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Previous work has established that the N57I amino acid replacement in iso-1-cytochrome c from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes an unprecedented increase in thermodynamic stability of the protein in vitro, whereas the N57G replacement diminishes stability. Spectrophotometric measurements of intact cells revealed that the N57I iso-l-cytochrome c is present at higher than normal levels in vivo. Although iso-1-cytochrome c turnover is negligible during aerobic growth, transfer of fully derepressed, aerobically grown cells to anaerobic growth conditions leads to reduction in the levels of all of the cytochromes. Pulsechase experiments carried out under these anaerobic conditions demonstrated that the N57I iso-l-cytochrome c has a longer half-life than the normal protein. This is the first report of enhanced stability in vivo of a mutant form of a protein that has an enhanced thermodynamic stability in vitro. Although the N57I protein concentration is higher than the normal level, reduced growth in lactate medium indicated that the specific activity of this iso-l-cytochrome c in vivo is diminished relative to wild-type. On the other hand, the level of the thermodynamically labile N57G iso-1-cytochrome c was below normal. The in vivo levels of the N57I and N57G iso-l-cytochrome c suggest that proteins in the mitochondrial intermembrane space can be subjected to degradation, and that this degradation may play a role in controlling their normal levels.  相似文献   

Yeast iso-1-cytochrome c is one of the least stable mitochondrial cytochromes c. We have used a coordinated approach, combining the known functional and structural properties of cytochromes c, to engineer mutations into yeast iso-1-cytochrome c with the goal of selectively increasing the stability of the protein. The two redox forms of the native protein and six different mutant forms of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The relative stability, expressed as the difference in the Gibb's free energy of denaturation at a given temperature between the native and mutant forms (DeltaDeltaG(Tref)), was determined for each of the proteins. In both oxidation states, the mutant proteins C102T, T69E/C102T, T96A/C102T, and T69E/T96A/C102T were more stable than the wild-type protein, respectively. The increased stability of the mutant proteins is proposed to be due to the removal of a rare surface cysteine and the stabilization of two distorted alpha-helices.  相似文献   

Characterization of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c mRNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The iso-1-cytochrome c mRNA has been identified by hybridization of a 32P probe prepared from a plasmid containing the iso-1-cytochrome c gene to RNA size-fractionated on agarose gels and transferred to paper. A hybridization band was visible with RNA prepared from wild type cells, but not with RNA prepared from an iso-1-cytochrome c deletion mutant. RNA prepared from cells containing a nonsense mutation in the iso-1-cytochrome c gene showed reduced levels of hybridization. The RNA that hybridized to the probe was 700 +/- 50 nucleotides in length and was polyadenylated. The cellular levels of this RNA were repressed by glucose, and this repression was achieved within 5 min after glucose addition to a derepressed culture. No precursors of this RNA were detected in wild type cells or in an RNA1 mutant, temperature-sensitive for RNA metabolism. The length of the 3' noncoding region of this RNA was determined to be 200 +/- 25 nucleotides (excluding the poly(A) tail) and the 5' noncoding region was estimated to be about 120 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

Sequence of the yeast iso-1-cytochrome c mRNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The nucleotide sequence of the yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (CYC1) mRNA is presented. The mRNA was enriched by hybridization to cloned CYC1 DNA attached to a solid matrix: either nitrocellulose filters or diazobenzyloxymethyl cellulose powder. The sequence of the 5'-end of the mRNA was determined by the extension of a CYC1-specific dodecanucleotide primer; the sequence of the 3'-end was determined using a decanucleotide d(pT8-G-A) primer. The CYC1 mRNA begins 61 nucleotides 5' to the AUG initiation codon, extends through the coding sequence to 172 to 175 nucleotides 3' to the UAA termination codon, followed by the poly(A) tail. There are no intervening sequences. Some of the sequences that the CYC1 mRNA shares in common with other eukaryotic mRNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

Pielak GJ  Wang X 《Biochemistry》2001,40(2):422-428
Isothermal titration calorimetry was used to study the formation of 19 complexes involving yeast iso-1-ferricytochrome c (Cc) and ferricytochrome c peroxidase (CcP). The complexes comprised combinations of the wild-type proteins, six CcP variants, and three Cc variants. Sixteen protein combinations were designed to probe the crystallographically defined interface between Cc and CcP. The data show that the high-affinity sites on Cc and CcP coincide with the crystallographically defined sites. Changing charged residues to alanine increases the enthalpy of complex formation by a constant amount, but the decrease in stability depends on the location of the amino acid substitution. Deleting methyl groups has a small effect on the binding enthalpy and a larger deleterious effect on the binding free energy, consistent with model studies of the hydrophobic effect, and showing that nonpolar interactions also stabilize the complex. Double-mutant cycles were used to determine the coupling energies for nine Cc-CcP residue pairs. Comparing these energies to the crystal structure of the complex leads to the conclusion that many of the substitutions induce a rearrangement of the complex.  相似文献   

