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Summary The rate of fall in the proportion of plasmid-containing cells in a population ofBacillus subtilis 1A297[pVC102] grown in continuous culture was independent of growth rate. Plasmid loss could not be ascribed to faulty partitioning during cell division. At a low dilution rate, the specific rate of plasmid loss exceeded the specific growth rate of the plasmid-containing cells.  相似文献   

Various mutations were introduced in a conserved helicase domain (motif VI) of the AddA subunit of the Bacillus subtilis ATP-dependent nuclease (AddAB) by site-directed mutagenesis. These mutations affected the helicase activity and the ATP-dependent exonuclease activity on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) as the substrate to various degrees, but had hardly any effect on the exonuclease activity on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), suggesting that exonuclease activity on dsDNA of the enzyme requires unwinding of the DNA. This idea was supported by the finding that, initially, the rate and extent of unwinding of the DNA were higher than those of its degradation to acid-soluble products by the exonucleolytic activity. The effects of the mutations on DNA repair and recombination correlated strongly with their effects on helicase activity. Taken together, these results suggest that motif VI is essential for the helicase activity, and that this activity is required for DNA repair and recombination.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmid pCED3 was structurally unstable inBacillus subtilis cultures grown in the presence of kanamycin to eliminate the effects of segregational instability. Analysis of 96 modified plasmids indicated that deletions in the plasmid occur at many different sites. The presence of plasmid pCED3 slowed the growth rate of theB. subtilis host. Cells that contained modified plasmids grew faster than the parental cells and took over the population. Two different methodologies were developed to reduce the cultural instability of the plasmid-directed LacZ+ phenotype. By growing the cells in a medium that supports a low growth rate, the growth rate ratio between modified and parental cells was reduced, resulting in a partial stabilization (40 generations) of the LacZ+ phenotype in the population [35]. Removal of a 4.77 kbEcoRI fragment (which consists primarily of the pBR322 replicon) from plasmid pCED3 produced a more stable plasmid derivative, designated pYS1. Cells harboring plasmid pYS1 grew faster than pCED3-bearing cells, although the level of activity of -galactosidase was similar in both strains. By combining the two approaches (i.e., growth of pYS1-bearing cells in a medium that supports low growth rate), the LacZ+ phenotype was stably maintained in the cell population for over 170 generations. Under these conditions, there was no detectable difference between the growth rates of cells bearing the pYS1 plasmid and further modified plasmids.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxyacid synthetase activity of crude extracts ofBacillus subtilis grown in pH 7.0 minimal medium has a pH optimum of 7.5. However, the activity of extracts of cells grown in minimal medium of pH 6.0 shows a pH optimum of 6.5. Acetate or propionate induces formation of the pH 6.5 activity. Hydroxyapatite chromatography of a crude extract of cells grown in pH 7.0 medium shows one major and one minor peak of enzymatic activity. Both peaks have a pH optimum of 7.5–8.0. However, chromatography of an extract of cells grown in the presence of acetate reveals three peaks of activity: one major peak with a pH optimum of 6.5 and two minor peaks both having a pH optimum of 7.5–8.0.  相似文献   

