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为了解澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)的分布,探究中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位沿海拔梯度的变化特征,调查了澜沧江流域北部各海拔区域中华蜜蜂的种群分布,运用蜂蜜孢粉学(melissopalynology)分析了各海拔区域中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的组成特征和变化规律,并综合分析了海拔、中华蜜蜂营养生态位和蜂蜜中花粉的相关性,探讨了自然环境与中华蜜蜂的分布,海拔梯度与蜜粉源植物、中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位的关系。结果表明:澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂的食源种类丰富,中华蜜蜂种群主要分布于2200—2800 m海拔区域。不同海拔区域中华蜜蜂采食花粉的种类和数量不同,中华蜜蜂种群分布多的海拔区域,蜂蜜中花粉的种类较多,但花粉数量相对少。随着海拔梯度升高,中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的数量表现为先降后增,而花粉的种类则表现为先增后降。不同海拔区域的中华蜜蜂营养生态位存在差异,推测各海拔区域蜜粉源植物分布、中华蜜蜂种内和种间授粉昆虫及食草动物等竞争因素不同,但各海拔梯度间的变化差异不显著。海拔与中华蜜蜂营养生态位呈正相关(r=0.051),相关性不显著;海拔与蜂蜜中花粉数量呈正相关(r=0.047),与蜂蜜中花粉种类呈正相关(r=0.144),相关性都不显著;中华蜜蜂营养生态位与蜂蜜中花粉的种类呈负相关(r=-0.305),相关性显著(P!0.05);与花粉的数量呈负相关(r=-0.064),相关性不显著。蜂蜜中花粉的数量与种类呈正相关(r=-0.303),且相关性显著(P!0.05)。  相似文献   

2010-2011年分别在云南昆明和蒙自地区采集中华蜜蜂与意大利蜜蜂的蜂蜜样品,进行蜂蜜孢粉学与营养生态位分析.结果表明:中华蜜蜂蜂蜜绝对花粉浓度为1.55万个·g-1,显著高于意大利蜜蜂(1.01万个·g-1).中华蜜蜂采集的蜜源植物种类为12.9个,显著多于意大利蜜蜂(7.7个).说明意大利蜜蜂对蜜源植物的选择性更强,中华蜜蜂则能利用更多的蜜源植物资源.中华蜜蜂的营养生态位宽度为0.35,显著大于意大利蜜蜂(0.23).中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂之间的营养生态位重叠度为0.71,种间竞争系数为0.93,表明2种蜜蜂对食物资源的竞争激烈.  相似文献   

蜜源木本植物的鉴定能为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana保护和利用提供依据.本研究从在秦岭地区收集的4份中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中分离出植物花粉,然后在扫描电镜下观察花粉形态,根据花粉大小、赤道面观、极面观、表面纹饰对花粉所属植物的种类进行鉴定.共鉴定出中华蜜蜂利用的蜜源木本植物13科,19属,20种.其中以壳斗科Fagaceae、忍冬科Caprifoliaceae最多,卫矛科Celastraceae、桦木科Betulaceae、蔷薇科Rosaceae次之.这些蜜源木本植物中有13种是药用植物.秦岭地区丰富的蜜源木本植物为中华蜜蜂的生存提供了食物资源;同时中华蜜蜂作为传粉昆虫,对维持秦岭地区蜜源植物的生存和生态系统稳定起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana是我国重要的本土传粉者,为评价城市生境对中华蜜蜂的生态价值,在四川省内江市城区人工饲养蜂群,调查和测定了其春季的食物来源和蜂蜜质量。结果表明,春季城市园林中开花植物资源丰富,中华蜜蜂可有效地采集花蜜、花粉等食物资源;城郊农作物也是其积极采集的食物对象。除油菜Brassica napus var.oleifera初花期外,蜂蜜中油菜花粉比例均低于50%,表明即使存在开花大宗作物,春季园林植物仍然是城市蜂群重要的食物来源。蜂蜜中金属元素含量在不同蜂群、时间存在一定差异,未检测出危害较大的铬、镉和铅,但样品中检测出微量的铝和钒,且城市蜂蜜锌含量总体高于非城市,提示蜂蜜无重金属污染,但应注意风险防范。本研究对于理解城市园林植物为访花昆虫提供的食物质量和指导城市养蜂具有参考价值。  相似文献   

