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Summary The Uq transposable element of maize is the most widely dispersed among different maize populations and genetic testerstrains. Despite intensive genetic characterization, little is known about its molecular structure. In order to obtain information relevant to this topic, we have cloned and sequenced three ruq receptors. Surprisingly, they are all Ds1-like receptor types of the Ac-Ds transposon family. Based on our molecular data, we present a model to explain the functional differences associated with the differential expression of the Uq and Ac transposon systems.  相似文献   

Summary A quiescent Uq transposable element has been activated in a maize plant treated with 5-aza-2-deoxycyti-dine. This activated Uq cosegregates with a heritable dominant miniature (Mn) kernel phenotype, indicating its physical association with a maize miniature locus (Mn:: Uq). The Mn:: Uq mutant is dominant in producing a miniature seed phenotype of variable size and in reducing seedling vigor in the early growth stage. Genetic experiments indicate that the Mn:: Uq mutant also affects the activity of the male gametophyte, whereby pollen germination is inhibited, thus lacking pollen tube growth resulting in the male nontransmissibility of this mutant. Proof for the Uq element in this mutant is derived by its ability to transactivate the standard a-ruq reporter allele to yield spotted aleurone tissue. However, the Mn:: Uq mutant does not transactivate a normally Uq-responsive c-ruq allele, suggesting a structural difference between the two ruq receptors at the A1 and C1 loci. It is anticipated that cloning of the Uq transposable element would facilitate the molecular cloning and characterization of the maize miniature gene.Journal Paper No. J-13425 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA, Project No. 2850  相似文献   

Lazarow K  Du ML  Weimer R  Kunze R 《Genetics》2012,191(3):747-756
Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposable elements from maize are widely used as insertional mutagenesis and gene isolation tools in plants and more recently also in medaka and zebrafish. They are particularly valuable for plant species that are transformation-recalcitrant and have long generation cycles or large genomes with low gene densities. Ac/Ds transposition frequencies vary widely, however, and in some species they are too low for large-scale mutagenesis. We discovered a hyperactive Ac transposase derivative, AcTPase(4x), that catalyzes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 100-fold more frequent Ds excisions than the wild-type transposase, whereas the reintegration frequency of excised Ds elements is unchanged (57%). Comparable to the wild-type transposase in plants, AcTPase(4x) catalyzes Ds insertion preferentially into coding regions and to genetically linked sites, but the mutant protein apparently has lost the weak bias of the wild-type protein for insertion sites with elevated guanine-cytosine content and nonrandom protein-DNA twist. AcTPase(4x) exhibits hyperactivity also in Arabidopsis thaliana where it effects a more than sixfold increase in Ds excision relative to wild-type AcTPase and thus may be useful to facilitate Ac/Ds-based insertion mutagenesis approaches.  相似文献   

Summary Two genomic clones, pC1.2 and p20D (containing inserts of 2.0 and 1.6 kb, respectively) were isolated from the A2b region to polytene chromosome IV of Chironomus thummi thummi salivary gland cells. Upon in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes of C. thummi thummi and C. thummi piger, p20D DNA hybridized mainly over the A2b region of chromosome IV, whereas pC1.2 DNA hybridized to at least 90 sites distributed over all the chromosomes. A partial nucleotide sequence analysis showed that these clones were very similar and allowed the detection of a 596 by insert in the pC1.2 clone. This insert possesses all of the essential features of a Class II transposable element and was called MEC. It carries a nearly perfect 107 by terminal inverted repeat containing one mismatch and is flanked by a 5 by direct repeat. The 372 by central region contains a short open reading frame with a coding capacity of 58 amino acids.  相似文献   

The impact of the hobo transposable element in global reorganization of the Drosophila melanogaster genome has been investigated in transgenic lines generated by injection of hobo elements into the Hikone strain, which lacked them. In the present extensive survey, the chromosomal distribution of hobo insertion sites in the line 28 was found to be homogeneous and similar for all chromosomal arms, except 3L, when compared with other transgenic lines. However, some original features were observed in this line at the genetic and chromosomal levels. Several hotspots of insertion sites were observed on the X, second and third chromosomes. Five sites with a high frequency of hobo insertions were present on the 3L arm in most individuals tested, suggesting the action of selection for hobo element in some sites. The presence of doublets or triplet was also observed, implying that hobo inserts can show local jumps or insertions in preferred regions. This local transposition occurred independently in 11 specific genomic regions in many individuals and generations. The dynamics of this phenomenon were analysed across generations. These results support the use of the hobo system as an important tool in fundamental and applied Drosophila genetics.  相似文献   

