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Arabidopsis is a non-host for Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 (Pph), a bacterial pathogen of bean. Pph does not induce a hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis. Here we show that Arabidopsis instead resists Pph with multi-layered basal defense. Our approach was: (i) to identify defense readouts induced by Pph; (ii) to determine whether mutations in known Arabidopsis defense genes disrupt Pph-induced defense signaling; (iii) to determine whether heterologous type III effectors from pathogens of Arabidopsis suppress Pph-induced defense signaling, and (iv) to ascertain how basal defenses contribute to resistance against Pph by individually or multiply disrupting defense signaling pathways with mutations and heterologous type III effectors. We demonstrate that Pph elicits a minimum of three basal defense-signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. These pathways have unique readouts, including PR-1 protein accumulation and morphologically distinct types of callose deposition. Further, they require distinct defense genes, including PMR4, RAR1, SID2, NPR1, and PAD4 . Finally, they are suppressed differentially by heterologous type III effectors, including AvrRpm1 and HopM1. Pph growth is enhanced only when multiple defense pathways are disrupted. For example, mutation of NPR1 or SID2 combined with the action of AvrRpm1 and HopM1 renders Arabidopsis highly susceptible to Pph. Thus, non-host resistance of Arabidopsis to Pph is based on multiple, individually effective layers of basal defense.  相似文献   

The salicylic acid (SA)-induction deficient (sid) mutants of Arabidopsis, eds5 and sid2 accumulate normal amounts of camalexin after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst), while transgenic NahG plants expressing an SA hydroxylase that degrades SA have reduced levels of camalexin and exhibit a higher susceptibility to different pathogens compared to the sid mutants. SID2 encodes an isochorismate synthase necessary for the synthesis of SA. NahG was shown to act epistatically to the sid mutant phenotype regarding accumulation of camalexin after inoculation with Pst in eds5NahG and sid2NahG plants. The effect of the pad4 mutation on the sid mutant phenotype was furthermore tested in eds5pad4 and sid2pad4 double mutants, and it was demonstrated that PAD4 acts epistatically to EDS5 and SID2 regarding the production of camalexin after inoculation with Pst. NahG plants and pad4 mutants were also found to produce less ethylene (ET) after infection with Pst in comparison to the wild type (WT) and sid mutants. Both PAD4 and NahG acted epistatically to SID regarding the Pst-dependent production of ET that was found to be necessary for the accumulation of camalexin. Early production of jasmonic acid (JA) 12 h after inoculation with Pst/avrRpt2 was absent in all plants expressing NahG compared to the other mutants tested here. These genetic studies unravel pleiotropic changes in defence signalling of NahG plants that are unlikely to result from their low SA content. This adds unexpected difficulties in the interpretation of earlier findings based solely on NahG plants.  相似文献   

ERECTA controls both developmental processes and disease resistance in Arabidopsis. We investigated the function of ERECTA in non-host resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in Arabidopsis. In the pen2 er mutant, penetration resistance and post-penetration resistance to M. oryzae were compromised. These results suggest that ERECTA is involved in both penetration and post-penetration resistance to M. oryzae in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, the GH3-like gene family consists of 19 members, several of which have been shown to adenylate the plant hormones jasmonic acid, indole acetic acid and salicylic acid (SA). In some cases, this adenylation has been shown to catalyze hormone conjugation to amino acids. Here we report molecular characterization of the GH3-LIKE DEFENSE GENE 1 (GDG1), a member of the GH3-like gene family, and show that GDG1 is an important component of SA-mediated defense against the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Expression of GDG1 is induced earlier and to a higher level in response to avirulent pathogens compared to virulent pathogens. gdg1 null mutants are compromised in several pathogen defense responses, including activation of defense genes and resistance against virulent and avirulent bacterial pathogens. Accumulation of free and glucoside-conjugated SA (SAG) in response to pathogen infection is compromised in gdg1 mutants. All defense-related phenotypes of gdg1 can be rescued by external application of SA, suggesting that gdg1 mutants are defective in the SA-mediated defense pathway(s) and that GDG1 functions upstream of SA. Our results suggest that GDG1 contributes to both basal and resistance gene-mediated inducible defenses against P. syringae (and possibly other pathogens) by playing a critical role in regulating the levels of pathogen-inducible SA. GDG1 is allelic to the PBS3 (avrPphB susceptible) gene.  相似文献   

The rate of entry of Magnaporthe oryzae into Arabidopsis pen2 sobir1 plants was significantly higher than that into pen2 plants. The length of the infection hyphae in pen2 sobir1 plants was significantly longer than that in pen2 plants. These results suggest that SOBIR1 is involved in both penetration and post-penetration resistance to M. oryzae in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

