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黄婧  张敏  林峰  周鹏  周洁 《广西植物》2020,40(5):680-686
核DNA含量(2C-值)是描述植物生物多样性的一个重要特征参数。该研究利用流式细胞仪检测越橘属植物乌饭树核DNA含量,建立了适合乌饭树的流式细胞术测定方法:以野生乌饭树的嫩叶为材料,以已知核DNA含量的水稻品种‘日本晴’为内标,采用GPB解离液,细胞核悬液加入50μL獉mL-1碘化丙啶染色5 min即可上机检测。结果表明:(1) 9个乌饭树单株的核DNA含量平均值为(1.22±0.03) pg,最小值为1.18 pg,最大值为1.27 pg。(2)检测结果与已知的越橘属二倍体植株的2C-值含量相似,且不同地理来源的单株DNA含量没有显著差异(P>0.05),推测这9个单株为二倍体植株。(3)测定的乌饭树核DNA含量(2C-值)可丰富越橘属植物的C-值库;基于流式细胞术建立的乌饭树核DNA含量测定方法可为该属其他植物的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

郭水良  陈国奇  毛俐慧 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3698-3705
统计了中国境内有分布的539种被子植物的DNA C-值,分析了它们在不同分类群、生活型、倍性、生活史类型以及在杂草和非杂草类群中的分布情况,主要结果如下:(1)539种被子植物DNA C-值平均为4.06 pg,其中木本植物的DNA C-值平均为1.84 pg,低于草本植物的平均值(5.02 pg);(2)双子叶植物(360种)的DNA C-值平均为2.20 pg,极明显地小于单子叶植物(179种)的平均值(7.80 pg);(3)1年生植物的DNA C-值平均为2.78 pg, 明显小于多年植物的平均DNA C-值(6.65 pg);(4)134种杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.93 pg,明显小于非杂草草本植物的平均值(6.75 pg),含杂草较多的科,平均DNA C-值相对较小;(5)统计的47种入侵杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.76 pg, 略小于134种杂草的平均DNA C-值(1.93 pg),极显著地小于非杂草性草本植物(6.75 pg);(6)以科为单位,不同科的DNA C-值存在着极大的差异;(7) DNA C-值与染色体倍性的关系并不明显,但是,随着倍性的增加,基因组变小;(8) 在同一科、属中,与非杂草相比,典型杂草的DNA C-值往往偏小;(9)总体上杂草或杂草性强的植物,它们的DNA C-值比非杂草性植物的要小.但是,也还存在一些例外,例如野燕麦(Avena fatua)的DNA C-值就高达14.15 pg,而相反,十字花科和葫芦科的一些非杂草栽培植物,却具有很低的DNA C-值.结论:DNA C-值在预测外来物种的入侵性方面具有一定的应用价值,但是,由于在木本植物和草本植物之间、单子叶与双子叶植物之间、一年生和多年生植物之间,特别是在不同的科之间,植物的DNA C-值较明显的差异,因此,根据DNA C-值预测外来物种的入侵性,应该严格地限于同一科(或属)内的相关物种间的比较.  相似文献   

付改兰  冯玉龙 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1590-1594
用流式细胞仪测定了8科10属13种外来入侵植物、6种本地植物和1种外来非入侵植物的核DNAC-值。结果表明:作为整体,外来入侵植物的平均核DNAC-值显著低于本地种和外来非入侵种,但对同属不同类型植物进行比较,未发现一致的规律;在4个既包含外来入侵种又包含本地种的属中,泽兰属(Eupatorium)和鬼针草属(Bidens)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,莲子草属(Alternanthera)的2种外来入侵植物中仅有1个种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,而草胡椒属(Peperomia)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著高于同属本地种;表明核DNAC-值与外来植物入侵性无必然联系。  相似文献   