【目的】为了研究不同类型蜂箱对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana Fabricius生产性能的影响。【方法】我们在综合考虑甘肃南部地区中华蜜蜂饲养模式、规模、当地环境等因素的基础上,选用标准蜂箱、原始蜂箱和生态蜂箱3种类型蜂箱在当地主要流蜜期进行蜂蜜生产试验。【结果】结果发现,蜂箱类型对蜂群的年产蜜量、存蜜量和取蜜次数存在显著影响(P<0.05),其中标准蜂箱在4个试验点的年产蜜量最高,原始蜂箱的存蜜量最高,而生态蜂箱在这2个指标上表现适中,标准蜂箱的年取蜜次数稍多。本研究中海拔和蜜源植物对蜂群生产性能没有明显影响。【结论】采用何种类型蜂箱进行中华蜜蜂养殖,应根据当地的环境状况、蜜源条件、文化及养蜂基础等多种因素综合考虑。  相似文献   

蜜蜂授粉在维持自然生态系统的平衡与发展过程中发挥着重要作用,也与农业生态系统中农作物的增产及品质提升有着密切联系.中蜂(中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana)是我国特有的蜜蜂遗传资源,广泛分布于除新疆以外的华南、中南、西南、西北、华北及东北等地区,野生资源丰富、民间饲养基础好,种群数量大,是本土开花植物的重要传...  相似文献   

正封面图片由内江师范学院四川省高等学校特色农业资源研究与利用重点实验室陈发军老师2015年1月摄于四川省内江城区,展示了中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)对开花园林植物的采集行为.蜜蜂是极为重要的传粉昆虫,其数量的多少关系到自然生态系统的稳定和作物生产.目前,蜜蜂等传粉昆虫数量的下降趋势引起了世界各国的广泛关注.中华蜜蜂为我国土著蜂种,分布广泛,拜访的植物种类繁多.由于栖息地破坏、蜜粉源植物减少和西方蜜蜂引入等原因,中华蜜蜂种群受到  相似文献   

北京中华蜜蜂的保护与利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述目前中华蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricius的分布及其生态影响,并针对北京地区中蜂现状,提出从中蜂饲养技术培训、饲养繁育示范、多元开发利用、建立专业养殖乡及发挥中蜂优势、发展山区养蜂事业等5个方面入手,保护与利用中华蜜蜂,逐步恢复中蜂的数量。  相似文献   

【目的】在云南省腾冲市界头镇油菜花期,比较西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.不同放蜂密度下东方蜜蜂Apis cerana F.采集行为和对食物资源利用的变化,以期从食物资源竞争的角度为合理保护我国本土蜂种和维持植物群落结构及其稳定性提供科学依据。【方法】以界头镇为研究区域,在油菜花期根据西方蜜蜂的蜂场分布、蜂群数量及放蜂密度,确定了三个样点两种生境,观察西方蜜蜂不同放蜂密度下对东方蜜蜂的采集行为、访花频率、单花采集停留时间及粉源植物利用的影响。【结果】在农田生境中,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度最大的沙坝地试验点东方蜜蜂的访花频率最高(14.93朵/min),单花采集停留时间最短(1.96 s/朵),采集油菜花粉的数量比例最低(37%),采集花粉的种类最多(11种植物),与放蜂密度最小的新庄试验点相比,上述指标差异均显著。在山林生境中,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度最小的新庄试验点,东方蜜蜂的访花频率最低(8.48朵/min),单花采集停留时间最长(4.55 s/朵),采集油菜花粉的数量比例最高(33%),采集花粉的种类最少(8种植物),与放蜂密度最大的沙坝地试验点相比,上述指标差异均显著。【结论】在两种生境下,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度对东方蜜蜂采集行为和粉源植物利用均有显著影响,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度越大,东方蜜蜂对大宗蜜源植物(油菜)花粉的采集量越少,其采集区域由农田向山林转移的趋势越明显。  相似文献   