AvrRpt2, a Pseudomonas syringae type III effector protein, functions from inside plant cells to promote the virulence of P. syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 (PstDC3000) on Arabidopsis thaliana plants lacking a functional copy of the corresponding RPS2 resistance gene. In this study, we extended our understanding of AvrRpt2 virulence activity by exploring the hypothesis that AvrRpt2 promotes PstDC3000 virulence by suppressing plant defenses. When delivered by PstDC3000, AvrRpt2 suppresses pathogen-related (PR) gene expression during infection, suggesting that AvrRpt2 suppresses defenses mediated by salicylic acid (SA). However, AvrRpt2 promotes PstDC3000 growth on transgenic plants expressing the SA-degrading enzyme NahG, indicating that AvrRpt2 does not promote bacterial virulence by modulating SA levels during infection. AvrRpt2 general virulence activity does not depend on the RPM1 resistance gene, as mutations in RPM1 had no effect on AvrRpt2-induced phenotypes. Transgenic plants expressing AvrRpt2 displayed enhanced susceptibility to PstDC3000 strains defective in type III secretion, indicating that enhanced susceptibility of these plants is not because of suppression of defense responses elicited by other type III effectors. Additionally, avrRpt2 transgenic plants did not exhibit increased susceptibility to Peronospora parasitica and Erysiphe cichoracearum, suggesting that AvrRpt2 virulence activity is specific to P. syringae.  相似文献   

Amino acid transporters in plants are crucial for distributing amino acids between plant organs and cellular compartments. The H+‐coupled plasma membrane transporter CAT1 (cationic amino acid transporter 1) facilitates the high‐affinity uptake of basic amino acids. The uptake of lysine (Lys) via the roots was not altered in loss‐of‐function mutants, in accordance with the minor expression of CAT1 in roots, but plants ectopically overexpressing CAT1 incorporated Lys at higher rates. Exogenous Lys inhibited the primary root of Arabidopsis, whereas lateral roots were stimulated. These effects were augmented by the presence or absence of CAT1. Furthermore, the total biomass of soil‐grown plants ectopically overexpressing CAT1 was reduced and the time to flowering was accelerated. These effects were accompanied by only minor changes in the overall amino acid profile. Interestingly, CAT1 belongs to a specific small cluster of nitrogen‐containing metabolite transporter genes that are rapidly up‐regulated upon infection with Pseudomonas syringae and that may participate in the systemic response of plants to pathogen attack. The overexpression of CAT1 indeed enhanced the resistance to the hemibiotrophic bacterial pathogen P. syringae via a constitutively activated salicylic acid (SA) pathway, which is consistent with the developmental defects and the resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

Sulphonation of small molecules by cytosolic sulphotransferases in mammals is an important process in which endogenous molecules are modified for inactivation/activation of their biological effects. Plants possess large numbers of sulphotransferase genes, but their biological functions are largely unknown. Here, we present a functional analysis of the Arabidopsis sulphotransferase AtSOT12 (At2g03760). AtSOT12 gene expression is strongly induced by salt, and osmotic stress and hormone treatments. The T‐DNA knock‐out mutant sot12 exhibited hypersensitivity to NaCl and ABA in seed germination, and to salicylic acid (SA) in seedling growth. In vitro enzyme activity assay revealed that AtSOT12 sulphonates SA, and endogenous SA levels suggested that sulphonation of SA positively regulates SA production. Upon challenging with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, sot12 mutant and AtSOT12 over‐expressing lines accumulate less and more SA, respectively, when compared with wild type. Consistent with the changes in SA levels, the sot12 mutant was more susceptible, while AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants are more resistant to pathogen infection. Moreover, pathogen‐induced PR gene expression in systemic leaves was significantly enhanced in AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants. The role of sulphonation of SA in SA production, mobile signalling and acquired systemic resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Plant immunity against the majority of the microbial pathogens is conveyed by a phenomenon known as non-host resistance (NHR). This defence mechanism affords durable protection to plant species against given species of phytopathogens. We investigated the genetic basis of NHR in Arabidopsis against the wheat powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt). Both primary and appressorial germ tubes were produced from individual Bgt conidia on the surface of the Arabidopsis leaves. Attempted infection occasionally resulted in successful penetration, which led to the development of an abnormal unilateral haustorium. Inoculation of a series of Arabidopsis defence-related mutants with Bgt resulted in the attenuation of reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production and salicylic acid (SA)-dependent defence gene expression in eds1, pad4 and nahG plants, which are known to be defective in some aspects of host resistance. Furthermore, Bgt often developed bilateral haustoria in the mutant Arabidopsis lines that closely resembled those formed in wheat. A similar decrease in NHR was observed following treatment of the wild-type Arabidopsis plants with cytochalasin E, an inhibitor of actin microfilament polymerisation. In eds1 mutants, inhibition of actin polymerisation severely compromised NHR in Arabidopsis against Bgt. This permitted completion of the Bgt infection cycle on these plants. Therefore, actin cytoskeletal function and EDS1 activity, in combination, are major contributors to NHR in Arabidopsis against wheat powdery mildew.  相似文献   