A dual expression system for overexpressing two proteins by a single cell strain has been developed in Bacillus subtilis. This dual expression system combines the phi105MU331 prophage system and a plasmid system within a single cell. Protein expression by the prophage system is heat inducible, while that of the plasmid system is constitutive. Three candidate genes, BPN, BT, and amyE, all of Bacillus origin, were used as test models. Seven strains (BPN, BT, AMY, BS168K, MU331K, BPNK, and BTK) were constructed to investigate the influences of the prophage system and the plasmid system on each other, and to compare the efficiency of the individual expression systems with that of the dual expression system. Individually, the yield of the plasmid system is higher than that of the prophage system, which could be attributed to the constitutive nature of the expression of the plasmid system. Nonetheless, for the dual expression strains, the expression of two enzymes in a single fermentation run can reduce costs in facilities, manpower, and utilities. Fed-batch fermentation of BPNK strains confirmed the feasibility of applying this dual expression system in industrial-scale production.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the subunits of the Bacillus subtilis ATP-dependent nuclease (add genes) have been cloned. The genes were located on an 8.8-kb SalI-SmaI chromosomal DNA fragment. Transformants of a recBCD deletion mutant of Escherichia coli with plasmid pGV1 carrying this DNA fragment showed ATP-dependent nuclease activity. Three open reading frames were identified on the 8.8-kb SalI-SmaI fragment, which could encode three proteins with molecular masses of 135 (AddB protein), 141 (AddA protein), and 28 kDa. Only the AddB and AddA proteins are required for ATP-dependent exonuclease activity. Both the AddB and AddA proteins contained a conserved amino acid sequence for ATP binding. In the AddA protein, a number of small regions were present showing a high degree of sequence similarity with regions in the E. coli RecB protein. The AddA protein contained six conserved motifs which were also present in the E. coli helicase II (UvrD protein) and the Rep helicase, suggesting that these motifs are involved in the DNA unwinding activity of the enzyme. When linked to the T7 promoter, a high level of expression was obtained in E. coli.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair (MMR) greatly contributes to genome integrity via the correction of mismatched bases that are mainly generated by replication errors. Postreplicative MMR excises a relatively long tract of error-containing single-stranded DNA. MutL is a widely conserved nicking endonuclease that directs the excision reaction to the error-containing strand of the duplex by specifically nicking the daughter strand. Because MutL apparently exhibits nonspecific nicking endonuclease activity in vitro, the regulatory mechanism of MutL has been argued. Recent studies suggest ATP-dependent conformational and functional changes of MutL, indicating that the regulatory mechanism involves the ATP binding and hydrolysis cycle. In this study, we investigated the effect of ATP binding on the structure of MutL. First, a cross-linking experiment confirmed that the N-terminal ATPase domain physically interacts with the C-terminal endonuclease domain. Next, hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry clarified that the binding of ATP to the N-terminal domain induces local structural changes at the catalytic sites of MutL C-terminal domain. Finally, on the basis of the results of the hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiment, we successfully identified novel regions essential for the endonuclease activity of MutL. The results clearly show that ATP modulates the nicking endonuclease activity of MutL via structural rearrangements of the catalytic site. In addition, several Lynch syndrome-related mutations in human MutL homolog are located in the position corresponding to the newly identified catalytic region. Our data contribute toward understanding the relationship between mutations in MutL homolog and human disease.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) is a recently discovered adaptive prokaryotic immune system that provides acquired immunity against foreign nucleic acids by utilizing small guide crRNAs (CRISPR RNAs) to interfere with invading viruses and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, Cas3 is essential for crRNA-guided interference with virus proliferation. Cas3 contains N-terminal HD phosphohydrolase and C-terminal Superfamily 2 (SF2) helicase domains. Here, we provide the first report of the cloning, expression, purification and in vitro functional analysis of the Cas3 protein of the Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR4 (Ecoli subtype) system. Cas3 possesses a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-stimulated ATPase activity, which is coupled to unwinding of DNA/DNA and RNA/DNA duplexes. Cas3 also shows ATP-independent nuclease activity located in the HD domain with a preference for ssDNA substrates. To dissect the contribution of individual domains, Cas3 separation-of-function mutants (ATPase(+)/nuclease(-) and ATPase(-)/nuclease(+)) were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. We propose that the Cas3 ATPase/helicase domain acts as a motor protein, which assists delivery of the nuclease activity to Cascade-crRNA complex targeting foreign DNA.  相似文献   

Unlike Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, the gram-positive lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis does not possess the SecDF protein, a component of the secretion (Sec) machinery involved in late secretion stages and required for the high-capacity protein secretion in B. subtilis. In this study, we complemented the L. lactis Sec machinery with SecDF from B. subtilis and evaluated the effect on the secretion of two forms of staphylococcal nuclease, NucB and NucT, which are efficiently and poorly secreted, respectively. The B. subtilis SecDF-encoding gene was tested in L. lactis at different levels. Increased quantities of the precursor and mature forms were observed only at low levels of SecDF and at high NucT production levels. This SecDF secretion enhancement was observed at the optimal growth temperature (30 degrees C) and was even greater at 15 degrees C. Furthermore, the introduction of B. subtilis SecDF into L. lactis was shown to have a positive effect on a secreted form of Brucella abortus L7/L12 antigen.  相似文献   

The kinetics of extracellular neutral proteinase synthesis by an isogenic stringent (IS58) and a relaxed (IS56) strain ofB. subtilis were compared. The specific enzyme formation rate by the stringent strain was higher than that of the relaxed one. Norvaline addition (1 mg/mL) induced the formation of pppGpp and ppGpp, respectively, as well as the appearance of extracellular neutral proteinase activities in cultures of the stringent strain IS58 and a strain with high proteinase production (ZF-178) only. These correlations support the suggestion that (p)ppGpp are involved in the regulation processes responsible for production of extracellular neutral proteinases byB. subtilis. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. F. Mach on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

