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The trophic status of the eastern Gulf of Finland, where the largest Baltic metropolis St. Petersburg sits at the mouth of the largest Baltic river Neva, is elevated but existing recommendations on water protection measures are controversial. In this study, the effects of nutrient load reductions on this ecosystem were estimated with the aid of a three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model. As a reference, the contemporary seasonal dynamics were simulated with nutrient inputs corresponding to the recent estimates of point and riverine sources. In order to eliminate the effects of natural inter-annual variations, the computations were run under recurrent annual forcing for 3 years, until quasi steady-state seasonal dynamics were reached. Reasonable comparability of simulated concentrations and biogeochemical fluxes to available field estimates provides credibility to scenario simulations. These simulations show that substantial reductions of nutrient point sources in St. Petersburg would affect only the Neva Bay as the immediate receptor of treated sewage waters, where primary production could decrease by up to 20%. Eutrophication in the other parts of the Neva Estuary and in the entire eastern Gulf of Finland would change insignificantly owing to increased nutrient import from the offshore waters. Therefore, more significant changes can occur only via a reduction in nutrient pools in the open Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Proper, which would require a longer time. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

The Macroalgal flora of the Transition Zone of the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland was studied between 2003 and 2008. Sixteen species were found from a depth of 0.5–5 m. Three species (Cladophora aegagropila, Pseudolithoderma subextensum and Hildenbrandtia rubra) are listed as rare in The Red Data Book of Nature of the Leningrad Region (Tzvelev, 2000). Nine species are recorded here for the first time in Transition Zone of eastern Gulf of Finland. The dominant species growing at a 0.5–1.5 m depth was the green alga Cladophora glomerata. Our study shows that in 2003–2008 in the shallow (0.5–1.5 m) zone of the eastern Gulf of Finland, the biomass of C. glomerata peaks several times in a season reaching 450 ± 130 g DW m−2. Our study corrects earlier data for the species composition of macroalgae and describes their depth and horizontal distribution in the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

Growth of enterobacteria on fructo-oligosaccharides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) can be fermented by most species of enterobacteria present in the human intestine. Fermentation was confirmed by increased growth rates, low final pH and degradation patterns using high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC). Growth rates were increased when FOS was added to the growth medium. Growth rates on all substrates differed widely between strains within the same species. HPAEC analysis showed that each strain degraded the oligosaccharides differently, but a preference for the smaller oligosaccharides was observed. No differences were observed between the two commercial preparations, the inulo-oligosaccharides and neosugars. Fermentation was rapid as could be determined by acidification tests using cell suspensions. It can be concluded that enterobacteria may play a role in overall fermentation of FOS in the colon and, in addition, due to competitive exclusion, may prevent survival of ingested pathogenic enterobacteria.  相似文献   

Lehtoranta  Jouni  Pitkänen  Heikki 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):55-67
The relationships between P and components binding P were studied by analysing the concentrations of N, P, Fe, Mn, Ca and Al in sediments and pore water along the estuarine transect of the River Neva in August 1995. The high sediment organic matter concentration resulted in low surface redox potential and high pore-water o-P concentration, whereas the abundance of amphipods resulted in high surface redox potentials and low pore-water o-P concentration. However, despite the variation in sediment organic matter and the abundance of amphipods, very reduced conditions and slightly variable concentrations of Tot-P (0.7–1.1 mg g–1 DW) were observed in the 10–15 cm sediment depth along the estuarine gradient, indicating that the pools of mobile P were largely depleted within the depth of 0–15 cm. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that organic matter and Tot-Fe concentration of the sediment were closely related to the variation in Tot-P concentration of the sediments (r 2 = 0.817, n=32). In addition, the high total Fe:P ratio suggested that there is enough Fe to bind P in sediments along the estuarine gradient. However, low Fediss concentrations in the pore water of reduced sediment (redox-potential <–50 mV) indicated efficient precipitation of FeS (FeS and FeS2), incapable to efficiently bind P. Consequently, the low Fediss:o-P ratio (< 1) recorded in pore water in late summer implied that Fe3+ oxides formed by diffusing Fediss in the oxic zone of the sediments were insufficient to bind the diffusing o-P completely. The measured high o-P concentrations in the near-bottom water are consistent with this conclusion. However, there was enough Fediss in pore water to form Fe3+ oxides to bind upwards diffusing P in the oxic sediment layer of the innermost Neva estuary and the areas bioturbated by abundant amphipods.  相似文献   