The production of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (sodium salt) soluble antigens of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (fuscans strain) is described. MAbs A6-1 and A6-2 produced to Ps. syringae pv. phaseolicola are pathovar specific. Although MAb XP2 produced to X. campestris pv. phaseoli recognized surface antigens of all strains of this pathovar (including fuscans strains) it cross-reacted specifically with X. campestris pv. malvacearum; it did not react with any other known bacteria or unidentified epiphytes from navy bean seed or leaves. The isotype of both MAbs XP2 and A6-1 is IgG3 whereas that of MAb A6-2 is IgG2a. The reactive antigens are thermostable, but their chemical nature has not been determined.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls undergo dynamic structural and chemical changes during plant development and growth. Floral organ abscission and lateral root emergence are both accompanied by cell‐wall remodeling, which involves the INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA)‐derived peptide and its receptors, HAESA (HAE) and HAESA‐LIKE2 (HSL2). Plant cell walls also act as barriers against pathogenic invaders. Thus, the cell‐wall remodeling during plant development could have an influence on plant resistance to phytopathogens. Here, we identified IDA‐like 6 (IDL6), a gene that is prominently expressed in Arabidopsis leaves. IDL6 expression in Arabidopsis leaves is significantly upregulated when the plant is suffering from attacks of the bacterial Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000. IDL6 overexpression and knockdown lines respectively decrease and increase the Arabidopsis resistance to Pst DC3000, indicating that the gene promotes the Arabidopsis susceptibility to Pst DC3000. Moreover, IDL6 promotes the expression of a polygalacturonase (PG) gene, ADPG2, and increases PG activity in Arabidopsis leaves, which in turn reduces leaf pectin content and leaf robustness. ADPG2 overexpression restrains Arabidopsis resistance to Pst DC3000, whereas ADPG2 loss‐of‐function mutants increase the resistance to the bacterium. Pst DC3000 infection elevates the ADPG2 expression partially through HAE and HSL2. Taken together, our results suggest that IDL6‐HAE/HSL2 facilitates the ingress of Pst DC3000 by promoting pectin degradation in Arabidopsis leaves, and Pst DC3000 might enhance its infection by manipulating the IDL6‐HAE/HSL2‐ADPG2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Although interactions of plants with virulent and avirulent host pathogens are under intensive study, relatively little is known about plant interactions with non-adapted pathogens and the molecular events underlying non-host resistance. Here we show that two Pseudomonas syringae strains for which Arabidopsis is a non-host plant, P. syringae pathovar (pv.) glycinea (Psg) and P. syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp),induce salicylic acid (SA) accumulation and pathogenesis-related gene expression at inoculation sites, and that induction of these defences is largely dependent on bacterial type III secretion. The defence signalling components activated by non-adapted bacteria resemble those initiated by host pathogens, including SA, non-expressor of PR-1, non-race specific disease resistance 1, phytoalexin-deficient 4 and enhanced disease susceptibility 1. However, some differences in individual defence pathways induced by Psg and Psp exist, suggesting that for each strain, distinct sets of type III effectors are recognized by the plant. Although induction of SA-related defences occurs, it does not directly contribute to bacterial non-host resistance, because Arabidopsis mutants compromised in SA signalling and other classical defence pathways do not permit enhanced survival of Psg or Psp in leaves. The finding that numbers of non-adapted bacteria in leaf extracellular spaces rapidly decline after inoculation suggests that they fail to overcome toxic or structural defence barriers preceding SA-related responses. Consistent with this hypothesis, rapid, type III secretion system-independent upregulation of the lignin biosynthesis genes, PAL1 and BCB, which might contribute to an early induced, cell wall-based defence mechanism, occurs in response to non-adapted bacteria. Moreover, knockout of PAL1 permits increased leaf survival of non-host bacteria. In addition, different survival rates of non-adapted bacteria in leaves from Arabidopsis accessions and mutants with distinct glucosinolate composition or hydrolysis exist. Possible roles for early inducible, cell wall-based defences and the glucosinolate/myrosinase system in bacterial non-host resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Aims:  To design and evaluate a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) protocol by combining comparative genomics and bioinformatics for characterization of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (PSP), the causal agent of halo blight disease of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Methods and Results:  Genomic sequences of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars, P. fluorescens and P. aeruginosa were analysed using multiple sequence alignment. A pathovar-specific region encoding pathogenicity-related secondary metabolites in the PSP genome was targeted for developing a LAMP assay. The final assay targeted a polyketide synthase gene, and readily differentiated PSP strains from other Pseudomonas syringae pathovars and other Pseudomonas species, as well as other plant pathogenic bacteria, e.g. species of Pectobacterium , Erwinia and Pantoea .
Conclusion:  A LAMP assay has been developed for rapid and specific characterization and identification of PSP from other pathovars of P. syringae and other plant-associated bacteria .
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This paper describes an approach combining a bioinformatic data mining strategy and comparative genomics with the LAMP technology for characterization and identification of a plant pathogenic bacterium. The LAMP assay could serve as a rapid protocol for microbial identification and detection with significant applications in agriculture and environmental sciences.  相似文献   

