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The ThCAP gene, which encodes a cold acclimation protein, was isolated from a Tamarix hispida NaCl-stress root cDNA library; its expression patterns were then assayed by qRT-PCR in different T. hispida tissues treated with low temperature (4°C), salt (400 mM NaCl), drought (20% PEG6000) and exogenous abscisic acid (100 μM). Induction of ThCAP gene was not only responsive to different stress conditions but was also organ specific. When transgenic Populus (P. davidiana × P. bolleana) plants were generated, expressing ThCAP under regulation of the cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV 35S promoter, they had a greater resistance to low temperature than non-transgenic seedlings, suggesting that ThCAP might play an important role in cold tolerance.  相似文献   

The problems of delimitation of species of Prosopis originate from the few morphological discontinuities which exist among some of them; some, however, originated as a result of wide distribution of germplasm without proper knowledge of the species, in particular, much material catalogued as P. juliflora, but being of other species, was distributed for reforestation projects worldwide. This work tests the morphological results obtained for P. pallida and P. limensis of the Peruvian–Ecuadorian coast and for P. juliflora of the Caribbean Basin of Colombia and Venezuela utilizing a study of AFLPs and a study of the morphology of plantlets developed in a conventional garden study. The phenogram obtained for the AFLPs demonstrates each of the three species to be a well differentiated cluster and the molecular variance between them is significantly greater than the variance within each species. Study of the plantlets also indicates statistically significant differences for four morphological characters between P. juliflora and the other two species (P. pallida and P. limensis). These results, in addition to the morphological differentiation evident between adult plants of P. pallida and P. limensis and the clear separation of these two species from P. juliflora, corroborate the genetic identity of the three taxa analyzed.  相似文献   



Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD) proteins function in lignin biosynthesis and play a critical role in wood development and plant defense against stresses. Previous phylogenetic studies did not include genes from seedless plants and did not reflect the deep evolutionary history of this gene family. We reanalyzed the phylogeny of CAD and CAD-like genes using a representative dataset including lycophyte and bryophyte sequences. Many CAD/CAD-like genes do not seem to be associated with wood development under normal growth conditions. To gain insight into the functional evolution of CAD/CAD-like genes, we analyzed their expression in Populus plant tissues in response to feeding damage by gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar L.). Expression of CAD/CAD-like genes in Populus tissues (xylem, leaves, and barks) was analyzed in herbivore-treated and non-treated plants by real time quantitative RT-PCR.  相似文献   

We present photographic and molecular evidence of a wild Marsh Warbler × Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris × A. schoenobaenus) hybrid that occurred over three breeding seasons (2007–2009) near Trondheim, Central Norway. The bird had the appearance of a Marsh Warbler but with some typical Sedge Warbler plumage traits. DNA analyses of a few plucked body feathers, using the COI barcode region (mtDNA) and conserved microsatellite loci, confirmed that the bird was a hybrid, with a Marsh Warbler mother and a Sedge Warbler father.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Wang Y  Zhang X  Zhang M  Han D  Qiu C  Han Z 《Plant cell reports》2012,31(1):155-165
Changes in endogenous phytohormone levels, DNA methylation patterns, and expression levels of related genes during induction of dormancy in two strawberry cultivars, Darselect and All Star, were studied under controlled environmental conditions. At 12°C, regardless of day length, potted, runner-derived plants of both cultivars gradually exhibited morphological traits typical of dormancy after treatment for 8 weeks. These morphological changes were accompanied by a synchronous significant decline in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) level and increases in abscisic acid (ABA) content and global genomic DNA methylation in young leaves. Exposed at 15°C and a short-day photoperiod, the changes in morphology, phytohormone levels and DNA methylation of both cultivars were similar to those observed at 12°C. Slight but non-significant changes in IAA and ABA levels and genomic DNA methylation occurred in young leaves at both 15°C with long days and 18°C with short days. These results indicated that temperature alone was sufficient to induce strawberry to enter the typical dormant phase, and day length had no impact at 12°C. The higher temperature permissible for dormancy induction in strawberry was 15°C, but at this temperature dormancy induction was modified by day length. The expression patterns of FaPIN1, FaNCED1, FaDRM and FaROS1 were coincident with the changes in phytohormone levels and DNA methylation. Although the two tested cultivars have different temporal responses with the different degree of cold tolerance and depth of dormancy, both the endogenous phytohormone and DNA methylation were changed when induced by external environmental factors.  相似文献   