An increase of xenodiversity in plankton and benthos in the eastern Gulf of Finland was observed from 1998 to 2004. Nonindigenous species account for 4.8% of all species found and up to 96% of total biomass. Invasive benthic omnivores, the alien amphipods Gmelinoides fasciatus and Pontogammarus robustoides and the predaceous fish Perccottus glenii with their versatile diets strongly affect the community structure. Invasive sessile seston-feeders that directly (through grazing and water clearance) and indirectly (through recycling of nutrients) interact with other ecosystem components, are mainly represented by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, which affect the structure of benthic and planktonic communities as well as benthic-pelagic coupling. The invasive predatory cladocerans Cercopagis pengoi and Evadne anonyx and larvae of D. polymorpha are only temporary components in the zooplankton, which is limiting their overall effect. Alien benthic bioturbators, the polychaetes Marenzelleria neglecta and the oligochaete Tubificoides pseudogaster account for a high proportion of total abundance and biomass but their effects on native species need further research.  相似文献   

In the eastern Gulf of Finland, European smelt Osmerus eperlanus occurs as an anadromous ecological form that spawns in coastal, low-salinity zones and in several rivers entering the gulf, most importantly in the River Neva. Osmerus eperlanus is a key commercial fish species for the population of St. Petersburg, and the city's fish symbol. However, the state of the smelt stock has considerably deteriorated over the past few decades. Monitoring shows that annual catches during 1965–1992 averaged 2274 t, compared to 292 t in 2002–2017, although some improvement is inidicated by a gradual increase in catches in recent years (e.g., to 595 t in 2017). This paper addresses long-term and recent changes in the fisheries for smelt in the eastern Gulf of Finland, including both commercial and recreational fisheries, and the range of fishing gears used. The commercial smelt fishery is mainly conducted during the spawning period (April–May) on migrating fish, using trap nets of various designs and beach seines. There has been an increase in recreational fisheries for smelt; in years when ice cover on the gulf during winter (December–April) is steady, recreational fishers from St. Petersburg, using hook and line, may catch quantities that are comparable to those of commercial catches. Several factors may account for the stock dynamics and associated changes in catches of smelt: these include a decrease in prey availability in the gulf; loss and degradation of spawning and nursery habitats, partly associated with large-scale hydroengineering operations in Neva Bay; and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing which became widespread in post-Soviet decades. In spite of a gradual increase in smelt abundance in the most recent 15 years, a failure to accurately monitor and manage the extent of IUU and recreational fishing for smelt, to assess the status of the stock, or to forecast catches, increases the risk of overfishing of the spawning stock.  相似文献   

Jan Igor Rybak 《Hydrobiologia》1996,337(1-3):183-186
Laboratory experiments showed that both cladocerans and copepods are able to overcome a filamentous algae barrier, and are able to move within algal mats. This suggests that the crustaceans noted in large numbers in accumulations of algae actively colonize these mats and live inside of them.  相似文献   

Concurrent with the spread of green algal mats on tidal flats, reports of macrofauna dieoffs under dense algal mats have increased in numbers. Bivalves seem to be particularly affected by persistent dense algal mats. Bivalve species with a long extendible siphon seem to be less affected underneath algal mats, but no distinction has been made in the past between species with short and those with long siphons,Mya arenaria andMacoma balthica, on an intertidal mudflat in New England. Abundances ofM. arenaria declined substantially during the study period when a thick green algal mat covered the mudflat for several months. Numbers of the small bivalveGemma gemma also decreased substantially, whereas abundances ofM. balthica showed minimal variation during the time of algal coverage. In algae removal/addition experiments numbers ofM. arenaria decreased, but effects were only significant in an algal addition to previously algal-free mudflat areas. Abundance ofM. balthica did not change significantly in the algal removal/additition experiments. Over the time period of the experiment (9 weeks),M. arenaria showed measurable size increase in uncovered mudflat areas, but not underneath algal mats. Similarly,M. balthica only increased in size in the uncovered mudflat area. From these results it is concluded thatM. balthica can survive time periods of dense algal coverage because it is able to penetrate through the algal mat with its long extendible siphon, and thus can reach well-oxygenated water layers above the mat.M. arenaria with its thick, less extendible, siphon cannot push through dense algal mats and therefore is more likely to die underneath persistent algal mats.  相似文献   