The character of protein synthesis between the 10th and the 50th min of cultivation of recipient cells in a TM2 medium was followed with the aid of14C-proline pulse labelling. Some of the peaks of14C-proline incorporation appear to be related to the frequency of transformation. It is assumed on the basis of chloramphenicol inhibition that different proteins are synthesized by recipient cells to ensure reversible as well as irreversible DNA uptake. Their initiation was localized before the 20th min and at about the 30th min, respectively.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains are often host to several types of cytoplasmic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genomes, some of which are encapsidated by the L-A dsRNA product, an 86,000-dalton coat protein. Here we present the finding that nuclear recessive mutations in the NUC1 gene, which encodes the major nonspecific nuclease of yeast mitochondria, resulted in at least a 10-fold increase in amounts of the L-A dsRNA and its encoded coat protein. The effect of nuc1 mutations on L-A abundance was completely suppressed in strains that also hosted the killer-toxin-encoding M dsRNA. Both NUC1 and nuc1 strains containing the L-A genome exhibited an increase in coat protein abundance and a concomitant increase in L-A dsRNA when the cells were grown on a nonfermentable carbon source rather than on glucose, an effect independent of the increase in coat protein due to nuc1 mutations or to the absence of M. The increase in L-A expression in nuc1 strains was similar to that observed in strains with mutations in the nuclear gene encoding the most abundant outer mitochondrial membrane protein, porin. nuc1 mutations did not affect the level of porin in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Since the effect of mutations in nuc1 was to alter the copy number of the L-A coat protein genome rather than to change the level of the M toxin genome (as do mak and ski mutations), these mutations define a new class of nuclear genes affecting yeast dsRNA abundance.  相似文献   

Summary We determined the effect of various Bacillus subtilis dna(Ts) mutations on pUB110 and chromosomal replication. Leading strand DNA synthesis of pUB110, starting by a nick at the plasmid replication origin (oriU), is performed by DNA polymerase III, since replication is blocked at non-permissive temperature in thermosensitive mutants dnaD, dnaF, dnaH and dnaN known to cause thermosensitivity of the various subunits of DNA polymerase III. When the lagging strand origin (oriL) is exposed, the DnaG protein (DNA primase) alone, or in association with unknown protein(s) binds asymmetrically to oriL to form a primer that is also extended by DNA polymerase III. In oriL - plasmids like pBT32, leading and lagging strand DNA syntheses are decoupled from each other. The DnaB protein, that is not required for pUB110 replication, may be associated with priming at a second unidentified lagging strand origin on pBT32. At non-permissive temperature, the dnaC30 and dnaI2 mutations affect both pUB110 and chromosomal DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

FlgM is an anti-sigma factor of the flagellar-specific sigma (sigma) subunit of RNA polymerase in Bacillus subtilis, and it is responsible of the coupling of late flagellar gene expression to the completion of the hook-basal body structure. We have overproduced the protein in soluble form and characterized it. FlgM forms dimers as shown by gel exclusion chromatography and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and interacts in vitro with the cognate sigmaD factor. The FlgM.sigmaD complex is a stable heterodimer as demonstrated by gel exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing. sigmaD belongs to the group of sigma factors able to bind to the promoter sequence even in the absence of core RNA polymerase. The FlgM.sigmaD complex gave a shift in a DNA mobility shift assay with a probe containing a sigmaD-dependent promoter sequence. Limited proteolysis studies indicate the presence of two structural motifs, corresponding to the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively.  相似文献   

A strain ofBacillus thuringiensis subsp.darmstadiensis (serotype 10), which produces heat-stable exotoxin and delta-endotoxin (Exo+Cry+), was used for curing and conjugation-like transformation experiments. After treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate, nine independent mutants that lacked exotoxin productivity (Exo) were obtained. Agarose gel electrophoresis showed that all Exo strains had lost a plasmid, whose size was 62 megadaltons (Mdal). WhenB. thuringiensis was mated with a streptomycin-resistant (Strr)B. cereus strain, five Exo+Strr transformants that had acquired the 62-Mdal plasmid were isolated. Furthermore, the Cry+ phenotype was consistently associated with the Exo+ phenotype. These results indicate that a transmissible plasmid is involved in production of both heat-stable exotoxin and delta-endotoxin.  相似文献   

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