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The dependence of net charge and oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin upon hemoglobin concentration was reinvestigated. In contrast to earlier reports from various laboratories, both functional properties of hemoglobin were found to be independent of hemoglobin concentration. Two findings indicate a concentration-independent net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin at pH 6.6: (A) The pH value of a given carbonmonoty hemoglobin solution remains constant at 6.6 when the hemoglobin concentration is raised from 10 to 40 g/dl, indicating that there is no change in protonation of titratable groups of hemoglobin: (b) the net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin as estimated from the Donnan distribution of 22Na+ shows no dependence on hemoglobin concentration in this concentration range. The oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin was determined from measurements of oxygen concentrations in equilibrated samples using a Lex-O2-Con apparatus (Lexington Instruments, Waltham, Mass.). P50 averaged 11.4 mm Hg at 37 degrees C, pH = 7.2, and ionic strength approximately 0.15. Neither P50 nor Hill's n showed any variation with hemoglobin concentrations increasing from 10 to 40 g/dl.  相似文献   

Laser correlation Spectroscopy was used to measure the mutual diffusion coefficient, D, of human cyanomethemoglobin (Fe+++:CN) at varying protein concentrations. These measurements were male at 20°C in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.0. For low protein concentrations we find D = (6.43 ± 0.26) × 10?7 cm2/S and that there is a near linear decrease from this value at higher concentrations. The linear relation between the diffusion coefficient and protein concentration allows us to deduce the value of the linear frictional volume fraction coefficient, Kf= 7.75. and to extrapolate to hemoglobin concentrations equivalent to that in the red blood cell where we estimate D = 4.25 × 10?7 cm2/s Various theoretical predictions of the dependence of the mutual diffusion coefficient on concentration are tested; we find that the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation can be made to fit our high concentration data if we assume a hard-sphere model and if we include a term involving a hydrodynamic interaction integral.  相似文献   

The reductive nitrosylation of ferric (met)hemoglobin is of considerable interest and remains incompletely explained. We have previously observed that at low NO concentrations the reaction with tetrameric hemoglobin occurs with an observed rate constant that is at least 5 times faster than that observed at higher concentrations. This was ascribed to a faster reaction of NO with a methemoglobin-nitrite complex. We now report detailed studies of this reaction of low NO with methemoglobin. Nitric oxide paradoxically reacts with ferric hemoglobin with faster observed rate constants at the lower NO concentration in a manner that is not affected by changes in nitrite concentration, suggesting that it is not a competition between NO and nitrite, as we previously hypothesized. By evaluation of the fast reaction in the presence of allosteric effectors and isolated β- and α-chains of hemoglobin, it appears that NO reacts with a subpopulation of β-subunit ferric hemes whose population is influenced by quaternary state, redox potential, and hemoglobin dimerization. To further characterize the role of nitrite, we developed a system that oxidizes nitrite to nitrate to eliminate nitrite contamination. Removal of nitrite does not alter reaction kinetics, but modulates reaction products, with a decrease in the formation of S-nitrosothiols. These results are consistent with the formation of NO(2)/N(2)O(3) in the presence of nitrite. The observed fast reductive nitrosylation observed at low NO concentrations may function to preserve NO bioactivity via primary oxidation of NO to form nitrite or in the presence of nitrite to form N(2)O(3) and S-nitrosothiols.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1976,15(2):115-118
Data for oxygen equilibrium curves for Hb SS erythrocytes, both before and after separation into fractions of varying density by ultracentrifugation technique, were fitted to Hill plots and the ‘n’ values, which is a measure of the heme heme interaction of the Hb molecule, were analyzed. The heme heme interaction for the bottom fractions, which consist mainly of dense deformed cells with a very high MCHC, was found to be smaller than that for the top (undeformed cells) and middle fractions or unfractioned erythrocytes. This finding indicates that the high concentration of Hb S in the dense deformed cells is associated not only with a reduced affinity for oxygen but also a reduced heme heme interaction.  相似文献   

