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Protein introns are recently discovered genetic elements whose intervening sequences are removed from a precursor protein by an unusual protein splicing reaction. This involves the excision of a central spacer molecule, the protein intron, and the religation of the amino- and carboxy-terminal fragments of the precursor. The recA gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains one such element and we now show that the other major mycobacterial pathogen, Mycobacterium leprae, also possesses a protein intron in its recA, although other mycobacterial recA genes do not. However, these two protein introns are different in size, sequence and location of insertion of their coding sequences into the recAs of M. tuberculosis and M. leprae, indicating that acquisition of the protein introns has occurred independently in the two species, and thus suggesting that there has been selection for splicing in the maturation of RecA in the pathogenic mycobacteria. The M. leprae protein intron provides an example of conditional protein splicing, splicing occurring in M. leprae itself but not when expressed in Escherichia coli, unlike most previously described protein introns. These observations suggest that protein introns may perform a function for their host, rather than being just selfish elements.  相似文献   

A recA deletion mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis has been isolated by homologous recombination using a sacB counterselection strategy. Deletion of the recA gene from the chromosome was demonstrated by Southern hybridizations and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Western analysis using anti-RecA antibodies confirmed that the RecA protein was not made by the mutant strain. The recA deletion strain exhibited enhanced sensitivity to UV irradiation and failed to undergo homologous recombination. The results obtained from the recombination assays suggest that in wild-type M. smegmatis the majority of colonies arise from single cross-over homologous recombination events with only a very minor contribution from random integrations. The deficiencies in UV survival and recombination were complemented by introduction of the cloned M. smegmatis recA gene. Overexpression of RecA was found to be toxic in the absence of recX , which is found downstream of and co-transcribed with recA and is thus also affected by the deletion of recA . The M. smegmatis recA deletion strain was also complemented by the M. tuberculosis recA gene with or without its intein; most importantly, the frequency of double cross-over homologous recombination events was identical regardless of whether the M. tuberculosis recA gene contained or lacked the intein. Thus, the low frequency of homologous recombination observed in M. tuberculosis is not due to the presence of an intein-coding sequence in its recA gene per se .  相似文献   

The pairing of homologous molecules and strand exchange is a key event in homologous recombination promoted by RecA protein in Escherichia coli. Structural homologs of RecA are widely distributed in eukaryotes including mouse and man. As has been shown, human HsRad51 protein is not only structural but also functional homolog of RecA. The question arises whether the bacterial functional homolog of Rad51 can function in mammalian cells and increase the frequency of the homologous recombination. To investigate possible effects of bacterial RecA protein on the frequency of homologous recombination in mammalian cells, the E. coli RecA protein fused with a nuclear location signal from the large T antigen of simian virus 40 was overexpressed in the mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells. We found that the frequency of gene targeting at the hprt locus was 10-fold increased in the mouse cells expressing the nucleus-targeted RecA protein. Southern blot analysis of individual clones that were generated by targeting recombination revealed predicted type of alterations in hprt gene. The data indicate that the bacterial nucleus-targeted RecA protein can stimulate homologous recombination in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination consists of exchanging DNA strands of identical or almost identical sequence. This process is important for both DNA repair and DNA segregation. In prokaryotes, it involves the formation of long helical filaments of the RecA protein on DNA. These filaments incorporate double-stranded DNA from the cell's genetic material, recognize sequence homology and promote strand exchange between the two DNA segments. DNA processing by these nucleofilaments is characterized by large amplitude deformations of the double helix, which is stretched by 50% and unwound by 40% with respect to B-DNA. In this article, information concerning the structure and interactions of the RecA, DNA and ATP molecules involved in DNA strand exchange is gathered and analyzed to present a view of their possible arrangement within the filament, their behavior during strand exchange and during ATP hydrolysis, the mechanism of RecA-promoted DNA deformation and the role of DNA deformation in the process of homologous recombination. In particular, the unusual characteristics of DNA within the RecA filament are compared to the DNA deformations locally induced by architectural proteins which bind in the DNA minor groove. The possible role and location of two flexible loops of RecA are discussed.  相似文献   