Acanthocephalus amini n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from the intestine of Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther) (Pisces: Cichlidae) collected in the Río Champotón, a river in Campeche State, Mexico. It is the fourth species of Acanthocephalus Koelreuther, 1771 described from North American freshwater fishes, although two other species are known from South America. The new species is distinguished from other members of Acanthocephalus by features of its trunk, which is small, clavate, slightly expanded medially and bluntly pointed posteriorly. It is further distinguished by having a cylindrical proboscis armed with 13–14 longitudinal rows of 11–12 stout hooks; the apical and medial proboscis hooks are almost uniform in size and shape, decreasing in size towards the base; the posteriormost hooks are smaller, straighter and more slender than the anterior and middle hooks; and the lateral rows of hooks are more widely spaced, forming a conspicuous longitudinal area devoid of hooks. Furthermore, the lemnisci are saccate and shorter than the proboscis receptacle; and the neck is very short with a thick collar of trunk tegument, which encircles the base of proboscis. In males, the testes are in the middle third of trunk, diagonal, spherical and small relative to the body size, and there are six clavate cement glands. In females, the uterus forms a conspicuous, elongate, cylindrical egg reservoir. The new species is most similar to Aalabamensis Amin & Williams, 1983, but can be distinguished by its swollen, clavate trunk, the largest proboscis hooks being present apically and medially, smaller testes, a shorter male reproductive system relative to body size and females with a prominent uterus. They have different hosts and geographical distribution. The new species can be differentiated from Brasacanthus sphoeroides Thatcher, 2001, a similar species in a monotypic echinorhynchid genus, because the latter is larger, has smaller proboscis hooks and its lemnisci are longer than the receptacle.  相似文献   

During May and June 2003, a mixed breeding pair consisting of a male western Bonelli’s warbler (Phylloscopus bonelli) and a female wood warbler (P. sibilatrix) successfully raised six young in a broad-leafed forest near Jünkerath, western Germany, an area far outside the regular breeding range of P. bonelli. The identity of the adult birds was confirmed by song, calls, colouration, and wing measurements. Based on blood samples taken from both parents and three juveniles, the potential interbreeding was analysed by molecular methods. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene differed between male and female by 8.7% and confirmed the identification of both parents. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene revealed that the male was a western Bonelli's and the female a wood warbler. The hybridisation and the parentage of male and female were corroborated by multilocus DNA fingerprinting. This is the first documented and genetically proven hybridisation event between these two warbler species.  相似文献   

In Iberian and Canarian lizards, haemogregarines have been recorded infecting erythrocytes, but most of the records correspond to mature gametocytes. We analysed blood smears from 75 specimens of Podarcis bocagei (Seoane) and 33 specimens of P. carbonelli (Pérez-Mellado) from localities of north-western Portugal. We found haemogregarines in 74.7% of P. bocagei and 69.7% of P. carbonelli. Our observations show characteristics of the haemogregarines other than the morphology of the mature gametocytes. In histological sections of the liver of four hosts latent cysts with sporozoites and meronts with merozoites were detected. Both traits have been described as typical of the genera Hepatozoon Miller, 1908 and Hemolivia Petit, Landau, Baccam & Lainson, 1990. We suggest that not only P. bocagei and P. carbonelli from Portugal but other species of Iberian and Canarian lacertids might also be infected by species belonging to one or both genera.  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction with random primers (RAPD PCR) was used to identify the progeny of the crosses between three sturgeon species, Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii Brandt, 1869), Siberian sturgeon (A. baerii Brandt, 1869), and sterlet (A. ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758). Using ten primers, genetic variation in 70 yearlings, produced in seven individual crosses: Acipenser schrenckii × A. schrenckii, A. baerii × A. baerii, A. ruthenus × A. ruthenus, A. schrenckii × A. baerii, A. baerii × A. schrenckii, A. schrenckii × A. ruthenus, and A. ruthenus × A. schrenckii was described and evaluated. It was demonstrated that the samples composed of hybrids from individual crosses were more variable than the samples of parental species. On the other hand, pooled samples of hybrids from two cross directions were genetically less variable than the pooled samples of their parents. The three main features of the hybrid RAPD profiles identified included: (1) preservation of marker DNA fragments of both parents in one genome; (2) presence of specific DNA fragments, absent from both parents; and (3) dependence of the frequency of some DNA fragments from the cross direction. Multidimensional scaling clearly distinguishes in the space of three coordinates the individuals of original species and the hybrid progeny with differentiation in the groups of direct and backcross hybrids. Analysis of relationships (UPGMA and NJ) pointed to substantial differentiation between the species, as well as between the species and hybrid progeny. Close genetic relationships between direct and backcross hybrids were demonstrated. Multilocus RAPD markers in association with statistical methods are considered to be the useful tool for discrimination of interspecific hybrids of sturgeon. Possible reasons for the differences in the hybrid RAPD profiles are discussed. Original Russian Text ? K.V. Rozhkovan, G.N. Chelomina, E.I. Rachek, 2008, published in Genetika, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 1453–1460.  相似文献   