以10个北美冬青品种的嫩叶为材料,采用水稻‘日本晴’和二倍体大豆嫩叶为标样,检测北美冬青品种的核DNA含量及基因组大小,为北美冬青种质资源鉴定、基因组学研究以及新品种培育提供理论依据。结果表明:北美冬青品种间基因组大小存在显著差异。’Oosterwijk’、’Earlibright’、’Winter Red’、’Winter Gold’、’Apollo’、’Afterglow’和’Southern Gentleman’7个北美冬青品种基因组大小为728.46~852.99 Mb,推测这些品种为二倍体;’Cacapon’、’Red Sprite’和’Shaver’这3个品种北美冬青基因组大小为1954.99-2108.95 Mb,推测这3个品种为多倍体。’Apollo’和’Southern Gentleman’这两个雄性品种的基因组大小平均值明显小于其他雌性品种。本研究基于流式细胞术建立的北美冬青基因组大小测定方法可为该属其他植物的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以绢毛苣属(Soroseris)植物肉菊(S.umbrella(Franch.)Lipsch)、绢毛苣(S.glomerata(Decne.)Stebbins)、羽裂绢毛苣(S.hirsuta(Anth.)Shih)和金沙绢毛菊(S.gillii(S.Moore)Stebbins)4个种的8个居群为材料,采用WPB和Galbraith's buffer两种裂解液分别处理样品,运用流式细胞术测定DNA含量,并使用常规染色体压片法确定其细胞倍性。结果显示:两种裂解液中,最适于绢毛苣属植物DNA含量测定的裂解液为WPB;4个物种中,羽裂绢毛苣的基因组最小;细胞倍性水平对1Cx-值的影响较小。此外,本研究发现可采用种子萌发形成的幼苗代替难以获取的植物幼嫩叶片作为实验材料。  相似文献   

植物核DNA含量(2C-值)与倍性水平是重要的植物学基本特征,是进行种群进化、物种分类和生态学等研究的有力证据.为确定中国吊钟花属(Enkianthus Lour.)各物种的核DNA含量与倍性水平并探究该属植物在种间、种内核DNA含量差异,该研究以6种中国吊钟花属植物共23个居群60个样品为试验材料,以水稻品种'日本晴...  相似文献   

解梦  于晶  郭水良 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3453-3461
核DNA含量是重要的生物学概念,涉及DNA C-值和基因组大小。前人有关植物核DNA含量在纬度梯度上的变异规律存在着矛盾的报道,而且多数将核DNA含量与纬度、海拔、气候等因素之间的关系描述成线性关系。核DNA含量是否具有环境适应上的意义,也还存在争议。先前有关核DNA含量与环境因素间关系的矛盾性报道可能与取样过小、地理范围过窄、研究对象遗传背景差异过大有关。如果对一个遗传背景相近的类群在全球范围内进行取样,核DNA含量会呈现有规律的纬度梯度变化,可能与大的气候因素之间存在非线性关系。菊科(Asteraceae)是被子植物的最大科,是一个广泛认可的自然分类群。为揭示全球空间尺度上植物核DNA含量在纬度梯度上的变异规律,以及这种变异是否具有环境适应意义,以菊科为对象开展了核DNA含量与纬度、生物气候因素关系的统计分析。从"植物DNA C-值数据库"检索到822种菊科植物的核DNA含量数据;在全球范围内,沿经度方向上设立10条样带,每条样带横跨15个经度,每条样带又均分成22个样块,每个样块纵跨7.5个纬度;其次,从"世界气候数据网站"下载1950—2000年时间段14个生物气候因子数据,应用Arc GIS 9.3获得每个样块14个生物气候因子的平均值;根据"全球生物多样性信息网站"记录,计算每个样块菊科植物平均的核DNA含量数据。为避免气候变量之间的多重共线性对数据分析的影响,应用主成分分析对数据进行了降维,发现最冷季度平均温度、最干季度雨量分别是第一、二主成分上荷载最大的因子,去除与它们相关性在-0.7至+0.7之间的其他气候因子后获得了最冷季度平均温度、最干季度雨量和最湿月份雨量三个变量用于进一步数据分析。结果发现,菊科植物在全球10个样带上的核DNA含量与纬度关系密切,与最冷季度平均温度、最干季度雨量和最湿月份雨量呈现极显著的单峰型的非线性关系,可以用二项式进行拟合。因此,全球空间尺度上植物核DNA含量沿着纬度梯度有规律性的非线性变化,这种变化具有很强的气候适应意义。  相似文献   

