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The R1 allele confers on potato a race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans. The corresponding genetic locus maps on chromosome V in a region in which several other resistance genes are also located. As part of a strategy for cloning R1, a high-resolution genetic map was constructed for the segment of chromosome V that is bordered by the RFLP loci GP21 and GP179 and includes the R1 locus. Bulked segregant analysis and markers based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP markers) were used to select molecular markers closely linked to R1. Twenty-nine of approximately 3200 informative AFLP loci displayed linkage to the R1 locus. Based on the genotypic analysis of 461 gametes, eight loci mapped within the GP21–GP179 interval. Two of those could not be seperated from R1 by recombination. For genotyping large numbers of plants with respect to the flanking markers GP21 and GP179 PCR based assays were also developed which allowed marker-assisted selection of plants with genotypes Rr and rr and of recombinant plants.  相似文献   

Resistance to submergence stress is an important breeding objective in areas where rice cultivars are subjected to complete inundation for a week or more. The present study was conducted to develop a high-resolution map of the region surrounding the submergence tolerance gene Sub1 in rice, which derives from the Indian cultivar FR13A. Submergence screening of 8-day-old plants of F3 families kept for 14 days submerged in 60 cm of water allowed an accurate classification of Sub1 phenotypes. Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify AFLP markers linked to Sub1. A population of 2950 F2 plants segregating for Sub1 was screened with two RFLP markers flanking the Sub1 locus, 2.4 and 4.9 cM away. Submergence tolerance was measured in the recombinant plants, and AFLP markers closely linked to Sub1 were mapped. Two AFLP markers cosegregated with Sub1 in this large population, and other markers were localized within 0.2 cM of Sub1. The high-resolution map should serve as the basis for map-based cloning of this important locus, as it will permit the identification of BAC clones spanning the region. Received: 15 December 1999 / Accepted: 18 February 2000  相似文献   

 An integrated genetic map of the dioecious species Asparagus officinalis L. has been constructed on the basis of RFLP, RAPD, AFLP and isoenzyme markers. The segregation analysis of the polymorphic markers was carried out on the progeny of five different crosses between male and female doubled-haploid clones generated by anther culture. A total of 274 markers have been organized to ten linkage groups spanning 721.4 cM. Since the haploid chromosome number of asparagus is ten, the established linkage groups probably represent the different chromosomes; however, the only group associated with a specific chromosome is the one which includes sex, whose determinant genes have been located on chromosome 5. A total of 33 molecular markers (13 RFLPs, 18 AFLPs, 2 RAPDs and 1 isoenzyme) have been located on this chromosome. The closest marker to the sex determinant is the AFLP SV marker at 3.2 cM. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 April 1998  相似文献   

Towards a saturated sorghum map using RFLP and AFLP markers   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
 A near-saturated sorghum genetic linkage map was produced using RFLP, AFLP and morphological markers. First a composite, essentially RFLP-based genetic linkage map was obtained from analyses of two recombinant inbred populations. This map includes 343 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 1352 cM. Since this map was constructed with many previously mapped heterologous probes, it offers a good basis for synteny studies. Separately, an AFLP map was obtained from the analysis of 168 bands revealed from 12 primer pair combinations. It includes 137 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 849 cM. Taking into account the different data sets, we constructed a combined genetic linkage map including 443 loci spanning 1899 cM. Two main features are to be noted: (1) the distribution of AFLPs along the genome is not uniform; (2) an important stretching of the former core map is induced after adding the AFLPs. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 July 1998  相似文献   

The resistance gene H1 confers resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis and is located at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome V of potato. For marker enrichment of the H1 locus, a bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was carried out using 704 AFLP primer combinations. A second source of markers tightly linked to H1 is the ultra-high-density (UHD) genetic map of the potato cross SH × RH. This map has been produced with 387 AFLP primer combinations and consists of 10,365 AFLP markers in 1,118 bins (). Comparing these two methods revealed that BSA resulted in one marker/cM and the UHD map in four markers/cM in the H1 interval. Subsequently, a high-resolution genetic map of the H1 locus has been developed using a segregating F1 SH × RH population consisting of 1,209 genotypes. Two PCR-based markers were designed at either side of the H1 gene to screen the 1,209 genotypes for recombination events. In the high-resolution genetic map, two of the four co-segregating AFLP markers could be separated from the H1 gene. Marker EM1 is located at a distance of 0.2 cM, and marker EM14 is located at a distance of 0.8 cM. The other two co-segregating markers CM1 (in coupling) and EM15 (in repulsion) could not be separated from the H1 gene.Communicated by J.G. Wenzel  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of an intraspecific cross between 2 Silene vulgaris s.l. ecotypes is presented. Three-hundred AFLP markers from 2 different restriction enzyme combinations were used to genotype an F2 mapping population. Maternal and paternal pure-coupling phase maps with 114 and 186 markers on 12 and 13 linkage groups, respectively, were constructed. Total map length of the paternal and maternal maps are 547 and 446 Kosambi cM, respectively. Nearly half of the markers (49%) exhibited significant transmission ratio distortion. Genome coverage and potential causes of the observed segregation ratio distortions are discussed. The maps represent a first step towards the identification of quantitative trait loci associated with habitat adaptation in the non-model species Silene vulgaris.  相似文献   