Vaze MB  Muniyappa K 《Biochemistry》1999,38(10):3175-3186
To gain insights into inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria, we compared homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions promoted by RecA protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to those of Escherichia coli RecA protein. The extent of single-stranded binding protein (SSB)-stimulated formation of joint molecules by MtRecA was similar to that of EcRecA over a wide range of pH values. In contrast, strand exchange promoted by MtRecA was inhibited around neutral pH due to the formation of DNA networks. At higher pH, MtRecA was able to overcome this constraint and, consequently, displayed optimal strand exchange activity. Order of addition experiments suggested that SSB, when added after MtRecA, was vital for strand exchange. Significantly, with shorter duplex DNA, MtRecA promoted efficient strand exchange without network formation in a pH-independent fashion. Increase in the length of duplex DNA led to incomplete strand exchange with concomitant rise in the formation of intermediates and networks in a pH-dependent manner. Treatment of purified networks with S1 nuclease liberated linear duplex DNA and products, consistent with a model in which the networks are formed by the invasion of hybrid DNA by the displaced linear single-stranded DNA. Titration of strand exchange reactions with ATP or salt distinguished a condition under which the formation of networks was blocked, but strand exchange was not significantly affected. We discuss how these results relate to inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper, RecA142 protein was found to be completely defective in DNA heteroduplex formation. Here, we show that RecA142 protein not only is defective in this activity but also is inhibitory for certain activities of wild-type RecA protein. Under appropriate conditions, RecA142 protein substantially inhibits the DNA strand exchange reaction catalyzed by wild-type RecA protein; at equimolar concentrations of each protein, formation of full-length gapped duplex DNA product molecules is less than 7% of the amount produced by wild-type protein alone. Inhibition by RecA142 protein is also evident in S1 nuclease assays of DNA heteroduplex formation, although the extent of inhibition is less than is observed for the complete DNA strand exchange process; at equimolar concentrations of wild-type and mutant proteins, the extent of DNA heteroduplex formation is 36% of the wild-type protein level. This difference implies that RecA142 protein prevents, at minimum, the branch migration normally observed during DNA strand exchange. RecA142 protein does not inhibit either the single-strand (ss) DNA-dependent ATPase activity or the coaggregation activities of wild-type RecA protein. This suggests that these reactions are not responsible for the inhibition of wild-type protein DNA strand exchange activity by RecA142 protein. However, under conditions where RecA142 protein inhibits DNA strand exchange activity, RecA142 protein renders the M13 ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of wild-type protein sensitive to inhibition by single-strand DNA-binding protein, and it inhibits the double-strand DNA-dependent ATPase activity of wild-type RecA protein. These results imply that these two activities are important components of the overall DNA strand exchange process. These experiments also demonstrate the applicability of using defective mutant RecA proteins as specific codominant inhibitors of wild-type protein activities in vitro and should be of general utility for mechanistic analysis of RecA protein function both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Recombination in vivo was studied in recA - heterozygous lacZ merodiploids by performing -galactosidase assays after infection with precA +. Recombination as measured by -galactosidase production was a linear function of pecA + multiplicity of infection (MOI) when the strain contained a deletion of the chromosomal recA gene. However, when the strain carried a recA1 missense allele, a higher precA + MOI was required to obtain levels of recombination comparable to the (recA) strain, and the slope of the dose-response curve increased to approximately two. It is proposed that negative complementation occurs in mixed tetramers of wild-type and missense recA polypeptides, and that in vivo recombination is a property of a multimeric form of recA protein.  相似文献   