Deletions and replacements of omega loops in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
omega (omega)-loops are protein secondary structural elements having small distances between segment termini. It should be possible to delete or replace certain of these omega-loops without greatly distorting the overall structure of the remaining portion of the molecule. Functional requirements of regions of iso-1-cytochrome c from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated by determining the biosynthesis and activity in vivo of mutant forms in which four different omega-loops were individually deleted, or in which one omega-loop was replaced with five different segments. Deletions encompassing amino acid positions 27-33 and 79-83 either prevented synthesis of the holoprotein, or produced highly labile iso-1-cytochromes c, whereas deletions encompassing positions 42-45 and 48-55 allowed partial synthesis and activity. These two latter regions, therefore, are not absolutely required for any biosynthetic process such as heme attachment, mitochondrial import, or for enzymatic interactions. All replacements in Loop A (residue positions 24-33) with same size (10 amino acid residues), longer (13 and 15 amino acid residues), or shorter segments (6 amino acid residues), resulted in strains having at least partial levels of iso-1-cytochrome c; however, the relative activities ranged from zero to almost the normal level. Thus, Loop A does not appear to be essential for such biosynthetic steps as heme attachment and mitochondrial import. In contrast, the full range of relative activities suggest that this region interacts with physiological partners to carry out efficient electron transport.  相似文献   

As part of a study of protein folding and stability, the three-dimensional structures of yeast iso-2-cytochrome c and a composite protein (B-2036) composed of primary sequences of both iso-1 and iso-2-cytochromes c have been solved to 1.9 A and 1.95 A resolutions, respectively, using X-ray diffraction techniques. The sequences of iso-1 and iso-2-cytochrome c share approximately 84% identity and the B-2036 composite protein has residues 15 to 63 from iso-2-cytochrome c with the rest being derived form the iso-1 protein. Comparison of these structures reveals that amino acid substitutions result in alterations in the details of intramolecular interactions. Specifically, the substitution Leu98Met results in the filling of an internal cavity present in iso-1-cytochrome c. Further substitutions of Val20Ile and Cys102Ala alter the packing of secondary structure elements in the iso-2 protein. Blending the isozymic amino acid sequences in this latter area results in the expansion of the volume of an internal cavity in the B-2036 structure to relieve a steric clash between Ile20 and Cys102. Modification of hydrogen bonding and protein packing without disrupting the protein fold is illustrated by the His26Asn and Asn63Ser substitutions between iso-1 and iso-2-cytochromes c. Alternatively, a change in main-chain fold is observed at Gly37 apparently due to a remote amino acid substitution. Further structural changes occur at Phe82 and the amino terminus where a four residue extension is present in yeast iso-2-cytochrome c. An additional comparison with all other eukaryotic cytochrome c structures determined to date is presented, along with an analysis of conserved water molecules. Also determined are the midpoint reduction potentials of iso-2 and B-2036 cytochromes c using direct electrochemistry. The values obtained are 286 and 288 mV, respectively, indicating that the amino acid substitutions present have had only a small impact on the heme reduction potential in comparison to iso-1-cytochrome c, which has a reduction potential of 290 mV.  相似文献   

Mutagenic specificity: reversion of iso-1-cytochrome c mutants of yeast   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
In previous studies the nucleotide sequences of numerous mutant codons in the cy1 gene have been identified from altered iso-1-cytochromes c. These studies not only revealed the mutant codons that caused the deficiencies but also experimentally determined which of the base pair changes allowed the formation of functional iso-1-cytochromes c. In this investigation we have quantitatively measured the reversion frequencies of eleven cy1 mutants which were treated with 12 mutagens. The cy1 mutants comprised nine mutants having single-base changes of the AUG initiation codon (Stewart et al., 1971), an ochre mutant cy1–9 (Stewart et al., 1972), and an amber mutant cy1–179 (Stewart &; Sherman, 1972). In some cases the types of induced base changes could be inferred unambiguously from the pattern of reversion. Selective G.C to A.T transitions were induced by ethyl methanesulfonate, diethyl sulfate, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, 1-nitrosoimidazolidone-2, nitrous acid, [5-3H]uridine and β-propiolactone. There was no apparent specificity with methyl methanesulfonate, dimethyl sulfate, nitrogen mustard and γ-rays. Ultraviolet light induced high rates of reversion of the ochre and amber mutants, but in these instances it appears as if the selective action is due to particular nucleotide sequences and not due to simple types of base pair changes.  相似文献   