A first linkage map of pecan cultivars based on RAPD and AFLP markers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We report here the first genetic linkage maps of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch], using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Independent maps were constructed for the cultivars Pawnee and Elliot using the double pseudo-testcross mapping strategy and 120 F1 seedlings from a full-sib family. A total of 477 markers, including 217 RAPD, 258 AFLP, and two morphological markers were used in linkage analysis. The Pawnee linkage map has 218 markers, comprising 176 testcross and 42 intercross markers placed in 16 major and 13 minor (doublets and triplets) linkage groups. The Pawnee linkage map covered 2,227 cM with an average map distance of 12.7 cM between adjacent markers. The Elliot linkage map has 174 markers comprising 150 testcross and 22 intercross markers placed in 17 major and nine minor linkage groups. The Elliot map covered 1,698 cM with an average map distance of 11.2 cM between adjacent markers. Segregation ratios for dichogamy type and stigma color were not significantly different from 1:1, suggesting that both traits are controlled by single loci with protogyny and green stigmas dominant to protandry and red stigmas. These loci were tightly linked (1.9 cM) and were placed in Elliot linkage group 16. These linkage maps are an important first step towards the detection of genes controlling horticulturally important traits such as nut size, nut maturity date, kernel quality, and disease resistance.  相似文献   

The progeny of two crosses between a structural heterozygote for a reciprocal translocation (4RL/5RL) and a homozygote for the standard chromosome arrangement and of four crosses between standard chromosome homozygotes were analysed in rye (Secale cereale L. cv Ailés) for the electrophoretic patterns of five different leaf and endosperm isozymes (LAP, PGM, NDH, ADH and EPER). The presence or absence of the quadrivalents at metaphase I (MI) was also tested. Loci Adh-1, Pgm-1 and Ndh-1 were located on chromosome arm 4RS, and locus Eper-1 on chromosome arm 4RL. Locus Lap-2 was located on the 4RS chromosome arm. The estimated distances among the different linked loci support the following gene order: Eper1¨ (breakpoint-centromere)¨Lap-2¨ ¨Adh-1 ¨Pgm-1¨Ndh-1. These results provide evidence for the chromosomal location of Lap-2 locus on chromosome arm 4RS in cv Ailés. A high negative interference was detected between the zones delimited by centromere and Lap-2, and Lap-2 and Pgm-1 in plants with the 4RL/5RL translocation.Abbreviations LAP leucine aminopeptidase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - NDH NADH dehydrogenase - ADH alchohol dehydrogenase - EPER endosperm peroxidase  相似文献   

Summary The segregation of isozymic loci for leaf peroxidases (L2Per) has been investigated in backcrosses and F2 offspring of rye lines having purple seeds (Ps) and monstrosum ears (mo). The Ps, L2Per-3b, mo, and L2Per-2 loci were linked. The Ps and mo loci have been previously located on the 2R chromosome, and the L2Per-3b and L2Per-2 loci have been located on the 2RS chromosome arm. The results favor the gene order Ps ... L2Per-3b ... mo ... L2Per-2 or Ps ... mo... L2Per-3b ... L2Per-2. The position of the loci relative to the centromere is still not known, but the obtained results suggest that the mo locus could be located on the 2RS chromosome arm. On the basis of previously reported linkage groups, the most probable arrangement of the loci located on chromosome 2R is: dw2 ... Ps ... (L2Per-3a ... L2Per-3b ... mo) ... L2Per-2. It has not been possible to know the position of L2Per-4 loci (also located on 2RS chromosome arm) relative to L2Per-3a and L2Per-3b loci.  相似文献   

