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A natural population of recently isolated Podospora anserina strains was screened for homologues of the linear longevity-inducing plasmid pAL2-1. Of the 78 wild-type isolates, 14 hybridised with a pAL2-1 specific probe, half of which contained a single plasmid and the other half multiple plasmid copies (plasmid family). All strains except one plasmid-containing strain, senesced normally. However, no inserted plasmid sequences were detected in the mitochondrial DNA, as was the case for the longevity-inducing pAL2-1 plasmid. Occasional loss of plasmids and of repeated plasmid sequences occurred during sexual transfer. Plasmid transmission was equally efficient for mono- and dikaryotic spores and was independent of the genetic background of the strains. Furthermore, horizontal transfer experiments showed that the linear plasmid could easily infect plasmid-free strains. Horizontal transfer was even observed between strains showing a clear vegetative incompatibility response (barrage). The linear plasmids are inherited maternally; however, paternal transmission was observed in crosses between confronted vegetative-incompatible strains. Paternal transmission of the plasmid was never observed using isolated spermatia for fertilisation, showing that mitochondrial plasmids can only gain access to maternal sexual reproductive structures following horizontal transfer. These findings have implications for both the function of vegetative incompatibility in fungi and for the mechanism of maintenance of linear plasmids.  相似文献   

Three recently isolated wild-type strains of the ascomycete Podospora anserina were analyzed for the presence of linear mitochondrial plasmids. In one of these strains, designated Wa6, at least 12 distinct plasmid-like elements were identified. From molecular analyses a minimum number of 78 individual linear molecules with proteins bound to their 5 ends was estimated. In addition, the different members of this family of typical linear plasmids were shown to possess a common central region and terminal sequences which differ from one plasmid to another due to the presence of different numbers of a 2.4 kb sequence module. Finally, the pWa6 plasmids share a high degree of sequence similarity with pAL2-1, a linear plasmid previously identified in mitochondria of a long-lived mutant of P.anserina. A mechanism is proposed which explains the generation of these distinct, closely related extrachromosomal genetic traits.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized a novel spontaneous longevity mutant of Podospora anserina strain Wa32 carrying one of the pAL2-1 homologous mitochondrial plasmids. This mutant is at least ten fold longer-lived than the wild type, and is hence a formal suppressor of both the regular and the 'plasmid-based' senescence process. We show that the longevity trait is maternally inherited and coincides with the presence of a copy of the plasmid integrated in the 5' UTR of the mitochondrial Complex I genes nd2 and nd3. This mutation is associated with complex alterations in the respiratory chain, including a dispensable induction of the alternative oxidase. It is also associated with a stabilization of the mitochondrial chromosome and a reduction of the overall cellular level of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel family of plasmids, each containing very short monomeric units, in Podospora anserina longevity mutants. These plasmids, termed small mitochondrial DNAs (sMt-DNAs), are derived from a highly ordered 368-base pair region of the mitochondrial genome. A total of five direct repeat sequences and seven significant regions of dyad symmetry (i.e. palindromes) were found within a 434-base pair mitochondrial sequence, which includes this 368-base pair region. Mitochondrial DNA rearrangements accompany the formation of these small plasmids indicating their derivation from a plastic region of the mitochondrial genome. A possible relationship between the direct repeat sequences, the palindromic regions, and the excision process is discussed.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction is the only life span extending regimen known that applies to all aging organisms. Although most fungi do not appear to senesce, all natural isolates of the modular filamentous fungus Podospora anserina have a limited life span. In this paper, we show that calorie restriction extends life span also in Podospora anserina. The response to glucose limitation varies significantly among 23 natural isolates from a local population in The Netherlands, ranging from no effect up to a 5-fold life span extension. The isolate dependent effect is largely due to the presence or absence of pAL2-1 homologous plasmids. These mitochondrial plasmids are associated with reduced life span under calorie restricted conditions, suggesting a causal link. This has been substantiated using three combinations of isogenic isolates with and without plasmids. A model is proposed to explain how pAL2-1 homologues influence the response to calorie restriction.  相似文献   

A natural population of recently isolated Podospora anserina strains was screened for homologues of the linear longevity-inducing plasmid pAL2-1. Of the 78 wild-type isolates, 14 hybridised with a pAL2-1 specific probe, half of which contained a single plasmid and the other half multiple plasmid copies (plasmid family). All strains except one plasmid-containing strain, senesced normally. However, no inserted plasmid sequences were detected in the mitochondrial DNA, as was the case for the longevity-inducing pAL2-1 plasmid. Occasional loss of plasmids and of repeated plasmid sequences occurred during sexual transfer. Plasmid transmission was equally efficient for mono- and dikaryotic spores and was independent of the genetic background of the strains. Furthermore, horizontal transfer experiments showed that the linear plasmid could easily infect plasmid-free strains. Horizontal transfer was even observed between strains showing a clear vegetative incompatibility response (barrage). The linear plasmids are inherited maternally; however, paternal transmission was observed in crosses between confronted vegetative-incompatible strains. Paternal transmission of the plasmid was never observed using isolated spermatia for fertilisation, showing that mitochondrial plasmids can only gain access to maternal sexual reproductive structures following horizontal transfer. These findings have implications for both the function of vegetative incompatibility in fungi and for the mechanism of maintenance of linear plasmids. Received: 13 November 1997 / Accepted: 17 February 1998  相似文献   

