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A homogeneous preparation of casein kinase II has been isolated from the ribosome-free extracts of Rana temporaria oocytes by means of chromatography on heparin-Sepharose, phosphocellulose and mono Q. The enzyme consists of three subunits with molecular mass of 43 kDa, 41 kDa and 29 kDa. The protein kinase was labelled with radioactive iodine and injected back into oocytes. As shown by histoautoradiography the enzyme forms a diffuse ring around the nucleus in the oocyte cytoplasm. A part of casein kinase II is found in informosomes. During oocytes maturation casein kinase II activity increases 7 h after progesterone administration and at the final stages of maturation (20-23 h). Cycloheximide blocks the second augmentation of kinase activity and does not influence the first one.  相似文献   

Reproduction technologies (RTs) for the storage and use of amphibian gametes have rapidly developed since the recognition of the amphibian conservation crisis in the late 20th Century. Of these RTs, the refrigerated storage of oocytes and sperm can help to achieve reliable pair-matching when unexpected deaths could lead to critical gaps in studbook programs, and also to enable gamete transport between facilities or when sampled from field populations. Viable sperm can be reliably stored in vitro in testes, as suspensions in refrigerators for weeks and in situ in refrigerated carcasses for days. However, oocytes have only been reliably stored in vitro and then only for a few hours. We stored mature oocytes of the European common frog Rana temporaria refrigerated at 4 °C: in situ in the oviduct of carcasses for 1–5 days, in vivo in the oviduct of live frogs for 30 days, and in vitro in plastic boxes for 1–5 days. Oocyte viability was measured as the percentage of fertilisation relative to controls and as the percentage hatch of fertilised oocytes. Rana temporaria oocytes in situ or in vitro retained some viability to hatch for up to 5 days. In contrast, when stored in vivo, oocytes showed little loss of viability to hatch after 10 days and moderate viability up to 30 days.  相似文献   

The participation of RNA-binding protein in the formation of informosomes in vivo was studied using an intracellular microinjection technique. The RNA-binding protein of the frog Rana temporaria oocytes was isolated by affinity chromatography and was labelled in vitro without any loss of its activity. It was shown that during cultivation of the oocytes the specific incorporation of the injected RNA -- binding [3H]-protein into the ribonucleoprotein particles occurred. These particles were further described as informosomes, characteristic ribonucleoprotein particles of animal cells.  相似文献   

A total of 1560 breeding frogs were collected in three consecutive years at sites in the west of Ireland. Alt were weighed and measured and the ages of 702 individuals were determined by skeletochronology. The length-weight relationship differed between gravid females, spent females and males, with the gravid females showing the largest weight gain for any increase in length. The majority of males bred for the first time at two years, but most females delayed maturity until they were a year older. While the two-year olds were of similar size, the females subsequently grew at a faster rate and achieved larger maximal sizes than the males. However, both sexes exhibited a decelerating growth rate with age. There was no apparent difference between the sexes in post-maturation survival, which was estimated to be about 50% annually. The oldest frogs were seven years old.  相似文献   

Karyospheres of ca. 200 mcm in diameter were isolated from the common frog oocytes of definitive size. An electron microscope study has revealed in the karyosphere fibrillar nucleoli and micronucleoli, modified synaptinemal complexes sometimes connected with chromatin and fibrillar material containing a great number of, mostly atypical, pore complexes resembling those of nuclear membrane and forming "pseudomembranes". An electrophoresis of the isolated karyosphere has revealed 12 distinct protein bands, of 3 which correspond to the protein triplet characteristic of the nuclear matrix and the rest 9 represent high molecular weight components with the molecular weight from 130 to 200,000 D.  相似文献   

The nucleus of vitellogenic oocytes of the yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor contains a karyosphere that consists of condensed chromatin embedded in an extrachromosomal fibrogranular material. Numerous nuclear bodies located freely in the nucleoplasm are also observed. Amongst these bodies, counterparts of nuclear speckles (= interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs)) can be identified by the presence of the marker protein SC35. Microinjections of fluorescently tagged 2??-O-Me(U)22 methyl oligoribonucleotide probes, complementary to poly(A) tails of RNAs, revealed poly(A)+ RNA in the vast majority of IGCs. We found that all T. molitor oocyte IGCs contain heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) core protein A1 localized to IGCs in an RNA-dependent manner. The extrachromosomal material of the karyosphere and some nucleoplasmic IGCs also contain the adapter protein Aly known to provide a link between pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA export. The essential mRNA export factor/receptor NXF1 was colocalized with Aly. In nucleoplasmic IGCs, NXF1 was found to localize in an RNA-dependent manner, whereas it was RNA-independently located in the extrachromosomal material of the karyosphere. We believe our data provide evidence for the implication of nucleoplasmic IGCs in mRNA biogenesis and retention on the path to nuclear export.  相似文献   

Skoblina MN 《Ontogenez》2006,37(6):457-464
The influence of diluted Ringer solution on ovulation and maturation of common frog oocytes stimulated in vitro by homologous pituitary extract (0.005 pit/ml) or progesterone (1 pg/ml) was studied. During wintering, the dilution of Ringer solution led to a decreased percentage of oocytes ovulated and matured under the influence of both inducers. As the season of reproduction approached, the dependence of oocyte maturation and ovulation on the Ringer solution dilution weakened. Possible causes of different dependence of the ovulation of amphibian and sturgeon oocytes stimulated by gonadotropic hormones or progesterone on the culture medium osmolality is discussed.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated by filter-binding assay that casein kinase 2 from Rana temporaria oocytes binds rRNA in vitro with high affinity. Ligand-blotting shows that rRNA-binding activity is inherent to alpha and alpha' subunits of the enzyme. Increase of pH from 6.5 to 7.5 has little effect on casein kinase but completely suppresses rRNA-binding activity of the enzyme. Sedimentation coefficient of casein kinase 2 also depends on pH: at pH 7.5 it is mainly 10 S, and at pH 6.5-18 S. At pH 6.95 the amounts of both forms are equal. The heavy form of casein kinase 2 practically lacks rRNA-binding activity.  相似文献   