足茎毛兰的欺骗性传粉研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一些兰科植物常常利用多种多样的欺骗性传粉机制吸引传粉者,唇瓣上的附属物就是其中之一.黄色被认为对昆虫具有吸引作用.在广西雅长兰科植物自治区级保护区内秋季开花的足茎毛兰(Eria coronaria)唇瓣上具有鲜明的黄色斑块,这种花部信号很可能与吸引昆虫有关系.为验证这一假设,我们在广西雅长保护区内对足茎毛兰的传粉过程进行了观察.研究发现,足茎毛兰的唯一传粉者是中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana).与足茎毛兰同在秋季开花的植物主要有光叶海桐(pittosporum glabratum).光叶海桐的花中有丰富的花蜜和花粉,吸引大量中华蜜蜂访问.足茎毛兰虽然不为中华蜜蜂提供任何报酬,但其唇瓣上的黄色斑块的颜色和形态大小与光叶海桐的黄色花相似.根据中华蜜蜂在足茎毛兰和光叶海桐花上的活动情况,我们认为足茎毛兰唇瓣上鲜明的黄色斑块对中华蜜蜂有吸引作用.中华蜜蜂访花时,通常降落在唇瓣的黄色斑块上,调整身体姿势后进入花内,在退出的过程中将花粉块带出或将所携带的花粉块授到柱头上,而药帽留在原来的位置.足茎毛兰的花部构造,特别是药帽的形状与中华蜜蜂的形态以及在花上的行为十分吻合,因此中华蜜蜂的传粉效率较高.人工授粉实验表明足茎毛兰需要依赖传粉者才能完成传粉过程.足茎毛兰在研究样地的自然结实率为20.72%,接近于食源欺骗性传粉兰科植物的平均结实率(20.7%).  相似文献   

In the present study, nectar and pollen sources for honeybee (Apls cerana cerana Fabr.) were studied in Qlnglan mangrove area, Hainan Island, China, based on microscopic analysis of honey and pollen load (corblcular and gut contents) from honeybees collected In October and November 2004. Qualitative and quantitative melittopalynologlcal analysis of the natural honey sample showed that the honey is of unlfloral type with Mimosa pudlca L. (Mlmosaceae) as the predominant (89.14%) source of nectar and pollen for A. cerana cerana In October. Members of Araceae are an Important minor (3%-15%) pollen type, whereas those of Arecaceae are a minor (〈3%) pollen type. Pollen grains of Nypa fruticans Wurmb., Rhlzophora spp., Excoecarla agallocha L., Lumnitzera spp., Brugulera spp., Kandella candel Druce, and Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob. are among the notable mangrove texa growing In Qinglan mangrove area recorded as minor taxa In the honey. The absolute pollen count (I.e. the number of pollen grains/10 g honey sample) suggests that the honey belongs to Group V (〉1 000 000). Pollen analysis from the corblcular and gut contents of A. cerana cerana revealed the highest representation (95.60%) of members of Sonneratia spp. (Sonneratlaceae), followed by Bruguiera spp. (Rhizophoraceae), Euphorblaceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Araceae, Anacardlaceae, and Rublaceae. Of these plants, those belonging to Sonneratla plants are the most Important nectar and pollen sources for A. cerana cerana and are frequently foraged and pollinated by these bees in November.  相似文献   

We compared flower visitation patterns of two coexisting honey bees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski, on 20 plant species, including three exotics, under natural conditions in Nara, Japan, from April to August 2012. We also measured flower color based on bee color vision (15 flower species), nectar volume (nine species) and nectar concentration (eight species). Flowers colored white, pink, red, purple and cream were classified as bee‐blue‐green, and yellow was classified as bee‐green. Apis cerana visited 14 plant species and A. mellifera visited 11. Although the two Apis species are similar in morphology, they visited different plants: in particular, A. cerana visited native plant species more often than did A. mellifera. Both A. mellifera and A. cerana visited not only nectariferous flowers but also those with no nectar. We also found different visitation patterns between A. cerana and A. mellifera: Apis cerana more often visited flowers with smaller color angle (bee‐blue‐green), lower chroma and higher brightness, and flowers secreting nectars of higher concentration and smaller volume than did A. mellifera.  相似文献   