Structural gene for yeast iso-2-cytochrome c.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Protein analysis and genetic studies have led to the identification of the structural genes of iso-1-cytochrome c and iso-2-cytochrome c, which constitute, respectively, 95% and 5% of the total amount of cytochrome c in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The structural gene CYC1 for iso-1-cytochrome c was previously identified by Sherman et al. (1966) and the structural gene CYC7 for iso-2-cytochrome c is identified in this investigation. A series of the following mutations were selected by appropriate procedures and shown by genetic tests to be allelic: CYC7+ →CYC7-1 →cyc7-1-1 →CYC7-1-1-A, etc., where CYC7 + denotes the wild-type allele determining iso-2-cytochrome c; CYC7-1 denotes a dominant mutant allele causing an approximately 30-fold increase of iso-2-cytochrome c with a normal sequence, and was used as an aid in selecting deficient mutants; cyc7-1-1 denotes a recessive mutant allele causing complete deficiency of iso-2-cytochrome c; and CYC7-1-1-A denotes an intragenic revertant having an altered iso-2-cytochrome c at the same level as iso-2-cytochrome c in the CYC7-1 strains. The suppression of cyc7-1-1 with the known amber suppressor SUP7-a indicated that the defect in cyc7-1-1 was an amber (UAG) nonsense codon. Sequencing revealed a single amino acid replacement of a tyrosine residue for the normal glutamine residue at position 24 in iso-2-cytochrome c from the suppressed cyc7-1-1 strain and also in five revertants of cyc7-1-1, of which three were due to extragenic suppression and two to intragenic reversion. The nature of the mutation that elevated the level of normal iso-2-cytochrome c in the CYC7-1 strain was not identified, although it occurred at or very near the CYC7 locus but outside the translated portion of the gene and it may be associated with a chromosomal aberration. Genetic studies demonstrated that CYC7 is not linked to CYC1, the structural gene for iso-1-cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Deep red crystals of the electron transfer protein, iso-1-cytochrome c from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), have been obtained from a 90% saturated solution of (NH4)2SO4 containing 2 mg protein/ml, 0.1 M-sodium phosphate and adjusted to pH 6.7. The space group is P4(1)2(1)2 (or P4(3)2(1)2) with a = b = 36.4 A, c = 136.8 A and Z = 8. Crystals are stable for at least ten days in the X-ray beam and diffract to better than 2.0 A resolution. Comparable and morphologically similar crystal forms of three iso-1-cytochrome c mutants at Phe87, a pivotal residue in the electron transport chain, have also been obtained.  相似文献   

Omega (omega)-loop A, residues 18-32 in wild-type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, has been deleted and replaced with loop sequences from three other cytochromes c and one from esterase. Yeast expressing a partial loop deletion do not contain perceptible amounts of holoprotein as measured by low-temperature spectroscopy and cannot grow on nonfermentable media. Strains expressing loop replacement mutations accumulate holoprotein in vivo, but the protein function varies depending on the sequence and length of the replacement loop; in vivo expression levels do not correlate with their thermal denaturation temperatures. In vitro spectroscopic studies of the loop replacement proteins indicate that all fold into a native-like cytochrome c conformation, but are less stable than the wild-type protein. Decreases in thermal stability are caused by perturbation of loop C backbone in one case and a slight reorganization of the protein hydrophobic core in another case, rather than rearrangement of the loop A backbone. A single-site mutation in one of the replacement mutants designed to relieve inefficient hydrophobic core packing caused by the new loop recovers some, but not all, of the lost stability.  相似文献   