Summary The microfauna of benthic algal mats in eight ponds of diverse chemistry on the Ross Ice Shelf was examined. Tardigrades, nematodes and rotifers were successfully extracted from algal material by a modified Baermann funnel technique, which was robust enough to use under field conditions. Seven species of rotifer (of which 6 were bdelloids) and one species of nematode and tardigrade were found, all of which are cosmopolitan to Antarctic lentic ecosystems. Philodina sp. was the only invertebrate to occur in all ponds sampled. Rotifers were the most abundant invertebrates with average densities in all ponds of 4.26×105 individuals/m2, whereas nematodes were least abundant with densities of 4.96×104 individuals/m2. Total invertebrate densities and densities of individual taxa were significantly different in each of the 8 ponds, and of those measured environmental parameters were most strongly associated with conductivity. Cores taken from four ponds 2 cm into underlying substratum revealed that most animals live within the algal mats, with underlying sediment supporting a minimal population.  相似文献   

Blue-green algal mats incubated anaerobically rapidly produce large amounts of volatile sulfur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide. The major organic sulfur compound is methyl mercaptan, in contrast to previous results with marine eucaryotic algae. Light inhibited production of volatile sulfur compounds, apparently because the algae then produced O2, rendering the system aerobic.  相似文献   

Blue-green algal mats incubated anaerobically rapidly produce large amounts of volatile sulfur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide. The major organic sulfur compound is methyl mercaptan, in contrast to previous results with marine eucaryotic algae. Light inhibited production of volatile sulfur compounds, apparently because the algae then produced O2, rendering the system aerobic.  相似文献   

Several pieces of evidence indicate that Microcoleu chthonoplastes and Phormidium corium, the predominant cyanobacteria in microbial mats on crude oil polluting the Arabian Gulf coasts, contribute to oil degradation by consuming individual n-alkanes. Both cyanobacteria grew phototrophically better in the presence of crude oil or individual n-alkanes than in their absence, indicating that hydrocarbons may have been utilized. This result was true when growth was measured in terms of dry biomass, as well as in terms of the content of biliprotein, the accessory pigment characteristic of cyanobacteria. The phototrophic biomass production by P. corium was directly proportional to the concentration of n-nonadecance (C19) in the medium. The chlorophyll to carotene ratio of hydrocarbon-grown cyanobacteria did not decrease compared to the ratio in the absence of hydrocarbons, indicating that on hydrocarbons the organisms were not stressed. Comparing the fatty acid patterns of total lipids from hydrocarbon-grown cyanobacteria to those of the same organisms grown without hydrocarbons confirms that n-alkanes were taken up and oxidized to fatty acids by both cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica are a favorable location for preservation of dormant microbes due to their persistent cold and dry climate. In this study, we examined cultivable bacteria in a series of algal mat samples ranging from 8 to 26539 years old. Cultivable bacteria were found in all samples except one (12303 years old), but abundance and diversity of cultivable bacteria decreased with increasing sample age. Only members of the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes were found in the ancient samples, whereas bacteria in the 8-year-old sample also included Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Deinococcus-Thermus. Isolates of the Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium Sporosarcina were found in 5 of 8 samples. The growth of these isolates at different temperatures was related to the phylogenetic distance among genotypes measured by BOX-PCR. These findings suggest that adaptation to growth at different temperatures had occurred among Sporosarcina genotypes in the Dry Valleys, causing the existence of physiologically distinct but closely related genotypes. Additionally, fully psychrophilic isolates (that grew at 15°C, but not 25°C) were found in ancient samples, but not in the modern sample. The preservation of viable bacteria in the Dry Valleys could potentially represent a legacy of bacteria that impacts on current microbial communities of this environment.  相似文献   