The effect of cortisol on cultured fibroblasts from human skin were studied. After 0–84-h preincubations in the presence of cortisol the cells were labeled for 12 h with [3H]thymidine, [3H]proline or [3H]glucosamine and the radioactivity incorporated into DNA, collagen, total proteins, hyaluronic acid and sulphated glycosaminoglycans was determined.Cortisol (1 · 10?5 M) caused a rapid, progressive decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid when compared to the controls. Similarly, it decreased the synthesis of sulphated glycosaminoglycans and DNA, but this was seen first after 12- and 24-h preincubations, respectively. The synthesis of collagen and other proteins was significantly increased when the preincubation time was 0–24 h. This stimulation, however, turned to inhibition when an 84-h preincubation was used. It was found that 1 · 10?7 M cortisol was the lowest concentration which caused the early inhibition in hyaluronate synthesis, while even 1 · 10?8 M was sufficient after an 84-h preincubation. The syntheses of sulphated glucosaminoglycans and DNA were significantly inhibited by 1 · 10?8 and 1 · 10?7 M cortisol, after an 54-h preincubation, respectively. Thus, the studies of cortisol effects on fibroblast functions may result in quite variable conclusions unless the time sequence and the steroid concentration effects are taken into account.  相似文献   

Deoxygenated sickle cell hemoglobin (Hb S) in 1.8 M phosphate buffer, and carbon monoxide (CO) saturated buffer were rapidly mixed using a stopped-flow apparatus. The binding of the CO to the Hb S polymers and the polymer melting was measured by time resolved optical spectroscopy. Polymer melting was associated with decreased turbidity, and CO binding to deoxy-Hb S was monitored by observation of changes in the absorption profile. The reaction temperature was varied from 20 degrees C to 35 degrees C. Polymer domain size at 20 degrees C was also varied. The data for mixtures involving normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A) fit well to a single exponential process whereas it was necessary to include a second process when fitting data involving Hb S. The overall Hb S-CO reaction rate decreased with increasing temperature from 20 degrees C to 35 degrees C, and increased with decreasing domain size. In comparison, Hb A-CO reaction rates increased uniformly with increasing temperature. Two competing reaction channels in the Hb S-CO reaction are proposed, one involving CO binding directly to the polymer and the other involving CO only binding to Hb molecules in the solution phase. The temperature dependence of the contribution of each pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin synthesis in rabbit reticulocytes in vitro   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

At a pH around 7.5 with 0.05 M NaPi, the shape of the oxygen equilibrium curve of hemoglobin from the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is temperature dependent. The affinity at low saturation increases, and that at high saturation decreases on cooling from 20°C to 10°C. The equilibrium curves at the two temperatures therefore cross over. This behavior is physiologically advantageous to a warm-bodied fish. It may be explained in terms of the two-state model by supposing that the allosteric constant L increases markedly on cooling the solutions.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult and one newborn heterozygotes, and three homozygotes for hemoglobin Constant Spring were examined for globin chain synthesis. Reticulocytes from venous blood were incorporated with [3H]-leucine in an incubation mixture for 3 hours. Globin prepared from the radioactive, washed red cells was fractionated by CM-cellulose chromatography in 8 M urea and the total radioactivity of each globin chain was determined. The mean of αβ ratio in the heterozygotes was 1.34 ± SD 0.08, which is significantly different from that of 1.07 ± SD 0.03 in eleven normal controls. The αβ+γ ratio in the heterozygous neonate was also 1.39. The αβ ratios in the three homozygotes were around 1.6. The α-Constant Spring chain appears to be over produced, but it may be unstable or labile, not fully available for conjugation with the non alpha chains.  相似文献   

Erythroid colonies were generated in response to erythropoietin in plasma clot cultures of sheep and goat bone marrow cells. At low concentration erythropoietin only hemoglobin A (betaA globin) was synthesized in goat cultures, but at high concentrations 50% of the hemoglobin synthesized was hemoglobin C (betaC globin). This effect of erythropoietin on the expression of a specific beta globin gene was manifested only after 72 h in vitro and followed the development of erythroid colonies. Sheep colonies behaved differently from those of goat in that little or no betaC globin synthesis occurred even at high erythropoietin concentration. To investigate this difference, sheep marrow cells were fractionated by unit gravity sedimentation. The erythroid colony-forming cells sedimented more rapidly (3.5-6mm/h) than the hemoglobinized eththroid precursors (1-3.5 mm/h), suggesting that the colonies were formed from an early erythroid precursor, However, the colonies formed from the sheep marrow fractions synthesized only betaA globin even at concentrations of erythropoietin sufficient to stimulate betaC globin synthesis in goat colonies. Morphologically, the goat colonies were larger and more mature than those of the sheep. By 96 h in vitro three-fourths of the goat colonies contained enucleated red cells compared to only 3% of the sheep colonies. Thus, erythropoietin had an equivalent effect in stimulating erythroid colony growth from the marrow of both species although there were both biochemical and morphological differences between the colonies. Hemoglobin switching appeared to require exposure of an early precursor to high erythropoietin concentration, but the results with sheep marrow suggested that the rate of colony growth and cellular maturation might also be important.  相似文献   

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