The basis for the specific pattern of ultraviolet-induced reversion of cyc1-9, an ochre allele of the structural gene for iso-1-cytochrome c, has been examined in radiation-sensitive strains of yeast. Previous analysis, using RAD+ strains, showed that 21 out of 23 cyc1-9 revertants induced by ultraviolet light arose by A · T to G · C transition at the first position in the UAA codon, the remaining two occurring by A · T to T · A transversion at the second position (Stewart et al., 1972; Sherman &; Stewart, 1974). All possible base-pair substitutions could be obtained with the aid of other mutagens.It has now been shown that this specificity depends largely on the action of the RAD6 locus, since ultraviolet-induced revertants of cyc1-9 arose by a variety of base-pair substitutions in a strain carrying the rad6-1 allele. Induced reversion frequencies in strains carrying this allele are much lower than normal, though significantly higher than the spontaneous frequency, and the strains are more sensitive to the lethal effects of both ultraviolet and X-irradiation. The phenotypically similar rad18-2 mutation, which appears to block the same repair pathway as rad6-1, also has some effect on the reversion specificity, but its action depends on the presence of other, unidentified, mutations. Specificity was, however, completely unaltered in an excision-defective strain carrying the rad1-2 allele. Induced reversion frequency of cyc1-9 was much higher than normal in this strain. Photoreactivation studies indicated that pyrimidine dimers were responsible for most of the revertants in RAD+, rad1 and rad6 strains. These experiments show that the RAD6+ locus is intimately concerned with error-prone repair, and suggest that excision repair is substantially error-free.  相似文献   

The structure of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c has been refined against X-ray diffraction data to a nominal resolution of 1.23 A. The atomic model contains 893 protein atoms, as well as 116 water molecules and one sulfate anion. Also included in the refinement are 886 hydrogen atoms belonging to the protein molecule. The crystallographic R-factor is 0.192 for the 12,513 reflections with F greater than or equal to 3 sigma (F) in the resolution range 6.0 to 1.23 A. Co-ordinate accuracy is estimated to be better than 0.18 A. The iso-1-cytochrome c molecule has the typical cytochrome c fold, with the polypeptide chain organized into a series of alpha-helices and reverse turns that serve to envelop the heme prosthetic group in a hydrophobic pocket. Inspection of the conformations of helices in the molecule shows that the local environments of the helices, in particular the presence of intrahelical threonine residues, cause distortions from ideal alpha-helical geometry. Analysis of the internal mobility of iso-1-cytochrome c, based on refined crystallographic temperature factors, shows that the most rigid parts of the molecule are those that are closely associated with the heme group. The degree of saturation of hydrogen-bonding potential is high, with 90% of all polar atoms found to participate in hydrogen bonding. The geometry of intramolecular hydrogen bonds is typical of that observed in other high-resolution protein structures. The 116 water molecules present in the model represent about 41% of those expected to be present in the asymmetric unit. The majority of the water molecules are organized into a small number of hydrogen-bonding networks that are anchored to the protein surface. Comparison of the structure of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c with those of tuna and rice cytochromes c shows that these three molecules have very high structural similarity, with the atomic packing in the heme crevice region being particularly highly conserved. Large conformational differences that are observed between these cytochromes c can be explained by amino acid substitutions. Additional subtle differences in the positioning of the side-chains of several highly conserved residues are also observed and occur due to unique features in the local environments of each cytochrome c molecule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Amino-terminal processing in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been investigated by examining numerous mutationally altered forms of iso-1-cytochrome c. Amino-terminal residues of methionine were retained in sequences having penultimate residues of arginine, asparagine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and methionine; in contrast, the amino-terminal methionine residues were exercised from residues of alanine, glycine, and threonine and were partially excised from residues of valine. The results suggest the occurrence of a yeast aminopeptidase that removes amino-terminal residues of methionine when they precede certain amino acids. A systematic search of the literature for amino-terminal sequences formed at initiation sites suggests the hypothetical yeast aminopeptidase usually has the same specificity as the amino peptidase from bacteria and higher eukaryotes. Our results and the results from the literature search suggest that the aminopeptidase cleaves amino-terminal methionine when it precedes residues of alanine, glycine, proline, serine, threonine, and valine but not when it precedes residues of arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamine glutamic acid, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, or methionine. In contrast to the normal iso-1-cytochrome c and in contrast to the majority of the mutationally altered proteins, certain forms were acetylated including the following sequences: acetyl(Ac)-Met-Ile-Arg-, Ac-Met-Ile-Lys, Ac-Met-Met-Asn-, and Ac-Met-Asn-Asn-. We suggest yeast contains acetyltransferases that acetylates these mutant forms of iso-1-cytochromes c because their amino-terminal regions resemble the amino-terminal regions of natural occurring proteins which are normally acetylated. The lack of acetylation of closely related sequences suggest that the hypothetical acetyltransferases are specific for certain amino-terminal sequences and that the 3 amino-terminal residues may play a critical role in determining these specificities.  相似文献   