The linear mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 of the long-lived mutant AL2 of Podospora anserina was demonstrated to be able to integrate into the high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Hybridization analysis and densitometric evaluation of the mitochondrial genome isolated from cultures of different ages revealed that the mtDNA is highly stable during the whole life span of the mutant. In addition, and in sharp contrast to the situation in certain senescence-prone Neurospora strains, the mutated P. anserina mtDNA molecules containing integrated plasmid copies are not suppressive to wild-type genomes. As demonstrated by hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, the proportion of mtDNA molecules affected by the integration of pAL2-1 fluctuates between 10% and 50%. Comparative sequence analysis of free and integrated plasmid copies revealed four differences within the terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). These point mutations are not caused by the integration event since they occur subsequent to integration and at various ages. Interestingly, both repeats contain identical sequences indicating that the mechanism involved in the maintenance of perfect TIRs is active on both free and integrated plasmid copies. Finally, in reciprocal crosses between AL2 and the wild-type strain A, some abnormal progeny were obtained. One group of strains did not contain detectable amounts of plasmid pAL2-1, although the mtDNA was clearly of the type found in the long-lived mutant AL2. These strains exhibited a short-lived phenotype. In contrast, one strain was selected that was found to contain wild-type A-specific mitochondrial genomes and traces of pAL2-1. This strain was characterized by an increased life span. Altogether these data suggest that the linear plasmid pAL2-1 is involved in the expression of longevity in mutant AL2.  相似文献   

The excision-junction sites of a mtDNA rearrangement of a long-lived strain of Podospora anserina, Mn19, were cloned and sequenced. Analysis of sequence and hybridization data lead to the conclusion that the Mn19 mtDNA consists of two nonoverlapping circular molecules. Three plasmids, LMt-2, LMt-3, and LMt-4, cloned from long-lived progeny of crosses between the Mn19 strain and wild type were cloned and sequenced. These plasmids share features and excision-junction sites with previously described longevity and senescence plasmids. The Mn19 mtDNA rearrangement and plasmids LMt-2, LMt-3, and LMt-4 are described. The possible significance of similarities to previously described plasmids is discussed.  相似文献   

A physical map was constructed for the 250-kilobase plasmid pRiA4b, which confers the virulence properties of a strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes for hairy root disease in plants. The complete HindIII and KpnI restriction map was determined from a collection of overlapping HindIII partial digest clones. Homologous regions with two well-characterized plasmids that confer virulence for crown gall disease, plasmids pTiA6 and pTiT37, were mapped on pRiA4b. As much as 160 kilobases of pRiA4b had detectable homology to one or both of these crown-gall-tumor-inducing plasmids. About 33 kilobases of pRiA4b hybridized to the vir region of pTiA6, a segment of DNA required for virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Portions of pTiA6 and pTiT37 transferred into plant cells in crown gall disease (T-DNA), shared limited homology with scattered regions of pRiA4b. The tumor morphology loci tms-1 and tms-2 from the T-DNA of pTiA6 hybridized to pRiA4b. A T-DNA fragment containing the tml and tmr tumor morphology loci also hybridized to pRiA4b, but the homology has not been defined to a locus and is probably not specific to tmr. A segment of pRiA4b T-DNA which was transferred into plant cells in hairy root disease lacked detectable homology to pTiA6 and had limited homology at one end to the T-DNA of pTiT37.  相似文献   

