数分裂分析和SCAR标记的辅助选择 ,快速地筛选出了ph1b基因型 ,并选得一个冬小麦“京 411”的ph1b中间代换系。  相似文献   

he genomic DNA of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) “Chinese Spring” (CS) and its ph1b mutant were analyzed by using 19 sequence tagged site PCR (STS-PCR) primers, which derived from RFLP probes from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosome 5H. One marker was identified on wheat chromosome 5BL, which is 5.7 cM (centiMorgan) proximal to Ph1 gene, using the CS homoeologous group 5 nullisomic-tetrasomic, ditelosomic 5BL line and an F2 population from CS×ph1b mutant. This linked PCR marker was converted into a more specific sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. To obtain a new winter wheat line containing ph1b gene, the authors used a nullisomic 5B line of “Abbodanza”as a bridge parent and crossed respectively with the CS ph1b mutant (donor) and a winter wheat variety, “Jing 411” (recipient). The meiotic chromosome pairing was checked in the progeny of each cross, as well as using the marker-assistant selection of the SCAR marker identified for ph1b gene. After three inter-crossing and one selfing, a relatively stable ph1b substitution line of winter wheat with “Jing 411” background was obtained.  相似文献   

Wheat-rye chromosome associations at metaphase I studied by Naranjo and Fernández-Rueda (1991) in ph1b ABDR hybrids have been reanalysed to establish the frequency of pairing between individual chromosomes of wheat and rye. Wheat chromosomes, except for 2A and 2D, and their arms were identified by C-banding. Diagnostic C-bands and other cytological markers such as telocentrics or translocations were used to identify each one of the rye chromosomes and their arms. Both the amount of telomeric C-heterochromatin and the structure of the rye chromosomes relative to wheat affected the level of wheatrye pairing. The degree to which rye chromosomes paired with their wheat homoeologues varied with each of the three wheat genomes; in most groups, the B-R association was more frequent than the A-R or D-R associations. Recombination between arms 1RL and 2RL and their homoeologues of wheat possessing a different telomeric C-banding pattern was detected and quantified at anaphase I. The frequency of recombinant chromosomes obtained supports the premise that recombination between wheat and rye chromosomes may be estimated from wheat-rye pairing.  相似文献   

对普通小麦中国春(CS)及其突变体(CSph2b)与秦岭黑麦远缘杂交的受精过程及其杂种早期胚胎发育进行了研究.结果显示,大部分秦岭黑麦花粉能在CS及CSph2b小麦柱头上萌发,花粉管可顺利伸入花柱和胚囊;CS和CSph2b已授粉子房中,分别有80.12%和84.80%完成双受精过程而形成正常胚及胚乳,也有小部分仅有卵核受精或极核受精而只形成胚或胚乳,两者总受精率分别为86.74%和88.89%,成胚率分别为83.73%和87.14%.表明中国春及其突变体CSph2b与秦岭黑麦的可杂交性都很高,并且CSph2b略高于CS.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Aegilops markgrafii (CC) and its natural hybrids Ae. triuncialis (UtUtCtCt) and Ae. cylindrica (DcDcCcCc) represent a rich reservoir of useful genes for improvement of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), but the limited information available on their genome structure and the shortage of molecular (cyto-) genetic tools hamper the utilization of the extant genetic diversity. This study provides the complete karyotypes in the three species obtained after fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with repetitive DNA probes, and evaluates the potential of flow cytometric chromosome sorting.Methods The flow karyotypes obtained after the analysis of 4'',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained chromosomes were characterized and the chromosome content of the peaks on the flow karyotypes was determined by FISH. Twenty-nine conserved orthologous set (COS) markers covering all seven wheat homoeologous chromosome groups were used for PCR with DNA amplified from flow-sorted chromosomes and genomic DNA.Key Results FISH with repetitive DNA probes revealed that chromosomes 4C, 5C, 7Ct, T6UtS.6UtL-5CtL, 1Cc and 5Dc could be sorted with purities ranging from 66 to 91 %, while the remaining chromosomes could be sorted in groups of 2–5. This identified a partial wheat–C-genome homology for group 4 and 5 chromosomes. In addition, 1C chromosomes were homologous with group 1 of wheat; a small segment from group 2 indicated 1C–2C rearrangement. An extensively rearranged structure of chromosome 7C relative to wheat was also detected.Conclusions The possibility of purifying Aegilops chromosomes provides an attractive opportunity to investigate the structure and evolution of the Aegilops C genome and to develop molecular tools to facilitate the identification of alien chromatin and support alien introgression breeding in bread wheat.  相似文献   

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