三个鲫品系DNA含量的比较研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
采用流式细胞术 (FCM)对红鲫、彭泽鲫、异育银鲫进行红血球DNA含量的检测分析比较 ,以鉴定它们的倍性。结果显示 ,红鲫红血球的DNA含量是 3 0pg ,彭泽鲫是 4 7pg ,异育银鲫是 4 8pg。显而易见 ,彭泽鲫的DNA含量是二倍体红鲫的 1 57倍 ,异育银鲫的DNA含量是红鲫的 1 6倍。采用肾细胞直接制作染色体的方法进行红鲫、彭泽鲫、异育银鲫的染色体倍性鉴定 ,结果红鲫的染色体数目是 10 0 ,为二倍体 (2n =10 0 ) ,彭泽鲫的染色体数目是 162 ,为三倍体 (3n =162 ) ,异育银鲫的染色体数目是 156— 162 ,为三倍体 (3n =156— 162 )。研究证明 :不同品系鲫的DNA含量高低与染色体的倍性有显著的正相关性  相似文献   

人参属(Panax)植物是重要的药用植物资源。以水稻(Oryzasativa)为内标,利用流式细胞术测定了三七(Panaxnotoginseng)、屏边三七(Panaxstipuleanatus)、越南三七(Panaxvietnamensis)及假人参(几n似pse“doginseng)4种人参属植物的基因组大小。结果表明,4种植物的基因组大小各不相同,其中。三七的最大,而屏边三七的最小。本组数据将为该属植物的基因组学研究以及种群进化研究提供基础数据参考。  相似文献   

应用流式细胞术测定17种中国野生蔷薇核DNA含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以17种中国野生蔷薇为试材,采用改良的LB 01裂解液,以4种不同的标准植物——大豆(Glycine max Merr.‘Polanka’)、绿豆(Vigna radiata(L.) Wilczek)、番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)和玉米(Zea mays L.)为外标,以二倍体材料丽江蔷薇(Rosa×lichiangensis Yü et Ku)为内部参照,利用流式细胞术对其核DNA含量及染色体倍性进行检测,并采用常规染色体压片法验证倍性准确性。本研究首次检测了3个二倍体种——商城蔷薇(Rosa shangchengensis T.C.Ku)、广东蔷薇(Rosa kwangtungensis Yü et Tsai)和无刺刺梨(Rosa roxburghii f.inermis S.D.Shi),1个三倍体种——伞房蔷薇(Rosa corymbulosa Rolfe)和1个四倍体种——弯刺蔷薇(Rosa beggeriana Schrenk)的核DNA含量及基因组大小。结果表明,流式细胞术检测结果与常规染色体压片法结果一致,可对中国野生蔷薇的倍性研究进行补充。本研究结果可丰富中国蔷薇属植物的细胞遗传学背景资料并为繁育新品种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nuclear DNA content (C-value) varies approximately 1000-fold across the angiosperms, and this variation has been reported to have an effect on the quality of AFLP fingerprints. Various methods have been proposed for circumventing the problems associated with small and large genomes. Here we investigate the range of nuclear DNA contents across which the standard AFLP protocol can be used. METHODS: AFLP fingerprinting was conducted on an automated platform using the standard protocol (with 3 + 3 selective bases) in which DNA fragments are visualized as bands. Species with nuclear DNA contents ranging from 1C = 0.2 to 32.35 pg were included, and the total number of bands and the number of polymorphic bands were counted. For the species with the smallest C-value (Bixa orellana) and for one of the species with a large C-value (Damasonium alisma), alternative protocols using 2 + 3 and 3 + 4 selective bases, respectively, were also used. KEY RESULTS: Acceptable AFLP traces were obtained using the standard protocol with 1C-values of 0.30-8.43 pg. Below this range, the quality was improved by using 2 + 3 selective bases. Above this range, the traces were generally characterized by a few strongly amplifying bands and noisy baselines. Damasonium alisma, however, gave more even traces, probably due to it being a tetraploid. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that for known polyploids, genome size is a more useful indicator than the 1C-value in deciding which AFLP protocol to use. Thus, knowledge of ploidy (allowing estimation of genome size) and C-value are both important. For small genomes, the number of interpretable bands can be increased by decreasing the number of selective bases. For larger genomes, increasing the number of bases does not necessarily decrease the number of bands as predicted. The presence of a small number of strongly amplifying bands is likely to be linked to the presence of repetitive DNA sequences in high copy number in taxa with large genomes.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA C-values and genome size are important biodiversity characters with fundamental biological significance. Yet C-value data for pteridophytes, a diverse group of vascular plants with approx. 9000 extant species, remain scarce. A recent survey by Bennett and Leitch (2001, Annals of Botany 87: 335-345) found that C-values were reported for only 48 pteridophyte species. To improve phylogenetic representation in this group and to check previously reported estimates, C-values for 30 taxa in 17 families were measured using flow cytometry for all but one species. This technique proved generally applicable, but the ease with which C-value data were generated varied greatly between materials. Comparing the new data with those previously published revealed several large discrepancies. After discounting doubtful data, C-values for 62 pteridophyte species remained acceptable for analysis. The present work has increased the number of such species' C-values by 93 %, and more than doubled the number of families represented (from 10 to 21). Analysis shows that pteridophyte C-values vary approx. 450-fold, from 0-16 pg in Selaginella kraussiana to 72.7 pg in Psilotum nudum var. gasa. Superimposing C-value data onto a robust phylogeny of pteridophytes suggests some possible trends in C-value evolution and highlights areas for future work.  相似文献   