During senescence in Podospora anserina, specific gene regions of the mitochondrial genome are excised and amplified. The most prevalent, termed alpha-event senDNA, is a 2600 bp circular molecule which is excised from the contiguous Hae III fragments 23,14 region of the mitochondrial DNA restriction map. We have cloned alpha-DNA plasmid from races s+ and A+ as well as the genomic fragments Hae III 23,14 and have sequenced those regions which constitute the alpha-junction sites. We have found that one excision site (J1) is located 24 bp from the proximal Hae III 23 restriction site and the other (J2) 172 bp from the distal Hae III 14 site. Flanking the alpha-DNA sequences on the mitochondrial genome, there are 10 bp palindromic sequences: CAATATATTG, ending 3 bases from the J1 site, and ATTATATAAT which starts 8 bases from the J2 site. Neither of these 10 bp palindromes are present on the alpha-DNA plasmid. Abutting the J1 site on the alpha-DNA there is a 5 bp sequence (GTGCT) which is repeated 8 bp downstream. In joining the two distal J1 and J2 sites, a 7 bp repeat (ACGTGCG) is produced. These results are discussed within the context of site-specific recombination.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that linear plasmids bearing Tetrahymena telomeric sequences are able to replicate autonomously in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina (1). However, autonomous replication occurs in only 50-70% of the transformants, suggesting a defect in the recognition of the Tetrahymena telomeric template by the putative P. anserina telomerase so that only a fraction of entering DNA is stabilized into linear extrachromosomal molecules. We have cloned DNA sequences added to the Tetrahymena (T2G4)n ends of the linear plasmid. Nucleotide sequencing showed that these sequences are exclusively composed of T2AG3 repeat units. Hybridization experiments of Bal31 treated DNA showed that T2AG3 repeats are confined within 200 bp in chromosomal P. anserina telomeres. A new plasmid has been constructed so that after linearization, the terminal sequences contain T2AG3 repeats. This linear molecule transforms P. anserina with a high frequency (up to 1.75 x 10(4) transformants/micrograms), autonomous replication occurs in 100% of the transformants and the plasmid copy number is about 2-3 per nucleus. These results underscore the importance of the telomeric repeat nucleotide sequence for efficient recognition as functional telomeric DNA in vivo and provide the first step toward the development of an artificial chromosome cloning system for filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium plasmids Dgp1 and Dfp1, two members of the Ddp2 plasmid family, are 86% identical in nucleotide sequence. These small (4481 and 5015 bp), high copy number, nuclear plasmids carry both a gene homologous to the Ddp2 rep gene and a long 0.47- to 0. 48-kb inverted repeat region. Their Rep proteins are 82.8% identical in amino acid sequence and carry all 10 of the conserved peptide sequence motifs found in the Ddp2 family Rep proteins. Unlike other members of this family, Dgp1 carries two copies and Dfp1 carries four copies of a 162- to 166-bp direct repeat element. Both the direct and inverted repeat elements, as well as the promoter of the rep gene, are highly conserved (81 to 90% identical) between Dgp1 and Dfp1. In contrast, these regions are not highly conserved and the Rep proteins are only about 40% identical among the other known members of the plasmid family.  相似文献   

A Podospora anserina longevity mutant was identified with a temperature-sensitive phenotype for senescence. This mutant, termed TS1, grew for over 3 m at 27 degrees C, but when shifted to 34 degrees C, it underwent senescence between 10 and 18 cm. A previously described senescence-associated plasmid, alpha senDNA, derived from the mitochondrial genome, was not detected in TS1 at 27 degrees C but was present in senescent cultures at 34 degrees C. A similar result was observed in progeny strains obtained by crossing the TS1 mutant with a wild-type strain. Other mitochondrial excision-amplification DNAs in addition to alpha senDNA were also observed in the senescent cultures. Most were derived from a specific region of the mitochondrial genome. These results provide evidence that alpha senDNA is involved in TS1 senescence and suggest that this plasmid may play a role in the formation of other mitochondrial excision-amplification plasmids.  相似文献   

Recent genome analysis of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight disease on Rosaceae, has shown that the chromosome is highly conserved among strains and that plasmids are the principal source of genomic diversity. A new circular plasmid, pEA68, was found in E. amylovora strain 692 (LMG 28361), isolated in Poland from Sorbus (mountain ash) with fire blight symptoms. Annotation of the 68,763-bp IncFIIa-type plasmid revealed that it contains 79 predicted CDS, among which two operons (tra, pil) are associated with mobility. The plasmid is maintained stably in E. amylovora and does not possess genes associated with antibiotic resistance or known virulence genes. Curing E. amylovora strain 692 of pEA68 did not influence its virulence in apple shoots nor amylovoran synthesis. Of 488 strains of E. amylovora from seventeen countries, pEA68 was only found in two additional strains from Belgium. Although the spread of pEA68 is currently limited to Europe, pEA68 comprises, together with pEA72 and pEA78 both found in North America, a new plasmid family that spans two continents.  相似文献   

Mutations that increase readthrough at a UGA stop codon (informational suppressor mutations) were created in the gene (AS4) that encodes translation elongation factor eEF1A in the filamentous fungus Podospora amserina. The results strongly suggest that the net charge of the eEF1A protein controls the accuracy of translation. Physiological analysis of the mutant strains shows that some of the alleles dominantly increase life span, while only one drastically modifies fertility. This exceptional allele (AS4-56) causes a wide array of phenotypes, including a new growth cessation phenomenon that is different from Senescence or Crippled Growth, previously known degenerative syndromes that are both controlled by AS4. The data emphasise the fact that eEF1A exerts a complex control over cellular physiology.  相似文献   

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