郭新军  孟长军  封婧 《生态学报》2023,43(23):9721-9732
中华蜜蜂为多种植物传粉,具有重要的生态服务价值。为进一步了解中华蜜蜂选择蜜粉源植物的多样性与特征,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、DNA条形码、高通量测序等技术,研究了源自陕西宝鸡、贵州望谟和广西凤山蜂巢蜜中的花粉来源。通过对样品花粉rbcL基因片段扩增及测序、分析,发现各样本间可操作分类单元(OTU)水平上蜜粉源植物Alpha多样性指数无显著差异,同一地点样品不同重复间存在较高的相关性,而不同地区样本相关性较低。三地共鉴定出27目46科71属82种蜜粉源植物,其中宝鸡市、望谟县、凤山县样本中分别鉴定出57种、30种和40种,各地蜜粉源植物的物种组成存在较大差异。这些蜜粉源植物中,菊目植物种类最多,其次为毛茛目,分别有12种和7种。其中草本植物和木本植物(含乔木、灌木和木质藤本等)分别有44种和38种。研究对蜜粉源植物花序特点进行了分析,但并未发现相关性状对中华蜜蜂选择具有的影响。从属的区系成分分析,总体上温带分布区类型的植物属多于热带分布区类型的属,所占比例分别为46.5%和36.6%,但在凤山县样本中出现热带分布区类型多于温带分布区类型的情况。在不同样品中,红足蒿(Artemisia rubripes)、向日葵(Helianthus annuus)、芜青(Brassica rapa)、粗糠柴(Mallotus philippensis)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)等分别占有一定优势,其与中华蜜蜂的关系值得进一步研究。根据蜜粉源植物的系统进化关系,中华蜜蜂访问的蜜粉源植物处于不同进化地位的分支,其中在菊类分支和蔷薇类分支比较集中。研究揭示了中华蜜蜂传粉植物组成特点,为进一步认知中华蜜蜂传粉服务功能的重要性提供依据。  相似文献   

China has the largest number of managed honey bee colonies, which produce the highest quantity of honey and royal jelly in the world; however, the presence of honey bee pathogens and parasites has never been rigorously identified in Chinese apiaries. We thus conducted a molecular survey of honey bee RNA viruses, Nosema microsporidia, protozoan parasites, and tracheal mites associated with nonnative Apis mellifera ligustica and native Apis cerana cerana colonies in China. We found the presence of black queen cell virus (BQCV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), and sacbrood virus (SBV), but not that of acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) or Kashmir bee virus (KBV). DWV was the most prevalent in the tested samples. Phylogenies of Chinese viral isolates demonstrated that genetically heterogeneous populations of BQCV, CBPV, DWV, and A. cerana‐infecting SBV, and relatively homogenous populations of IAPV and A. meliifera‐infecting new strain of SBV with single origins, are spread in Chinese apiaries. Similar to previous observations in many countries, Nosema ceranae, but not Nosema apis, was prevalent in the tested samples. Crithidia mellificae, but not Apicystis bombi was found in five samples, including one A. c. cerana colony, demonstrating that C. mellificae is capable of infecting multiple honey bee species. Based on kinetoplast‐encoded cytochrome b sequences, the C. mellificae isolate from A. c. cerana represents a novel haplotype with 19 nucleotide differences from the Chinese and Japanese isolates from A. m. ligustica. This suggests that A. c. cerana is the native host for this specific haplotype. The tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi, was detected in one A. m. ligustica colony. Our results demonstrate that honey bee RNA viruses, N. ceranae, C. mellificae, and tracheal mites are present in Chinese apiaries, and some might be originated from native Asian honey bees.  相似文献   