We report on the second case of a reed warbler × great reed warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus scirpaceus and A. arundinaceus). The bird was captured during a standardised ringing session in Belgium in autumn 1999, and fell between the parental species in all measurements. Molecular analyses of two microsatellite loci verified that the bird was a female that had a reed warbler father and a great reed warbler mother.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Februar 1992 wurde an der in Bau befindlichen Autobahn BAB 66 zwischen Steinau und Schlüchtern (5021'N, 0931'E) ein Nistkastenkontrollgebiet mit 310 Nistkästen eingerichtet, um die Auswirkungen der Autobahn vor und nach Inbetriebnahme auf die Brutbiologie von Meisen zu untersuchen. Als Vergleichsgebiete dienen ein direkt benachbartes sowie ein ca. 5 km entferntes Untersuchungsgebiet. Zum Vergleich der Gewichtsentwicklung der Nestlinge wurde ein drittes autobahnfernes Gebiet herangezogen.In einzelnen Jahren finden sich zwischen den Gebieten Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der Brutpopulation, der Besetzungsrate der Nistkästen, dem Legebeginn, der Gelegegröße, der Schlüpfrate oder im Bruterfolg. Diese Unterschiede treten in verschiedenen Jahren und in unterschiedlichen Gebieten auf, so daß sich keine generelle Abweichung des Gebietes an der Autobahn von den straßenfernen Gebieten feststellen läßt. Die Eröffnung der Autobahn hatte keinen Effekt auf die untersuchten Parameter.Die Gewichte der Nestlinge im Gebiet an der Autobahn waren im Jahr 1996 nur am 12. und 13. Nestlingstag signifikant geringer als die Gewichte der Nestlinge in einem autobahnfernen gleichartig strukturierten Biotop. Die Ausflugsgewichte der Jungvögel an der A66 liegen jedoch ca. 2 g höher als in städtischen Biotopen.Störungen durch den Straßenverkehr, wie sie von anderen Autoren berichtet werden, ließen sich in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet nicht feststellen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die geringe Störungsempfindlichkeit der Kohl- und Blaumeisen sowie der bisher geringe Verkehr auf der Autobahn diskutiert.
The impact of a motorway in construction and after opening to traffic on the breeding biology of Great Tit (Parus major) and Blue Tit (P. caeruleus)
Summary In February 1992, a study area (A 66) with 310 nestboxes was installed along the construction line of a four laned motorway between Steinau and Schlüchtern (5021'N, 0931'E). One area in the immediate neighbourhood (VG1) and one 5 km distant (VG2) from the study area at the motorway (see Fig. 1) served as controls for comparison. In all three areas, the nestboxes were checked weekly during the breeding season from the beginning of May until July. Species composition of the birds using nestboxes, rate of occupation of nestboxes, and, for Great Tits (Parus major) and Blue Tits (P. caeruleus), date of the first egg, clutch size, hatching rate and number of birds fledged were recorded. The study included 5 breeding seasons from 1992 to 1996, 3 years during the period of construction and 2 years after the opening of the motorway to traffic in December 1994. In 1996, the nestling weight of 20 broods of Great Tits at the A66 was recorded daily and compared with that of all nestlings in another study area (VG3, see Fig. 1).The data were analyzed separately for each year. Distributions of frequencies were analyzed with the x2 test, the other data with the Kruskal-Wallis-Test (H-Test). In case of significant differences between the study areas, the Mann Whitney U-test was used to determine which study area differed from the others. Nestlings bodymass was compared using the t-test.The species composition was similar in all three areas (Fig. 2), and it did not change after the opening of the motorway to traffic. The rate of occupation of the nestboxes, dates of laying of the first egg, clutch size, hatching rate and breeding success vary between years and between study areas (Table 1 to 5); data that differ significantly from those of two other areas are indicated by bold print. Such differences were observed in various years and involved all three areas. In study area A66, clutch size of Great Tits was higher in 1993; hatching success of Great Tits was lower in 1994 and that of Blue Tits was lower in 1993. However, there was no general trend that area A66 at the motorway was different from the other areas, either before or after being opened to the traffic. The weight of nestlings in study area A66 at the motorway was similar to that in comparable area nearby; only on day 12 and 13 after hatching was it slightly lower (Tab. 6). The last measurement on day 15 indicates a nestling weight of 16.2 g for the area at the motorway, which is in normal for deciduous forest habitats and approximately 2 g higher than that recorded in urban habitats.In brief, the motorway did not affect the species composition, rate of occupied nestboxes or the various breeding parameters; in particular, the moving traffic after opening did not seem to have any effect. The breeding parameters from the study area at the motorway were typical for the Schlüchtern region. Density reductions in breeding populations, as discussed by several authors, or disturbances caused by moving traffic, as previously reported, were not observed in our study. However, our key species, Great Tits and Blue Tits, are not generally very sensitive to interferences. Also, the level of traffic on the motorway was still rather low. This must be considered when our findings are generalized.