The geographic position of Lebanon in the Mediterranean basin at the transition of two major landmasses, Eurasia and Africa, has contributed to its high plant diversity and makes its flora particularly interesting to study. This paper contributes to the plant DNA C-value database of native Lebanese taxa. These data should reinforce biodiversity evaluation, systematic and evolution studies involving processes of speciation such as polyploidisation. C-values have been estimated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide as intercalary fluorochrome stain. Each sample comprised at least five individuals. Where possible, several populations were measured for each species. This study presents C-values for 225 taxa belonging to 55 families and 141 genera. C-values are novel for 193 taxa including 126 plants endemic to the Eastern Mediterranean region. These are the first values for 50 genera. In this panel, genome size ranged from 1C = 0.28 pg in Hypericum thymifolium to 54.69 pg in Fritillaria alfredae. The life growth form and life cycle type are analysed according to the genome size class. Cases of polyploidy are reported for some species usually considered as only diploid. Examination of C-value variation through flow cytometry constitutes a powerful tool to screen taxonomic heterogeneity, opening further investigations.  相似文献   

Hybridization and polyploidy can induce rapid genomic changes, including the gain or loss of DNA, but the magnitude and timing of such changes are not well understood. The homoploid hybrid system in Helianthus (three hybrid-derived species and their two parents) provides an opportunity to examine the link between hybridization and genome size changes in a replicated fashion. Flow cytometry was used to estimate the nuclear DNA content in multiple populations of three homoploid hybrid Helianthus species (Helianthus anomalus, Helianthus deserticola, and Helianthus paradoxus), the parental species (Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris), synthetic hybrids, and natural hybrid-zone populations. Results confirm that hybrid-derived species have 50% more nuclear DNA than the parental species. Despite multiple origins, hybrid species were largely consistent in their DNA content across populations, although H. deserticola showed significant interpopulation differences. First- and sixth-generation synthetic hybrids and hybrid-zone plants did not show an increase from parental DNA content. First-generation hybrids differed in DNA content according to the maternal parent. In summary, hybridization by itself does not lead to increased nuclear DNA content in Helianthus, and the evolutionary forces responsible for the repeated increases in DNA content seen in the hybrid-derived species remain mysterious.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts in Macaronesian angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nuclear DNA contents for 104 Macaronesian angiosperms, with particular attention on Canary Islands endemics, were analysed using propidium iodide flow cytometry. Prime estimates for more than one-sixth of the whole Canarian endemic flora (including representatives of 11 endemic genera) were obtained. The resulting 1C DNA values ranged from 0.19 to 7.21 pg for Descurainia bourgeauana and Argyranthemum frutescens, respectively (about 38-fold difference). The majority of species, however, possessed (very) small genomes, with C-values <1.6 pg. The tendency towards small nuclear DNA contents and genome sizes was confirmed by comparing average values for Macaronesian and non-Macaronesian representatives of individual families, genera and major phylogenetic lineages. Our data support the hypothesis that the insular selection pressures in Macaronesia favour small C-values and genome sizes. Both positive and negative correlations between infrageneric nuclear DNA amount variation and environmental conditions on Tenerife were also found in several genera.  相似文献   

Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome size   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
BACKGROUND: DNA flow cytometry describes the use of flow cytometry for estimation of DNA quantity in cell nuclei. The method involves preparation of aqueous suspensions of intact nuclei whose DNA is stained using a DNA fluorochrome. The nuclei are classified according to their relative fluorescence intensity or DNA content. Because the sample preparation and analysis is convenient and rapid, DNA flow cytometry has become a popular method for ploidy screening, detection of mixoploidy and aneuploidy, cell cycle analysis, assessment of the degree of polysomaty, determination of reproductive pathway, and estimation of absolute DNA amount or genome size. While the former applications are relatively straightforward, estimation of absolute DNA amount requires special attention to possible errors in sample preparation and analysis. SCOPE: The article reviews current procedures for estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry, with special emphasis on preparation of nuclei suspensions, stoichiometric DNA staining and the use of DNA reference standards. In addition, methodological pitfalls encountered in estimation of intraspecific variation in genome size are discussed as well as problems linked to the use of DNA flow cytometry for fieldwork. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry is not a trivial task. Although several well-proven protocols are available and some factors controlling the precision and reproducibility have been identified, several problems persist: (1) the need for fresh tissues complicates the transfer of samples from field to the laboratory and/or their storage; (2) the role of cytosolic compounds interfering with quantitative DNA staining is not well understood; and (3) the use of a set of internationally agreed DNA reference standards still remains an unrealized goal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A key target set at the second Plant Genome Size Workshop, held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in 2003, was to produce first DNA C-value data for an additional 1 % of angiosperm species, and, within this, to achieve 75 % familial coverage overall (up from approx. 50 %) by 2009. The present study targeted eudicot families for which representation in 2003 (42.5 %) was much lower than monocot (72.8 %) and basal angiosperm (69.0 %) families. METHODS: Flow cytometry or Feulgen microdensitometry were used to estimate nuclear DNA C-values, and chromosome counts were obtained where possible. KEY RESULTS: First nuclear DNA C-values are reported for 20 angiosperm families, including 18 eudicots. This substantially increases familial representation to 55.2 % for angiosperms and 48.5 % for eudicots. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of targeting specific plant families to improve familial nuclear DNA C-value representation is reconfirmed. International collaboration will be increasingly essential to locate and obtain material of unsampled plant families, if the target set by the second Plant Genome Size Workshop is to be met.  相似文献   

This paper reports first DNA C-values for 28 angiosperm genera. These include first DNA C-values for 25 families, of which 16 are monocots. Overall familial representation is 47.2 % for angiosperms, but is now much higher for monocots (75 %) and basal angiosperms (73.1 %) than for eudicots (38.7 %). Chromosome counts are reported for 22 taxa, including first records for six genera plus seven species. Unrepresented families will become increasingly enriched for monotypic taxa from obscure locations that are harder to access. Thus, completing familial representation for genome size for angiosperms may prove impossible in any short period, and progress towards this goal will become slower.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts are reported for 83 species and 53 genera of palms, covering all of the six subfamilies. 4C DNA contents range between 3.89 and 55.62 pg in diploids, showing an approximate 14.3-fold variation in genome size. Polyploids have DNA contents of up to 156.40 pg/4c which demonstrates a 40.2-fold variation. Diploids with high DNA contents occur in three subfamilies of palms (Coryphoideae, Calamoideae, Arecoideae), and seem to be further restricted to particular tribes or subtribes (Thrinacinae, Borasseae, Lepidocaryeae, Caryoteae, some subtribes of Areceae). Palms from the subfamilies Nypoideae and Phytelephantoideae have the lowest DNA amounts, followed by the Phoeniceae and the Corypheae: Livistoninae from the subfamily Coryphoideae. Although DNA amounts in some genera and subtribes are usually constant, e.g., in Phoenix, Phytelephas, the Livistoninae, Dypsidinae, diploid Butiinae), considerable variation occurs at the diploid level in some large and apparently actively evolving genera such as Chamaedorea, Pinanga, Cenoma and possibly Bactris. Formaldehyde fixation is recommended for palms, as conventional ethanol-acetic acid fixation has proved to be unsuitable for DNA estimation of Feulgen-stained nuclei by microdensitometry, since it can lead to errors up to 2.5-fold in extent. Chromosome counts are reported for 72 of the species studied, of which 42 are new.  相似文献   

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