Summary A 1.7 kb long transposable element called TECth1 was found in the 3 flanking region of aChironomus thummi Balbiani ring gene. As shown by sequence comparison with a second copy, TECthl is characterized by a perfect terminal inverted repeat of 17 by flanked by a duplicated target site of 8 bp, four internal imperfect inverted repeats of 17 to 26 by and terminal regions of about 0.25 kb with a high number of short direct repeats of the consensus sequence ACTTT or permutated and mutated forms such as TTTAC or ACTAT. The terminal inverted repeats and the 8 by target site duplication are reminiscent ofDrosophila P and hobo elements but no long open reading frame starting with ATG is present, suggesting that the two TECthl copies studied represent deletion derivatives of a longer element coding for its own transposase. In situ hybridization revealed about 75 labelled sites distributed over all chromosomes with the Balbiani ring locus most strongly labelled. Fifty percent of the sites are specific for a given individual, and these variable sites are often heterozygous for the element.  相似文献   

The Hermes transposable element has been used to genetically transform a wide range of insect species, including the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, a vector of several important human pathogens. Hermes integrations into the mosquito germline are characterized by the non-canonical integration of the transposon and flanking plasmid and, once integrated, Hermes is stable in the presence of its transposase. In an effort to improve the post-integration mobility of Hermes in the germline of Ae. aegypti, a transgenic helper Mos1 construct expressing Hermes transposase under the control of a testis-specific promoter was crossed to a separate transgenic strain containing a target Hermes transposon. In less than 1% of the approximately 1,500 progeny from jumpstarter lines analyzed, evidence of putative Hermes germline remobilizations were detected. These recovered transposition events occur through an aberrant mechanism and provide insight into the non-canonical cut-and-paste transposition of Hermes in the germ line of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Summary The transfer of a Chl element, causing resistance to chloramphenicol in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), was studied in NF x SCP1 superfertile crosses. When the Chl element is on the donor side (NF) its transfer to the recombinant cells was virtually total as if the element acted as a second concomitant transfer origin. When the Chl element was on the recipient side (SCP1) it was never displaced by the immigrant chromosome even when the region facing chl + was selected for. A fraction of the original Chl mutants presented a requirement for arginine (ArgB). A Chl mutant gave rise spontaneously to ArgB derivatives at high frequency. The same ArgB requirement come out at high frequency among Chl derivatives from a cross NFChl x SCP1Chl+ in which neither parent required arginine or produced spontaneously arginineless derivatives. It is suggested that the Chl element is a transposable element (Tn) presumably associated with insertion sequences (IS). The insertional inactivation of the Chl element may be accompanied or followed by a deletion in the adjacent ArgB gene.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments have revealed that the maize transposable element Activator (Ac) may become active during tissue culture. The objective of the present study was to determine whether a second transposable element, Suppressor-mutator (Spm), could also be activated in tissue culture and detected in regenerated maize plants. Approximately 500 R1 progeny of 143 regenerated plants (derived from 49 embryo cell lines) were crossed as males onto an Spm-responsive tester stock. Spm activity was observed in two R1 progeny of a single regenerated plant. This plant had been regenerated from Type II (friable embryogenic) callus of an A188 × B73 genetic background after 8 months in culture; the absence of Spm activity in four other plants regenerated from this same callus demonstrates that Spm activity was not present before culturing. Approximately 20 Spm-homologous DNA sequences were detected in each of the inbreds used to initiate the tissue cultures; it is presumed that one of these became active to give rise to Spm activity.  相似文献   