In order to select genotypes of Gossypium hirsutum genetically balanced and expressing the low-gossypol seed & high-gossypol plant trait introgressed from the Australian wild diploid species G. sturtianum, the [(G. hirsutum × G. raimondii)2 × G. sturtianum] triple hybrid was backcrossed to G. hirsutum and autopollinated to produce backcross and selfed progenies. Two hundred and six mapped SSR markers of G. hirsutum were used to monitor the introgression of SSR alleles specific to G. sturtianum and G. raimondii in the selected progenies. A high level of heterozygosity, varying from 25 to 100%, was observed for all G. sturtianum-specific SSR markers conserved in the most advanced progenies. These results indicate the existence of segregation distortion factors that are associated with the genes controlling the researched trait. This study represents a starting point to map the genes involved in the expression of the trait and better understand its genetic determinism.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a serious problem worldwide. It is necessary to improve the salt tolerance of plants to avoid the progressive deterioration of saline soil. We showed that the over-expression of AtNHX1 improves salt tolerance in a transgenic poplar (Populus deltoides CL × P. euramericana CL “NL895”) under mannose selection. Four transgenic poplar plants were obtained. Southern blot analysis showed that the pmi gene had integrated into the genome of the poplar. RT-PCR confirmed that AtNHX1 could be expressed normally in the transgenic plants. When tested for salt tolerance by NaCl stress, we measured a 100% increase in Na+ content in the three transgenic lines (T18, T50, T98) significantly higher than the 33% increase seen in wild-type plants. The chlorophyll content of the transgenic plants was not altered significantly, while the chlorophyll content in the control plants showed a small decrease. MDA content was decreased in the transgenic plants. These results show that the AtNHX1 gene may enhance salt tolerance due to increased vacuolar compartmentalization of sodium ions.  相似文献   