The first genetic map for Hevea spp. (2n=36) is presented here. It is based on a F1 progeny of 106 individuals allowing the construction of a female, a male, and a synthetic map according to the pseudo-testcross strategy. Progeny were derived from an interspecific cross between PB260, a H. brasiliensis cultivated clone, and RO38, a H. brasiliensis×H. benthamiana interspecific hybrid clone. The disomic inheritance observed for all the codominant markers scattered on the 2n=36 chromosomes revealed that Hevea behaves as diploids. Homologous linkage groups between the two parental maps were merged using bridge loci. A total of 717 loci constituted the synthetic map, including 301 RFLPs, 388 AFLPs, 18 microsatellites, and 10 isozymes. The markers were assembled into 18 linkage groups, thus reflecting the basic chromosome number, and covered a total distance of 2144 cM. Nine markers were found to be unlinked. Segregation distortion was rare (1.4%). Average marker density was 1 per 3 cM. Comparison of the distance between loci in the parental maps revealed significantly less meiotic recombination in the interspecific hybrid male parent than in the female parent. Hevea origin and genome organisation are discussed. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

A genetic map of Maritime pine based on AFLP, RAPD and protein markers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
TheAFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique was adapted to carry out genetic analysis in maritime pine, a species characterized by a large genome size (24 pg/C). A genetic linkage map was constructed for one F1 individual based on 239 AFLP and 127 RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Markers were scored on megagametophytes (1n) from 200 germinated F2 seedlings. Polymorphism rate, labour time and cost of both AFLP and RAPD techniques were compared. The AFLP technique was found to be twice as fast and three-times less costly per marker than the RAPD technique. Thirteen linkage groups were identified with a LOD score ≥6 covering 1873 cM, which provided 93.4% of genome coverage. Proteins were extracted from needles (2n) of the F2 progeny and revealed by 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis). Thirty one segregating proteins were mapped using a QTL detection strategy based on the quantification of protein accumulation. Two framework maps of the same F1 individual are now available. The first map (Plomion et al. 1996) uses RAPD markers and the second map, presented in this study, uses mostly AFLP markers. Although the total genetic length of both maps was almost identical, differences among homologous groups were observed. Received: 11 February 1999 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

A detailed linkage map of lettuce based on SSAP, AFLP and NBS markers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Molecular markers based upon a novel lettuce LTR retrotransposon and the nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family of disease resistance-associated genes have been combined with AFLP markers to generate a 458 locus genetic linkage map for lettuce. A total of 187 retrotransposon-specific SSAP markers, 29 NBS-LRR markers and 242 AFLP markers were mapped in an F2 population, derived from an interspecific cross between a Lactuca sativa cultivar commonly used in Europe and a wild Lactuca serriola isolate from Northern Europe. The cross has been designed to aid efforts to assess gene flow from cultivated lettuce into the wild in the perspective of genetic modification biosafety. The markers were mapped in nine major and one minor linkage groups spanning 1,266.1 cM, with an average distance of 2.8 cM between adjacent mapped markers. The markers are well distributed throughout the lettuce genome, with limited clustering of different marker types. Seventy-seven of the AFLP markers have been mapped previously and cross-comparison shows that the map from this study corresponds well with the previous linkage map.  相似文献   

 The nematode resistance locus Gpa2 was mapped on chromosome 12 of potato using information on the genomic positions of 733 known AFLP markers. The minimum number of AFLP primer combinations required to map Gpa2 was three. This demonstrates that a reference collection of potato AFLP markers may be a valuable tool for mapping studies in potato. By use of RFLP probes, Gpa2 was more precisely mapped at the distal end of chromosome 12. Gpa2 confers resistance to a distinct group of populations of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida and originates from the same potato accession as locus H1, conferring resistance to pathotype Ro1 of G. rostochiensis. This study shows that these two nematode resistance loci are unlinked and that Gpa2 is linked to the Rx1 locus conferring resistance to potato virus X. The efficiency of AFLPs for genetic mapping of a highly heterozygous crop like potato is discussed and compared with the RFLP technique. Received: 24 February 1997/Accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

The semi-dominantly acting Mlg resistance locus in barley confers race-specific resistance to the obligate biotrophic fungus Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. A high-resolution genetic map was constructed at Mlg based on a cross between the near-isogenic barley lines Pallas BC5 Mlg and Pallas mlg. A total of 2000 F2 progeny were inspected by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis, defining a 4.47 cM interval encompassing the resistance locus. Pathogen challenge of the segregants with multiple powdery mildew isolates uncovered a novel resistance specificity in Pallas BC5 Mlg. Probes from within 4.0 cM of Mlg were mapped in rice, revealing orthologues on five different rice chromosomes and suggesting multiple breaks of chromosomal collinearity in this region between the two grass species. The most tightly Mlg-linked RFLP marker, MWG032, was shown to reliably detect the presence of the resistance allele in a collection of 30 European barley cultivars. Received: 23 March 2000 / Accepted: 20 April 2000  相似文献   