An extensive deletion causing overproduction of yeast iso-2-cytochrome c   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
G L McKnight  T S Cardillo  F Sherman 《Cell》1981,25(2):409-419
CYC7-H3 is a cis-dominant regulatory mutation that causes a 20-fold overproduction of yeast iso-2-cytochrome c. The CYC7-H3 mutation is an approximately 5 kb deletion with one breakpoint located in the 5' noncoding region of the CYC7 gene, approximately 200 base from the ATG initiation codon. The deletion apparently fuses a new regulatory region to the structural portion of the CYC7 locus. The CYC7-H3 deletion encompasses the RAD23 locus, which controls UV sensitivity and the ANP1 locus, which controls osmotic sensitivity. The gene cluster CYC7-RAD23-ANP1 displays striking similarity to the gene cluster CYC1-OSM1-RAD7, which controls, respectively, iso-1-cytochrome c, osmotic sensitivity and UV sensitivity. We suggest that these gene clusters are related by an ancient transpositional event.  相似文献   

Yeast iso-1- unmethylated and methylated apocytochrome c were synthesized in vitro by translating yeast cytochrome c mRNA, and by subsequently methylating the protein product. Unmethylated and methylated iso-1-holocytochrome c were extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By employing a column isoelectrofocusing technique, the pI values of these proteins were determined. The pI values of unmethylated and methylated apocytochrome c were found to be 9.60 and 8.70, respectively, with a difference of 0.90 pI unit. On the other hand, the pI values of unmethylated and methylated holocytochrome c were 9.72 and 9.68, respectively, with a difference of 0.04 unit. Therefore, although the pI values of both apo- and holocytochrome c decreased by methylation, methylation of apocytochrome c had a more profound effect on the pI of the protein. The result also indicated that conjugation of heme to apocytochrome c increased its pI value, resulting in the more "compact" and basic structure of the protein. The observed magnitude of the pI change subsequent to the methylation of apocytochrome c (decrease of 0.90 unit) seemed to be contradictory to the predicted increase in the value, since the positive charge is fixed on the quaternary amino group of trimethyllysine and there is no proton to titrate. Trimethylation of epsilon-NH2 group of Res-72 lysine of apocytochrome c could disrupt any possible hydrogen bond formed by the nitrogen atom of Res-72 lysine residues, as visualized by a space-filling model. The model and observed shift in the "effective charge" of the protein strongly suggest that conformational change in the apoprotein takes place upon methylation. This presumably altered conformation along with the decrease in pI caused by methylation may play a role in enhancement of apocytochrome c import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

A hair seeding technique has been developed to obtain diffraction quality crystals of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) iso-2-cytochrome c, a model for studies of protein folding and biological electron transfer reactions. Deep red crystals of this protein were obtained from 88 to 92% saturated solutions of ammonium sulfate containing 20 mg protein/ml, 0.1 M-sodium phoshate, 0.3 M-sodium chloride, 0.04 M-dithiothreitol and adjusted to phosphate, 0.3 M-sodium chloride, 0.04 M-dithiothreitol and adjusted to pH 6.0. Rapid crystal growth was observed, but only along the path of the seeding hair stroke. The space group is P4(3)2(1)2 (or P4(1)2(1)2) with a = b = 36.4 A, c = 137.8 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) and Z = 8. Crystals are stable in the X-ray beam for more than 10 days and diffract to at least 2.5 A resolution. The same hair seeding methodology has proven useful in obtaining crystals of specifically designed mutant iso-2 proteins and in other protein systems where consistent crystal growth had previously proven difficult to attain.  相似文献   

The suppressors SUP6-2 and SUP7-2 can cause the production of approxi- mately 25 to 60% of the normal amount of iso-1-cytochrome c when they are coupled to the amber (UAG) mutants cy1–179 and cy1–76. The iso-1-cytochromes c contain residues of tyrosine at the positions which correspond to the sites of the amber codons. SUP6-2 and SUP7-2 do not suppress ochre (UAA) mutants. The SUP6-2 and the SUP7-2 genes are apparently alleles of the SUP6-1 and SUP7-1 genes, respectively, which cause the insertion of tyrosine at ochre (UAA) codons (ochre-specific suppressors). It is suggested that the gene products of the allelic amber suppressors and ochre-specific suppressors (the SUP6-1 and SUP6-2 suppressors and theSUP7-1 andSUP7-2 suppressors) are two differently altered forms of the same tyrosine tRNA.  相似文献   

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