Storage proteins (prolamines, puroindolines, and Waxy) were studied in common wheat introgression lines obtained with the use of the Saratovskaya 29 (S29) cultivar line and synthetic hexaploid wheat (Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. × T. tauschii) (Sintetik, Sin.) displaying complex resistance to fungal infections. Comparative analysis of storage proteins in the introgression lines of common wheat Triticum aestivum L. and in the parental forms revealed the only line (BC5) having a substitution at the Gli-B2 locus from Sintetik. Hybrid lines subjected to nine backcrosses with the recurrent parental form S29 and selections for resistance to pathogens can be considered as nearly isogenic for the selected trait and retaining the allelic composition of (1) prolamines responsible for the bread-making qualitiy, (2) puroindolines associated with grain texture, and (3) Waxy proteins responsible for nutritive qualities. These lines are valuable as donors of immunity in breeding programs without the loss of the quality of flour and grain as compared to the S29 line and are also important in searching for genes determining resistance to leaf and stem rust and to powdery mildew. The amphiploid has a number of characters (silent Glu-A1 locus and Ha genotype) that can negatively affect the quality of flour and grain and thus should be taken into account when choosing this donor.  相似文献   



Differentiation of long and short shoots is an important developmental trait in several species of the Rosaceae family. However, the physiological mechanisms controlling this differentiation are largely unknown. We have studied the role of gibberellin (GA) in regulation of shoot differentiation in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Korona. In strawberry, differentiation of axillary buds to runners (long shoot) or to crown branches (short shoot) is promoted by long-day and short-day conditions, respectively. Formation of crown branches is a prerequisite for satisfactory flowering because inflorescences are formed from the apical meristems of the crown.  相似文献   

Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens St?l) is one of the major insect pests of rice. A Sri Lankan indica rice cultivar Rathu Heenati was found to be resistant to all biotypes of the brown planthopper. In the present study, a total of 268 F7 RILs of IR50 and Rathu Heenati were phenotyped for their level of resistance against BPH by the standard seedbox screening test (SSST) in the greenhouse. A total of 53 SSR primers mapped on the chromosome 3 were used to screen the polymorphism between the parents IR50 and Rathu Heenati, out of which eleven were found to be polymorphic between IR50 and Rathu Heenati. The eleven primers that have shown polymorphism between the IR50 and Rathu Heenati parents were genotyped in a set of five resistant RILs and five susceptible RILs along with the parents for co-segregation analysis. Among the eleven primers, two primers namely RM3180 (18.22 Mb) and RM2453 (20.19 Mb) showed complete co-segregation with resistance. The identification of SSR markers linked with BPH resistant could be used for the maker assisted selection (MAS) program in rice breeding and to map the resistant genes on rice chromosomes for further gene cloning.  相似文献   

Summary To develop a successful protocol forAgrobacterium-mediated transformation in plants it is essential to determine the most efficient bacterial strain/plant genotype interaction. In the present work, we evaluated the susceptibility ofEucalyptus grandis ×E. urophylla to fiveAgrobacterium rhizogenes and twelveA. tumefaciens wildtype strains. The results showed different degrees of virulence, according to the strain tested, indicating that transformation of this eucalypt hybrid by Agrobacterium-derived vectors is possible. All developed tumours showed an autonomous growth when transferred to a hormone-free medium. Some of these tumours formed shoots spontaneously, with a normal phenotype. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analyses were performed to confirm the absence of the oncogenic T-DNA in plants derived from these shooty tumours.  相似文献   

Paraorygmatobothrium taylori n. sp. (Tetraphyllidea: Phyllobothriidae) is described from the Australian weasel shark Hemigaleus australiensis White, Last & Compagno in Moreton Bay, off Queensland, Australia. The new species differs from 10 of the 11 described species of Paraorygmatobothrium Ruhnke, 1994 by the possession of prominent, semicircular bothridial muscle bands. From Pbarberi Ruhnke, 1994, with which it shares the bothridial muscle bands, it differs in the possession of a cephalic peduncle and vitelline follicles that extend almost to the mid-line of the proglottis and are reduced, rather than completely interrupted, at the level of the ovary. P. janineae Ruhnke, Healy & Shapero, 2006 is recorded from its type–host but in a new locality, Moreton Bay, off Queensland, Australia. P. taylori is the third species of the genus recorded from the Hemigaleidae in Australian waters. Three of the eight known hemigaleid species are now recorded to harbour this genus, and three different species are now known from the two hemigaleids found in Australian waters.  相似文献   

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