Summary On at least three independent occasions a 1.6 kb segment of Streptomyces coelicolor DNA was detected in apparently the same location in an attP-deleted derivative of the temperature phage C31 that carried a selectable viomycin resistance gene. This sequence (termed IS110) allowed integration of the phage (giving viomycin-resistant transductants) at homologous sequences (detected by Southern hybridisation) at several locations in the S. coelicolor genome. The inserted prophages facilitated genetic mapping of two IS110 copies in the chromosomal linkage map. A third copy did not exhibit simple segregation with chromosomal markers, and there appeared to be a frequent DNA rearrangement close to this copy. Some variation in the number of copies of IS110 and their location has taken place in the pedigree of S. coelicolor derivatives. IS110 did not hybridise to any known S. coelicolor plasmid, nor to any of several other IS-like elements previously described in other Streptomyces plasmids or phages. It hybridised strongly to DNA from only a small minority of other Streptomyces species and was absent from S. lividans, a close relative of S. coelicolor.  相似文献   

The mini-circle is a transposable element which is present in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) in both free circular and chromosomally integrated linear forms. The nucleotide sequences of the mini-circle and its preferred site of integration in the Streptomyces lividans TK64 chromosome were determined. Three putative open reading frames were identified in the mini-circle sequence. The mini-circle does not appear to cause a target site duplication on transposition and does not have perfect terminal inverted repeats. The observed site-specificity of the mini-circle is not mediated by extensive homology between the element and the chromosomal integration site. Transposition of the mini-circle into the S. lividans chromosome was demonstrated and found to be some two orders of magnitude less efficient than integration of the circular form of the element, suggesting that the circular form of the mini-circle might be a normal intermediate in the transposition process.  相似文献   

The technique to generate transgenic mosquitoes requires adaptation for each target species because of aspects related to species biology, sensitivity to manipulation and rearing conditions. Here we tested different parameters on the microinjection procedure in order to obtain a transgenic Neotropical mosquito species. By using a transposon-based strategy we were able to successfully transform Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz), which can be used as an avian malaria model. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the piggyBac transposable element as a transformation vector for Neotropical mosquito species and opens up new research frontiers for South American mosquito vectors.  相似文献   

We have characterized Tdr1, a family of Tc1-like transposable elements found in the genome of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The copy number and distribution of the sequence in the zebrafish genome have been determined, and by these criteria Tdr1 can be classified as a moderately repetitive, interspersed element. Examination of the sequences and structures of several copies of Tdr1 revealed that a particular deletion derivative, 1250 by long, of the transposon has been amplified to become the dominant form of Tdr1. The deletion in these elements encompasses sequences encoding the N-terminal portion of the putative Tdr1 transposase. Sequences corresponding to the deleted region were also detected, and thus allowed prediction of the nucleotide sequence of a hypothetical full-length element. Well conserved segments of Tc1-like transposons were found in the flanking regions of known fish genes, suggesting that these elements have a long evolutionary history in piscine genomes. Tdr1 elements have long, 208 by inverted repeats, with a short DNA motif repeated four times at the termini of the inverted repeats. Although different from that of the prototype C. elegans transposon Tc1, this inverted repeat structure is shared by transposable elements from salmonid fish species and two Drosophila species. We propose that these transposons form a subgroup within the Tc1-like family. Comparison of Tc1-like transposons supports the hypothesis that the transposase genes and their flanking sequences have been shaped by independent evolutionary constraints. Although Tc1-like sequences are present in the genomes of several strains of zebrafish and in salmonid fishes, these sequences are not conserved in the genus Danio, thus raising the possibility that these elements can be exploited for gene tagging and genome mapping.  相似文献   

The piggyBac transposable element, originally isolated from a virus in an insect cell line, is a valuable molecular tool for transgenesis and mutagenesis of invertebrates. For heterologous transgenesis in a variety of mammals, transfer of the piggyBac transposable element from an ectopic plasmid only requires expression of piggyBac transposase. To determine if piggyBac could function in dicotyledonous plants, a two-element system was developed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) to test for transposable element excision and insertion. The first transgenic line constitutively expressed piggyBac transposase, while the second transgenic line contained at least two non-autonomous piggyBac transposable elements. Progeny from crosses of the two transgenic lines was analyzed for piggyBac excision and transposition. Several progeny displayed excision events, and all the sequenced excision sites exhibited evidence of the precise excision mechanism characteristic of piggyBac transposase. Two unique transposition insertion events were identified that each included diagnostic duplication of the target site. These data indicate that piggyBac transposase is active in a dicotyledonous plant, although at a low frequency.  相似文献   

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