The epizootic disease caused by Apis cerana sacbrood virus (AcSBV) occurred in Eastern hive bee, A. cerana, since 2015 in Taiwan. A large-scale survey of this disease from September and December 2016 in Taiwan was performed including symptom check and molecular identification in honey bees of A. cerana hives and several A. mellifera hives, which were co-cultured with A. cerana. Based on the nucleotide sequences of partial VP1, the phylogenetic analysis with those of the known AcSBV isolates revealed that most of AcSBV isolates from Taiwan were closely relative to SBV-FZ and -JL isolates from China, whereas only one sample (N15-5-1) was in a distinct cluster, which was closely relative to SBV-LN from China too. The AcSBV prevalence was occurring in A. cerana hives in most areas of Taiwan except for those in Hualien and Pingtung Counties in Taiwan. Notably, the AcSBV prevalence rate showed the temporal increase from 47.1% to 69.6% within 4?months. In addition, 37.5% of AcSBV prevalence rate was found in A. mellifera hives. It showed that A. mellifera was also susceptible to AcSBV infection. The present results would provide the information on the epidemiology and for prospective research.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns were investigated for the African honey bee in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. The waggle dances of two observation colonies maintained in the field were monitored and used to construct maps of daily recruitment activity. These maps revealed that the African colonies frequently adjusted the allocation of recruits among food patches, recruited for 16–17 different food sites/day over areas of 55–80 km 2 ,and concentrated the majority of recruitment within 1 km of the hives (median foraging distances for the two colonies were 295 and 563 m). In both colonies pollen foragers were more abundant than nectar foragers, and pollen sources indicated by waggle dancers were significantly closer to the hives than nectar sources. Compared to the recruitment patterns of temperate climate colonies, the African colonies had smaller recruitment areas, smaller mean recruitment distances, and a greater emphasis on pollen foraging. These differences may be related to the contrasting survival strategies followed by tropical-versus temperate-climate honey bees.  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal transfer of sealed drone brood between colonies ofApis cerana andApis koschevnikovi was successful and resulted in four colonies (two of each species) with a mixed drone population. Flights ofApis cerana drones occurred between 14.00 and 16.15 regardless whether they were in a conspecific or alien colony.Apis koschevnikovi drones also flew at their species specific time from 16.45 to 18.30. A variance estimation revealed that 99.4% of the total variance depended on the species of the drone. In contrast to theApis drone's general biological dependence upon the colony, crossfostered drones ofApis cerana andApis koschevnikovi showed an unexpected autonomy in chosing their mating flight time.  相似文献   

When a honey bee colony becomes queenless and broodless its only reproductive option is for some of its workers to produce sons before the colony perishes. However, for this to be possible the policing of worker-laid eggs must be curtailed and this provides the opportunity for queenless colonies to be reproductively parasitized by workers from other nests. Such reproductive parasitism is known to occur in Apis florea and A. cerana. Microsatellite analyses of worker samples have demonstrated that the proportion of non-natal workers present in an A. cerana colony declines after a colony is made queenless. This observation suggests that queenless A. cerana colonies may be more vigilant in repelling potentially parasitic non-natal workers than queenright colonies. We compared rates of nestmate and non-nestmate acceptance in both queenright and queenless A. cerana colonies using standard assays and showed that there is no statistical difference between the proportion of non-nestmate workers that are rejected in queenless and queenright colonies. We also show that, contrary to earlier reports, A. cerana guards are able to discriminate nestmate workers from non-nestmates, and that they reject significantly more non-nestmate workers than nestmate workers. Received 25 February 2008; revised 21 May 2008; accepted 25 June 2008.  相似文献   

The pollen contents of 34 Apis mellifera honey samples from the Quilombola Community of Porto Velho (Vale do Ribeira, state of São Paulo, Brazil) were studied in order to identify their botanical and geographical origin. A total number of 114 pollen types distributed in 43 families were identified. Fabaceae pollen types were the most diverse (20). Dominant pollen was observed in 27 samples. The dominant type Piper was found in 21 samples and Zanthoxylum, Mikania cordifolia, Cupania oblongifolia, Cecropia, Attalea and Poaceae only in one sample. The quantitative analysis revealed a predominance of very-high pollen concentrations in the samples (Category IV, 35.3%). A second frequency of occurrence analysis revealed 67 pollen types from 26 botanical families from nectariferous species. Fabaceae was also the family with the largest number of nectariferous pollen types (15), followed by Sapindaceae, Asteraceae (six pollen types each), and Euphorbiaceae (five types). Dominant pollen occurred in 19 samples. The main nectariferous sources of pollen in the present study were: Arecaceae (Attalea and Euterpe/Syagrus), Asteraceae (Mikania cordifolia), Fabaceae (Machaerium), Rutaceae (Zanthoxylum), and Sapindaceae (Cupania oblongifolia). The honey was classified as predominantly heterofloral (67.6%). Monofloral honey from Mikania cordifolia, Machaerium, Zanthoxylum, Cupania oblongifolia, Euterpe/Syagrus and Attalea were also identified. The geographical origin demonstrates Apis mellifera using nectariferous sources available from the Atlantic Rainforest in the south and southeast of Brazil, as well as in the brushwood, secondary forest and field plants. This is one of the first works about melissopalynology in the Vale do Ribeira Region.  相似文献   

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