研究构建了pMDC32-NahG植物表达载体,并获得了其超表达的转基因烟草T1代株系。结果表明:这些株系与其野生型植株没有明显表型差异,但却表现出较野生型植株更敏感的青枯菌侵染抗性。同时,研究还发现NahG的超表达还显著提高了茉莉酸(JA)-依赖的基因NtPR1-b的表达,降低了(SA)-依赖的相关基因NtPR3和NtPRQ的表达。这表明SA累积的缺陷降低了烟草对青枯菌侵染的抗性。  相似文献   

Segregation of partial resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola (Psm) ES4326 was studied in the recombinant inbred population created from accessions (ecotypes) Columbia (Col‐4), the more susceptible parent, and Landsberg (Ler‐0). Plants were spray inoculated with lux‐transformed bacteria in experiments to measure susceptibility. The amount of disease produced on a range of Col × Ler lines by spray inoculation was highly correlated with that produced by pressure infiltration of bacteria into the apoplast. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified four loci that contributed to partial resistance: QRps.JIC‐1.1, QRps.JIC‐2.1, QRps.JIC‐3.1 and QRps.JIC‐5.1 on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 5, respectively. QRps.JIC‐3.1, located 8.45 cM from the top of the consensus genetic map of chromosome 3, had a large, approximately additive effect on partial resistance, explaining 50% of the genetic variation in this population. Fine mapping narrowed the region within which this QTL was located to 62 genes. A list of candidate genes included several major classes of resistance gene.  相似文献   

Among the regulatory mechanisms of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in tomato, antagonistic interaction between salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathways was investigated. Treatment with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one1,1-dioxide (BIT) induced SAR in tomato thorough SA biosynthesis. Pretreatment of ABA suppressed BIT-induced SAR including SA accumulation, suggesting that ABA suppressed SAR by inhibiting SA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Tomato leaves or cotyledons expressing the Cf-2 or Cf-9 Cladosporium fulvum resistance genes induce salicylic acid (SA) synthesis following infiltration with intercellular washing fluid (IF) containing the fungal peptide elicitors Avr2 and Avr9. We investigated whether SA was required for Cf gene-dependent resistance. Tomato plants expressing the bacterial gene nahG, encoding salicylate hydroxylase, did not accumulate SA in response to IF infiltration but remained fully resistant to C. fulvum. NahG Cf0 plants were as susceptible to C. fulvum as wild-type Cf0. Neither free nor conjugated salicylic acid accumulated in IF-infiltrated Cf2 and Cf9 NahG leaves and cotyledons but conjugated catechol did accumulate. The Cf-9-dependent necrotic response to IF was prevented in NahG plants and replaced by a chlorotic Cf-2-like response. SA also potentiated Cf-9-mediated necrosis in IF-infiltrated wild-type leaves. In contrast, the Cf-2-dependent IF response was retained in NahG leaves and chlorosis was more pronounced than in the wild-type. The distribution of cell death between different cell types was altered in both Cf2 and Cf9 NahG leaves after IF injection. IF-induced accumulation of three SA-inducible defence-related genes was delayed and reduced but not abolished in NahG Cf2 and Cf9 leaves and cotyledons. NahG Tm-22 tomato showed increased hypersensitive response (HR) lesion size upon TMV infection, as observed in TMV-inoculated N gene-containing NahG tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Non-specific lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are involved in the transport of lipophilic compounds to the cuticular surface in epidermal cells and in the defence against pathogens. The role of glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored LTPs (LTPGs) in resistance against non-host mildews in Arabidopsis thaliana was investigated using reverse genetics. Loss of either LTPG1, LTPG2, LTPG5 or LTPG6 increased the susceptibility to penetration of the epidermal cell wall by Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh). However, no impact on pre-penetration defence against another non-host mildew, Erysiphe pisi (Ep), was observed. LTPG1 was localized to papillae at the sites of Bgh penetration. This study shows that, in addition to the previously known functions, LTPGs contribute to pre-invasive defence against certain non-host powdery mildew pathogens.  相似文献   

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