To isolate strains with new recA mutations that differentially affect RecA protein functions, we mutagenized in vitro the recA gene carried by plasmid mini-F and then introduced the mini-F-recA plasmid into a delta recA host that was lysogenic for prophage phi 80 and carried a lac duplication. By scoring prophage induction and recombination of the lac duplication, we isolated new recA mutations. A strain carrying mutation recA1734 (Arg-243 changed to Leu) was found to be deficient in phi 80 induction but proficient in recombination. The mutation rendered the host not mutable by UV, even in a lexA(Def) background. Yet, the recA1734 host became mutable upon introduction of a plasmid encoding UmuD*, the active carboxyl-terminal fragment of UmuD. Although the recA1734 mutation permits cleavage of lambda and LexA repressors, it renders the host deficient in the cleavage of phi 80 repressor and UmuD protein. Another strain carrying mutation recA1730 (Ser-117 changed to Phe) was found to be proficient in phi 80 induction but deficient in recombination. The recombination defect conferred by the mutation was partly alleviated in a cell devoid of LexA repressor, suggesting that, when amplified, RecA1730 protein is active in recombination. Since LexA protein was poorly cleaved in the recA1730 strain while phage lambda was induced, we conclude that RecA1730 protein cannot specifically mediate LexA protein cleavage. Our results show that the recA1734 and recA1730 mutations differentially affect cleavage of various substrates. The recA1730 mutation prevented UV mutagenesis, even upon introduction into the host of a plasmid encoding UmuD* and was dominant over recA+. With respect to other RecA functions, recA1730 was recessive to recA+. This demonstrates that RecA protein has an additional role in mutagenesis beside mediating the cleavage of LexA and UmuD proteins.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between alleles or non-allelic paralogous sequences does not occur uniformly but is concentrated in 'hotspots' with high recombination rates. Recent studies of these hotspots show that they do not share common sequence motifs, but they do have other features in common.  相似文献   

In a strict anaerobic environment, lack of expression of bacterial recBC function and recA regulatory functions for the SOS repair system is demonstrated by the use of the carcinogenesis-mutagenesis assay and Salmonella phage P22 mutants requiring these host functions for replication. Therefore, we suggest that error-prone repair (SOS repair) is confined to aerobic environments in facultative anaerobes.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP), a glycolipid-anchored membrane glycoprotein, contains a conserved hydrophobic sequence that can span the lipid bilayer in either direction, resulting in two transmembrane forms designated (Ntm)PrP and (Ctm)PrP. Previous studies have shown that the proportion of (Ctm)PrP is increased by mutations in the membrane-spanning segment, and it has been hypothesized that (Ctm)PrP represents a key intermediate in the pathway of prion-induced neurodegeneration. To further test this idea, we have surveyed a number of mutations associated with familial prion diseases to determine whether they alter the proportions of (Ntm)PrP and (Ctm)PrP produced in vitro, in transfected cells, and in transgenic mice. For the in vitro experiments, PrP mRNA was translated in the presence of murine thymoma microsomes which, in contrast to the canine pancreatic microsomes used in previous studies, are capable of efficient glycolipidation. We confirmed that mutations within or near the transmembrane domain enhance the formation of (Ctm)PrP, and we demonstrate for the first time that this species contains a C-terminal glycolipid anchor, thus exhibiting an unusual, dual mode of membrane attachment. However, we find that pathogenic mutations in other regions of the molecule have no effect on the amounts of (Ctm)PrP and (Ntm)PrP, arguing against the proposition that transmembrane PrP plays an obligate role in the pathogenesis of prion diseases.  相似文献   