JAN RYSER 《Journal of Zoology》1988,216(4):673-685
Growth and maturation in a Swiss population of Rana temporaria were studied in 1983 and 1984 by means of skeletochronology. Resting line (growth ring) diameters were used to back-calculate individual body sizes in previous years; these permitted establishment of an average growth curve and determination of individual ages and sizes at first reproduction. Growth was rapid up to maturation, but continued thereafter at a decreased rate. Males were larger than females at age two but females grew faster thereafter, causing sexual dimorphism in adult body sizes. Body size distributions for both years and for frogs recaptured and first captured in 1984 were established. Growth in immatures was positively, but in adults negatively correlated with body size, with considerable variation at all sizes. Individual adult sizes were positively correlated with body sizes at the end of the first year. Average individual age at first reproduction was 2.8 years in males and 3.1 years in females (range in both sexes two to four years). There is no evidence for a two-year-cycle of reproduction.  相似文献   

A key event in vertebrate evolution is the linkage of the appendicular to the axial skeleton. The present study investigates the developmental dynamics of pelvic girdle morphogenesis in Rana temporaria up until metamorphosis, with respect to its functional and spatio‐temporal organization. The main questions to be addressed are: initial location and the number of elements contributing to pelvic girdle formation, mechanism of bridging between the pelvic anlage and the sacrum and arthrogenesis. Serial histological sections of specimens from Gosner Stages 30 to 41 were bright‐field microscopically examined and 3D‐reconstructed. 3D‐models were merged to 4D‐animations illustrating the complex developmental dynamics through time. The results reveal the initial formation of a single mesenchymal condensation located close to the appendicular skeleton, but far from the axial skeleton. In addition, our analysis detects a thin connective tissue strand in R. temporaria guiding the elongation of the ilium towards the sacrum. The 4D‐visualization allows novel insight into the ilio‐sacral bridging process and the reorientation of the pelvis. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Full-grown ovarian oocytes removed from non-hormone-treated Rana pipiens females exhibit a low level of protein synthesis, the rate of which is dependent upon the ionic environment. The highest rates of protein synthesis in these oocytes are obtained in media containing either a divalent cation (Ca++ or Mg++) or high levels of K+. The dependence of protein synthesis on ionic environment persists through about the first 18-24 hours of maturation (at 18°C). Normal maturation of oocytes in vitro also has specific ionic requirements for the first 24 hours. In this case, the process requires high ionic strength (T/2 = 1.0-1.2) and divalent cations. The kinetics of K+ exchange suggest that K+ exists in the ovarian oocyte in two compartments; one in equilibrium with the exogenous medium and freely exchangeable; the other in equilibrium with the exogenous medium and freely exchangeable; the other in equilibrium with the first internal compartment and only very slowly exchangeable. The slowly exchangeable (bound) compartment contains about 95% of all endogenous K+. In hormone stimulated oocytes, the kinetics of K+ exchange are essentially the same. Oocyte adaptation to ionic environment is discussed as a possible regulatory mechanism during maturation.  相似文献   

Estradiol 17-β (E2) was found to either inhibit or synergize Na-insulin (Ins)-induced meiotic maturation of Rana oocytes. Inhibition of Ins activity occurred in the presence of the follicular investments of the oocyte; synergism with Ins occurred in oocytes denuded of the follicle wall. Similarly, co-incubation of E2 with frog pituitary homogenate (FPH) or pregnenolone (Pe) significantly decreased meiotic reinitiation as determined by germinal vesicle dissolution (GVD) in follicle-enclosed oocytes. By contrast, E2 had no consistently significant effect on progesterone (P)-induced meiosis in follicle-enclosed oocytes. Furthermore, E2 had no significant effect, either inhibitory or synergistic, on Pe- or P-induced GVD of denuded oocytes. Thus, of the meiotogens tested (Ins, P, Pe, FPH), all but P were consistently inhibited by E2 in the presence of the follicle wall. Na-insulin was the only meiotogen tested (Ins, P, Pe) which was potentiated by E2 in denuded oocytes, However, when E2 and Ins were spatially separated on the surface of individual intact follicles, the result was synergism of Ins-induced GVD rather than inhibition. These results suggest that Ins acts to induce GVD in the denuded oocyte through a mechanism distinct from that used by P (ie, Ins mechanism allows E2 synergism while the P mechanism does not). The E2 inhibitory effect on Ins-induced GVD appears to be dependent upon simultaneous exposure of follicle wall tissue to mixtures of E2 and Ins. The synergistic effect of E2 on Ins-induced GVD is dependent upon the simultaneous exposure of the oocyte surface to Ins and E2, either as a homogenous mixture in the case of denuded oocytes or as single substances at independent sites, for follicle-enclosed oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary In Rana temporaria, the organon vasculosum laminae terminalis is a highly vascularized organ which contains catecholaminergic cells and nerve fibres. Its ependymal cells are characterized by the presence of typical autofluorescent cytoplasmic granules. Intraependymal vacuolar spaces are described.  相似文献   

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