We have constructed a high-resolution cytogenetic map with 168 DNA markers, including 90 RFLP markers for human chromosome 11. The cosmid clones were mapped by fluorescence in situ suppression hybridization, in which discrete fluorescent signals can be detected directly on prometaphase R-banded chromosomes. Although these cosmid clones were distributed throughout the chromosome, they had some tendency to localize in the regions of R-positive band, such as 11p15, 11p11.2, 11q13, 11q23, and 11q25. Since these regions of chromosome 11 are considered to contain genes responsible for certain genetic diseases, cancer breakpoints involved in chromosome rearrangements, and tumor-suppressor genes, this high-resolution cytogenetic map will contribute to the molecular characterization of such genes. This map will also provide many landmarks essential for construction of the complete physical map with contigs of cosmid and YAC clones.  相似文献   

The dominant allele Gro1 confers on potato resistance to the root cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. The Gro1 locus has been mapped to chromosome VII on the genetic map of potato, using RFLP markers. This makes possible the cloning of Gro1 based on its map position. As part of this strategy we have constructed a high-resolution genetic map of the chromosome segment surrounding Gro1, based on RFLP, RAPD and AFLP markers. RAPD and RFLP markers closely linked to Gro1 were selected by bulked segregant analysis and mapped relative to the Gro1 locus in a segregating population of 1105 plants. Three RFLP and one RAPD marker were found to be inseparable from the Gro1 locus. Two AFLP markers were identified that flanked Gro1 at genetic distances of 0.6 cM and 0.8 cM, respectively. A genetic distance of 1 cM in the Gro1 region corresponds to a physical distance of ca. 100 kb as estimated by long-range restriction analysis. Marker-assisted selection for nematode resistance was accomplished in the course of constructing the high-resolution map. Plants carrying the resistance allele Gro1 could be distinguished from susceptible plants by marker assays based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).  相似文献   

张烈  钱敏  代方银  赵爱春  鲁成 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):246-257
为了进行家蚕Bombyx mori数量性状的QTL定位研究,以白色茧系品种C100 (♀)和近交系大造(P50)(♂)杂交得到F1,用F1(♂)与双隐性标记的C100 (♀)回交,得到回交一代(BC1),用改进的AFLP分子标记方法,经96组选择性扩增引物扩增,获得分离比为1∶1(P≤0.05)的1 744个AFLP位点。用Map Manager QTXb19(Version 0.29)连锁图谱构建软件,构建了具有814个标记,36个连锁群的家蚕高密度AFLP分子标记连锁图谱。该连锁图谱覆盖的家蚕基因组长度为13 005 cM,连锁群长度变化范围为109.0~1 573.7 cM,连锁群的平均长度为361.25 cM,其标记间平均图距15.98 cM,最小图距2.3 cM,最大图距47.7 cM,标记间大于30 cM的gap共有39个。该连锁图平均每个连锁群23个标记,最多一个连锁群有92个标记,最少8个标记。该连锁图谱确定了与经典实验遗传图谱第15连锁群和W染色体连锁群相对应的两个连锁群。  相似文献   

Current comparative maps between human chromosome 21 and the proximal part of cattle chromosome 1 are insufficient to define chromosomal rearrangements because of the low density of mapped genes in the bovine genome. The recently completed sequence of human chromosome 21 facilitates the detailed comparative analysis of corresponding segments on BTA1. In this study eight bovine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones containing bovine orthologues of human chromosome 21 genes, i.e. GRIK1, CLDN8, TIAM1, HUNK, SYNJ1, OLIG2, IL10RB, and KCNE2 were physically assigned by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to BTA1q12.1-q12.2. Sequence tagged site (STS) markers derived from these clones were mapped on the 3000 rad Roslin/Cambridge bovine radiation hybrid (RH) panel. In addition to these eight novel markers, 17 known markers from previously published BTA1 linkage or RH maps were also mapped on the Roslin/Cambridge bovine RH panel resulting in an integrated map with 25 markers of 355.4 cR(3000) length. The human-cattle genome comparison revealed the existence of three chromosomal breakpoints and two probable inversions in this region.  相似文献   

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