We demonstrate, by gene deletion analysis, that Mre11 has a critical role in maintaining genomic integrity in Trypanosoma brucei. mre11(-/-) null mutant strains exhibited retarded growth but no delay or disruption of cell cycle progression. They showed also a weak hyporecombination phenotype and the accumulation of gross chromosomal rearrangements, which did not involve sequence translocation, telomere loss, or formation of new telomeres. The trypanosome mre11(-/-) strains were hypersensitive to phleomycin, a mutagen causing DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) but, in contrast to mre11(-/-) null mutants in other organisms and T. brucei rad51(-/-) null mutants, displayed no hypersensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate, which causes point mutations and DSBs. Mre11 therefore is important for the repair of chromosomal damage and DSBs in trypanosomes, although in this organism the intersection of repair pathways appears to differ from that in other organisms. Mre11 inactivation appears not to affect VSG gene switching during antigenic variation of a laboratory strain, which is perhaps surprising given the importance of homologous recombination during this process.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight recA mutants, isolated after spontaneous mutagenesis generated by the combined action of RecA1202(Prtc) and UmuDC proteins, were characterized and sequenced. The mutations are intragenic suppressors of the recA1202 allele and were detected by the reduced coprotease activity of the gene product. Twenty distinct mutation sites were found, among which two mutations, recA1620 (V-275-->D) and recA1631 (I-284-->N), were mapped in the C-terminal portion of the interfilament contact region (IFCR) in the RecA crystal. An interaction of this region with the part of the IFCR in which the recA1202 mutation (Q-184-->K) is mapped could occur only intermolecularly. Thus, altered IFCR and the likely resulting change in interfilament association appear to be important aspects of the formation of a constitutively active RecA coprotease. This observation is consistent with the filament-bundle theory (R. M. Story, I. T. Weber, and T. A. Steitz, Nature (London) 335:318-325, 1992). Furthermore, we found that among the 20 suppressor mutations, 3 missense mutations that lead to recombination-defective (Rec-) phenotypes also mapped in the IFCR, suggesting that the IFCR, with its putative function in interfilament association, is required for the recombinase activity of RecA. We propose that RecA-DNA complexes may form bundles analogous to the RecA bundles (lacking DNA) described by Story et al. and that these RecA-DNA bundles play a role in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The search for homologous sequences promoted by RecA protein in vitro involves a presynaptic filament and naked duplex DNA, the multiple contacts of which produce nucleoprotein networks or coaggregates. The single-stranded DNA within the presynaptic filaments, however, is extended to an axial spacing 1.5 times that of B-form DNA. To investigate this paradoxical difference between the spacing of bases in the RecA presynaptic filament versus the target duplex DNA, we explored the effect of heterologous contacts on the conformation of DNA, and vice versa. In the presence of wheat germ topoisomerase I, RecA presynaptic filaments induced a rapid, limited reduction in the linking number of heterologous circular duplex DNA. This limited unwinding of heterologous duplex DNA, termed heterologous unwinding, was detected within 30 seconds and reached a steady state within a few minutes. Presynaptic filaments that were formed in the presence of ATP gamma S and separated from free RecA protein by gel filtration also generated a ladder of topoisomers upon incubation with relaxed duplex DNA and topoisomerase. The inhibition of heterologous contacts by 60 mM-NaCl or 5 mM-ADP resulted in a corresponding decrease in heterologous unwinding. In reciprocal fashion, the stability or number of heterologous contacts with presynaptic filaments was inversely related to the linking number of circular duplex DNA. These observations show that heterologous contacts with the presynaptic filament cause a limited unwinding of the duplex DNA, and conversely that the ability of the DNA to unwind stabilizes transient heterologous contacts.  相似文献   

RecA protein-coated probe has been utilized to enrich genomic digests for desired genes in order to facilitate cloning from genomic libraries. Using a previously cloned HLA-B27 gene as the recA-coated enrichment probe, we obtained a mean 108x increase in the ratio of specific to nonspecific plaques in lambda libraries screened for B27 variant alleles of estimated 99% homology to the probe. Class I genes of lesser homology were less enriched: 6.7x for non-B27 genes of estimated greater than 95% homology and 3.7x for other-Class I genes of greater than 80% homology. Loss of genomic DNA during the enrichment procedure can, however, restrict application of this technique whenever starting genomic DNA is very limited. Nevertheless, the impressive reduction in cloning effort and material makes recA enrichment a useful new tool for cloning homologous genes from genomic DNA.  相似文献   

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