Sellner  K. G.  Olson  M. M.  Kononen  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):249-254
Blooms of the cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae dominated the phytoplankton assemblages of the western Gulf of Finland and the eastern side of the northern Baltic Sea in late July–August, 1992. The bloom overlapped the peak seasonal contributions of the dominant mesozooplankton herbivores in the region, the copepods Acartia bifilosa and Eurytemora affinis and the cladoceran Bosmina longispina maritima. Using radio-labelling techniques; the copepods were offered one of the cyanobacteria, Nodularia, as well as the 10–54 µm fraction of the natural phytoplankton assemblage. In general, incorporation rates of the labelled phytoplankton into the copepods declined with increasing contributions of the cyanobacteria. For both copepods, incorporation was inversely related to total phytoplankton biomass, whether measured as chlorophyll, total cells or cyanobacteria biomass. The very low rates for Acartia (< 0.8 µl [copepod h]–1) indicated that this copepod was likely starving in the cyanobacteria bloom, consistent with the generally poor condition of the animal observed in the laboratory. The other major mesozooplanktor, B. longispina maritima, ingested substantially more cyanobacterial biomass than the two copepods, based on HPLC-identified cyanobacteria-specific pigment echinenone in the gut. Bloom carbon provided < 1% and < 4% of the daily rations for Acartia and Eurytemora, respectively. Total copepod demand in the cyanobacteria blooms was trivial, < 1% of bloom biomass consumed daily. These results suggest that copepod herbivory is relatively unimportant in dissipating summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

The effect of filamentous algae invasion into Zostera marina meadows on water quality, sediment sulfur pools and sulfide invasion into plant tissues was studied experimentally. Sulfide invasion was assessed through analysis of sulfur isotopic composition (δ34S) and total sulfur (TS) concentrations in plant tissues. The algal mats (5 and 10 cm thickness) depleted oxygen in the mats and increased the pools of sulfides in the sediments. Plants exposed to algal mats had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of sediment sulfide, whereas plants with no mats present had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of seawater sulfate, indicating a higher sulfide invasion in plants exposed to algal mats. The δ34S varied between the plant tissues with the leaves having more positive δ34S signals than roots and rhizomes, indicating that sulfide was invading into the roots and moved to the other tissues through the lacunae. TS concentrations were higher in plants exposed to algal mats suggesting that sulfur derived from sediment sulfide accumulated in the plants. Fsulfide showed that up to 50% of the sulfides in the plants were derived from sedimentary sulfides. The combined effect of water column anoxia in the lower parts of the meadow and high sulfide invasion into the plants lead to significantly reduced growth rates after 3 weeks and the below-ground tissues showed signs of degradation suggesting that algal mats invasion in to Zostera marina meadows can result in seagrass decline.  相似文献   

L.J. Lewis  T.C. Kelly 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):354-360
The effects of algal mats on wintering wading bird distribution and behaviour were studied at two sites during 1998/99 to identify changes that occurred during the winter breakdown of the algal mat. Numbers of Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa did not increase as the algal mat reduced in extent but a significantly greater number of birds were observed in areas without algal cover than in areas with mats in most months. The use of clear spaces, created between the algal patches as the mat broke down, by Black-tailed Godwit increased across the winter. We suggest that algal mats may physically interfere with the deep probing action of this wader. In contrast, when algal mats were most dense in November 1998, significantly greater numbers of Redshank Tringa totanus were observed in algal areas at one site. Redshank appeared not to be deterred by algal cover and, at times, preferentially utilized the algal infauna as prey.  相似文献   

The production of algal biomass in the illuminated and nonilluminated part of the suspension in an algal reactor was analyzed with regard to the biological inertia of the algae. The calculations indicate a considerable effect of nonilluminated part of the reactor on algal biomass production. The intensity of suspension stirring affects biomass production only slightly.  相似文献   

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